yrtfV I 4 :v BEND IS SURE TO QROW m3nv -rTmNOsaftHiSZJHit, 7 Bk a. V. .,r B MM SIVIKO MACHINE. tt HlCHGaUM. by buying Alt ntHble,boeet, Ugh grade Lag machine STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Kachint Co., SAN rRANClSCO, CAL. fACTORY ATWXYIOHIt HX. I IT FRANK REISTLE IHCKWZ and ELKCTIKJTYFtH IHHe IIU UWIIuawau FAIR PRE There are goad paper arid poor papers. Subscribe for The Bulktta aai read the need Iriad. The Bnti bM Kvarnt Sue ;B. aaaS, aEflflHlA M Jmttmnit 'UBaaaaa Eil II -r CV Reasdnabfe,Xirms or Generous DiscQii&t for Full Payment. 1 Tike Central. Oregon Development Cq. t'l Timber TUad, Act Jaacj.itt. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land OScc, Lakcvlcw, Oregon. December t. im. Notice It herrbr rim that is cotnBllaucc with the peovttlone of! the Act of Cwimt of Jane J. I, entitled, "An act 6jc Ibe aale at lUabrr Uade in me autre oi iauiotou, uregoa, rveveaa. aai Washington Territory,' extended to all the public Und atatc by act of Auguet, 4. 19. Deajamin McCaffer of Redmond, county of Crook, Male of Oregon, haa thla day Bird in Ikia office kit worn auto mrai Tie. w tor lae purcnat oi live hw K II ii W M And will otter proof to thow Out Ike land anight i more rateable foe lu timber or atone than for agricultural purpoaea, and lo ettablith hiarutrn luaatd Ud4 before V. 6. Comraitalourr lt.C. Milt at hla office- in Head, Oregon, on ntuay. inc jtn oay w jutrcn, ijne. He natnra aa nitacetce. V W. McCaffrry, Richard MrCafiVry. Minnie McCaffrry, Jamee KpciJCrr all of Rcdmeud Oregon Any and all persona dalmlnr adrertely the above-dctCTibcd land, are reqnealed to (le their daima in thla office an or before the aaid ijtn nay ci uarcn, ayes. Jlo-roro J Jtl WATSON. RcrUtcr Timber La nd Act J act J, it', NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8, Land OfScc. Lrrlew. Oreron, January 4. - Notire la bareby firm that In compliance with the pnmuona of the Actor conrreaa of June 1 194. entitled, "An art for the Mleof llmbrrlandi in the alalea of California, Orrkon, Nerada, and Waahinrtou Territory," aaeatcndtd to all the puutc Und atatea by Act of August 4, W, Jaaea . Iloraa of lortlaiuI. County of Multnomah. Cute of Ore ron. haa thu day hied In lata office hit aom aiairraent o. yv aur inc purcaaae oi ine nwii X'X, 'bW)( tkc 4 and BlEVaKK he .Tpil B,aiinH m And will offer woof to ahoar that the land KHirht If more raluaUe for ita Umber or atoo than for arrtcultural purpoaea. and to eatabliah hta daira to aaid land before V. tt. CotnmUaioaer IL C 121l at bia oftc In Itend, Otcroo, on hainroay, inc iitt oay oi Marcn, ifci. He name aa witncaeea. Karl J. Wrifht. WU lam ii niaaia, wiiiiam luici joMpa . iiaater, AUen WUcoxaon, WUJlam J Candle, all of bend. urcron Any and all rwraona rUlmlox adreraely the abovciracribea taawla arc reoncaled lo flla their clalma In Ihia office on or before aaid ttat day of aiarcn, lyn. J17 nrw j. N WAToOS, Ke(Uur. Timber tand, Act June J, llrl, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U- S. LaudbfSce, Lakeriew, Oreron. January 4. if. Notice U hereby rltra that la comoltaac with theproTiaionforihc Act of Cooatrx ol Jane i. it;a. entitled " Ah aft ior the aalt of timber landa in Ibe atatea of California, Oreron, Nevada, and Waahiagtoa Territory," aa elltnded to aH the public tana waic uj act oj aiuw 4. IN', Vraa tf WcCaffcry of Redmond. County of Crouk, State of Ore ton, hat thla day Med in thia ckac bit tworn aiat. uenl No. irt fcr Ike parthaac of Ibe NK'NW f( aoa .-).