The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 21, 1908, Image 7

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    Thousands Are Sick
With tl" erlp, whit, fevers, rheumatism,
urtirsitfi. winy migut iw well If limy bid
only taken Huml's Harnirtlli), tha great
blood purifier aid! health-miulatlng mcdl
c'n. It Is a wonderful proreullva welt
i nut, Keep It In your house aixt lake II,
Kldnoy Troutiln "Ibadkidjier irmi.
A IWihI reeoiniiieieM nu.ra Haraiarll a.
Pf it ii. bullf and f..und I w. Cillrr'l'lik
V ctHlrllloaliiii, Maaa,
Urn - "I l,.,t .
Jaiimiii'e mi'l til frnm id in w ,
aiindlef and rail rrjmi H''Wll.j, In i.e'rhf.
4 friend. aijle,lulii li.'a 8arKarlllB
aui -in ii ui ;n inre ihiiiim lie
nl on ma fral." Joairii l.iwie. la Alpine
fllrrl, llualon, aaa """'
Hood's HatiapnllU ) old averywhr.
In tli usual lliild,m- In tablet form rlld
nrantab. I) Iroare On. Dollar. I'r.
paled otiljr by l. I. IIimm Co., Lowell, Mnif,
lied seem la In Iti mil oiiiUr
t national rotor, If flags iHay U uh
criterion!, Of llif twenty-rite lead
die natloiml tinea nineteen have ml In
ttaitu Nu otltrr rulur la so murli uinl,
Tti French gmermnent has adopted a
method of treating liiaradatnlied ruaila
villi do I mat tar thinned wlili al-out 10
per cnl of oil, Tlio coal I said to work
put t ttxvut f'gbMrntb of a trot a
muai jrant.
Korea ! proUbly mora r-onlte to
mlaalonary effort thin any oriental toun
try. A Meihodlat mlnkimrr wrlui: "It
U ray honest conviction Out litil we the
proper inlaeloiiary fare Korea would lit a
CLrlitlau nation In fl or ten year."
What II I far.
Wife Mint you go to tha club to
night, dear?
Iluihaiul II Isn't absolutely tiecc
wry, hut I need Hie real. Mfe,
Th Queen of Italy ogered an Interna
llonal cup to t presented la th first
aeronaut who succeeds In crossing It
A In hr balloon
HOWAIItl It, UVKTU.t -Mf hi CkmU.
iMjtUla. CtotMvl fMUill lllmi lull
ant.f, u4, li i on.1, Htit w.iM, ol4. i rtM i
(Vrf,l, I'luUl Inu. lauh(all4
rKilrtwIUMiiaH'klrok Uiaiial iW
lUnMM t'ailj
!', tmi
atr, Tkrta ik.
I)U Uffii
a1 n
l4 la liar li
arillMa. II a.
rf W
iu, MjMi.lm
tn tho Laundry, Kltohan, TpUat and
Nuiaary la a Clearuar and Purtlltr.
all mIh limtlit, hrl. ul ruhr Ou4
ok wmr ;, i-mim cw iw.a c u
h.VtMi.fflVK Si0 . CTJl?
awil kKjaaalUal
Vtt t y'a Hla
' ni"n
ialwi known and
ihanKalrtlUMaaeoiairnwn. .
t:vty iiarkaiahaa UMiid II lha raputaiton
of n lioiuowhi liuslnsuaiaudarUaara Ika
,'. 4 A.l win u naiKii rnaa
.t.biL,Ani.. i ihumi mIhn rial. a.a
i ilsMiAf .f lisiiiwu at VtsUUs
)!, AMtit. laiajuua M ut,
aW4lr m
D. M. PIRRV A 00., Balrolt, Mloft.
StccI-CIad Grubber
lailaat UaaJlaJ
3raLLr MaJa.
Vill pall MOKB
ITUMrS with
liia aajr olkar.
