The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 17, 1908, Image 7

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'A Good Name at Home"
-It a lower of itrcnatli abroad" and tin
eirollcnl reputation (if ('. I. Hood Co, and
Ibolr iritirdlei l' ' clljr of luwll, whore
li7 are bet known, Inspire ruufldcnc)
Ilia world over, not only In the medicine
tint In uyllili' tltrlr proprietor say
shout them. "If Made by Hood It's flood."
"I IrolInT IfcMxI'a Hri'flll lbt all
round family nifdlelns known today," Mr.
(I, I), ttJ Wilder Ht., Irfiwtll, Mm.
"I rinimiut HocHt'a Hrtirlll to nr
tint" John II. Jlurrr, II Auburn HlrU
Lowell, )Im,
"I rid ilroflf nl healthy woman utr.
from tnklntr Hood' HnrirllU. wdlrli I
keep In lh liuuui far ll Urn family " Mn.
r'xia lUU'li, 101 Uroltll Ht., Iiwxll, Hm.
Hl rontMor llond' rUrrtll Did mh
tiloml iurlrlr In Hi world." Ms. Junior
K. (Usiruti, 111 l,lbtly Ht., Uiwcll, llui,
Hood' Hrparllla If sold everywhere.
In tho uitml Ihpild, or In tablet form tailed
Snrsntabo. () How On Dollar. Pre
pared only by 0. 1. Hoed l'o I-wll, klm,
lllahtvtiu lentlarnalliin,
"Colonrl," Mid Hi reporter, "I am told
lint you n mad a fortune In hay.
Would you mind telling ih lli lorjl"
"lli only foundation for Id etory,
inh," rrejhiled t'il. llatiklhiiniUr, "la
tlit I married r rich imu widow iin
y rra ago, and I ran llrk lb lnn that
lent jrpu la stk nit tint question, brgatl,
lub I" '
? rrmmr cn i am,
Tho Hnnioiti Island nr tlio natural
hnliltnt of the moat (llinlniitlvo specie
of vnrlcty of tho Kenu boa now known
to llio unturnlUt. The average weluhi
of tint Minion of these llllliMitlflii cattle
seldom exceed IKXI otmd, llio average
Mint not greater tlinn IM) pound. The
fi'iiuitc immlly nvenu" about a liiin
drill KtimU lancer and arc very
"lucky" hull I, seldom being (nllrr tlinn
a Mexican sheep, Tiieati dwnrf entile
nre nearly nil of llio same color rnl.
(Hull inoiii color, marked with white,
Tlicy hive very largo head in com
mrrd with their IkhIU'd, nnd their horn
tiro of oiieptloiml length.
Axrlhlnir IHill.
Caller I wlili to alinoinie th engagi.
ment of Ml Vera Kiiiarlnn, 1 don't
know Jut what tli prr form U, hut
lii-' quit particular about having it don
right. rrbp you will h kind enouili
IMItor (Vrtalnljr, ma'am. HlniMon,
how hat w Ix-ni In th liahlt of runnlux
n Kmarliin'a rnjni(riiiriit nolle!'
Clilraco Trllmii.
I'll tS CUHlt) IN fi TO Id DAYS.
I'AnilllNTMK.STI. iintr.1 U. rill anr
ri f Iicltirtar. Iihii'l. jUollmnr rrulruillng
iil In lo llJ) ur luunt rtnnil4, W.
Th llu'ul On.
"K'irry, old man," wild doodle. "You
haven't got n Joli et, dil"
"No," rvpllnl Hunnyinnii, "hut I cucw
my Inrk'll chiuiKe jirell ixjii.h
"Hllll tioful. ell)"
y, kometlilnB'a hound to turn up,
If It'i only tor toca." Philadelphia
All IhppiI Owl.
"I iippoi you aro going to tnak.
ilii erchear
"Vm," anwerrl Hennlor Borahum.
