The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 14, 1908, Image 3

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In a Conilonsctl Form for Our
Dusy Readers,
A ntumo of tho Lou Important but
Hot L Interesting; Events
of the Past Week.
Tbe battleship Heel ha lurried to the
Ocrnmny h reduced tho Imjxirt
luty ott atiicni.
A leader ol tli Black Hand ha been
captured In Now York.
The senatorial deadlock In the Km
tacky legislature continue,
The Pennsylvania mllroml line jmt
ordered 60,000 tons of steel ralli.
Hraltln iiilnltter have darted an
agitation agalnat Sunday theaters,
(lovtrnor PcnnypauVer ha been Im
plicated In the Pcunaylvaiila eapltol
Franco, theditped prrmler of Port
tigst, ha a arrived In Fiance, fearing
murder but defending hli policy.
The Klfftn National Watcli company
ha closed IU factory fur an Indefinite
period on account of dulliieat In trade,
(Internment troopa will be removed
frurn (inldtleld March 7, at which tlin
the Nevada police will be ready to take
Warren Oliver, a member of the elec
toral college which named Lincoln, la
dead, lie waa a pioneer of California
and 03 year old.
Atsoclate Pnldlc Printer Hram haa
tunned cuntol of tho government
printing oltlce. W. H. Kottller will
continue the Inquiries Into tho conduct
of the cilice.
Woman ttirffsgltt aro making a
hard light In New York.
Judge Margie, a leader of Kentucky, ha been killed by hla (on.
Florida Uepublk-atia are holding Taft
and anll.Talt convent lum and having
(lit fights.
(I rt ItrlUln hat paid tho bandit
lUliull $200,000 for the relcato of Sir
Harry Maclean.
Tim Vcteru liar Iron aatoolallon, of
New York, will advance the price of
bar Iron $5 per ton.
Tho homo committee on naval affair
oppote four new battleship and tlie
president ha prepared to tight.
A greyhound haa returned on fool to
It old home at Oakland from Wettcrn
Montana, a dlitanco of 1,B00 mile.
Franco, former premier and dictator
of Portusal, hat arrived In Madrid.
Ho waa driven from home by tho many
thrsats of amuutlnatlon,
lly an agreement of Irani-Atlantic
atcamihlpcomtanic the rate war bo
'tween Europe and tho United State
haa come loan end,
Owing to opposition to tho erection
if a aUtuo to the lato Senator Quay on
tho rapllol ground at Harrltburg, la ,
It la proporcd to put Hie question to a
'popular vote.
Ilryan diolsrcs (hat Wall street I
worse than Monto Carlo,
The national convention of tho Bo
dalltt party will bo hold In Chicago
May 10.
The American torxdo llotllla ha
arrived at I'unta Aronai, Strait of
French troopa In Algorla wcro oaught
In a tovero anow itorin and at loait "B
Tho Japanese government will In
create the tax on augur, take, alcohol,
boor and koroecno.
The people of Ohio will vote on an
Initiative and referendum law at the
November election.
Kvory trace of bubonic plague haa
jrono from Han Franolsco, . Tho cam
llgn ugalnit rate will continue.
In n Imltlo between French tioopa
mid Moor, tho Moor lont 10,000 killed
und wounded ami tho French 100,
Rovprul flrdmon wore Injured nml ono
la mining In Now York where a fire In
a dry goods atoro caused u loss of $200,
000. Ilorrlman It'lmlldlng a castlo near
Ardcn, N. Y., to coat nearly 14,000,.
000. lilt monthly payroll during tho
wlntor reaches $10,000 and work la bo
Ing rinhod,
Black Hand murdora contlnuo In
Japan li diverting many emigrant
to South Amorlra.
A now cablnot opposed to Fianoo has
taken olllce In Portugal.
A plotter Bgalnst I'rlnco Nloholaa ol
Montenegro haa been capturod.
