The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 14, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 48
Bend-Slianiko Livery & Stage Company
J, II. WI2NANDY, I'rop.
New Covered Stages between Bend zuui Shnnlko
Livery mid Peed Stables at Sjianlko and Bend.
Wo run our rigs to plunso (ho public.
StngoB lonvc cncli way every day.
Rlgo to nil parlo of Central Oregon. Careful drivers furnished
I now have a lcttcr outfit of buggies nml horse and can give
more ntlfnetory service tlmu ever before. All kliidn of light and
heavy livery furnished on short notice nl reasonable rates to nil
Kint! In Central Oregon. Trawlim' p.itticn will profit by seeing
me before going elsewhere, Fur further fufo'inatinu nbout Mngcs
consult J II. WitMANUV at llend, or W. V, Kiti.utY, Agent,
Slmnlko. Oregon.
Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage.
A Complete Stock of
At llend,
Hough, Surfaced and Moulded
At llcnd,
All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses
1 Oradcs
Delivered at
Low Cost
Anpbere oa
The Lands of
:Tk D. I. & P.
Co., or
The C S. I. Co.
Central Oregon
Development Company
TTb Central Ore
gon Banking &
Trust Company
Capital 523.00000
Transacts a (Jcncral Hnnkj
lng Business.
Acts as Administrator, Ex
ecutor or Trustee of Estates
Issues Drdtts and Hank
Money Onjers on all Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits,
Safe Deposit Hoxcs.
PJro Insurance.
I0I111 Steldl. President
J, II. Hey burn, Ciuhlcr
XfeTl.ia '.
I yonr lurac on our subscription Hit?
When You Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense you
should use
1 Call for
' ' color cards
A Pull Line- of aroccrlcs, Dry
Ooods and Hardware always on
Interesting Letter about
Travels In Europe.
Mr, Drake Finds New Vegetables In
Italy, Seeds of Which Mo Will
Send to Bend for Trial.
Cam, Itnly, Jan. 14, 1908.
Editor The Bulletin: Hy a delay
ed mnil I luve just received a copy
of The IJulletiu announcing the
decision ot ho muny large milling
companies to establish their plants
ut Bend. White I had felt positive
of two or three there was doubt as
to the others, so I want to con
gratulate yon all on the prospect
Don't let the people get too exultant
over it and expect immediate re
sults lliut has been the greatest
trouble with the Iknd people
Things hoped for have been so long
deloed that they become impatient
and are npt to blame those who'do
not control events. The financial
troubles arc going to delay things,
but won't indefinitely postpone
them. I sincerely trust Iknd won't
suffer unduly and often wish I
could be there to help mitigate the
results of the stringency.
The receipt of the paper again
reminds we that I promised to
write you nil of our trip. Mrs
Drake was quite ill in New York
und several weeks after the arrival
ut Naples, so we have not moved
about much or done much sight
seeing. We left New York as
planucd on November 30 and had
a comparatively smooth passage.
About the seventh day out we
reached the Azores, but as there
wus no harbor or wharf and passen
gers have to go ashore in small
boats' the captain decided not to let
us ashore, since a squall was threat
ening and it was feared we could
not get back to the steamer. It
was quite tantalizing to be within a
few hundred yards of land, in sight
of the quaint Portugese city and
hills green with grape vines and
fruit trees after Icing keyed up in
anticipation. Our steamer was
surrounded by small boats with fruit
which did a thriving business with
tlic 3300 Italians we were carrying
back to Italy, the fruit being passed
up and money down in baskets
with ropes, while the small boats
bobbed abottt almost smashing
against the steamer in the rough
Three days later we . awoke in
the harbor at Gibraltar, under the
bin nuns of that great fortificatiou.
Around us were vessels from all
quarters of the glebe nud ull classes.
men ot war, torpcoo ucsiroycrs,
cruisers, colliers and liners of nil
nations. Alongside were crcat coal
docks, naval yards and the largest
dry dock in the world. Immedi
ately beyond rose tue lamous
"Rockj" honeycombed with tunnels
and passage ways, with here aud
there an opening in the solid rock
from which n big gun projected.
