The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 17, 1908, Image 1

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Bend-Slianiko Livery & Stage Company
New CovorcU Stages between Bond and Slmnlko
1 " ALSO
Lively and Feed Stables at Slmnlko and Bend. ,
Wo run our rigs to ploaso tho public.
Btngco Iccivo oncli wny ovory day.
Riga to nil pnrts of Control Oregon. Careful drlvcrq furnished
' f I now haTc a better outfit of buggies and horses mid can give
more satisfactory service uinii ever bctorc. All Kinds of light and
heavy livery furuMicri on rdort notice nl reasonable rates to nil
points In Central Oregon. Trnvclltitr parties will profit by sccIiik
iuc before going cheivhcrc. For further fnformatiou about stages
consult J. II. WitriANDV at llend, or W. P. Kill.l.KV, Agent,
Hliaulko. Oregon.
Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage.
A Complolc Slock of
At Bend,
Rough, Surfaced and Moulded
At Bend,
All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses
. .into
lelirerd it
Aijwbere m
Ik Lands ef
mw B. I. & P.
The C S. I. Cs.
Central Oregon
Development Company
i.. .'..mii.-..
T& Central Ore
gon Banking (9b
Trust Company
Capital $23,000.00
Transacts a dencrnf Bank
ing Business.
Acts 08 Administrator, Ux
ecutor or Trustee of Estates
Issues Drafts and Bank
Money Orders on all Foreign
Countries. k
Interest on Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes.
Fire Insurance.
John Sleldl, President
J. It. Ucyburii, Cifahlcr
Ii your tiswt on our subscription list!
Jj in BOf
'iLEflLALfl ill i
i.v T-vrctw
When You Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best; results at the
least expense you
should use ,
Call for
color cards " mmmm '
A FulItLliie of QrocerUs, Dry
Qoods ahd Hardware always on
Next Fair at
Will Begin on Oct. 17.
Ills company "Ccsnr dc Gen," as
the- new stallfon is called, Is a coat
black hore of remarkably perfect
liltlld. The animal wit (mnnrted
I .,.... ... , .. '. ,
Prlti(vllln "l,ri"K ll,c "ummcr irom ueigium
!. -... ,u a r' w.iii n. nnl.iMiti
... .., 7 VJU wvli.l'.l'
Penitentiary Qunrd Tell Mow Noted
Bandit Out Away Other News
- Notes of Interest.
The Central Oregon Livestock
and Agricultural Aociatiou lias
set the dates of. the next fair to be
Kin on Oct. 17, with mi alternate,
Oct. 33. 'flic association has plen
ty of money in its treasury, ' and it
is planned to make the next fair
bigger and better than ever. The
premium list is to be enlarged and
.some 01 tlic premiums probably
raised in amount. A tine program
of races is also promised. Improve
ments will be made on the grand-
stand ntid grounds.
At a recent meeting of the stock
holders the following officers were
elected for the ensuing yenri
l'reil.lent-V. II. Ufollett.
Secretary Duncan Mac! rod.
Treasurer H. Ilaldwln.
Director George Mllllcan and J. R.
The Priocvllle Review says it
was ordered that the pavilion be
given a new coat of paint, and that
such other improvements to the
stalls, race track and grandstand
as may be deemed necessary by the
board be made as noon as conven
ient, and as the association has
plenty of money iu its treasury the
grouuds will present a different ap
pearance next fall
Delay Saved Ills Life.
C. M. Charlton, who was one of
the guards at the Oregon peniten
tiary at tfic time Harry Tracy made
his famous getaway, was telling of
that incident last evening. Charl
tou was to have taken the place of
barrc, the guard that Tracy killed,
that very day, but a few hours' de
lay saved his life. Tracy hardly
got possession of the gun, which
had been smuggled in by friends
outside, when he turned like light
ning into a very fiend, shooting
Farrc down and getting outside the
gate inn moment, from which time
he and Merrill left n trail of blood
which terminated with the death
of both. The plan was for 10
prisoners to bluff their way out, to
force the warden to open the gate
at the point of one gun while an
other covered the guard, but the
plan failed. As soon as Tracy got
hold of the 30:30 he began shoot
ing, and eight prisoners quit the
project at once and went back to
their work. They had counted
on n bloodless escape. Princville
Portland "Cesar dc Gen" was
i-pecially selected by Mr. Springer
art the blood best suited to cross on
the get of the fine stallion which
the company had the misfortune to
lose. Mr. Springer has been in the
business 35 years and he is of the
opinion that this stallion is ns per
fect a speciraon of a draft horse as
he has ever seen. Crook County
Prinevllle Jubilant.
In speaking of the receipt of the
news that the United States supreme
court had remanded back the Wil
liamson case for retrial, the Review
Sunset that day was marked by
a fair-sized celebration in honor of
the event A huge bonfire was
started in the street, a battery of
anvils was started, the church bells
were rung for nn hour, and even a
fcW sky rockets were sent up fn the
air. In fact, Princville had a
Fourth of July celebration in mini
ature. The evening was pleasantly
spent by Mr. Williamson at his
home receiving the congratulations
of his friends over the successful
outcome of bis finish fight with Mr.
