iS3"a1W''", A I'miaaranllva) Thorn were wmio doubt In the com munity ns to Hoiiut I'loyd nine for Miltluii on tlio school board, owing to certain liipurn In lil ftirly ediicn ttiiui but III flrt teceh In lili nrtlclnl cnpnclty silenced tli tongues of nil critic. Hn listened tn several recitation with a grnvo mid Intercalfd nlr, and at the fin of tlm Inst one lie nKe to address tho school, "by request." "Home IIiIhci ore In tny province member of tlm wlimil bonrd, nmt niu an not." tin onltl, with n genial mnllr "It' within my province to My Hint I never hoard scholar answer up more promptly Minn you children of District Number Three. "Aa to whether your answer were or were not correct, It I not my place to eay. Your teacher know, and In ltr hand 1 leave tin nmttfrM lladlMMi lit the SlutptnM Tana). I. I'rof. Joly, who in ml a geological n imtnntlou of the stonca nnd tlio drbrls evil eel ml during the coustriictlon of I ho Hliuplou tunnel, rrporli that tin tin found rtrli traces uf radium, Indicating larger drpoalt thin liar yrt been dl covered elwhre In Kuroi. He be llevcs that tlio eilslenee of ao much radium caimed th nbuuruml bent ! sloped In tba construction of tlit tun nel, la continuing Ilia resesrehe. Although acleutlats believe Hint ra dium, discovered by Mm. Curl In 1002, U widely distributed over the u...1.l Im ant II Ufa rlllH lit If ! Him Itfaawatit principal source la tha pitchblende of Dl CMTY finiin WATFR in.M.lm.llnl. No rlli llararla. wli.ra ail La.ll I I UUUU llnll.ll few grelne of radium appear In a ton of pitchblende. A pound of radium, If It could be bought, would cot about $900,000. Beware of Ointment l for Catarrh that v Contain Mercury, s'lnrfOrrwUlaiiralrilMtrorthaianiaoltmall ura.alalfitf ana. thaw hula .Jilrni ?Mlrinilllhriiu(bliif niurouaiurfarM. Much arilalaaabiiuMliaaar t ual .ir.lilon p' eiliillona lioia riuUtl. hlrlain, Iht (latnatflhar ollldalalan tola lolheiomlirou ran lblrtarl.ltumtham. Hall'.CalatiU t'ui., ioanulaeur.l lf r J. Chen.r A Oa, Tolado, i.,ronulna nomtieurr. andlilaiai lnlarnallr,flnlltallr uioii lb. tlwl and Inuraua auilarM ol Ih a;ilm. In btiflna llail'al'alailli I ur Ultia jrou t lb. ran, ulna. Ilia laian Intatnalir ahdmaJa InTnl. ado. OLto, j r. J. Cbeit.y 4 Co, Tfallaaoolati lf. Hold fcr PrufiliU. frteo. lie, tr boltla. TaXa nuraVanlly I'llli for couillpalloa. JT.I Vll.l. Datneatle Tb Idea o' your Ihlaala' ! r4 llatmlo' lo what you an Mr, Karri oa aald when jon an' hlaa waa wrasillo't I dlda't b.r tit flrat word a' your Utt ' MKlriaa I woulda'L ba Mla4d Ibat M nora, Vereaa. Hut dlda't you btar tb lail worda ot It? Ijie."r.lel. "Vbat ara you rlnr to do now, cel atirjoqulreit tb lollmat friend. "I 'aspect to apend tba remainder ot aij dayi," aald tb retired U teaman. "Heine down tb Ilea tbat bar bean pub tltbed about w In fourteen political emm talfua.H Tb thumb baa more ureuitb (ban all tb other Oaier loielber. Mlaaa4arala.dlB, Mr. Ouablalih lie' your oeit Ira- band, U bl Allow nit to oiler my Mr. Mucblelfb O, you mltuodentood me. t aald "efhuabtad." Mra. nuahlelxb IndtedT Wall, I cw- gratuUt you on tbat. A dainty book In coori, called tlio Mlnjlo Boob," will Ix) cil fret to any Mother londlnc naino and ad.lrct o( tier baliy, and tha toot from two one-pound tevloontuf "iO-Wuk-Ttam" Boraa and no In atatnp. Addrcia l'acltlo Coait llorax Co., Oakland, Cal, I. Mil. Very romuumdubto la the teal dis played In nvont ycara In tlw t-ffort to put an vnd to tlio obnoiluua bablt uf rxnoctorntJiiK In place frmjufntod r tha public. Htlll. the offline would probably bo claanod under tha hoad of "Tcnlnr nnd It might bo wrll to nd juat tlio punllmieut to thn crime. Aftor crolnj on on of the ferry lines that convey jiaaaonirra orer the North UUer to New Jeraoy jwlnta, and carefully considering the noialbl lojt en! connection between the two pnrta of tlio "Notice to PiiMengera" banglor In complcuoua place, oue wondera If perhaps tho reformliif lenl of tha ferry company may uot hare carried It too far. The alsna rend I "Hnlltlnit on the floor la prohibited. Lire prtertera