The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 07, 1908, Image 5

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    m , 1. im 1
Wanted, plain sewing, Mm,
Cluls. . Jarrclt. 46-.
1 C. Mi Hcdrtcjd, niul wffo were
l'rlucvllic visitor this week.
'''There will l on Qld-Tlmo Qon
ceit given in the churdli on the
evening or Feb. 8.
fra. flid. TV Tiirrctt received
the itml ncwfi taut evening pi tic
death of her mother.
lr W .4 Nlclud l naoklmr im
the Scoficld Drue Cq.'ii stock of
drugs ni win move u 10 noon
ApplfH are moving fracly at the
news Hlund. If yon desire u box
get your order in before they arc
nil none.
Chas. D. Jarrvtt has bought a
(ract of 'ditch laud ticnr Redmond
mid he and Mm. Jarrctk ' will soon
move t hereon.
For Sale One Sj-cgg "Sure
Hatch" incubator. One ioo-chick
'Sine Hatch" brooder almost
new. Wm. V. Downing. .jstf
Mrs. K. H. Sweet left Wcdncsdn
morning for point in (he Valley
iftcr n visit of three monthi with
her brother, Chu. I), Rowc. '
Portions of Klamath and Lost
Klver bating will be prospected for
oil the coming mi miner. Well
will 1 sunk nud it H believed oil
will be found.
While skating last Sunday II. J
Omturf had the misfortune to fall
nud cut bin. loner lln so scvorcly
hal it was necessary lor IM Coc to
take three stitches in the wound.
A. M. Lara arrived home last
night from Portland. He wai ac
companied by Mm.'ii mother.
Mrs. A. M. Maddock, from Min
neapolis, who will make her home
with her daughter. '
There li a move on foot in Lake
county to move the county neat
from takevicw to Paisley. The
reason given for the desired change
is that Lakcvicw is too far from the
geographical center of the county
Unable to meet his jKople in the
usual morning and evening service,
Rev. Short desires to ice them at
n Uiblc reading at bis home on
Garden Row Sunday afternoon at
3:30 o'clock. IJvcryonc cordially
Church service Sunday next.
Sabbath school at 10. Kcv. Mil
chcll'ii subject for 1 1 a. in. will
he: "The MndnoM of Christianity."
Christian Kndeavor at 6145. Sub
ject of evening discourse: "God'i.
Oucstion to Job, 'Has the Haiti a
Father?' "
The Ladies' League of the Prc:
byterian church will do mending.
Robes and
In MuUlg Building on Oregon Street.
IlltNl), OKItClON
Wood For Sale.
I will deliver wood in town nt
the following prices: '
16 Indies long
$4,00 a cord.
t6 inches long
$3,60 a cord.
Put III your yard on fcliort notice.
Phono to me when you want wood, It
won't cost you anything to phone to
Horse Shoeing: amf
General Blacksmithing
First Class Work Guaranteed.
Incited l the old Sheldon shop.
plain sewing, etc at moderate
prices, tfcclat attention being given
to rcpnlr work for bachelor and
motherless young men Those dc
Kirlug work done should leave it at
Mrs liawhlll's.
A very pleasant dinner parlv
Kathcrcd at the home of Mr. mid
Mrs, W P. Vatidcvert in Lyllt'
last Tuesday evening, the occasion
birlug in honor of the birthday of
Miss Kuth Ucld. Que feature that
milled much to the (.veiling's enjoy
ment was music by Miss Marion
Wicst, Miss Ivn West and Mrs.
McKuy, Only a few friends were
present at this pleasant gathering,
but those rcwrt that Mrs. Vnudi
vert and Miss Maud are most ex
cellent hostesses.
Last Tuesday Willie Vandevert
killed a wild cat at the ranch nt
Lava that measured six feet fiom
tip to tip. The cat hud been sleep
ing in a hay In; 11, nud on several
occasions the tracks of the animal
had been seen goiuu in and out f
the b.mi Tuesday Willie noticed
fresh tracks and put his hounds on
the trail, the dos soon treeing the
iiulmal. As the other buys had
gone hunting and taken all the
guiih, Willie had nothing except a
pistol with which to bag his came,
but he did the work successfully
J tin Over turf now has the skin and
s.iys it is n fine one,
Nip and Tuck, the two fatuous
old bear dogs owned by W. H
Brock formerly of Bend, are dead
They were hunting bear 011 the
Nchalem river and got away from
Mr. Hrock. When he found them
they were catlue salmon along thr
river bank, which resulted in their
death. "Hill" was not able to take
care of the dogs m he was laid up
with a broken leg. due to a run
uwny which he had been in n few
ilavs before the death of the dogs
These two famous old bear hunters
had been in at the killing of 37
bears on the Deschutes river, nud
on their last hunt had treed seven
bears. Their equal in that sport
will be bard to find.
