jiMiTVi'f 7"i " vTBjq!F ,rwirr.i i iw,v f ywwi ya rcyn, g,jjfjiTB-.r?n t.?- T- The Roupell Mystery By Austy'n Qranvillc SSB and people were- lott In conjecture to what tliAt could be. Tlw amall followed d Vallar, M. IV bot ml Herr (loldttcln lo the very en trance of th lloitrae. I'uable to obtain admUtton to the tloor, hu hail recourse to J i ho cillery. It wa nearly empty. An old lady ml young coup from th country. rrdK-ntlv on ttitlr houenuoon trip, were sole occtiwtit. II at In Government Final l!tlmte Shows GRAIN CROPS SHORT, BUT WORTH FAR MORE CttAITKIt XIV. The Vleonuo il Vallar waa seated alone In his private room In tho office of the . Mutual Credit and Trust Company. It waa a luxuriously furnlthcd apartment. Th chain were deep, roomy and soft. They warned mad on purres to lull one ' Into feeling of security. It waa about ten o'clock In th morning. Th rlcotnte'a private secretary had Jut retired loaded down with papers and Instruction. IIU employer Mt at th table, a idle ot docu ments on either aide, and More him a single sheet, upon which an astonishing array of figure appeared, Mlnnte after nilnut pauM, and still tho calculation wit on. At lat h threw down hi pencil, and walked over to th window. Partly concealed by the cur tain, he looked out on th throne ot peo ple which pad up and down the atreet. Hut he hardly noticed anybody, lie waa really loot In hla reflection. He had. Indeed, rood reason to be thoughtful. A gigantic scheme, the float Ine of which would Inture him very large returns, had that very tnornlnf been put by him before a syndicate ot capital!!. It waa no ten a one than th consolida tion ot tha docking Interest ot a treat French aeaport. Th plan waa to brine all the ownera together and form a truit oa what la known aa the American plan, and then rata the dock toll. With the existing keen competition and the low charge resulting therefrom, that property at present yielded but a amall return for the capital Invested. The Idea waa a brilliant on. It would net the Mutual Credit and Traat Com pany, If tucceatfol, three million franca, and the Mutual Credit and Truit Com pany virtually meant tha Ylcomta A Va llar. He had already enllrted conaldera ble flnancial aid In support ot the scheme, II waa that moraine expecting an addi tion to hl force In the person of M. D'Auburon. the friend of that rery naeful M. Chabot, who had Introduced him to th rlcoate but a few day previously. To tell this younc man a bit block of bare In th new enterprise, would, the rlcomte thought, not be a very difficult task. He had entertained him at his bouse only an ermine or two ago. The splendor of that occaa'on could not hare failed to properly Itnr-reaa Mm. Then hla wife, the Tlcomte, had so ably seconded hi efforts to make D'Au buroo feel that be was In eood hand. She had talked ellWy ot their country place, a wacnIScent establlahment on th outskirts ot the famous forest of Fontalnbleau, of woodland ride, ot moonlit waters, and tbe felicities ot rural life far away trot the roar aad din ot rati. Those marvel ous ryea of hers had looked Into hi very oul and enthralled hla sent. m Vallar smiled aa be thoncht how few who bad com within their Influence had rotten away unscathed. A knock at tho door aroused him. "Come In," h cried out. and Jules Cba twt entered the room. "Where Is your frienJ D'Auburonl" was de Valiar'a first question. M. Chabot did not Immediately reply, lie sank Into a chair. II eemel anx ious and worried, and out ot aorta. "What on earth's the matter with youT You're not III, are youl" ejaculated the banker. "It's my nerrc. I think. They're not ao strooe a they used lo be." "You haven't been yourself for some thne, ever aUire that uely affair at Yllle neuve," remarked d Vallar, sympathet ically. Chabot shuddered, and hid his tare In hla hands