The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 10, 1908, Image 1

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I.. in TP ftV'
NO. 43
ftend-SIianiko Livery & Stag Company
J, II. WI3NANDY, Prop,
. 1
New Covered Stances between Bund and Slmillko
Livery and Peed Stnbk'8 at Shaniko and Bend,
Wo run our tins Itfpleaoc. lliu public,
8tngco leave pnch way cvory dny. m -Rigs
to nil pnrts of Control, 91 oion. Cnroful drivel's furnished
1 I now lmvc n better outfit of buggies and horse and can give i
more satisfactory service tlinti ever before. All Jtincis 01 iigiu ami
heavy livery furnished on tiliort notice at rcnsonublc rates to nil
point in Central Oregon. Traveling parties will profit by seeing
iiic before going elsewhere, Por further fnfo-matlon about stages
consult J. II. WitNANDY at Wend, or W. P. KW.UIV, Agent,
Shaniko. Oregon.
Special Attention Given to Express and BS8gi
! -
"i. Ron
' l
.t , ...
A Corajilctc Stock ol
, V
At iknd, I Rough, Surfaced and Moulded
At Bend,
Oregon. "
All Wldthsi Lengths and Thicknesses
BKAnub cUilinq
P.TC, KTC. V , i
MiU at
UwCeit .
Aajrkere w
The Lads of
rn D. I. 4 P.
Co.. or
Tbe C S. I. Co,
Central Oregon
Development Company
lITe Central Ore
gon Banking Sb$
o irust company
Capital 825,000.00 ;
. .... ......1.1'
Transacts buciiothi uaim-v,
Ine llusliiess. ('
Acts as Adnilulstrntor, ux
editor or Trustee of Hstatcs
Issues Drafts and Hank
Money Orders on all Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes,
Plro Insurance.
rs ..,,....
Joint Hiewif riMiiiciH
J, 1). i'leylnllii, Cashier
When You Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense you
should use
. run-
- PAttY
Call" for.
- color cards'! '
Interesting Figures abojjl
Last Season's Crop.
Average Yield of Small drain about SO
Uushel per AcrcUest Crops on
Irrigated Desert LaHdi
women's club, teacher' groups,
granges, home makers The Uni
versity intends lo artel additional
courses in economics, political
science, history, KiigliMh literature,
mecliHiilCtil drawing, civil engineer
ing, education und otliersns its re
sources Jiermit. The correspon
dence work litis met with n hearty
ivccption in ull parti of the state.
More thnn 300 students cnroiicu ior
the varlom courses during the past
indnth. .
tleylnitli, CdsUicr . CATfc-lPtt
2 dbOds and HAfWtir always on
Charles H. Poster, of tile" find of
Poster & Myers of Powell Butte,
was in Dend the first of the week
hnullnjj lumber for a new house on
his ranch. Poster & Myers arc the
owners of a threshing machine that
did most of the threshing iu this
scctiou laHt fall, and Mr. Poster re
ported some very interesting statis
tics to The Bulletin as to the
amount of grain that their machine
had threshed.
In the Powell Buttes neighbor
hood there were threshed 14,781
bushels; iu the Sisters and Laidlaw
sections, ij.ioa bushels: in the
Redmond settlement, 9,463 bushels;
or a total of 38,348 bushels.
The best yield per acre was made
by B. II. Lockycar, whose oats
threshed 67 -bushels to the acre
These oats were especially heavy
and weighed 40 lb. per bushel
measure. The legal weight for a
bushel of oats is 33 lb. Hence, if
you figure this out it shows that
Mr. Lockycar's oats yielded, by
weight, 83 bushels per acre. Mr.
Poster says lie feels positive thot
the average yield of the season's
crop would be close to 50 bushels
per acre. He also says that the
best crops ycre grown on irrigated
land on the desert. The best yield
of all crops from any one ranch
was made by the Cline Falls Power
Co.'s ranch,
A good example of what can be
done by drv farming in the Powell
luittcs section was furnished this
year by D. A. Votes. He got a
yield of 1530 bushels of barley from
45 acres, or nearly 34 bushels per
acre. This crop was on first year
laud and did not have n drop of ir
rigatiou water.
