-22: -J.- u. vAfY. . . 3 3 ME BEND BULLETIN k ur very wan a itjuare deal, rto (cm and no mow." yUI II at I JWMSB, MBB- -OWBSW CII.MU.KS 0. R0VK...,....5l)lT0n SUnSCktl'TlON' KATU& jhnt)er. Nik meutht, MmiiiiHMiimMtMw' Vhpn MvttMr sl .) ..... VK1DAY, KHURUARY at, 190s. Have You Registered? The HtiUctitt would wrv;e Mpou all voters the tmportivuce of icRtilcttoK for the primary election on April ty, The law requires 1 that you ictr If you vih to can your tct the pilnmtirs. Thcreloic ilo not rosinotic doing so, but hunt up the ivpMrntkm dak in your preduct at 6ttcc ami register. This - la ituitoiUM. ur .uaaaBUMn awe. r:-w(ftr'-.. rout) im supiimtaMouNr, K. A lfwt. who iln the politt cl raw rbr the republican uouiitia tiou hr county Mtjwiitemlcnt 01 jscb;, was iu Ifcwl Weduesday looUnj; after the interest of hi caH(lWe. Mr. rattl tbc man wbo mevel lb vibnciHCttt oi tbc ilektfttle at tbc repwbHcar. twetJavg beW at ReetwajHd 0 rth rtwry t and at wbkb tbet rete prw ct kbsRaw f kmw tbc VHcvmtMs JMm Dke Uwttv. UWWxw, Mowt frwwttty, jtahtaoiMt aw Powvil Aatttt. TV ewlooMHt of lVc J by sb a gatbeefeift U mmtcv of stmqttfe ta ull. a4 b . it fniawe very wcttrat over lb ittiiawrt that be is receivnae anM - b ehsly 1! bas Veen a nav kitt f the tAMftty sewn years at ba a vntfe actfHatttfeaKc Trrf. WoI ww iMvsl of tbc 5rtcMle'v jmbHc .- ter tbix jHjr wt ba. bait 30 ytV exrvf 'Mftea 1r iwk ssbol . 1 1 tOxpfertMec l ajtbH to man's $wiisnu aa4 f otre r it J 4mhli that it Ws wucb ttbe'l,rrf. PA boW jkv ia a ntatVl tfegm: the qwaWtcario mKwsy br tb eJaec Hi whicb be .&$pK. At ftfat be is fcrfcag e bWfMtbtb ClavtwUk 4trxt Jfc MHtbwt af MeW ' hMt. Aar4 Matnt M TV BftUrtHi tbM XvaKMKl wynKwibwt be 'tvawkt irv the wbok lvfiV. Ooe xvti w f tbc cttwrty xxwkl ( re- rcetve fxvrs km htm vee av bcr xHiwu H xbr uted tbat be wM ieipe b tKbate liaar I mat atawriat tbe 4tte y:K to WaW. iat tbe torcK-- at tbe ywbHe bisil sroiat 4 Cto. k. CtiMMaty. ?rf leil wU ycvx a tatX eaMMc bvvr rr pc - - h S. lmaa (Oic v t t f 3uatwrx Nv 1 tr Jat Savpixw A IjanrfrNavjMwaioAtJf Maa lint sttHafi, tbc c-itrr otname f Sbaat N"v tt' b $aaM tf taxat sk.ic; ti - jmtm J ffrii m Seeanet ' a. aai TcceaKly gcyss ba -art tlccar k UnnpaawMR A scAat b bse twa jama cvJ Ire 'tea? bMaevxlbog. lJteticirki t,St jlefige xawt Ac yaaVge abmaJJ t - jcavees fwaaa ? saw ram t ,' roaaty Jfc-Ae taa It C m 1 2kmk a esij.ta;j Imc ia ii et ac5w wB iac tl Visas e4 vi? te ccaay iT xitsAaa Sa$itrSt!fc2cv te ibsy ai xreist, movouicut In lie ml ntul will proceed to raise money for its support. What are the men Rolnj to do about M lfrnnk H. May of Hetul 1ms an tiouncevl hlulSclf n cittulMnte for the republicnu nbmitmtiou for county surveyor. Mr. May hns the q'urtliJictttlons tlecesMry for the office, is popular wherever known and will make a k! row for lle hoUiInntion. 