The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 03, 1908, Image 2

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BfowisiR Rislps as Cfalcl il
Birue il Kavlgatlra.
Ono Sent With Battlashlp Fleet
Complete Control of Hos
pital Corp.
It In
Washington, Doc. 26. Harmony
within the United States navy outran
cracy seems to bo In lor a severe Jolt.
Open war already haa been declared
between the bareaa of navigation and
tho bareaa ot medicine and surgery,
the initial result of which haa been the
resignation ofRcar Admiral Rrownson
from hia position as chiel ol the former
bareaa, and, coming jutt at a time
when severe criticism is being aimed at
the administration of the Navy depart
Hunt, thechargee Involving the bureau
system in particular, the ruction may
culminate in tome radical change.
Butgeon General Rizey, whose re
commendation in faor ot putting a
medical officer in absolute command ot
a hospital ship km approved by Pre)
dent Koosevelt against the vlow ot Ad
mlral Brownson, throw down the
gauntlet tc the bureau ot navigation in
a formal statement Issued last night.
The curgeon general charge that the
bureau of navigation haa interfered in
an unwarranted manner with the bu
reau ot medicine and surgery, and to
the extent ot crippling its ruefulness.
Comparatively trivial event some
tine lead to tweeping reform, and, if
there be defect in management. In
naval construction and in methods of
administration, the Booeevelt-Browu-eon-Rlxry
imbroglio is likely to be the
mean; ot bringing matter to a focus
and Yauslng remedies to be applied
where needed.
It should not bo forgotten that the
president is as staunch a friend of the
nary as the navy has, in considering
the present controversy, which so ma
terially involve himself. Popular sen
timent naturally would incline the in
expert observer to side with the line
officers in the conflict with the staff,
because tbe line is the fighting conting
ent from which heroes most frequently
are developed in days ot war. In aid
ing against tbe line officers in the pres
ent case, the president may or may not
be aiming his spear at tho bureau sys
tem, lie Has taken a ground be tninks
is for the best interests of the service.
Francisco Banks Generous
Overworked Clerks.
San Francisco, Dec. 25. Elated at
tho cnlm course ot business which
marked tho discontinuance ol tho holi
days, the local bankers opened their
hearts and putses and their cletks and
other employee wore richer by $30,000
than, they were yesterday. Almost
ereiy bank tn tne city rewarded us
men for the long bouts ot toil during
the recent trying days.
The Crocker National bank led ol
yesterday rooming, when a yellow en
velop was placed oh the desk ot every
employe. It contained an amount
equivalent to one month's salary. The
amount thus distributed exceeded f 10,
000. The Crocker interests are very
Urge and they rewarded in a similar
fashion their employes In other lines.
Other bants have generously tictkted
their men. Some added turkeys to the
presents of gold. Others added boxes
ot fruit.
The Merchants Exchange gave every
one of Its employes a big, fat turkey.
It employes 100 people. One mercan
tile firm provided every one ot its em
ployes lth all the things that go to
make up a Chrlitmaa dinner turkeys,
vegetables, fruit and pie.
The Standard Oil company distrib
uted a large sum among its local em
ployes. The usual Christmas dinners to the
poor, the orphans, cripple and others
began Sunday and will continue on a
greater scale than ever until after
Minneapolis Statistics Show Effect of
Financial Stringency.
Minneapolis, Due. 2C Floor ship
ments from Minneapolis for 1007 will
fall short of the total shipped during
1906 by nearly a million barrels. This
decrease has been apparently due to the
financial flurry, as the figures for each
month show that only in three months
ot the entire year have the shipments
for 1007 exceeded thee for the same
month in 1006.
The number of barrel of flour sent
out from Minneapolis by tbe various
mills so far this year has been 13,625,
375, while for the corresponding period
In 1006 there were 14 673.113 barrels
shipped, a deficit of 747,7b8 barrels
De-spile the recent financial stringen
cy, the sites of flour for use in the coun
try or lor export did not suffer so much
as was generally expected. The ship
ments ror iKioDer wis year were 1,440,
802 barrels, against 1,503,007 last year.
In November of this year the greatest
falling off is shown with shipments of
1,067,070 barrels, against 1,318,618 a
year ago. For tbe trading days in De
cember upjto tbe present, 670,271 bar
rels have been sent out a against 070,
494 for the corresponding days hut year.
Wheels Turn Again.