"I ahall dWIrrr few timely ami lc
nlfltniit llttrrnnr.,'
"Hare you thousht out what you will
"I'm, I aboil follow my usual for
mula. To a few rxtenipornuooua re
mark about wluit I Jinte done for the
sink! of thn country, I will add n liu
moron nnecdole and omrludo bj a
atirluK rny roiutllueuta that I rely on
t!xt wlnloin of the plain people."
Wathlngton Klar.
iMlmiUn lart,
Imltntlon ticarls arc tdentlful and
look M like tlm real thine that the
Jrovlr exjierla. 1irj aro made b
Diean or a trantianni gia alien, a
little glue, and miii eM-nre of tho
jrlent, a allrry, jx'arly auhitance, com
oed of tine valen ruhbed from a am'atl
riih called tho "bleak" or the "ablete,"
17,000 or which require rowing to kvi
i pound.
IIPj4 Ik IfvIHr,
llaprnrd In illnnrapotli,
"What would th bl.lory of thl coun
try bat bn," irlalmd th tloqurot
Itcttirrr, "without lb Immortal John
He paud,
"Applaud that nam! b ld lrnly.
Ci llfr Althoufb mot of th pron In l
llPr iVfl audlnr wr namnt Jnhn.on thty ap-
UVV IIW....J.J ...!. I. .kn !. Ivir.
JJiaitUVV, l.KI -w" ." - -w.-
lb lat Joba flmllb no crudi.
"How much did he make out of that
latrat graft acheuier'
"A clean million."
"You mean a million." Clereland
Plain PiwUr,
tat tried (o qei
tho tamo erke
out of omo
other mako
CWonLbjU Dirmble
OiMointd WaUf piw4
and WJ LvronkKve
t 322
Is wonderful In removing dirt
nnd crease spots. It fixes color,
bleaches nnd preventsclolh from
turning yellow, besides remov
ing all unpleasanti odors from
Alldtft)r. KmpU, booiUl and "WHIZ"
eardiaia. I0enu. I'add Com Horn Co,
TV ll Imii i1IM
Beet i4 Bk
llu mm-irn llf.
Iwn,n4 fcfti (
4uJf 4lMor4 fti
Uflalk MM k
lift ttt
4 IHIRftl
M flT-
I Mill.
Wa Uilluv. HalisiUMllllltlUuil It Cutf
XkMl 0rlUn. wUhullk AlJaf wknira
l,n tr Dunn llnrr,ir tor Cwparltr
Tlie drawing ahona n low dirwn bar
row In aumWent delnll to enable niiy
ono to nmkn n almllnr one. W'n tliluk
that next lo the low down rnrt It la
tho hnndleat Uiliuc nrouud tho bulldlne
nnd gnnleu thai wo hare, any n writer
In Knnn nnd rircatdo. Its cnpnclty la
more tlinn double that of the ordinary
kind, nnd tho lend la mmii more enally
put ntxmnl. It haa tho ndrAiitnge of
Kottlnn Into c quarter where tlie
curt would not kd, and for uo about
the feeding nlley. the atnble, tlw lawn
ami the gnnleti there la hnrdly anything
that will take lt plate.
Tor tho framework p't tiro plecm of
hanlwooil two by two Inchea will
proJM to form hntidlea on one end
and for the wheel frame on the oilier.
At front end of bo In rear of wheel
n piece of (ho aatno dimension la mor
tired Into tho frame In hold It rigidly
nnd to make tho frmit end of box
frame. I'lecca lsl Inchea are alwi
inortlaoil Into the bottom of the lea,
both front ami back. The) form tho
iMkB. ).
tU a,aalM w Cat lauttli. iMkm
rnai. IlkaanalUa. hr-p. "M"""
lco..K, RtlUal.TemMM 1-,1-t
rMMTnatkaan4 All filial llUaawa
Imt Hcld (rem l'klr. Ihln Sal. Sora
rMt4jao4 rail, aillalar ! tUaiaJ rim.