- nji nees, ipna,iir, w n And will oScr proof to ahow that lite Itfcd aougbt it more raluaWe r Rt lUabef or atone Hum for arricnltural pureaact. and to eataWith hU dalm tu aild land MM Vi A. Cotamhwioaer H C KUlt at hit oaV iu Vend, Oltfos, on Sluoday, Ibe jrd day of March, laol. He namra aa wltneaacat lamea Koeruer. Bett iauin MiCaaTerr, MtMie MeCaHery, Xackael McCaScry, alloKtdmaiid.wfrgou. ' Any and all parttni glahtilnw a4rlr the aboTe-dwcrtbtd laaida art twain a u U tbetr talma la IMt tlitt or fctraM aaU ajrd Aa of Wares, in. lUfmm J, V, WATWK. uatiK. , Buy a Lot Now and Build Later Business and Residence Property Timber and Farm Lands, END,. J Timber Land, Act June J. ll-t. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' C 8. Lftnd Office. The Datlre. Orrron. Jane otb. Ioj?. Notice la hereby rlren that In conpliancr with Ihe ptorttlona of the Act of Conrrrat of June j, !, entitled, "An not for the aale oftinabcr tanda in thetulraof Callfenila. Oreron, Nenula, and Waahlaitoa Territory," aa. estendrd to all the public land atatea by Act of Agutt 4. tr, Albert C. Lucaa of Itend. county ef Crook, ttale of Oregon, haa Ihia day nUain Ihia oflice hl aworn Mate nuut No. 41' for the purehaae of the 8HWi ofecjandliHS')f ofnec 4. Tp It S. K to K WJJ ind will offer proof lo thow that Ihe land ght la more valuable for It Umber or none than lor agncuUura! purpoaea, and to rUI (Uh hU ciilra toaaUUitd Ufbre II. C. lillia. V. K. Commiaavouer. at hit office at IK ml. Oregon, uu Ihe 1 4th day of March, I A ll namce aa witneatea William II Maata, towph N Hunter. Chart U. Iirock, John tleidl, all of Vend. Orejon. Any and all perwna claiming adrertely the above deacrtbrd landtare rro.irtl ta flic ihcirdaima lu Ihu otTxe on or befure the aaul lath day ot Uarcli. lyo. Jl-mrtj C. W MQORH. RegUtcr. Timber taaJ, Act June J. larf, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. B. Land Office. LaVcrtcw, Orrgsu, Uccember 17, lyar Notice it hereby given that In compliance with the proviaiotia ofthe Act of Cungtm of JuM 1. trt. entitled "An act for Ihe aaleof Umber Undt in Ihe atatea of California. Oregon, Nevada, and U'athingtoa Territory," aa encoded to all the public Und atatea by Art of Anguat 4, Ifyt, Caroline H. kteene of Seattle, county of King, alatc of Washington, baa Ihla day Bled In Ihia offcre her aworu autemeal Nu, 3M7, (at Ihe purchate of the l.'H hllX of nee J, Tp 11 o, R 11 K W XI And will offer proof to thow lhallh land aougbt la more valuable for Ita timber or atbwe than for agricultural purpoaea, and leettaUiah her dalm to taUj Und before If. 8. Corainluloucr H C Mil, at bU office at Mend, Urcgot oil batnrcay, the 7th day of Match, ly. ItUata, W A. hate. J J Hogin, all of Head. Oregon. Any aad alt peraona rUlmlng adrertely Ihe acov e deacrtbed landa are rrqurtlcd to file their daima In thlt office on or before Ihe aaid 7th oay 01 Marco, laoi. Jl-mrt J. N. WATSON, Rtgiitrr Timber Land, Act June j, 17!, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Office. Lakctlew, Oreron, December nt.lfaj. Notice l hereby given Ikat la comptiancc with the prawitloaa of Ihe act of coagrraa of June 1, tr eatlUtd "An act for Ihe aale of timUr Uuda iu ilic.uiea of CalifurnU, Oregon, Nevada and Waahlngton Territory," aa citcmled lo all the public Und autea by act of Anguat 4. jtyi. Jataea Hpracer t A Redmond, County of Crook, Mate of Oregon, haa thia day, bled in Ihia office hU awura iuletutat No. VbA fur the uirchate of the 8WV riWXaadW-iN'A.if and NWU8WU of Bee 17. Tpil8,XllHWM And uriTJ ooer proof la thow that Ibe Und abuehtUuore valuable for Ha tlfntr or alone than fot grkvttura! purpoaea, and toetUbtUh hit Malta to aaid land before! 