Wxm. D"HP 1 W7- m T BULLETIN "For avery man a square jjfal, no ins mm n nwre CHALKS I); ,CVK EDITOR subscriio:? jvajphs Ob year -. .. . . . $1k awata,,,. i - Tim ooaHtt - .,.. . . .. .- ! - rtMT la .), Vmt'1 "Wl" !! ' V"M - ras i !.. nf? i HIJIII"I1'U' FRIDAY, FEBRUARY r. r8. FOR COUNTY JUDOC Ttr another column the annonce mentof'rhe eniidklacy of II. C. Kllis for the office of county judge Is made Mr. Btlts had no par Ucular desire to enter the political race but at last agreed" todo so after much urging by his friends. And the public should be congratulated In that Mr. Hilts has allowed his name to ro before the voters, for, if elected, he will make one of the very best judges the county has ever bad. Mr Kllis possesses iu a marked degree the qualifications necessary roracounlvjudve. He is an attorney at law, having been admitted to the far both; in lltnois and Michigan. After having been admitted to the bar he took a ear's cour in the law school, a Ann Arbor, the state university of Michigan, and gradu tcd from that institution. Later he returned and tooX a two year's postgraduate course, thus Mr. Ellis has the legal training that hould be possessed bj; a county ;ndge, the Michigan, university banking as one of the ver-x bet in the United States, lie also pur sued other studies at the Ucjersvty ( cf Chicago. Besides the lcjril training, Mr. F Hilts has shown himself to possess good business ability, so cecesur ;a one who is to haye a iiud in conducting county affairs. K is manager of the Pioneer TJelegrapli & Telephone Company, a corpora :ion that is growing rapidly and. is extending its lines throughout Central Oregon. His duties as manager of this company and as 1'nited States land commissioner tare given him a wide acquaint snee over the county, and the one significant fcatare of this acquaint ance is Ibathe commands thervspect and friendship of people frota every community, Mr. Ellis is sized up by those who know him as a clean aan moraNy, ami cf ranch ability and integrity. If the voters nominate and eject Mr. Ellis b the ofSce vof county judge, they will have an oEcer trho wiM conduct the affairs of the county impartially and well. He will be-a strong candidate before -the people, and these who support him will be 'supporting a strong and able man. Madras Firm Embarrassed. J. V. & M. A. Robinfon& Company of this place last week made an assignment of all their property to R. L- Sabin, of Port land, for the benefit of their cred itors. The assets owned by the iet tfl secret by an rbii el Am i.!fttfrra&trsftiKl&WW tltfcckur. .Micro Ulstae mm- silt, sbc Ac Itd&g scalp, tht mkt M Ifce kir 4 stoftf KWMfMC AttHtttSMfetAtM Smc jte hue Ntore teo kKc Ja wnrtm fcrifcets. Uka MUmM itniin tor tbe hair. inciMafFMess&fcyafe. jUkyMrJraflifat brim tail. HOYT OWCftMCAL CO, HE BEND JlDMiUFFAHDtev ' 'tTrf lKMeatirra'sifeJenil I 98 i i nVaa rreatly exceed their liabilities, an their embarrassment resulting) in ttia aMignmchjt i uue largely to the raoner stringency, which has made it impossible for them to secure the finaneiAl assistance necessary to tide then over until they can realize upon outstanding accounts. Mr. .Turner, secretary of the compiRy, says that the as signment is only temporary and that the business will not be closed put, but that they expect to have matters arranged so as to resume business for themselves in about 6a