aw provided for nil pnaneneera." c 4m- e ttu- JMy Hair is Extra Long Feed your lialrj nourish It; give It somctlilne to live on. Then It will stop falllnc, and will grow long and heavy. Aycr's Hair Vigor Is the only hair-food you can buy. For 00 years It has been doing; just what wc claim It will do. It will not disappoint you. tlrktlr M4lWrr KmI. Hal afiar lli. Ai.r'. Vli.r .ilmil nana II acan Viaiftw.aka nowh it loM IhIih Ii Ml aaalM a Iblalial f.fnil lIMjll aiml iil.i..Bt Wlr"-M M.J. II. !. llar4 lif a. Cat. A UtA O, Aft I., I vail. Ml... Ala. aaaai.iMiar.ra nimrxauA. riLu. cntutr rKietu. ijers A railroad In Nlftrni. Africa, wilt b conttrueted by lb llrllUh colonial cor arnmant to iWralop th rttourrr. of tba country, and In particular to illtuulata tba cotton cravlnc Indmtry, Th road will I about 40O mil. Innr miS ftrADCRS HOW TO CURC RIKU. MA11SM AND Tilt KIDNtVS. Crvea Reader Adke) Alto a Simple Prescription to Mk a Home Made Mliture Said ( CKa Prompt Relief. Now la the time when the doctor ftU buiy, and the tent medicine manu facturer reap the harreet, unite great cro la taken to dreaa warmly and keep the feet diy. Till I the advice ol an old eminent authority, who say that Ilheumatlatn and Kidney trouble weather 1 hete, and alto telle what to do In cte of an attack. Get from any good prescription phar macy one half ounce Fluid Kxiract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar gon, three ounce Compound Byrup Bar taparllla. Mix by shaking In a bottle and take a teaepconful after meal and at bedtime, also drink plenty of water. You can't drink too much ot It. Just try thla elmple home-made mix ture, and don't forget the water, at the flrat algn ot Itlyeumatlssi. or If your back ache) or you feet Uiat the kidney are uot acting Just light This U raid to be a splendid kidney regulator, and almost certain remedy for all forma ot rheumatism, which is caused by urlo acid In the blood, which the kidney fall to Alter out. Any on can 'easily prepare this at home and at email cost. Almost any druggist In the smaller towns can supply the Ingredient named as ther are commonly used In the pre tcrlptlon department A CrtllalaM. "Mrs. Cuattcrton Is a perfect talktnj machine." "As a piece of machinery, thougn, she lacka one detail." "What Is thatr 'Tho oihauit." lUltlmoro American, Only One "BROMO QUININE." Thalltl-AXATIVK 1IIIOMO UI'ININR. U0. inrlb.tUuelur.ide.. V (IIIOVK, U.el tb World 01 er lo l'ur a Culd In On Pay. tto IXS.nllr Mlal.k.. "Tbat watch," said tb Jeweler, band ing It Urif, "I one of lb kind that' mad to Mil." "Durn It I" liplodtd Unrla Joab. who bad bought the timepiece at a tilate atrett auction eatabllabmeut, "I've abowed that there watch to 'lerrn dlffarant Jowtltra. Tlity all tell uit t wa mad lo tell an' ylt I can't git a blamed cent fur It no wtmeaP Mo aart wilt And Mr. VflnttoVa 8ooihta Sjruplha Ual ramtdr UiuaalurlUalrcbUUraa aurlaf tb uttblug rld, aCxaontlo. iDliutlilled ArtUt I don't Ilk eh way you lure hung my palmlug. Member of Commit lee Neither do I, but 1 was outvoted. My Judgment waa tbat It ought to he hmied. "OUCH" OH, MY BACK IT 13 WONDERFUL HOW QUICKLY TUB PAIN AHD STIFFNESS CO WIIBN YOU USB S? JACOBS OIL THIS WELL'TRIED.OLD.TIM8 REMEDY FILLS TIIH BILL ZSo,-AU oiccrs.80o. CONQUERS PAIN hMjJfctSfiSe WSSrfSW- Nrw nnphtliii eprlnga mid n Inrg naphtha lnk hnvr horn illacovt'rrd ii bout ili(lit inlli-H from Nnhllsknya liny, In tlio HiiMlnn xirtlon of tho lal nnd nf CiiKhnllcii. A illnnmnd drill tri hole t),"(K) fret ilm-p was put down In I'pper Hllraln In Itxxt. Another Uvp liolo wim put down on the Hnnd, Hmilli Africa, In JDOfi, tho depth lielim u;tOI fWt. Aiilogrntioua wuIiIIiik la succcoafully applied by HoImtI lliipfi'ldt, n Of-rmnn rlcttrlclnii, tn th (mlib-rllig of nlllinl ntim wlrc n direct union of aluminum with Aluminum Im'Iiik remllly obtnlned, KrlckH made of ennd nnd limn nnd hnnlciicd la the nlr urn until largely In districts where thero la no clny from which clay brick rnti bo mtidi. but where nn nbumlniiou of snnd can Imj found, It In stated Hint o much