The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 31, 1908, Image 1

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- NO. 46
Bcnd-Shaniko Livery & Stage Company
. 1 . . , -11 Brat' 'i. iiAiJL'ag
v J. II. WHNANDY, Prop.
New Covered Stages between Bend and Shnniko
Livery nntl Peed Stables at Shnniko and Bend.
Wo run otir rigs to plcnao the public.
Stngus lonvu each wny ovory day.
Rigs (0 nil pnrts of Central Oregon. Cnroful drivers furnished
Jf I now have a letter outfit of bugglct ami horses and can give
more satisfactory service limn ever before. 'All IcIiuIk of light and
Itenvy livery furnished on short notlcfc 'At rcqsonublc rated to nil
polot to Central Oregon. Traveling parlies will profit by nceltiK
me before going elsewhere, l'or further fnforinntloii about ntagen
consult J.. H. Winandv at Ilcud, or W. 1'. KKl..f!V, Agent,
Shattlko. Oregon.
Special Attention Given to Express and fraggage,
A Complclc
At IJcnd,
Rough, Surfaced and Moulded
All Widths, Lengths
T. & G. PLOpRO
0. 6. UASKH0,ARD
custom phbd mux in connection.
Central Oregon
Development Company
T Central Ore
gon Banking Sb
Trust Company
incur, nwatsu tm-
cnpltnl $35,000.00
Transacts a General Drink-
f Ing Business.
Acts as Administrator, Ux
ecutor or Trustee of Estates
Issues Drafts and Bank
Money Orders oil all foreign
Interest on Tlmo Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes,
Plre Insurance.
John Sleldl, President
J. II. Hey burn, Cn!ilcr
. ' . ORKdON
""""I i I
it your uame 011 our subscription Hit?
Stock of
At Bend,
qnd Thicknesses
Bcliiered at
Aaywherc 99
The Laais ef
Tbc D. I. P,
w., w '
1kCS.I. C9.
When You Faint
buildings, inside or out
side,' if you desire the
very bout results at the
least taxpense you
should use
Call for
color cards
t n..ll I I .J Crnrra Tirt
I floods and Hardware always on
Spring Will Brlnjr New
lc'oplo to This Section.
flach Mall Urines Letters Asking obout
the (lend Country Secretary
Sawhlll Kept llpsy.
If numerous inquiries are anf
ci Iter loii bv which to judge, the
Ilcnd country will enjoy the exper
fence of having a very large tiiun.
tr of cople come Into thin section
iifxt spring with the view of mtik
intr their home in this favored re
gion. Nearly every mall brlujx
letters to The Bulletin asking fur
sain pic copier, of the paper and for
literature duicrlptive of the country
The writer say that they intend to
move here In a few months or that
they arc interested in the Iicucl
country and want to know more
about it. A few oftiie-c inquiries
will interest Hullctin readers, and
arc as follows:
flm'tid 11. I.
Jtn. 17, tonS. Iu lil Uh-
crsof Henil llullttln, Ilcnd. OrcKOti.
'"" '"l ",, l.lli
ueimetneii; win rou please icim me
cony of your parrr together with all the
liiformttlon of your Immediate vicinity,
as 10 iron mm tanning ittiiit ric :eV'
10 iruil mid farm nc 1st
cral of 111 In this locality are Interested
lit Crook Co., and arr thinking of local-
ingai nenii urn coming sprin
nklnic you In advance for the na
Icr and any information you can tend
am very Irur
ilv your.
TtKRURRTOM, Willi., Jan. 30, 1908.
IWlctoPllend Ilullettn. I)rar Sir
Will you favor tne with a wmpte copv of
yourtcrornuy pflntcd matter in con.
nrction wit Ik ttie rctoureet of Crook
county. A compliance with thli requat
wllUjcappiecUtnl Retp'y.
Titos. rniJUN.
KroKANib ili Jan. 31. 190S.
Rear Sip 1 V'oulit be plcatctl to receive
a ropy o( our rjwr and any other
lltcrnturc that inl)ht he lntercitln)f to a
proipcctlve Killer. Your truly,
J. S. Kuy(;i:niai.u
Rkakdak, Wath., Dec. o, 1907.