qays. Meanwhile the business s In charge of William Macbeth, a frtpresentativcof Mr. Sabin. The inaignec, Mr. babin. ts secretary or the Merchants Protective Associa tion of Portland. Pioneer. i Mot to Oet Early Potatoes, ' t, have seen so many failures in tryin to grow carlv potatoes in the family vegetable garden, that I wan: to snow now one can uo a little more work, and do it rightly, and gat verv much larger returns for it. I have seen those who want early potatoes-plant them in the old garden where the soil, because of years of cultivation, had become hard and sour. I have seen them plant potatoes ot the surface of the ground, nnd the potatoes, hilkd up as they grew, and then I have seen them dig from a hill, a handful of mall scabby potatoes. It pays to I learn the risht way of doing things, to do some thinking and planning If it was necessary to grow pota toes in an old garden I would uot do it if a piece of sod was available as fast as you remove the crop from the garden, plow or spade the ground, apply wood ashes or lime, and seed with some cover crop The ist of September sow timothy, also red clover in some localities. Try some crimson clover on a part of it. Later I sow rye. The me chanical condition of most old gar dens needs to be improved, the soil sweetened and made light and mel low Of course the drainage must be good. During the winter ap- Iply such fertilizers as may be need- eui on oj& rtcu garuens, ine asnes land cover crop will be all that will be needed for potatoes. Plow for early potatoes as soon as the soil is dry enough to work Land about eight inches deep. Har row nneiy, men witu piow, spaae land hoe, make trenches seven inches deep, oue foot wide and two and one-half feet apart. Make the bottom of the trenches level, and if you have wood ashes, sow a liberal quantity over them. Xext take borne dry poultry manure, and after pulverizing it finely, scatter it an inch or more deep m the bottom of the trench. If necessary, use high- grade commercial fertilizer in place of the ashes and hen manure. With a hoe mix the fertilizer thoroughly with the soil in the bottom of trie trench. Now v- are ready for the seed. I prefer some well tried varieties to novelties, except to experiment with; Early Rose. Bliss and Eureka are good. Sometimes seed from another locality ts desiraUe. Gen erally one mnt select fats seed po tatoes to obtain best results. When you are digging oar potatoes, and you find one that ts perfect in shape; or that is of medium sue, smooth and oval, not pointed or irregular, save it for seed. Do not plant verv small or large potatoes, or those ir regular m shape. Cut the potatoes to two or three eyes, and drop them one foot apart, in tbe center of tbe trench. Level tbe soil over the trenches and the planting is done The more frequently you culti vate, the larger will be the crop Keep the soil level, do not hill or ridge tbe potatoes, for tn this way The Secret of a Beautiful Face He ta Lcract lie ilia cvro trctrdaifftUaiclnsicd. Jist wailucg U dm cooujb ffea oaJjr kirti the Jcticuc ktUcc more expoocd to ti Immua of dtttttaj ctracj tomcrci Irtt attacks of isa aid rattr. Ahrrwxilta.j. rJy Robcrtiat asd cipcrifscc iu iScEffctiul rrfrcioMTit. Yoa wCf vimlrr tit Uac-tru tettant h iafaru to Uct, tvrck aad amu. It cue oelj itaaahin a niast fam, Ua. preucu t&ctiia froca Ucoo mg came, prrrcau Usra