wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmm a iTITmriT'is innpan mwirrr r -- "'"' ?iippvigwMr iMMHHll .: 'n t. v- ' rSxijawr't' -' ' '"rv.3.iu,H Vs v .. BEND IS SURE TO QROW I cm i ir ..- I- - ' " i i i i '," MM-MHBHMWnMBNMMMWHHMHMHMW r t l It 3. i Sleei License Notice. , Tb tht 1 too arable Major and Common Couu til of the City offend. Gentlemen Tbc undersigned, Karl J Wright, having heretofore filed la the office of the Re- CWnaboiHl, effective nntll the 6th day wf i'tzxa. igaa, nun Ralph Khcldon. of Bead. Oregon, , It A. fcithcr, of Bend, Oregoa, n sureties, and having subscribed and (worn to 1hj affidavit hereto attached, respectfully band herewith the receipt of the Treasurer for JirS-eiaud applie for a license from the Cltyol iiv-nd to aell sinritooua, vinous, aod malt Itauora nal fermented cider in lac beitdUiK situated on I Mail and ir. Block to of hend, O'rgon, for a l?to4 or three month from the ut day ef Kl- aary, 14. Respectfully. KARL J. WRIGHT. Dated at Bend, Oregon, thla ljnl day of Jan a rary, yjat. f.TATK OP ORKCON, 1- County of Crook .J. Kart J. Wright, being first doty aurora, dr fv and Uf that on the tjrd day of January, aA I applied to tlir ItJuorablc Mayor and toniraon Council ol the City of Dead fur llccnie cb k:11 aplrttuoua, vinous and malt liquor and fermented rider In the City of Bend for a period f three montha from Ibc lit day of February, Woiatd lint I bare nerer been convicted of Ml'inKordelirerlnzapintuoua, rinout or malt Ikjuoiaor f'rrocnlfJoder to a minor, or of al lowint a minor la loiter in or about any place where apirttnoua, vlnou or malt llquou or fer mented cider were aold or la any manner dit pewdof. KAKLJWRICHT. ubrribed and aworn to before me at Ilend. Kreton, thla ird dai of January, iw- V O. MINOR, Koury Public for Oregon. Timber Land, Act Juue J, 1I7S. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land Office. Lakcrlew, Oregon, January 14. i. Sotlce la hereby glren that in complbince with rhe nrorlaiona 01 the Act of Conerrsa of tone 1. rirytl, entitled, "An actfortheaaleoftiniberlanda lu the atatea of CalUomia, Oreson, tlcradaaiid Kaahlncton Territory," aa eztesdrd to all the jwwic na atatea by Act 01 Auguat4, I69J. Altru Vf. Wllcoxaoa nfCend, coauty of Croak, H'ate bt Orrgsn, haa ihiaday liUil lutbloolbce hia aworn autcment Su jv4. fur Ihe uurcbaae of the J:NW and KjSU! of bee 4, Tp at H, R II H W M And will offer Droof to ahow that the land duught la more valuable ur lu timber or alone luaii for agricultural purpoaea, and to catabliah hia claim to aald land before V. . Commia (.ouerli. C Ktiia at hia office at llend, Oregon, uu oaiuiuay, inc aain oay or iarcn, 190a. Jte namea aa wlturaaca; J. N. llunltr, W. 11. jial, J J. Hogan, V. A. Uttea, Jvhu Iiloaa, all of Utiid, Oregon. Aov and all oeraona clalmliiir advermtv the kiiovtMleacrlbed landa are requratrd to file Iheir naiBieiQ inn oiucc ou or ueiorenia win aay JIarcli, tout, t iU-atrj J. N. rAT0f, RegUter. There are good papers and poor papers. Subscribe for The Bulletin find read the Rood kind. E. C. PARK Importer and Breeder of PURE BRED Poland China tfogs BUck Larigshan Chickens , YfttiBf StMk for Site XmMOXD. . . GKJtGON. r ifi -.. r A" H Reasonable. Terms or Generous Discount for Full . s. The Centra Oregon Development Cos, BEND, , .QREGO.Ni ..; ' , Timber Laud, Act June J, tS;J, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V, S. Land OQce, LaVetlew, Oregon, December