The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 21, 1908, Image 1

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VOL. v
NO. 49
Bend-Shaiiiko Livery & Stage Company
Hcnd am Sluuilko
Covered Stages between
Livery and Feed Stables atShanlko and Bend.
Wo run our rigs to plcnso the public.
8tngo lonvo ench wny uvcry tiny.
n!K lo nl1 Par,B of Control Oregon. Cnrcrul drivers furnished
y I now have n belter outfit of bugi-lcs and horsci and can give
wore Mtltfnctory service tliuii cvur More. All kinds of light mid
heavy Uvcry furul.hcd oil nhnrl notice nl reasonable rates to nil
point l Central Oregon. Traveling parties will profit by Rccliig
tile beferr going cNewlicre. For further fnfo-matlou about stages
coilmilt J. II Wunaniiv at llcud, or W. I. Kku.hy, Akcui,
Slmulko. Oregon.
Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage.
At Hcnd,
A Complete Stock of
" an
Rough, Surfaced mid (Moulded
At Ocntl,
AH Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses
v flood
Delivered at
Low Cejt
Aaywbcre m
Tae Lasds of
Tbe D. 1. & I'.
Co., or
Be C. S. I. Co.
Central Oregon
Development Company
T& Central Ore
gon Banking 2b
Trust Company
lHCoroJUTC 1904.
Capital 925.000.00
Transacts a General Bank
ing Business.
Acts as Administrator, Hx-
ccutor or Trustee of Estates
Issues Drafts and Bank
Money Orders on all Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes.
Fire Insurance.
John Sleldl, President
J. II. llcyburn, Cashier
When You Paint
buildings, Inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense you
should use
Call for
color cards
Rve Farmers Have Wells
of That Depth.
Seepage from Irrigation Ditches Mai
Fllleil Soil Villi Water-Abundant;
Supply for Dame tic Use.
It your iituie on ourfubicrlitlon llst? Hand.
A Full Lino of Groceries, Dry
Qoods and Hardware always on I
Five fanners living In the Laid
law and Tutnalo districts have dug
wclli and have been so fortunate as
to find water at a depth of 10 feet.
The water Is cold and pure and Is
there In great abundance for stock
and domestic, and will
prove a great Loon to those who
urc furtuune enough to have these
wells. The five farmers arc Clias
Spauith, Gene Wimer, G. W.
Snyder, L. II. Root and Frank
Not long ago one of these men
thought he would dig down a few
feet and sec if he could find water.
flit neighbors ridiculed him in a
good natureu way and said he was
throwing away his time and labor.
He replied that M didn't care if
he was wasting hii timethat it
lie failed to find water he would at
least know what the soil was like.
So he continued his digging and
when he had got downright or nine
feet struck a . fine flow of water.
The neighbors who were so ready to
ridicule him at once followed
his example with the result that
all of them now have wells. f
The presence of water at this
deph is explained from the fact
that irrigation ditches have been
carrying water through that section
for about four years, and It is be
lieved the seepage from the ditches
is gradually accumulating in dis
tricts where the underground forma
tion is such that it will hold the water.
This accumulation of water makes
possible the wells.
various kinds will be given by the
Library Club from time to time,
and the proceeds will go toward
the support of the library.
The ladles will meet ogaiu w'th
Mrs. F. F. Smith on Tuesday
March 3. Uvcry lady interested
in the opening of the library to
cordially invited.
I.nilles Organizes to Assist the
Library Association.
Several ladies of Rend have baud
ed together and organized what
they call the "Ladies' Library
Club of Rend," their purpose being
to assist the Rend Library Associa
tion. The ladies met with Mrs.
J. K. Sawhil! last Tuesday after
noon when the organization was
perfected by the election of the fol
lowing officers:
President -Mrs. Chas. D Rowe.
Vice President Mrs. F. F.
Secretary and Treasurer Miss
Several matters were discussed,
among them being the question of
providing means lor keeping tbe
library open every afternoon and
evening and tnkiug advantage of
the free circulating libraties sent
out by the Oregon Library Com
mission. As all these things would
take money, the ladies decided to
give a basket social in Lara hall to
morrow evening, Saturday, Feb.
33 Alt ladies arc requested to
bring baskets containing lunch for
two and the gentlemen will buy
them at auction.
Girls under fifteen will briug
baskets and boys under fiiflecn may
buy them at 35 cents each.
The program will begin at 8
o'clock .harp and the first part of
the evening will be given to music;
then wilt come (he sale of baskets
and then supper. After that there
will be music and dancing for those
who wish to stay. The ladies will
serve codec at the time of the lunch.
Those buying a basket will be al
lowed to dance free of charge, those
not buying a basket for 25 cents
The ladies decided to charge no
admission and every one is welcome.
If you do not wish to buy a basket,
come and sec the fuu the auctioneer
will make. This beiug for the
library and therefore a benefit to
everyouei it Is hoped that everyone
1 ... - : , - , .
will assist, suppers
Knight of Pythias Tender Anniver
sary Reception.
