LOCAL BITS. Look out, fellows, Thin lit leap year. John Stcldl returned last .Saturday front n business trip to Portland. C. P. Becker of I.aldlaw wns In tttleitiluuee nt the dunce Tuesday VVCtllllK- All the Utest mid most txipiilar nn;ar.iiiuM can be had ut the lJcnd IICWS Htllllll. II. Wet was a business visitor to Prlnevlllc yesterday, returning o llcnd today. Miss Ivu Hooth of Prlnevlllc in visiting in llcnd this week with Mks Marion Wlest. W. II, Scllcrrt was in town for a dny or two thin week from his home'tcud near Odcll. Kcitnt th Minor is spending the holiday vacation with George J one tin his homestead. George Jones is building a log cabin on his homestead a short dis tance south of Lava btlttc. Richard King spent a few days in llcnd this week from his home stead south of I.ava btlttc. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. i.ara have rental rooms In the Chapmatt build lit and have gone to housekeeping. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Stddts left this morning for .St. Helena, Cullf., where they will visit relatives for about two months. The young folks Of tile town have been having great '"times for the past to days skating on the pond north of town. Grant Is offering ctlt prices on his line of fine crockery left over from Christmas sales. There arc many good bargains. Sid I'crclval was n vUUor In llcnd Ittni l'rlday evening. He came to accompany his wife home, who had been visiting here with her parents. Miia Cora l'erguson returned to her school duties at Prlnevlllc this hiornlug after spending the two weeks' vacatloti.on her hotilestcad. Airs. John Slscmorc has becu Nuiffcrlng from a, serious Illness for the past week or to days. At last reports she was Improving some what. MY. and Mrs. George t. Situ .'lona'vcrc lit attendance'' dt, the Woodmen dance Tuesday evening, 'driving up from their rdtich hear. Laidlaw, There was a goodly altettdaitce nt tfiA WnruliiiKii ilnliri- ntt TtlM day evening and everyone sccltlcd to nave nu cnjoyauic time, i nc rcc'elpts amounted to $3. Rev. Mitchell will preach next Sabbath at 11 o'clock n. m. Sub ject, "Your character In the face." Subject for 7130 p. in., "Heredity," in which scvcrul will take part. All tire invited. DON'T OVERLOOK THOSE ;. "CARRIAGE ' Foot Warmers Just the thing for a LONO RIDE. . Robes, Whips, Horse ', BLANKETS Uvcrytlilnplu Leather (loods at ) PRICES i ' 1 v In reason". , Impairing Neatly aild Promptly Done. ', u ,. -A. L, HUNTEJ' ' (ti MitUlg lluiliUiig.Qii Orcpil Street, HENRY L. WmjSETT Horse Sliwing arid uencra Blacksmithing VVAOON AND '('LOW WORK 4temiWorl(luVraH(ej! ' J.oettil iu the old Slieldou shop, JS- ' ' ' '"-1 ' ' The Rosland stage that should have arrived in Uctul last week Thursday about midnight did not get in until 4 o'clock l'rlday after noon, due to bad roads In the up river section, . Ralph Patterson was the lucky man to guess the weight of the big stick of candy at the news stand, and secured the prize, a set of sil ver teaspoons, He guessed the exact weight, 14 pounds. The booby was won by Guy McRcynohU who gucjscd 39 pounds, the furth est from the true weight. He was presented with n tin rattle box livery man iu town should re member the Iwnrd of trade meeting for tojnorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock and should l there. A constitution nud by-laws are to-be adopted at that time. That is im portant work and yotl should be at the meeting with Ideas and sug gestions. Remember the date and place, Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock iu the I.ara hall. There is a strict ruling of the postollicc department which stipu lates that box tent must be paid by the first of each quarter; if it is not the mall must be put in the general delivery. In compliance with this ruling Postmaster Grant wishes to inform the public that if box rent Is not paid by the first of each quarter parties should hereafter look for their mail iu the general delivery. Dr. W. 9. Nicliol left Saturday on the local for a trip to the Bend country. He was formerly engaged In the drug business and the prac tice of his profession at that place. He stated that If he could not muke satisfactory arrangements to dis pose of his stock df drugs that he would ship it to Hood River and In all probability open up In the city. The doctor had a large prac tice while engaged hi business at his former home. itood River News-Letter. John Dloss, Whi. Vandcvctt and John E. Rvatt and lTcj of the Dcschiltcs country were in oUr City over Sutlday. Me