The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 24, 1908, Image 7

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We Hear of More Cures
Of trouble! originating In Impure blood,
icrotula, Ion ol nilUo. catarrh, rheums
llim.hyllood'sHsrssprtrlllslliaiibyslloHier so-called remedies combined. Homrhow
(Iium cured by Hood's seem to lUy cured,
nd lhy alsdly I'll th good new toothers.
Scrofula oro"Mr wlf hd scrofu.
lout aur on bar Ut for rr. Mkitr dlfTr
ml medicine gar tut lllllo batianl. Hh
J u runt to lloud'a Hartiparlll aist th iota
qultklr h1d. Illtagoudblovdmedlcln."
J. N. IUrr, Croitr,TiM.
Afflicted 10 YonrB-lloo.!' Bartine-
rill hat eurtd nitof scrofula, wilt which I
liar been troubled tt tm, and csuted tr
vaeelnatlun, My lllll daughter bid a
scrofula swelling on her rtrrk n.l Hood'
tUriipirilU ilia cured hr." il. Nun I
lll'umv. Hu.tier, Tsnsettf. I
lloud's ttartaparllta I sold everywhere.
In Hit tmul liquid, or lit tablet form called
araataue. 100 Iomi One IMIsr. l'r.
pared only by 0. 1. Howl Co,, Ijwell.Man,
'Ili great l.lck telttrope will pick out
star j smitl tbst It would require !W,
00U of thuu put togtthr to b vltlbU to
tilt OSked .
railed u iwtitv.
On th mighty il"p.
Tbt great ocesn liner rolled ind pilch-
"Ilrnry." faltfrf-l tbt oun brlJ. -il
lll lH. htAl"
rou atlll lovt mV
"Mur tban trr( darllnul" wat INnry'i
frfiit aiinwer.
'X'brn lbrt wai an loiirnt illrnre,
"lUnrjf," tb iiid, tiirnltig tier pate,
ibaelly far away, I Iboiixlit that would
ItiuV in fel ttetter. but It doeen'tl"
ori.Kil.r'iWlfUnl.awr irJ f.fUkf
Kfrryo r-all the mrfollr of tntut
tut IIkM of purification of -inke. draltie and
uIcikIIiIii wlileli may link the Krrin ol
llrallh l a qurilMi of clranllnee and
Mix! tMtiila are fml lar tlh llietixinl
dlilnlrrunU In t rr nnllnary tni a I
of whirh are eillirruntd atantly nuoclalrd
wlthdlair.rreaLli.u-lnri -'it wlilfti r ilr.
i-nlri it kill Hi ami! nf ovulation I wlilrh
illillifif lmu iiiintof tirrcealty jufamor
or h-M daiitrmui Chirac tr), and luu.t U
iil llil. puriNiMvandnooiber.aiid In
rameiiriiremuil he kept from chlldrtn
irnia rir-p iiaii.n f. . . . .. I
T era (.lioneirr. wli ntlm merit oral '
of II our rr.vlrr a liiinie. mfn and toon
nntlral n-ln In that will not only autwrr for
eerr lilnfectiiiiiiirie but ran alo
baueed fora niiillllud of dome In clean-
line ami purllyl K purHi llorai
llorai U n p !, wh le armleie powder
ronilMKilltrrt fMiu .N'lun-, laUirahnyi In
feci llorai liaeufien Urn rallnl "Nalurt'e
Cleaneramtllilnrectan ."
Two Ul'lriKiiiriil...f llorai Inapulful
of hut water iHiurold'iwn the sreapnl-chok-et
plivMnf a uuk or tlciilied thruuxh adle-ea-l
dni drain, rleaiiwa and purtriei It,
IratlnK II el an and iwrrt.
lied rl iIiiiik and rlolhee toed In a elrk
iimiiii ran l in.e liyalmlrally clean and
inowy-wlille, If waihtd In a but roluilonof
Imrai water.
Kitchen and rating iitenlla uel durln
lllnre will lo kept from all po..lbliliy of
ronUKlun If llorai ii lienl when weitilng
llirni. 1'urw at mow and hurinU-i at all.
and tpva hi It cm be nil fur atinot every
domeet c and mrillral purpoee, llorai mun
Ixi con Itltrrd the on grrat tioUMhold na
tMly, lltBae4latf Jaek.