Uecretary Garfield Aids Entryrnen In
dead of Hltidorln.,
Walilnglon, Fub. 4. II (ho pur.
xu of Secretary (laillold to no conduct
the Interior department nnd so Interpret
tho public land Isms n to actually aid
every bona lido entryinan who I en
deavoring to establish a homo on tho
public domain. Secretary (Inrllold
hold that (lie land lawa wero enacted
for a purpose, and mi long at tho law I
not abused, ha Inteudt that the entry
man tUH enjoy It provision, and no
long at ha aits In goo.) faith, nliall have
the encouragement and aid of ropro
aentatlvr of the dertmrnt. In other
wordt, BrcrcUry (larllold I proceeding
on the theory that every man la honest
until proven guilty I he la human
enough to recognise that honest men
limy make error which do not lay
llmiii, or ahould not lay Uinm liable to
the law. A leading of Mr. (larfleld'a
annual reimrl, made public yeetorday,
will convince any man that there ha
been a phrnomciial an almost Iricom
prchenalhle chango In the manner of
conducting tho Interior detriment.
Under Secretary Hikhcock, the en
tire force ol the Interior department
and general land olllce, on ipeclal In
alrutllom from the tecrctary, nrjcecd
ed on the theory that the publlo land
lawa were enacted to prevent men ac
quiring public Undi j every technical
failure to comply with the law waa re
garded at ground for criminal proiccu
tloni every oUtacle wa placed In the
twill of tho honest, a well a the ill,
honett entryinan, and Mr. Hitchcock
retired from onlce with the attonndliig
icoord of having actually deprived hun
dred i of honett aettler of their land,
while ha permitted threwd thieve to
gobble up largo tract under hla very
m. The report of Secretary Uarfleld
will carry encouragement to every en
tryinan who It ttrlvlng to acquire pub
llo land for an honett purpoao. It I
a mott cheering document.
Fifty Improved Claim of Non-Reil
dontt Are Jumped.
Imperial, Cal., Feb. 4. Out of 1,600
land claltnt In tho Imperial valley.
about 60 Improved clalmi belonging to
nonresident have been Jumped on the
ground of failure to comply with the
law. A recent ilecltlon ol tlie commit-
doner oi trie general tanu ninen revers
es the practice that olllco hat held here
tofore that any perton pin id lane a
number of aatlgnmenl from claimant
ao long a tho total doo not exceed 320
acre. It li now held that a p iron
ran take but ono alignment.
Many claim, Including (core ol
weli dovelopcd farm, aro aff.Kted by
tho reorral. and a number of conteate
are tiled. The mutual water oompan-
le have combined to aend roprcaenta-
tivea to Wellington and lay the matter
beforo Kecrotary uarfleld. An appeal
will bo taken from the decltlon of Com.
mluloner Dennet on tho ground that
tho Supreme court holdt that an catab
ilihcl ruling of a department of tho
governmont cannot ho annulled by a re-
vernal of tlio ruling.
No apprehension I felt by claimant
a to Uio outcome, but It I considered
necentary to preterit tho mallei to boo-
rotary Uarflold.
Small Pereanttgo of Building Built
of Cement or OrlcK.
Wathlngton. Feb. t. In a repoit
today rcgaidlng building operation
and tlie timber tupnly Uio goologlcal
aurvey aay tliat the Inoreaalng price of
lumber and a rapidly indenting uaeoi
perfected tiro proof lyitma cf conitruo
tlou diould do much In holding down
tho amount which forest aro called
upon toyloltloaohyenr, but ao far theae
mora aubttant ai maioriax navo not no
creaaod the lumber cut of the nation
Notwlt hitand nit tho Increased uto ot
cement and othor flteproof maurlaia,
tho lait reiKiit of tho bulliling opera
tion In 40 of the leading cities of the
United BtaUe for tho year collected by
the geological turvoy, ahow that 60
per cent woro oi wowion oonairuonon.