Most of us were surprised to find
that tic rock did not divide the
waters of the Atlantic from the
Mediterranean but was entirely in
side around the comer, and that
the abrupt side we usually see in
the pictures, was not the side we
first see which is sloping, but is
the eastern side towntds Italy.
After a while we were landed by a
launch, aud put in the morning in
the curious little city mostly con
taining shops of Oriental and Moor
ish traders who do a thriving busi
ness with tourists of passing vessels.
We took a small cab holding five
of us and the driver, pulled by one
little pony, which Hauled us up
aud down the steep streets about
wide cuourIi for two to pass, and
without sidewalks. The streets
C resent scenes neverto be forgotten,
eing filled with people of all na
tions, color aud costume and jab
bering all languages.
We were disappointed at not be
ing allowed to see the fortifications
owing to a ueW regulation just in
force. It is said a large cavern
lias recently been discovered inside
the rock and a new strategic scheme
for defense is being inaugurated,
which England proposes to keep
secret from the world, aud they arc
connecting up the cavern which
will form a great store house, with
the different galleries and tunnels.
The rock is connected with the
main land of Spain by a neck of low
loud across which extends a strip
of iicutrnl territory about a thousand
yards wide, the English maintain
ing sentries to patrol their slue,
and the Spaniards others on their
side. At night the English ex
clude all the country people who
have .to cross the vacant neutral
zone back to Spain and the gates
arc closed till morning. The rock
is defended by a ganison of some
3000 men who arc constantly bcinu
drilled and exercised. There arc
also great work shops for naval re
pairs, hospitals, etc.
In the altcrnoon we again pro
ceeded on our way, two days later
passing Sardinia and the next day
reaching Naples in a pouring rain
with Vesuvious gloomy nearby
It surely was a foreign port. As our
numerous pieces of baggage came off
the boat they were seized upon by
porters nud carried under tlic cus
tom house shed and scattered all over
the place. Everyone was chasing
around trying to get his various
bcloog'ngs together for inspection.
No svstem and no order. 11 too
us about two hours to get our stuff
all together and then the inspector
passed it nil without opening a
single piece. Not so, however,
with the returning Italians whose
things were ransacked from c"nd to
After lunch at the hotel I went
down street in a street car with
some friends from the steamer,
when our experiences began. None
of us could speak a word of the
language. The car was divided in the
middle, one end belne first class and the
other second, and the rale depended on
the distance one traiels. ut course we
knew nothing of till, nor that only so
many arc allowed in the cata and so
many on the platform, and that people
arc invited to get off if there arc too
many, even in the rain. The conductor
came to us and said"Do ve!"Vc grinned
and handed him a five franc note,
and then the fun began. After talking
himself blue In the lace he deducted the
full tint clau fair for ut all to the end of
the line and gave up the job, most of
the passengers taking a hand in the talk
too. lie punched ionic little hole in
wme paper check and handed them to
ut. Then peace reigned until we came
to a place we thought interesting enough
to gel out, when all tfictl to remonstrate.
They tooUus for o pack of idiots but we
were learning and enjoyed It.
Utile by little we learned the rope
aud how to get about without getting
fleeced at every turn. Everyone doe
you if he gets a chance aud most of them
(,1c awake night devising scheme to
work on the :reen American. The cab
mcu ask three time the proper fair,
then smile and scree to what you offer.
When you get out they waut a "pom
bolr" or a fee aud gcuerally roar and
make face at the coin you give them.
When you refuse more aud get mad,
they smile and ask you to take them iu
the afternoon or the next day, nut one
get used to it. Heggcr. cripple,
flower and postcard vender make life a
burden and everyone from the hotel man
down expects fees. When one pay his
hilt at a hotel a dozen employees line up
to be ted, those who have served you
and other vou nexer saw before, but
eaoh manage to hate a piece of your
luggage or a coat, hat or umbrella aud
significantly bid you goodbye.