"Jack atwaya rnda hla lottrra to no
y laying, ' remain, youra foreTr,,H
laid tlio girl who bad more money thin
-Vca," rejoined her girl friend, who
had more beauty thitn money, "and If
fou were mr he would probably re
naln n baehelor."
MOWAIII) K. IIURTU.'f -Alum -1 0nUt.
Iltlil, t.'l ri iim Pill mi UulJ,
Mlfr,Ui.lliWlrr.will4.tMXlaeei ffaaWla tMIA. alalllae ! tl J
jMIMllitMRlvaspl-lieallaw. l-uaU-li4 Vm.
Hfawvf It (mIII
lllafl IWIWull !
imii m
Wtlli. Twa NU. Tttte Hter
ele. Ptae eewtletelr Umii
as ra'rtalee la war !
l-tor al niiiMtn, li imiii-,
Uim su, I'urtiaiHl iifvion
wwew l'Drfrh.
abllltr,rrry'3ds arlaaUMlyllm-
Mivtt. I'aiBicra
they kiiuw lliey
can In relied u
on. Don't eiptil-
Wtnt wlin cheap
aenia tourauie
.!- iimI mil liir
a conKicniiout
and ttuttwuithy
farra'a Sad Annual
(oriaaitrliKK, AdJim
and nuarantecd
tvery oarment guaranteed
Suits 3?Skkr3
jet) trvir mmui tnirmH
umoi mt i it MUX
.! lfi.l.MIf1jUJ.
P. N. U,
No. 3-08
TITMKN wrllla; toadverMrpleaa
Mealluu th fsper-
I . . 11
I fyJ
kfi&tJSctenco I,
3tei: AM",. I
It It estimated Hint Houlli America
furnishes nUmt 113 per cent of the
world' supply of India rubber,
It If computed Hint nbmit 14,000
word wero sent over tho Atlnntle on
lbs opening tiny of tlio wireless tolnf.
raphy from tho United Klndoai to
Certain kind of nolm-, says the,
Madras Tillies, ntlntct snake. Tim
whirr of tlio iinrwliux .inarliliio In one,
mil In six inimtlm an ninny as I'M
cobras nliitin have been killed on n
grass farm In Imlla by llio advancing
lly rubbing tnctala with unit be faro
Implying mervury, Hie nliclenls obtain
ed n renetlou similar to Hint for which
cifixr sulphate l used. Tlio clilorlno
released fnini tho unit formed n stiver
chlorldo easily attacked by tho mer
cury, so as to form nn nmnlRnin.
According to tho Engineering and
Mnn, j,mm) eMM Mw H,l0t 0f
. -
pitrruin hnrdnrM aixl mlmll l re
place dlnuiouda In drlllluc throuith
v rimimlliinM ! tiv aurdvlliv
or ntmnUlnjc inollrn ttrel Into cold wn- ilomaoh. U'lillo there ara many ao
tcr, thrrrby chlllliuc It Inatnntly. "".T1. ,,,,,,,tl",, rjuio.lloi, patent
I In A....r Ihm. -.. .n,nr. .t '"""f'1?"' ,,C.! 0,n of W',lc'' do. xt
lho VI. clo-e by lont IU-. t
w ....,.,-, .... . w .. ..- . m
... ..v. -....,. , ;"' ". "- - ureaiiv tpprrviated ny many autletera
moot retuarknbln limtltutloua for aolen-! lrre ( (,g t,ne
title rrirch In the world. It iwi Ita j inqurr Bl , j,B .torra of even the
eiUtetirtt to the Inltlntlre of I'rof. An.r,n, town ellc lathe information that
Klo Moai, of Ttirln, and la callvd llw , theee dr-iic at harmlcia and can be
liwtllule of Hip Cot d'Olrn. It con
tain InlKirntorlr for rcNenrrh n lot
any, hactrrluloity, wwloicy, pliyelolorjr,
tnrrpatrlat nhrtlra and ineteoroloxy. All
i,n utilis-ia in In lai atmllnl from
I"0 " Jcna aro tu I aiiKiini irom
' lcil I"lt of view of lho effect
of Alpine condttoni.
r..l n . ii.ii. !.......
