- r THE BEND BULLETIN 1 "For ery wan a square deal, no less and no more." CIIARLKS D. ROWU HDITOR SOBSCRirTlON' RATB& Ose r. six taotit&t. -Ik' Tbirc tnosth 'InrtruMr I" drascr.) METEOROLOGICAL RECORD POR YEAR 1907. Tiy A. II. GRANT, Voluntary 0U:rvr, tt FRIDAY. JANUARY 3. 1908. ..iivt;i,u.i.i . - 1 j... . in !- tit Winter Short Courses In Agriculture. The OrcRon agriculture college vill rivc winter short courses be- ginning January 7. 190S. as follows: General Acriculturc. two weeks, dairying, six weeks '-Horticulture, six week. Mechanic ArL, six weeks. Household Science, six weeks. Many young men "as well o many mature farmers who are x situated that they cannot take m four years course of study desire to acquaint themselves more lulK with the tuot recent development in agriculture. There are other who feel the need of a more practi cal knowledge of farm rnecbanu and the use of tools It i to tntt- the need's of these classes that tho courses will be Riven. I lie course in nouschokt science will be of value to the women o ,the home who desire to more thor oujljly acquaint themselves wit thdjinnciples of good cooking n of general home management Tht ,s"ubjects4 to be discussed will be o interest and importance to even (apner and housekeeper, and it : 'fioped that a larjre number will take idvantaj;c of. this opportunity. A circular containing furtbtr in formation will be sent on applica tion to the Agricultural College, Corrallis, Oregon. AH Records Broken. ' Tfcfc year 1907 breaks all records '.a Portland, and what is true here j . j . . . . . t:a as waex in a proportionate ue rip. January. . s6 February 01 March 61 April ............. j3 .isjr ....... .. ..... 5 June 5S alj-...n. .... 9j August 98 October Nebor OS December Jfi Total Degrre tichw Mire. A Hint to iienJ Merchant. rrt Ofnlnt let mp. ?. IU(k 9' 4 16 ij 6 15 Zi li 4? ft W A7 af 47 14 J4 -9 49 35 St n 49 is U 43 1 3 a 6.J4 4 M 1 4 79 at 1 14 . 1 XT 5 .v. ii s i 9 i 1 i , 9 ? lot QMr 9 II Jf- 7 II 5 3 m riir V1. 1m4 at hr Ortltr. W. 1, Dougkn, the great shoe I "Manjr gulloa. jmwW uiaiy lur manufacturer, lays hw success to,. " Uwwj, tkrooj fie . . . . cMh of each urstor each day," write a newspaper advertising inrougU-ulJlvtrM,y ,,,. -nd the tnlero. its medium he arose from a cobbler, iconic betas that It rear tieM are pegglug naiN into shoes himself, to , "? " J" j lU V j. . 'ortiT mouib. l&irti wkroeoilc op the most famous manufacturer ot 1 ,-,-, u . , .i-w. iB tmrtiiBs fmm thr jwtat wbrv It tint touruM lao sill jlls ; to JtM ef tr" momachi all thJi Dlle It a auve nnu cainoiv t iuxvuiiuk iu rec?bf'' every place between the ' RockyTounuius and the Pacific ' OceanT"r tbb great section is the most prosperous part of America, and will continue to be. The in- 'crease ia aanufactured products iias beea 30 per cent: the sales pf ajcrcnawne are considerably greater than in 1906. 2fo year has brought so great an immigration. Postal receipts, exports' and imports, the products from the, farm and dairy, and those frod the orchard, and every other resource by which prosperity can be pulsed, prove an unprecedented growth, and if we will only shake off this temporary impulse to hedge, ooS can be made a still greater year. What about the Fences? . What about the fences nowFThis changeable weather is the tfme to put in repair all broken down fences and gates. Make the gates during the showers and put them on be tween times. When the fences arc not in good repair there is not only ( to be considered the loss jof what the stock will eat and destroy but the rwk to the stock themselves. apecMlIy barbed wire fencing; the latter item is too often not consid ered until a horse or a cow has got- ;en tangieu up in it and is nearly ruined. Let's get those- fences in cood repair for the coming year, and if you are not using all the ground on account of the' old . 