The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 10, 1908, Image 8

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    '. .V'
- Taken. Up.
V At oUr ranch lit Tdraalo, Or., ort Dc
ec'inber l; one wilt sorrel mare wrifjlit
VVotit 7Jo 16.- 'WnUe atrip in forehead,
both hind feet aniretloclca white, blotch
ramlonefc shoulder, age three yean,
rtiU mare has been it nuisance here since
the fall of tojand U supposed to have
lcn lost b'y VVartnspriiiK Indiana,
TMwicr can hare iame liy proving prop-
nyand paying feed bill and advertising
charges. Guo, W. Wiuer & Sons,
405 Tumalo, Or.
" " ' 1 1 hi
Railroads Make Low Rates.
.The colonist rates, which resulted
VI bringing such n. vast itnmizra-
xtoa to Oregon during September
pad October. 1907, will be in effect
for March and April of 190S. The
rate applies on all railroads, to all
rail points in Oregon, on the same
lasts as before $25 from Kansas
City, Minneapolis and Dulutli; $30
from St. Louis; $33 from Chicago;
S50 from New York. The fare is
$2 50 less on each ticket sold to
toints east of Umatilla. An effort
will be made by all the commercial
)Udies throughout Oregon to make
these two months add 20,000 to the
population of the state.
The Meanest Man.
Bill Nye had truth well told
When he said: "A man may use a
wbrt on the back of his neck 'for a
'collar button; ride on the back
'coach of a railroad train to save in
terest ou his money till the conduc
tor gets around; stop his watch at
night to save wear and tear; leave
his T or 't' without a dot or cross
tosave ink; pasture his cow on his
mother's grave to save corn; but a
man of this sort is a gentleman and
a scholar compared to tbe fellow
who will take a newspaper two or
three years and when asked to pay
lor it puts it into the office and has
it marked 'Refused.' "
J 8llghtfal Liquid Fact VowJtr.
Impart! a rare tatnm, btauty and
itftlcocy to the thin. Although lit'
il4lbi0 It U a ptrfect aid la beauty,
retraining thm rapagtt at tun, wind
i.nd Hmm, Xllmlnatrt tan, sunburn,
fr0Mty Mallownut and Imptrftc
1 axis' TtH ikin. Jshmm a dainty
lto3rtg odor ijteluilvtf Ms own,
Puiee a Cif, ajosaisr rntt at Bavseisrs
!tOrr.CHslA4,C0., POrWUK,Be,
Reasonable Ternis or Generous Discount for Full Pdyirterit;
The Central Oregon Development d.
(Contained from page 1.)
mits that trie eaftc was properly before It,
Williamson baring raited a constitution
al question in regard to his alleged itn
munity front arrest or sentence became
be was a member of congress at the time
of conviction. The court, however, cm
nhsticalfy disposed of that point by hold
ine that Williamson's alleged offense
constituted a breach of the peace, and,
therefore, the court had a right, under
the constitution, to impose sentence iui
mediately after his conviction.
The decision does not affect any of the
other land'fraud faies that have been
tried or are r ml ine for trial. William.
son and his cp defendants, Gesner and f
JJ,KK 1 we Chargsd with (Uboniation of I
lerjury inducing settlers to perjure
themselves. In all other conspiracy
case the defendants arc cliargcd with
defrauding the Government of Its public
The Bulletin
clubbing offers.
has several fine
Investigate them.
Tlmbcr.Lsn, Act June. J. ilrt.
V. S. Land Oflce. I.aktrlew, Otreoo,
Ieoeber T, vfii.
Noltee it bercbr rireri that la complUixe with
ine prv-iawna i ine aci oi' inzfras or June J.
V. entitled. "An act let the talc ot timber Undi
in use nana 01 cautornu, Ortioo. Nerada, and
Waahlaittou TeTrttory," a eiteoded to alt the
pwmcMnaaumujract 01 Augual 4, iSju,
Cenjamln )IrCaftry
of Xtdreood, county of Crook, aute of Orecon
nif ibis nay Dlea In tliia office hla aworn Mate-
meat No. last for the utirchaae
it WiNw ii u, WW
of the hHNW'if
neco, jp si b
And will ofter proof to show thiV the land
aouthtu more raluaUe for Ita tltrber or alone
Ibau for agricultural purpoaea, and to cstaUian
bis rUim to Hid land Uforc V. 8. Commiaaloner
ji .. Mia ai nia omcr in uena, urexon, on
Friday, the 1 jth day of Jlircll, lrf.
lie names aa atltnoKt' V. W cCaftVrv.
Klchard slcCairrry, Jfiuule McCaffcry, Jaron
Any. and. all persons cUlmlnr adrerarlr
the bore-described lands are requested to
I Jill day ofilaich, 1908.