The Iletid llulletin.-T.rntlcmcn: Will
you jilcnie send m n copy of your paper
alto any other reading matter of your
country. There are aevtrnl famllle
Dllnklnc of comtnit down there.
Youri truly,
8. W. Dknmkv
J. K. Sawhlll, secretary of the
Dend Corum.ercial pitib, has more
of a job on his hands than he ex
pected and could devote all hit
time to arnwcrinc inquiries and
mailing litpraUtrc descriptive of
this section. And such literature
is badly needed. There Is none on
hand thut gives information that
should be Riven in regard to this
country. It is impossible for Mr.
Sawhlll to write personal letters
answering nil the questions pro
pounded. It Is asking to much of
him to do so. Hence it is ueces
sary that some printed matter be
gotten out at once tuatter that
will describe" in a concise, attractive
manner the Irrigation possibilities
here, yield of crops, lumber re
sources, water power, climate and
scenery. There arc few sections
that have as good features to ad
vertise ns has the Bend country.
There should he printed matter de
scribing all the good things.
' The commercial, club can do a
vast amount of good work answer,
lug these inquiries and lookiug after
strangers as they come here to ex
amine our resources, But as
has been said above, printed matter
is nesded, and it Is up to the ad
vertisltig committee of the club to
sec that It s provided.
Resumes Work on Eugene & Eastern.
J. C, Brachcr, a director of the
Eugene & Eastern roilway, when
in Bbhd last slimmer, fold The Bul
letin that his road would be built
through the mountains into this
section within two yearn. Con
fltruction on this road has been go
ing steadily forward In the Valley,
excepting n short tlmo when Work
was stopped on account of the
ptiuic A dispatch to the Oregon
Journal from Hugcne ssysi
KuKcne, Jan. iy A. Welch, Kcueral
tnin;cr of the Portland, I'.ukcho &
Knuteru Railway cotntmny, which owni
the Hukciic atrect railway ariiteni and
lim Iwmiu the work of building an elec
tric line from Ihlt city to KprliiufieM
ami on up the McKruzie river valley to
the aummer retorts In theC&tcademottn
tains and to the Illue river mines, an
nounccs that work will be returned about
I'rhruarv I. u was stopped when the
Gnanciaf crnfH came on, but now that
tiionry is tatter to get the company will
renume Its activities. It
that cars will he runnliiK
Is expected
lie t ween uu-
Kene and SprliiKficld by the
middle of
Judge Brndshaw Askf for a List of the
depositors of the Uend Uank.
The Central Oregon Banking &
Trmt Company of Bend will not
Ik nblc to resume buiinpsj on Peb
l as it. recently announced it would.
The officers of the bank had all
arrangements madeta open on that
dutc but at the lait moment Judge
llnidshaw asked that, before he
dismiss tbc receiver, a list of the
depositors be sent him showing the
ot-rccment which they had signed
lift regard to their deposits and the
HubMquent action of the bank; and
also showinu for what per cent, cf
the bank's total deposits the de
positorH had agreed to take time
certificates. The list has been bent
the judtic, and he Intimates that be
will dismiss the receiver so that
business can bejesumed by about
Peb is'
Nearly the cnUrc amount of the
deposits have ecn signed up Un
der the time certificate plan, out
lined bcloy. The deposits have
dropped from $(5t,(j.i3 87 at the be
ginning of the panic to $28,875 07
at the present time. Of this
amount J.ooq it has been signed
up, leaving u balance unsigned of
53.966 ft Of the unsigned bal-
unce 1700 is not aue unui Marcn
16 next, and fcoq not due until
Feb 25 next That leaves a bal
once payable on demand of $1866.
76. The bank officials arc confi
dent that fullv half of this balance
will ppt be demanded in cosh as
there aje a large ntimber of checks
drawn against the amount and these
cbectf5 will, In rnost cases, be en-
tcreq to me cretin 01 tuose wuo
haye agreed to take time certifi
cate-, f hat leaves praticauy tne
entire amount 01 tne ueposiu signeu
up under the time certificate ar
rangement. In common with many other banks
over the country, several weeks ago
the Bend bank asked its deposi
tors to take time certificates for the
omouut of their deposits. These
certificates will bear 3 per cent, in
terest and one-tenth of the amount
will be payable each month. It
will thus require to months to re
tire the certificates aud pay them in
full, although Mr. Steidl, president
of the bank, says that if the people
will be loyal and support the bank
by giving it their business it will
be able to pny off the certificates
long before the to-month limit.