I l"T.l il r.fhJ Mi
UilMI Ml
WIH, Two -Up, Tr HUp,
If. l)a MMiUulf Uil
aai (nl4 I fatr lM
a.,. 44tl')iUiiI.OriM
aaaWrall, llla farllHoal.Uai l
in cPoKTO-finralw; nir-iNK
llrt Ml , (Vf. W(U, IWllaaO,
llwi Uaalloa TKU rlr.
P. N. U.
No. 3-08 I
II KN wrltlai- tua4TrtUrpl
inanilKM ini paper.
Portland Oregon
Write Us I !
who believe in quality
25 Ounces for 25 Cents
Made frorn pure, carefully tested
materials. Get a can on trial.
You never saw such cake
and biscuit They'll open
your eyes.
foundation for the floor, whloti ahould
lie of thmwiiiarter-lnrii Wxird. The
ley are morltMM Into the ahaft or hnn
din pliveo, the front onen reatlmt atout
three Inehrti frutn tlie ground nnd tlie
rear onea aavurtdy brnct.l, na ahown In
the rut.
If dealrcd tho aldea may lx built
from Hie tloor aolld anl atraUht up,
but we find It better to hare n ir
maorut Nil from fliior to toji of hn
dlra, with removable aldq toan)n to allp
on for ue In ha ml I lux bulky atuff.
Ilrary material, kucIi aa twga of fcr
tlllxer, lante ltone etc., are eaally ban
dleil with thla typo of barrow, aa they
umy be loaded Ntwca Uie handle dl
rectly from the ground.
Krall Tmi and (Iraaa.
Ki tended eiierlmeuU reofntljr con
ducted In Engtnnd hare ahown clearly
thaC fruit tree aulTer very materially,
and aro often kilted outright, when
grnu la allowtxl to crow under the treo
and cloae tip to tho "trunk. Varloua
probable rraaons for thla effect, auch
aa tho removal of plant food and of
water by the graai, alao the uppol
lllieratlon of carbonic ncld, which mlxlit
prove tnjurloua to the nwta of tho
Irve. vcre reinwtlvely demonatrate.1
lo bo outalde tho primary cuo of In
jury, ami, nnalljr. after oeven yeara
work. It woa concluded that the Injurl
oua effect could only bo duo to mime
polnonoiw aiilmtsnca fonned In the aoll
by the rnota of tho BrnM.
On tho otN'r hand. It la n well-known
fact that In mnny Inatnnce ronaliler
able dimculty la exiireaaed In ohtnlnlnc
a growth of grnna under tree. There
la dlatlnct evldeneo that plnnta proiluce
loxle condition In the aulwtniico In
which they grows na n rule tho ex
"rctlon given off by the root of n cer
tain plnnt nro mom toxic to tho unmo
or a nearly related plnnt thnn to plnnta
not ao cloudy relnttsl. Tho effeot of
treo-eeodllnpi on tho growth of wheat
wn teatnl, nnd nftiT ollmlnntlng, na
a cauae of Injury, auch factor a re
moval of plnnt of food or water by the
treo root", It Mvnied Hint Jlio root of
I ho latter had mime direct effect on the
growth or tho wheat, which anffercd In
all the exHrliuenta. Tlie amlllnga went
plncvtl in plnnt juita, lieticu tho rmita of
tho treo and thono of tho wheat plants
were In clow contact.
Trwtt of vnrlout klnda were 9d In
the. experiment, nnd the retnrdlns In
fluence, although noted In every In
tnnco, dlffcml In degrcoj cN-rry wn
lenat nctlvo In chocking growth, plno
moat ao. The conclualon nrrlve! nt
tvaa that tho effwt of trvc on wheat
a'pienrri to bo duo to tho excretion of
lubatnnro ly tho tree toxle to whent.
The I'rnuli Crop t tllON.