Jw wr6 J. N. WATBOK. RejUter.
I The Pioneer Telegraoh
and Telephone Company
Telegrams I'orwarded to Any Tart
ofie World.
Telephone Communication
with I'prtland, Prlnevllle and all
1'acICc Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
in Bank Suldiug at Bend, at Laid
law and Powell Buttes.
Messenger service to any part of
Crook CountyianUiMff Cwaltcd
VLjtyer. " '
. -1 ... - J ,
Buy a Lot Now
and Build Later
- ' -y-
it wf s
Business and Residence Property;
Timber and Farm Lands.
TtmUf Land. Act June j, ii?.
C, S. Land Office, Tbe UiUn, Create.
June )th, rrr-
Notice Is. kvticby given that la compliance w lib
Ik provuson of the Act of Conerea of June f,
11. cntiUed. "An act for th.- ask of timber, land!
Im lhttea California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Uaalnngtoa Territory, aa eatendcO to alt the
public bubl aUtca bjr Act of Auguai 4, iSfj,
Albert C Luc a
of IicnX county
of Crook, atstc ol
haa thlaiAar filnitn Ihla office Ma im
led in this ilKt Ma awufn slate-
txnit No. aill fur the nurrhiM of the HKaWlM
ofhiSDdbSSH)l efocc 4. Tp it ri, H 10 ii
v.' yi
And lll offer proof ts show that Ine Unit
ought la raoie valoaM for lt tlmker or atooc
tluu tor aencullural twrTKraca, nit to eUS
II. h kit claim to uM Ucul l(ore II. C IMi,
I ,ti.Ccmrala.ienrr at MaorTiec at Halul.Orrtvn,
H. ,m . wiiMara 11. litsata
ou 10c wn oay ei iarcn, tyxv
I Jntrpi N. Hunter. Cha:
LkMtdl, an of IKnd. Orexou
,aph N. lUntcr. Cnarlr l Urock, John
Any and
all wrsona
traona cuimlnsr adrrraalr
described Uadaare rrquaaJtd to fife
tlieir etaima in Ihla office on or befre tbe mm)
isth Hay ol tarcb, Ito.
Jj-mnj C W. MOO It It. Rczlatrr.
Timber Lawl, Act June j, tttS,
U. 8. Land Office, Ukrelcw, Orifon,
DecetaUr rt. !?
Xolke la hereby siren that In cotnplUnc with
llie ororlaiouaofthe Act nf Conine of Ium x.
1 '7. entitled "An act fur the aatef timber lands
1 ine auirs 01 tail forma, uireoitr xeeaaa, aim
V sahlngtan Territory," aa etandd to all the
labile land alalia by Act of Augux 4, ,
Cfrollnc II Keen
0' brattle, county of Kluj, slate Wathlnctsn.
b s this day Bleat in Ihla oaV her twurn
a lament No. 7, forth Mirchaae of the II H
.i of nee 7. Tp II t. K is ii W l
And will offer proof toarfow that the land
s .ught is more valuable lor It Umber or atone for agricultural tmrrjoaes, aoitortaUIli
hrcUlm to said land belwe V h. CBiuiaaluer
l C. Ktlle, at hla olfiee at Jtetid. Orrioi'. oa
SMtarday. the Jth day of Manli, itoS.
blie uaraea as rltueua. J. K. Iliinter. W JI
KUata. W A. liatra. I. J Uoiun. all of bend.
Any and all persona dalmliigiadversely Ih
s.oe described lands are repeated to Die their
vlslraa lu this office ou or before the said -7th
uayoi siarcn, ivn.
Ijmro J. N. WATbOH, Resiatcr.
Timber Land, Act June 3, it,
V. 8. Laud Office, Laketjcw, Oregon,
ti . Jjccember 8, 1907.
Notice la hcrcWglf tnjhat In coinidlauce with
the provision of the net of rongreat of June 3, st;
entitled "Am act for the talc of Umber Isuda In
thesutes of CslKbrnWt, Oregon, Nevada and
Waahlngton Territory," aa ratended to all the
public land suits by act of August 4. isyt.
.t Jsmcs npeucer
of Kedfuond, County of Crook, Rtste of Oregoif,
bus this day, Bled In this office bis swom
staltinent No, jVA for.lhe purchaa of tjj HWIf
WK and WMNWUand.
NWJfbWIf ofec 17,
tpsin, annw i
; And wll offer proof id show that the laud
sought Jstnortf tafuable for Its timber or atone
inauiui agrjcuitursi urposes. and to esiauian
his ctaJm to ssld land before V. ti. Commuslouer
II. C HIIU st his office in Dcnd, Oregon, ea
I'rlday, the ijth dsy ofllsfch, I'X.