aa it to shut out some horrible alcht. "Iton't speak of it." be almost whis pered, so falat aa his voice. "Yes, It was enoughlo upset anybody." "It waa a peculiar hardtblp on you. Jules, just as you were on the point of uccredlne as you say with let me e, what's her name Mademoiselle. Kmlly, "'""rrt' chine th subject. I came lo tell you somethtne about D'Auburon, I have dlacovered, on Inquiry, that be Is even better fixed than I expected. How tic a block of stock bad you put apart for him In the United lock Company!" "A thousand ahares I thought would b ample. You know CoIbrt-Ilemp)in brine us a tare followlne. and there are Horn iiard and the rrt. Still, some ubcrib era wilt doubtless fall us at tbe last mo inent. Why do you atkl" "It Is not enoueh. lie has some rery wealthy friend. Only last night he was apeak ine of one, who, be says, follows his lead implicitly. He U a Swiss. He pays periodical visits to l'arla, and It la said Invent very lareely In anything that striken his fancy." That' not bad nea. What I this Crwua' nam!" "He did not tell m." replied Chabot. "He simply said If bo tbouebt aell enoueh of. the venture lo put hi own money In, tliat be would advUe bi friend to do like- wlae, It we needed additional capital. 'What ar share to blni!" "Far of rourae. It Is eaakr to sell at Kr than at fifteen franca on tbe on hun dred. Th one inspires confidence In a acbem. th other simply excite suspi cion. In fact, I'm not aure but w will put some ptvntluni on these Dock Com pany share. A little premium always "make them more attractive." "Hut there are seven million of water Ite It." "A proof concern Ilk this dock trust will stand a eood deal of water," replied 'th financier. "After all. what doe It matter! All the peopU.wlll have a cbaac ta sell out at a profit wha w de taW aw- trvt trtvly dlvHaad. The Hm f want to make ue of In th fu ture ran be elven a hint when to unload their holdlne." -Hut ultimately the loss falls on some body." "And that somebody Is the public who cares for Us wellabout a much aa wa car for them," M. Chabot remained cloaeUM with th banker for nearly an hour, settllne th re malnlnc details ot th dock scheme, A printed draft ot th prospectus had to be eon over; the flrat director of th company had to b chosen, car belnc tak en to piac npon th board the name of such capitalists aa would Inspire th pub lic with confidence. "let me see." said the banker, runntnjr his eye rapidly over a llat which h held In hi hand. "We have I.lquelet. Rouent. of Uoutent : the elder 1'altols be ta rood; and Max Itaumont say h Is with u In cat w eet to an lasue. The remainder of th board mutt b elven to th dock people. They will, ot course, expect om reprrwntatlon." "To be sure," acquiesced Chabot. "but w must contrive to have with ua only those who are open to areuments." "Ye, that Is It, my friend: open to areuments." echoed the tlcomte. "Ot your usually prualv kind." add ed Chabot "Kvcry man has hla price, to be aure, nowadays." "And always did bar. In the time, commercial enterprises, my dear fellow, attum proportions of which our ances tors neter dreamed. They were Juit as dlahoneat then. It you call manipulation dishonesty, which I candidly confeas I uon t out their Ideas wer smaller. Hence the difference.' Itealdea," b added, lajlne hla hand Impreaaively upon th other' sleeve, "thl thine must eo throuch. I think you. abor all other, are aware of th necessity. The fact It. my dear Chabot, ther hav been many heavy nulls on lb Mutual Credit bank lately. One cannot offer eleht per cent on special deposits and always be sure of rcaklne more by utlnc the depositors' money. Then ther was the dividend on tbe Ardenne Charcoal and Teat Com pany. You know It waa never earned; but wedeclded that It would be beat to pay one." "Well, th consequence was you