1 r Its-Ill THE BEND BULLETIN, VOL. V BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1908.. NO. 51 BcndSlianiko Livery & Stage Comftqny J. II. WUNANDY, Prop, W. P Kolly,vA'(5nl, Shanlko Now Covered StnKcs between Bend nnd Shanlko ALSO ' l.lvcry mifl Feci! Stnbles at Sliwilko, Mndrns qrnl Bend. Via run our rigs to plcnso tho public. ' Stogtiu lonvo cncli wny every day. Rfga to nil parU of Conlrnl Oregon. Cnrcful drlvors furnished Special Attention Giver to Express ojnjl Baggage. r A Complete. Stock of At Bend, Oregon. DRY KoukIi, Surfaced and Moulded -LUMBER- At Bend, Oregon. All Widths, Lengths nnd Thicknesses Reasonable Prices flood Grades Dry Stock INCH COMMON DIMENSION SIIIPLAP RUSTIC t. & O. FLOORING BKADRD CHILINO WINDOW JAMBS WINDOW CASINO HKA!) BLOCKS 0. G. BASEBOARD STAIR TREADS WATKR TABLE O. 0. BATTIN3 MOULDINGS I IJ. D. PATENT ROOI'INO PENCE PICKETS SHINGLES ETC.. ETC Lanier BellTcrci at Low Oil Anjwhere m The Las q( fn p. j. s r. Co., er Tfcc C. S. I. ft. CUSTOM PCnD MILL IN CONNnCTION. APPLY TO Central Oregon Development Corhpany BEND, OREGON The Central Oregon Banking (Sb Trust Company Capital 52.1,000.00 OFFICERS: Preilden) , John Slold , Vlce.I'rolldonl U. O. Ooo Cathler d. 0. Heyburn DlflEOTORS: 'john SUlcll H. P. d. McDonald Lumberman oml Timber Owner. , Mayor of Ilemt. U. O. Ooo A. Sather riiyalclnn ami Surgeon. Merchant. J, D, Heyburn Cashier. MONEY IS STORED LABOR. Itverv dollar you cam represent a " certain ittiuiticr of hours of your i..i .. ....... iZ .1... year tumor- H.B VCilHIH HIIIIIIISI " uvula U. latwr. It la labor Inn condepsed form, convenient to exchange for 1 tiroditct ot the lalwra of other, or to hold Iti storage for use In later ye when your sirenum lawciu, imr i;v' """v " ...-.-I", uork-of every dav'a work, NOW, while you have earning capacity. I. . ' I I..I . ..til .,'..,. w,rt vnll III riltllflirt III A few VCHt. Can ou nave n dollar every day to put In the bankf or jo cents? or cents? H w) yott might to bcdoliiB It. If u pity to unite all the work of these good yearn, but iliany arc doing It. , (, , wise and bank a part of your earnings each day. The Bulletin Gives the News. Therefore Subscribe for It. WILL GROW FRUIT Many Varieties Do Well In Deschutes Valley. ARfi VIOOROUS AND HEALTtyV An Article that Answers tho Question; Will the Land of the Deschutes Valey flrow Prult? Many people have Inquired if the lands of Ihc Deschutes Valley will Hucccpsftilly (row fruits. There lias itcver bleu any question but what frui( can be successfully und profita'bi grown in this district. On Ihc lands of the Deschutes Irriga lion c t'flwer Company's scgrcga. tlou the orphards arc as yet not old enough tp y.iow fruit as cultivation has been carried on for only about two years. These orchards, how ever, show great progress in the time they have peen planted and some of thpm will bear fruit this coming season. On the south and cast of the seg regation apples and other fruit have lccn very successfully and prof itably grown for u number of years On tin north side of the lauds along the Crooked River, and also along the west side of the Deschutes River, arc very profitable orchards At Tcthrow Bridge, apples, plums, berries and even peaches have been uccsfuIy grown, while about three mile) north oi Bend a few trees left from an old orchard were loaded to the breaking point last fall. Considering that fruit can be grown on land nil around the sec legation, it Is certainly reasonable to conclude that i, can Je grown 011 these lands. The apple is a fruit that requires a Vigorous climate for Its proper development and flavor, as is shown by the fact that it i mot successfully grown in the hither altitudes and northern climate. With the sunshine and clear days that vvc have, the apples and fruit should nvc a good col oriug which greatly assists in sell inir the fruit. Two miles northwest of Lttidlaw 011 the Columbia Southern Irriga tion Company's lauds, Mr. Mutzig planted nu orchard in the spring of 1904 which bore rum matured some apples last fall. Mr. Wdst, whose property adjoins the townsitc of jjenu on tuc cast, lias a tunny young orchcrd whlcli shows nn un usual growth nnd will probably (war some fruit this year. He has also had great success with straw berries and other small fruits Raspberries, blackberries and gooseberries as well as strawberries crow unusually well as has been demonstrated by many settlers in the country. Around Redmond many orchards have been set out which show ex ceptionally fine growth and consist of varieties recommended for this atitttdc. Apples of Duchess of Oldenburg, Yellow Transparent, Arkansas