Wrlia It tM,lf ili ClrrJir aa J riUa
IOIIN S. IHiALL, Mnnufai.rcr
121 HaMlboraa Altaaa 8 ronlaaJ, Oit4
intourtttiuK ttu. v
OUALITIFlS of 3aTlA-,i..
ore ilio man who
put them to the hard
est la&t& In tho rough
est weather.
0w the original ,
Tbwifs Fish Urand
mau since 1030
tATAlQ ftt M tut AiKltft
i tow IK ca SBI'OM. u t
P. N. U.
No. 7-08
"VyilKN wrlilna io advartlsara plana
Noyor Without Hood's- " harelSat,
o.Y Hr.MtjU 7..r . fiidlirreil,.. ,
r vmiiiii III" olliyrafiir that eiiiiUliil, I
I l,",X'i,,W """"'1"." '"' I "V I "
-,-, . ... piii. nMHuia riiir. r. if.
run unon i"y
.jsii i r
c r 4 : ai
have I fir
I. yfJ
Tim rtniiiiinluii('r iiiM)iilcil hy
I'roililriit IliNiiMiri'lt lo liivi-alliintii
Mrlki- iiiimIIIIdiii In Novmlii mill to ml
vlwi him iin In llm mini of fwIiTnl
ttMfM lii OtiMrMil to pniiiTVc unli't,
him U'imi iiiuilu pulillo. In iiuiiiK'tloii
Mllh II llii I'rralilcnt kIvch out hU Ift
Iit In Unwnior Himrki, In ulildi h
riilla nltriitloii tit llm ri'ixirt nml lliu
niiii'liialiiii riHiolKil hy tlm niiniiilKitliiif
iti Hint, If lint atnte nml (iiulily i-xit-
rlmt llm NiivirM n lliclr illaMMii, thry
rnn iiiiiliiinlii NntlNfnclory unlcr In
tJuhtrii'liI i Hint, mi fnr, tlnm nutliorl-
tlra Imvo ilono iiiithlnu, hut urn nly
liiir uniii folcrnl ii Id, hihI their nttl
liiitc li Hint of ryprennty rcfuilni! In ilo
nnylhliu;, mul itcafrliiK lo Hi row their
own Imnli'im iinui llio I'lhTnl Oorcnc
nii'iit fur tin iimllili'imiiot) nf IIiihm- I'll"
iiii'iitnrr (itnlltloim nf unlvr for which
tin', mul. limy only, nro riltHiilhle.
Tim l'ri-Mi'iil itnii-H Hint lliu troojm
Mill ! krtu nt tlolitllt'lil until tint imn-t
Init of Hid luliliilurr, whrn ho lull'
limli-x that thiy ul.A I hi wlllulriiwn.
Ill their rt'rt, tlm rouiiulniloiicm my
Hint, In their belief, there wit no wnr
rnnt M'hntuter for cnlllin; iikii tho
I'nilili'iit for troojmi Unit there wn
no Itiaiirrecilou nenlmt tho (tourer of
tho Ht.ilr, mul Hint tiohuty iiiiimi
there win amh nu liiaurnvtluu. They
any "lint nrlloii of the mine oH.rntoni
wnrrniila the Ix-llef Hint thry hml tie
trrlullml iimiii n riiliictlou In wngea
mul the refuaMi of riutiloyiuent to the
Weatertl Keilemlloii of Mlnern, hut
Hint they fen ml to tnku thin con trie of
nctlon iiiiliM thny hml tho rotevtlon
of fnlernl tr(MiHt, nml Hint I hey no
conlliifily InM n plnu lo aciiro auch
tnxiw. nml then put their
tutu effevt."
WnaliliiKtoii la iviislnntl)- tuiirorliii
The new mul atileiullil atmcturi n
ct'iilly rrci'liil mid very much to her
crtindcnr, while lho uikIit wny will
conlrlhutK notnhly to Ililn iirf-rmtnenrc.