Sctiuebcl to Succeed Bristol.
On Tuesday President Roosevelt
sent iu the name ol Christian
Schucbcl to the scuatc for United
States district attorney for Oregon,
to succeed W. C. Bristol, whose
nomination has been withdrawn.
Senator Bourne favored the appoint
ment of Attorney Schuebel, but the
other members or the Oregon dele
gation had agreed to recommend
Attorney Bingham.
Captures lUby Coucar,
-$?. M. Scott, who has a home
stead between here mid Bly, has
seen cougar tracks near his place
for some time and one day week be
foro last concluded to take his dogs
out and capture Mr. nnd Mrs.
Cougar, ' He huuled around for
nwhttu but found no tracks, but
soon the dogs begau barking only
a short distance nwnv. Going to
wiicre the dogs were he found they
hud two vounir couirnrs killed. In
looking arouud Mr. Scott saw an
other babv coucar. and having a
rope with him, slipped it' over the
young cougars head, taking him
home, Silver Lake Leader, t
University Correspondence Courses.
The December number of the
University of Oregou bulletin, ft
copy of which has Just jbeeu re
ceived, gives a full dfiscrtotiou V
the corrcspofideuce courses ttyat are
United States Supreme Court Re
verses Judgment of Lower Body.
Will Do Tried Again.
Mineral Bearing Rock on
Powell Buttes.
Riley Brown, an Old-Time Prospector,
Discovers Two Velrw that May
I'roVe Very Valuable.
KxCongrcssraan J. N. William
son of Prineville has won in his ap
peal to the United States Supreme
Court. That body holds that the?
judge before whom Villiamson was
tried erred in admitting Certain evi
dence and in his instructions to the
jury. The case was remanded for
retrial. Prancis J. Hency, who
prosecuted Williamson in behalf of
the Government, says that William
sou will be tried agnin.
In the trial of Wiljiamson evi
dence was introduced to show that
he had entered into contracts with
parties Tdr the purchase of their
land after ttiese parties had filed on
the lands and before they bad made
final proof. The government's at
torney claimed that such action was
in violation df the timber and stone
act and the trial judge sustained
them in their contention. The
supreme court says that was an
error and interpret the timber and
stone act to mean that an applicant
must swear, at time of filing on
land, that h has entered into no
contract for sale of same, but that
he is not required to swear to this
provision at time of making final
The higher court sustained the
Government in every particular ex
cept as to the above, but ruled that
that was error It was shown in
the trials that Williamson had in
duced men to file on land with the
contract existing between them
that the land should be turned
over to Williamson for a stipulated
sum. At time of filing these men
svorc that they had entered into
no such coutract. The Supjcme
Court held that such a contract is
iu violation of the timber aud stone
now bejng offertjl byjbe,Jnier-
especially for .t&chcrs, atideuts
preiwriutfrorcollifsor University,
In its report, the Orcgonian says:
Wasiiisoto.h, Jan. 6.Becauc the
judge before whom cx-Keprcfccntativc
Wlllfaintou t tiled crrol In Ills in
struction to the jury, the judgment of
the lower court va today reversed by
the I'nltcd State Supreme Court and
the cusc remanded for retrial. That the
tmllctincnt was correct, that the admis
sion of evidence was in accordance with,
law and that the ruling of the court
were right lUid proixrr Is affirmed, but
because the trial judge erred in admit
ting certain testimony w 1th regard to,
final proofs anil because he erroneously
instructed the jury with regard to thf
tdmc evidence, the whole case must'
again go to trial or the indictment
must be quashed.