Pittsburg, Dec. 26. Christmai In
Pittsburg and vicinity was made doubly
joyous by tne announcement that by
January 6 all of tbe thousands of wheels
of Industry In the mill of McKeesport,
Giaespot, Duquesne and allied plants
in tne Mononganela valley would bo In
operation. Over forty thourand men
who hare been Idle for several weeks
will return to work. It is also said
that other mills in te district will alto
res a me, practically doubling the num
ber ot workmen employed within fifty
Billed of Pittsburg.
Governor of Utah Wants Peace
sured at Qoldfiatd.
Ooldfield, Nev., Dec 25. "It is pos
sible that the governor will call a spe
cial session ot the legislature," said
Captain Cox, "it by so doing any lm
mediate rrslulta which will better the
situation ran be obtained."
The rumor has been current here
that a company of rangers is contem
plated, and, as this could not be done
without action by tbe legislature, the
statement of Captain Cox is tsken to
mean that, inch a plan is decided upon,
the legislatuie will be convened.
A suit against the Western Federa
tion of Miner is to be brought by the
Goldfield Mineowners' association In
the Federal court. An injunction will
be asked for restraining the members
of the local miners onion, which i
affiliated- with the Western Federation,
from interfering in any way with the
operation of the mine in Goldfield.
Tnia suit will be filed December 28.
It has been definitely decided that
alter December 30 each individual mine
owner or each company operating a
mine or lease, shall take care of his
own property, Independent of the asso
ciation. This will necessitate the put
ting on of many more guards.
Acting President Ma honey lias made
nc attempt yet to appear before the
mineowners and present any proposi
tion looking to a solution of tne dithcul
ties. If he has prepared any such propo
sition, wbltb be denies.
Good Report on KUroalh Country
Sugar Oeets,
Klamath Fath Fiank Ira White, ot
the Kntetprlso Land A Investment com
pany has Just received report from tho
department ot agriculture telatho to
Mmples of sugsr beets raised on the
Enterprise tract. Tho beets were taken
from the same tract as were those sent
to Professor Knisely some time ago,
but koto fully maturrd, while tho
others were not. Professor KnUely's
test showed fiom 17 40 to 10.35 per
cent put eugst, while the department
test is ono or two per cent higher, with
a vury high degree of purity.
These beets produced 8,286 pounds
to the quarter-acre tract, or nearly 17
tons to the acre.
The department ol agriculture In a
letter to Mr. White says Klamath
county's sugar beets are ol the most ex
cellent quality aud that pro poets ate
bright for the Industry in this county.
Many Make Own Way.
University ol Oregon, Eugene A
canvass ot the students of tho Universi
ty of Oregon Just made shows that be
tween 60 and 70 per cent ot the men in
the university this yeat ato either
wholly or pattlally making their own
war through college The grrater part
ot the earning is done, of course, during
the summer. The canvas shows that,
since the vacation is comparatively
short, the men got cmploymett In tbe
harvest fields, mills, mines and tabor
ot various kinds paying good wages. It
shows also that the engineering stu
dents find no trouble in getting work
in their Hue. The engineering depart
ment has a large number ot
in the employ ol the Southern Pacific,
O. IL A N., Northern Pacific and the
government reclamation service, and
the majority of theengineerlngstudents
are engaged before the session closve In
June. A number of students are part
ly earning their own way during the
session. The university maintains an
employment bureau under the direction
of the registrar, but it has not been able
this fall to supply all calls made on it
for students to work.
Umatilla County Shows Ola; Oaln In
Five Yeara.
Pendleton Umatilla county's rapid
development Is shown In the uvent
summary of the. taxable property In tho
county, recently furnished tho secre
tary ol stato by Assessor Strain. This
summary, compared with I ho one mado
five years ago, shows tho nutuWr ol
tillable acres as Inoteased by 00,000.
The total number ol acre ol arable
land in tho county at present la 46.000.
The nnuibvr of acres classified as non
tillable Is given at 883,144.
The rJgurv for the Utter do not, ol
course, Includo the forest reeervc and
other government land not subject to
taxation. The amount ol non-tillable
land In the county Is constantly In
creasing, also, by reason ol the tact
that so much government land la being
taken up and deeded to settlers.
Tbe increase In the number ot lilt
able acres is due In Isigo measure to
the different irrigation projects which
are being completed. This Is not the
only source ol Increase, however, as
thousands ol acres ot land In tho west
ern and touthwvttem raits ol the
county are now plowed up and growing
wnra. uiai a lew years ago were consid
ered worthies for anything urate val
uable than range tor slock. Much of it
was given over entirely to sagebrush
and Jackrabblu. The Pilot I took and
lllrvh creek countries have experienced
the greatest development In this line.