TIhmmi wlm Imve not rllti the rnpltnl
within n ilivinlo will he ui;nenhly nur
prlNit when they act foot In It nml nb
wrre tlm ,ini:reivt mnd In her cmll
llshinunt. Tho new Union ntntlon, on
which the flulshlne torn-tie nro Muk
iiinite, will extort nilinlrntlon from
ii)m who nitirivlnlo blk' thlusu ami
hnndaotnn llt-si. IIer Uwt ftro ntenm
nmiU will outer "cuciii;er trnitlc In
Im km tide t rnllwny stnllon In either
hemlihen Hoinu SH.OfO.dOO wn
nrtiled to ncQUlrv tlm Imul, rnlau tho
crude of a I recta lenillils to thu n
ironchiit.nml erect tho structure. Tho
nmh-nya hml to U clcvnliil for n con-
aldrrntile illatancc to plnco them on n
level with tho cnlrmiccsi. To obtain
tin. nccOed hlisht U ft wnn iiccwwiry
In kiiiio stn-i'ts, nml thin broucht Hiein
tii to thu second nry level of tho brick
houaen on cltliiT side. More than 100
houixii were seriously linixilrcd In vnlua
I.. .1. . .III,.... I ........ . H..... '
Ileforu tho llouso Commlttro on Ir.
, nil. I t',imli,ll f,llllllliirf-.i f'lltiil
Chief .
'-""-' - ----.., - .... i
ISiiBlnrer tl.KdhnU of tho Pnnni.m Cn -
tint Commission nnd cx-Hcuntor lllnck
bum, governor of tho rniuil xoue, ex
plnlueil thu prcneut stntu of the grcnt
enternrlse. Colonel (locthnU said
thero weru now UO.txK) men on tho roll,
nnd Hint Inst month them wnn for tho
tint limit moru men nvnllnhlo than
could U employed, No Amcrlciiim nru
on tho laborer' roll, tho list being
mndu up from West Indlnui nml
whiten from tho south of Ihiropc. A
Spaniard would do twlco na much
work na n negro. Although ho hnd
formerly Tuvored n acn-level cnnn.1,
Colonel (lootlmla wim now couvlnccil
Hint the lock system wiu tho bcxt. Tho
coat of tho totnl work would bo about
S'i"0,000,000, vxcluslvu of tho monoy
pnld for Ihu French rights, lllnrkburn
nnld ho hml rtiluccd tho number uf
anliMiua In tho snuo to thirty-four,
which pay S100 u month lUvimo.
Tho Intcnttiito Commercu Commls
hIoii. Is preparing plntiH for n thorough
Investigation of Tlionma V, Ilymi'H
iimtilimlullnn of tho nyurltlcH of tho
Hetiboiird Air Lino, which resulted In
n recolvorHhlp. It In understood thnt
thin liiveRllgiitlou In umlertnkcii nt tho
Inslniico of President Itooxovelt mid U
hlgljly pIciiHlug to sotno of tho South
ern Unlti'd Htntoa Henntoni, who Imvo
been lircpnrlng to urge Congress to tuko
tho mutter up.
A hill to citahUh n central bank na
Wilmington, to ho known nu tho Unit-
lii HtntcH Natlmial HiiiiK or America,
ium boon Introduced by Fornes of Nuw
York. .Tho bunk would Imvo MOO,-
(HKljOOO cnpltul, of which tho govorn-
luont Is to purennso inrco-niius irora
tho snlo of gold bonds hud tho remain
ny UK' iiiiiuk i", ""in- n"w " ""ay .-.-. rilKVPYAPn ti- n
plele Ium. Tho alnlluii la on nil, elevn- We. n,i.V,iiSj. b.T ST'j
tloil with tho ClipltcJ half n lllllo to thu ' Chnr lor the l.l is ar,, and IxlleT him
I, . .i 1 1 ia... .in. i .1. . ti i rr'eellr honorable tnall bulinauttaniartlona
north. Knilll tho old terminal tho ilia- ant financially able lo carry out any obllfa.
taiitv U n mllo nml n half. " ut4a br u .m. r,WWAW . ,VIw
The Jar of
Hammer blows, steadily ap
plied, break the hardest rock.