Thl doM not Inoludo tho largo quan
tity ot lumber utcd for the construction
of dwelling, atorva and othor building
lu the thousand of muall cities and
town, arattored over Uio country and
not Includod In tho 40 oltlea on whloh
a reckoning waa mado.
"Yellow Peril League."
Denver, Colo., Feb. 4. Sevoral hun
drod repreHCntatlvca of union labor, In
iniua niovtlng thl aftoinoon, formetl
il, "Vllnw Peril Kxoluaton Lcakuo."
dealgnod to provent furthor Intltu of
Adullocoono looor iniu mo uiumi
Btatea. Ono of tho apoakors aatd that
thouiands of Japnncto woro coming Into
tho United Btatet through Uio port ot
Kl l'aao aa atudonta. A prominent Jap
anoao ol San Franolaco, ho wild, waa at
tho head of tho entcrprlto und conduol
ed tho buaineas from a clothing iigcnoy
In Uto city oi woxico.
Mall From Fleet.
New York, Feb. 4, Tho ateamor
Theapla whloh arrlvoil today from Hlo
Janeiro brought 20 aaoka ot mall from
the Amorlpan battleshlpa.
""fii i ii'i ft wnrij' -
Fridty, February 7.
WathlngUin, Fob. 7. The etil('n of
tho Iioiino ol repreaentallvca today waa
devoted almott ontlroly to contldera-
lion of the orntilbtit war clalma bill,
which waa patted alter conaldorahle
dlHUttlou. It carries a total appropri
ation ol 1316,000. A rlpplo ol excite
incut wti cauiod by Macon, of Arkan-
tat, who, In Ihocoureo of the debate,
defended the tcnate agatntt what ho
raid were atptrtlon ct upon that
body by Payne, ot Now York, whon he
predicted that Uio lenato would load
the bill down with a number of uniner
Itorlotia claim.
What will bo known a '"the minor
ity currency bill" wa Introduced today
by ItepriaeuUtlvo John Sharp Wll
Ham, of Mltaltilppl, Uio Democratic
loador of tho Iiouro, who drew the
rneaauroatu remit oi a liarmonlout
confnience of Ofltnooratlo member a of
the homo committee on banking. The
bill will come beloto the homo In tho
ahapo of a minority repoit from that
committee,. '
a numneroi private ciaim nun niao
wore rttcd and tho houao then ad-
Journcil until Monday.
Thurtday, February O,
Washington, Feb. 0 In a aneech In
Iho aenate today, Senator Culborscn da
claretl that tic secretary of tho treat
urr by hla repirt to tho enate hat
ralel an Itauo of fact a to whether
national bank In New York uaed Uio
185,000.000 ol public money dnpottted
with them for rptculatlvo parpoaea or
whether this money was uinl to meet
tho demand of outalde bank for re-
tcrve purpote.
Tlie rieattle expotltlon bill waa paaa-
ed by practically a unanimous vote.
rx-iiaUir lleverldge Introduced a reso
lution declaring that the tariff thould
provide for maximum and minimum
rate of duty.
Senator HeyLurn today ro-lntroduccd
hla renolutlon calling upon Uio presi
dent to Invettlgate arid report to tho
aenate all mature connected with the
reorganlratlon of the Northern Pacific
Tlie aenate today pasted tho bill plac
ing Major (leneral Howard on the re
tired 111 a a lieutenant general.
Washington, Feb 0. Political
peerh-maklng came to an end In the
house today, and actual conaldoratlon
of the Indian appropriation bill waa
resumed. A bitter fight waa waged on
the proposition to abollah non-reerva-Hon
oclioola, and tho aublect wa dla-
cuitcd throughout the afternoon. The
question waa mlacd by the oflerlng of
an amendment by Delegate Kmllh, of
Arltona, to limit the appropriation for
collecting and transporting Indian
ohlldron at tchool to Uio atate In which
liter Uvo. Tho amendment wa lott.