Tho fruit crop tho pnat year was
light, but It brought n very good prlw,
and tho proiectij now nro that Okln
homa may Imvo nn oxivllent crop lu
1003, anyn n bulletin lamml by tho
Rtnto. Tho drought during tho Hummer
prevented, oxceaalvo growth, and tlw
early fall rnlna caumnl tho trees to sot
n gooil crop of fruit buda, Tho orchards
that were well cultlvntwl Imvo now
panatil Into winter quarters In good
condition, There l a great vnrlntlon
lu tho number o fruit bud net on tho
different varieties of iiencho nnd In
different orchard, but tho plum, nootn
to bo uniformly full of fruit Inula.
Treoa thnt havo not Iwen pruned well
ad) eaon havo a relatively poor et
ting of fruit buda. Mum nnd cherry
trei-a do not require aa much pruning
aa do the pouch trera. Tench tree may
lie pruned any time from tho flrxt of
December to the middle of March. The
branche) atioiild bo ciit back to nlxmt
one-half of tlw length of lnir jenaon'
growth, Thla form of trimming will
tliln tN fnilt and keoj) the tret) from
growing tall. Till la n dlatlnct advan
tage In gathering the fruit and la
apraylng the trcin.
Carina llaM and tbnnldr.
A mmhi a (inailble after tho meat t
cold all through, thehnma and ahoul
der rIwiuM 1m cured. They ahould tie
placed on a table In tlw cellar, akin
aide down. Then for every 100 pound
of meat make a mixture of four pound
of the N-mI fine anil, two tuner of pow
dered anltter, and four ounce of
brown auiar. Till mixture ahould he
well rubbed Into the hnma nil over, nnd
nome punned Into Nrk end around the
tunc. Keeji on rubbing until the meat
will take no more; then let them re
main on the table for a week, when tho
remainder of the mixture can be rubbed
In. Allow them to Ho for about two
week altogether, and then hang.up by
a hiring plnccd through the hock, In a
cool, dark amokehouae.
For two or three daya keep up a good
amoko from hickory chip, vmothrred
with witt dint, during tho day Keep In
n cool place, and N-for uprlng exam
ine to oe that no Inaecl hnve dcioalted
egg. Dut n little cayenne iipert
then cover with conmo mualln to fit Hie
ham exactly and itltch tightly, aire
a coat of whitewash or chnaue yellow,
and hnng In a cool, dark, dry place.
Kor curing In pickle, to one gallon of
wafer tako one and a half pound of
anlt, half a pound of augar, half an
ounce each of saltpeter and tnah. In
thli ratio the pickle can bo Inveaoil
to enough to cover any amount of pork.
Hot! tocother until oil dirt rhu to the
top and U aklnnned off. When cold
our It over the ham or irk, which
may be plcklrd In thla way. The meat
mut bo well covered by It, ami ahould
not bo put down for at Iraat two daya
after kilting, during which time It
nhxiuld be (lightly avrlnklcd with salt
peter, which remove all tho turface
blond, leaving the meat fresh and clean.
A good way to keep hum la to pack
In dry salt In a dry place, not having
any part eipon-d or, touching each
1 1 fT. if. "
sunJtatuTSifcFoodMjRrftia licgUtfStoradjacdDwdjof
lVoo(cs Di JesltotUCkdy
ncss awl MntTorjalai trite
Opium-Morphia: partfamLl
. IwJW
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaB) aaaaaai
Apofctl rVmtdy forGSfr
lion, aour 310 cuauuiaiiwra
ncss mlLoss or SttXR
rtcftofe Stjnafart of
Juarantctd widrr U todj
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
r a
1 r
I il lS
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
Tut aiarava aarr, ai a aTT.
Bar for tlrvlna; Clolbc.