Dlack, Winter liannna, Wine Sap, King SpiUenburg, Snow, South Carolina Red and Wealthy. In cherries, Montecello King, The Special, Karly Rich mond, Royal Anne, Ding and others. Many settlers have also set out plums, prunes and crab ap ples, all of which arc showing fine growth. ArouiiiL the l'oweii liuttes are many orchards set out by home steaders which have been bearing for some years, which however, have not had the care that they should. The finest orchard and the best producer is at the Cove near the mouth of the Crooked River, where it empties iuto the Deschutes River. This orchard raises apples, peaches, plums, cher ries, prunes and there are some trees of English walnuts aud soft shell almonds, all of which mature, Shevlln Closes Minneapolis Mill. The Shevlin-Carpcnter Lumber Company, which has closed down its Minneapolis mill for good, re cently reduced it capital stock from $6oQ,oco to $100,000. The heads of the concern have numerous other lumber interests in Minnesota and arc also extending their hold ings in ca'atcrn Washington. Timbcrman. CONSTRUCTION RGSUMGD. Work Begun on Railroad from Eugene ' up tlteMcKcazle to Central Oregon. Last summer J. C. Drachcr told The Uullctiu that the Portland, Rugctle & Kastcrn Railway com pany,' of which he is a director, would have a line built into Central Prcgon within two years. In view of this statement the following item in the Portland Journal contains iritich interest: KucKKit, Or.. Feb. jG. A Welch, Ren eral manncer hi the I'ortlauil, liugene & Kattern 'Italltray company, yetterday announced that the work of bulldiox the electrlq lliie from Uugene to Spring field and ah up the McKemle valley will be reiuthed next week. Today the ties were distributed cu the streets of Springfield and it Is raid construction work on the lino tbrouch that city will begin about tile same time the work uti the outskirts of liucene on the way to Sprlnuficldbcvlns. Materials are Wing assembled for the construction of the bridge for the llhfc across the Willamette river at Springfield and work on that structure will probably begin within the next two or three weeks. On February work on this line was also commenced at Salem and Albany. An electric line from Portland to Salem has been in operation since about January t Known as 111c urcgou jiiccmc which is believed to be closely affil iated with tLe Portland, Eugene & Eastern. The Portland. Eugene & Eastern company is incorporated to build an electric line from Portland to Eu gene and over the Cascades into Central Oregon. It will pay you to keep your eye on this road. DEATH OF WILLIAM. ORCUTT. A Hardy Pioneer Who Had Spent lib Life In Frontier Countries. I'uncral services over the remain of the late William Orcutt were held at the home last Saturday morning at 10 o'clock and inter ment was made in the Bend ceme tery at 1 o'clock p. m , Rev. Mit chell officiating. The relatives present at the services were the wife of the deceased and his three sons, Prank, Wilt and Henry. Mr. and Mrs Orcutt have spent their lives on the frontier, first in Indiana when that state was new to ivctilcment, next in Minnesota, and later in Oregon. On Nov. 19, 1904, they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, and the Min neapolis Tunes, commenting on the event at that time, printed an inter esting article regarding the frontier experiences of this venerable couple, one of whom has now passed to his reward. The article follows: Mr -.ml Mr. WIM'im Orcult tttebrmtttl their 1. Mr. Lower thin illiir. Mil. Uirutl watborn In Ireland. In iljj. Hbectme to America when l re" ot This rtnerablc couple hr been veritable pio neers, they hare been oq the frontier all of their married me, anu lor several rears oclore Ihelr marriage. They were butrlnl at Latro, Wabath county, Indiana, In tljy The Wabath valley at that lime waa little mote than a wilder net, ami west of the Mlitlppl there were bul lew settlers. Mr and Mr. Orcult remained In Indiana until lb, when they tnortd to Minnesota, settling; on m hoiuetlead lu the heavy timbered part of ben ton county, twenty-two mile northea) of bank Kapld. ft meant year of toil and hardship lo convert thl entwhlle home of the red man and wtuTdccr Into a cultivated aud productive farm, but they aud their srowlue boy tucccedcd In doiug that t Usl, and became rcatonably well err. At the time Mr. and Mr. Orcult Killed In Denton couuty. there were no railroad wcatof hi. Cloud. The St. Iul & IMcific, now the Great Northern, bad been completed to thl polul but a short time before, and thl was the we Urn termlnut for several year after. The Ked