1 worm icnce constder a new wire fence not barbed wire. Do not allow brush and weeds to grow ground your fence itaflbfdsa fine jUarhpr;, for woodchucks, squirrels pndpfher pestiferous animals that do creel: damage- to the crops. Pacific Ifoniestead. footwear in the world. Since lSSj, when he started advertising campaign, his busincvi has grown from a mxlt tittle es tablishment to the largest plant 111 he world, marketing its product in 73 stores in this country and his uinual business M represented b 50.000.000 in casu. lie reccntl said: The whole eeret of mccfm In Imim new lie In atlvcrthing. I uludicd orr 'he matter a long time, and then truuir p my tnitnl to pot my kooiIi fonmnl jtHt at rapidly a I knew how. I kkih learned that two eentUlt are nccetur) in adrertuing. You mutt nuke goo.1 toodt and treat the poblic tquarely. anil if yon do Cut butinest U bound to rmr. The mUtake tnot aUrertiters make i that ther expect return immediately That it ail wrong. I tpent tbouianiU and thotuandt of dollars in adTertitng that did not bring in adequate return for a long time, but I continucil mr cam paign, broadening the field all the time and the quality of my enoil oon won favor. The public found that my shoe were jut a our advertisement aid ther were. "The newt papers are by far the lt medium lor aurcrttitng. i win uy tm mucn, inat no merchant wnot in acorn Underwood Standard Typewriter S parent of new geaentSoni when re nnrl from tb SIR atl plaent lHdec aaMablc comlltkm. 3 1 01 of tluc o panUm are Trhoivnotae to man, and alt that outer the oyster' atoraach are Blelty killed and roarortrd Into It palatable and nutritious ubtane. but mi ions iu they are traTeUag aloug the giita all arc a lit? and. hw are es treaTly diBxeroua to man The oytet excrche ehoice In tae mdcettoa of It food, rojectliie war of the ralcroicople organHm and nwaUowlug othetV, but tlMve that are dbcbargrtl Into the wa ter with tb- wwaee of cities are not unfortunately amoag the onea that art rejected, and before thcao hare entered the oyitcra rtomach they are moat fa. rorably placed for gaining entrance Into human atomacb and multiplying there." wBBsSSSsffi p rctltive ueld ha any light to expect to build up butinci unlo be adrertie. It i the very life of butine, it tine qua non to tucce. Good good at tractively ilitplaycd In ailrertHement will always kII, and the man who doe not deceive the public will al way get more butine. I tpcud nearly a quarter of a million a rear in adtcrtl ine." ' QATHERED FAR AND NEAR. Taken Up. AtourrancliatTumalo, Or. on Oe temlier f, one wild .orxel mare weight Moufiyt ll, Wlnfe Utrip in forehead, Wi Wijd feet and'etlocka white, bjotcli Vnhj'ou hk shoulder, age three year. Ciiii.ii'iire i beeii ft'iiulunce litre tince MjcfAIl of jttj;sndl4ppotcd to have ieeil lost by WarhUpring Iiidiaii( Uivner can have wtow 'ttf proving prop rtyand pajinJrfeed bill and advertising -harges. OKO, Ur. Wimkr & Sons, 40-45 TumaJo, Or, "V 1 V. J. O'Connor has been ap pointed justice of the peace for the Bend precinct. Adam Kotzman has been appoint ed road supervisor for the Des chutes district. Novie Dcadmond recently killed' a large cougar in the Silver Lake country. The animal measured nine feet and 1 1 inches from tip of nose to tip of tail. - The Review says that the holi day trade at Prineville was better this year than last, and figures therefrom that the "panic" is