If your wife want a clothe bar ao
she can dry her clothe In the house,
then borrow a 9-lnch auger, a plane
and a saw If you hare none, (let some
light pine lumber - Indies wide and 1
Inch thick, cut 8 ban; -I ban X feet 11
Inche long, thee are for tlto lower
one. The 4 bar for the top are 1
foot 11 Inches long. You can make It
ni wide aa you wish ami 8 rod are
needed to go crorawlse for holding tho
bar together and tb hang the clothe
on. Dress tlie rod to about 1 Inch
rninre and make them smooth so nt to
not tear the clothes. Kor bars the lw
a given abovo tho rods need to lie of
the following lengths: Four roil 4 feet
long; - rod -I feet - Inches long; 2
rid 3 feet 10 Inche long, I rod 4 feet
ArhlOs w lulklng In hi tent.
"Wby don't you brlp n fight th Tro
JanT" urged hi friend Patroclut. "The
battle la going agalnat us."
"You and the Trojan tx dog-toned l"
growled Achillea. "I'm a reactionary I"
Later, bowtvrr, wbfn Ibt enrmy put
the book Into I'stroclaa, b got buay.
Mo ar will .Ond Un. WlniloV Poothls
l;rup tb Utl ramrJr u naa lor lhair cUMraa
lutUf lh twUOng airloj.
Ti srtct Joy,
Tou may depend,
I Jait to grt
A dividend. ,
-Dttrolt Fre Vnt.
Ill Orflallloa.
"What 1 a pewlmlat, par
"A peulmlst, ray son. Is a man who
i rronuer wuat me Luiuauia g roai Dili
ara on her recent trip." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Y C Cl AHna r(-Ca rtKE.
. Will AllenB. Olnuled.La Ilor.N. Ytors
Ire nioplu p Allen' VooltiJ. It cum
wcatlnr. botawollen, acblog lett, Il make
new or Iff hi hora mt. a rl2n cm lor
corn. In rowing nail and bunion. All druc
KltUMlllu 31c Ion'l secit any tuUUtuta.
Oolllfer Money talks.
Coach Yttj snd somttlor It talk
too loud. I can bear that xpnlT vast
f your a block away.
lor lb ilmiliin of h. W. GHOVK L'ci tafl
UorMoicr lo Cure a Cold In Ud I)y. So.
rattlac lllm 'Wla.
Tommy l'sw, what It U blfkr eritl
Mr. Tucker It' the hasty remark uaa
slly made by tbe man who find b coal
get a lower berth.
Beware ef Ointments fee Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
a mercury wtUaurtlrdeatroylhcKnitolameU
and omnUlrlr ilanrt th lahalaltni whrn
enirrinslllliroufhiEemuroixturiaxc, Bucb.
arllclea ahould narer bsuwd ei'eplon pn
tmpllona Irom rapuUtl ptirilrlani. u lh
duam tber will dot ten told to lhacood jou
ranpoatioiy oeriT irom lacm. uauiuiuna
run. manufactured by r J. Cheney 4Ca,
Toledo. (I , contain nornereury, and I taken
Interuallr. artlng directly upon lh blood and
mucous aunarea oi mo ajiiria. in vujmi
, lla.t'arauirbiuratoaura you ret lb cn
ulna. Ill taken lnurnalir and mad In Tnl
3 Inche long, thla la tlto center rod
nnd must project 3 Inches at one end;
cut nuother rod 4 feet 4 Inches long,
use It for the top aiul Imvo It to pro-Jt-ct
- Inches so, ns to recelvo tho piece
Khown In tin) engraving to rcgulnto tho
height. You can shut or open It to any
width you wnut It Kxchange.
Sluilr t Muahrmiina.
A slngulnr nnd very Interesting and
useful Institution hns been established
In tho llttlo city of Turn re, nenr lo'ons,
Ifr-niice. It Is n nij-cologlcnl bureau
whera expert Judgment Is furnished
concerning musliriHims, many of which
nro ihiIsouous, BIikd tho eetnbllHhment
of tho buremi noboily buys mushrooms
which do not curry Its ticket of ldcntl
Mention nnd guarantee, nnd nil tho
country ln-oplo from mllca nrouud bring
their mushrooms for exnmluntlnn, Ono
sunrUluK result has been tho discovery
of scorcH of edlblo mushrooms, which
boforo nobody dared to touch.