Iteptctentatlve Hayes Introduced a
hill nuthoililng participation by tho
United btatea In tho International ex.
position at Toklo, Japan, in 1012, the
aura expended not tc exceed f 360,000.
Wednetdty, February 6.
Wailtlngton, Feb. 6. Senator Dover
Idgo, ol Indiana, today delivered an
appeal to tho aonate to adopt hit bill
providing for a uon-paitltan tariff com
mlralon, a plan which he declared con
formed to modern and business ideas
on this subject. Ho apoko for an hour
and a hall, receiving the careful attcn
tion of senators and a largo audlrnoo In
tho galleries. Thero wore protont
many delegatea ot commercial bodies
now In testlon In thl city.
Following ltovorldge, several Demo
emtio senators vpoko briefly on Uio gen
eral subject ol tho tariff.
Senator Stono, of Missouri, Intro
duced a Joint resolution authorising tho
president to rollnqulth control of the
Phlllpplno Islands In 1013 upon Aral
Bocurlug a ptedgo from the nations to
prutorvo the neutrality ot tho Island.
Wml.lntrtnn. Pub. 6. .Tariff revision
and Uio president's recent ipeclal mos
aage to congrott again woro tho main
tnnlna. nf illnnnniilnn In tlin houia Of ran-
retentatlvea today. Aa hut been tho
case for nearly a week, tho Indian ap
pro j-rlnt ion mil otteniiuiy was uoiore
tlin hoimn. but In na nunrter was any
word spoken In regard to It. The house
apparently bad muuo up us minu 10
discuss tho Issues of tho day ut thl
timer, and no effort wai mode to check
the How of Rent ral debate, whloh will
be continued tomorrow.
A long apeooh by Payno, of New
York, tho majority loader, waa consid
ered lmiortant because of hla assur
ances that a tariff revision plank would
be Incorporated In the Kepubllcan na
tlonal convention's platform ot this
vr. Ho devoted some attontlon to
Mr. Ilryan, whom ho credited with go-
lug about uio country accusing rrosi.
dent Hoosovolt of grand or potlt larceny
In purloining his Ideas.
llopresontatlon In tho house was in
orctiecd today whon tho two Phlllpplno
dolegatos took tholr eoata.
Tuesday, February 4
Washington, Fob. 6. The aonato to
day passed tho urgent deficiency bill,
carrying an appropriation of ovor 1H,
000,000. The large deficiency appro
priation for tho navy brought out con
sldurablo dlsauralon of tho subject of
executivo departments making expend
iture not provided for by an appropri
Detlcloncy appropriation for tho
Panama canal gavo rlto to Democratic
criticism of tho publication of a paper
by tlie Canal commission at Panama,
and Incidentally Toiler declared that ho
believed the lock canal at Panama
would aorno day bo declared a failure)
and that a sea-lovel canal would take
IU place.
Senator Ilorah, of Idaho, Introduced
a bill absolutely repealing tho timber
and atono law. He offers no alterna
tive plan of disposing ot public timber,
but Is In conference with Secretary Gar
field and Is drafting a bill.
Wathlngton, Feb. 4. President
Itootovelt's recent mesaago to congress
on tho rotations of capital and labor
and of cororatloui and the public again
wai the themo of dlscastion In tho
bou- today. So great waa the demand
for timo that genea! debate on the In
dian appropriation bill, which Is the
pending buaincss, waa extended tomor
row for four hours. Interest In today's
pncecdln centered In a speech by
John Sharp Williams, tho minority
leader, who, whllo lauding tho presi
dent for some of his sentiments, ex
pressed the belief that others wcro dan
geroua. Williams spoke for nearly two
hours. Ills remark on Uio financial
cpiettlon prompted a lenithy discussion
ot Uiat subject by Hill, of Connecticut,
In which he opposed the Aldrlch bill.
Resolution of sorrow over Uio assass
ination ot King Carlos and the crown
prince of Portugal woro adopted today.