8. Commtaaloucr II. C WUt at hit omce la Rend, Oicgen, cu f kcay. Ike ;th day of March, pA Aeuamca aawHacaaet: Wat. If. Eeaata. loa. N. Huater. 1. W. McCaaVrr. Baal. Uidfrrv. all rtcad,Orga. Any aad aN daiatlag adverKly Ike avk daati ihtd Uada arc laawtated to tl laetrcUtraalutUaaAcc art r batata aaid I Mh toy at March, loU. 1U.J8J 1 '.p.WATaW.aUfJataT. , Je.1 " - "- -- OREGON; "OT Timber Land, Act June J. Hjl. NOTICE FOR PUBLIG.VTION. V. 8. Land Office, Lakericw, Oregon. December to, 1(07. Notice la hereby given that In compliance with theprovitiontellhe act of Cungrraa of Jane 1, U7. entitled "An act for Ihe aale of limber Und in Ihe Malea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wathlagtoa Territory." at attended lo all the punuc una atatea try an 01 Auguai, iw, HugeueW Rlchardaon I Send, county of Crook, title of Oregon, kat Ihla day filed In Ihia office hit aworn Matrmenl No. jMi. far Ihe purchaae of the N'( NWlneisartd NK'NI!!r Hec 10, Tp II h, KltK, WM Ami wla offer Proof tu ahovr that the land auught lmore valaable for Ita limber or atone than Cuearricurtural riuruoaea and toeatablith hUcUim la U UnJ before V. h. CommtMioaer lb, C Kllla, at hta. aflce In Dmd, Orrgon, ou VonJtyKthc,uul day of March, A Henameaaa wllneaaea. loaeph N Hunter, W. Kav WUUnaon Ira I. Wllkintou. Klmer J. Merrill, Archie Itillr. Wilt Urn H. (ilaata, all of Dcud, CTgou Any and all peraona. rUlmlng adrertely Ihe aljovcletcrtbcd landa are tetiueatrd lo file Ihtir claim In Ihla office on or before aaid 111 1 day of Marcn, lyon. ill' fta . N. WTON. Keguter. Timber Land, Act June J, 1I7. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Oloce, The Italic, Oregon. Jan nth, 107. Notice It hereby given thai In compliance with IhepTOvitlnniofthc Act of Congreaa of Junes, !, entitled, "An act for Ihe aale of Umber Urn! In Ihe atatea of CaUfurnU, Oregon, Nevada, and Waahlngton Territory," a vatrndrd lo alt the public Uud tutea by Act ef Auguat 4, lf-i. Lena M I'oynter ol MootavllU. county of Multnomah, tlate of urvgon. naa inn oay men in mie vince ner aworn atatrmenl No. 4107. 1r the purchate of Ihe M'.U Mi V of IKCtton ij, Tp If H. K I J 1. W M And will offer proof lo thow that the Und aoughl ta more valuable for Ita limber or atone than for agricultural purpoaea, and 10 eaUblUh her cUIra to aaid Uud before Ibe Register am! herelicr at The Uttlea. Oregon, oa the lh day of January, 19 8be name aa wUaeaacai CUrrnre , Itawaon, lltuma H. Dawaou both ef klontavUla, Oregou. Charlra U lirock, I'lauk Uullcf uoith, both of Dead, Oregon. Any and all orraona dalmlnar adrertely Ihe abvvc-detcribcd land are requeued to file their dalrbt in IMa office on or befure aaid 141b day 01 January, lyw. , nHl7 C. W. MOOKK, UegUter Timber Land, Act of June J. It, NOTICE FOR PUBLICAT'ON. If. S, Land Omcc, Lakeview, Oregon, January 4. loa. Notice U hereby given thai In complUnce with Ihe provUioottiflbe Act of Congreaa of June . IB-, entitled "An act for Ihe aale of timber Uuda lu the htatet of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Waahlngton Territory," aa extended lo all Ihe l-ubllc Liad Male by act of Augutl 4, 191, John H. Ibaytkc of Bend, conalir of Crook, atate of Ortron, he tliUday Hrd In thla office hla aworo tulr menl,N9 Vrti, for Ihe purchaae of Ibe NliNI'.l of bee 14, tp 11 8, U 11 1 W M And will oafer proof lo ahovr Hut Iht Und aought U more valuable for ita timber or atone than for agricultural nuipoaea, and lo eaUbllah bit