iS, 1907. Notice I hereby gircn that In compliance with the prorialoua oftbe Act of Congm of June J. 1S7S. entitled, "An act for the aale ol timber lawU lu the aUtra of California. Oregon, Nevada, and VTaahington Territory aa caiended to alt the public land aute by aa of Auguat 4, lJ, Denjamln McCaffcry of Redmond. county of Crook, atate of Oregon, ha thla day filed in thla office his aworn atate meat No yx tbrthe purchaae of the SI4NWI,' NWUNWU sec jand &UXSKH Sec 6, Tp l . KilKWM t And will cflrr proof to ahow that the land aought la more valuable lor ita timber or atone than fur agricultural puruoae. and to catabliah hi claim 10 aaid land before U H. Corumlwloaer 11. C laiia at bia officr in Bend, Oregon, on Friday, the 13th day of March, 190a. He namea witneMca. 1'. W McCaOVry, Kkhanl McCaScry, Minnie McCafftry, Jamca hpencer, (.'A of Redmond, Oregon Any ami all peraon claiming- adreraely the abewe-deacribed landa are requeatct to tie their claims in tht ofber on or before tbc aald I jtb day of March, i'c, 'to-tart J. .V. WATSON. Rcgiater. Timber Ind, Art J une j, 1S7J. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Lacd Office, Lakevlew, Oregon, January 4, 190a. Notice la hereby glren that In compliance wltb Ihe provlalona of the Act of Congrrsa of June J 17s, entitled, "Aa act for the aaleof llmbrr lamb lu he atate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waahlngton Territory." aa extended to all the public laud atatea by Act of Auguat 4, !, Jatnc J. Hogan of Portland, County of Multnomah, Elate of Ore gon, haa IhU day Died in thla office hia aworn stale menl No - for Ihe purchaae of the ftU'W NWf , wsswa acc 4 and ai'ai sec 5. Tp 1 B. KllKWM Aud will offer proof to ahow that tht land aought la more valuable for lu timber or atone than foragrtcultural uurpoaea. and to catabliah hia claim 19 aaid land before U. K. CommUaioncr II. C lfllla at hi office In llend, Oregon, 011 haturday, the nat day of March, lout. HenamctaawilneaKa. IfartJ. Wright, Wil lam II. htaaU, WlllUm lute JoKph N. Hunter, Allen WIIcoxmo, Wlliiauf J. Caudle, all of JJcud, Orrgoa i Any aud alt peraona claiming adaeraely the above-deacnbcd landa are rcaucatcd to flic their clalma in Ihia office ou or before aaid Hat day of aiarcn, vfm Ji7-ruro J, N, WATSON, Reglater. ' Timber Land, Act June J, i7, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8, Laud Office, Laker lew, Oregon. January 4, 1903. Notice U hereby given thai in compliance with theprovlaiouaoftheActofCongrea ol June 3, 178, entitled "An act for the sale of-tiinbcr landa In the atatea of California, Orrgon, Ncrada. and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the public Undatatta by act of Auguat 4, tsvr, 1'rankW McCalTcry ofUrdraond, County of Crook, Bute, of Oregon, ha Ihl day filed lu thla office Ma sworn state ment No. iVn for thr ourchasc of Ihe NUINWtf and N,NKK rkc 3, Tp JI 8, K If It W M And will offer proof to .show that the land sought I more valuable for IU timber or atone than for agricultural purpoae. aud to caUblith hia claim Co said laud before U,tt Commlasloucr II, c. Jillla al hia omce In llend, Oregon, on Monday, the ijrd day of March, I90. Jleuamceaewltaeasca) Jamca Kpencer, Bcn lamlu McCalfcrr, Minnie McCaftVry, Xicbacl McCaffcryi fll of Redmond, Oregon. Aay and alt peraoa clalmleg adversely the abova-aaacribtd laavta are reauratad to 81 their ctelaaa la this offiea en or bafcr M JKd day el Msren, iff, trvv t J. . WATWK. JxUUr. . Buy a Lot Now and Build Later ,ii i " ' ' - 1 Business and Residence Property, Timber and Far in Lands. Timber LanJ.Act Jnpc J, ll;J. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8, Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon, June lh, 1997, Notice i hereby glren that la compliance with he provlalona of the Actof Congrrsa of June A, I7. entitled, "An act fur lh.' aaleof timber land in the ataleaof California. Oregon. Nevada, and nvahlngtoa Territory,' aa catendett to all the .lu'ullc land atatea by Act of Auguat 4, ity, Albert C Luca f llend. county of Crook, state ol Orrgon, aa thla day filed in Ihia oinee hia aworn atate rut No 4t fur the purchase of the hWaWtf fsec jaudHSSI-K ofbec 4, Tp 11 , H H It snd will offer proof to ahow that the land ought la mote valuable for Us timber or stoie ban lor agricultural purposca. and to estab iah hia claim to aaid land before II. C. Wlla, ' S.Comrolwiourr.at hit ofliceatrirnd, Oregon, n the tth day of March, 191. II namea aa witnesses' William II Htaats, wph H. Hunter, Charle L. rrosk, John ttkll, all of llend, Otegou Any and alt peraouej claiming adreraely he above described landa are requested to file Nrlrdaima in Ihia office on or before the aaid Mb day of March, iy. Jj-inui C. W. MOORI!, Reglater. Timber Ijnd, Act June t, ilrJ, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, Lakevlew, Oregon, December 17, 9"7. Notice I hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of ihe Act of Congress of June J. itst, entitled "An act for the aaleof llmbrr lands In the atatea of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the public land atatea by Act of August 4, !-;, Caroline II. Kccne of Seattle, county of King, atate of Waihlngton. va Ihl day filed in thla office her aworn statement No. 1117, for the purchase of the UK nl'.K of hec 7. Tp n, K II 12 W M And wilt offer proof to ahow that the land sought la more valuable for ita limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud toestaMUh Her claim to aaid land before if H. Commissioner II. C. Kills, al hi olfwe at lleud. Oregoi', on Aaiuruay, luc 71a uay 01 Marcn. 191. Masts, W A. lutca. J. J Hogan, all of Mend, vrvgon. Anv and all rjersona elafmlar adversslv lh oore described landa are requested to file their tiaima in inia oroce on or bciorc the aata Tin ilay of March, iooI. Jt-mrfi J N. WATHO.V, RtgUUr. Timber Land, Act June , If r, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Mud Office. Lakcvlctr, Orrgon, December 1, 1907, Notice la hereby given that In compliance with theproviaion of the actofcongrtMof June 1,117a entitled "An act fur the aale of timber laud In Iheautea of California, Oregon, Ncrada and Washington Territory," a extended to all the public land autre by act of Auguat 4, ll?i, Jamca Spencer of Redmond, County of Crook, State of Ortgou, hua Ihia day, filed lu this office hi aworn autcment No. M for Ihe purchaae of tbsW)f W aud WU NWlf and NWtfBW,' of 6e 17, TpurJ.Rii i WM And will offer proof to show that the land aought la more valuable lor It limber or stone than fur agricultural purpose!, and to establish nia claim to aald land before V. n. Coiuuiuuloutr II. C. Kill at bia office In Uend, Oregon, en I'rlday. the IJth day of March, lyA lleiiaineawltureat Wm. 11. Btaata, o. N. Hunter. I'. V. Urr-slfrfv. Ilil. UrT.ir,,. all of Uud, Oregon, Anyaad alt peraon clalmiag adttraely the abovt-dMctibad land are rcUatd ui file thetr oUlmatu thla arte an or btfcrt aald Ijth Ay of March, 190a. Itc-Mft J,W,WATOW,itglUr, Timber Land, Act June j, 1A7S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IT. B. Land Office, Lakevlew, Oregon, December x. 1907, Notice la herebv siren that In eomtillance with Ihe provision el the act of Congrrsa of Juue J. ir. cntiUed "Aattt tor the aale of limber lanJa mine state or caiirornia, orrgon, .