The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 27, 1907, Image 4

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"For every man a square deal, no
Ie3 anil ho more."
One yt .
61s month-
Thr month.,, i..,..
'teVatUMr In .ilmnc.)
It is said that from tlic top of
Cow Canon to Shauiko the roads
are in had-ronditiou.
Pilvcr Ijjkc is going to vote on
the quest iou- whether or not to
build a new school house.
Prineville lads have become noisv
at nlcht and the new inavor ha-
said that he will strictly enforce tht
curfew ordinance at that place.
At the Prineville city election,
held last weefc Monday, Will
Wurzweiler was elected mayor;
counciltncn. Walter ti'Keil, D P
Adamson, G N- Cliftonj recorder,
William Diaper; ttcasurcr, J. L
McCttlloch; marshal, . H. Crooks
The'Revtew says it was a ven
quiet election.
Work on the Mount Hood rail
road has been suspended iinti:
spring and 30Q men have been lain
pfl" Rainy weather made it im
possible to accomplish much witl
teams and scrapers, hence the shut
down. 1'hc camps will be kept
standing in care of watchmen unti
they are wanted' again next spring.
scored its biggest success) lumber
ndded many more millions of del
lnrs than ever beforct the same is
true of the products of the dairy,
white the grower of poultry has
nothing of which to coinplnlu. We
are ricji and prosperous, in spite of
the fact that there appears to be n
stringency, more a matter of tuind
tuau reality. i,ct us quit ucmoau
iug imaginary troubles, inspire con
fidence and get ready to eclipse in
took our tvut venr record, won-
derful as it hns been.
l . V I L. . ..'..
rroDamy. vie largest bot2lca in
Eastern Oregon was received this
week at the Hmhodv sawmill, nnri
.vill bsucd iq hauling logs to the
111. xi hi a regular logging sica
'nd whcn.'aa ice road is -formed in
ine snow one team win nam a
nttch on it as could be hauled on a
freight car. Silver Lake Oregon
.'an'. : -
J- OiJuajJast week while Mr. and
Irs, Tra Bradley's twu litUe' tot
werfc.playiogjin the ytrd the little
-boy accidcntlly came near chopping
a finger off for the little girl. Dr.
iThom was called and dressed the
wound and is of the opinion that
be can save the finger. Two other
fingers on the hand were badly.
i hough not seriously, hacked.
csiiver uke Oregoniau.
Barney Kclley was almost in
stauty killed at The Dalles last
week Wednesday by the explosion
of a stick of dynamite which he
held in his band. His left skit and
arm were terribly mangled, tearing
a hole several inches in diameter
about the heart and exposing the
lungs. He was au'expert jiowder
man and had come from work on
the North Bank road to do some
blasting for the city of The Dalles
id opening a street:
Money Will Pour Into Oregon.
...i ... ...
.unpens 01 uoiiars will come
pouring into Oregon within the next
ftw weeks for grani, flour and oth
er products, and it looks as if In
stead of money being scarce it
would be a drag on the market.
Enterprise wrtl go forward and
people will wonder what they were
cered at. The governor under
the circumiuacti. dkUh right and
necessary tiling iu daslarlnjj the
holiday, bin h did an equally
good thing hi declaring them off
again. Perhaps it might better
pave been done even earlier, but it
is better to be too safe than not safe
A Wontferfnl Year.
' The year 1907 riugs doW th
turtain during a rapidly dteapptar
laf uneasiness, with the people iu a
fibeftsting mood regarding immedi
ate investments, but -. at the same
ftme it has been the most wonder
ful year the Pacific Northwest ever
, 'Irj no other is months was there
3 tauch money brought into the
cputry from thc-wheat crop; fruit
Hints on Alfalfa drawing.
In his book entitled ''The Book
of Alfalfa," V. I). Colburn of Kan
sas gives the following list of don'ts
on alfalfa culture: ,
Don't sow anv nurse crop.
Don't sow oil freshly plowcd
Don't let weeds or grass grow
over six iuches high without clip
Don t clip or mow, when wet with I
rain or dew.
Dou't let alfalfa stand if turning
yellow, cut It.
Don't sow less than 33 pounds
per acre, one-half each way.
Don't sow on land that will uot
raise 350 bushels of potatoes per
Don't sow 35 acres at first; sow
five, v
Don't put any of the rotten ma
nure any where but on your alfalfa
Don't depend on "culture cakes"
or soil from sqme distant field.
Don't let any water stand on it.
Don't let it go if a thin stand but
disk in more seed; don't be afraid
you will kill it.
Don't replow the land; disk it.
Don't wait for it to stool; it never
Don't try to cut for hay until tht
alfalfa takes the field.
Don't sow on any field uot well
, Don't leave your land rough; use
a roller or a plank float to level and
smooth it.
Wat n llltnoli lnrmr Hit
Ltted III Klrmt Carluml.
Iu re-sard to tho feeding of tho car
load of cattle which t sold for $333 la
Chicago tho other tiny I would Bay thlt
was the first carload I over fed. Iu
tho tint place I had noma blue crai
pasture, more thati I needed, nud I
bought eighteen bond of good young
Uoroford steers. UTiey wcro nil of that
blood liut two 0110 lied Poll and otic
Angus and were nil coming two year
I bought them about the uttddlo ol
Juno and turned them on pasture.