placed th bond at par, didn't youT" "At par to th public, of course, bnt Herr Goldstein's rommlialon took the rllt off the eineerbread. However, be took them all at elchty-five. I coald not have placed them In such eood adrantace." "Tbe intrrrtt come du on the six teenth. I tonw it Is uselea to croas that brldxe until w com to It." "Uefore the sixteenth this dock com pany will be floated. The bank's profit on that will more than meet the interest of tbe Charcoal and l'eat Company bonds." "And If It Isn't Coated)- hazarded Chabot. "If It Isn't floated th Inevitable craah will begin, or It can b averted In an other way, my dear Chabot, about which I cannot talk at present. Hut we will not anticipate evil. Come, you must accom pany me to th Hourm thl. moraine. I have a heavy deal pendlne. and shall need our assistance." Aa the Vk-omte d Vallar and Jute Chabot left th office of the Mutual Credit and Trust Company a amall-alxed man luurd from a cafe on tbe opposite side of lb street and walked In an ap parently rarrlcwrand preoccupied manner in the sum direction. He followed them until they turned Into a broker's otfice. Presently tbey came forth a fa In. and In company with a third person continued to walk In lb direction ot tbe Hourse. Thl third person wa Herr Max Cold stein, on of the shrewdest dealer In se curities la tbe whole of I'aris. He waa the broker to whom thn rlcomte had en trusted tb sale of lb first morteac bond ot lb Ardenne Charcoal and l'eat Company. He was a heavy, thickset fel low, with little, cunnlne eye, which bail been set together aa closely as nature would allow; bad not an enormous no frown between tbem, he would perhap hare bad only one tare rye In tbe center. He had a bablt of rorkine up bi head when In conversation, and of listening with hit mouth wiile open. He had com menced life In Iterlln aa a bootblack with a second-hand outfit. At the conclusion of tbe first 'lay's work be bad accumu lated enoueh to buy tbe beat outfit In the city. In a aeek be had concluded that open air work waa not lo bla llklne, and took bl bualneaa off th atreet Into a basement, where be thrited apace. Then the brilliant Idea struck him of buyine and sellinc theater tickets at cut rate. From this he era listed Into lot' terle: from lotteries into amall corb atone speculation. Hardly able to write hi oan nam, the Iradlne Instinct was so stronely developed In blm that In ten j ear be bad accumulated a very consid erable fortuue. Why Herr Goldntrlu bad not continued I me si hit j- ir upnnni in nu nour, ills ante cuuMnmiy on in noor ot tne ex chance, her the rlcomte, th broker eer at his elbow, moved retlely from eroup to eroup, manlpulatlnt hi deal. When Herr (lobNtrln left th Hours twenty minute later unaccompaulcd by hi compaulotp, tha small man tapped him on lb elbow. Tb broker started vio lently; the crease In hla face crew atrongtr; a perceptible flush overspread his feature "Oalllard!" he eped. "I'm tlad to see you V "A rood a hand at a II as ever, ain't you, Kaufman!" sneered the small man. "Hush, don't breath that name here," whispered th broker, looking around blm nervously. That belones to the past. Com with me. Come to my office, where we can be alone. How lone bat you been In Pari!" "About lx months. "Durine which time " "Durlne which tlm t hav been work Ine for whom do you think!" "I don't know. You hav eot Into business, perhaps for yourself or you would. If you had sufficient capital. If a rood friend If I. for lnttau.ee, showed you bow you could make some money It would suit you. would It not7T "No, I bar a pretty eood berth, thank you." "It Is a perfect eold mln for you; It you will only hold your tqofu." Th small man only smiled- slentncantly. Tbe two walked on aid by std until th broker's office was reached. "Com In," said the broke!, In