The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 03, 1908, Image 1

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    ml I ml JLJPJLirl iLL JLJML4fLr M. 11
NO. 42
Bend-Shaiiiko Livery & Stage Company
New Covered Stages between Bend and Slinnlko
Livery and Peed Stables at Slianiko and Bend.
Wo run our tIko to please Iho public.
StiiRos leovu unch woy every day.
Riga to all pntlo or Contra! Oregon. Caroful drivers furnished
If I now have ,a better outfit of buggies nnd horses and can give
more satisfactory service tlinti ever before. Alt kinds of light and
heavy livery furnished on short notice at reasonable rates to nil
points In Oregon. Traveling parties will profit by seeing
me before going cNcivlicrc. For further fnfo-tnatlon' about stages
consult J. II. Wu.VANnv at Bend, or W. P., Agent,
Shaniko.' Oregon.
Special' Attention Given to Express and Baggage.
A Complete
At Bend,
Rough, Surfaced and Moulded
All Widths, Lengths
Reasonable beaded CEtLiNO lHBfcr
aood HEAD HI.OCKS AmievTw
0. O. BASEBOARD iV . 7 .
Grades STAIR TREADS ? , l.
O. 0. UATTINS n ji "
Stock mouldings Tac C 5. 1. fc.
Central Oregon
Development Company
TEi Central Ore
gon Banking (&
Trust Company
Capital 525,000.00
TrAiisncts a Ucncml Hank
In'K Huslncss.
Acts as Administrator, Ux
ccutor or Trustee of Estates
Issues DrjIijjwiHd Hank
Money Orderajjsit Foreign
Countries. $2ljf.
Interest oityflMDcposits
';t .,;
Safe Derwgjwcs.
Fire lRti(Mie.
John 8leldjFrrfeiit
J, II. IIcylrfblcr
IIHND, - j ?? JftltEOON
Stock Of
At (lend,
and Thicknesses
JVhen You Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense ypu
should use
The ,
Call for'
color card
A Full Line of Groceries, Dry
Ooods and Hardware always on
A Few Pacts and Figures
about Future Industry.
Vant Sums of Money Will lie Paid lit
Wages when Timber Is Being
Manufactured Into Lumber.
Much is written and said about
the timber resources adjacent to
Iknd, but undoubtedly very few
people have any clear Idea of how
great an Industry will some day be
developed at Bend from that source.
Everyone knows that the revenue
derived from the manufacture of
lumber hero will mount up into the
millions of dollars and that it will
take years to exhaust the timber
supply" in this region, but no one
aside from a few timbermen, cruis
ers and those who have given the
subject study, have any clear con
ception of Just how much wealth
will be derived from or just how
long it will take to complete the
manufacture of the local timber
supply. Hence The Bulletin has
prepared an article giving a few
facts and figures, having secured
its information from those who have
cruised this eutire section and
whose life work has been in the
limber and lumber business. Con
scquently the statements made are
There arc adjacent to Bend 3500,
000 acres of timber land, which
will average 30,000 feet to the acre.
That means 70 billion feet of tim
ber tributary to this place. Bend
has a site for a mi 1 pond with a
capacity sufficient to accommodate
five mills each sawing 1,000,000 feet
a day. A little figuring on t ha. basis
gives some very interesting results.
If these five mills were in operation
and each sawing 1,000,000 feet a
day for 300 days of each year, it
would require in round figures 50
years to saw up the entiresupply. As
a matter ol fact the future milts will
not saw that amount of timber and
a much longer time will be required
to exhaust the supply.
A mll with a capacity of,
000 feet a day will require a force
of about 3,500 men in its logging
and milling operations. The five
mills would require 17,500 men.
At an average wage of $3.00 per
day that would mean a daily pay
roll of 52,500, or a monthly, pay
roll of 36 working days of $1,315,-
ooo, or a yearly pay roll of $15,-
It has been said that figures arc
cold things, but when the full
meaning of the figures just quoted
aru realized it will be seen that
uicy can uc raauc 10 curry very in-.
teresting information. With as
much money turned into a commun
ity or section each month as
the above statements show to be
possible, prosperity in a great de
gree Is bound to follow. The fig
ures mentioned have to do only
with the manufacture of lumber,
Think of the grocery and drygoods
establishments, the clothing houses,
the drug stores, banks, aud a dozen
and one other business enterprises
that will follow in the wake of the
one .great aud . important Industry.
When the railroad comes these var
ious industries will all spring into
life aud their rapid development
will then follow. When that good
time comes Bend aud the Bend
country vi to one of the busiest
and most prosperous sections in the
entire country. And its coming Is
not far distant.