A large number of Rend people
gathered in Lara hall last evening
as guests or Deschutes Lodge No.
103. Knights of FythiaSjIlnd assist
ed the knights in commemmorating
the Jjth anniversary of the institu
tion of the order of the Knights of
Pythias It was n very pleasant
event from start to finish, and
everyone present seemed to pass a
very enjoyable evening.
The first part of trie" evening was
given to a program consisting of
musical selections ' and readings.
The orchestra rendered several
numbers that called forth much
applause, Miss Marion Wicst sang
several solos in her usual pleasing
manner, Miss Iva West treated
the audience to two violin solos
with the skill that has made Miss
West a favorite in Read's musical
programs, Rev. J. Anthony Mitch
ell travc two readings that held the
close attention of the audience
oue, a selection from the Pickwick
Papers; the other, the last scene in
the play of Macbeth. Miss Bessie
Wilkinson and Miss Pauline Wiest
acted as accompanists' for Miss
West and Miss Wiest. In one of
Miss Wiest's solos she was also no
com pan led by Miss West on the
violin. T. E. Sawbill presided dur
ing tbe program and gave a few tc
marks concerning the history of the
Alter tue program lunch was
served. Later the floor was cleared
and the of tbe evening
spent in dancing, Bend's popular
orchestra furnishing the music
Beavers Aro Multiplying Rapidly.
Beavers seem to be on the in
crease in this part of the state, tin
der the protection of the law which
provides a $500 fine for killing one
of these industrious little animals.
All the creeks nnd rivers in north
cm and central Lake and Kalamath
counties, in timbered sections es
pecially, are being taken possession
of to a greater, or less extent by the
beaver, and in some few instances
they are causing trouble to irri
gationists by building dams that
interfere with the flow of water.
One colony has taken possession
of Silver creek about a half mile
above town and has built several
dams-and houses, cutting many
quaking asp saplings, some of
which were larger than a stove
pipe. Silver Lake Oregonian.
An Old Tlmo Concert.
Following is the program for the
Old Time Concert to be given in
the church on the evening of Feb.
Music Initrumcntal.
Music Max Wclton Braes Are Ronnie.
Recitation A Ivqt Year Wooing.
Miule Wult for the. Wagon.
Recitation Old Clock on the Stair,
Violin Solo Mis Iva West.
Recitation Mark.Tnain at Niagara,
Music Suwancc River.
Recitation The i.ast I.eof.
Kong The Ivy Green.
Recitation The Senator ttutangled.
Music Dixie Iaud.
Admission, adults 35c, children
Better Market for Oregon Stock.
The positive assurance that Swift
& Company and other great packing
companies will locate enormous
plants at Portland will give an im
petus to the livestock industry of
all this portion of the United States.
The locatiou of these packing
houses, will add to the value of the
holdings of every breeder and pro
ducer of cattle, sheep, hogs, and
poultry, and the dairy products of
Oregon will be trebled and find a
market in every part of the" world.
Dead and Petrified.
A writer in the Bend Bulletin
says the game wardens up that way
ar.e all asleep, That's not so bad,
Here in Lake county they're all
dead and petrified, Silver Lake
and socials of J Oregoniau, j
Resumed Business Mon
day Morning.
Judge Bradshaty Dismissed Receiver
Soon m He .Mad a Report
from Receiver Ellis.
The Central Oregon Banking &
Trust Company of Bend opened its
doors last Monday morning to again
resume business. Judge Bradshaw
was satisfied that the bank was per
fectly solvent as soon as be received
the report sent to him by Receiver
Bills, and at once ordered that the
receiver be dismissed and gave per
mission fdr tbe bank to open.
Business stdrtcd out at the bank
in a brisk manner Monday morn
ing, a goodly sum having been de
posited by Bend people the first
day that the bank was open. This
has continued during tbe week,
which goes to show that the peo
ple and especially the business
men of Bend have as much confi
dence as ever in the local banking
institution. '
John Steidl. president of the bank,
is very well pleased with the hearty
co-operation which the people have
given in reopening the bank. He
oDDrccia'tcs their support: very
much, and desires to thank the de
positors for tbe readiness with
which they agreed to the plans pro
posed for the opening of the bank
As The Bulletin predicted a few
weeks ago, tbe institution opens
stronger than ever. Several busi
ness men of the town have taken
stock in the bank and two of these
will be elected directors, namely E
A. Sather and H. P. J. McDonald
The board of directors will then be
composed of John Steidl, J. B.