Each Farm to Da Named.
Grants Pass Among the business
transacted at the Jcwcphlne County
Frnltitrowcra' unicn at its hut mrttlm
graduates was the adopting of Individual letter-
heads and letter paper, upon which
will be designated the name ot the fruit
farm and tho brands rckcd by the
grower. It was thought best for each
member to have some appropriate
name for his fruit trsct, and by Insert
ing it upon letter sheets It would also
give prominence to individual effect,
and at the same time give the union
grrater notice and strength, which
would mote favorably attract the buyer
to wis locality.
Bittleihlps Complete First Stage of
Long Voysga.
New York, Dec. 25. Special dis
patches from Port of Spain, island ot
Trinidad, announce the arrival there of
the Atlantic fleet on its way to the Pa
cific. The fleet is said to have passed
into tbe Gulf of Para and anchored
there in four columns fire miles oil the
Ascordiog to the dispatches, the onlr
mishap on tbe trip from Hampton
Roads to Port of 6pam was a temporary
derangement ol the Kentucky's steering
gear. Tbey alto say that the entire
fleet (topped ensines for nine minntes
Sunday and half matted flags while Or
dinary Seaman G. E. Piper, who died
ot meningitis aboard the Alabama, was
Tbe harbor of Port of Spain, while
well protected, is shallow for a long
distance out from the beach and ves
sels of great draft like the battleship
anchor a long way cut. The flet will
remain in the harbor for several days
and will coal there. Supplies will also
be tsken on board of tho supply ship
Colgoa and tbe refrigerator ship G Iscier.
Wheat Trad Stagnant.
Pendleton Business Is dull In tbe
local wheat market, the price being
down, and tho farmers are unwilling
to part with the holding at a figure
that is 10 cents lower than what they
could have secured early In the fall.
until recently tne local quotation on
stub has been 07c, but another diop of
a cent has occurred. However, wheat
is said to be worth 08c In Pendleton,
and at least one buyer Is offering that
figure. Others declare tbey are out of
tne market for tbe time being.
Hood River Apple Crop.
Hood River Completo returns from
Hood River's 1007 apple crop show
that the growers will receive In round
numbers 2O0,000 for tbelr product,
notwithstanding the money trouble, car
shortage and reduced crop. This is ap
proximately what the Hood River crop
brought last year when It was In tbe
neighborhood ot 20,000 boxes more.
and Is accounted for ty the fact Hut
tbe apples biought a much larger aver
age price, mo entire crop u now
placed at 110,000 boxes.
Captsln Oreane Selected to Pilot Ulg
Fleet 8ately Through.
Los Angeles, Pro. 21. Tito man who
Is to pilot tho United Slates battleship
lleot thtougli tho Straits ol Magellan li
In Los Angeles on his way to Washing
ton, liotu whence ho will proceed to
Rio do Janeiro, there to Join tho lleot
on January 1
Tho man selected by tho Navy de
partment for this Important sorvico Is
Captain E. F. Urcono, ol tho United
State army transport lervlce. He Is
58 year olngo and has made In nil 17
trip through tho limits. Ho hai been
a sailor tluco ho wm 14 years ol age,
when ho joined the Confederate navy.
Ilia first silp ws nwde III 1H0U and the
last a year ago, when ho brmight tho
lighthouse lender Junlta to tho Pacific
davit. Captain Greene will atsuiiw
chatgo as pilot ol the fleet at Pniita
Arenas about rebruary 1, accoullng tn
schedule. Thriowlll Iwi assigned to
him by Admiral Evans one ol the fleet
est ol the torpedo crafts with which lis
will lead tho way through the 'Waits.
The actual passago will icqulro about
48 hours. Captain Greene anticipate
no danger In taking the sqnadtou tatoly
Railroad Buys Laldlaw,
Laldlaw The tumor hai been rife In
this community for some time that the
Laldlaw toww ite had been sold to the
Mount Hood Railroad company, but
nntll now these rumors could not be
verified. The verification comes from
the fact that the abstracts of title are
now being prepared at Prlneville pre
parator to a formal transfer ot tbe prop
erty to the purchasing company.
To Indict Nevada Sheepmon.
Pendleton Through the efforts of
Dr. W. II. Lylle, state sheep inspector,
indictments will be returned agaimt P.