a coax In voice, "and tell m what you want." The smalt man passed In tbroufh th open door and went Into tb broker office. "See that under no clrcumstancea am I disturbed," was the Instruction Herr Max eav to his clerk. "I hav Important buslne with this eentleman." Four o'clock come, and Herr Gold stein came out and cent th clerk bom. It was an hour earlier than usual, but th clerk waa clad to et away. H lived In a amall fiat and had a wife and four children to support. He could takt hi tlm now and walk bom instead ot pay In for a aeat In an omnibus, Tb hour ent by. It was past mldnjebt when th Qrcat Decline In Production. Cereal 'HIOES MAKE FARMERS HAPPY. Thajr Wilt dot Hair a Billion Dollar Mora This Year than Laat, of The eorrrnmrnt report ahowa a bortaer- of 7S3,U,S7,O0O bmhela In total crop" aa cvmpnrvd with the ctvp of nam, nwen wcrv the liirRfat ircr ralwM In tlila country, ami a aliortneo of 1IT7,. WT.tXX) buahrla a coiupntvd with the yield of HKXJ, which went also very larce. Tbe chief hortnee la In tha corn crop, with XV.OOO.tioo buahela, onta with 211.0taJ.O0O buahela ami wbMt with 101.000,000 bushel. Therv I notnrthliur of an ofTact to the blit loo In tho ftvilln cntltia In the Incnvtae of Cai,000 tona of hay aa comvnml to that of HKW, and of 3,043,3SH ton aa cimipanxl to Uiu rnm of 1P03. rromlnant feature: of Ihe final rt.vla lon of lu crop rntlniatrei for tho yenr by the Department of Aicrlcultur) were the Increase made In tha morta of area ted to trltia; wht, corn and oata. In ach of these partlculara an well aa In the rtliuntti! eleht of lirln wlicnt ntnl oat the nrrielal re- TJNCLE SAM A CAPITALIST. Aa n Shipbuilder Outrank ' Al Otheri In tho United Qtntea, The iTnlltil rllntw ifoveriiiiwiil mnlw tnln nine imvy ynnln, r'rvMulliie eailtii1lsallou of inort limit ftai,)0,w ntiil otniloliitf Hourly Itl.oOO iiiimi, In oltttlliiK ollltvra, Tho tolnl xviutii paid In the imvy junta of the uoYcrnnu'iit U lipnixlinntcly JIO.tHHi.WM Miinually, ttu wl of uinlerlnla uM ihhiik nboiit fT.Otm.tXM.) nnmmlly ntnl the vlue of the product. iIi'ih'iiiIIuk iiikiii the num ber of vcMd bulll, run well up Into the tnlllloiM ecry yenr. In IIKW1 tlm output or the snveriimt'ttt ynpta va over 17,(XXUKX. Aa a shipbuilder Urn (uverntnrnt out rank nil other hIiI owner lu (he I'nltvl Htnlc. In 11KM the mivcniinciit IauucIimI 170,000 tout ot lit I He whip of tmire limit 1,000 tmi burden eaeli. Whllo only S.7 per cent of nil rcweU lituwlicd Hint year were the property of tlie twtlott, tlico viiweU cointltiltiil J7.7 cr cent of the total tununjte Inuncliol that ypr. Thnw aame vca s1 represiMitcil Im tuotv tlinu half the value of nil reweli over five tona launched, the contrnct value of the iroverntuent hl lln TiO.M't.iViO. Despite It own facilities fur bulldlue and repairing warslili. only one euv ernment yanl ha Uvn uM In revvnt year fur turnlne out a inoilera tip-to date ttattle ahlp. All told, the covcrtmicnt own fit teen dry dock where nivl of the nary undergo moat of their repair. All but two of throe are located on the Atlantic coast. Another dock I belnc completed, on l'u get sound, jtlvlns tliiT on the I'actflc coast. In add 1 1 Ion tu the naval dry divk there ar thirty- eleht In tb Unttnl Htatc owned by prlrate corporation or Individuals u time of war the navy atiould find no trouble In tnklne rare of It smaller vetsel. but the blf battl ahlp would . i ajuL-u1 jmj. .1 Weak Lungs Bronchitis For over sixty years docton have endorsed Aycr's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak tunes, bronchitis, con sumption. You can trust a medicine iho best doctors ap prove. Then trust this tho next time you have a hard couch. Ui.t Ik fl ft .f S tMf , St4 a fmf I ) f t 1 1114 tltirir reiivi p im . K,MMI It m ill M lll4. Slit M. MI Oils I ,MWhll WiiMsiw. P.C, 4. str