An llxprcsslon of Appreciation,
llit.sii, Ore, Feb. .1, tooS IMitor
of Bend Bulletin. Dear Sir: Please
kiudlv permit me to publish the
following brief notes in your paper:
Upon the death of the little baby
of Mr. and Mrs. Kaita, my friends,
I witnessed very noble scenes. 1 he
vliim tiic nine uiossom uau uccn
Icstiucd to bloom only for n score
nf days. While the parents were
left in sorrow and weariness, tiic
people of this town, especially the
hospitable ladies, kindly lcstowcd
on them every comfort and assist
ance, lhcycvcn gladly went to
the cemetery, unminding the cold
freezing weather.
Though -the bereaved fVircnts,
through their profound ngouy,
their youth and inexperience, nud
uufamiliarity with your tongue and
customs, nre almott dumb to ex
press their thankfulness to their
sympathisers, yet I nm sure that,
witbn their bleeding hearts, n
bundled grateful voices arc wcephig
We nre glad to say that when
ever we write home we can inform
our relatives nud frienda of the.
privilege and hospitality which we
nre enjoying freely, believing that
wc can even kindle n fire within
their tender, passionate hearts.
In conclusion, Mr. F.ditor, I wish
to thank you for the space which
von have permitted me in your pa
kt. Very sincerely yours,
II, Tomioka.
Powell Uuties Notes.
The ditch camp Jim moved down on
school Mellon 16, anil will toon have tlio
ditch to the stage road,
H, K. Italteriimu has sold his
chickens, seven doien. Wc hear that
they will start for Washington in a few
K you have lost n dog, why k any
questions? Call nt the ditch camp; it's
an re to lo there.
The meat wagon came out Sunday as
usual with meat for the camp but lo! the
camp was gone. We expect he found It
later on. The camp looks like a small
town but when they net ready to move
It with J or 4.0 men, In 11 few minutes
H looks like an eastern cyclone had
struck it.
C. It. Turner is thinking fcf going to
llcnd, to log for Nlswouger & Drown. .
If )ou want a good gentle driving
horse call on C. II. tfllis, old river bed,
Powell Duties.
Who can grumble about winter In
Crook county, when stock run 011 the
range all winter without any care.
Several new settlers ou ditch laud arc
reeled 111 locale
It innlo Items.
TuilAU), I'eh. 3 We are having Mine
cold weather with ih Ihri'momtter,
"rl'ly j,i"rnng'nt eight bcluwvu
0. W. Vnirr-& Sou put upsom nice
lot l wr;k from jwinl wiwr they
built rc up by ru nnlng water mt It.
C, II. Htiauuh'ind J. It. Wlmrr hauled
lx loads of Jcc frntn Winter's pond last
It. if. Hurler ileil Ibrout-Ji ire tail
ThurMlay. '
J. V.. )tiu'arda waa at Hcinl one ifay
lat week.
Nichols I'rencli was n llcud vUltor
one day last week.
We now have telephone communica
tion will) (he Kulmi'iid country.
There la Mime talk of new Mwmlll
bclog.crtctrd near Tamalo till apring
by f.aldlaw partita.
We are glad to here that T. A. Jeuieii
It ttcadlly improving at llcud under the
care of Dr. Coc.
Theflltt and Iuilln.w atage team ran
away Wrtlnenlny mtt no iiamage t
done farther than lotting the driver
walk about one and one half mile before
lp caught up with the ci.
Jrnt lU"tlbtrg wai in Tumala jcitcr-
A meeting of the tock hblilr-ra of the
Parmer'. Telephone Hue I .ullcd nt
I,aidlaw tomorrow. Some important
liuilnen la to l aclecl on.
Inkllnga at )lt.
Kobert Smith of Sitter bad the mis
fortune to loke lilt houtc by fire one day
lat week. It wa catucil by the pipe
coining unjointetl uittalr.