1 Citrons nnJonventnt (or lilll. Mlrs rtonm Hlsuwlicre iu tliC'se columns we niv publishing atvKlitonal from The He ml llnlletin tatUiuR the candi dacy of Mr 11 C Kills of flcud for the republican nomination to the office of county Judcc. Crook county would receive tit his hands a good, clean, honest, -biiMnesslike aduiinitratiou of the office, and the Pioneer verv gladly adds its en dorcment of his candidacy. Mr. Kill is quite Well known in this section, uud his friends all have a uood u-ord to ?ay for hi-tcandidacv. He jives the ability, the hon ety id the business experience to make us au excellent county judge, and the voters of the county should nominate hint and elect him by a ton majority. THE ENDLESS CHAIN With tt mftc Kvsrte. sHtoH. r ana mm u wftMejr rtt. l lfc . tttesa Mm xim; is wim, tfctir . tut N t tf !.. r (MMio MM w- wx M J t mi Kmm tea "WylMs.- mrt u N(sw4JmKv,Mlwt4M ,Wt Ml Hi 4SMH f h aatMsr Smii iUm -- - . "F11 .stel o mm 4NM ts AMUHS. alt I. ikM ad vL. una-h h (vol. . tinDu w NHt M M 1 91 Mart Caamkai C i-mm. i a- Ntk. ly wMtul cwasewt tb aVtr rwoil bs apfsMwtcd ieee4vr for Wbkc HiH AN rurtto barv twt: bMs aawu the atxjve fits Ssv: rtrtsM ac)4s else tbc tat aiHt be paid M wece. F. a MlNO. ..g a- - 1 --- - t- t- Choice Seed Oats for Sale, j a : bawkcV U rfakter AUmmath White SWe CXtti k ak i u Urm KrUauJ l UmkI V". awvlt .-Vtawi anj m sivr ,- ,vakttta iur wic Hum t- i .-f .adMir Ita.e Kx J5 nnmivusi YOU W2 cave rtxl j Te &Iiesur . wvd VSTSCCT w Hotel Bend .R.estmirtnt FkstCiass Meals Ssr-d at A8 Hours. Board by the Week KaSi So.OO. 1KCA FOIt SAJUL N lr l)Utrlct Attornoy, To the Ktimbllcatt Voter of the Seventh JmllclAinUttlct; I delr the uoiitluMlon at your lUrnl to the oM ot PUtHct Attorney and will lnrfeiteyonr wits m utc eommu iH.1w electron It tint deem we tt ol your support V. l Mvkks, UtdUw, Oh t-or Couuty JnJce. To he Kcpublten Votes u( ,Cnxk Couuty: I hereby announce uivselt a eudMale for the oflie ot couuty JulRe, subject to the sctlou of the republican wtm at the primary eleetlou. tt. C W.US, Wend. Or. Por County School Superintendent, t hereby nnuouuee tlut 1 will be cu dttUte for ctunly Khool suiietlntvutleut 01 troon cvMiuly subject to tne set lou or the, tvutllcsn election. M. A voters in the primsry Lxiimxn. U'Ncll, Or, lr DUtrkt Attorney. Subicct to the spntuval of the uters ol Crsk nd " cuuuties, my csuill .lVJ V IUT IVfllflV4llI .I111II,IVI1 IU( mniici attorney 01 tnc irxutn jumot Otslrlct at the condnj; primsrtct, is an nounced. It nominslol and eletnl I shall cmlevr to tttthtaUvdUchtrxr the duties of the office at provll by Uw. Vkkd 1usv:, The Dalle. Ur. Por Jotat Representative. To the Kepubttctxnt of KUmsth, tke, CrooV ami Orsnt Counties! I M