dalm lo aaid Und before U. 8. CeaimUtloner II. C Kllla al hla office In Vend, Oregon, on Friday, the Mth day of March, lyoe Henameaaa wltneaaeai W. Ray WilVlatoa, lUmerl. Merrill. Ira J, Wllkintou, t-geue W. RlchardoB,aUeffMad, Oregon. Any and al) jwraon dalaalar adreraely the abovc-drTltMdUauaarerrsaetedl file tkelr cUiaaalulhUatkeaaer UrUfeaaU k44 dty al tX&fet. tut. . ., ,y". Jto-mrtj J. N, WATAON, XtgltUr. Kcad TIk Uulktlu. V V s T Columbia Southern RAILWAY. I-AMHNOKR TRAIN TIMIf CARD. South' bound ho. tuiLT ri LKAVK r,M. North. bound MO, I. IUILV rata. STATIONS. Aaaiva A.M. I ? I 41 4 ,I7 ,M .4 ;ji J4 I "t 4 aaairit . moon. II i II II 14 II aa 4i laau la 14 I 11 I a) Jf IS I1 LRtVB .Glbuat ... ,- "liikt-... .. .. ... Water, ...m. .KWfHlyk. .- .-huraiult . . .. . Hay Canyon Junction..,. , .-HrlWruMl -....-.IteMoa . ... Xloco . .-Kr.kln.llle... .... -utata Val ey ... ... -Kuurtnu. . . . .Wlici...TZ . .MIANIKO. . Dally ttare connection! at fihanlVn for Anlet. ope, rtiaevllie, IVend. Uurni, nllvtr Ijtlr, Lake view, Mitchell, Dayvllle, Aalone, Atlmuud, Can yon City. John Day Cily, and Putin. II. D. WOOHUKRRV, C V.. LTTI.K Bupeilntemlenl, , V audi A. hhtalLo Ore OREGON ShotIine and union Pacific TO Salt Lake Denver Kansas City Chicago St. Louis New York Ocean Steamers letwrfn Pnritiitut ami San Francisco every five tlays. Tickets toand from all parts of, the United States, Canada and UUIO'IC. For particulars, call on or addresa JAS. IRELAND, T1ta DaUa.. Or. Time' NKWt? lu Vl 0W4biT ir to , . 4 ? .' --' OFFICIAL DIRI.CTORY. UNITKD RTATKH Prrtkltal....... ,. Mcffprratflenl...,-. , hTtrUfyufMetf. . fieercUryofTiruiury .. Herniary oflatctlor Iwcrtlary ef War... . .-. HrerelaryofNaey eWertUry efetmuirc. rutlrutater OetHHtl.,, Allot ney lenal . fcrvf tuty of Agrtrolure , ... . Ttlmloet Rooaev.lt -Chulet W.I'aliUaVt ... .-. ..... IRIha Ravt . .tlriKge II Caitfliou ... amt R. fUf ul . . W H.Tal ....C J. vware r.. , .jt Mfaatt (leoi gt Von L- Merer -.UlllUm II. Mauly --Y Jtinrt WlltvH 8rATI Joveinor- . .... fiecrgc hroMaty of hlU... , It CharubeiU a ... I'. W. dcntvti Treatnrrr.. . o. a. m..i Allucne y (lineral . ,. .A. M, Cral 1 J- If, Acktttutii sapu iMWIc Innrurtluo Male I'rlnler w .W, R. Ihinnluty .J. W littler 1 0. W. 1'ulb.H '-(J.lhninie Ji IW. C llaule, I W. If. Kill 1 1' A. Mtwr .-.Jll.H. Jtaau IT. O.llailo t,ly and lVj. CemiaiMluacr. t,'. h.HciitoriM.... Coagrettinrn. Rupt em Judge. HISVItNTII JUDICIAL DIuTRlCT liullf. 1.. . ,.,l,. Atlwury'. .. ...,,, ,1'tink M.i.eftr CROOK COUNTY J"'J" tatt.aaat, ,MMM...MM... V. A lu I ,ii....m.Wfien lltou't Cleik (vlirrllT..... ... .-.TiankMklMi m..W. I'. King -J. D. Ul'afuuc .C. It. DluHhklit, Trratiirrr Atacator.... Hchool Rupl...i... Hurveyor.....,..,.. W. H. McVailand CommlttJoBrii,... IR. II Ualv Jn,0, hrrt Till COURTS. Ctacoir Cr;vT - I'lnl Monday u May. tbfr.l Monday In October. I'aoaTi: CovT-l'ltil Motid.y ti each monlli lOMMMHONgif Cooar-, f(;ti Wednra.Uy ,n .' w,rs. ir. jHir. ikputuur and November, BemiBciioot Ditiiicr No. 11, Direct on cJohnmeldl M.,M,.,.MM..H J n. C. Co (0. W. Merrill H.M M...c. H, ieut fMltaRulht.. u.Lt Cletk frachrt j J!!' Hu,, Vandevett 1 riKnera,,,..,,. ,, y j,(M (Mrott wical MlMl'aniiltlluuiiCll CITV 01' niNO Mayo'r. 1 UraTUtBiaMaaafeauau. 11,1 J. McDooaM Keconler.. .,. Treaturer....... ' ...-.M.... ,... C. lilllt .n-M II. J. Ovrilurf IC. a llenaou John II. Wcnaudy Anion Aunc A. L. iluulrr C. M. RrdocM Aldcnncn .., Je l. IMVIdaou YOU Will CUiov rrfiilltiar Tli. n..ll.it.. JLLKAH,' "NTKRTA1N ami INSTKOCT7011, AlUrik4JMw vV. s