The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 10, 1908, Image 5

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    LOCAL .Jltfs.
W. I'iniik I'ctctt, the optician,
will bo in Ilcntl Jim. 13 to J mi. 19.
All the Intent mid most popular
tutiKiizliicK en 1 1 lie hud tit the Bend
news Mnml.
He mire imil hnve your eyes cx
nmlncil by W. I'rwik i'ctctt. No
ctuirKO for examination.
Advertised letters in the Bend
imstofllcti lire ih followsi'Mrs. Mary
Burnett, George, Henry
The Ilcnd .Social Club will here
lifter I111I1I their Siiturdny uhjht
tliuces In the I.urii hull until itirth
cr notice.
All optical work Kuur.iutccd by
W. Frank I'ctctt, the, optician.
Hcnsounblc charges fur piocrly
pttcd glusios.
The Infant child of Mm. Sllllwcll
is sufTerlut: from n severe nttuck of
congestion of the liver and ii a
Very nick b.tby. I,atcr The little
one died this morning.
Last week furiucm nt I'owell
Unites were plowing their fields
nnd on Chrlsttiws day lv A. Hussct
planted K)tntoc.i.
Mini Kuth Held returned to Bend
Saturday from Winnipeg, where
she had been called by the serious
illness of'a sinter.
Grnll9 ofTwrftjjj cut prices on
hi line of fine crockery left over
from Chriitmn mien. There arc
many good bargain.
To those people who wear glasses,
I will be pleased to have you call
nt my office while J nm in Heud
and have your glasses adjusted free
of charge. v
Mm. L. D. Wiest left Tutvlny
lyip.uilug for Portland, in company
with Mr. nnd Mm Batten,- where
(he will tnkc tteflttUBiit in a Port
ltlhd hospital.
Allen Adams, from Kcbrmkn, is
in Ilcnd looking over ditch laud.
He will buy and , Intends to send
for his brother, who U in Nebraska,
to join htm hero.
A Mr. Jnrrctt nnd family, from
Santa Crus county, Calif., arc arriv
als in Bend. They like the otlilook
here wry touch nnd will purchase
aud ami move onto it.
LostKey ring containing five
or six kev with word, Fidelity
National Dank, Sitokntte, Wash.,
cagrnviNl oil tiim. Suitable reward
i fiitdur returns .same to this office.
Mr. and Mm. K. F. Ilatten left
fpr " Portland Ttteadny morning
whore Mrs. Dnttuti will take further
treatment in n hospital. Mr. Batten
cxheets to be absent nt leasi until
T. II. Lyons of Ilcrmiston, Orc
gqn, arrived in Ilcnd last Saturday
and will remain about two mouths.
Mr. Lyons was employed at Her
iniston in the United States rcclani.
ration service.
Born to Mr. and M.M. Frank
Kelly of Powell Unites, on Jan. j,
11 girl, and to' Mr. an'd Mrs. John
Stiles of Laidtaw, 011 Jan. S. n boy.
T)r. nnd Mrs. Turlcy in ntteudauce
pt both cases.
lv. Atkinson and family, who
came to Ilcnd about the middle of
lust October,' have purchased ditch
laud near Ucdmond and last
Wcdticsdny moved onto it and will
make their home there.
Mrs, George llrosterhous and
two children, accompanied by her
ulster, Miss Trautncr, left last Sat
urday for a visit to the old home at
Winona, Miuu. Mrs. Brostcrhous
will be absent. about two months.
Charles Stansburrough lias re
turned to Haul after spending the
holidays with his twtrents in. Port
laud. He reports that the financial
conditions are improving at outside
places, but that the improvement is
C, II. Poster is hauling lumber
from the C, 0, ,D., sawmill ,,for a
fine new House ou his farm at
'vrni -f
1 -
Powell lluttes The house will be
a ifixaH foot structure with i-j.foot
post and will Imvc an uddltloti for a
kitchen measuring 13x70.
Dr. Clmi S. Kdwards Is in Ilcnd
today, called In couNiiltnllnu with
Dr. Turlcy regarding the Infant of
Mm. Stillwell.
The firm nl White & Hill has
dissolved, In the division of the
assets of the company, Mr. White
got the meat linnrkut and wilt con
limit,' t'ic busmen at the old stand.
Mr. Itllt has not announced his in
tentions but will undoubtedly re
main nt Bend.
Heud can probably !xast of the
dlNilnctTon of being the place where
the first Japanese baby ever born
In the county first saw the light oj
day, I.nit .Sunday there was born
to Mr. and Mm T. Kuitn a baby
sou, Dr. Turlcy being in attendance
The happy parents have given their
little sou a truly American name
and he N to be known its Hen
Kaita. Mother nnd son' pre doing
The General Land Office nt
Washington has rendered a dccMon
in favor oi Kd. Halvorsou in the
contest case of Caldi'cll vs. Halvor
sou. This was the content brought
by S. C Caldwell against the desert
land entry of Mr. Halvorsou on
land lying a short distance south
east of Ilcnd. The case was won
by Mr. Caldwell iu the laud office
at The Dalles, but Mr. Halvorsou
appealed nnd won in the higher
Por the benefit of our readers
and friends living iu the Middle
West states, where the mercury
drops so low, nnd the wind howls
and the snow whirls nnd the frost
nips your earn and noa and toes,
and where evervthing Is frozen up
tight, The Bulletin would tell of nu
occurrence Mint hovs how superb
a climate we have here. Ou Dec
ember aft a Ilcnd lady picked n
pansy iu full bloom iu the yard of
J. D. Davidson, just ns fresh and
pretty as though it were the middle
of summer.