The Supremo Court construe the tim
ber and stone act cclfically to icquire
entry men, at the time of making applica
tion for land, to submit an auUtavlt of
Kood faith, hoiug that tltcy have no
agreement, actual or implied, to sell the
land upon acquiring title, but there is
no requirement that such an Affidavit
shall be made when final proof Is sub
mitted. The indictment of Williamson
tutde specific reference to the adidavit
required by law, and did not mention
the shuillar affidavit which is exacted y
tlte-iand office regulations at the time'of
filial proof. Vet evidence was ndmilted
toshow that vinous entrytnen had com
mlUcdterjury in inakluu bitch affidavits
with their final proof, and the judge, in
his instructions to the jury, specifically
Informed it that it could return a verdict
tof guilty' if satisfied1 -that the evidence
auoweu suvn ierjr)"n occn cumula
ted at the time of iWng final proof.
The admission of tliott evidence anil the
Instructions relating Miercto proved the
undolnc of the casVaBniMt WillkwwH.
In its ophjloa trHJ'Bupwnit'CourJ ml-'
Gold bearing rock has been found
on Powell Buttes in two separate
veins, and as far as can now be de
tcrmined vvithott an assay, every'
thing indicates that mines of no
mean value will-be developed there.
Tbe tindi was. biade by Riley Brown,
an oW-tlme4 prospector, who was
engaged by Elmer Niswonger and
C. D. Brdwn to visit the buttes and
examine soVue indications of mineral
j which Mr. Niswonger bad noticed
three or foUr years ago. Not know
ing much about mining, be bad
paid bht little attention to it until
the opportunity presented itself to
secure the services of tbe old pros
pector. Brown struck the lead a
week ago last Saturday but Tbe
Bulletin was sworn to secrecy and
could not give out tbe word uatij
permission was given.
Messrs. Niswonger and Brown
made arrangements to stake tbe old
man and sent hint to tbe buttes
accompanied by George Hobbs,
who was to show bim ever the
ground. Hobbs first took the pros
pcc6r te a vein whicb hen and his
brother. fccc n&d noticed a few years
ago. It was at once, pronounced
gold bearing and the old man said
it was a second Oregon King, his
on having discovered that mine.
The vein is of porphyry and while
no colors are visible to the naked
eye and very few under the micro
scope, the old prospector say t is
practically sure tcubc rich in gold.
The vein is on the southwest end
of Powell Buttes and is plainly vis
ible from the top to tbe bottom of
thebulte. Hobbs and others at once
got location blanks and staked out
claims. An assay of this rock has
been made, but the, locaters are not
saying just how much value the
assay indicates.
After Brown had satisfied these
people he quietly began work oq
the float whicb Niswonget had
noticed, saying nothing ,to anyone;
He found this float about two miles
south and a half mile east of the
station and about four miles from
the first find. As soon ns he locat
ed the float he dug down 2 feet
and located the real vein. This . is
of granite formation, very hard and
unbroken, and is about seven feet
wide at this point. Two of three
blasts have been shot off and some
of the rock sent away for an assay,
rehtrus from which have not yet
Veen received. However, the old
man believes it is one of the most
valuable finds of the whole country.
I He took a piece of the rck about a
cuoic lucu iu sue uuu a-uuroi 11 iv
powder, getting a spoonful of pow
dered rock. In that there were six
colors visible lo the uaked eye.
That promises very rich ore and is
apparently much more valuable
than the first find. The old pros
pector has visited the mines at
Wiudy Hollow in the Lakcview
country, and says the Powell Buttes
rock Is far superior to that at Windy
Hollow. The vein runs from thb
northwest to the southeast.
Brown, jsuow stoking in other
pfacesjto locate the extetrt of the
ji tnt Mtlll niw,G.iAillAtt i: UIMf
(Continued ?n page 8,1.
on Powell Buttes would add still
another important industry to this
kosland News.
Joe Taggart has been spending several
days in Roslaml since bis .return from
Frinevllte And Dend.