St. Vita Paiw aaa all hittni Otaaaaa
maaaoiif crq tr vr, juibmtb urraa
irr. harxtfurlllEKIItfUlbolUaaad .'W.fL.tUAnhnL.I'aua.i'a, ,
A Jade mine In SUklyou county, CaU
la said to b the only ont of It kind In
tbl country. Jad wa dlacorered iber
In 1000, and tola showed that tbe min
eral was up to tbe ttanilard la tvery ir
In tniTing
t tb fn-
mmIa. Obln b V. J. Clianrv A Co. TeatlBUinlala
rVoMbrPrnnltl. rrlc, 75e, per botlla.
Tak UaU'a Vamlly 1111a lor fomllpaUon.
Determined Optlmlan,
I "It'a carloua about that stitch la my
peck,' aald Mr. Smiley. ! enn turn my
bead only one way snd that' to tbe rirht.
It'a a good Iblnc too. After this I shan't
be afraid tbst I'll ace tbe uew moon over
my left aboulder '
toot Shluslr.
Shluglca aro psunlly 10 Inches lon,
nnd h buiidlo of them Is SO Inches wide
nnd contains !M courses In the thick-iu-ks
at ench end. A buudlo of shingle
will lay ono course 80 feet long. When
shingles nro exposed 4 luchcs to the
wonthcr 1,000 will cover 107 square
feet ; 0 Inches, 182 square! fct; 0 Inch
es. 100 square feel
Contagious Blood Foison lias brought more suffering, misery and humila
flon into the world than all other diseases combined ; there is hardly any
limit to its powers for evil. It is the blackest and vilest of all disorders,
wrecking tbe lives of those unfortunate enough to contract it and often being
transmitted to innocent offspring, a blighting legacy of suffering and shame.
So highly contagious is tbe trouble innocent persons may contract it
by using tbe Game table Mare, toilet articles or clothing of one in whosa
blood the treacherous vims has taben root. Not only is it a powerful poisosl
but a very deceptive one. Only thoso who have learned by bitter experience
know by tbe little sore or ulcer, which usually makes its appearance first, of
the suffering which is to follow. It comes ia the form of ulcerated mouth
and throat, unsightly copper colored spots, swollen glands ia the groin,
falling hair, offensive cores nnd ulcers oa the body, nnd ia severe cases the
finger nails drop off, the bones become diseased, the nervous system is shat
tered and the sufferer becomes tm object of pity to his fellow man. Espcci
nlly is the treacherous nature of Contagious Illood l'oison, shown when the
infected person endeavors to combat the poison with mercury nnd potash.
These minerals will drive away all outward symptoms of the troubles foe
a while, nnd the victim is deceived into tbe belief that be is cured. When,
hovcvcr,the treatment is left off befinds that the poison has only been driven
deeper into tho blood nnd tlie disease reappears, and usually in worse form
because these strong minerals have not only failed to remove the virus from
the blood but have weakened the entire system because of their destructive
action. S. S. S. is she only real and certain cure for Contagious Illood l'ol
son. It is inadcof a combination of healing blood-purifying roots, herbs
and barks, the best in Nature's great laboratory of forest and Held. We
offer a reward of $1,000 for proof that S. S. S. contains a particle of mineral
in any lorai. 3. a. t. goes down to the
ery bottom of the trouble and by cleansin jf
the blood of every particle of the virus and
adding rich, healthful qualities to this vital
fluid, forever cures this powerful disorder.
fir, t1tMnnrv!,1ty 1u.a .3 .Q .Q iI..h.a 1a
PURELY VEGETABLE circulation that no signs of the disease are
ever seen again, and offspring is protected,
Write for our special book on Contagious Blood Poison, which fully ex
plains the different stages or the trouble, nnd outlines a complete home treat
ment for all sufferersof this trouble, No charge is made for this book, and
if you wish special medical advice about case or any of its symptoms, out
physicians will be glad to furnish that, too, without harge.
S. 8. S.