Several Ilcnd ladies have decided
to take ndvautagc of leap year and
have taken upon themselves the
responsibility of giving their gen
tlemen iricuds n good time and will
give n leap year dance 011 Wednes
day evening, the 33iid. The popti
laV Bend orchestrn will furnish
music and the event will be given
iu the Larn hall. An" ladies arc in
vited, but they must bring nt least
one gentleman friend. The ladies
who have undertaken this pleasant
social event desire very much that
nil ladies take n part iu it nnd help
to mnkc it a success. A buffet
lunch will be served during the
evening nt 50 cents a couple. Gen
tlemen will lw welcome whether
accompanied by n lady or not.
Dance tickets, 75 cents, The plans
that arc outlined promise to make
this niTair one of the most pleasing
social events of the scntou.
sulled as follows! Directors for
otic year, John Steidl, E. A. Cjast,
A. M, Lara; directors for two years,
U. C. Coc, J. II. Wcnandy, II. P.
J. McDonald,
The membership fee has been
placed nt $5 00 and the dues nt
ft. 00 per month. 'J'hc regular
meeting nights arc to be the first
and third Monday evenings of each
month. About ?. men Imvc cither
joined the club or signified their in
tention of doing so.
Last Monday evening the first
regular meeting of the duly organ
ised club was held and some rou
tine business transacted, A com
mittee was appointed to secure
suggestions nnd drawings for n
design to be used as a sort of
trade mark for the club, and to re
port at the next meeting. A. M.
Lara proposed this idea and sug
gested that the design be about the
Mzc of a dollar and that all menir
bcrs of the club have it printed on
their letterheads and envelopes; be
neath the design to be the words,
"Member of the Bend Commercial
Club. All Inquiries Cheerfully
Answered." This plan has been
tried by other clubs and results in
bringing in a lot of" Inquiries.
The constitution provides for 16
standing committees ns follows:
Finance, Railroads nnd Transpor
tation, Kducatlon, Immigration and
Statistics, Public Institutions and
Improvements, Reception and Ku
tertalumcnt, Forestry and Lumber,
Advertising, Agriculture, Manu
facturing, Membership, Arbitration,
Public Health and Sanitation,
Legislation, Streets and Roads,
House. President Green man stated
Monday night that he would an
uounce his nppointmcut to these
committees at the next meeting, ou
Jan. so.
4. rj , .'? '- J - 1 si, '
Hiw juiii 11 iu 1 111
(Continued from page r.)
Foot Warmers
Just the thing for a
Permanent Organisation liffected and
- Routine Business Transacted,
The Bend Commercial Club is
now organized for permanent work,
At a meeting of that organization
held in the Larn hall Inst Saturday
evening, a constitution nnd by
laws were formally adopted nnd a
permanent organization , effected.
Later the club proceeded to the
election of n board of directors,
The committee 011 permanent or
gnnizatlou reported that the tem
porary officers of the organization
be declared the permanent officers
of the club, The report was accept
ed and the temporary officers de
clared duly elected ns permanent
officcry. The officers of the club
I'reiliknt l'rnnk 11, Grccmnan,
Vlecl'resldcnt C. M. Kedfleld.
Secretary I. K. Sawhlll,
Treasurer Ji 1). Davidson. ,
The ( constitution provides that
the board of directors shall consist
of nine tucrUbers of which the pres-
idtnt, vice-president, and secretary
shall comjtltute three. , The elect
tlon of the other six directors re
Robes, Whips, Horse
Uverythlng In Leather (loads at
In reason.
Repairing Ncntly nnd Promptly
In Multlg HuiMiug oil OrcKOit Street.
frood For Sale.
I will deliver wood in town nt
the following prices:
16 inches long
$4.00 a cord.
16 inches long
3,50 a cord.
1'ut hi your yard on hort nottfe.
l'lioiio to me when you want wood. It
won't coit you anything to photic to
Horse Shoeing" and
4 General Blacksmithing
First Class Work Guaranteed,
Located In the old Sheldon tliop.
prUIng yotitiK men wc nometlmei read
nlcjut who doe not lone alt ojijorlunlty
to sell on extra spool of thread and who
as a conteqiience It hound to be heard
from later at one of the captains of high
finance or KitnetliliiK of the kind. Lately
when a ciutomer railed for n apool of
number 40 thread, "We are out o.f .jo to
day, I uppo two jo's wilt dojuit a
well, wftl ft not?"