Tbe people of Rotlaml and vicinity en
joyrd a fine dance at tbe Kotland Hotel
on Christmas night and also one on New
Year's eve. There was a good attend
ance and all bad a good time.
Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 31, RosUnd
had a beef shoot, but three quarters of
tbe beef went to Jim Carter of Bend. Tbe
other quarter wm won by Tom Sly o
Arrangements lure just been complet
ed for. the a!e of the Rostand store,
It. C. Ronrk, the former proprietor, sell
ing to J. S. BoKue nod Frank Bowles.
Mr. Ronrk will talc e to ranching and
will soon move onto his homestead.
Mr. Snd Mrs. Chas. Masten are visit
ing with John Maiten. Mr. Masten,
who is a timberman from the lower
CoInmbU, says this country looks good
to him after a trip through tbe Shaniko
E. C. Green just returned from a bus
lues trip to Prineville.
PoweM Buttes Netes.
Charles Niswonger bos left for Walla
Yalla. The illness of his daughter
called bim there.
A new settler for Powell Buttes from
Spoksne. He will build now and send
for his family in the spring.
J. J. Jones is now bulldinc. bis bouae.
C H. Foster is going to build nearer
the eamU.
James Turner lost a horse recently.
A petition has been seat to the land
office la behalf of the Miller bossestead.
E. R. Halteraaa and wife ore ooinc
on a visit to Washington and tbe lUstv
They have six or aevea doiert cMckess
for sale. t v
. Bart Davis and Cliff RllU Wle a trip
to rriaevllle, the former la search of a
team. .
The stave flume that has been lite till
for several montlts, and tbe one that tbe
knockers said would never be built, is
now completed, which is greatly appre
ciated by many ranchers around the,
buttes. Many have been hauling water
for several miles tbe but five or six
Some government land around the
bdttcs yet. Why don't you look after
it? Some duy the other fellows wilt get
all of it.
vein anl will cross-section iu sever'
a.1 places. The result of this . work
has hot bee,n .reported. Messrs.
NiswoVirrer aM Brown have staked
out claims, as have also a number
rsaakv wilt li awaited with intereei.
I '-"T ,.-.- - .,, .. .., -
as the Uwcovery of valuable mines (
Rcdmoaa' Items.
Rkdmond, Jan. 6. There was a grand
picnic, feed and general blowout at
Forked Horn Hall 03 Friday night.
Over 100 were present Including large
delegations from Bend, J,aidlaw, Cline
Falls, Redmond and other places. The
crowd was too big for the building so
fires were built outside for the accommo
dation of all. Did you ever sec such a
country for such gatherings?
As C W. Muma was starting for Shan
iko Thursday we noticed that he liad oil
household goods for Walter Gillespie
and family, also for Cal Richardson and
mother. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie aim to
follow 011 Tuesday, but wc did not sue
cecd iu learning when Mr. Richardson
will go out.
Several of the good women of the
neighborhood perpetrated a pleasant
surprise on Mrs, Gillespie Thursday, the
occasion being the nearness of her de
parturc for the old home in North Da
dota. The surprise was complete, but
the ladies had their dinners with them
and did not run out ot anything except
coffee. They spent a very enjoyable
day and everyone left with best wishes
for everybody else.
The Christmas Sunday school enter
tainment came off on New Years eve and
was just as successful as alt those affairs
arc when baudlcd by our local talent.
That everyone enjoyed himself goes
J, K. Lamb left Thursday for a bust
uess trip to the old home in Nebraska.
We would like'to get down there to old
WoMiiugtou county ourselves to some of
the qld corn fields where we, fised to
husk corn and see how tltcy look now
that they are tilSugedjtoldfaUa fields.
Mrs. Best oniJ;Qi, mother and brother
of Mrs. Hansen,, arrived hens in the
storm qa, Cfirfstmas day for a visit.
- Jbumle, general utility boy working
for KhrtH'Brottiers, isone f'the enter-
(CouUuusd 00 pajtB 5.)