river aud Iludtou bay country n IrlhuUry to Ht, Cloud at that time, and there w an ItutncitM butlnc beluf done there. It wat not uuutual then toeelon(trluof Ked river cart, drawn by oxen and laden with furs, wend, lug their nay to Ht, Cloud, In return for the fura told, (upplle for the whole northwest were takeu back. Mr. and Mr. Orcutt remained retldeut of nenton couuty fur l!tltty-cn ver. uutil the ptiug of lyoj. when they dUpotcd of their prop erty and, not belni contented to nitre and tpend the balance of their dava In comfort and idlene. concluded to again try the frontier. Tney nearn 01 tne ueauiuui cuiiiaie 01 ine isr nut, 11 Waihluctoii andoretou. and aim of the inUlity pine forest of thl und 'of the netting (tin, which were waltlnk for th ax and the aaw of the lumberman -to Otcy.dccidcd to try their lotuine, ami moved to Oregon, jiere tney iook unatoueaiut tlmberclslmt.vnd are now llvlua- lu the Utile town of Bend, where they aud one of their sous arc runuiug a grocery store. For Sale. Well rooted plantsofsmall fruits. Por full information, aud prices ad dress (sitf) L. D. WiRST, Bend, Or. ' Cdibon oaper for sale at Tkc Bulletin pfflcc, jc A sheet. ir iau All. iuii.ki UHvii mtui.in I Sklden weildlng yesterday at Uend.Oregou. rcutt t ?r ycara old. having been born In L Canadt In in UJ7, before Ottawa wa roor I WORK IS APPROVED ft. D. I. & P. Co.'s Lands Rec om mended for Patent' 1 . UST COMPRISES 7,026 ACRES Clean Up Entire Segregation between Bend and Redmond examined by State Engineer Lewis. The local office of the D. I. & P. Co. this week received news from the State Land Board that another list of lauds had been approved by that body as reclaimed. Trie list comprises 7,026 acres, aud consists of scattering tracts lying between Bend and Redmond. The work of leclamation was investigated by State Engineer Lewis two weeks ago with the result that the State Land Board will recommend that the lands be passed to patent. This list of $7,026 acres will be forwarded to Washington and as soon as the officials there can take action on the matter, patents to the same will undoubtedly be issued to the State of Oregon, as stipulated in the Carey Act. Chief Engineer Redfield says that all of the com pany's lands lyine between Bend and Redmond will then be patented to the state, and settlers on any of this land can secure deeds to their holdings as soon as they comply with the law as regards settlement and cultivation. With the excep tion of this last list, all this land has already tbeen patented to the state. R0SLAND PEOPLE OBJECT. Want More Liberal Treatment from National Forest Official. Rosland, March 4. The people In this vicinity are very indignant over the stand which the forest service is taking in the matter of agricultural laud in the upper Deschutes valley. This land is Identical with that of the Orei-on Desert Selection No. II and sev eral claims have been applied for by bona fide settlers under the act of June II, 1900. iue return irom tuctc several aoiillcations arrived last week crantlnc these claimants tract of land of from 60 to 145 acres but In no case the I Go acres applied for. These claima have a scat tering growth of blackjack pine on llem and the forest service has culled out this jack pine so close aa to even cut up a single acre, allowing oue party q acres ot the 160 acres applied for. If this is a sample of the encourage ment of which the Hon. Gifford Pinchot and Secrtary Garfield spoke of extending to bona fide settler in the forest reserve, we certainly have our fill of such t n oouragement and the wonderful benefits which we are told will be ours at the hands ot the forest service, and we want no more of It. Redmond Items. Kr.rmoND, March a. II. V. 'f inslcy is working on the ditch south of town, Mr. Muma entertained several neigh bors Thursday in bouor ot Miss Nellie Mutua who will soon return to her home in liuffalo, New York. Mr. Dauer still continues to improve. Mr. II, M. Smith late of Ktkmouth, D. C., la one ot the late arrivals. He is putting up a small house in town for temporary use although he owns land ou the O'Kell road northwest of town. The Pleasant Kidce folka cave a eood entertainment to themselves and folks from town on I'riday night. Pieces to J speak by tne scuooi cuiiuren anu grown usket supper, and the oue wat aa . .. ".