t!&WPX'jik,W' BEND BULLETIN. - -.j '-- : 1 i . 22 VOL V BliND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY ?4, 1903. NO. 45 THE I I Bcnd-Slwniko Livery & StaoConipany , J, ilVliNANDV, Prop,. New Covered Stnp;cs between Bum! nnd Smnlko Livery nnd Peed tables atSlmuIko and Bend, Wo run pur rlga to ploctsc tlio public, K Stages ItMvc'onch way ovcry day. Rigs to nil pcU fcf Control Oregon. Careful drivers furnlBhcd ""J I now huvc it bolter outfit of bug-lo nutl homes and can give more satHfuctory service than ever before. All kinds of light nnd heavy livery furnished on uliorl notice nt rcnsonnble rates to nil points In Central Oregon. Triveliuv -parties will profit by fleeing 111c before Koinu cNi-whcrc. Pur further fnfo-niutlon about stages consult J. H. WilNA.viiY nt Bend, or W. IN KUM.KV, Agent, Slmnlko. Oregon Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage. A Complete Stock of dry At (lend, Oregon. Hough, Surfaced and Jouklcd -LUMBER- At rknd, Oregon. All Widths, Lengths and Thlckncascs' n Reasonable Prices (lood Oradcs IDry Stock INCH COMMON DIMKNSION SIIII'LAP ' RUSTIC T. & O. PLOORINO ' DKADRD CHIMNO WINDOW JAMBS ; WINDOW CASINO HKAD BLOCKS. " " 0. O. BASKBOARD STAIR TRP.ADS watUr f AJir.u 0. 0. iiaitins moui,d,ings. IN U.'l). PATHNT Rp.O.V'INO PUNCH PICKUTS SIIINGI.HS KTC, KTC. . ItwAtt Bclherd at Lew Cost Anywhere m The litit ef The D. I. & r. Co., or (Tke C. S. I. Ce. CUSTOM PEGD MILL IN CONNECTION. APPLY TO Central Oregon Development Company BEND, OREGON N0$ CARRIES WATER Construction of Stac Pipe Is Pinched. A PERFECT PIHCG OP WORK 1 t Superintendent RcdflelJ Is Well Sat ' 'i.n.i uiiii. til itu T.ii.vm 1 Reclaim 1 2,000 Acres. The stave pipe that the Dcb chutes Irrigation & Power Cotu pnuy hns been building across the old river bed it) the Powell Butte neighborhood was recently complet ed mid last Saturday water was run through it for the first time. The 'sparkling fluid that is to re claim the hot and dry desert nnd that will give life and blossom and fruitage to a hitherto barren waste Is noigusliing through the pipe, carried across the old river bed to the lauds beyond. Thc'nfpc leaked a trifle when the water was first run into it, but it doesn't leak a drop now. Super iutendent Red field is very much pleased with the work of installing the big pipe and says it is a perfect piece of construction. The pipe was made and put In by the Doug las Pir National Pipe Company of Olympla, Wash. The big wooden tube is i6jq fact long. That is over a third of a mile in length. It is 36 inches in diameter, or large enough to allow the average man to walk through it without stooping. It carries water enough to reclaim 12,000 acres of laud. The pipe proper comprised two car loads of lumber, one car of iron rods, hoops, etc., besides n lot of local freight. This was shipped into Shauiko from the factory, and freighted by wagon to the place where it is erected. The freighting bill from Shauiko to this section was approximately $1,800. The contract price of the pipe was $6,600, nnd other expenses ran the total cost up to $1,0,000. The first expense is quite heavy but these pipes arc a lasting piece of work, similar ones having been known to last 30 or more years. A HANDY CONTRIVANCE-. .JO .i 15 Central Ore gon Banking & Trust Company IHCOirOKATKD l4. Capital 523,000.00 Transacts a General Hank ing Business. Acts as Administrator, Ux ccutor or Trustee of Ilstntos Issues Drafts and Hank Money Orders on all Foreign Countries, Interest on Tlmo Deposits j Safe Deposit , Boxes. , , rire insurance. John Rtcldl, President J, II, Heyburn, Guilder IlI'.Nl). - OREGON J your name an our subscription Hit? ksMknd IJ-k Ama m SESSffl When You Paint building3, Inside or out side, If you desire the very best results at the least expense you should use A . The . Sherwin-Williams paint Call for ' color cards E. A. SATHER A Full Line of droccrles, Dry Ooods and Hardware always on Hand", Prlnevlllo Ainu May Mako Tortuno from New Clolhcsllno Tightener. Omar C. Claypool of Priueville nns invented aim patented n very handy contrivance with which to tighten clotheslines, which will do away with the old fashioned mid unsatisfactory clothesline prop. The Review thinks it will make Claypool a wealthy man ns the tightener will be desired by nil housewives nnd will be sold at the low price of 50 cents. The Review describes the contrivance ns follows: "The contrivnucc is simple so simple that the wonder is it wns not thought of before. It is a reel,' five inches in diameter nnd made of irqu. A ratchet is on the ob vesc side, with n spriugsteel crank to wind up the line. The crunk carries a lip which fits into the teeth of the ratchet, nnd the line may thereby be held at the desired height. Relense is effected by slni ply drawing the crank away from the ratchet teeth and allowing the line to slacken nt the operator's will. "The reel is iutcuded to be fast ened by three screws (bwall or post four feet above the ground, so as to be convenient, while the line passes through a small pully overhead," Clnypool plans to have the reel manufactured