Coughing, day after day, Jars
.nd tears the throat and lungs
ntll tho healthy tissues give
way. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral
stops the coughing, and heals
tho torn membranes.
"I lwt kp Ain't Clnir pf total I
Ifc l.m... fit,, f,fr Mlltf wl.intr'.r
nr ! hi liaia i . In nt M ci.uj. I Lf,
hiVI li fur a afi.l ii,. i 7tlHalfcllMrv
aii al-jyi i: - Hut, Viti c aat..t,.r-
XKl)tlJO, Mul
aU wuiyf4Urr !
tICII VI008.
DllioucnoBo, conatipntion return -oovery.
Curs theio with Ayor'a Pills.
lla l.aallMM- i:nrl,
MItlillnir, ill J you rr conrert
body to your ny nf thlukinf hy
alrrtt rornrr oraloryr
"I know of our, anyhow, and It tnadt
a clianrnl, man of him."
"What li lie doing now)"
"llr'a In III Iftsanc asylum, Itursln.
In tin Insane asylum. A llinMu of Hit
truth was too much for his wodrrnluO
rAZaill.1TUr.NT I. nisnt1 In on is mi
fs ollihlB(, llliuJ. Jlaa.Ho or I'rotratl0f
llailnata llUs)aor nvoay ntuuJaO, eoa.
OplMlon of m Ctinaolaaa'ar.
"ilr. K(Konstnor, don't you think a
kiss 2!,1 seconds In diiiallon I a crat
drat loo lone to be acrrcablo?"
"Well, that d'nds eutlrely on lb-
ir dfalrabllliy of Ih kliie."
I'rolmlil llaleoM.
Chronic Kicker What do you up;ki
would baptn lo your Ixiastrd dret If It
should ct Into a real battle?
I'hlrfmatlc Clllirn O, I suppose we'd
get licked same aa we've alwaya been.
Any million turn or twlit which rny
throw a member out of I' uortril po
i It Ion If likely to cauio a ipraln, vrbloS
a really a tuddrn anil mora or le cr.
tout wrcnoh or twlit of a ligament or
of the muscle controlling tho Ui(s
menu. Um hot water for bathing th
tpialn; dty the and apply Kt.
Jaooba Oil ai tor soronra and itlffno.
The old nos wai Josclnc up the bill
with the cloiiera.
"Vcs," aald Hie old nag, "It la rather
tou.h pulllns them up to tho parson
age, but It will be rniler conilnjc back."
"How tor queried tho friendly
coosc nt tbo rondalde.
"Why, can't you ace that after !ea.
Ins the pnraoungo two will bo madi
ono)" Chlcnjo Xtwt,
w oinruna llumlred DoUarsRtwaKI Inraar
. raaaol Calarih that rannoi h iukiI h I
f'.B,t. ,H..A
Whnletala Ilrurclita, Toleilo.O
ItaU'a Catarrah Curt la aken (nurnalljr, aev-
us tllrerllv unnn tha Llooil anl mnMin aiir
Uiea nt Ilia eritam, Teatlraonlala aenl tree.
i'mftFRESSSr -
.... .......- -.,i. .... ..::! .-.-
Ills I'reauiial Vlaw of II.
Admiring Couitlturnt Henalor, yon
have your own opinion, of thla currency
queatlon, haven't joiiT
Heuator Itimun Yei, sir, and I iup
poae I have Answered It hundreds of
tiroes. It's nobody's buslnesi bow a man
geli bla currency.
