The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 28, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 50
Bcnd-Sliamiko Livery & Stage Company
New Covered Stages between Bend nni Sfianlko
Lrvery nnd Feed Stables ntShnnlko and Bend.
Wo run our rlgo to ploaso Iho public.
8tnK0B lonvo ench wny every dny. '
Rffjo to ll parts of Control Oregon. Careful drlvors furnished
I now Imvc n lwttcr outfit of buggies nnd horses and cm give
more Katltfnctnry service tliim ever licfare. All kinds of light nnd
heavy livery furnished on ntiort notice at reasonable rate to nil
....t..... i f..iri n 1 'r,.,,..ii..., ....! 1-., ...111 ...,.. 1... 1....
ruiiim biriiiiKi wihvi .iM.wiiiii- jroiuin win jhuiii uy nceiug I
me before going clwwhcre. For further fufo'tuatloii about Mages D
consult J- i. wiin.snijy in ncnu, or w. r. mm.lhy, Agent,
Shanlko, Oregon.
Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage.
At Hcnd,
A Complete Stock of
Rough, Surfaced and Moulded
At fiend,
All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses
Delltcrcd at
Low Cost
Anywhere m
Tkc Lands of
The D. I. & P.
Co., or
The C.S.I. Co.
Central Oregon
Development Company
The CentraLOregon Banking
(& Trust Company
Cniiltnl 523,000.00
President John Slolell
Vice-President. . . U. C, Coa
Cnehler J " Hoyburn
John Steldl H. P. J. McDonald
I.umWrnian ami Timber Owner. Mayor of Itcnd.
U. O. Coo E A. Salhar
Physician ami Surgeon. Merchant.
N . J, D. Moyburn
INiitfu ilnllar vnti trtrll rfnrtvtetil It
cettufu number of hour of your
inJwir 111 n nor lift cnniiciincn lorm. ,w'i" -
.roduct ii the Wiou of others, or to bold In storage for nae In later yean
womiciN oi iiw i wi 1 Biwitof today's work of totnor
Voir torml Inlior will npirt ou in comfort In n few lean.
iM, ?i 1 wvJ n ilollnr every day to put In the bank? or 50 cents? or as
iitrf if ?o oujw 'to bo tfoliiK 1. It's lUy to waste all the work of
thec good '". l'l "ml,y "rc ,lol"K ,''
Be wise and bank a part of your earnings
each day.
Dr. U. C. Coe of Bend En
ters the Race.
Urged by the Voters of Western arid
Northern Crunk Coonty, lie PI
nally Consents In Hun,
This week Dr U C Coe of Bend
announce hinihelf n candidate for
the ft publican nominal! 11 to the or
ficc ol joint reprei-emnthf from the
Twenty-first Legislative District
Dr Coe lincl no dcsir'e to teconic n
candidate for1 the office but there
were 11 large number of votes in
western and northern Crook county
who insisted that he allow them to
picscut lint nnnie to the voters
After much Insistent urging, he
finally consented to their desire
nnd will go before the H-oplc as a
candidate for the republican 110m
unit ion of joint representative
The Twenty-first district is com-poM.-d
of the counties of Klamath,
Lake, Crook and Grant, nnd is en
litlrd to two representatives and
one senator
There ii a tendency during the
present campaign to divide , the
Jiolitical honors anions the four
counties. Klamath lias asked that
it he Riven the senntorship, and it
apc.HM that its request will be
granted At ' least there arc no
candidates in the field for the republi
can nomination to that office except
Klamath men. Lake county claims
one representative nnd is pushing
a strong nnd ublc man tor the office,
II A. Ilrattain of Paisley. The
Klamath and Lake county papers
agree that cither Crook or Grant
should be allowed to name the
other rcprcsctilartvc. For the past
four years Grant has enjoyed the
office of state senator in the person
of J A. I.nveock. Hence Crook
county feels that it is justly entitled
to a representative, and presents
the namenf Dr. Coe. That Dr
Coe will Jrove a strong candidate
before the voters is a foregone coil-
elusion. If nomlnatcu ana elected
to the legislature he will make the
Twenty-first district one of the very
strongest representatives it has ever
had at Salem He is a young and
ctictgctic raau, a practicing physi
cian and possesses in a marked de
gree the qualities needed by one
who is chosen to represent the peo
ple in the state assembly halls. At
the present writing he and Mr.