iiior v.iwunir, n icii... ix
Inveutnl an apparntut ny nirnna or(
which a picture enn lie rrproducvd by
tcli-graph In tho fonn of an rrfsraYcd
plnte, from which printed coplcN may
be Imnmllately taken. The picture to
bo aent li prlnteil with thick, uon-om-ducting
Ink, and wnuml round a rurolr
lug cylinder, orer which pna-ca a atyliu
electrically connevtrd with tint tele
graph line. At the receiving end a
altnllir cylinder la cncneeil with lead,
or other ft metal, on which prcMee
the point of a graver. Tho variation
of Intensity In lha current produced
by tho atylue pasting over tho picture
at tho tranamlttlng elation cauaea the
graver to cut mora or Iran deeply, and
thu to prrxluoa a tyiwgrtphlc copy of
tho original, which may be placed with
out change on the printing pre.
The IVeimti nf iinrnmr' Kl-a.
A to Hie uncertainty of the alien
ing of tho King of Norwny'a name, n
Norwegian authority wrltcet "Th
genuine form of the name It Hakon.
Much variation h' Ilnkun, llakunn,
Ilnkvln, Ijtlln unguium, I leave out or.
muilderatton, Tha name U mad up!
of two elementa ha, lho mot of har,
high; ami kon, for hour (like on, for
riiur), Tho older form of konr wa
kunr, 'ho of Hm kyu (kunl), of tho
family, the noble race.' According to
the Kldcr Kddn ioein. Itlgmual
konr was the youngeat mm of Jnrl
(Karl), who himself waa tho son of tho
god ilclmdnli ('illuminator ntundl').
Konr ungr, the yoaiitf kon, swung him
elf, by drtds of nrtns. Into tho wl
Hon of a konuiilir, king, which, thougti
lho old ptMit knew It not. simply meant
tho kun-lng, 'ho of tho kin' ungr bo-
Inn n antnr Inillrnltni of ilrarciit.
I Mm nntiin llnViui rnea'ni '
HH,.iw !. l.luh mm of tho kin.' and
inust have been a tltlo for n prlnv,
a king, before It assumed tho exclusive
character of n proier personal iinme.
Tho old Norwegian pronunciation of
the 'a' In ha seems to havo coma closo
lo tho sound of tho l.ugllsh W In
know hut In tho courso of tlmo It has
broadened Into n sound na nearly na
iwmlblo Identical with tho Kngllsh 'nw'l
. . a . .. I
In hawk. Tho o' In kon Is very near-
ly equal to tho Kngllsh o' In on. Tho
nccont falls on tho first syllable. In
modern Norwrlun tho spelling of tho
iinmo Is Haakon ('nn' equals 'aw'),"
limit lliiitlliitr III N'v (lulnea.
I-'roni Netherlands, New (lulnon,
ronirH uowa of bead hunting luiioug tlw
pcopla nt Mernuke, thu clilof acttleimmt.
Thu NethorlniuU iiuthorltlca nro hard
put lo It to chock tho prhcttiv, owing to.
tho fortv of tho old custom tnnt cnu-
dnm must nenr tno tiaiuos oi tiiwa.
whoso licads Imd been taken olT by
tholr fathers. Lately many children
huvo boon namolcss from bond hunting
fnlllnir off. Tho result Is Hint tho pn
rents hnvo stnrtid huptlns Tor head In
lho neighboring llrjtlsli territory, Tho
Not-iorlnmla nuthorlttcri hnvo wnt out
. i i I . f.a 11.n
nnlroli to nrovoni incso rum, ooveni
pimlslimciit to Uio gulHy istrtles has
been throntoned. Strnlta Tlmea.
Cupid Is a wlso llttlo clmp. Ho'looda
(ho couplo to tho nltnr, then quits tho
Only a beautiful girl can nfford to
bar domeatlo vlrtuea uudor cov.
Buy the ingrriknU from Any Drugslot
In Your Town and Shalte Them
In a Dottle to Ml Thli.
A well known authority on Itheums
Htm glvoa tho rtsders of a Isrgo Now
York ilslly paper tlio following thIiih
hlo, yet ilmplo and Imrmlmii irotcrlp
Hon, whloh any one can tiaally prcfttro
at lioint; ,
Klultl Kitracl Dmulellon, one-hall
uuuro) eotii()ound Karjion, oun oiiikhj
ComiKiund Hyiup KaiMpurllla, thrfe
Mix by hVln( moII In a b)ttl, and
take a Inupounful after each intal and
t Ixsltliutt.
