,nl itX, ocal BITS. in If. It. Meeker of Slaters waa (llcnd Vulne?day. Mr. Sclmltc mid daughter of Sin ters were Hcml visitors Wednesday. F. 0. Minor left Wednesday 'iltorrtliiK on it buHincsi trip to I'rliic- All the latent mid tnortt popular inagoklncs can be had nt the llcnd 'news ittnud. J.'I. West got in a Hhlpinent of fine runilili week. Kena ins at 'fit nuotficr column. Mill rvn Wc.it fpcnt the first of the week nt the home of her brother, Frank Vc.st nt the lllg Meadow, l Mrs. John Shcinorc U Itnprovioi; rapidly from her recent ifncii, and' hf now able toilt up u little each day. , A. M. Lnra got lit a shipment of gioccrlca thin week. He tells about them in hi rid. Head it in another column. - , K. G Rourk and wife .of Rov 'land spent Tucjdny evening in llcnd, leaving for I'rlucville the next morning .The Central Qrcgoit Really Co. has moved Its offices into Hie build ing on Wall street recently vacated by ,W. II.. Sellers. Grnt.ift. offering cut price on hts line of fine crockery left over from Christmas rate. There arc 'many good bargains. S. C. Caldwell has a new ad. in thin lame. He tellt you something ha't will be of value to buyer? Rend 'the ad. in another column. '. "O. S, Crocker arrived ftom Tort' laud'Suiiday evening. He came to look after business matters connect' ed with the Scofleld Drug Company. During the month of December1 the llcnd postoffice Issued mouey orders to the amount of $(.030.63, and paid money orders that totaled ..i,3J4.34. A. II. Grant got in a four-horse load of apples from the Cove last week, 84 boxes in all. The follow ing varieties are to be had: Jona thans, Ganos, Smith Ciders. Frank McCaflTcry of Redmond vs'aH a business visitor in llcnd 'Wednesday, lie was 011 hts way, t.o the' old river bed ncctldu, where: die owns a tract of ditch laud. Robes and Blankets -AT- J Reduced Prices -r A-J- -- l A. L. HUNTER In MuUlg IlultdiuK'un Oregon Street. 11HNI), OHJtOON .1. Wood For Safe. Twill deliver wood In town at the following prices,: . DRY HLOCK WOOD 16 inches lout; $4,00 a, cord. DRY LI Mil WOOD 16 inches long 1 $3.6p a cordv 1 l. it In ui.iir vnril ml llnr( lint !((. I'lione to inc when you want wood. It won't cot yon uuyttiliiK tu phone to F. M. OAFtTER. HENRY L. WH1TSETT Horse Shoeing; and General Bfocksmitiiing V WAOON AND PLOW WORK Writ ClasVWork OiinrantwU. i,oeated in the old Sheldon ilton, t i"'irtll, r II M 1 1 1 1 4Am -gU',MlerHlli accompanied by Mr.Ttutl Mrs. Creed Trlplctt nud Miss Ilc((ilo Wilkinson. I tit llcnd Sunday morning to drive to Mr; Merrill's hoiituitciid near the "fish trap." Regarding the road petitioned for by W. R, Wilkinson nud others east of llcnd the county court up proved the report of the surveyor and viewers mid declared the same n public highway The Ladies' Aid of the Metho dist Hplsccip.it church will meet for work with Mrs Culdwell on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 33. All members nud friends arc Invited to come as curly as posiiblc C. II. Allen is ciidiiig n few days in town this week with his family. He say 9 that the winter nt the Meadows has been n very favorable one for stock and that till itock Is getting along cll. The county court has appointed the following lor 'Judges and clerks of election for Ihmd district No 3: II. C. KIIU, J.'l. West and J. W tloblusou, judges;. K I Batten, 1J. A. Sat her nud A. II. Grant, clerks. Orn Polndcxtcr and Fred Aldrlch arc hunting at tiprivcr points this week, and during that time Mrs Polndcxtcr and Mrs. Aldrich are vitluj; with Mr. nud Mrs. Frank West at their pleasant much at the tltg Meadows The ne'xt regular meeting of the Rend Comrhcrcial Club will be oil next Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Committees will be an iiounccd at that time and other work transacted. There should be 11 latgc attendance. The couuty court, has appointed the judges nnd clerks of election for Deschutes district No. ia James K. Reed, W.,R. Wilkinson and O. II. Riley, judr.es; C. A. Stahsborotigh, Ivlmcr J. Merrill and t'lcury Lin ger, clerks. Votlng'place nt Lytic. The funeral services of the .one- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stlllwell was held