party left Mon day morning for I.akcvlcw. Mr. Ryan while at Lakevlew will attend to some business matter for the Deschutes Ltltlibcr do., df Which he Is manager, Which company owns a large acreage of timber latld along the Dttchtfltes (rlver. iMic gentlemen were ralw old acquaint ances of the editor, arid their call nt the Reader office was greatly appre ciated by us. Silver Lake Leader. The region south of Lava butte was the scene of a great snowfall last neck. The heaviest fall start ed late one evening, and the next morning there was from tS to 30 inches of snow covering the ground. It was 'a wet, heavy, soggy snow anlf as it fell il, gradually collected around the telephone wires until tile wjres were encased Itt a cover ing as, large as a man's drui, a sim ilar occurrence as happened last winter. "The. wire was broken In scvctil ipiacci olid communication witltliat section has been more or lss rctaitled during the last week. Kauclicrs there report that the weight of the. snow, collecting in the tr'ccs, broke off the tops of many and tdreoir branches. Thesis ati interesting lot of u formatlp'ti iu the weather report for '1907 found in another column of ths issue. It shows tuat tue cont est weather came in January with the thermometer 19 below scroj the highest temperature was reached iu August, 93 degrees.- During the year there were a&$( Inches precipitation, or, more than twice as much moisture cut thci. average for the fiyc or st ,jtcors previous If there were as ample a rainfall each year, dry jfarttilng( .would be a gr&t success In this region, The dbiilWapce otoin rctic thenar. waysqowu to only i99f wmcn,Ma far below tUe average; zoi cloudy " - .Mftrrr rrM days and 65 partly clear. The year's snowfall was ilotf inches. As everyone known who lit living in this vicinity, December has becu an exceptionally cloudy month, having 27 cloudy, three clear and one partly clear days. social"doincjs op tun wguk Mr. and Mrs. V. 0. Minor in vited a few friends to watch villi them for the coming of the New Year alter the dance last Tuesday evening. Dainty refreshments were served and a couple o( hours were very pleasantly passed iu social con verse and listening to music. Thursday evening Miss Marlon Wlest tendered a party to a few friends in honor of Miss Booth of Prlnevlllc, who U visiting with Miss Wicst. The evening was very pleasantly spent with games and other paetlincs. In one content feature a pike was given for the gentleman who could whistle first after eating n cracker Mr. Mays excelled in that and secured the prltt a candy cane. Another feature had to do with leap year. A prUe was to have been given to the young lady who failed to pro pose to some gentleman present within a givcti time, but none of the girls failed in this and hence the prtfc could not be awarded. Bend people may expect several weddings soon. The young folks lcftvfor tlicir homes at a late hour, voting Miss Wlest a very pleasant hostess. Mr. A. C T.tu-fli entertained a number of lady friends list Wednes day afternoon at a New Vear's party. I'or the first feature of the afternoon's entertainment the ladies were each handed a slip of paper and asked to write as many words as thev could from the letters con tained In the words New Year. Mrs. P. O. Minor Won the prize, linvtne. -iK wnnlt. The favor was a dainty water-color .90S calendar. Mrs. C. D. Brown, Mrs. E. . It. Sweet and Mrs. A. M. taradrcw straws for the consolation prize, each l.ni.lnrr tl wnril Mr IltaWfl WAS the lucky lady, receiving o candy cane. Ten minutes were given to the word contest, and the remain der of the afternoon was spent in playing pit and flinch. Dainty re freshments were served later. The ladies were unanimous In agreeing that Mrs. Lucas had helped them to start the New Year in a most pleasant and enjoyable manner." Mrs. Lucas will entertalu ugaiu tomorrow afternoon. There are good papers aud poor papers. Subscribe for The Bulletin and read the good kind. Mx A Fiesk Cemplextea prmrvtJ nJ ptoJuetil by Kobcrtlnt, a mllJ, dcllchtful .wwtmiUKiuniirmiiinn uurcu by ovtrs!ryn4i miuct the Jioof cnlurcJ porw. clantt thtni. re- . liuteirnflamnutlon and -Orcadian even. radiant elotf due to wholejome nouruh'' went of ikln cUnJ and itimulation ol the anilUitt ttblcn alto feed the tKtn aai iaUU4y I" healildul color. Aiin&DrKjS.htfirkrrrmt!tif 'OBERTINE ma Hotel Bend Jlmrny Akltfe, Proprietor Ptkfc'.OlafcS M6qIs iS.fervHrJ ht All Holirl. &6"aird by th6 W&ek (ai Meals) $5ofa'. 