II iUtti that the Ingrnllenta ran be
nhtalnrd ftom any good prvacriptlon
pharmapr at tinall cott, and. llnK tt
vrxi'lablo vatractlon. ara liarrnleia to
'Mil plmmnt mlxluie, If taken rrgu
htrly for a few ilayi, l ald to ovrrjcotnr
almoNl any an of llhctiumtlgni. The
li I ll nnd aaellliiKi If any, dlmlnlihei
with rarh doae. until tiennanent trtult
tfll ohtlilllfsl. Slid WllllOUt iclllf IIHF tllO
. Mlla.r fmmt MHi lltf iiIva tMaiiinl tr.
mlUtf Bm, lh, Bbl)Ve m no Joul)tf
bouuht irpaiately. or the drutrt Itta will
mix tho prescription If aaked to.
llailvr fh Kerf ftulliia".
Ille lawyer Tba trouble la that
tliey't (ut half a doten wltnraae who
m kill l.l.. ..t.... -m If. III l
(pan jvu M.M..J( VU( Wlir. tl lll im
bard to eetablleb an alibi In the face of
rrieoner on i i don't need any
alibi. All you're jot to do I to pror by
I waa drunk.
Thai TerelkU llof.
Mra, Kermthert (making a call) Ye,
Indeed, JIr. Kajonea, I put In nearly Ibi
whole bleued day In tbt dentin' chair.
Jlr. Kajonea I can ajmpatblie with
rou. I know bow It burl.
Mr. Kerrulkera My dentltt hirdly
iter burta me, tbouxh. lie' an careful
and gentl that I don't mind It at all. I
dtclir I itept half lb time while he wai
at work.
Johnny Kajonea That dentletwouldn't
aevtr do for maw. When the goe to
tltep the anorea Ilk a thraihln' mactln
nw ee ml lh Family,
"Unci 'Itattui. how old are youf
Taa' Mvenly-nlne. bou. I'll aooa b
a octogtranlum. Chicago Tribune.
Warl CaMssaBlwa,
Adam -wfci P.rtr rid a a itreet
heul payln'T
Job Hturky Wuntt. Th Jigger en th
front end ' th car picked m tip an'
kerrled in ralfbty near a block 'for lb
roaductr found It out.
i...u- la the Vea ne-.
Carrie What a awcet, happy dlerxv
altlon Mabel haa. Bh can e beauty
B evtrythlng.
Ethel (Jealoua) She can't see It tn
her mirror. Iloeton Transcript.
I'larUo- "Brldair."
"Do you remember before the wert
ding you used to call our wlfo a
jux-mT"' said the bachelor caller.
"Yes," sighed the domestic man, ai
h twirled an alarm clock to amuso tho
baby, "and I still call her a 'poem.'"
"You dor What kind of a '(km-iii Is
she now a 'poem of beauty or a
lOeni of loveT "
"Nelthrrl Hho Is a 'poem of travel.'
Always on the go aud never at home."
"You ay your wlfo Is a poor cooler
"Tho worst ever."
"And yet you say that you eat all of
everything that !u prepares for Hi
table. How cau you do that If sbo
can't cookl"
"Qrent earth, man! If I don't she
will use up tho scraps In somo of tbosa
how-toutllltolrft-oTcrs dishes, and that
will m my tlnlsh." Judgo.
M'hal the Clulli flat In Hotton.
If you go to Ban L'runclsco and meol
a friend lio will ask you to stay n week
with htm. In Omiiha ho will toko you
home ovornlg-ht, In Chicago ho will
tako you out to dinner, In Now York
ho will hurry you off to lunch. In Now
Haven ho will hand you a good clgur
aim ui iiostou no win giro you uu uji
jmw, ,uuiv.uiiuuuiiau
Uovolten t tho Ideal.
Tb hero of the play had Juat died ts
llow, tremulous, wabbling mimic, but tbt
sudlence Insisted on bis coming beforo tbt
curtala and kept up the applauis for tha
ipsco of Ave minutes.
At lait a sypo cams out nnd itepped
(itsata aiil '
"Ladle snd gentlemen," he announced
lu a high-keyed voice, "he says he'll hsvt
th curtain raised and you can look sgslo
en his cold corpse If you want to, but he'll
b d d it he's going to vl'lsta tha pro
prieties and degrade his art by coming to
'lit sgam otor to-morrow evening.
again before to-morrow evening.
nisaklng you sgsln, ladles aad gtatlenui, 1
i wui aew rem.