Monday, Fsbrusry 3.
Wathlngton, Feb. 3. Senator Piles,
of Washington, made a decided hit In
tho tcnate today with hi speech In
support ot his bill approtirlstlng $700,
0C0 for go7crnmcnt exhibits and build
ing at tho Seattle exposition.
Senator Fulton secured the passage
ot hla bill sending to the United Stato
Circuit court for Uie Ninth circuit all
claim ot American sealers whose
vessels wore seised by government ves
sel while In tho open seas.
Senator Fulton Introduced a resolu
tion directing the secretary of war to
survoy the lock at Oregon City with a
view to purchasing them in conjunction
with Oregon.
Tillman a resolution asking tho pres
ident to Inform the senate what action
had been taken In regard to violation
of land grant lawa In Oregon and Wash-
ington by the Southern Pacific was
Washington, Feb. . Thtte of tho
giants of the houao of representatives
hod their Inning today. Technically,
tho Indian appropriation bill was un
der dlsciusion, but legislation was rele
gated to the background while national
politics occupied tho stage.
Before Uio political question croppod
out the home, with next to the largest
attendance ot the session snd with but
one dlssontlng voice, passed a goatial
widow' pension bill granting a ual pen
ilon of 111! a month to the widows ot
all honorably discharged soldiers ot the
United States who have not heretofore
received Uio benefits of the pension law
and an Increase ot $4 a month for those
who liavo lieneQtcd under the act of
June 27, 1800. Tho law expressly
waives the limitation of property hold
Ings. Tlie bill Involves tho expendi
ture of more than l2,ooo,ooo.
Forty-one Persons Wlllinr to Guild
for Army.
Washington, Feb. 4. Bids woro re
ceived today in the algnal olllco for sup
plying a Hying maculne ol the ncavler-Ihan-alr
typo, as ret out In the speoiafi.
rations Issued by General Allen, chief
algnal olllcor ot the army, two months
ago. Before acceptance ot the machine,
the Inventor mutt make a trial flight
of at least an hour, remaining continu
ously in tho. air without landing. So
.far, 41 bid navo been received, uen
loral Allen will open the bids and p re
pur o a schedule fo them for Uio consld-
eratlon ol the board of oidnanco and
fortifications Thursday.
Rushes Revenue Cutter Bill.
Wathlngton, Feb. 4. Senator Fulton
today took up with the house members
ot Uio Oregon delegation his bill appro-
'prlatlng 1260,000 for a revenue cutter
for Oregon coast service, which passed
tho seTmto last evening. Karnest effort
la to bo mado to pass Uie bill In the
Iioiibo, nnd tho delegation believes Una
will bo accomplished.
Debt Increases In January.
Washington, Feb. 4. Tho monthly
statement of the public dobt shows at
tho close ot buBinesa January at, mua,
tho debt, less cash In tho treasury.
amounted to $302,038,037, which is au
Increase tor the month ot $8,007,800.
The decrease In tho amount of cash In
the treasury for tho inouUi was $3,102,.
Extracts From Oregon Experiment
BUllon Bulletin.
Tho climate of Oregon from a potn
try nun's standpoint Is discussed by
Jams Dryden In Bulletin No. 00 of Uie
Oregon Kxper.ment station which la
recently been published. Among other
Uilng the writer ssyi:
It I of courts worth considering b
the man looking for a location whether
Wetlern Oregcn with It open winter
and freedom from snow and xero tem
peratures does not offer opportunities
tor the production of egg and poultry
that are not found in Eastern and Mid
dle West states. That poultry thrive In
cold sections whore snow and zero
weather prevail is not to be denied,
but the labor and expense or caring lor
Uiem Is undoubtedly greater there. To
secure an egg yield In winter where the
climate I severe entails more expense
for housing and more care In the feed
ing. It Is probably true that Jhsimal
iest profits mo mode dnrlng the winter
months though the prices are very
much hlghtr than in spring and sum
mer, because Uia egg yield is so small
from the average fl(ck as to leave little
or no margin of profit. It is alto true
that the egg yield Is qalckly anected by
changes in Uio weaUier, ttpectally In
the temperature. A sadden cbange
from mild to cold weather means a
certain check In the egg production,
and although the weather soon moder
ates It will often take several week
before tho egg yield gets back to where
It was. The only way to prevent this
Is to provido housing that will protect
the fowls from too sudden change In
temperature. Tbls entails more ex
pense In bousing and consequently ui
mlnlthcd profits, but what la of more
Importance la the highly artificial con
ditions that It necessitate.