The board of director of teliool dis
trict No. 61, of Glit, had a builncM
meeting Saturday.
The CUt llro. are putting up ice
thcM. day.
Two couple from Sitter went to the
dance at Ijildlaw i'rlday eve. They re
port havluu good time.
A J. II. IM ward wa driving from
llcud a few daya ago he tot valuable
hurie. The hore fell in the lurucm
and before Mr. lMward could unhitch
him he wat dead.
The school dlitrict at Olit voted to
buy 011 organ with the proceed from the
ocial that wa given Mine time ago.
Mr. aud Mr. Walter Graham were
vUltlng at Oltl's Sunday.
Cha. Wimer wai cen In the Glut
neighborhood Sunday.
Our public school at Glt progrctci
nicely with I'rof. I H. Arcuimcitr a
our teacher. Wc have two mouth more
of n tx month term. Next year wc ex
pect to have an eight mouth term.
RcdmonJ Items.
KunMOSt), I'cb. 3. Till week It be
ooiucrour Mil duty to report that death
u again Invaded our miiUt, this tlmr
taking away the beloved infant wn of
Mr and Jlr. Ilcrt XlchoU, who died
Thunday night from the effect of
pneumonia. That the tender yrupalhy
Table always supplied with the best that the. town affords.
Neat and Comfortable Rooms.
Lime and Cement.
On all (ash Sales of Five or More Dollars a
LiBorol Reduction Made.
Hotel Bend Restaurant
Jimmy Aklla, Proprietor ,,
First-Olass Meals Served at All Hours. .
Board by the Week Ci Meals) $6.00.
Open from 6 a, m, to 18 p. m. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLIOITED.
of many fr)efil,nod acquaintance goea
with tlic;crJ(a'p'i'mls wa atylelfccd
by the,attenoauce at the futfeV) tcrvTce
which c;c held at the Ii6ule 011 8ottir
day ' morning. Mr. Lilly coml,utfiig
tliemi 'till make a total pf three now
iirihe City pf the Dead vuCanhe Ilutf
a tpaatlod wlilcll will never 'fcnW )
ami wyich vie lioperwiH.lie very low'lo
IncrcMtc a the yeara go by. '
Ml ifarradcr rerovtr tM 1owli
from the elTrct of q fall from tterlioric
which ie cxjerlciiced ome time ilncc.
It wasjill.a mUtake about aprlng work
op?nng. The present cold nxipteta
that matter definitely at ret.
There will be Woodmen ilofeigt In
Ueilmond In the nut future, more As
flnltrly on I'cbruary J7. Watch the pa
pcrt.and the More wlndowcfor further
Vciterday Mr. Lilly got in a hurry to
keep hi appointment at Kedmoud and
vi took hi old way of coming, the foot
pattcnger way.
Mctua MeLalllu and Young are ex
pected home in a abort time for day or
two. Tliey liavc finlthed one extensile
job of tree pulling: and have another one
ome eight or nine mile nearer home.
Meviri Ucdflcld and McGuflie came
down Saturday from Hcnd on'butlneis
and pkafcitre. The pleasure 1 aluay on
our part in aceing our old friend with
u once more.
The I.adir Aid .Society met Thurtday
nr announcement with IheMetdamc-
Lamb. Ou account of the inclemency of
the weather the attendance waa net
Word received recently from Mr. J. J.
Lamb Indicate that when he return 1 e
may be nccoinKinied by two other oi a
wiio may locate here.
The nait week Geo. McQueen dlpocd
of h!fitchlandholdlnganddepartcd
join Mr. McQueen in Illinois. Wcho
I fore long to have good word from hi t
for our reader. H. C. Park,
Holland News.
It. G. Green returned from ITU trip to
I.akcvicw Tuculay,
W. It. Bogue ban gone to Portland 011
Ilogue & Co. received load of provl
ioni Saturday.
The dance I'rlday night waa a uccc4
In exry way anil everyone nad a goul
Mr. J. L. Toole and daughter Alice
have been vhlting Mr. and Mr. 11. (..
Kourk nud Mr. Caldwell Uie past week.
TJie resident In this vicinity are being
treated to a good old 'thaw and' walk in.;
ha become wading.
C W. Richie ha been in llcnd for a
couple of day.
Ilcih Cook i putting a roof on th:
barn lately vacated by K. G. Rourk.
The pupil of the Uoslaud school an
looking forward to a week' vacation
next week. That means a noisy town
fyrn week.