to irtiorm the rwuWtvi ef Khmsta, LaVe, CtaV at4 Oraat coot. ties eoMstMHttnj: the TretjrWrt Rep. npiH muncr ei vrKn, icmi my issa ritt V prTie.l tr ur tmwm- etMtsoa at tkr nrraurr Wreltua t to bW April t. ivS, askte mr smik lac sefeetkm sium( tke rrUa t tor Mt rTproKtHttTeHi mW dU IrKt. vm Ke WUe4 Ut h Jaftc 1, ru. rt-ay II. A. RitTTsN. lsMy, Orc. for County SctiMd Supcriatcndcnt. T tW vtes CtA Caswrty 1 avnwy 11 an tut a mnni aiU44i tmt want. t ubmkMcih nest. io nw mm m Tw at Ik ini si. asktu ink. V traly yi itl. Swuatrty J. y. bM irniv Per Coanty Sane)-r. T taw aa Cr Ciiy: 1 kr(jr iasrfw mjtM a MMtklste aw amnasniim the refoMtealeVt. aatSH(aMr sonyar. I r HIb.i iilsH jfwmr iff irt. at taw yevasaevM wi .mI i. Pxaxx May. Fr Stste debitor. 1 frmfri MUMati wwf a aWle iaejatat euaar (raCw1u KUaMth 1 mI Lai tmmmitm m tfcr saMMfeoaa tK-V. abr feW itetsua ( lb ' Kftsaasfta Fafia, V . P IS. hfo. The Pioneer Telegraph aad Telephone Co rapaav TeVriaai rtarrsriol V Aay rsrt tk WVett. '.IHnect TcJetJoai Cecntaaascatloa i ?Vtit4. yiamiiac aaWI H rVaaCa( cs&ev Public Pay Stations j EUaA. tab t.a; t aVnaL M Laaat ui TwxO aiqv MsuKHftT aufian aarr jn i --. vjuafijr iMnav ( Crik4 4 .Srr ef a Ba&K&d ?a V "H ttiiaj sag sta 1 sraLiMfaaW. MWtowajtr e MR esjtfant Malar V.4 inuU ( sa xJ ff 3U!Sgaat aj imt ma. Ysstxbrcx laa-jaji atssne J: anaics tier, ateulaa a zt&soi $fr Ji 1 jrteKa?cjaTnsxStiK s tsar hma a3i- r ai.-ayTB&IfiCia, iMyaa ,iampiia1 Ss asafiog Tie 4 v. ax Ti Btfflttar. awactMl Underwood Standard Typewrite4 "Popular Because of fehfee of Manipulation, Total Visibility, Perfect tabulation, Susceptibility to Great Speed, Firmness iu Construction, Neatricss In Design, and Convenience of Type for Cleaning. If the Typewriter you now ue ticks in anyone of tlrtec osvcntial point, the UNDERWOOD N the maehine you will eventually buy. Underwood Typewriter Company No. 63 SUth Street, - Portland, Oregon . Central Oregon Realty Company (Saomm to C I. rvm & Co I BEID, - OREGON DITALKRS IN A LI. KINIU OK Central Oregon Real Estate Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty We bay or veil yoot Ub1 do aaa.tcr wberc Mtaatol. We can up pSy you with any cUu ol Usl at any time Call on a or write for further particular. Uamsa Sasruk aUTMaiM ItwniK. Hotel ' ItlXlH 0'K.NU. Prop. iJCXsT CKNTJUVU.Y LOCV7XO lIOTHt. 15 MaUl SAMPLE ROOM IN CONNECTION. Xer llwac Nc Fwmksre, RoisMbc Raacs. Good Reoa Aim? Rcmvim1 for Traavica: Tiatk- SAW MUIiNQ. rM iasac aye k a. tail uwas a Wax Tax; Sase. Uk. XJkLVOnRaK. Bxnax NOT1CK FXR Pt78UCATKK. .S.XtebR.Sarr ma. m .