The above is a much more liberal
offer than most banks that were
forced to close are making. Other
banks are asking their depositors
to take certificates that mature in
two aud iit'same cases three years.
The bank will open for business
in a stronger coudition than ever.
Several business men of the town
have taken stock in tbc institution
and will hereafter have a voice in
its matiagenkut. Among these
are II. P. J. McDonald and E. A.
Sathcr, who will be on the board of
directors when business is resumed.
The board of directors will then be
composed of the following: John
Steidlf J. B. Heyburn, E. A..
Sathcr and H. P. J. McDonald.
Olds Waatcd.
On Clearing juulper from 80 acres
of land ( mile west of Powell
Buttea station H. Spining,
46-4? Bend, Oregon.
Busy Reporters Gather In
Heresting Notes.
Bulletin Correspondents Send la New
(terns from RedfHoad, Tomato,
(Hst aad Rostand.
n,llDHOVt), Jan. 3J.P. L. RScker and
family' have 1 Returned from Princville to
live In'Rcdrpond dncc raorb.
Carl IOtrct Is now' ready to register
those who with to participate III the pri
mary election hi April. Come up and
register and bring two witnesses. If. you
do not participate In the primaries you
have no kick coming If candidates are
elected who dp not sujt you.
The settlers' meeting Saturday nlgbt
waa well attended and a good program
was carried out. Another wilt be held
in two weeks. At the Saturday night
meeting Volume I, Number I, of the
Redmond Journal made Its appearance.
Wlille pcrbapa not qujle up to the stan
dard in snechanlcat make-up its editors
and reporters could give the writer of
these notes aces and spades and then
lake the trump away frpm him. Among
other thines we learned of an Increase
of seven in the Brown fatnUy, all from
t e have several inquiries from intend
ing settlers and prospective purchasers
to answer regarding the advantages and
disadvantages of this section. Some
times it keeps us going some tQ know
just how tq answer. -
Keiebbor O. It. Lone has moved out
on hlsjiamesiead agara.
After the settlers' meeting Saturday
night part olhc crowd 'enjoyed them
selves dancing at lUcClay's.
Mrs. M. t. Ixodes has been on the
sick lis) far the Pt week.
K. C Fakk.
TumaJo Items.
Jan. 2. Warm
Tuwai.0, Jan. 2$. Warm days
cool nights seem like spring.agaln,
W. I Dowpipg passed through Toma-
lo today.
Nick Smith a trip to Bend today.
Dr. Turley of Bend passed through
here one day last week with a load of
people looking over the country.
Mauy of our farmprs qrc clearing lni
and a big acreage will be put in this
L. H. Root nd, V' Vr Swischer made
a trip to the Haystack country Us(
C. K. and, J', p. Srfljm mvl? trip to
Bend 'last .fjrk.
A large cpujd gallierei at te home
of I. B. Winter today to partake of a
birthday dinner given iu honor of Mat,
tcr Raymond. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Bailey a,nd, three children, Mr,
and Mrs. Snider and Gve children, Mr,
aud Mrs. Chas, Spaugh and two children,
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Wlmer and Miss
Alice, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spaiuhour,
P. V. Swisher, Mr. Baldwin. Mr. aud
Mr. 1. It Wlmer and Master Raymond,
and Mrs. L. J. Wlmer. All enjoyed a
most hearty dinner and a. pleasant day
was spent that will bo remembered for
njany year.
Our choice for nomination for county
judce, II. C, Hills of Bend.
Inklings at Otst.
Win. Burkhard and A.lex Leverna
went to l'rluevlllc Tuesday on business,
Leo Arnold has returned home from
Princville, where ho has been working
at his trade.
Quite a number of Bend people attend,
ed the dauce at Sisters the j;nd.