Hitchcock and his hirling Heney.
WIHIe Pope Goes Back.
The Priueville Journal prints the
following note regarding a former
Bend youth:
Willie Pope, who was committed
to the Boys' and Girls Aid Society
at Portland from Crook county last
fall, escaped from that Institution
last week and after drifting around
a few days deckled to return to
Princville. It was a fatal decision.
He was nabbed by Sheriff Hlkins on
Friday and on Tuesday that officer
left with his charge for a return to
the aid society. The youth is
utterly incorrigible.
A Mammoth Apple.
Tom Partin sent S. A. Lester a
mammoth apple this week, meas
uring 13 V inches in circumference
and weighing just a pound. It
grew in Jack Purlin's orchard at
Summer Lake. Silver Lake Ore-goniau.
Bulletin Reporters Gather
Interesting Notes
Local P,eppe Will Greet One tf Out
sixers Do Hot Social Happen
lags 4 re Numerous,
A Itcautlful Mirage.
Tuesday morning at about 9
o'clock, George Gottlelb discovered
a magnificently beautiful mirage iu
the Paulina mountains and across
the Ft. Rock country. Jle immed
iately assembled a number of his
friends, who were greatly charmed
and elated at this astonishing phe
nomenon. The Paulinas looked as
though they had lost their natural
shape, and as the eye gazed they
seemed to be inhabited with great
snow phantoms and avalanches
moving about. Everyone who was
fortunate enough to have the op
portunity of feasting their optics on
this wonderful sight say that it was
one of the most beautiful mirages
they had ever seen anywhere
Silver Lake Leader.
Another Pine Belgian.
G. Springer, president of the
Haystack Livestock Association,
has, returned from "Portland with a
finb Belgian stallion to tak? the
place of the out rectutly lost by
Sum of $10 Ottered for the Best Idea
(or Medallion; for Commercial Club.
The board of directors of the
Bcud Commercial Club has decided
to offer a prize of $10 to the person
who will submit the best idea for a
medallion or sort of trade mark to
be used by the club in its advertis
ing. The idea must be embodied
iu a sketch and submitted to the
committee not later than two weeks
front today, or on Jan. 31. A. M.
Lara is chairman of the committee
nud all designs should be left with
The design should portray the
object of the club, namely, the. ad
vertising of Bend and the Bind
country. The various resources of
the couutry should be represented
in the sketch, to be worked out In
some suitable manner by the differ
ent contestants. The sketch should
be of such a nature that it can be
reduced to about the size of a 35.
cent piece aud still be dlstiuct and
plain. Larger sizes will be used,
but the smallest will be about as
before stated. The contest is open
to everybody and it ts hoped that a
number of good design will be
submitted. Hand in yours.
The medallion is to be printed on
the stationary .used by the members
of the club, and its purpose is to
bring in inquiries regarding this
Seed Wheat for Sate.
Cox seed what for sale, ac oer
lb., at the Beud Livery & Transfer
Stable. xotf
The RoiUml cquntry need a uwrnlll
and intpndi to have one. Home people
will put ote In If quUlder don't erect
one toon.
Will Docuo Ii wiling of! hl cattle and
dairy implement.
Rosland expect a boom early Iu the
apring. We certainly hope It cotnea.
Theatoreof J, 8. Doe.ue and Prank
nowlei will do butlneaa under the name
of lioRutfSt Co,
I,e Caldmell alto alio aid be Included
m'ong the Roaland people Irf Princville
during tl?e week.
Chaa. Rlehie will aoon commence
work on a new houae and barn on hit
homeatrad, north of Paulina Prairie.
Ante Howard la erecting a Uirn on hla
lot In Holland and will follow It with a
good alted fe.ou.ib a toqn aa poulble.
Joe Hiaton and W, 12. Honk of Madroa
have been laid up here with their freight
teaeaa by a tick bone. They Wf for
Silver Lake Wednesday morning.
Mr, ltrma, St, Thomw of Sliver Lake
is visiting her alater, Mr. Jake Howard
She will probably Uy with Mr. and
Mr. Jlowanl the balance of the winter.
Mr. and Mr. J. S, Begue, their daugh
ter Mary ami granddaaghter Kstelta are
vliiliag frientj at Bend. Mr, Rogue has
gone oa to Princville on buainea. They
are expected botac the latter part of the
There wo a. little snrprite eprung on
Lee Ca!lwell laat Saturday evening.
There would have been a rnUch larger
attendance had it not been that the
notice wai too aljort to enable most of
the neighbors to go, Those present had
a fine time and made a night of-lu
iower-Smilh mill near CsXeiter lumber
Mr. and Mr. Cyru of Squaw Creek
passed through here today going home
from a visit et Rend,
We are glad to kear that a Sunday
school has been organized at the Three
Creek school house near Gltt.