Anderson, a millionaire sheepman of
Nevada, tor bringing flocks over the
tats line Into Oregon without flnt
giving notice to tbe state sheep inspec-tor.
Japan Glvss Canada Assurance Ol
vsrt Htrssm, to Corsa.
Toklo, Dee. 2t. Negotiation be
tween Canadian Minister ol labor Itu
dolphe Lrmicux and the Jante gov
eminent, which have been delayed by a
hitch over details, will be concluded
within the nxt few days It is under
stood that Minliler Loudens ha (In
ally agreed to accept Jaui't vsrbal
assurance that she will undertake the
ell Imposed task ol limiting emigra
tion to Canxda. Tho exact method ol
limitation will bo Mt entirely In the
hands ul the Japanese government.
The assurance Is Identical with that
given tho United States.
It Is statrd that tho hllch arose over
tho deatre ot the Canadian government
to secure a definite promise In writing
outlining the undertakings, This wai
positively dtcllued by Japan 1 canto It
would entail a wcrltlo ol trraty rights.
Minister Lctnleux also desired to secure
from the Japanese government a note
giving tho exact number ol laWuer
that the government proposed to allow
to emigrate to Canada. This was also
Mounted Police Called Upon d
Quell Canadians,
bluestem, 84c:
Great Tlflptate MIH to Resume.
Newcastle, Pa., Dec. 26. Ten of the
30 pot mills of the Ehenango tin mills
here will resume operations January 6
next. Test additional mills will resume
shortly after, and It is expected that the
entire plant will be running full force
before the s-ad ot January. Tbo mill,
said te bt th fcrgsat tin plant in the
world, 1ms be idle since July 31.
.Tally a tsMMsmad saaa an sfeeUd. i
Reduce Entire Forca.
Eacramentn, Dec 25. That there 1
to be a grvat redaction ot the force em
ployed in the local railroad shops alter
the first of the year was admitted vej-
terday by officials of the company, who headquarters.
oral on the llarriman system. In an
Interview, an official raVl: "The or
ders for tbe general layoff Christmas
week came from New York, not San
Francisco, and apply to the entire sys
tem, not Sscrarnento alone. It is pure
ly an economical measure, paring the
way for a reduction of force."
More Traveling. Libraries.
Falem The Oregon Library com
mission held its regular session last
week at the commiaslone's rooms In
the state home. W. II. Ayer and Miss
Isom, members of ths cotnmlwloii,
were in attendance, besides the gover
nor. It wss decided to buy 25 more
traveling libraries, making 00 in all,
that will be placed in circulation aa a
result ot tho commission's flnt year's
work. It wns decided to establish an
exchange itation for Kastern Oregon at
Raker City.
To Attend Scientists Msst.
Corvallis A. L. Kniislr. Federal
chemist for Oregon, expects to atari
East immediately after Christmas, to
attend tbe midwinter meeting of. the
Association for the Advancement of ScI
ence and tho American Chemical socie
ty at Chicago. He also expects to vliit
tbe Chicago, New York and Washing
ton pure food laboratories lefore com
ing back to Portland, nhich will U his
Denver Begins to Pay.
Denver, Dec. 25. Tbe fiist Install-
ment (25,000 of tbe f 100.CO0 fund
pledged to the Democratic National
commltteo by the Denver Convention
league was forwarded yesterday to
Chairman Thorns TaggarL at French
Lick, Ind. The remainder will be paid
in equal Installments on January
Feferaary 22, asd Marsh 22.
Select by Corventlons.
Salern In aniwrr to an inquiry from
Chairman G. A. Westgate, of the Re
publican state central committee, At
torney General Crawford has rendered
an opinion In which he rayi that dele
gates to the national conventions and
candidate for presidential elector must
be chosen at conventions and not under
the direct primary.
Shut Down on Kens Canal.
Klamath Falls The reclamation ser
vice has closed down on the Keno cam I
on account of tho wet weather, keeping
only the derrick gang and the engl
neerlnsr corns The shutdown was made
22, necessary on acctount of tbe wet
Wheat Club, 82c:
valley, 82c: red, 80c.
Oats No. 1 white. 28: gray, $28.
Parley Feed, 27; brewing, Ml;
rolled, 30.
Com Whole, $32; cracked, $33.
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $10;
Eaitern Oregon timothy, $20023; clo
ver. $16; cheat, $15; grain hay, $150
$16; alfalfa. $16; vetch, $14. r
Rotter Fancy creamery, 35 ft 37 He
per pound.