ITtU, 3 aaWjaXaaaasVBWaaBVMaiTM M4W' 0.lrt 0I-fll.Maj. iii ia4uttjir r yers SiMiPlHIXa, mu. RAW VaMt, J Aror'a Pill keep tho bovvela regular, All veRetaaio ana Kntiy laiaovo. CROPS OP UNITED STATES FOR THREE YEARS. IWJ7. bu. IIKsl, bu. MM. bu. I,-H'il !i,ai.uij Mehtnlne elouJt ar always nar lb eround. Thy ar IJoiu at a grttr htlebt thta 2.000 ft. I'rlur IjouIs Ntpflleoti i a ftntral la th Itutilan army This It not a r mlndr ot llowu, 1RI2. HOME MADE MIXTURE SAID TO BC INtXrtNSIVC AND CASaY PKtPAftCO BY ANYONC. k Sabi la rrompOy RBv BaLiKh anal OvertaaM KUnay Troubl and M4. aW Wakna Thuh Harm aad fleaaant ta Ta.. Winter wheat Mprlne wheat . .,,,.,,,,,,,,, ir.'s.s.t)i 4,,rHn 2llVarAlNM '.iUIU.tl.M Total wheat Corn Oat Kje two tnf o ram out of tb Inner offlct Anil tr9y ) )fatfla ' a a Hockwheat KUxsred I'otatoe Total Hay, ton hla uninterrupted career of prowrity In Iterlln was a mystery to hi friends In l'arla. A be seemed to have plenty of money, however, none of them had ever dreamed of Inqulrlne why be preferred tbe French to th Herman capital a a base for bis financial operations. After all. wa it any of their business? Herr Ooldttrlu wa about forty-five year of aee. but looked considerably older. Coostant ficbtlne with all sort and condition of men had left deep fur row across bl forehead. Indies told that without doubt he waa a very unprc poslnc man. He seemed to hav om aatraardlaary loiwoc with tha rlcosat. I Into tbe atreet, "I lire on the other able. .Student quarters," said Goldstein. "Come with me. 111 put you up for tbe nlfbL W mutt croaa by tb l'oot Neuf." "Vou must make it fifty thousand," said the small man. a they went alone. "That' cheap enoueh. Old friend shouldn't be hard on each other." A fearful expression cam over tb other's far a tbey neared the bride. Fifty thousand franc. An enormous sum. And It be paM It what then? He bad but thla feltow's word that b aould keep silence. Tbey stopped for a moment In tb center of the bride and sat down un steadily on one ot the embraiure. It was two o'clock. The llfbt flatbed alone tb river. Ilehlnd and In front of tbem arose th dull roar of l'arla which ceae not by nlebt nor by day. Iooklne over the low parapet they could see th dark water ot th river as tbey awlrlrd below. "Vou will make It fifty thousand, will you notY ured the amall man. He uttered no cry a the hand of tin broker cfod upon bla throat with an Iron eraap: but for a moment or two h st rut fled depralely a he realised th other' purpo- Hut lb broker seemed to hav become suddenly sober. Tbe small man wa like a child In hi terrible Hutrbe. He raised him to tb top of tbe low parapet nad whispered hoarsely :, "I will seud you where you won't neeo th money." Then be flune the blackmailer from him with tbe force ot a catapult. Tbe water received th detective and closed over hla bead. 11 bad not tim to utter a cry. The broker posted quickly from tb bride and, plunelne Into a narrow street which dlversed from tbe main tborouih fare, soon eained hla apartmenta. Arriv ed there, be threw himself, drd aa b .. .... t- i . .. .. ii- .in J" Oayllebt. n,.,v.h.- ibiji Three days passed ; some workmen on a I ... ,,.,1 I'otatoe ...01.7 .,,,. ,,, , UI.ri7.00 7M,200,IJ70 larj.uriM'Q :.fiycn,ooo 2.107. nauu 2,7o7.w.vmo 7&l.4.ono (au.iau ii.vi.sitl, 177 .1l,.VVl,Ol .TWTAW 27.HKI.tM3 1.VI7,(XJ 17MJ1IH.4HI IftMUIl.tW) HJ3HVKW N.inui:r; HeViVrc STsMt.UtO 23.a7tl.llil 2Mn,75.1 su7JJI3,im) is,tn.H..ac 2oo,7unM ...... ....,,, brlrk baree drew from tb black and slimy river th body of a man which bore upon It throat tb mark of (Sneer. At tb moreu Victor .ablancbr. tb prefect ot police, recoenlted In tb mur dered man the detective be bad put 00 the track of M. Chabot. "Ioor fellow !" be exrlahned. a b ex amlned the flneer mark at hi throat. "A tlftr mutt have selted