a thing of the past. Dr. Cail Newsora was recently married at St. Paul and he and lib bride came to Prineville to spend the holidays. The doctor is think ing of locating permanently at Prineville. The weather in the Silver J.akc country, so far this year, is alt the stockmen could ask for, says the Orcgonian. Very few have com menced feeding and all stock is in good condition. qnrvr n!lf Abaat Ik Fern. The feni nai auppowd to need only on tit John night and thna o pottcw tboae alngular properties for which It had become almost aaerrd. The cath ering of the reed waj believed to be at tended with considerable danger. I'o ret In hla "Indemoalura." published In R$4. uy. "Much discourse hath been ahoat mthering of fern need (which 1 looked upon at a magical herb) on the nleht of mldaummer'a ere, and I remember I was told of one who went to cathcr it. and the iplrita whUk ed by his ears llho bullet and some time struck hi hat and other part of hi body. In fine, though h appro bended bo had cot a nuantlty of It and secured It In paper ami box be ride, when ho got homo h found all empty lint mot probable this appoint ing of time and hours I of tht' devil' own Institution, as well a the fact that, having onco tinarrd people to an obedience to Ills rule, he may with mon facility oblige them to stricter rawalage.- Caparlir It Cral Clmrtht: Th-5 Itoman Advertiser given the fol lowing statistics of the capacity of the great Wiurcbm of tho world, allowing four persons to every square yard: Persons. IJ3. yds. Popular Because of Ease of Manipulation, Total Visibility, Perfect Tabulation, Susceptibility to Oreat Speed, Firmness ' in Construction, Neatness In Pesign, and Convenience of Type for Cleaning. If the Typewriter you now ti lacks in anyone of thcc csrcntial points, the UNDERWOOD is the machine you will eventually buy. Underwood Typewriter Company No. 68 Sixth Street, - Portland, Oregon 4M- Central Oregon Realty Company (Successor toC. I). Drown & Co.) BEND, - OREGON BKAMtRS in ALL KINDS OH Central Oregon Real Estate Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty We buy or sell your land no matter where situated. We can sup ply you with any class of land at any time. Call on us or write for fdrthcr particulars. ,. Yw, I B.- C. PARK Importer ami Breeder of PURE BRED Poland China Hogs Black Langfihan Chickens A Vu Stack tt Sale'. iUiUiiOND, No Place Like Bend. The following letter tells its own itory: Mr. A, If. Grant, Bend, Oregon. Vtar Sir. I'ltatc foawsrd m frail to Medfonl, Oregon. Three days in Cali fornia are enough lor me. It f a fool that Une llcnd. Ycnr, J. If. BAX. - ji,i . - . Genuine Imported Swedish ftazors. Best raror'made, Try one. Fully warranted. Hollow ground, $2.06-. ,,, ... FuUy warranted, hollow ground, ivoryiiiandle, $3.00. .Single-Porpoise rnzor,strop, 50c. Ekjuhle-PorpohJe and Web strop, J5l.oo', Postpaid to your addess. 4 GKO. W. RfcVHOLTW, 950 East Davis Street, 42-45 Portland, Oregon. - ., a- . LATIIRR! Von. 1uinM lia.'A your calliDK cafd printed at The llllan eatbfdral J7.0O bl J'aul'a. rtom . Jtwo RC ru'. Lomlon 5,00 OT. rtlrnnlO. Ilobxna .... U. riortt.cA esthfrdral . ... n.tn Antwirp eathedral . . ZIXO) St. Bophla's. rorutantlnopU OH) Bl John's Imuran 7i.V Notr Dame. I'arU XUM PUa mtbedral 11.CC0 P(. Btsptwn'a, VUnna, U at. Dominic . Bologna .. - liOO flu IVtrr". Itl(Tu ILMJ Oa4hrJral of Hltna .. .. 1!.0C Sc Mark's. Venke .. . l.VJ H11 )latza qt KL IVtcra In lu widen! liiilt. aUovtlog tnclre )erwia to the jua ro mile, holds ttli.OCQ; allowlos four to tho same, drawn up In military array, 209,000. in lis narrowest limit, not' comprising tho portlroe of tho l'i nzzl Ituttlcuccl, 17.0'X crowded otd 1M.Q0O in military array. . 