inj, ua xaj f rcddcx. fc Urmr ttr P, WMUi. cash for timber relin ! vl & IM tWTfTlTlTTmil -4 TKscaESKse. Will pay ''onishment- Address P. O. box iS, tbe moisture it much better con served,, Ml W lien tlip vines have made about one-half theltgrowth, place n mutch of straw or strawy manure between the rows. Clippings from the lawn will do. or aily litter that will retain moisture. The quality of potatoes is much better wheu they are grown iu clover or grass sod, and in lieht soil. This is one thing we ihould work for, as well as increase of onantitv. I have seen people plant potatoes in their gardens, neglect them, and then co to the store and pay St a bushel or more for early potatoes. By doing n little mote work and doinvr it in the right way, from a rod or two of laud they could haw grown an abundant supply for the family, and hail potatoes of better quality. The potato that comes to our table should not be unrtpc, of a dark color, watcr-soaked and socgv and with no fkvor, but should be mealy, white as Hour, and ofu flavor we relish. It should be of good1 size and shape, and smooth: and this potato should be baked or boiled with its skin on, and served with plenty of kckk! butter or creum. Such food'wc cannot always buy, but it t the luxury of those who possessvsoil ami have learned how to use it rightly. W. II. Jenkins, in Country Gentleman. Pr District Attorney. IT the RepubJiean Vte X tbe Seventh Judicial Itistncl: I des're tbe nomination at roar lud to Ihc officr of IHitricl Attetner and wilt appreciate yeurote at (he Coming pri mary e irtiion 11 toj ucrm ice mwwir ei voue tuprmrt. v. r, Mvebs, VUf, Or. Vcr Couuly JnJre. Ta the RcpuMeaa Votet wt CouBtr Ciok I hrrcttr aBneonce Ha eimVUtel for the office of cmt; the aetipH of the rcpa utlee. ttJkjeet to ! cia voter at the ptttaary election. 11. C. KlAlS. Bcwl. Or. For County School Superintendent. I hereby aanowice that t nitt bo a cr- didte fer county t-chool tuperinteadeat of Crook eauaty atet to the actios of the republican voter ia the primary elcctioa. M. A. Lamux, 0Xcu, Or. For DUtrkt Attorney. Suhkct to the annrova of th iwter of Crook nd Wasco cooiitte, ray caath dcy for the reah-tcaa semination for district attorney of the Sercath Judicial utitnet at toe coBHBt; ttiurle, ! an aoancrd. If Boadaateu and clectetl I hll ctuleavor to faithfuMrdtieharee the dntia) of the ece at preridril by law. raitu w. wtusox. TBe uuic. or. For Joint RepncsentatUe. To tbt Repubhcaa of Kkauth. LaVr. Crook atHt.QriBt Couatie. I mfeh to iafom tbe rettabUciwAof Ktiaula. La:e, Crook ai. praat eoua tie. cuettitatHic tbe Teotrrifii Kctv rrxnutit-v lHtnct of Otejoft, tWw mv mm wiH be Mealed ior roar ena era! too at the pnaaarTelccUtM to be bold April 17. leatt, aaktor joor mUnmt for ecti!Ni ooe of tbe rrooWkwi nomi ace wr iml rrprraeatatiTc in uid 44v trie, to be baUottd for o loae 1, iojS. l;-t7 H. A BtATTAt. 