Austrian mines are provided with rea
cue chambers at convenient locations un
derground. They ore equipped with food
and convenience! for tolnera lu cat of
Syrup iflTgs
acts ontty yot prompt
ly ontlio bowels, cleanses
fle system ejJoctuaUy,
nssisfe ono in overcoming
habitual constipoliow
permanently. To got its
ooneicial eWects.. buy'
the genuine.
nassff Jt 7aaanssssHiaUj ttanasM
I fKiP L. 1 1
In tho iioputnr uiltid n illslnfcclnnt,
nil niitIMitlc nnd n dcoilorlrcr nro ono
nml tlm mime Hilllic; even I.I tire, who
wiih n iihynlclmr nml kIioiiM ham
known better. In hla dlctlonnry of the
rrunch language, itcflncil n dUlnfectnnt
an n kuUtnuco which deatroys bad
A deodorizer mny neither dcatroy
genua nor even prevent their growth,
an Gntlcptlc prevculH their further de
velopment, but dmii not iieci-iwsrlly
destroy them; but n disinfectant must,
to justify lla title, kilt nil Hx germ
where It li applied, Ncverthcleas, It
niafr not removo tho wlor of putrefac
tion, fur It rany hnvc no destructive
nctlon upiin tho already funned proil
ucIh of bactcrln, and It la them! that
one amclli.
Tiro principal dlAlnfcctnnl lined to
prevent the aprend of nn Infectlmw
disease are corrosive nubllmate, car
bolic acid, chtorln, chlorldu of time,
caustic lime, sulphnte of rupjier, for
innldchydo and mlphuroua ncld, nnd
lK-nt, UAunlly In tho form' of stenm.
Om or tho other of these la used, ac
cording to what It li dctlrcd to disin
fect- i
lor the disinfection of n room n gna
cons Aubslnncv must be useil, but to
render Innocuous the discharged of a
fever patient, n llipih) or n readily so
luble aolld la ueccssnry. The moat gen
erally useful, all-around disinfectant
la probably formaldehyde, or rather Its
solution, formalin. Thla la volntlllzed
In order to disinfect n room which baa
In-ch (KvupliM by one with an Infco
lions dlscnn1, or the solution la added
to nnr discharge which It U desired
to disinfect.
rlulphunuiA ncld, obtained by burning
AifJphur, It also used to disinfect the
atck-mnm; but It la regarded with
some disfavor, U'cnuso It doea not net
well If the air of the room li very
For mixture with the discharges of
tbo patient, chlorld of lime or caustic
time, corrosive aubllmate and carlollc
ncld nro umiI. Copperna sulphate of
Iron la often employed for thin pur-
poac, but It li useless utile the con
tact li to be very long.
Cnrronlro imbllmatc solution Is used
to wnh the woodwork of the room
after the fumigation, and tho linen
iisol by tbo patient should t soaked
In It before going to the laundry.
Hent li a powerful disinfectant, but
It li not very nrnllnble for domestic
use. In tho form of auicrhcatcd steam,
It la much used nt qunrnntlno stations
for the disinfection of clothing, which
might he Injured by contact with chem
'cal disinfectants.
To Hfmair n Ctmler,
Wlien n cinder blown Into the cyt
close tho lid and nib gently with tho
finger or a oft handkerchief toward
tho noso. Often when the rultblng la
nccompnnled by blowing of tho nose.
tho offending particle Is removed. For
n stulibnru cinder use n solution of bo
rnclc ncld. Drop aoino Into tho corner
of Hie eye uenn'st tho templo nml wink
Hit lid. I toll tho eyeball around so
thnt the solution mny nin orer the pu
pil. CIoho the oyo for n few minutes,
Fnijuently tho ncld moves tho cinder
to tho comer of the eye, whero It Binjr
1h eiinlly remnred. Do not nllow the
finger or any foreign substnnco to
ouch ttio eye.
A Monaler Spring;.
No Ktuto In tho Union tins larger o
more numerous springs than Florida.