hnd tcen len mill by tlu fllRht or "Nulll ttectin due" In Iindou Hint lis nan will lit abandoned nnd Hint a new ahlp with rtmaldcrnhlr nltrrntlons, IiamiI nn tin experience of the night, will bo Imitio dlstely put III linlid. Arctmllng tn J, IlylMiMakl, a prgree' elve dealccntlon of the nlr mid anil I Ihiilllfcet In tho region nf the Hildan, Hie underlying can- being the deelrucs Hon of thn original forest, (.'npe Venlo la clteil aa an example. In the rich dfiitli century the litniilt, Adnnaou, dmcrltNil It na cuverril with n vast for eel, whence Ha nnnio. Now the fnrrala ant pone, the rlrrra nre dlmlnlehetl, ahVela of water hare dlenpMnrel, and the pmducHvrnexN of Hut will la fall ing, until In ninny place (ho region hn become alpiiMt alerlle. The lint I rex bci;nn the ilretructloii of Hut furmtn lg nnrniilly ; while men ruutlnue It fur Im mediate aelflah end. At ft recent meeting of the French Academy of Helena-, the ppnratu of Mr. Fort In for rendering vlsljde the In ner stmcture nf thn human eye wn de kcrltat. A very brilliant mirror la Illu minated with n (ooter llewllt tulx. and the light la reflected Into thn eye, nfter trnverelng two thlcknreN of blue glnw and being amceutratal by n tnrgo leu Hied In a ncrren. The tdmcrver plaaw hi eye behind the lens at such a dlstnnai Hint the whole field appear uniformly Illuminated. W'lint he sect la n reflection of the Interior of lit own eye. Tho circulation of the Mood In the mliiuto Vermel Is visible. When a screen plcrved with a pluholo Is pa. ed rapidly to and fro between the eye awl tint lena. the structure of tho fovea, the minute Mt m the retina which Is the inoet eeimltlve part of the eye, I revealed. The nppnratua la dralgned tc aid Investigations by oculUta. SCOOP THAT WEI01I3. Ilo.a Ar rttth h. Kroeniallr of Kmplurlnat t'ounler Mewl.. Kvery grocer can aot up mignr ot coffi. etc., from the ttorago blu and tery cloeely gnugo Hut cornvt rjuantlty. Yet he would not be willing to give It to the ruMomcr as the full weight to be purchtiNcd without first tenting It on Hut Hcitlem A TVxns nuiu has hit ion the Idea of timing Hut ramp IndlcaU Hut weight of thn content, ellmlniitlng ,ho nea'Hlty of tniiifferrlng It to Hi honlct. Ills weighing aop Is sluiwii la the nnxuniMUU'luK tllimtrutlou. Tho pan for giithcrlm: up tho nrtlclo to In Vivlghal Ih pivotal to Hut hniullo nnd iqtcrntcK a iHiluter, which Imllaitcs the welgt of the atutcntt im n scale. If a jkiiitnl of wignr Ih wnntal, ttio grocer dips enough out of tho bin to swing tho pointer to the ikhiikI mark. Tho sugar In then trnnnforral directly tn i tmK. doing uwny wh tho necessity of wolglt I UK on tho saili". I'rmirrii, "Whither nro wo drifting?" nskal Hie platitudinous orator. "Wo nln't drifting nnj'wherct," aald the mnn In Hw back row who fears the conwrntlons. "Wo'ro bolng push wl," Wnshlngton 8tnr. If you nro Idle, your excuse, for call ln ou it busy mnu Is, "I will not tnkt up much of his tlmo." Hut tho husj tnan will ha'. thcr cullers during tb day, iNniCATut WKiniiT. Physicians Recommend Castoria IASTOEIA. has mot with pronounced favor on tho part of physicians, pharma- couttyal Bociotics and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with rosults most gratifying. Tho extended uso of Oastoria is unquestionably tho result of throo facts: rfnttlho indisputablo ovidonco that it is harmless: Sooond That it not only allays stomach pains and quiots tho nerves, but assimi lates tho food : Third It is an agrccablo and perfect substitute for Castor Oil It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotio and does not stupofy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, Bateman's Drop3, Godfrey's Cordial, otc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, how ovor, is to oxposo danger and record tho means of advancing health, Tho day for poisoning innocont ohildron through greed or ignoranco ought to end. To our knowlodgo, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating tho syBtom not by stupefying it and our readers oro ontitled to tho information.