-awM TVt oat itowwi r uaara T m iJ 1 lm X. raafe tbintfCtlMw. na. 4 l "S rMs in2 suae s lrw . . yS4.ai Kiy STSr.05 aW Mr.iiii x jl wi i r-w w aw ux sm4 iuta mwr tibkfa feorc mm K , 44a ,w,",, in w fwatrXnS 52J . jii mi mil mmmVcml. wwyM. i bim a -t'lTw nauir Vanrmicra. OwrihmSPOTik wt 4aoC JUda V rwiwk ll IK JSVfc Wl ijJ ml ait ij-m tMair J-irMbr ski uwnu -.o.asgpinwiniaa tjv arav naSait)dniuiattai a - j 9C 'tS.TsOet. auxuenC 7A7X 8LSCnttC6 XOTiCS FVPeSOCiTI0X j!ST -. aaa.aftOKaw3aaiem Sr aV. mm am hulk j. limaaaiMik UM -"'MtiawnsSiuriMr iHJI m sihtH.MMa.s.asI "tVS- -" Sw'C2ri T tarT C,f u w Bend Ctstxm OvasMM St acts ,J. !!. ItANllR. ABSTtlACTER of TITLES atKustv rvauc rmau scatavf' . Tf-S s -i- . : NOTICE POR rOBUaTHXN Taaaaswaai m qaaav aaaaaaHBBax - w- ..-- .j tsmtsia. a.rtajaalrfcfa-fct ljr,..cijmxi - m LirEifSiLS?n JL5 lizr - r-rTii' ,:,"5 - -""- Jrjr?5 aa?. "g" S?r ySw aa-TwaVMa sum W luartm .j? -'' Id' - 1. . TTTa .yT . 1 "- C K&M.X. ft3tt t. - . . 1aia llL Xfl )m aifi. I NOTICE FOR PUBUGATiaV. airjatsxivr raw rtx Slmars i ynxkiUM waaatCS o F Htam . Je.Srrj w'Crm. omr r Cnt( ,ada!wiaMa t.ks: PROFESSIONAL 0ARD8. ft" '" "" " , C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW ' orwicn in iunk4 iii'it.mmi, IIHNlt, OKHOOM W. P. AWUlTs" Laud and Irrigation Lawyer J.Atl)IMW, OKIiOON l'mett In all Onuts anil DejiirttntnU of tlie Interior. U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon ' Ort'lCH UVKM HANK Till lllflbt Cclcpbonc Connection 1AV TKUtl'liONIt K0. 31 ))k.s'H, : Ohiujon r DR. I..L. SCOtfELD DENTIST IlKKU, ORHOO oOm IIimh, . m la 4 p. m. OCrt In obi Jltwt Matte necljnttcit On. Illl , M)itlte Jtanh. M. V. TURJ-EY, M. D. IMiyslclnit ntul Siirjjcon QritettovMH ctMMita naiKJ arttait, KNt, OKHOttN aaaiaaMaaaaSRpBw FRJNK H. CRJ:ENMAN Attorney nt Law. Will Practice In AI(Courti. aV, HKXII, UKWidt THE First National Bank of Prlnevlllc. HsuUsOmI iaw. Copltnl, Surplus and UndivlJcil lroflt, 5KX).(XX).O0 JUSt mim t V MM .w lfwat K Jt.M.u4 Cwihot New Blacksmith Shop.... ( bare jt rvcUy ofocl a abop ta Brad aaal m Mefm! to ate alt kind of lfore Sbeclng, Wag 11 and PJm WorL sad Ocncal iUickamlthlnc Xvty jaicee o work tbaM kxt OKabofs k etaaraatavd to be ftm-eta. I Malaw a ba:c C oar pat- roaaf. JAMBS MctlUtOY. WANTED A ttmtmtn a th. MMtir y , Ma nari ntatc aarrainaaii. aau! to than d m t 4aa TJi M btite Sccarixjr Co, Fort D-srWn Ofij, CfieaS. M- hi . ia M,! ftaabtf VlkL J4S JaHM ft. aM NOnCit 1-5R PUMJCATION IMW IstrASnjI as rtMzil u, aA laa ia -IWaawfc. 6Ht USmVf Art W JI(M . m. S. I STIC SZaJSrr? .?-fe Ww j - wivir m.vi7 iivr. " V . i!mam Jm AMfc saww tui tut 1P'" .yy.yN ..- towlhWbtftU ?!S'lV''-''b',a',H l W4 IiiI!!- -.,r wiw iWTfrmZtTiZ ". . M. K 5 ,( rr " ! Mot SjS-fe 1 . 1 " WATSON lcwsr Xt)TlCS KOU PCBUCAT10X. IMtTkrai at st ttSMSir. t la&M M rs tu JIsfv cnxm .,., . 4(tiUT . (WwJ --u C1 r momms iZ i2r llT,'t 1?? " art8Cl5r!tfcL.5 s , ; ... -.ai saarsss5a rz5r'w-fc in. K1 a?SV S . av t& f -" 335ft 4nCi5iI SCW3S?XEl-" ttcx r kadht