Many of them form good-slxcd itrc.mis
from tho start, mid somo uf them nro
nnvlgnhle. Tho largest spring In tho
State, nnd ono of tho largest and prob
ably the best known lu tho Vulted
HtntcH, Is Silver spring, which Is lo
cated six miles east ot Ocnln. This
spring forms tho source of tho Oklnw
hn river, a tributary of tho St. Johns,
nml steamboats traversing tho river
enter tho Fprlng hnsln, which has an
urea of novernl ncrvs. Tho wnter Is
from twenty-Hvo to thirty feet deep
and Is wonderfully clear, appearing Ab
solutely devoid of color. Minneapolis
ICYoliitloiiiir)' lliiiroriiiFii(,
A fond KniiHlfuthcr mid father wiir
admiring tho new baby.
Fond OraiMlfatlicr I declare, that
youngster Is u grcnt den! more Intelli
gent thnn you were nt IiIh ngc.
Insulted Parent Naturally ! ho has
n great deal brighter fnther.
How often you hear Hits sulci of
mem "Ho cunt set aloug with nnj--
And every man Is nfmld of uunn.
thing: If it Isn't nnythlng dso It's a
When the Wood la pure, Jrcah nnd healthy, the akin will bo alt, nraooth
nml rco rota LlcinlAhcu, but wlicn some ncld humor takes root In the circu
lation Its presence to manifested by n akin eruption or dltensc. These
humors j;ct Into tho blood, generally because of na Inactive or nlugish
condition cf the membcrt of the body whoso duty it la to collect nn t carry
off the waste and refuse matter cf theeystcm. This unhealthy mn'tcr i left
to sour nnd fennent nnd toon t!ie circulation becomeo charged Ti'.'. tho acid
poison. The blood begins to throw off the humora nnd ncids Uirot';tt tlia
jwrcs and glands of the shin, producing Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis,
Ualt IUicum nnd nkln eruptiona cf various kinds. Eczema nppcars, usually
with n alight redness cf the ek.'n followed by pustules from which there
flows a sticky fluid that dries nnd forms a crust, and the itching is intense.
It is generally on the back, breast, face, arms and legs, though other pacta
oi me uouy nay ic nuecioi, in micr uic sin ones, craefcs una bleeds;
tho ncld in tho blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which nrc intended
to keen it coft nnd pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition and giving it a
hard, leathery appearance. Acne makes its appearance on the face in tha
T.nrr.r. -us t-,.. ,.,,, tornl nl IIp't and black heads, while)
yoYffird4uVdEcn4Tofhi'JrtJ Tsoriasls comes in tcaly on diffcr-
ft2witiSZpfr8djV$i forms of skin trouble Is Salt Rheum;
'I?iVvJn?,S,Xj,.,.wi.2iL! Its vorito point cf attack is the scalp,
tft6?fiffi!X'!S&SS&& sometimes canine baldnccs. Poison Oak
tho vkia-waa lrt si raw ca a pleeo nnd Ivy nro azo ciisarccablc types of skin
fona- VbTwi SffieM. tut discaic. The humor producing the trouble
fc'Slih'-SiSri'S-Si'JIlE: ,,cS donaaat in the blood through tho
??tumofhthlth"ugfi.i:orbc,a Winter lo break out and tormclit the
Btoekman, Hub.
u.u.i.ioau, suiicjcrwivuuie return oiBpnnff. I lie best
because they do not reach the blood.
and forces out every particle of foreign matter and restores the blood to its
normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing every form of skia
uiikiuu. uiuk wu uuu jyircuaca auu tiny uicuicai uuvicc ucsircu cm, nwm
to all who write. S. 8. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
An Orrralitht, I
"I wont to pay this bill." he said at
the hotel bar, "but I tbluk you have
made n slight error here In my favor.
I've been reading over the extras, and
I cannot find that you have charged
anything for Idling me you thought It
ulsht rn!a.,
Us Dodged. N '
"So Itorroughs owes ynu money.
Well. I think he'll pay you back some
day, hut yoa can't mnke him tturfr.r
"Don't you believe It. The ru-re
lht of me walking alon; the at-t
ban made him hurry veral times
lately." 1'hllndelphln 1'rct.
tterlln anlhArftU li.-,. ..a . i I
putting a tax on cats, and now when on
of them Is found without the metal tag
uhlch shows that the tax has been paid It .