.Cards of Thanks.
To those friends who helped so kind!
during the continued illueM and death
of mv beloved wi(e, I wish to ex man
my heartfelt llunk. Their kindnc
and sympathy i deeply appreciated au t
will long be remembered.
We appreciate very much the kindness
khowu us bv-the kind friend of llcnd
during the death and funeral of our lit
tle son, and take this mean of express
ing our heartfelt thanks.
Mr. ami Mrs. T. Kaita.
IlltND, Orugok
A full line of all kinds of
iUigs, linoleum rand
jABt fSquores
j I west s u
Rajah, Jute Smyrna Rugs 30x60 in. - -
All-Woof Smyrna Rugs 26x54 'n. -
Axmlnstcr Rugs 37x60 In.
Best Quality Axmlnstcr Rugs 27x60 in.
Imperial "Art Squares, all-wool 9x10 ft.
Linoleums, printed, 6 ft. wide, per square foot
Floor Oilclotb, 3 ft. wlcfc, per square foot
Mattresses, full site' wool - - I
Mattresses; full fizc, wool -
Mattresses, three-quarter site, cotton tops
(Continued frompar,e t.)
make this a great manufacturing
center. Of course wc are at pre
sent handicaped for the want of
transportation, but it is only a mat
ter of a short time until railroads
will be built ou some of the numer
ous surveys that have ixcn made
in the past two ytnrs. We must
wait just as others have done.
When the railroad companies feel
assured-that there is enough pro
duced to justify them to build then
they will build and in a hurry, t-.
Farming and dairying will make
this a wonderful country. We
must tame the wild land, clear off
the sagebrush and till the soil and
our labor will be rewarded. In
making up the list below it is im
possible to give an accurate account
ofthe many people who have lo
cated here, so we jvill only take
those that we .yc acquainted with
and have observed what' they have
done to build up the country. So
in leaving out any we hope they
will not feel slighted for we praise
the good work which one and all
have done and as stated before we
arc not aiming to boost anyone.1
To begin we will start at Tumalo
and take in only a small area of
about seven miles around. It is
impossible to give the exact loca
tion of eacL farm.
G. W., Chat. L. ami I. II. Wimer own
600 acres of cool land at the Tumalo
poitofCcc with nearly 300 acres ready for
crop 11111 year. 1 ney own an inieresi in
the Witncr & Jensen Irrigation ditch
from the Tumalo creek and alio lure
water from spring that runs winter and
summer. TUcy nave incir place wcu
T. A. Jensen has xia acres adloininc
which is eochI soil and all tillable, oj
wlilcn lie lias about do acres unuer culti
vation and Irritation. lie owns an inter
est in the Wimer & Jensen ditch.
W. V. Clark lias a nice nonie place
started and has a good buildiu; and is
steadily improving his place and will
soon be farming much land.
William uakcr, wno owns a nomesieaa
uorthV)! Tumalo. Is steadilr malclnc im
provements on his place and is getting a
nice liome nxcu up.
C. v . Thornthwaito has a homestead
adjoining Hater's and will make many
improvements on 11 mis summer.
Kills IMcincton ot Hood Ktvcr owns
homestead adjoining Mr. Thornthwattc
and has made many improvements
towards a home.
G. W. Pplllatn has fixed up a nice
ranch having about 60 acres under culti
vation and irrigation. Adjoining him
lives Mr Scogglns, wno has a nice little
home fixed up.
Will Levcrcngc lias many acres unuer
cultivation and Is busy improving his
J. K. Bdwards has about ico acres un
der cultivation and shows that he has
faith In this country.
Kd White has about Uo acres under
cultivation and ralies a good crop every
year ol all kinds of grain.
J.ewS OI1K UCO. Aicuuiisicruavcauuui
330 acres uniler cultivation ami nave
uiaue many improvements wibi go 10
build up a country,
C. L. Gist, postmaster at Gist, has one
of the neatest little homes In tills vicinity
and has it well Improved.
Mr Stockier, just across tnc roan,
has about -to acres under cultivation and
lias a neat home.
Mr. 1'ost must not be forgotten as a
prosperous farmer and owns a nice little
home, I
Mr. Phillips has made .many improve
ments at his home.
C C. Cooper of Cooper Grove has a
beautiful home fixed up.