-. fcoou at tno otner, a very neat sum was realised 10 go toward iue purcuase of an entail, There waa a good atten dance both from Redmond and Cliue l'alls. B. C. Park. Tumalo Items, Tumavo, March a. About three inches of snow fell here Saturday night. Clarence Neilt of Clovenlale was in Tumalo yesterday. L. II. Root got back from Shanlko Wednesday with a load of freight for Mr. Horner of Laidlaw. William Hates went to Bend Saturday to visit hit family. The Hightower-Smlth mill at Tumalo la running again after nearly a year's lay off. I. II. Kd wards passed throitch Tumalo yesterday, going after hay which he will haul to Bend where he has it logging contract. Mrs. T. J. Wltner visited In Tumalo the fore-part ot last week. vToday marks the 45th wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. .Geo,,VTwr of Tumalo, they having beca married la Iowa on March a, 1863. Shortly after they started acrdst tlie plaint anillandcl In Oregon (h tho fall of 1863, where they have made their home every since. I'.vervonc got busy during the gool spell of weather and a good deal of seed ing was done In these part. Sir. and Mrs. Gto. Pnlliam and Miss Scroggint were Bend visitor last week. Mr. and Mr. Wm. Baker and Mist Melba, were visiting in Tumalo yester day. Inkling at Olst. Mrs. Arnold received a letter from Mr. Arnold, who it now in California, and he says he It very well pleased with that country. The Sunday school here will render a temperance program on Sunday, March 39. Postmaster Gist and wife and MCm Rilla McReynolda spent Sunday at the Arnold ranch in the Clovenlale country. Mr Sturgeon It clearing auite a tract of land'on 'hts'Veset claim near Cist. Mr. Srxirkt. of the Dlack Butte Cora pany, ha soM out bis interest In that company to Nick Lambert, so we are Informed. Mr. Harrader of Cline Falls wasatGUt Monday on easiness. F.ber D. Mossie was a pleasant caller at Glsf Tuesday. Cbas. vimc'r of Tumalo was in the Gist neighborhood Sunday, There will be a social hop at the old school house at Gist Friday eve, so the boys say. Frank Arnold and Leo went to Bend Tuesday or) business1.. Mr. Amold returned from California Monday. He reports having a nice trip. He was as far south as Los Angeles. Rostand New. Geo. Bogue and Carl Wise returned from Bend Wednesday evening. Geo. had been aick for several dava and went dowp 1 be treated. He Is feeling rauclt better since his return. Lee Caldwell arrived in Rosland with a heavy load of freight for Bogue & Co. Wednesday. The parents and friends of the Rosland school children were treated to aa en tertainment given by the pupils of the school last Friday Mr. Bogue gave 11 very interesting talk also. Those present speak very well of the affair. Rosland lias been very well represented in Bend this week, the contest of Roper, Clausen taking many of our people to your town. Lillle Bogue has been quite sick foe the p4St two or three days. Rosland la enjoying genuine March weather. We have the satisfaction of knowing that it can't, last much longer. Wnu Dorrell and Wm. Taylor bare gone into Uie goat business. Lee Caldwell will move the sawmill from Tumalo to Rosland in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson went, down to B,niL Wednesday apd will spend a kvr days with their daughter, Anna. Coyote Attacks Woman. Mrs. T. A. Caldwell, who lives on the M. WmgGeld ranch, near Adel, performed one of the most daring feats Tuesday morning of this week, that it has been our ex perience to chronicle in this conn? try. Shortly after her husband left the bouse for his day's work on that morning-, a coyote came to the chicken yard and made a raid on the chickens. Mrs. Caldwell went to chase the coyote away, not be lieving that a coyote would tackle a person. But she was surprised when the thing took after her. Sbo started to run, tripped and fell firone on the ground. The coyote umped on top of her and sank bis teeth in her breast. She crabbed Mr. Coyote by the throat and with a death grip, choked it to death. The coyote'siteeth were fastened in her clothing and she succeeded In overpowering him, aud never loosened her grip until her desper ate victim was dead, and dead to stay. The coyote was skinned, and Mrs. Caldwell will unboubtedly keep the hide us a souvenir of the mo3t blood curdling experience of her life. Lakeview Examiner. 1 1 n 1 1 1 County Treasurer's Bond Increased. The couuty treasurer's bond was increased from $30,000 to $So,doo at tb special meeting of the couuty court last week. In the opinion of the court the former figure was en tirely too low to protect the county from possible loss. The latter figure represents the maximum amount of funds that is controlled by the treasurer at any one time. County Treasurer King agreed with the court that the amount should be increased and has ac cordingly furnished the additional bond. Pripcville Journal. Tkat-e's kttws & The SttliU.