U chloroformed. j
Mo ears win find Mr. Wlnslowa Boothlaa
Syrup Ub. si rsccedv louaalortb.sircbUure-i
iurlog Iba UaUUng rlod.
Caallr Unileralood.
"I lore a dim, rcllgloua light," aho
"I .was bought up In Pittsburg,
too," be said.
Nelubborlr Cordlalllr.
Sirs. Oadder (rising to depart) Welt,
you must com and call on me aom day.
It's your aura now.
Mr. Chllllcon-Krarney Yea; I think
It has been my turn for the last five oi
six limes, hain't It? Chicago Tribune.
"Cyrus,' hastily exclaimed Mrs. Jytnes,
"you ought to be careful bow you let
I- luo eat out of your band !
"Why, there Un't a bit of danger."
iid Mr. Jymea. "II wouldn't barm a
"U, l Know mere a no danger to you, I
Impatiently rejoined bla wife. "I was I
thinking of Fido." 1
-S JRTIFF- Yirfi?
, - - - - , . .
1 Z3y
I "jsii
Price a jc and 50c.
I vnnTiMnnnMnn!
Urunro Mrui vstiii m
gp. W. L. Douatmmrimkm andmaHm
raaniusiivr tnarnmiiiii
- i?nm9.Bu, a. itvana& anoaa ""
.-, than any.aJttw HMflvaafuror fVo
JfW"wcrW, Jkmeauam .Aao- kolj tham
attaint, lit batter, wma fantw. and
ifxa. mrm er iraaiae vawm man ut.yerAarav,
A alaai b lt maWj la.di. Iiijl
W. L DovglM $4 Ma $5 BIH Eta $hot Cunct B Eouallod At Ant Pika.r
L-'A.U'rioV. W.I. IoDsUa.iuiaaaa. into U lra tl on botloin. TnrS
treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S.
It neutralizes the acids and removes the
humors eo that the skin instead of being
irritated and diseased, is nourished by a
supply of fresh, healthy blood. External
applications of salvei, washes, lotions, etc.,
while they soothe the itching caused by
skin affections, can never cure the trouble
S. S. S. rocs down into the circulation
Warelde Coiurannlna:
Wareham Lnog Wot started the bard
times. Anyway?
Tuffold Knutt We did. ye ot foob
We wua sutferln' with 'em lonj 'for any
body else caught 'em.
TbatlabAXAT V.K.BROMO qriXIKR. toli
lot iba ilcnature ol r. w. RROVe. Kti Iba
WciMoftr loCuroaL'oM In Oaa Day. He.
Hare four
The new ten-dollar gold plecf hat arrived.
And we got one In oar clutches by a
aqueeie ;
Have you noticed lhat the breeches on tha
turkey on the coin
Are considerably l-a;gy at the knee?
Houston Post.
nt. VttnV Iiu a&a aa IifrmMaa D'aaaa
prnnAnanllr oftd br Dr. KtlM'a Owl
Srrv J
.,.. hmihw. ha.hi rat rsr.K ninu doii ajid
IraaUaa. Dr. IU U. JULw. W- l rca U l-b!Ui-s.
The rebuilding of Ban Francisco has
been bAmpered greatly br the exorbitant
wage schedule. The ratra exceed by a
dollar per day the maximum seal in New
Tor Infanta and. Children.
The KM You Havo Always BMickt
Boars tho
Blguaturo of
' Ouldn't Tnbe Ibe Job.
An Inluud graduate came to New
York to seek employment. Through
friend he received au offer of a plac
na shipping clerk to n certain tlrm. Ia
reply he wrote as follows: "I regret
thut I cannot accept your kind offer ot
a position shipping clerk, but the
fact la that I am always sick when on
tbo water." Sucewa Mngixln.
enr "fSH
1 .
bawwy. lUal
a Siibtlll.ll.
nam Inn till atr,
der to bo sold to uatlouul banks.