Owing to Mr. Drake' illness I have
not been ubout much.The Museum is one
of the greatest in the world containing
among other thing the relic from
Ily making a stagger at the gate of the
Royal Palace (where the old King used
in II vr ami when the euincror stays
when in Naples) and slipping n frnnc into
the hand of the big otneer in cnarge,
half exacting to be kicked out Instunter,
lie detailed uti attendant to Show US
through and we spent two hours Inspect
ing the palace and its art treasures, being
admitted to the throne room, ball room,
ambassadors' room, etc.
One of the things that has interested
me greatly is tlic fact that Naples and
the surrounding towns arc built up of
tufa stone,exactly the same material as
our soft rock at lleud. All the old
Homau buildings ore constructed of it,
and when cemented on the outside to
protect it from the weather, it seems to
give perfect satisfaction, The buildings
ore mostly uuui wiiuout voou except,
the ilixirs and windows, the ceiliuus be-
intr vaulted and even floors aud roofs
tire stone. Ueing so easily quarried aud
shaned. It is urcatlv souiiht after and
even shipped to other; places. Owing to
the extent of moisture here it is softer
than ours, but quickly dry out and
also ts
Redmond People Ask for
New Highway.
everyone In that Neighborhood Payors
the Bend Alan for County Judge.
Other Items of Interest.
KnoMOMD, I'eb. 10. A ietltlon Is out
for a road commencing where the Prine-vilte-Siiters
road crosses the Pilot Butte
canal and running down the canal and
north to Intersect the McKeniie river
road, thus giving a legal highway to
Trail Crossing on Crooked river. This
is a road that is tieede'd almost as badly
as one connecting Redmond and Cline
I'alts and if we could get these two
roads Inside of a year we should feel
tolerably lucky for the present In the
matter of county roads.
L. I Welch showed us his smiling
countenance for a day or two from his
homestead in the Johnson ranch neigh
borhood. I'nday nis;ht a meeting was held for
the purpose of organizing a Redmond
Water Users' Association. We under
stand nothing definite was done except
to ndjourn to February 35, w'ie It '
hoped a larger representation will be
Thl week we have to report consider
able sickness in town, two Woods families
and that of Sir. Bauer being afflicted.
Mr. Bauer Is the sickest ot oil, having
been In a very critical condition for sev
eral days. Some of the children too arc
quite sick, the baby being crcd for by
Mr. Carl Kb ret in her own home. 1'inas
Wood, too, has needed considerable
waitini: on. Dr. Edwards of Prineville
is attending all the cases.
Mr. and Mrs K. C. Park did business
and visited with Haystack friends the
latter oart of the week, being snow
bound for one day.
Mr. Chris Ehretreturned from Prine
ville Wednesday, and we understand is
doing nicely.
We have no report of the dance at the
notel Saturday night but It I only fair
to suppose that it was a success.
Mrs. Trichler moved out on her home
stead Thursdsy.
I'riends of 11. V. Jones gathered Sat
urday night at the l'orkcd Horn home
on invitation of Mrs. Jones to perpetrate
a surprise on him, the occasion being the
fiftieth anniversary of his birthday. The
evening was very pleasantly spent In an
informal manner and snow balls and
other good things appropriate to the
season were partaken of, At a. late hour
the gucstsdepartcd voting the host and
hostess royal entertainers aud wishing
many happy returns of the day.
Another new school district is on the
oint of formation, north ot town, this
time embracing towsslilp 14-13. no
says that Western Crook is not showing
rapid development?
E. C. Pauk.
was the program of the evening. Clyde
Cist with hi violin nj.vle.the merry
music wlhlle the young folks danced the
fantastic toe.
Tumalo Items.
ToMAW, Feb. 9. The weather has
been somewhat of a variety with us this
Fred Weise of Clovcrdale vicinity
patted through here last night from ri
business trip to Bend.
W. P. Downing passed throeh Turn.
alo this morning.