He BSlnes SS wllneaarai Win. If Stasia, loa.
N. IJupler. I', w. UCsffery, JJeuJ, JtaCaSery, all
of Bend, Oregon
Any and all person clslmlng sdrciscly the
alaTirc-desalbed lisyJs arc reuueated lu (iU
IncirclalBislatUsefrii on or before said I Jtlf
!yofarch, !5tS
1. 1 ...... , -I, -
TlsiVer Land, Art June , itr.
V. tt. tand OfBce. LUcrlt"", Ocegon,
December K, iyi.
Notice Is k'erebytUen that IncoropllaiKe with
ikeprorlUooaolth act of Caaigrraa oljiuie 1,
is;, entitleil "Aa act for th sale of limber lands
hi Ih slates of California. Oregon. Nerada, and
Wsthlngtoti Territory." aa eannded to all the
public land stales by art of Augual 4, iSjj,
KugtneW Krchanlaon
of Ilrnd. eounty of Crook. Ule of Oregon,
haa Ihla day bled In Ihla utnee hit aaorn
atatrnient No yrij. for the pqrthaaeof th UW'it
NWIfHo-jJand NltUNKH c st Tp l b,
KllK. WM
And ilt clrr proof to show thai the land
sought ts more raituble for Its limber or stone
tian for agricultural purposes and loeataMUh
kfactalm ruuld Usxl before t . Commhaloner
II. C rfllla, at hla oil In liend. Oregou, on
Monday, th md 1 lay of March, lojav
llrnamesaa wltueaaet, loaeph N Hunter,
W. Kay Wilkinson. Ira I. Wllklnaoti. lOnier J.
Slerrlll. Arehl Tattle, William II. Hlaals. alt of
Jirnd, Otegon.
Any sod all persons claiming Silrtraely Die
ataiec-deacribeil landaare ttiueatatl lofilelhrlr
efalma in this office on or before said sol day of
March, i'.
di f . N. WATbOM. Keglalrr.
Timber tnd, Act June j, 1I7S.
V. 8. '.and office, The Pall, Oregon.
June iilli, 1007.
Nut Ire la hrreby glren that In rompjlsncc with
the provisions ollh Act of CongrrMof June,
1ST, entitled, "An act forth sale of Umber lands
In Ihe states of California. Orcguo, Nevada, and
Waahlngton Territory," as extended to all the
public lauu aiaiea uy aci 01 Auguai 4, lay,,
Iiu JI 1-oynUr
ol kfontaslIU, county of Mulluomali, stale of
'it egun. nas inia uay niru in una 01 nee ner sworn
ataieuirnt No 4197. lor Hie purchas of the HI'.)
HK of hection jj, Tp lH, K It K. W f-
And wilt offer proof lo show Ihst lb Isud
sought la more valuable for Its Umber or stone
than for agricultural purpoaea, snd 10 calabllah
Iter claim to aald land before Hi Hrglalcr and
Mrcd'er at The Dallra. Oregon, on Ihe Mill day
of January, yJi
hc names ss witnesses Clarence It, Dswson,
Ifnint, It twilh.if f,nli.vttl. rt,iitt
Chsrlea I,, mock, I'rank Ilutlcrworh both of
penu, ureguu.
Anv and all rteraona etalmlnff adveraelv Ihe
above-described lamia art requeated to file their
claim III this office on or before said 14U1 day
of January. 190.
Ull)l7 C. W. MOOKlt, Kcglater.
' Timber Land, Actofjunc j, l;6,
U. 8. Lsnd Office, Lskcrlew, Oregou,
January 4, looa.
Notice Is bet eby gt'en (list In compllanc with
theprovlalonsoflh Art of Contrea of June 1,
17s, eutitlrd "An act lor the sale of Umber lamia
In th Mates of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
I'uuuc Jinu Diaice oy aci 01 Auguai 4, iyi,
John H, Hmylb
of Ilendt county of Crook, stale of Oregon,
nas mis oay men in mis oiiicc nis sworn aiaie
ruenl, No.yAi. for Ihepurchaacof Ihe NSiNI'.U
ofnya-. 14, TpsiH.Killt WM
And"wll offer proof la ahow (kit Hit tand
sought Is wore vsliuble for Us timber or stout
thin for agricultural purposes, and la cstsbllab
hla claim to said land before U. ti. CoinmUaloncr
If. C. Mils at his office lif.Jicpd, Oregou, oa
I'rlday, tbe solh dsy aliftttk, fA
Henamrsas wllsifestsi W, tUyi Irkluson,
l'.lmer r slerrillJLU). Wllnuw liugjue W,
Klchsrdson, all oTnend, (pftotut
Anv and alt oersons clatfilnV adveraelv Ihe
alxc-descrlbedtsndsrtre(ncsted to file Uicii
claims iu this office ou or before ald-al.Uy ol
Marcil, fJFf. .
jVo-wru'' JN. VATfeON, Keglafcr.