Veal 75 to 126 pounds, 80c;
125 to 160 pounds, 7ot 160 to 200
pounds, 6000.
Poik uiock, 7o to lou pounds, CM
OKc; packers, exsotfe.
Poultry Average old bens, lOo
per pound; mixed chickens, 10c;
spring chickens, lOo; roosters. Bo;
dressed chickens, 12A13c; turkeys.
live, IRe; dressed, choice, 18010c;
geese, live, fi0o; ducks, 12fc13)io;
pigeons, $1(31,60; squsbe, $23.
Ki Fresh ranch, candled, 35c per
. Fruits Apples, 76r$2 per box;
peaches, 7&cM$l per crate; peers, $1.25
t.76 per box; cranberries, $0.(0012
per barrel.
Vegetables-Turnips, 76a per tack;
carrots, C5c per sack; beets, $1 per
sck; beans, 7(j0c per pound ; cabbage,
loper pound; cauliflower, 76c $1 per
doxen celery, $3 -'3(33,60 per crate;
onions, 15f 20c per doxen; parsley, 2So
perdoxen; peas, lie per pound; pep
pers, 8017c per pound; pumkplns, IQ
ic per pound; radishos, 20c per dox
en; spinach, Co per pound; snouts, M
per pound; aqussh, AMq per pound;
tomatoes, $1.60 per box.
Onions $1.761.86 per hundred.
Potatoes 60065c per hundred, de
livered Portland; sweol potato, $2.76
03 per hundred.
Hops 1007, 607c per pound; olds,
Wool Eastern Oregon averagn beat,
13030c per pound, according to shrink
age; valley, 18190e, aeeording to fine-
mohair, aboies. WVWi pr
Rioting In India.
Calcutta, India, Dec. 31. In conse
quence of tho sentence of three months'
Imprisonment, prmouncsd agalntt Re
nin Chandrel, tho Nationalist chief, for
itavlng re-fused to testify in court
agalntt n Hindu newspsper, grare dis
orders of a seditions nature took nlsc
in tho sttrets here. An Immense oiowd
raited a great tumult In front of tho
hall of tribunals, attacking the police
and stoning the windows. A party ol
Hindu students avraulted various lirlt
Iih officer and sergeants, blockading
the principal streets.
Favors Giving Tilhss.
Now York, Do. 24. Jossnli II.
Choate In an address at the annual
mtetlng of tho filaU Charities Aid
association advocated adherence to the
old Mosalo law that one-tenth of all
property be given to clarity. He ruld
he did not believe many of tho rich
women and men who rompoied hi au
dience had lived up to the law and trust
If all the eoplo of th country had
dono so there would not have been any
financial troubles like (hose through
which tho country has just sed.
For Stats Line Stations
Guthrie, Okla.. Deo. 2t Tho rail.
road rommlMlnn of Oklahoma lias or
dered the Banta Fe to establish stations
stall points on tbe state lino crossed
by the company. The action was tsken
becsnie of a drcUlon on tbo part ol the
comuiltaion Inst tho Kanta Fe bad
tailed to sell Interstate tickets at tho
.'-cent rate.
Dateless Humor That While Msn Is
Wounded Arouses Fury of
Whit People.
Letlibrldge. Alberta, Dec. 28 -i.
rauio they believed that ft prominent
cltltfii had tx-eu imirdrrcd In a Chln
rt-stauiMiit, M00 inrn raided tho (),.
tutnl quarter Uti last night and hit
wufk behind. Itmlauiaiils and lauo
drier) weie smashed, doors and wirulcat
mil I iillrt friintH nf litillillnire hflri in
duced to splinters. The rrgular police I
of the too il were powerless and a in.
gado ol mounted police had to bo ralM M
out to quell tlio not.
It was Juit alter 0 o'clock that Iks
mob Itrgan to lor in. Tho story bad rot
abroad that Harry Hmllli, ono o Us
Uit known ranchers ol tbe rattle dl
tilct of which this city Is the wittr,
had hern fatally wounded In a rwlio.
rant. Curlouily enough, neither bin Ih
nor any one olio bad been hurt, Ul
even the polke were rnlaled by the Ul
and two Orientals wvro placed uuhr
arn st, charged with his murder,
An Indignant mob gathrrtd (.'ppoiits
the eating Iioum ami there wai talk U
lynching, suddenly tomeoite Ihrssa
lock, whlsh smashed a front window.
and in a moment tho crowd was Ixmo&I
control. Uriels and tunes were wel
and, when tho doors lud been brokrs,
tho tables snd chain and dishes ant
smashtd. The Columbia and Alberts
restaurants were literally wrecked.