1.00Q AIM CttS COCO S.H0 S.10O m irji .SA 1 t nwmtmm ARBKX HllOPAKO Baths is HOTKL Hotel Bend COKXKB, IIONU AND ORKCOH Strkkts HUOli O'KANn, Prop. , itOST CBNTIIALLY LOCATHD IIOTI'.L IN DHNI). Sample room in connection. New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms Always Reserved for Transient Trade. OREGON J Bulletin office, The latest styles. DIcben' Gay Clothes. We wero walking- down yefilnictorf itreot. Strand, and Jmt passing tho of flco of JloiuchoUl AVordi, tlien' a Iftin oni rah nfoticd, and out Htop-Ml a Bayly dressed ffentlemnu. Ill llirht STccn naUtcoat, vivid acarh't Ud aud palo lavender trousers wouMunrrflHt-n notI-d hy npy ohe, hut tho ui ot tho noicay In hltf huttonliolo riVoled my nttwiMon, for It vrnn n n-gular llowir Jardon. 3ly father atoMuM mid Intro- rduttd wo, and I, who h.id only socn mi-raving of tho ilafUsu portrait and a Very handoroo head In my iliotlier'H IjllotogniiHi allium, was antoiilshf-d to llnd myself Blinking hand Willi tho great norcUst Charles Dlckeiii. From SII l'fUwcIl'a "Itecollevtlons." , - V ' ' Tf Ulldr.1 Has, At the headwater of tho Orinoco the JHpauUh tradltionv hK-ated tli land of w uonnof -jtio (jiidwl Jlflu," a po-i leuiaw wnosa country wa so ncu ib gold dust that ho bad his body anoint' ed with oil and aprinkled with gold ev ttj BiorBlijg'.jio that ho houe in Uie trua as though gilded, It ki a curiou tact that tie pountry, I phtch tradl. I Hci wfsiaa ujm marrwous !&" "a" MfT b4o aMdJhjiwJlU inan. SAW MLING. BUST WORK GtARANTI'.KD. Prices from 35c to f 1.00. Leave saws at Pine Tree SWre, -ji-- . " J. II.MIANHR, 1 ABSTRACTER bl TITLES I notary runi.ic I Vltslaturaon, Ule lniut. burcly Dontlt, I K1 liMUbCouTfTtncla 1JD. HAI.VORSON, IlKNW, OHKaotririiiNPvif i.k. . . oaitoov PROFESSIONAL CARD8. C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Ot'lMCK IN HAKK mMMUNO, IIHND. OIIIKKlM W. P. MYERS Land and Irrigation Lawyer LAWLAW, OKIWON I'lacttfr Ih all CuorU ami IMitiueHt of the lHlrHr. U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OWICK OVHk IUNK tl llMbt Cflcphonc Coitiicctlon DAY TKI.KIMIONi: NO. 31 IlllNI), : OltKOO.S , DR. I. L. SCOFIELD DENTIST MKNU, OKlKioS tt(tt hi Iff MK WtH hlirtl OAK IImIi. t M Mi I p w. OtUt rw ,V at Km( rhm Sm f M. V. TUIU.EY, M. D. I'liyslclitn nnd Surgeon orriCK ovkh vohm.k ihvo utouk, DIIMtl. OKIlioM THE First National Bank of Prineville. ' lUUtlMicd W9. Capital, Surplus nnd Undivided Profits, $100,000.00 n v AHR UHI W,.rHl T M KtUwIt II twiU-ln Jk rtl(a' l4rtrUIl Ctwr Mtiual Cxkkt New Blacksmith Shop.... I have just recently opened a shop in llcnd ami am prepared to do all kinds of Horse Shoeing; Wagon and Plow Work nnd (lencral Ulacksmlthln Uvcry piece of work that leaves the shop it guaranteed to be first-class. 1 J I solicit a share of yotir,pat ronagc. " JAMBS McOLROV. 00 YEARS' KXPeniKNCB Tnaoc Maiwsi DraiaNa CovHiaMTa Ac antiMJln s ilMn utt dMtfiukM mtt kktlf wmm "f iftm tn mltkt tn Siu l.rf tl.milk JUwi I V llt ,)Ul mtiui, ilx tlar.., if. "" SckMific flimrkdu. . A kwi4Mlr itlaxrtiH .!. iMtttitit eal.lln.1 uf f; t"r.i"t kntisai. htmt. 14 k The IliilU-tlu print, calling card Indies taVe notice. f1 " saaaaaaValBaaaaaaaaaaaaaat . AXsaaaV 5 ,tak5ia Asy ' Wl . ' i TTI l.,XX Pr ','W frv yjn rf'i FARMED READ THE i WEEKLY OREGONIAN , Of PORTLAND ' For the euerat nwsof the , worno also .tor intormation about likc.obwn -ike. best results in cumy&im die soil, Stock UaisirtiFrufcGmmn$, etc. ox can seieiirfe' fhls cXcelletitS papei1 by pftitf: t;u.ii i'Ai'UK2f. UWU YliAp, ppj J3.25 ONLY