1. 1). Gibson, who owns 640 acres, has
doue same bant work ou his place. He
has about 300 acres unuer cultivation
and has a choice piece of property.
J. O. Gerkins has a good ranch of 310
acres with about 6a acres under cultiva
tion and several acres seeded to alfalfa,
which has done very well.
Dave Smith of Portland, who owns the
place known as the Cook ranch, has
nearly 100 acres Under cultivation,
Janjes ration has a alee home fixed up
and bo, with hh) brother Slwa of
3.50 lU3
4.50 j
'2.CQ I
,'IO j
6.50 I
4 75 h
Wallsburg, Wash., a choice piece ct
Jack McComuick has by hard wotk
made a nice home and has many acre
seeded to clover.
Mr. Brooks has a nice home prepared
and hat many acres umler cultivation.
Jay Nichols has about 20 acres under
cultivation which makes him and lis
mother a comfortable home.
John Couch is making a nice home ami
lias many acres under cultivation. C
M. Couch is si ill improving his place am'
will soon be among the best liomes 0
the country. Geo. Couch, who has late
ly moved here, is fixing uji a nice honu.
and wilt have several acres under cnltiva
lion this year.
Mr George of Salem has aboat 50 acren
cleared and plowed repdy for scedtn
this spring.
Jens HasscIberK has abooKJ acres-un
der cultivation and is busy making other
Sir. Peterson has a nice piece of Jam!
ami has about 40 acres -under cultivation
P. K. Dayloii bos a nice little rancl
lie has about 40 Cres under cultivation
which he purchased of G. W. llorncr of
C. P. Becker is making a model home
near I.aldlaw.
J. K. B. Gerkins has about 330 acres
under cultivation and a largo amount ol
this seeded to alfalfa and other grasses
which give Tilma neat return on his in
vestment. , Mr Park has a nice home fixed up
near Laidlavr having many acres under
Mr. Murk is naking a nice hOme and
is engaging In the dairy business with
good rucccM.
Mr. Drown is another who is doing
some extensive work towards making u
home near Laidlaw.
Neil Ray has a nice tract of land with
many acres under cultivation.
Mr. Ramsey, cashier of the Laidlaw
bank, has a good home with many acres
cultivated last year.
1. 1L Wimer and Chas, Spangh have
made many improvements on their land
and they have nice homes fixed up
having about 100 acres under cultivation
and irrigation, owning a interest with
G. W. Wimer & Sons and T. A. Jensen
in a valuable irrigation ditch from Turn
alo creek.
L. II. Root has a nice home fixed up
und seems well satisfied in Crook county,
R. II. Baylcy is another one of our
progressive farmers as his ranch wiU
show by the hard work he has done to
make a nice home. He has nearly ioo
acres under cultivation.
Mr. Bnjder is improving his place all'
thciinc and wilt soon have a model
home. He bos many acres Under cultiva
tion. I'rank Swisher has a nice place well
under cultivation and is steadily improv
ing it.
Air. Sanders is making a nice home
and has lately erected a neat house and
Geo. Simmons, another prosperous
fanner, has about 160 acres under culti
vation mostly seeded to clover and
timothv which yielded welt last year
Mr. Conar has a nice place well im
proved and under cultivation.
Mr Corneilius has about 40 acres un
der cultivation and has a nice home.
The above places are only a part of the
many that the writer can recall to mind
that go to show the faith the people have
in the development ol a wild sagebrush
country, 'hat only a few years1 ago was
classed as worthless by the people who,
rode over it and gathered up the wild
cattle ami horses to be branded and
turned back on the bunchgrass range for
another year. But a time came when all
eyes turned west and the tide of emigra
tion began to flow and many people like
the writer drifted on the tide and ancbt
ored in Western Crook couuty and began
to help make a country that in a few
years will be a credit to many of the
older countries.
With our mild winters and healthful
climate and productive sail, timber,
game, and fish what more would one
wish for to make a happy and prosper
ious life. In speaking of the many im
provements ft is impossible to estimate
the number of acre caltlvated by each,
but wc can say that their improvement
such as buildings and fences are welt
erected and show that they have faith i
Western Crook county. In conclusion
will say that praises should be bestaweu
upon those who have showed good faith
iu the building up of Deschutes Vallcj
Bids Wasted.
On clearing juniper from 80 acre
of land mile west of Jewell
Buttes station. H. SrhiiKO,
4,6-47 ft4. OftgOK