in Chicago. He will order about one hundred dozen and will put thcni in the hands of traveling men to handle a$ a side line. MONGY IN TUG MOO BUSINESS, Ranchers Around Madras Will Feed Surplus Wheat to Porkers. Many ranchers of this section arc considering the advisability of got ing into tho hog business, as a means of getting rid of the surplus grain produced in this section. The plan is doubtless a good one, nnd will not only create a market for the grain, but will prove a most profitable venture. Judging by the experience of those who have tried it, a good deal more than present net prices can be secured out of our wheat by feeding it to hogs. One great obstacle to hog raising on an extensive plan m tbis section has been the question of water, but that is being solved by the drilling of deep wtrfls. Crook county, and in fact Cen tral Oregon is at present producing a very small percentage of the pork products consumed by it, and offers a ready market for all the ham, bacon and lard that can be produc ed in this section. There is money in it for the hog raiser and the farm er, and it will keep at home thous ands of dollars sent out every year in payment of 'imported pork pro ducts. rPionecr. Gives Lumber Por New Church. The forestry department, through Supervisor Guy M. Ingram, has granted Rev. C. Short of this place, a permit to go upon the reserve and cut 40,000 feet of logs for lum" bcr for the ncV proposed Baptist church building at this place. Since the permit was granted the young men around here are signing up a paper saying they would cut the trees and saw them intq logs. An other paper is in circulation Hiking people to subscribe what cash they feel able to. Prom the present outlook, Silver Lake will erect this coming summer one of the finest church buildings in the county. With a new church and school building this summer, Silver Lake will be going some, Leader. Sand la Well Minders Drilling Joe Marnach is burring the work on his deep well to completion, in order that the well may be ready for use by the time spring plowing begins. The drilling is being done by James Trotter, and they are now working two shifts, the drill run ning night and day. Good pro gress U being made, although at times the work proceeds slowly on account of very hard rock, or on account of sand such ns was en countered last week, when after n night's drilling they had npt ad vanced more than nn inch or so, In this instance it wns due ton stratum of sand jtbey struck, whicl seemed to run in nnd fill the hole ns rapidly ns they could take it out. Madras Pioneer. flow Would (letter Horses Do? The mail was unusually late yes terday, owiug to the stage team running nway at Willow creek just ns they were being hooked up. The old team was then pressed into ser vice and these horses didn't run nwny; on the contrary, they stood nt the station for about an hour, in spite of the driver's urging. Anoth er team was secured and about 1 1 the stage pulled out for Priueville, arriving here at about 4. Review. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our heart felt thanks to the friends who so kindly assisted during tlte sickness and death of our little daughter, Mk. and Mrs. J, B. Stiuavxu,, NEW TELEPHONE UNE Northwest from Laid law on Sisters Ropd. LATER EXTENSIONS PLANNED Farmers Will Extend tho Llae through OIt to Squaw Creek Neighbor .. hoodr-Other News fjotes. TpitAij, Jan. 19. Anew telephone tine It being built by farmer from Laid taw northwest on the Sister road Into the Gibson and Putllani neighborhood which will have about 14 phone. Later tills line will be extended through the GUt neighborhood into Squaw Creek country, TM will be three farmers line connecting at Laldlaw and later o line will be built to Bend. There i tome talk of a petition for a rural free delivery mail route for the peo ple between Bend and Sisters country. Harney Lewis, Jack Wcnandy, J. Reed er and Max Richardson oL Bend were camping near the Tumalq oq an outing for se7cra,l day last neck. John D, and Chss, I,. Wlraer, Chas. Spaugh and I, It Wiuicr were business caller at Dend I'riday. A soaking rain hat been falling here all day. The ground has not been frozen this winter and the abundance of rain tliat has fallen has wet it to a good depth, deeper Uian for many year and with all proipect for more moisture a good crop for next year Is enured. H. C KM and bis father of Bend were business caller In Tatnalo yester day. v JohuMcCormack and Mr. Haley, from near Laid! aw, were in Tumalo today after seed rye. I We are sorry to here that T. A. Jensen is still confined to his bed at Bend. We liojx; to soon hear of his recovery. G. V. Wimer & Sons lost a valuable horse last week from being choked on wheat hy. They were unable to relieve the atiinul on account of the obstacle being no far down near the stomach, which would have required an operation by a veterinary surgeon to extract it. R. A. Puett, who owns a homestead on the Tumalo creek, was In Tumalo I'riday after a cow which had strayed awar- Some ery foxy young genUeman, cot so very far away, are making