Ilrattain arc the only republicans
who aspire to the office of repre
sentative, and as the district is en
titled to two these mcu have no op
position. The three Klamath men who
want to be senator arc George II.
Mcrrymau, II. L Ilolgate nnd L.
F. Willits. G. Springer of Culver,
Crook county, is seeking the demo
cratic nomination for state senator.
County Politics.
There arc n number of candidates
in the county field who arc anxious
to serve the people. The primaries
will decide largely who are to be
the lucky ones; the others will have
to take the disappointment that al
ways comes to many who aspire to
things political.
A. .1... MVACA... lIlMM Id amIm ..m
ll iiiu (niacin iiiwivyia uui uui;
candidate for county judge, II. C.
hllis of Ut-ml, n republican, Mr.
Klljs' nomination and election is
practically conceded.
For sheriff there arc three candi
dates, Frank Elkins, republican,
the present incumbent; W. C.
Conglctou of Paulina nnd Jake
Stroud of Priucville, democrats.
For clerk there is only one candi
date, Warren Brown, democrat,
the present iucumbeut.
There arc two candidates for
treasurer, both republicans, W. F,
King, who now holds the office,
and William Johnson, who has a
farm near Laidlaw.
Three republican candidates want
to L-e superintendent of schbols, J,
F. Llauchard of Madras, M. A,
Lehman of O'Ncll, and R. A Ford
or Mack Unite precinct W. R
Cook, demo rat, nlso nspircsto that
I'm miri'i'Vrir. Prnnle Mnv of
1 - -- -----------.-
Ileud, rtpiihtioiii; WndeH Huston
ol PriiieviPe, democrat
, For M'e'Wir, II F. Jones of
. K-dmoii't, ri'publieau; and J D,
.... ... . .a.
ijufolletle mill II, A I'oslcr 01
Prineville, Imili democrats
There is milv one candidate for
commissioner, James Rue of Hay
Creek, rpuhliffiii Mr. Rice is
frinin of tilt large ranch of the
H.ildwtn Sheep & Laud Company.
Two repuliltnwiM rc after Jhe
district iiitoriieyship for the Seventh
Judicial District.' in which district
Crook iMinly is included They
iire,V P Myers ol Laidlaw and
Fred W. WiNon of The Dalles.
As The Bulletin goes to press
word reaches Itend that I F. Ulan
chard, who announced himself a
candidate for louuty superintend
ent, has switched over and will run
lor countv judge.
Ilasket Social Was a Profitable Under
loklnc for Ladles' Library Club.
The basket social it i veil last
Saturday evening by the Ladies'
Library Club ol Hend was a de
cided surcess in nil respects. There
were a goodly number of baskets
on hand to be sold, and they all
brought good prices. The gross
proceeds amounted to $69 90, nnd
as there was but $100 of expense
the net profit on the undertaking
was $68 90 Th's sum will be
used for the benefit of the free pub
lic library and reading room of
The evening's pleasures began
with a short program in which the
orchestra rendered a selection, Miss
Iva Wcst gnvc n violin solo, and
later America" was sung by those
present with Miss. Marion Wicst
Icadinc and Miss Bessie Wilkinson
at the piano. Then came the sale
of the baskets, A. M. Lara acting
as auctioneer. After the baskets
had been sold and the supper eaten,
the floor was cleared and the young
folks danced until 12 o'clock, for
which the music was furnished in
several fine selections by Mr. A. H.
Grant, who had kindly taken his
piunola to the hall. Mr. Grant
also pho cd a selection during the
short program given at the first of
the evening.
The fitdies feel much encouraged
with the success of their first under
taking and feel very thankful to all
who helped.
Want Postofflce at Powell lluttes.
Settlers liviug around Powell
lluttes have scut a petition to the
postofficc department asking that
an office be cstublishedat the Moses
Niswouger place. Such an office
would be a great couviencc to the
many settlers in that neighborhood
and the office should be established.
rirst Shipment of Uutter.
. According to the Prineville
Journal, the first shipment ol butter
ever sent out of Crook county was
shipped last week from the Prine
ville creamery to1 Portland,' the
shipment amounting tooo pounds.