Enforced Service Face American
l'aoplo, Declnr Adjutant ,
Oeneral Alnaworth,
UiiIi-m rmllcnl ineiaiin-a nro enncted
fo IniltKi) men to eiillnt In tho Unlleil
Hlfllea nr my, cuiiocrlptlou inut U- re
orirteil to, derlnrcN Major (lenornl F. C.
Alnaworth, ndjutout genernl, In lila an
nual report.
"Nolwltlmtaiidlng lho ni'wt "trcmi'iui
cffortN oil tho pnrt of tlio Wnr Depart
meiit nnd tho recruiting ollk-em," Miya
(lenernl Altixwiirtll. "It hna Ix-eil found
ImiiiMulblo wholly to nmku koimI tho!
Iomu-b, to any nothliig of IncrenidtiK tho
eMlltliil Mtrcugth to tho authorized lim
it. If priwut onidltloim inllmiollirro
will ho iiothlng for tlio Kovernment to
do hut meet thl cuuictltlon by mate
rlnlly Increailng Hm, aoldlern' pay or
to erode competition altogether by n
reaort to conscription."
Never heforo has such n auggcatlnu
comn from nil olPcer clothed with the
authority to mnko recoinmciidatlonH.
The Men of compulsory enrollment of
Indlrldiinla for tho military eervlco has
been held abhorrent to republk-nn prln
clptea and thu iilmenrc of sucli a law
In ono of the moat forceful argument
useil In attracting deslrnblo ImnilKra
Hon from Kuhiik.
Oniclala of the War Ih-iiartrnent nn
tlrlpnte Hint the jtoealbla neccwilty for
uch action outlined by Orliernl Alna
worth will pnivo vHlciiclou In securing
consideration by CongrcMi of Hm In
crease of pay bill. It la with the Brent
eat reluctoneo Hint army oHli-cra enter
tain the thought of cotiitcrlptLpn. hut
generally they agree with Ceneral
Alnaworth Hint It either tr.uat come to
that extremity or tnoro idouey must
Im provided for tho soldier If the alnnd
lug of the anuy la to ho maintained.
Europe in Sad Straita with Horde of
Returning Immigrants.
It Is n curious commentary on the
economic conditions of lha Aid world
Hist the turn In lho title of American
Immlgrstlon l canning M-rlous troubln
In Italy, Auatrla, (lennany, Kwcdeii
and Norwny. If the Industrial condi
tions of the United states of America
threaten to b hod, they are Infinitely
worm In the countries limned. Italy
complains the loudet Uvause tho sit
uation there Is the moat p-rlous. Her
returning hordes do not bring audi-
clcnt money to sunmrt thorn more Umn
a few weeks at most, while many land
practically pcnnlliKi. Tho authorities
there confess Ihcmselres unable to deal
with lho problem.
Tho Hennnns, however, are much
Mtcr provldol with money on an av
erago than lho Italians, Iluslnesx con-
dltlotis lu Hwedcii aud Norway nrrt so
bad this unexiiected Influx Is truly ap
palling and much dlstrcM is Inevitable
lu tho severe northern winter.
IlrlckmaVers In New Houth Wslea earn
bout $10 a i-ek. -l'uruliuro
iiiaVlug lu Canada gttcs cm-
ployiuent to uter 8,Ik people.
Tun women la the Culled Hlates earn
their living In the capacity of bagguge
nen. Among the orgnnlird women worker
lu (lenuauy, H,U7 belong to the untal
Tlmmltb In Calcary. II. C. have had
their wages Incrraaed from 40 tvnta to
i'iVj cents an hour.
Tho strike of Vienna (Austria) omni
bus employes la nt an end, several eon
(VKalous havlug been luado by the
The Iron fuVrlng and metallic lathers
o( Iloitou hae recently had their wages
Increased from I V to liii cents av
The I-'alf Hirer Textile Council ami the
mnuufnclufer hnvo ogmd lo continue
the wagi-rstnlilUliuient ugreeiucnt for an
other six months.
During the period extending from Janu
ary, 1SIH1, to Nov. 1 of thli )eur, the
lion Mulders' Union paid in bvnetlta to
ha stck members Sl,:fi)7,7uM The union
has pnucd Hie 100,rj00 mark and Is still
growing rapidly.