Report are there that will be some
work doing on the C. S. I. Co ditch
soon. The reporter cannot vouch for the
above report, but we hope It Is true,
Mr. C. L. Thornthwaite, who has
been visiting with Mrs. Pulliam during
the holidays, expects to start lot Wasco
tomorrow where she bos position wait
ing here. We are sorry to hear of her
departure and wjsb her success.
Grandma Pryear of Squaw Creek was
in Tumalo yesterday on the way home
from Bend where she has been at the
bedside of Mrs. John Sisemore, who 1
very low. She said Mrs, Sisemore' Is
better, which we are glad to bear.
John R. and Cbas. L. Wimer will tnako
proof oa their homesteads in 16-11 nest
Priday. Their lands embrace a valuable
piece of property and they have it well
undtr cultivation and have made exten
sive improvements on their claims in the
last 6ve year.
Rerfmosd Item.
Rkduqn'p, Jan. ij.Kew seem to be
scarce this week, due principally to the
fact probably tlt everybody Is busy.
Sunday School was organized at the
Porked Horn school house with an atten
dance of 34.
C. W. Muma came In Satnrday ntcht
with a load from, Shanlko and report
terrible road.
We did not heatmucty about the dance
Priday night except that a crowd was
down from Bend.
Mr. Hansen's mother and brother
have left again for Wasldugton after a
two weeks' visit here.
"Wc neglected to mention" that B.
H. Lockyear hits been down to town and
everyone was glad to see him.
It reems to be only a day here between
fall and spring work and that day has
passed. Spring work seems to be on.
W, J. Buckley left yesterday morning
for the old home its Washington, called
there by the seriqus illness of his mother.
G. A. Lilly, Oregon' S,ky Pilot, has
left to get that team that b to make it
so much easier to keep his. weekly ap
pointments, Mr, Peverly is just getting around
again alter a period of lameness. He
cut his kuee first with an ax and then
bruised it again making it worse than at
The settlers' meeting Saturday night
was quite welt attended, though the
dance of the night before cut the atten
dance somewhat as also the program.
Wi(h other business transacted was the
election of officer for the ensuing year.
Notes en the Leap Vtr BH,
Come one, come all, come short,
come tall, come great and small, to
the leap year ball at Lara ball, on
Jan. 33.
Wc mean everybody. We want
all the ladies to help us to make
this the success of the season. Of
course we can no't get along with
out the gents, so come even if the
tfirls don't invite yos. Geats all
At the leap year ball there will
be a committee of ladies appointed
to see that each and every lady and
gent have a good time. Programs
will be passed around, which will
help all the bashful ladies and
assure a good time for everybody.
Thfs is the onlr object of the dance
to drive dun care away.
Don't forget Jan. as at 8:30.
Lara ball. Leap year ball. Tick
ets, 75 ctnts. RefresaiMBts served
in the hall 50 cents a coMpfe. The
Bend orchestra Will furnish the
music, which means- good music
and a good time for everybody.
Forget everything- and come to
the leap year ball. Ladies, bring
your pocketbooks for, you know,
the ladies pay all expenses.
The ladies give the leap year ball
and will give all proceeds over and
above expenses to the orchestra.
So one and all join hands and help,
tbem. CqjtMiTTKif.
Rev. Mitchell will preach
bath next at if a. m. on
Waste of Shame."
Christian Endeavor at ejus. A.t
the 7:30 sen-ice Dr. Coe plornises
to give his address on "Heredity."
After that "Socialism" will be the
topic; Lawyer Greentnan to speak
on "Socialism iu Politics:" Rev.
Mitchell on "Socialism in the Inr
dustrial World," and Dr. Turley
on "With Socialism Installed,
What Then?"
Of course this is too much for
oue evening, so let us have another
meeting on the same subject Fri
day, Jan. 34, at the church at 7?3Q
with good music to start us out.
All invited.
Tumate Items.
TvuAt.0, Jan. u.We are having
some spring like days,
John Bdward was a Bead visitor Fri
day, Dr. Coe aud Jack Weaandy were la
Tumalo Wednesday. . ?
P.P. Smith of Gist passed through
here yesterday gel fig to Beadv
J, K. Whowr mode trip tt- the. High
Farms far Sale,
One hundred sixty acres, well Im
proved; goo4 new 7-room house;
new barn, 21x46 feet; 40 acres in
cultivation, balance level and easily
cleared; 12 acres to clover; good
young orchard; all under good
fence; water right with the place;
one-quarter mile to good school.
P. O. on place with stage three
times per week. Price, J4.000.00.
One hundred sixty acres i
miles north of Bend, Deschutde river
running through the place; 15 acres
in cultivation; 100 acres easllv
cleared. Price, $1,600.00, This is
a snap if taken at once.
Inquire or address,
Bknd Rsalty Exchanok.
(41-4) Bank Bklg., Bead, Of.
LADIESI You should have
your calling cards, pnnted. at The
jiiuuiui oace. tw latest sty k.