Lewis McCallistcr went to the Hay.
stack country today after a load of seed
Thomas Arnold will start in a few
days for California to look over the
Mrs. Myrtle Arnold Is spending a few,
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. L.Glst.
Henry Schumacher is bulldiug a fine
house on his homestead near Gist. .
Dr. M. V. Turleaud wife and Frank
Hodsou aud wife stopped over a few
minutes at Gist on their way to Sister-;
to the dance,
Sunday school Is progressing nicely at
the Gist schofij.
Mr. and Mr. C. L. Gist spent Sunday
with Walter Graham and wife.
' J. II. Jtdwinls of Bend spent Sumliy
In the Gist neighborhood.
RoshHid Mappentfljcs.
C. W. Richie has moved into Krank
Bogue's house,
Chester Hollinihead arrived in town
Wednesday with a load of grain for the
stage company's teams,
Wmer Merrill anil Joe Taggert arrived
in town Monday evening and left for
their homesteads Tuesday afternoon.
They took Otie Clausen and Carl Wise
with them am) expect to put up a new
house on both homesteads.
The weather mans trying to give us
a snowstorm at this writing. Wc cannot
find fault with the worst kind of weather
after the fine weather enjoyed so far this
Roper Clausen is up and around again,
Bogue & Co. are making some im
provements in their store. They are
building a set of shelves through the
center of the store.
Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Rourk are at last
settled on their homestead.
J. L. Poole was in town Tuesday anil
Too Utt for Ud wttfc.
Chas. Carutichael arrived in town this
morning on his return from Frineville.
He says bp has clear soiling In regard to
his homestead. He will go on to Lake
vlcwby Thursday's stage.
Rosland is at last assured of a sawmilt.
J. M. Masten of RoUnd and Mr. High
tower from below Bend have made ar
rangement to set up the mill as soon
as possible.
Rosland expects a boom in tne spring
and It is starting early.
George Bogue has disposed of the feed
stable as Chas. Richie will take coulrot
of same the (irst'of the month. We be
lieve Mr. Richie will be very well liked
by the travel and we are glad to hear he
is going to stay with us.
Mr. and Mrs. Rtehte will wore into
Prank Bogue's house aa soos as it Is
Rourk'a are moving onto their home
stead at this writing. We wish thetn
every success at reaching. I
Yhere will be a dance at the Rosland
Hotel Priday, Jan. 31, aud we will be
very gd to show our Bend neighbors
how welcome they will be if they ouly
give p the chance. We ore promised a
good crowd and know there will be a
good time. Everybody Is welcome.
Mr. and Mr. 9ogae returned Ifome
Sunday and reported Mr, aad Mr. SIsc
mqre as improving. We are glad to
here It
Mr. Roper Clausep has Ueea seriously
ill but think b is some what Improved
and hope he wilt qontlape to improve.
Will Bogue made a short trip to Princ
ville Priday but returned Wednesday.
Tom Ryan stayed over here last Pri
day night, lie was on his way tp Bend,
Messrs. JK. Sawhlll nnd H. It. Allien
of the Bend bank were in town Sunday
aud Monday. ,
Artie Howard has delayed wfOrk on his
barn ou account of he weather.
Jake Howard', son George lias been
visiting with A rue Howard and I1.4
. Genevieve Howard spent Saturday and
Sunday with her uncle, Jake Howard's
Commend Supervisor A. S. IretMd.
To Hon. GifSbrd Piachot, Fores.
ter, Washington, D. C: At 4
special meeting of the Grant County
Stock Growers' Association held a.
John Day, Oregon, January 18,
1908, the following resolution was
That inasmuch as then hu been criti.
cism of the administration of the Blue
Mountain (West) National Forest by
Suncrirsor A. S. Irclaud and said criti
cism was crutmdted in rcselutious from
the State Wool Growers' Association at
their meeting at The Dalles, Oregon, in
November 'last, and his removal de
Resolved: That this association does
.not approve of said resolution and de-
administration of said A. S. Ireland a
an honest and earnest effort to & n very
difficult, aad almost thankless .position,
v.a.M.r..ii.. ...K...t4.. '
J, K. Show.