0 .. BXkAS FOR SALE" r rfntt"u,f4)'u '-"'? '"" 'TfjiJ liiVm' 1" " - ' - - - - 't - 8 A "Sky 'Pilot' nf l.jHtiTn Oresron. Hidden nwn 111 tin- heart of tli West, uiiobscrvel ly the eye l ,thc outside wrM, mid yet ixc 1 forming great M-rvu-- for liumamu , art- many nclf-Kucrifr 'n men in ttr missionary field, bin perhaps one ', that deserves et-iul mention in Rev. G. A. M. Lillv, a Presbyter Ian missionary uiil Sunday hcliiwj ; organizer in Weiter.i Crook county ' Rev. Lilly prcchi-s at Clin Palls. I.nldlaw, Redmond and Si tcrs, and travel 60 tnlles eiioh week on foot in making hisnppom. mtnts at these widly nvparatcd Mft. tlcmcut.H in Crook county He has neither tram nor saddle hor&c, but carriiH books nnd Unci through the wild and unsettled por tions of western Crook county, n. the shadow ol the Cascades 111 serving his congregations and i organizing Suuduv school. s Uceentlv Rev Lillv walked ovu the Cascade motiiitaiiH and down ' the5 McKcnzic river, 11 distance "I over 100 miles, 10 sIluxcue, when he took the train to Portland t" attend the meeting of the synod o. Oregon, and a few months av;o when he attended the meeting at Pendleton presbytery itt this city he walked from Clinc Palls to Shan iko, where he tyok the Columbia Southern train for Higgs In rain or snow, winter or "sum mcr, he mates his regular rounds of the large circuit on foot, and set dom if ever, misses an appointment. A movement has been started among rrcsuytcrian ciiurciics 01 renuieion presbytery to raise a fund with which to nurchast- u team for biro that he may continue his work with less discomforts and inconveuiences Th rvnnlr. nf (he ridrtldil of Ciook county " supplied by Rev T illv nr tari'elv nnnr settlers, who Igrcatly desire a continuation of his services but who are unable to con tribute to any great extent to his support. That Rev. Lilly is in love with his peculiar work issnown by the fact that he was recently of fered the pastorate of a large church wberc he could devote all bis time to one charge. ''Who would look after mj Cr.ook county people?" he asked wkeir he declined the offer. -Pen dleton Hast Oregonian. There's news In The Bulletin. are bat oatward ilM ol tie evil tfeae la seaet by myriads ol daa Jruff terms sasf kx t be Hie bleed el toe hair. Micro kills tsepara site, soothes the Heal scalp, tires lustre to tie hair Md ISfalUaxwt, AtnClPflIcatle rJvts relict tad proves its -rtk Sava yoar hair before too (ate, Micro erevtats baMoeta. Itka dellthtlul dresskt lor the hair, tree from trease and1 sticky eHt, Atk your dmn 'or free beekfet 1 HOYT CHEMICAL CO, mnit-an w?s- Wood For Sale. I will deliver. wood in town at the following prices: DRY BLOCK WOOD lb inches tlong ' $4;00 a cord. dryl'imb'wOOd 16 inches awg $3.'6b a Sord. Vi iu your yard on abort notice. I'hone to tne when you want wood. It won't co yon nnythfng to phone to F. M( OARTERi Restaurant. yt t ' ? t w z ff ' w ' 'Vt' a - . . .-... :,..--' ....LJf.. ight ght Prices ALWAYS And remember the balance of the stock of the BEND MERC. CO. will be sold at strictly Bargain Prices JUST NOTICE THESE. If you, u,u a good, warm, servictablev putfit come in and get a pair, of lumberman's overshot and heavy German socks- Both for $3.00 Nothing Better Children's 2-Buckle Chiliireiils. Rubbers - Ki.Mt LAgA Qeheral Merchandise BEND, OREGON AtwAVs Right Right f -. K., " V. New Furniture : A new line of FURNITURE IRON BEDS4 SPRINGS, ROCKlJRS, PARLOR STANDS, DlNING TABLB3 and CHAIRS, just received at . Aj Jl I. Wcsts Fumitiirt Store- .. fibUU IN AND SEE THEM Rockers: colden aifaWumtoated cobbler seatN"Q...ui $ 4. .so I Cedter Tables, tdlden oiki Center Tables, weathered oak,1 Dining Tables, golden oak, highly pjolished .,... ... .:.,;, 18.00 Diniug Chairs, goldeu maple, cane seats 1.75 Ditiltig Chairs, golden maple, perforated seats .,t.u. ..;,.. 1.50 Iron Beds, white and bide etiamel, gilt triiiitsiafcs, 17.00 Iron Beds white eamel, gilt trimmings ,.,. 7,00 Iron Beds, blue'enWkl 4 i...... ;. 4.00 Bed Springs, bard triaplc frame, spiral support .r... 4.50 Bed Springs, liasul maple, frame, steeKbaad suppoit 4.00 and nitay other style. I 'WywAjoiiiti )mWmSiM'MtMi, fe-M IAAit. f"iti Wi r: iftiyYi T-rii,;, tttw-M; T -?'mtQ Goods f X If your boy wants a good warm cap, send him in to Bee us. We have them, all kinds from 25c 75c Eck i . ; aud they are worth aaore money than we are akwg for them. Overshoes "5 .7 " -;y ''' ""-? I 11 to 2-.....wsi-.....-.30C Jg A Goods i.Al at. Pricfel J J J -i-" 'ijLj T - V t polished, $ 3.50' nilsslon style, only ...;..;. 4.50 jMt .V & :&9 '., T