It would appear therefore that there
are certain advantage that this stats
possesses over rectlons of the country
where xero weather and snow prevail.
First, a milder climate and less severe
changes In temperature than Is charac
ter it c of Kattcrn states, beconu, in
acctloDS of the state with no snowfall
the poultry can range over tho fields
and And snimsl food and green food
which aro often hard to get wnere th
snow covers Uie ground.
The heavy rainfall of Western Oregou
and small percentage ot sunshine may
be set down as a disadvantage, bat
when the nature oi tho rainfall is nn
dorttood it is doubtful whether It la
very mrch of a detriment. Owing to
the moderating influence of the Pacific
ocean these rains are warm and have
not the chilling effect of the rains In
KsU;tn etatcs. The temperature of
Western Oregon In the winter months
Is usually higher when it rains than
when th sky is doodle, and Uie
fowls will usually be found out in Uie
rain except when It Is very heavy,
which is n't often the case. One pool
tryman In Marion county said to Uio
writer In November, before the rainy
season set In, that he wished it would
rain, became, hs said, his hens laid
better when It rained. Tho explana
tion ot this, if It Is true, may not be
in the rain ittelf, but In the fact that
It brings to the surface many angle
worms, which supply Uie lack ot ani
mal food in the ration.
Turkeys are successfully raited In
Sflregon, and turkey are known to be
easily affected by rain, but the tact
that the rains are warm no doubt
largely account for the success In tur
key raising In this state. Dooglas
county in Oregon produces several
times more turkeys than the state of
Ithode Island, noted for turkeys.
Another thing in favor ot the mild
climate and freedom from snow Is that
the fowls are able to secure practically
the year round all the green food neces
sary in the fields. And finally, Uie
fowls in their setroh for food in the
fields get the cierclm which lo neces
sary for It is worthy ot mention in this
connection that the largest special
poultry district in Uie United State Is
found in Northern California, that haa
no snowfall. That district Is somewhat
similar to that ot Western Oregon, with
its open winters, mild and humid ell-
uiate and nearness to the ocean.
My Investigations ot the poultry In
dustry of Oregon have been confined to
the western part of the atate, the region
westot the Cascade mountains. This
section at the present time produces
uior J' poultry products than the larger
area ot the state east ot the Cascades.
As the sgrlculture ot Central and Katt
ern Oregon becomes developed we may
expect greater development of poultry
keeping, and probably In time that
great agricultural area may produce
moro poultry products than the older
tecticn ot the ttate In Western Oregon.
The climatic conditions sr different
east ol the mountains, the heavy rain
fall Is absent and snow covers the
ground dtirinn part of the winter The
nlimsto thero Is more characteristic of
tho Rocky mountain region, though no
such eevorc weather prevails as lu the
Mlddlo and Northwestern states. It it
should prove that a dry climate with
plenty ot sunshlue but laoklng the se
vere winter changes of temperature ol
tha East la the Ideal one for proultry,
we may expect a great growth ol the
poultry Industry cart ot the Cascades
In Oregon. Undoubtedly on the grain
ranohos of Central and Eastern Oiegon
whero food Is cheap there Is opportun
ity for great profit In poultry raising.
Tta Adverse Diclslins by Si
pros Coirt It a Minlh.