him. II waa first atraneled and then thrown Into th river." And tb sol clue b had waa tbla; Th murderer mutt have bad enormous port ran more or lt counter to tho gwncral !tirprctona of pvcolatora. In a few lntaiicm, hikIi n the wctelit of oat, tlfo flstirca given were at vartaiH-o with all the exiierlrocva of tho trade for the year to date. figure at lb Hepori. The rcjrt irave final eatlumtrw of ecreaee. production an.1 valuo of fa nil crop. lM)wlnj; winter wheat acrenjfe to lot SS.133.0UO, inluctloii 400.42iOO buahela and value tier Imnhcl W2 cent. Hprlnc beat acroaee wa 17,07l,rJ. production 22t.0l3.000 bUNhvlf and ml ue HO cttubt. Corn acrenco wa 01IJKI 1,000, produc tion 202,120,000 lAUdiela ami vnlue 51.7 centa. Oata acreaee waa 317.000, prvxluc- (Ion 731,413,000 buihel and value -lt.3 cent. It wa aunouneeil that the total rat tle of the farm enn for I0)7 wna 13,. 101,000,000, an Increaoo of $ 129.000,000 for lOOil. The farm rrJne on Iec. I of the four croi already roentlone.t follown: C4in, SIA'0,4 10,000; winter wheat, 130117, OOOj spring wlitvit, J1KI20,000; at, S33l.!MS,O0a Tlie coniiwratlve prlct-a for ttie jcraln cropa for ttw lt three yrara follow : 11W7. lOOil, 1W. 1151. stiai 31.7 out -HJTi wa 101J1 31.1 110.37 M37O3.00O Ci23,snO,233 MIMSM,H!1 113477,000 B7,II3,JC0 tk),.VII,JI3 have lonr distance to travel on elthet matt, In event of Injury, before flndlnf adequate docking facllltlea. zs: Wjf ywM of tCtUf Cljurcijeg Wheat ....l-7 Corn . .51.7 Oats 414 It j 73.1 71.8 VU 41.2 IU 211.1 314 00,7 UA8 40lH 42.0 M.7 iti2 U3.0 l"J4 01.7 434 W42 S.73 lay ....S11JW INTEBESTrNO NEWS ITEMS. A monument to Ilunsen 1 to b erecN td at Heldelbere. French mints coined f-SO 1,000 ot Hwlaa coins durlne 1000. , Th I'eraUn bar a different name for tvtry day in tb month. It will reeiulr 1411,011423 to run th public schools of New York City for th hands. (To b continued.) be 'year just brflnnlnj. A bliebt ot the tea planta caused by tb' hit ot mosquitoes It causme much alarm amone the planter In India. N 1'resldent II. F. Wfocbeli of th Itock Island at Guthrie, Okla., said bit road would accept tb S-cent far provision of Csu.t for Thaak. Church 'Therv'a one thlnif to aald In favor of tin phonograph." Uothsni-"IM Just like to know.,., nki.hom constitution. what It 11" I (joy, Vardaman of Mississippi wa pre- "Well, they haven't aucccedcd la railed uioa to tak a rid In llaldwln'a making a record rerirodudns all th ah-ablp at Jackson. Mist. Ten feet above noUe one hear on tlie Fourth ol.th eround wa tn limit ana u trip vaa very tnori. July." Yonkera Btatrotnan. Jaat Iolble. Her What la meant by "going from bad to worael" Mm Getting a divorce and aarry lag atala, I bIlera. William K. Hblebler, th teUaranh op erator who received th first mesaae over th Atlantic cable tent to President Hu ehanan by Queen Victoria died in II rook- lya, Jf. Y. II also received tb message unpoaalbl by the prohibition aealoat from tb front announcing lb fall of all tb rationalistic mttboda of th MW SIJ..I .. A. Jiu. !,. l-ll M.. I I.I.I " " "" " " " " "" M'N n.IWiKliHi Th t'nlterulwit cnral convention a. rhlladelphla llttened with approval le th plea for closer frllowthlp between their denomination and th Unitarian mad by Her. Iwia (J. Wilton, secretary of th American I'nltarlan Atnoclatlon. Iter. II. Allen Tupper of th Fifteenth Hireet liaplltt church In llronklyn an notinced to hi conereeation last Hunday that bnceforth, with tb help ot (ml, h would' nerer prenrh th eopel for cum prna.tloii In money. Th thurch hat prutperrd under bit chare and b hat a eomfortabl private Income. HI salary will be added to lb new church fund, Illtbop William I'aret of the dioce tn Maryland ha announced that a 1'rotett- ant I.pttcopal catheilral Is lo be erected at llalllmore. He aaya that while ther la still