-evxua, and , Washington Territory," aa estendnl to all the puMItaad atatea by act of Auguat 4, Uoj, Kugenc W. Richardson of tlend. county of Crook, state of Orrgon. haa this day bird In thla office hia aworn statement Nv. vMa. fur Ihe purchase of Ihe NU'ii NWUKrouaJ .NliljNKU he 36. Tp l h, Kilh. Wll And will offer proof to ahow that Ihe land amight is more valuable fur ita Umber or atone than for agricultural purposes aod loeslaMlsh hlscUtta to aald laud before V. b. Commissioner II C mil, at hi, office In fiend, Oregon, oa Monday, the jud day of, alaich. 191, tie name aa wltneasca. losepls N Hunter. W. May Wilkinson, Ira I Wllkiuson. lamer J. Merrill. Archie 1'attle. WlllUai lb hUats, all of llend, Oregou f . Any and all person claiming adversely tht abor e-dccrlbed landa arc rr'iuestrU to file Iheir clalma lu Ihi office on or befute kl day of March, lyul. Ml' fa J. N. WATnO.V. Register. Timber Land, Act June 1, 5;I. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Iud ODlce, Laketirw, Oregon v January M, iJoL Nollcr I hereby given that in compliance with theprmrislouaoflliv Act of Congress of June J, l7p entitled, "An act for the aale eftltnbcrland In the suits of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waahlngton Territory,'' aa exttndrd to alt thr public land auua by act of Auguat 4, 19'. William J Caudle of llend, roujy,of Crook, aUle of Orrgon. haa ihia day filed III Ihia office hia aworn state meut o. wm for the purchased the NWWNWli rc 4 and N',N1'.!; ofoec i, Tp 11 H, K u It W it Aiut will offtr proof lo ahow that the land aought I more valuable fur II limber or alone than (ur agricultural purposes, aud to establish hia claim to said land before I' ft Commissioner II. C llltiaal hia office al llend, Oregon, ou I'rlday, the J7II1 Oay of March, ?4, He namea afawiinrsaeai 'I.J Hogan, of Port iin'i, urvgoo, isn j. wnuiu, wm. uissis, Jo. N. Hunter, Wm. lutts, all of In ml, Oregon Any and all peraon claiming adreraely Ihe above described laud arc rctiucatrd to file their clalma In thla office ou or before the aaul J7H1 day of Merc 11,1908. jt4-mr I. N. WATBON, Rcglattr. Timber Land, Act ol June 3, I8;J, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U, B. Land oifice, Lakevlew, Orrgon, January 4, 190L Notice ta hereby glren that In compliance with Ihe provlaloua of the Actof Congress of June 1, II78, entitled "An art for llie aale of limber landa In the mate of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Waihlngton Territory," aa extended, to alt the I'uuiic i,auu mates oy act 01 Auguat 4, ic;'i John H, Hmylhe of prnd, county of Crook, alale of Oregon, lia this day fltnl In Ihia office lilt aworn atalc ineut. No .wll, for the purchase of the NJtNliU oftlcc. 