Only a small fore-runner of the
larger shipments that this couutry
will some day produce.
Troublo with Now Court House.
It appears that the county court
is haviug trouble with C. C. Mc
Necley, who had the contract, to
build the basement for the new
court house. McNceley admitted
certain defects in the work but re
fused to finish the contract. Where
upon the court declared remaining
payments forfeited and ordered the
clerk to advertise for bids to com
plete the basement.
Notice to the Public.
Notice i9 hereby given to all
patties that my wife, Nellie Glazier,
has left my bed and board and that
I will not be responsible for any
debts contracted by her. Alt parties
are warned against exteudlng
credit to her on my nccouuU
50-53 Sisters, Oregon.
Don't read your neighbor's Bul
letin. Subscribe for it yourself,
Extend Hood River Road
into Central Oregon.
Reported that Salt Lake City Multi
Millionaire Will Push Line Into
This Section of Oregon.
An entirely new story regarding
a railroad for Central Oregon has
appeared, and a storv which carries
considerable probability with it. It
is now said it is very probable that
the Mount Hood 'railroad, extend
ing from the town of Uood River
up Hood River valley to Dee, will
be extended into Central Oregon to
connect with an extension of the
Sumptcr Valley railroad which will
be built southwestward from its
present terminus at Tipton.
The route of these extensions as
outlined in the press dispatches
will be from Hood River southward
along the cast side of Mt. Uood,
through Valley to the
Deschutes river, on to Madras,
from Madras to Crooked River,
and up that stream to Prineville
The Sumpcr Valley, coming west
ward, will be built through Canon
City to Prineville.
The man behind this undertak
ing is David Ecclcs, the multi-millionaire
sugar manufacturer of Salt
Lake City. He is the present
owner of both the Hood River and
the Sumpter Valley railroads. He
nlo owns and operates large saw
mills along these two lines. The
building of the proposed new line
would open up to transportation
large tracts of timber land and also
thousands of acres of fertile farming
land in Central Qrccon.
A surveying crew Is now at work
running a line from Dee southward
around the base of Mt. Uood, and
a construction ganc is extending
the Mt. Uood line from Dee six
miles farther uptbe valley W. II
Ecclcs, president of the Mt: Uood
road, admits that this extension
may form a link in the proposed'
new line
If this line is built it will put
a railroad right at the doorway of
the Bend country, and would leave
Bend only about 30 miles distant
from the road. It is safe to predfet
that with a railroad that close cap
italists interested In Bend and
vicinity would soon build an elec
tric line to connect with the steam
Camp at Redmond Spent a Pleasant
livcnlnjj with Friends.
Rkdmond, Feb. S4. The Woodmen
entertainment Saturday niuht wni
another succes. Wc need jiut uch
meetings as this if only for the purpose
of being enabled to keep in touch with
new comers. At tuts particular lunciion
wemetat least six who were strangers
liefore, liesides about the same number
whom we saw but did not succeed in
making their aquaintauec.
The Woodmen feel under especiat
obligation to Mrs. Davidson for the way
in whlcli-ut the last moment she took the
organist's place and played ttie accom
paniments for the choruses.
Mr. and Mrs. Tiuslcy are both Home
from Gist.
Pllrit Khret's house is now oecunled
by Mr. Oakes and family, late arrivals
from Spokane.
Another family of new comers we
understand is camped down lu (he
O'Kaue neighborhood.
sMrs. nucklev i on the sick Hit this
week with a bad cold,
Mri. Itaucr stilt continues to Improve,
as also -do all others of whom we have
had a late report.
.Mr. Kader returned to his home hi
Weuatchee, Washington, after a few-
days stay here.
K. I ' Ivcrson of White Ralmou,
Washington, is oil a tour of inspection.
We are all pleased to hear that Mr, Iver
roii will mine hi In the spring and make
his home with us. He reports his family
as being welt and his son Coral is located
ou an irrigated tract near Spokane.
Quite n surprise 011 Mr. and Mrs.
Tones was planned and carried out tor
l'riilay evening by some of the friends
who could tiotgct out to the surprise
that Mrs. Jottes planned two weeks ago
on H, I'. 1'rUaOt and neighbors to tie
number of twenty pothered nil spent t
very pleasant crcning.
. K. C. I'ABK
Rostand News.