Hcyburn, E. A. Sather and H. P,
J. McDonald.
Deep Wells Will Be Sunk la Madras
Plans have been made to begin
at an early date prospecting for oil
in the vicinity of Madras, aud the
numerous indications of oil which
bdvc been found in this district
wilt be thoroughly prospected in
order to dctcrmiue whether or not
oil exists here in paying quantities
These plans have been perfected,
and it is stated that there is suffi
cicnt capital behind the enterprise
to insure a thorough investigation
of the various prospects, and actual
drilling will begin just as soon as
sufficient leases have been secured
upon the laud in the immediate
vicinity of the points where the first
wells will be sunk, Mr. Frank For
est, a prominent stockman of this
county, is now engaged in securing
these leases, which it is reported
are being very generally signed
without any opposition.
It has been known for several
years past that good oil prospects
had been discovered in this section
of Crook couuty, and several years
ugo an option was taken on the
Dave Barnett ranch with a view to
making a thorough investigation of
a prospect found on his place, but
this pltlu never materialized, and
up until this time there has uot
been an effort made to follow up
and test any of these prospects.
These indications of oil have been
fouud in a territory of considerable
scope, covering practically all of
this cud of western Crook county.
It is the plan of the preseut pros
pectors to sink several deep wells.
Preparations have been made to go
to a depth of a 1000 to 1500 feet.
The leases under which the pros
pecting will be conducted are liberal
in their provisipus for the land
owner, whose interests in the land
and In any discQvery made upon it
are amply protected. Among other,
provisions in the lease is one that
if no oil is found in paying quanti
ties, but water is found, the well
becomes the property of the laud
owner without any cost to him ex
cept the actual cost of the casing.
If, however, artesian water is found
nnd no oil, the land owner agrees
to purchase the same at the cuoto
!mary price of a well drilled to a
depth of 600 feet, irrespective of
whether the well has been drilled
to a depth of 1000 or 3000 feet.
And, any rancher in this district
cdn afford to pay the price af a 600
foot drilled well to secure artesian
water on his land. In the event
oil is fo.und in paying quantities,
the lease provides for a royalty of
ten per cent to the land owner, so
that in any even the, the land owner,
has his intcrc-fts taken care of and
cannot but be benefited by the work
done on his place.- The leiscs also
provide for on option on tnc land,
at a price fixed by the owner.
Madras Pioneer.
Work WW Begin at Once on One at
RostAWa I'cb. 19, J. M. Maiten faa
returned from Bend after uccetfalljr
completing the arrangemenU for the
Roiland sawmill. Mr. HlghtOKer re
turned with hlrn and actual work will
commence Immediately.
Hr. Hughes of the forest service was
in Rosland on business In connection
with our new sawmill.
J. L. Toole was in town the first of
the week for a couple of days.
Joe Tasgert went to Bend 011 Tuesday
erenlng'a stage. We are glad to see
that Joe is feeling so much better. He
was quite sick for a few days last week.
I'rank Bogue returned from Frinevilla
with a load of grain last Tuesday.
Geo.Bogut) returned from rrinevtlts
We are all glad to see Mr. and Mrs:
Wm. Boguc a, home again.
W. G. Fordbam returned from Prlne
vllle Sunday morning after successfully
passing the couuty teachers' examina
tion. Rosland is baring a good old tin w.
We hope It will continue. t
C W. Richie and Uogue & ft), wilt
erect a. large pair of scales in Rosland In
a short tim.e.
Redmond Items.
RcnuoND, Feb. 17 We see by Thei
Bulletin that we have some more new
settlers at Redmond. This week wet
have failed to tqake connections with
them on account of too many trees to.
M. K. Landes was n Culver tsltor U'fc
week, and Mr. Kendall will go this week.
Sick folks all seem to be on the mend,
we are pleased to report, Mrs. Bauer Is
still In quite a critical condition however.
Her brother, Mr. Rabcr, of Wenatcbee,
Washington, has arrived and nill be hero
for a time.
Mr. II. V. Tlnsley Is down for; a visit
from Gist.
R. L. Iverson is expected down front
White Salmon, Washington, this week.
He has had some trees pulled and other
clearing done and will inspect the coun
try once more.
R. A. Ford was in our neighborhood
Irculatiug his petition and making
McCoiTcrys and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
F.hrct took in the big dunce at Sister
aud reported a pleasant time.
We are pleased to report lU,at there
will be no conflictiou In tbe twq enter
tainments that were set for Washington's
birthday, the one at Flcasqnt View or
Forked Horn school house having beci
postponed until the 38th. We will try
to show our appreciation in tbe propep
W. J. Buckley is in FrineviUe. today
and tomorrow.
Some day we will give the old settler
H. C. Park,
For Sate.
Being compelled by ill health to
give up our work here anu go to
California, wc offer for sale the fol
lowing: High grade bicycle, al
most new; fur coat, fur robe, two
tables, two bed springs, two mat
tresses, two cots, chairs, a few
books, pictures, three pair skates
(Nos. o, o, 10), sewing machine.
tubs, pails, dishes, etc.
Call soon at our home in Garden
Row. Go. R. Short.
Don't read your.- a-sighbor's Bui
Ittin. Subscribe fee it younalL