uncertainty as to th details, lb cathedral Itself la a certainty. II ihlnkt It wilt lak fmm 100 lo '.1)0 year to build, to that tboM who start th move mrnt need not expect to e la consum mation. Under tb direction of Her. Hugh Illrk brad and hi associate of Mt. Ocorc' Kplecopal church, New York, a club tuts been started on lines similar to that main. talnrd by Kinraanuel church, llotnn, and Chrlat I'resbyterlan church of Nw York, namely, Ita membership mail up entirely of person having Incipient tuberculosis. Hach memler promltea to car for hla health, to iv up all work, stop worry ing, Hv an outdoor llf and obey all th rule of lb club. All ar sunnlled with a lent attachment to b fattened to tb window sill so that Ihey may sleep with tbem beaits in tb oen air. Weekly meellns ar held, when all fell of their proertss. Tlie text of th recent syllabus pro mulented recently by Top I'ius, which has now reached America and been pub llihed In tbe Catholic papers, define a htresle slxty-fiv doctrine, mainly Iho held by liberal men within the church In Kurope. Tbe Literary Digest aay tlut amone the American Cat hollo journal (cqulracenc Is eenersl. It reception In France and Otrmany I far less cor dial, though ther I no otien revolt among ih clergy. On Important French weekly, th Lyon Demaln, baa autpend ed rather than tak th rewponalblllly of attacking the decree. Ita editor say that the taak ot reconciling relleton anrf science within tb church baa been mad What will appear vary lnttrtlng to maay people here la tha aitlola taken tiota a Nw York dally paper, giving a ilmpl prearrlptloo, a loirculatol by a ootea au'horlty, who ulalma that he hai feuud a poelllv rttnedy to our almoat aby rate of haakaeh or kidney or bladder drangamnl, In tha follow ing tlrapl prescription, It laksn Uofot th ata j ot Ilrlght's dleai Fluid Kxtract Ikindtlloa, one-halt ounces Compound Kaigon. on ounce: Cornpoand rlyrup Harraporille, three ounce. Wiak welt In a bottle ami lake In teaapoonful rtoa after each meal and aealn at bedtlma. A well known authority, when aakial leganllng thl prwcilptlon, ttatel that tho IngredlenU are all harmlea. ami ran bo obtained at a email coet from anr gooil pretcrlptlon phsrroacy, or lha mlxtuie would be put up If asked to do 10, lie further lUtrd llutt whllo till prescription it olten prescribed In iheu matlc alltletloni with splendid iceulta. he could ee no rvaaon nhjr It would not be a ipltndld iemelr for kldti and urlnarr ttoublea and baekadie, a 1 It haa a peculiar action upon Ui kid I ney itructur. elcantlng the meet m. portant organ and helping them lo altt and fillet from the blood the tool acid and waal matter which cause aloknea and infferlng. Thoe who suffer can make no mlatake In giving It a trial. In Tranc for th prlriteg ef wearing men' trouter th joernmtot charge wootn a lax of about S10. One of the Essentials of fno happy home of to-day la a vast, fund ot Information a to tha bet method of promoting health and happlnoa and right living and know ledge of tho world' best product. Troducta of actual excellence and reasonablo claim truthfully proented and which liavo attained to world wide acceptance through tho approval of tha Well-Informed of tho World; not or Individual only, but ot tha many who havo tho happy faculty ot nelectlng and obtaining tho beat tha world afford. One of tho producta 0f that claa. of known component parti, an Ethical remedy, approved by phyitcian and commended by the Well-informed of tho World a a valuable and wholo omo family laxntlvo U tho wollknown Byrup.of Fie and kiltie nt mn. Tn Ket Ita beneficial ofTecia alwaya buy tho genuine, manufactured by tha California Fig Byrup Co., only, antf for alo by all leading druggUta, TkTf Bower MaiT ) No Second CHb M CJooJ xtMujrt mt ibtmott M FERRY'S I SEEDS k -M.nHtM.,atHKi,uc "y