14, T l h, R II )'. W M Aud will offer proof lo ahow that the land aought la more valuable for Ita timber or atone Ihau for agricultural purpoae. aud to establish hi clalui la ukl Una before u, H, Coinmlaaioucr K, C. K1IH at hia office In llend, Oregon, on Kilday, Ihe aoth Jay or March, lia He namea a urltuesaeai W. Ray Wilkinson, KliuerJ Merrill, Ira J. Wilkinson, liugtne W, Ulchardsou, all of Uend, iurgou, Anv and all Dcraona clalmliirr adveraetv Hie abovc-deacribedianda ore renuesieil to file their cUlma In thla once on ot before aald aotit day ol narcn, lyoe, Jio-mnj J, N. WATHON, XcgUlcr, Read The Uullctiu, Vrv ' ' .is , T. v. . . TV' Payment. V , Columbia Southern RAILWAY. rAMUNOKR THAJN TIMIt CARD, iMilh, North bnd bound f HO. I DILV rM, tBAV r.M. A. I. nalLT rjtM. STATIONS. aiatvt A M. 1 1 I 44 I 4 IT M 4 4I SI J Al Joo !i 4 501 aaaiva . hifir.it , ..... jilnks,., .. . ...Wsccw . Ktoivlrke. ..-. huramil ... - . Hay Canyon Junction. .......lliiiuiUa .I)JI ........ n""!3i7a a I a jiiUZ ,LIi.'". ...MOras VaLey ...-.. .....m lioutbou. .. ., -e- & - - .. MIIANIKO , H W4J 14 10 It la M I) 9U til K 4 y t M LIUVB Dally aUge connection at Ahanlko fur Ante! ope, I'rlnrville, llend, llurna, Hllrrr lke. Mke. view, Mitchell, Hayvflle. Aiitonr, Ashwood, Can yon Clly, John Day City, and I'omII. 11, D, WOOHIIKKRY, C J!. LYTLK Superlnlendent, . 1' and PA. hbaniko Or OREGON SHOI(rLlNE amd UNION PACIFIC TO Salt Lake Denver Kansas City Chicago St. Louis New York ' ss aassaaw Ocean SteatiKrs between Portland and San Francisco every five days, Tickets to and from all parts of the United States, Canada aud ICuiojk;. For particulars, call on oraddrcsa JAS. IRKLAND, Tbe Dalles, Or. 'XIxk'm NBWQ In Tht bulletin, wFo AWo A Mo 4 ""v gr V jr l OFFICIAL DIRKCTOKY. UNITItf) BTATKA rtrskltat. Vice lfeslitit . . Keftclary frHe.tr. rary wf TlHinry . Hmtlatyet Interior- . rWalry4Wr ... . sVecrHaiy tatiiase .,,. rUry wf Cuulwirref- ThraxtMe Hott Charles W I'alrUtik. . . ., AHhu P.- . .Ornrge II CHttlr .... -l.tursK. (Iiftii W. II. T- 1 C.J Hlpa ... llKirMlla" pwdNMiler 0Ht4.. ..(lrrg Vun , Mi- AlUiwey (leaeeai.. WHMant II. Mh' . Seciclary of AgtteatHiH . ....... Jautra WH 8TATII Covetnor .. (lrrge)(.ChamtiU.i rWerttary of lltalf........ i. '. lwn,..i Yreasurer.-w,,.,,,. .....11. A. M-' Attorney ttenefat ...A. M. CrawMi Hopl. rublle lnHu4liM..I.J. ILAtkcrNa itlat 1'ilnler .. w. H. Ihinniw IWry aa4 So.t OoinmIliitrJ, W llalb u.8.,,..o,. :0 if&.r;." Congres-mer, .. . . l' A. Haji il A. Mw .(K.H Ilea,. tTtLHaH nuprerne juiige . MtVWmi JUDICIAL DlnTRICT 'Ju,,-" - .. ,'. I,, tiraitatiarv Atlotney. ...,.. . .,.'rnk Men'- CROOK COUNTY Judge. ... ,.. W. A IN 1 Cletk ........ nhMiff.,. ,...., flraiurtr. ... Assessor.. ..... .NVartru lli .M.M.PlgNkllUlX .....-.W, I' K . ......J. . M Pvlki .. rti..C, II. DliiwKhb -..W. K. Mcl'arU 1. nehottt Hui( uryor,... Coniliilulonef,,, i K. II. tlai. n, B. nirai ta iigaay.w, rim COUKTH. Ciacotr Ciwrt - mnt Men lay In Mar, Ifci Mouday In Octotier. J-aoBATk CoiikT-llrat, Monday In racli moni .1 CouuiioNi.as' Coua l'lr.i u-li.,1, In Jahuary, Match. My, July, HtntttiH- . and November, Jibnu Pciioob'tiwimer No. if. ( Inlm HlrlJI II'.CCoc IC. W. !"" Clerk.. "..,.. c. II. fictiioit (Mis Uulli U. Held Ml Maud Vandcttit Miss &lurlnii Vl'i.! Tcacheri.M l Orpha I'eltlt iMlail'aiiiilf lluiil.clt CITV 01' IIUND , ''""""""" ...f..-...ll. t', J. McDonald Kerorder....... (C ,( Trcafiifcr,.M-M,m- m ,, j 0,tM,r rc,H. iittitoii John u. Wenamly Anion Anne A. I lluiiicr C M. Iledfleld Aldcrraru. U. II. Davidson . YOU Will enjoy readiutr The Bulletin. ,w' WKAS, 1WTKRTAIN mnl INSTRUCT you, Subtcribe now tFV."Vf.ftJTJXW)i"iii'- ' I'wi LuaLiHiiBiiimiiii iiiiiwwi