Wm. Baker made Bend a business visit
Clarence Neill of Cloycrdale stopped
over night In Tumalo one night last
We are sorry to hear that Mr. Parkei'ii
son is seriously ill at Laldlaw.
John Edward was a Bend visitor tho
f ire part of last week,
John Couch and R. H. Bayley wer
hiulins Ice from Tumalo last Tuesday. ,
We are glad to hear that T. A. Jensen
has so Improved from, his late illness
tliet ne expects to rewrn 10 nis piacc
near Tumalo soon.
Chas, T. Wlracr was In Bend on busU
ness yesterday, !
Mr, Imbert of Prineville was in Tun
alo Friday looking for cattle. Me pur
chased of I. E. Wimer and C U. Spaugh
their bunch cf cattle, numbering some
thing over ico head which he will drive
to the rrinevllle country next week to
hardens. There a
abundance of
lime rock here which givea them an ad.
(Coutluued ou page 4.)
Voters in that Neighborhood Want II,
C Ellis for County Judge.
Gist, Feb. 10. As this end of the
county should be represented In our
county cnifrt the voters here are clamor
ing for II. C. Ellis of llend to allow them
to use hi name for that office and they
will do the rest.
W. R. Cook of Culver has consented
to make the race ou the democratic
ticket for the office of county school
superintendent. Mr. Cook is one of the
best known teachers of the county aud
his numerous friends bespeak a full
measure of success for him as he is a
man well qualified for the office.
Wm. Burkhard of Gist is building an
ice house aud store room ou his place
this week.
Alex Levereiue Is clearing quite a
tract ot laud ou his placethls winter.
Bert Hodson and wife were visitors nt
GUt Sunday.
Chas. Carson and wife were up from
Clovcrdale district Sunday to attend
Sunday school at Gist,
Johiite More and brother Alfred invit
ed a few ot tlieir friends to a party Sat
urday eveulug at their hone. Dancing
Manager Gates Confirms Report Re
garding Electric Power Plant.
Speaking of the electric power
plant to be built at Lava falls south
of Bend by the Prineville
Light & Water Co., the Review
says that Mr. Gates, manager of
the company, was in Prineville and
confirms the report. He recently
approacLed F. S. Stanley of the D.
I. & P. Co. and made overtures 19
him in regard to constructing such
a plant, the irrigation company
having a filing of seven-tenths of
all the water id the nver at Lava
falls. The Review further says: t
As Mr. Stanley is not in th
electric lighting business and Mr.
Uatcs never worries mmseit aoour.
irrigation problems, the two gentle
men soon reached an agreement,
and parted shortly afterward with
the understanding that the P. L.
& W. could acquire without in
terference a power site at Lava falls
provided it would furnish a 24
hour current to the settlers along
the ditch lines and to Uend, Laid-
law and Redmond.
Mr. Stanley of course has the in
terests of his segregation and its
settlement at heart, while Mr. Gate?
is actuated by the appalling annual
wood bill, which now amounts tq
$Sooo with no prospect of ever get
ting lower.
The line will be approximately
50 miles long and cost for copper,
poles and fixtures about $10,000
per mile. The generating- station
will contain two 1000 horsepower
alternating-current generators, and
the building will cost complete with,
equipment, $100,000.
One hundred and fifty thousand
dollars is a whole lot of coin to ex
pend on a lighting plant, hut by
serving all the western part of the
county Mr. Gates figures that the
investment will pay at least 4 per
cent, and maybe 4, from, the
start. The project will be a great
aid to settlers along the canals, for
as well as lights the farmers will bo
supplied with motor power for
grinding, electric fiatirons, etc.
Social at Pleasant Ridge.
There will be a box social held at
"Pleasant Ridge" school house'
(near Forked Horn butte) on Feb.
28. A cordial invitation is extend
cd to all. All ladies attending
should bring a box or basket with ,
lunch for two. The proceeds are
to be used for an organ for the
,PMnday school. Program at j
o o'clock.
Seed Wheat for SaleT
Cox seed wheat for sale, 2c per
lb at the Bend Livery & Transfer
jSubke, yxf