Chas. Rlclild Is busy billing hay thew
Joe Taggart returned from fiend
Lee Caldwell U expected home In a
few days with a good sized load for
iiogne tk Co.
H. C. Rourk returned from Silver
Lake last Thursday evening
Mrs. Wm.Bogue and children havelcft
for the valley. Mrs. Hocue Is K"'"
her folks and will I followed Ty Will
when be getshis business matters settled.
Mr. Smith, the Silver Lake stage
driver, pad through our town Thurs
day evening on his way to Prineville
wnere He will taxe out naiurauuuion
Our town has been flooded with drum
mers for the past 10 days.
We are able to see some eood sized
patches of snow and real earth at last
sround Rosland. It seems good to see
It going so fast.
Tlfe repoit come to ns that the
Mesdames Kinc and Shonnuest paid Mr.
and Mrs. Hawthorn a visit last week.
Mr. Hawthorn, on the ladies leaving, in
structed them as to the manner of turn
ing around with a sled, but aa they were
experienced hands at the business they
lUln't seem mucli about making
a large circle, when a short one Was so
much quicker. They made the short
one anif they got the experience that
time an ngnt. iiieyteu us now mat
sleighs can turn over pretty quick but
this was the limiL There are some peo
ple in this country who arelaughingyet.
Arne Howard, Roper and Otie Clanscu
and Carl Wire are making the timber
fly these days. They are rotting wood
for Cogue ft Co. nnd for Mr. Jlogue.
The sawmill people arc on the Jump
this week building a foundation for the
mill. They will erect a bunk honsc iit .'
a few days.
TtHKato Items.
TOUALO, Feb. sj. Regular spring
days make one feel good.
R. II. Uayley and wife were visiting
at Tumalo one day this week.
J. It. Wimer made a trip to Haystack
last week.
G M. Couch and family returned
from a trip to Washington one day last
I'red Weisc of Sisters passed through
Tumalo Saturday, returning from Bend.
1 I'. Smith of Gist passed through
here yesterday going to IJend.
C. L. Wimer went to Culver on UxtU
ncss today.
Tax notices have made their appear
ance and they are something fierce to
say the least.
Jess Harter was a Tumalo visitor
Wednesday soliciting for the new cream
er' that is to be built at Laidlaw in tho
ucar future.
C. II. Spaugh was a pleasant visitor ac
Tumalo Friday.
W. D. Clark is busy making many im
provementa on his place north of here.
Inklings at Otst. .
, Fine weather these days.
Some of the farmer here are plowing.
There will be more put in to crop this
vcar than usual.
There is some talk of extending the
farmers telephone line from Mr. I'ulliam'a
to Hightower-Smith Co.'a mill.
Bber O. Mosslc has a contract for
grubbing so acres of sagebrush for Mr,
Cyrus ot the Clovcrdole country-
Chas. Dcnntson and Mrs. Huston of
Sisters were united in holy wedlock on
Tuesday, thcijth, Judge Foster officiat
ing. Mr. Dcuuisoii is one of Sisters'
firogressive citizens, haviug been engaged
n the sawmill business and at present la
the druegist at that place Mrs, Denni.
son has a large circle of friends, haviug
been engaged in the hotel busines.
Their numerous friends here and in
other parts of the country join in ex
tending congratulations. May there tie
scattered along tue roau 01 tueir luture
life's journey many pleasures and sor
rows but few.
Arthur Templetou, wife and daughter
Hazel of the Cloverdate country were at
uui bunciay to attend sumiay scuooi.
Wonder what Is the matter with Ray
Poster and Billy Wilt. Wc don't seu
them at S'tiulay school any more.
More Time for Desert Entries,
The following news item from
Washington, D. C, will be of
much interest to quite a number of
people in this vicinity who have
filings ou desert claims and who
have been unable to reclaim their
lands within the four years as pre
scribed by law. The item reads:
Washington, Feb. 13, The House
of Representatives today passed the
Momlell bill, granting an extension of
time to desert land eutrymen who arc
unable to irrigate their laud within the
four years required by law, the extension
not to exceed three year. The bill also
prohibits the aaignmentof desert entries
to companies or corporations, but per
mit aiikBaiita to IfcMtlvklaata nauntd
to M Mrt mMm,