Says Oregon Hastern Will lie Unlit.
' The head engineers of, the Ore
gon Eastern railway surveying
crews, who remained here several
days after the surveying crews
were dischurged finishing up the
work, started 'for Salt Lake Tues
day. Mr. Stradlcy, head of the en
tire force, stated to an Hxamiucr
representative that while he knew
little of the company's intentions
he believed this road would be
built. He said the company could
not afford not to build it. This
country had too much of a future
to remain much longer without a
railroad, and that this toad was the
most practicable one, and there
was no doubt nbout its being built.
He also stated that this road was
necessary for the handling of the
company's enormous traffic; that
for two years past all their western
roads had been blocked with busi
ness, and this road was the surest
relief. The panic, he stated, has
served a good purpose for the com
pany, as it permitted them to clean
up the gorge of business..
Mr. Stradley's confidence in the
future of this country is such that
be has invested in two tracts of
land near Lakcview this fall, and
says that be is satisfied with his in
vestment and will likely see more
of Lake county.
While he, may not know what
the company Intends to do, or does
not feel justified in talking for the
public about its business affairs, bis
position is a source of knowledge
which makes his judgment good,
else he would not have invested his
money here. Lakcview Examiner.
Building; Large Cattle Shed.
Work is going ahead on the big
cattle shed 011 the Davenport-Stanley
ranch that is to house those
blooded animals bought last year
near Hood River. These animals,
about 40 in number, were brought
to the local ranch about the time of
the Prineville fair. Taey are pure
bred short-horns aud the price paid
for them ranged from $100 to $400
per head. The cattle were bought
from the Judge Byrkett herd on
his stock ranch across the Colum
bia from Hood River. The num
ber contained three fancy animals
that have been exhibited at vari
ous stock shows.
Seed Wheat for Sale.
Cox seed wheat for sale, 2c per
lb., at the Bend Livery it Transfct
Stables. 30tf
WlWN the stringency is stringent, and the panic's on the pan,
Then the financiers explain it in the only way they can,
1'or the stocks are 011 a tumble and the market is a mark,
Aud the proud aud haughty magnate Isn't singing like a lark;
lie I weeping for the water that is squeezed out of the stock
When the coin I in the teapot and the bills arc iu the sock.
When the coin Is In the teapot, then somebody has a scire, '
And the plutocrat is tothcrcd by the lifting of his hair,
1'or he fear n gloomy future when today is far from bright,
Aud he hear the ticker ticking in the watches of the night;
Aud the Iambi are not so ready to be gathered In a flock
When the coin is in the teapot and the bills-nre in the soc'k,
O, it Isn't just the poor folk that should take the brunt of blame;
There' a lot of other people who have cold feet in the game,
Aud each doubts tlte other fellow, and each even doubt himself,
So he finds the old cracked teapot that is hidden ou the shelf,
Aud he slips into the wardrobe, and comes out aud turns the lock,
Aud his coin is in the teapot and bill are In the sock.
So it's alt of us together that have caused unpleasant times -
It'a the man tlutt hides the millions and the man tha$ hides the dime,
Whether one a mansion and the other In a hut,
Whether one walks with a shuttle or the other with a strut
They arc sure to switch the current and give confidence a shock,
When the coin is In the teapot and the bills are in the sock.
News Iterns Gathered by
Bulletin Reporters.
Correspondents Send In Interesting
Notes from Redmond, Tumalo,
Qlst and Powell lluttes.
Rhdmokd, Dec. y. Mr. P. C. Ken
nard wat down from Ilend to ipcol
Christmas with the family.
Mr. Tr Ichter It back from an extended
vUit of Willamette Valley points and will
oon be at home out on the homestead,
McLallln & Young have quite a con
tract for pulling tree out on the Tuniey
ranch east of Dend.
The D. I. & P. Settler Association 1
planning to entertain their friends again
on January 11. Not a free feed this time
but something worth comtog out to just
the tame.
The Christmar exercises for the Sun
day school were postponed until New
Year eve on account of so much rain
and snow alt the first part of last week.
A Cue time is reported from the new
school house on Tuesday night in spite
of the storm.
J. G. McGuffie was down from Bend to
spend Christmas with Mr. Jim.
A pleasant dance I reported at the
hotel on Christmas night
Ktectlon of officer for the Sunday
school took place yesterday. Superin
tendent, Mr. Davidson; assistant, Mr.
Irwin; secretary, Miss Davie; treasurer,
J. II. Jackson. We did not get all the
teachers, but the Bible class selected Mr.