At the conciliation meetlug, held re
cently, tho reiiuest of tho Welih colliers
foi an advnnre at 2V per cent waa
granted, This now makes the rate at 00
per cent above the maximum, according to
tlK etumlard of 1871).
Mora than 00 per cent of the stereo
tjpeni and electrotypers of the United
Htates uiul Cnnnda are within the ranks
of tho union, while In some uf the large?
cities every man at th trade Is a mem
ber of the union.
The loss of tlma to employes through
tiades dUputts In the Domlulon of Can.
ada during September of this year
,,. ,n , fim rn ,,,..
1WW )pM . MU".
cause was J
90,800, and the jar Ufore, 07,U0,
m r w mTTm ?
2&e0-ALL DnVGCl$T$-&Qo.
Tha Seholar,
Dr. V.xnnn, n witty member of the
Parliament at Melbourne, was an old
man, nnd the other member Jokingly
poke of him as belonging to the era
of Queen Anne.
Once, while msklng a speech, he re
ferred lo Queen Anno and was greeted
wIBi cries of "Did you know herr
"What was sh IlkeJ"
"Yes. sir," replied the doctor, "I did
know her. Tho scholar U cuuteaj
rary with all time."
Tor Infants and Children.
Tie Ktfd You Hare Always BwiJit
jj ' B
Hoars tho ff . ST? . fT"
Blgnaturo of Cjuts4fflG&&&t
Th lead In vlry cbesp peaclts Is some
times only coke.
Tha P-ru-na Almanac In 0,000,000
Tlie Per ana Lucky Dsy Almanao Las
become a fixture in over eight million
homes. It ran bo obtained frooi all
druggists fie.
Be suro to innniroi
- . "
early. Tha 1908 Almanac la already
published, and the supply will toon be
exhausted. Do not pat it oil. Speak
for one today.
waa oi taa -avaia.
"So your daughter made a
"Not Tery, answered Mr. Cumrox.
"Your son-in-law Is of noble origin!'
Yes. Hut I couldn't pronounce his
osmeprorerly the first time I tried."-
Washington Star.
A Wonderful Record.
Man so-called "specifics" and
"cures' for rheumatism have already
been brought before the public: but
when rhenmatlsm, neuralgia and kin
dred dltcsues have become chronic and i
threaten eeiious results, yon may rest'
asiured that they will help but Tery 1
nine, li any. Aiinoogu not rccom-'
mended aa "Infallible," the peculiar
qualities of 6t. Jscobs Oil especially !
adapt it to tboso cases whloh may be
termed "chronic" and which have
previously withstood all known "ne-
cIGoi," ae well aa tho prescriptions o
uio ueiv piiysician.
The population of Oklahoma Is about
100,000, aud the Increase In Oklabomt
City, tho metropolis, which now ss 3V.
..., uos ueen u-i pr cent la seicc
Every part of the body la dependent on the blood or nourishment nnd
GtrtURth. When this life stream ia flowing through the system in a state of
purity nnd richness wcare assured of perfect nnd uninterrupted health;
because pure blood la nature's caf c-guard mjainst disease. When, however,
the body ia fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of
Its strength, disease Rcnns collect, and the trouble ia manifested in various
ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes nndthedifferent skin offccUoaa
show that tho blood la in n feverish and diseased condition as a result of too
much acid or the presence of eome irritating humor. Sorca and Ulcers on
the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca
tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Ulood Poison, etc, nro nil deep-seated blood
disorders that will continue to irrow worse aa lonir as tho nolsnn remilu.
These impurities and poisons Cud their way into the blood in various ways.