Meiiri Kichardion and Catt of Item!
were In our uelhtMrhood the put week
running out line,
Mri. Cecil Kenyon returned about a
week ago from a vlitlt at the old Dakota
Meir Olbton and I'.by were Hend
vlillom nn Thurxlny and 1'rlday re
And wo couldn't even go to O'Ncll
1'rlday without running on a new clear
ing among the juniper.
Mewlamc Jonc aud McGuffie drove
to Ilcnd Katurdoy. Ii. C. Pakk.
Inkllngi at Olit.
A large number of friend collected nt
the home of C. II. Gilt to celebrate New
Year1 turkey dinner. Among the num
ber were the famllic of Mr. and Mr.
James fuller, Mr. nnd Mr. C. Caraon,
Mr. and Mr, l'rank Arnold and Mr. and
Mr. Walter Graham. When dinner wm
announced wc beheld a (ht which
would make a king cinllc and a hungry
man rejoice. The table fairly groaned
under the burden of goodie of the fa
ton. It U nccdlcu to wy that all present
did jumlcc. Khm reported that after
the repait oinc of the guest groaucd.
Jamet McOitt wa the tint passenger
on the new GUt-Laidlaw stage on the
first of the new year.
The new itnge was Inaugurated on the
Ural. Now keep an eye on Gist. Watch
it grow.
Mr, Parrticr of Sister was a caller at
GUt on the first on business.
Will Lcverengc Installed the new
blackboard In the sehoolhouse New
Year's day. IlAYsr.rto.
Right Goods
Right Prices
And remember the balance of the stock
7 of the ' '
i Mriurt wiwur fn
will be sold at strfctly
Bargain Prices
tysKiw. j
If you want a good,
warm, serviceable outfit
come in and get a pair of
lumberman's overshot and
heavy German socks
Nothing Bettec
If your boy wants' a good
warm cap, send him in to
1 '.
sec us. Wc have them,
. i
all kinds from
f 1
. 25c
and they are worth sore
money than wp are asking
for them.
Tumolo Items.
TUMAMJ, Jan. j. C L. GUt, post
master at Gist, was a business caller here
J. K. Winter returned front a buslnc
trip to Tost yesterday.
Dr. Coc was out from Heud yesterday
and took T. A. Jcntcn to lleud for med
ical treatment. Mr. Jensen ts suffering
from nn attack of pneumonia, fever. We
hope to hear of his spectly recovery.
Mr. Gelchcll of Ilcnd and two gentle
men from Dakota stopped in Tumalo for
dinner Thursday
It. II. Ilaller has the frame up for a
large barn on his plnee four mile cast
of here
Jens Hasulbcrg was over to Mr.' Jen
sen' after hay last Thursday.
The new mail route went into effect
Wednesday with Mr. Van Tassel aa
Mrs. George rulllam and son James,
and Mr. C. 1. Thornthwaile were vislt-j
ing at the home of Mr. and Mr. G. W.
Winter last Thursday.
Mr. and Mr. Win. Hokcr were in Turn.
ato today.
Wc are glad to hear that Mrs. Hurler,
who was taken to Spokane recently for
spcclal medical trsatucnt, i improving
rapidly and wo hope a speedy recovery
v ill be found there.
The snow ha leeu with ns for n loug
time but is melting rapidly the lost few
days. Stock of all kind whichMs being
fed, U in good shape.
Children 2-guckle Overshoes J
"The Scotch," said Secretary
Wilson of the Department of Agri
culture, "are certainly a witty peo
ple. Now, there was a visitor iu
the little town of Bowdoin who on
looking about saw no children, but
only grown men and woraeu. He
wondered at this and finally, meet
ing a weazened old man in the
street, inquired IIow often are
children born in this town?'
" 'Only once,' the uiau replied,
as lie proceeded ou his way."
Philippines Gossip.
Hbtei Bend Restaurant,
x Jimmy AWla, Proprietor
First-Class IVUals Served at All Hours.
Board by th Week (21 Meals) $5.00.
Open from 6 a. m. to la p..m.-.. YOUR. PATKONAQt SOLICITED, u
fitWin- - '" -r-"-jt'1 fi - "-A '
Children's Rubbers n;;;r;;.::
General Merchandise
Right Goods
wJrm X
Right Prices
New Furniture
CHAIRS just received at
J. I. West's Furniture Store.
Rockers, goldeu ash, illuminated cobblrsati., $ 4.50
Center Tables, golden oak.poitsuwi, 3 35
Ceuter Tables, weathered oak, mission style, only 4,50
Dining Tables, golden oak, highly polishsd. 18.00
Dining Chairs, golden maple, cane seats., 1,75
Dining Chairs, golden maple, perforated snats x.50
Iron Beds, white audblUe enamel, gilt trimmings . 17.00
Iron Beds, white enamel, gilt trimmings,... , 7,00
Iron Beds, blue eaam!,. 4.00
Bed Springs, hard mapl fraMe, spiral support 4.30
Bed Springs, hard taaple.'ftatue, steel baad s-uppert 4,00
aud maay other styles.
A KMM Of aViir vkvCCWsj nvKt WAMt
m iv,.
, ' 4 lft WSJ