Must Not Interfere With Interstate
Commerce or Plaintiff" Can Qet
Three Tims Damage s.
Washington, Feb. 4. Yesterdsy for
the third time within a month tho Su
preme court of the United State pro.
mulgated an opinion .construing laws
sdversely lo tho contentions of organised
labor. The first of tho decisions wss
rendered on January 6, In the case of
some railway employes who sought to
secure damages under what is known
as the employers' liability act, which
lav- the court held to be unconstitu
tional. The second Important finding;
in thli line waa announced January 23,
when the Erdman arbitration act, for.
bidding the discharge of employee be
cause tbey are members ot labor unlona
was also declared invalid. The verdict
rendered yesterday wss the case of
lyoewe versus Lawlor, the latter a
member of the Hatters' union and the
former a hatmsker of Danbary, Conn.
Tho case involved the applicability ol
Uie seventh section ot the Sherman
anti-trust law to conspiracies by labor
unions to boycott articles entering into
interstate trade. Under tho terms of
that provision the complaining party
may collect three times the amount of
his loss, if the charge is sustained.
The nnlon fought Uio case on the
ground that the law was Inapplicable
to such organisations; bat tbu court,
whose opinion was announced by Chief
Justice Fuller, failed to accept th la
view, and in effect held that Uie unlona
could not be permitted to Interfere by
boycott with the tree exchange ot com
merce between the states. There waa
no ditsentlng opinion.
Evidence In Hall Land Fraud Case la
Nearly All Submitted.
Portlsnd, Feb. 4-Harry E. Korthop
last night positively Identified govern,
ment's exhibit No. 7 Putnam's nwp
to Hall showing the alleged unlawful
fences ot Uie Butte Creek company In
1900. With tbls Identification Ueaey
considers that the government's ease
against John II. Hall has been strength,
ened materially. At last night's ses
sion ot court Korthup testified that
from 1800 until 1004 ho was employed
as clerk In The Dalles land office, and
Identified the township map offered In
evidence by tho government as Uie one
he prepared personally for Mr. Putnam
In November, 1800.
Final arguments In the trial of John
II. Hall will probably begin this alter
noon. This morning Francis J. Heney
wiil complete Uie Introduction of re
buttal testimony for the governmecL
Hall may be recalled fmther to testify
in his own defense, but It la believed
all evidence will be anbmltted in Ubhi
for the closing arjCtnent to begin be
fore court adjourns tula afternoon.
Russian Pspsr Hints He May Share
Carlos' Fate.
6t. Petersburg, Feb. 4. Tbe tragic.
occurrences at Lisbon have created a
deep (repression on all sections of soci
ety here, and the newspapers that ap
peared today comment ireeiy ou me
events that occurred.
The Ruts, In a daring style, draws a
Uilnly veiled parallel between condi
tions in Portugal and Rurala and warns
the government in almost so many
words that there Is danger ot a similar
event here.
The Novoe Vremya, although attrib
uting tbe direct execution of the plot to
anarchltts, tc whom all government la
obnoxious, also connects tbe crime and
the dictatorship of Franco, whloh met
with both open and secret resistance
from all political parties.
New Attsck on Finland.
St. Petersburg. Feb. 4.Tbe emperor
today road a sharp robuko to tho Fin
nish diet, which lost session" passed an
appropriation of 20,000,000 marks as
the grand duchy's contribution to the
military defense ot the empire In lieu
ol recruits, with a rider declaring that
this was the final payment under the
agreement ot 1005 abolishing military
aervico in Finland. Ihe emporor an
nounces that the disposition ot tbe rail.
Itary funds of Finland are exclusively
his prerogatlvo and ignores the condi
tions. Reassurances From Lisbon.
Farls, Feb. 4. A special dispatch to
the Matin from Lisbon, dated February
3, 11:40 p. m., says; Tbn town la very
quiet. The new cabinet will lepeal all
the repressive measures ot Franco and
act with great Indulgence toward th.