Often a sluggish, inactive conditlou of the system, and torpid state of the,
avenues of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and
form uric and other acids, which arc taken up by the blood and distributed
throughout the circulation. Coming ia contact with contagious diseases k
another cause for the poisonlnir of the blood : wo also breathe the perms and
microbes of Malaria into our lungs, nnd when these get into the blood ia
sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier of diseaso instead of health. Soma
arc so unfortunate na to inherit bad blood, perhaps tho dregs of some old
constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they ara
constantly annoyed nnd troubled with it. Bad blood is the source of all dis
ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed nud purified the body is sure to
Buffer in some way. For blood troubles of anv character S. S. S. 1 i!ir K--
rciuedy ever discovered. It goes down
and all poisons, supplies the healthful
cures Kucumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sorea
PURELY VEGETABLE .". Skin Diseases, Contagious
Blood Poison, etc.. and does not leav tha
slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of
blood i$ renewed and cleansed after a course of 8. S. S. It is also nature1
greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is absoltsttly
harmless to an v Part of the svstem. S. S. S. is for sale, nt nit time r-iaaa
(kvjr trtoros, Book on the blood and any
. rue swtrr
roa rrif m us, eon tn v, trum on unasc,
voun oack ritut uke a rusty hihci j
cutw ACM ts Alt flKMUMM oit,
Only la- fllitbt.
Soulful M la You are familiar, I pre
sume, with the l'urtugucM HytnnT
Col. Ijmpkln rSJuat returned from a
trip abroad) Kr no; I taw him. of
rounte, when 1 ws In Kurope, but I aever
tcet 'lu. You mean King Csrlo, don't
iir iut aijtnaiure m r w. 'tnuvK, uta It
rrcrljliitr to Cor a Cold In On Pay. r-r.
In Home, lu the golden age, a laborer
only cvA (100, aud souKtlint-s, after a
great victory and au Influx of captives
Into the capital. It was possible to buy
strong, capable i lares for f3 iiplecc
HkUftil slave, men with trades,
l" 1'" pr'-. paii
1 11,000 for a scrib-. Catiline Iiad a cook
I that cost hlto fVM. A gardener was
) "wlb I30. blncksralth 1700. an actor
tS.CCt), a physician ,10,000. I-oularlll
Ho a will Sod Kn. Tfloalow' Pnnthtat
SyruplIMb at remedr to uae Jox their cklldroj
Surlug sit l thing IrlwJ.
ti)3 1U13 JIJJ D ppUK)
ipjcr SJB 1MJ svoo Jood Ianjjt an
-juiiiu Mora m pas pJo eqi ui uo.'j
-ln ou wint isiji -tio rtvio yjy Xara
-I' n'l lutunsis-4 jo notjjodo4d
tluir'w til r-bL .rwf iSttv sjia w uti
l""c tJiA ' ""w r V. -J
g,,,. of oSedmenta for Catarrh that
Coat-'n Mercury,
u raerrury wlllenrtlydeetroy tbceenteolanelt
i ana unpie leif uerange Ine whole ilium wuen
enterin(Hlhrou(hlheraneoo(aurlae. Bach
sniciea noma never uiiiarti ez'euioa pre-
rrlt.llona linn ht.l.lin,. u l
' ai l-l- ahmllil -.
nauaceine win no la ten loin
-. T." ..-.-r : .-....-. . ...
ean poulbly derive Irom them. Hall'aCaUrth
'Cur, manufactured by r. 1. Chiner Co..
I Toledo. l.,eontalna no mercury, ndbuktn
I Intern alle, actlnj dlrerUy uron U htood and
muedtu aurlaiea ol lh iratem. Is fetfTlsc
edo,Ohla.brr.J.Ciney-Co. TutlmoalaJ
Kol.l b
rProrslati. Prle,7e. per bottle.
llall'aVamUy rill for cenatlpatloa.
Jaal m faaally Jar.
lie (angrily) So there was a saaa
after you when you married me, was
She Yea: there was.
"Poor fool I I wlih to heavens yoa
had married him."
"I did." Boston Transcript.
At. Yitaa lUora im aJt Mivaaa IMaa
Mrmaaaailr rand br lr. XUa Ueraa
Kurr. HalHl for VKKE tl trial botUa asd
UmUh. lie. lu 1I.1ULM. 1, sti Atch bt. raui
I.rtllns; the Cat Oat.
Amelia Herbert, dear, your office I oa
Orange street, Un't It T
Herbert Yea; why?
Amelia That'a what I told papa, nt
made auch a funny mistake about you tbt
n.KaB .1.. It& 1.l l.l lu. I.).Ih bh
up In Ilrad atreet
into the circulation and removes any
propcrtlca it nccd3, and completely
uuu. crmaacnuy cures mood diseases ol
every kind. The action of S, S. S. is so
thorough that hereditary taints are removed
and weak, diseased blood made strong and
lical thy so that disease cannot remain. It
medical advice free to all who writ.
stvcm oo:, atiahta,