Mr. McCIay report pleasant little
dance at his house Saturday night.
Mr. Buckley lias moved into the new
house. R. C. Task.
Tumalo Items.
Tumalo, Dec. 31. Snow! Well I
guess yes. We have it and plenty of it'
for the present.
Chas. Winter was in Dend on business
C. II. SpaugU and Jest Root were in
Tumalo today.
N.M. I'rench passed through here
yesterday going to Dend.
J. B. Wimer has gone to Xewsom
Creek pn business and will be gone
about a week.
O. W. Wimer & Sou butchered three
fine porker yesterday.
T. A. Jensen is on the sick list. We
hope he will soon be all right again.
A merry crowd o, young folk from
both Gist aud Tumelo met at Mr. Pul-
Ham' I'rlday night. All report a most"
joyful time. Ilertha Davis won first prize
In the guessing contest and John Wimer
was honored with the booby prize.
The new mail route from Laidlaw by
Tumalo to Gist will go into effect tomor
row. Stage leaves Gist at 8 a. rn arrive,
at IaUUhv 13 m., leave Laidlaw at 2 p.
m. ud arrive at Gist at 6 p. in. Our
-mall will anive the same a on the old
route but out going mail will have to
lay over night at Laidlaw.
' Dr. Coe of Dend passed through hera
yesterday returning to Dend today.
Mr, UlliV automobile went spinning
by here last Thursday night.
V. V. Swisher was in Tumalo jester
day. Many of our young folk attended the
Christmat tree at Laidlaw Christmas eve.
P. W. Jverenge and Henry Shoe
maker passed through here Saturday
going to Dend 6n business.
We are glad to see items from Gist ap
pear. What I a community withoat be
lug represented? Keep the good worSc
lekibigt at Qtrt,
-A Cne rain for Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Teller invited a few of
their friends to dinner Christmas. Mas
ter Earl Toller entertained those present
with his phonograph while the tnrkey
waa being prepared for dinner.
The dance Christmas night at Sister
was n grand success. Everybody liad a
good time.
Walter Graham and wife made a pleas
ant call at Gist' on Christmas eve.
James McCalt ha built a new barn.
George McCalHster and wife have re
turned home after a few day visit with
relatives on Crooked river.
The mall contract between Gist and
Laid law has been let to Prentiss V1
Clyde Gist went to Lower Bridge to
spend Christmas. He ha some attrac
tion there I guess.
Commissioner Ellis, manager of the
Pioneer Telegraph & Telephone Co.,
was in the Gist neighborhood yesterday
repairing the line. Haysxrd.
PoweH Btrtles Net.
Rather tormy these days for a detert
1 country The recent rains have wet the
soil down IS inches.
The stave flume is nearly finished and
appears O. K. The dirt work on the"
main canal around the buttes lias been
rather slow on account of bad weather
and the rocky make-up of the old, river
bed bluff, where the ditch runs. A the
ditch progresses it' leaves the old river
bed and will be more easily made.
A. D. Morrell and fondly spent Christ
mas in Dend.
J. J. Jones is hauling wood to Trine
villeand bringing back lumber with
which to build a house.
One of Mr. Morrell' steers diet re-
cenl'y, supposed to have eaten too many
frozen potato peelings at theditch camp.
Hugh Mitchell lias left for a visit to
Salt Lake City.
Durt Davis s now home from Rend,
where he has bean working since early
Mrs. Charles Niswonger l:as returned
to Walla Walla, Wash., but may return
to make tliN her future lpmc.
Farms for Sale.
One hundred sixty acres, well im
proved; good new 7-room house,
new baru, 21x46 feet; 40 acres in
cultivation, balance level and easily
cleared; 12 acres to clover; gooct
young orchard; all under good
fence; water right with the place,
oue-quarter mile to good school.
P. O. on place with stage three
times per week. Price, $4,000.00.
One hundred sixty acres i(
miles north of Bend, Deschutes river
ruuuing through the place; 15 acres
in cultivation; 100 acres easily
cleared. Price, $1, 600,00, This (3
a snap if taken at once.
Inquire or address,
Bund Rraltv Bxciiakck,
(41-4) Bank Bldg., Bend, Or.
Will scud you a pocket dictionary;
free, containing 51,000 words!
phrases, etc. Send 15 names, of
families iu your county or vicinity
with postoffice address aud receive
the above postpaid. For .-w davs
only. Gko. W. Rkvnolds,
950 East. Da via St.,
41-42 Portland, Oregon '
In your name fHlir.wCrliiUoii Ilia?
I .