What rould not le conveniently hr kra
by tlio few men who rould got inside
was paxed out In tlio itrvet to the hmi
In waiting, and thus deiiioHthnl,
At 10 o'clock a detachment ol mount
ed pollen pcarnl aud tlio crowd
rat t rrrd. Hundred of the riot I
merely (hilled the scene ot their pillag
ing. Three blorks away, opposite llit
Arlington hotel, tbey cleaned out an
other Chlnree restaurant and tdl"
handled two Orientals who were car,
tured within.
Mayor Galbralth, who had ruihed t
ths scene when th mounted 3lk
were flnt called, delivered a si-recs
asking cool cllliens to dliprfse. TU
crowd listened to him and to Magistral
Townsend, who spok later. All ptwl
ble damage haying been dons, lbs
crowd went homo.
Five ol the rioters lva been arrest'
ed, but II I doubtful If Iher will U
ph'ln to Welcome Flsst.
Vslparslio, Dec. 2t. Tho house of
W. It. Graco A Co., of jhlt city, has
received a tolegram from New York
certifying that tho American lleet, now
on its voyago tn the Pacific, will enter
tbo port of Chile. Preparations aro
reing made here to slve them an m-i.
abl welcome. In which the do ernmunt
will Join.
Qoldflsld to Be Troentsss.
Washington, Dec 2t. Itoosevoll has
oruereo me troops withdrawn from
uouineid Monday, December 30. No
statement u to tho reason (or with
drawal Is offeied but at the War de
partment It Is assumed by many that
General Funston has found that It was
not necessary to send ths soldiers there.
British Squadron In Pacific.
London, Deo. 21. -Aeoordlm tn ii.
Standard, the Admiralty baa decided to
establish next May a Piflc and North
American: squadron, ths baaa at hu
llll lt . ...l.1i n --
. ..... vw, a, J,
Papers Taksn From Llsulsnanl
Com to Light.
Mexico City. IHij. 20 What It ens
Idtrrd a very Inirwrtanl historical dis
covery ha resulted Iroin tho eOorts t
Dr. Hoetbert K. Helton, the Americas
hlttorlan, who i here eugagMl in re
seaich work under tho ampler ol tie
Carneglo Institute ol Washington. Th
discovery consists in the untarthlng la fl
mi city of 18 ol (he 21 docnuirnta tak
en from the possession ol UetitrnsM
Zebulon N. Pike, ol Ihn I'nlted H'stet
army, by fjpanlsh loldior In WO,
when bo was raptured while maknr
his famous trip up tho Aiian-as and
MisMUirl rireis, visiting the Oago and
Coiuancho Indian, at the instance tt
Genrrsl Jamo Wilkinson, then enters
or ol I-mililans.
Tho whereabouts of the .!!. ll.rto
dooumeiit cannot 1m learned. Fo lm
portantls (ho discovery considered la
the United Htste thai HrrM Knot
has just sent Dr. Helton his ronsrsiuU
Find Bodlss by Hundred.
Jaobs Creek. Ps.. Dm. "B ItanlJ
progress Is being made In tho removsl
of liodles from tho IXsir mine, Allot
the entries, oxcept No. 27, have hero
cleared and a lotal of 121 bodies
brought Irmn the mine. A minler (f
other liodles hnvn been lorate.1 and It U
exK-ciNi that tbey will bn brought to
the surface during the night. In miry
No. 20, where the explosion apparently
took place, nummmr. llua u...... r., ,mi.
i no nu ram wore blown to id vers.
mm mny iuu uodirs will be roiuotcii
Irom entry No, 27, as yet unexplored-
telephones for Submsrtnaa.
1', Doc. 28, Following elaborsls
..-.) .- :. -
irm.oii.a n prevent tho recurrence
ol ace dents to submarine vessels, the-
I ,. v "" nnv " 'Mued order
"'uiWHlnosbo fitted out wilh
detachable td.ephono buoys, which, In
csiool accident will pormltol commu
nication with tlio iurfaio.
Triumph of Roossvalt.
.London, Dw. 28. Tho Times In an
editorial this mornlmr dlimiHta ths
prospect ot peace In Contra! America
resulting from tho posco conference
hold at WaAhlmtton. which It -ward
Mi?.8rfLlii',UIHph ht President Itooee
v.. u-jiMUy,