---iraZi5 Journal of Health i."f:rTimT:,ir..ii'iiiiiiiiiii .rrnnirj XSfcteUUcPrfpaMllonforAS' slmilatlng toe rood and Ikcula ling the Stoawte aul Ucwcls of Promofrs Dtgcsfionlrcrrul nc35 nnd Rcst.Contalns ndihcr OpHMn.Morpbinr norr&acroL NotNahcotic. KmvttfguBrSwmracMS JUrii.SmJ- AfcwewCakJUbe Artafect Remedy forConsttaa- lion. Sour Storaich. Diarrhoea. WorBaATonN-ulsions.roTnsh-nam and LOSS Of SLEtR facSunle 3inahr of ? C..I4 Cok. 1 never understood why iillly fail ed to land a husband. She waa very graceful at the billiard table and the queen of the bridf wblat table." "Oh, but aha couldn't equal her plain sister Jsne." "Jane? Why. what were Jane's sc eoEapllabmeatsl" "Why, she was queen of the kitchen table." BORAX IS NATURE'S MINE Of PURITY FOR DAIRY UTENSILS , llorax Is f rst, arlcanerthatremnea dlrtnd grcaso wlili surprUini; ease; second, it Is a sweetener that makes fra jrant any suriaco that has crown musty or stale troiifnetjlect; third, It is an an tlsoptlcordestmyerol Burma. Itprevcnte the development of hacte la or mouldy trowtlis. With all this it I perloctly free Irotu harm In Hi resulting ctrecta. The farm churn Is kept free from that , italo odor l( It I vrmhtnl with borux in the folIowkiK proortion ono table- j ipooutul of boNX to a quart of water, j Tho dairy room has nothing alout it hut tho deasautaronn f fr sit milk and cream and sweet buttcrilitis kept clean with borax. There will bo no soapy sinuil ' and no lurking hint of something gone wrong, i Tho cream crocks take on an extra ! frcthnees when washed with borox mnl wntvr in tho following vroM)rtloni-oiio tables)KH)iilul ot Mitax to a quart of water. This preiorves tho fresh llavor ot tlio croain. Tho (arm cream separator can bo kept thoroughly sweet und cluan by a wash I ol borux and water in tho lollowlng ro- portions one tabiospoonful ot borax to a quart ot water. lid sura that you get nuro borax. To bo suro, you must t:et";OMuloTuninlorux" If you aro unable to get "20 Mule Team" brand send us your dealer's uaiuo and we will arrange to supply you, Th. VI1UUI "You wish to employ one of our de tectives to watch your husbandl" "I do." "Msy X ask what has aroused your suspicion of htm)" "He sent e a bunch of violets and a box of oasdy from town yesterday," Kansas Otty Ttsaae. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. Dr. D. llalztead Scott, of Chicago, lib? , aaya: "I have prescribed your Castoria often for Infanta during my practice, and And It very satisfactory." Dr. William Belmont, of Cleveland. Ohio, aaya: "Tour Castoria stands first In lta class. la my thirty years ot practico I caa say I never hava found anything that so filled tho place." Dr. J. II. Toft, of DrooUyn, N. Y., says: "I have used your Castoria sad found it an excellent remedy la ay household sad private practice for many years. Tho formula Is excellent." Dr. R. J. Hamlen, of Detroit, Mich., cays: "I prescribe your Castoria extensively, as I have never found anything- to equal It for children's troubles. I am avrare that there aro Imltatlona'in the field, hut I always aee that my patients get Fletcher's." Dr.VTin. J.McCrann, of Omaha, Neb., says: "Aa the father of thirteen children I certainly know aomethlnc about your great medicine, and aside from my own family experience I have In my years of practice found Cas toria a popular and eDclent remedy in almost every home." Dr. J. It. Clausen, of Philadelphia, ,Pa., says: "The namo that your Caa torla has made for itself in the tens of thousands of homes blessed by the presence of children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorse ment of the medical profession, but I, for oao, most heartily endorse H axd bellore It aa excellent remedy." Dr. R. H. Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., aaya: "Physician geserally do set prescribe proprietary preparations, but In the case of Castoria my experi ence, like that of many other physicians, has taucht me to saake an ex ception. I prescribe your Castoria la my practice because I have feud It to be a thorouchly reliable remedy for children's complaints. Any physi cian who has raised a family, as I hare, will Jda me la heartiest reeam meadatloa of Castoria." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS yy Beara the Signature of isar" The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Ta it! ataaiMat, Tt araaar. i t.a am. If all tbe tenement ditellcra In tbe low tr east aid of New York City should b In tbe street surrounding- their homes at on time ibey mould be o crowded aa hardly to be able to move. PH.CS CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. rAZUOINTMKNTIt ( to cars nr ca ol Itching-. Mind. .lcdlnor I'rotrudlut; 1'IU In ( lo II dajra or moutr rIunJl. ioe. Ixul Illeb. formerly of Camdan, N. J, I now In chart of tb Y. M. C A. work In Colombo, Uland of Ceylon. SKIN DISEASES HUMORS IN THE BLOOD When the blood is pure, fresh nnd healthy, the skin will be soft, smooth and free from blemishes, but when some acid ltumor takes root in the circu lation its presence is manifested by a skin eruption or disease. These humors get into the blood, generally because of nn inactive or sluggish condition ot the members of the body whose duty it is to collect and carry off the waste and refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left to sour and ferment and soon the circulation becomes charged with the acid poison. The blood begins to throw off the humors and acids through the pores and glands of the skin, producing Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum and skin eruptions of various kinds, Eczema appears, usually with a slight redness ot the skin followed by pustules from which there flows n sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense. It is generally on the back, breast, face, arms and legs, though other porta of the body may lc niTcctcd. In Tetter the skin dries, cracks nnd bleeds; the acid in tho blood dries up the nnturr.l oils ot the skin, which are intended to keep it soft and pliant, causing n dry, feverish condition and giving it a hard, leathery appearance. Acne makes its appearance ou the face in tha r . . .,. . form of pimples and black heads, while y?a ZnduMaaoinVtl Tsoriasls comes in scaly patches on dlffcr cure tna yntU X tried a, 8. a. I ent parts of the body One of the worst ft2&iA$&li forms of skin trouble is Salt Rheum j ?.r,5 "S "bfeii there stowed a its favorite point of attack is the scalp. &W&i:jSSZ&SSS& sometimes causing baldness. Poison Oak thoakia WBal.ft a; raw aa a piece and Ivy nre iiloo disagreeable types of skia aoa&auVywas I&dfbut disease. The humor producing the trouble vrhaal usd 8. S. t. X round a per- iunaa.B..iiouimMr. nes mac euro, xntrt na never uaoa any return or tbe trouule. T O.IC JJVANS, tltoektaan, Ifeb. 8.S.S. PURELY VEGETABE because they do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes down into th circulation and forces out every particle of foreign matter aud restores the blood to Ha normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing every form of skit) affection1, Boole on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired seat fret to all who write, S. S. S. is for Bale nt all first class drug stores. StatUtlc sbow tbat 140,000 cblldrta In IWrlurn more than 1.1 per cent of tb population are without any education. rTO . Vrtaa raac M all JtTTa l)laaaaa f,A MTtauaaUr card br Ir. Ktitw-a Una. . a Hi ANWttf. h.iMl rorHKK 11 UUX boU aS IntUt. Dr. H. U. KUa-.Li U Arch Bt, 1-alU.ra. Conaoliitloia. Mrs. Upsome lt' too bad tbat Prince Wllhelm isn't comlnj to Chlcajo. Mrs. lllxhmu Why do you mrntloa It? He' only th aecond on ot a crows prince, anyway. Cbicaro Tribune. uormauc in me mood luroucni me Winter to break out and torment tho suffcrcrwith therctura of Spring. The best treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and removes tha humors so that the skin Instead of being irritated nnd diseased, is nourished by a supply of fresh, healthy blood. External applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc.. while they soothe the itching caused by skin affections, can never cure the troabla '