1'aUlcy. Onrgoo. FKANK H. GKEENMAN Attorney at Law. Will Practice In All Courts. BaeKt airr IUk. UBU. UKHWB. Laidlaw Balking & Trust Co, LA ID LAW. OREGON The Conservative Bankers. Your Business Solicited. Courteous Treatment to All, Portland or New York Exchange. r K. DtrUM YV--TTilCBt JL. y lUauf maKCTow. V V. DajtMi. C. M itmM Y lut, K R fcijWT, llV Mk. Wav Bm. T A KakcfiX Tke Pioieer Telegraph aid Telephone Conpaiy TeleSramafonnrded to .Vay Fart of tine World Direct Telephone Communication with Portland, Pnoertlle and all l,acic Coat atie. f Public Pay Stations la Bask BaVlinj at Bead, at Laid lav and Powell Battcs. ileaenjr errice to aor part of Crook County tooth o! Crooked 1 River. fTfi "MR" tt . mtb. Underod Standard Typevt-jtei , Popular Because of Enso of Manipulation, Total Visibility, Perfect Tabulation, Susceptibility to Oreat Speed, Firmness in Construction, Neatness In Design, and Convenience of Type for Cleaning:. If the Typewriter you now use Jack in anyone of thce essential points, the UNDERV(OD W the machine you will eventually buy. Underwood Typewriter Company No. 63 Sixth Street, - Portland, Oregon Central Oregon Realty Coippany tSueccuor to C U. Brown S Co ) BEND, - OREGON DKAtr.SS t.V ALL ICIKDS OP Central Oregon Real Estate Tifcaber and Desert Lands a Specialty Wc buy or sell your land no matter where situated. We can sup ply you with any class of land at any tine. Call on us or write for further particulars. RaiJbj5 Snor axd JUTHIX Uvrxz. Hotel Bend MUQH O'KANB, Prop. MOST CKNTRALLY LOCATKO HOTKL IS BUXl). SAMPLE ROOM. IN CONNECTION. Xe;r IIc-usc, New Furniture, RtasosaUe Rates. Cood Rooms Always Reserved for Transient Trade. SAW FILING. BUST WORK Cl'AfUNTKKti. Prke (rw t$t V Ji. Leave at Tft Tfe Stvn. TUX, HAL'ORSOS. . . OxwK vtllMMi V"" 4 Corkitk ItONIl axd Orwwm Srar.Krs Tfl" J. It. MANUR. ABSTRACTER of TITLES NOTARY rURMC nr lunw, tale Iiom. SmHj bsait act! Hmlr, Cnrr.Mtiif fltlXKTIII.K. . . oaknos , Another Itiat far Bend Menhmts. An advertiser woo nai patron. tied The Bulletin writes from land and says: Port. "Your patxr it a Rood mt-tUum to reach uie joplc and I am well pUaxtl with multi." ," Business comes to the man who knows bow to write an ad. and uses tbe proper paper in which to present his arguments. The adver tiser mentioned above says The Bulletin is a good mediumand he speaks from experience. A word to tbe wise is sufficient. -PROFESSIONAL CARD8. C. S. BENSON, . 1 .1 1 ' ATTOnNEY AT LAW (n urn DC), IN HANK IIUIUMNO, liRN,,M'cH,r' W. P. MYERS Land nnd IrrlNtlon M' lawyer I.AU)UW, ' ' ' OKK00N rrnctlre'li'l all Court! and l)rwirtmriil o( the Interior. U. C. COE, M. D. Physician nnt) Surgeon ofj'lCK OVHK llAWK Tllflbf trclcpbone Connection ll.W Tltl.ltl'IIONlt NO. 31 IlK.VU, , dlttt'CoV DR. I. L. SCOPIELD DENTIST tiit.s'o, ouitcuv onw iiMti.ji m imp m OfSke In old l'llol llulte lereltintet,i Co. DMje , oppodta Hank. M. V. TURLEY, M. D. Pltyslclnn nnd Surgeon orrtcK ovkk coNf, rmuo jroxr, iiKND, OHiipo:; THE First National Bank of Prlnuvillc. litaM(dirt (KM. Cnpltnl, Surplus nnd Undivided Profits, 3100,000.00 n i' AiiM nriiliiHtntlUf T M K4M II luMola ItnOfkl . . . VT n' . C.tliur , ! I CMlM "JR' TPW" New Blacksmith Shop..., Ihavcjiitt recently opened khop In Ilcnd and am prepared to do all kinds of Horse Shoeing, Wajon and Plow Work and Ucpcrnl IJI'cki'mUliln Kvery piece of work that leave the shop ts (tiaratitred to be first-clast. - I solicit a share of your pat roua(c JA.MES McCLROY. eo ycAno EXPERIENCE Tnte Mftita Dttions Covthioht Ac- & ma Mo4ia ,li ul iiimww , ct 1 1 tin ur iiht t frs k k.r am liUMiUMlltiMikimiU. MIISUH wiImmu fnt titm. (IKU.( tnmrr l-t MnllMMIai. I'umi. Uiw ikro.k M.mi tU. rlt Sckniiflc flMirlcntt. a k4MMft.l, III.Ur.fl VMltf I ATMMl tit nluM ( U K lUi IIHI, 1hm.II, The Hvlletln t"U falllnccirdl. IaHv. take Hotkv. ijjjTjn A i Pracv2k, Oregos. '46