themselves very accommodating In an unapprecia table way of rounding up other people' horses and colts and ridiug them for the fuu of seeing theut buck. This may be all right, boys, in your own estimation, but beware! there may be time to re pent of such unasked privileges as there arc many complaints about such actions. The owners of these horses wish to train them themselves and don't approve of these young would-be bronco bustcrs'ac tions, who haven't any horses on the range. A word to tub wish IS suf VICISNT. If not other methods are. LAIDLAW HAS RGADINQ ROOM Youne Peoplo Organlzo Into Social Club 40 Members. The young people of Laidlaw have organized a Social Club for the purpuic of establishing a reading room. They now have 40 members and tme secured rooms in the bank building, where each evening from 7 to 10 the members and Invited friends have access to much good reading, including fifteen of the best magasiiies. The east side end of the new telephone line is up and in uorkiug order. The connection with the west side will Ixc made- as soon as Mr, Barnes has his wire up, Saturday evening about 20 friends of Miss Isabel! Brown unexpectedly called to remind Iter of her fifteenth birthday. The evening was spent most pleasantly at social games. After 11 bounteous luncheon, the ninny friends gathered wished their hostess many returns of the day and returned to their homes feeling they hod thoroughly cujoyed the even ing. Mr. Mudd Is rapidly clearing his eighty just west of town and expects soon to have it set out to apples. Mr. Tullar made a business trip to PrinevUle Saturday, Rev. Lilly, wife, daughter and sea spent the early part of the week with hfs" peopfe here, after preaching nn excellent sermon cmpluililng the harvest that will result from good sowing rather than the product of bad seed. Rev. Lilly' new teati It cty much enjoyed, and makes it possible for the pastor family to mingle more with their parishioner. The new blacksmith shop recently add ed to the ' enterprises of the town i vety ljusy. Traycr meeting was held Monday night tills week because of the pastor's presence.,. Attorney Myers I in Portland on mm iuest, Mr. Dayton has returned from a busi ness trip to Madras, Redmond Items. RnmioNP, Jan. ao Chris Khret is over InTrineviJIc taking care of the new girl weight six pound's, Rterybody do ing nicely. V. J. O'Connor and wife pacd through here Saturday night bound for Portland, called there by the death of Mrs. O'Connor's brother. Mr. and Mrs. LUly were over yester day to church -with the new team and rig. It was all a mistake. Mr, Buckley did not go to Washington after alt. Mr. Henry Khret left for home Satur day morning after q business visit of a week or two. The Ladies' Aid Society wishes to an nounce the meeting of Jan. 30 with the Mesdames Lamb, Business of impor tance is on band and a full attendance is desired. J. II. Wcnaudy came down from Bend with the stage Saturday evening. Joe McClay took the stage on in aad Mr. W. returned Sunday evening. W. E. Vbung was la a day or two from the tree pulling job. They have two or three thousand trees to pall. Wm. Oakes, a brickmakerof Freeman, W ash., was In the pvt week looking for brick dirt. He did not find any here, but liked the countVy very1 well from an agricultural standpoint. He went on to Bend on Saturday. ' " B. A. Kendall has been pulling trees for Mr. Chappcll and Mr. Teverley. Miss Muma has been visiting the past week with Mr. Eby and reports a very pleasant outdoor picnic at Smith Rock on Saturday. How is that for an Ore-. Con January? ' n. c far& iBWifigs at OW. Nothing but fine weather. It begins to look like we wilt liave no ice cream next summer No ice. Sisters Is talking of 11 rural delivery. Why not? Wm. Hart of Olst made final proof on his homestead on the 15th lost. His witnesses were M. Fhillips and Wm. Uurkhard. Postmaster Gist went to Bend yester day ou business. There can be seen these days Old Glory soarinc iu the air above the new school house at Gist. Trof. Arncsmeir, teacher of the GUt school, was a visitor at Mr. Scoggin'a Friday eve. Johnnie More went to The Dalles last week after a fine span 9! horses which he purchased some time ac.o. s l'.txr D. Mossle was a caller at Gist Sunday. Quite a number of farmers iu the Clovcnlale district arc plowing. Our Sunday school at Gist Is progress ing nicely. Mr, and Mrs. Gist spent Saturday eve and Sunday with friends ou the lower desert. In their absence the boys invit ed a number of their young friemjs to spend the evening in games of various kinds. Clyde was appointed chief cook and yttlo washer, while Vern was mas. ter of ceremonies. Clyde was very- care ful hi selecting able assistants. Fred McReyuolds took the priia on playing, "On this carpet you must kuecl." . IUvskkp. Notice. Bv mutual consent the muter. signed has been appointed receiver iur want; ckxiik. .in parties uaytng bills against the above firm please present; accounts due the firm must be paid at once. it f. o, Minor. WaattMl. Will nav cash for timber ralin. qukhtaent. Address P. O. boxx8, Priatvilk, Ocegoa. 4516