at the "home Jat Suuday afternoon, Rev. Mitchell officiating. Interment was made in the Beud cemetery. Mr. Still- well had been summoned from Portland but arrived too late to sec his little dauuhter alive, reaclH ing Beiid late Friday night. It. W. Urcwcr left for Bend Mon day morning to visit his mother, Mrs. John Siscmore, who is quite ill with 11 nervous afiVcliou. Mrs. Ilrcwer accompanied her husband nud will remain vltli Mrs. Siscmorc for some, time. ..Mr. Ilrcwer is. ex pcctcd.homc tomorrow. At lustre port Mrs. Siscmorc was Improving home Sliver Lokc urcgonian. Karl Benton rctunrcd Wednesday; evening from a trip of several days at Redmond wheic he hadi been look, dig Over laud with the intcii tion of buying. He reports that there, aje a lot of new settlers movi ing onto laud in that vicinity am) that there is much clearing being; done both by the new hitlers and tho$ vholave been on tlie laud longer. Mr. Benton was ' well pleabctl with the laud, nroiuid Red mond and will probably buy there. Tuesday morning Mrs, L, D. Wiest underwent an operation in the St. Vincent hospital at Port-; laud, Tuesday evening a phono message to Mr. Wiest stated that she had come through the Ordeal u a very encouraging condition,' Auohfer message Wednesday evctR lug Uptight the gooa news Hint Mrs. Wjcst was greatly improved and that there was no danger of her, growing worscl Dr. Kenneth A. I. Mackenzie performed Uic operation. v 1 - '" v- . DoIbjc Oooil. ,'., Cautwllc to tt'lstcu In Uic, Vrvts. H,tU'B' rlilW arajilnc VUrortgU" ttie April Ulci; v Ont do some ?J,-whllc life mill hope ,ihij l ' Awauf some aittUh, soothe ebtrodln lli. B. U. ,. rM,flH I.,' .fc. .. -I III. Mil. " u Jl r : ir JMdandwjffandr; txMttuhtk 1 mmi-M r-t i nl;f-Tt V Li. sre but outward sighs ol lae evil don In secret by siyriads of dan Jrull germs Mpplflxtho IllfcWoed ol the hair. Micro kHlilBcfra site, soolbcs Iho ItcWoj scalp, tWc kntre lo the hair and stops llfslltejOMt AslAlaMllcatleii gives rtllff a ad proMlli worth. Save ypw faalr before too late, Micro prevtnts baMaest. It ha delightful drcwlng for the hfk, trti from grease and ttkky oil. Ask our drugg lit forfree bookkt HOYT CHEMICAL CO. rORTUMV 6KK10N ttn'tfur The Pioneer Telegraph and Telephone Company Telfj;rm I'orwurilwl to Any Tft of the World. Direct Telephone Communication with 1'ortUiiil, rrinctlllc ami nil 1'aclGc Coant cttlt. Public Pay Stations hi Ilauk lluMitiK at nenil. at UI'l taw and l'owcll lltttteav. McK'iiKcr kcrvlce to any part of Crook County ivuth of Crooked Kivcr. The Secret of a . Beautiful Face lit In leering the ikln pro UctcdairUucleanieL Jurt wMnj; li not enouchthit only leares the delicate lurfice more exposed to the Irriutlon of duit anj ccrmi tomercl leu atlaek of 11m and i raUier. After truhin, ap Jly KotcrtInc and etpenence 11 dclichtfid rrfreihienU You will admire the lint-tew miineu It Imparti to tut, seek and am)i. It not only timulitei a,rvUnt clow, but firot ecu the ikln from becom nz coane. Iieents burn nc tin and frtcllei. . V- umth m-TUr sessuj 1'orSalehyIi.A. SATIU'.R. TalvB Up. At our ranch at.Tuinnlo, Or., on De cember I, otic wild aorrcl niatew ut:ij;lit atout 750 Hi, Whtc atrip in forehead, both hind feet anil (ettofka wtiltc.lilotch brand on left ahouldcr, aKc'thtec year. Tbla mate Una been a uuJmiicc here aincc the fall of i;oj and la auppoted "la have been lot by Vamipring Itidiani. Owner can have aame hy .provinK prop erty ami laying fcnl bill anil aiUftitlli): cliarKcu. Gxo. WlMKH & bbm, 4o-4j Tuuialo, Or. I GAITS OF TH dAUIILJC tlUKL 3" m Tbcro Is no doubt tbnt tbo Mi In Ita every rnrlety la n live propoaltJon Viowfldaya, wblclt fnrmcra nro abowtag 0 ilNpoilllon to hntiillo to tbo bt d-i vamose, in mm roniipctioti pernapi 1bo andillo bono l b- talked 0? than other clnancii, yrt Intercut In It la bot wanting. To n rami who Ima a four-ytar-olil mare n in I urn I trottor cud i coinldctiiifr InilnluK her for a anddlc horao li, I'. Mayo of Mnlno any In Itu rol Now Vorkrr: To mnko nil ldo.il aaddlo horao of hit inro tint InnulriT nlioutd Imro com- luonnit nt Iciiit two yearn ngo, but If fhe It, 111 hi- nnyi, rcry actiaiuie ciiu bo will bo n