Read The Uulletlu.
. I ' ' "
wmmmmmmwmm m
EVAl'TrW t ABS'iHia k.
( r '
fe . . 1 .'
. i-
Columbia Southern
Month- 1
bound ,
. 7 I
KO. I.
....- BIOO...-.
.Olhauna -,,
......... ....Jtlnk.. ..-..
a, . -M'lKtt .
. -.....r(uiniull .. . .,
...... Hay Canyon Junction.... .
...... McOoiialda ..,
....n.OTltoM ......
..-.. ......, SI uro .....
,..(5raM VaLey ....... ..
....liouibon.. ... . .....
Kenl . ..... ....
.. .ailANIKO.
11 y
11 i
11 ss
II au
SS 4
SS 4
1 "J
1 4
IhiHystsg connections st flhanlko for Antes
ope, 4lnvnle, llend, Hums. niler l.ake, UV.
view, Mllctiell. Dsyrlllr. Antenc, Aaliwood, Can
yon vniy, jvnn uy vuy. ami riuau
hbanlko or
C. V.. I.YTLH.
. I'. and I- A.
amd union Pacific
Salt Lake
Kansas City
St. Louis
Oo:aii Steamers between Portland
and Sa,ij Francisco every five, days.
Tickets to and from all parts of
the jJnitcd States, Crtilatla and
For particulars, 11 dh oraddresa
JAS. IltlitAND,
-The DalUs, Or.
There, 2?WS I TU BulkUn.l
.:....' - t'ii.v,;.1,'"
rrr4dtal.. ,.. Tkeflsi H-!
WfllstMlewl . . -Chatiea W fait aSS
Hsetftstf ol awt. . .... . . KMkM V -
neMaryfTrMHy...0tj4gt 0 Coti'lrof
msretsiy of lasttSae.. ...... fsmes u. ca.Se
rWftiyslVsi... . TV II Tat
HeserUiy of Navy .. ,, . c, j .,
rWsrtUiy f Otiamnw .... jiki Mian-
1-o.lma.lM mw L MM
AUineyfleffaU,.,...,.via)(jl II Mtwty
Umi'atyaf AtloHure.... . JsaaWui
KesslNM... ...... Otvfg tt. Cfcaaafwiuw
HenUiyftal ja. W asi
TreaaHrer.......... () ,. ,
Allornej (Itntfat ,. . ..A. M CtawSird
nud. PuWIe lf(lt.n......J, II. Aeketwan
Walt Ittflter , u a. iHwaKsr
NmiytiKlMl 0mlMte,-....j w ruwy
V. . rwnsttra . ICW "'
Coutleaataen . IW. C lll"
I W. C
I W. K. llSSM
I' A. !
fttipfsifit Judges .......
.... ,..M. M Hraa
T.U llalWT
Judge.......j,..-,-,-,-i w w inl.h.
Attorney,mh,Yiu. '
,",, V"" -i. W A Hrll
ClHk.... ... ......, U"f
Hherlff. .....w. mum lSSk I Ii f
irea.urer... . ..,. ..W I' hisp
Aswaaor ..-M-,Mj, . UuU.t
rkhoot Hupt MM,o. ii. Nhbmi
RuiTeyor..... ......m..V. K. Ml-rl " d j ; "JI.'"
. TlllfCOUKTrl.
Cucuir Cwsr - lint Muudsy In if ""a i
Monday In Octsbcr. i
I'sosAtMCwiar-llHlMBiirtSf inwfhMi-M'i.
CuUMisaiunkSH- Oovsr j- I'lfst Wtdifo'''
In Jsmisry, Matsh, J,y, iuu HtultHiMi
JlkNIi HcUooh IlisiMICT NO. II. a-
( Jnliil rllri.M '
...-........!.. Hf.C.C
(i W. Men ill
L. ... C. H. Ikii-v
f M as Hulli Held
j Silas Maude Vamlevett
... M aaltarion Wleal
ai aa iitpna itiin
1I as I'siiuli Hiiiii.cll
Msyor..,.wHWM;JMfii(l..i ji j jtng,,aiJ
Recorder.. .(.. Ui ,..(iC ,
TlessmttM,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,;,, M( j j. ovtlliiH
fC'H, llriuon
joint II, wtlismir
Aldermen ...
Anton Auut
A. I.. HUnler
C. M. riedrttld
U. II. Dsvldaoil
Will tyijoy reading TJjt Iltllletiti.
H Will PlaKABIt, UNTItRTAIM iiur
luarutirtw . .,.,. '
"1"" JSs WDtttUMUatt-