llttlu moru pnllcnt tbo dc alri-d reault can l nccomplUhed now. Tho first tiling Jo x ntlalned la to ibako her n rikx! wnlker, for a alow or bail nlkln? anddlo horao l nbout tlie nomt thliiK out, nnd who tijtut hr Inusht Hint tho wnlk It n dlatluct call n much, na tbo canter or tho gnllop. Ifo ahould not bo antlxilctl until he can feet her wbero aho can walk from flvc to six inllos nn hour. Of courao If abo li naturally n fnit wnlUcr tbla can railly ho arcouiplUboil, but aim abould never Vi allowed to trot whllo taklnfr her walkltiR fxcrclw, for It la n much n rnlademennor for n niaro walking to brenk Into n trot n for a trotting mare to break Into n run. To acquire the walking habit require no apeclal train ing, but peraUicut practice, at all Umoa urging her to walk na faat na poaalble Without Tatlgne nud not making bcr Ivaauna too long nt n time. There nro tbreo trotting galta the J03 trot, nbout four wiles an hour, aomo- yjXK KCrtfCXT BADUUC HOME. (KU. owrtH by fl, A. Dtmoe. Mlf hlanj Tb hore la- ltcn yrcra old "an4 wttt bred In Krntuckr Tn potltlon In tti picture rrprewnl lli Spanl.h tp. Out of . posilbl thlrtr-ona high aehool movemrnta Ncbo prform twtntr-ont. farta, l'UU and FlrcaUcl thing to be avoided and always to b dlacouraged; the trno trot. In which tkl animal murea unttirally nnd with. trie- tlonlesa gait, whllo tbo tbtnl la known aji tbo flylug trot, or at apeed gait. The truo trot, of courae, la tb tro that tbla mare tnuat attain If ho vronliwvo hei nceoinpllnbed lu the dhTorvnt galta. Wicn this la nccomplUhcd-nnd It it equally iih oaity as the watklnx Klt the next I the eauter, or alow gallop, and tbo horn? should go from tbo walk 01 trot either to the canter at will of the rider Tho right fore leg nhouJd, ixf made to go forward, llmt, or", rather, a. tako tho lend. In training for thU gall tho horao fhoiild bo kept weft lit hand by tbo bit nud while being urged for ward bend tbo bend allgbtly, In ho op posite direction from which ibe fore leV la to lend, nud with n very lltlo prae-, tlco the horo will understand from th.r lennlug of tbo bend what U wantnl nnd atrlko nn iiy, natural canter. II nn out nnd out gallop la rwiulred, when (bo homo lunket tbo flntt leap forward with forofoit well extended and you K-o that ho understand what li re quired gtvo him hla bead allifhUy nnd urgo htm to mnko still greater oflfart. 1 DON'T FORGET THAT LARA There: news in The Bulletin. S. C. CALDWELL V. Hardware--,, STOVKS, Tm and GRANITE WAUK, WINDOWS, DOORS. OILS I,lI)RICATtko, CYUNDKR, 6AS EkoiNR OH., SEPARATOR OIL. Groceries- DRIED and CANNED FRUITS BACON and HAMS. FLOUR PRINEVIU.E nud MADRAS. A full line of all ki of Ldiic nd Cement. brovislons. On clll Cash Sales of Five or More Dollars a Liberal Reduction Made. Lu - .) . Hotel Bend Restaurant Jimmy Akllkj Proprietor t . 0l , fcirll.Olass Meals SeVved at All hbUrbt Board by tKfc Weftk C?i ) $15.00. r - umdaIo roR tajdfri j "l-,r u !.'. - y --'- -- -.. ialai HAS THE Right Goods r at Right Prices My new stock or groceries Ima arrived (except the coal oil) and we cordially invite you to come in and see a 1 Neat, Clean, Up-to-Date Grocery Dept. J I have without doubt the best Hue of groceries ever laid down in Bend. Everything to tempt' the most delicate nppetitx: and at teiaHT prices Always. ' AND AGAIN Don't Forget That TllE BALANCE 0 THE STOCK OF THE Bfend Mercantile Company Is being sold at leas than cost price. I want to move every dol lar's worth of these goods and have marked them at prices that mean QUICK SALES. v. . These goods won't lst,long, so come early. v. YOU WILL FIND" x - r, Right Goods JX x, 1 Right Prices, ALWAYS &, M. LARA r?v, END.pREaON -: . i TT T Bugs, Linoleum ami Art Squares k FI&E VARIETY AT ; "'Jr. 1. w4st$ ' Rajali jufcSmybfi Iwss--3050 Jn. i , All-Wool Smyrna Rugs a6x5.tlu- J ? Axmhistcr Rugsr-27x6o in. .. - , l " - Best Quality Aimlmter Rugs--27xrjO in., . -, .Itupef al Art Square, all-wdol xio ft. J-, . iHolHms, print!, &,4U wldper square foot ' $3.50 3.50 .4-50 5.00 32.O0 J5 1; ,:o Floor Oilcloth, 3 ft. Vilde.-pw kJAre ft tWCfjajl f Vtl SiK, JWOl- A,.,.- Mattreasea. full si, wool - .js & aa ?ig&Q!mm&ym 4i9 '6.s 1 1 4 i