During' tho second week of September
1 brought them up nud fed them a
little corn nnd still let them run 011 a
Rood Mue tints pasture uutll I got thorn
on full feed. AIhhiI the middle of Oc
tober I confined them In n yard and fed
them cofmicnl, corn nud timothy liny
These steers weighed about 700 ouudi
xvheu I Dtartcil to food thorn. Ttuy
wcro nil dehonuM dut four, nnd 1
would nlwaya nuhcr hnro my steer
dcbonirtU 1'tiey wvro kept Iu n urnall
feed lot, nnd I lind a numtvr of brood
cows ruiinlug nfter thcui. My feed lot
Is Mndy. conxeiiuently It never gets
very muddy. I kept the Meer well
bedded all tho time, t bought them all
arouud hero near my home, and I think
they made me about $l- per hundred
weight. LlUr llrrrtarJ far Ptlrra.
Tlio best iteeni to my notion to feed
are pure bred Hereford, but ono can
not always get them. The letter tbey
aro bred the letter they will feed nnd
n1I ns n rule. Tho way to get tht
kind of stock Is to bur nnd tuo a nun
bred bull Instead of using an old scrub
, These cattle were In good fieah when
ibey were put In the feed lot. I btllev
you should always have steers In good
flesh to start with. I cannot tell faovf
much tbeo averaged per month, for I
had no scales to teelgh them on. They
wcro not large, rough steers, but small,
blocky, smooth nmlswcll shaped. I
shipped tlieni Jan. 22. The enttlo wenl
throngb fine, filled up well nnd weigh
ed J.VJ Kurads per head.-H. Prltcb.
ard, Jr, In Ureeder'a Gazette.
Right Goods
1 it
Right Prices
And remember tho bftlanco of tho stock
of the
will bo sold at strictly
Bargain Prices
Just notice these.
Ol'I'ICIt IK HANK' litUl.tllKII,
nits'i), gioutuN
Jt DrtliHtfUl ttmal Fact Vamdmr.
fmpnrU a rarm e.itni, bmauty end
44icttfy tt th yn, JtUhouth If
fUtmm it U a perfect aid i baut,
r4r4i tha ravagmt sun, mlnii
wl Mmr, KlimlHatt tan, ittnbum,
hmki, g)lfmms mia Impmrfmet
Umm tkrin,j 9inan a ftalm,
lftjiV 4r fMlflv it own:-
V)ifv. ftur ff.srsAMiTa
HOVTCHKMIOALCO,, pohtuns, one
Horses, that are mulcted with r
chronic diase that cuc n loud, uu
natural note In breathing pre said to
have thick wtud or to Us roarers. This
class doir not ladudo (hoo aiflicted
with severe tore throat, as la tbee
cass thi brMtldiu: is noisy only dur
ing the ncute attack of Uic dlwnsc.
Thick wlml U caused by nn obstruction
to the. free iMiMit of the nlr la some
Prt of ibe rvtntt ory tract Tbel
noUy brmttriat; of bonxw after having
teeu kite ami ut to ssitldea exertion
Is not lu to any disease slid Is only
temporary, nurse fed on the seeds
of IsiriicKtaotts and some otbsr plaats
Uavo iH(Kl)fds of is tarynsTMl mus
clefi imrlteulorly wtioa fed ebiek vetch.
Other ems May come few load pol-
toirtosr. sore tnroais nail many tins
from bsreOlty. Itosrlsg, the nsate by
wblek tb disease is anrally kaown.
Is only 11 syiajttgra ami not the disease.
In bad eased tfee anleusl fairly wffo-
rtes. The ears depssuU mH-li on the
cause. HUtl aiaay tltnsa surb herses are
treatssl wtth lsttl saeeess. Van can
try otw dram ttasslmu lodldo mico a
ley rtir a wsstc and tha ooeJislf
mace of Vewssc's sotarion osee a day
for tb ntt wstst la tke drlHklns; wa
tar. and If tMs dossi not da any good
ytm wontd bttr iro to good reurl
asrisr. W. . Williams, D. V. 8., la
liars I New Yorker.
( AVarblts In Calllr.
Lawi oc nflss,on 1 backs of cat
tie art causisi by the Isrvao of the
wariile Of, or ox warWe. a blaek tij
thtekiy eoversd wllli yel!on-Uh hair.
They lay the eym on the becks of cat
tle fngu Jus to Sejitemtier. Tho grolni
hateh out awl bore tbrough tho sklu
and lire tbsre, next to tho flesh, all
wtater. In the spring tho maturo grub
crawls out and falls to Ihe ground.
Tat a thiiiub on each side of tho lump
aaa mmta tho grub out, or mix lard
and-ffitlpbur ajjd rati It Into tho lumps,
vralea destroys )ho grub. During July
aiMt August rub over tlw backs of cat
tle a mixture of four ounces (lowers of
sulphur, on gill sirtrils of tsr and oee
iiusrt train oil, and It wlllnrcvent the
fly from laying lbJ.ngg nub on onco
n oik. Tho chlt hevm tlieso grulw
do Is tho tusklKCtof !les hi the htjle,
Unix Issseidiw.ltf value In market
Ohio t-'aruier.
' t'ufful I'ulnls, Bolli.
A.rvuud of fit Iku-oii given a cow
thnp is off bar feed will often effect u ,
ftJie. writes a oorrc(tonUent to Fa no
J urual. I
Th Stock Tank.
Be careful about that stock tank dur
ing warm, sultry days. If It stands In
the sun the water Is no doubt very
warm and filled with green scum, nnd
this must ls very dlsairreeable 1o the
live stock that must drink It. Would
you like your superiors to furnish you
with such drinking wnterT Hotter
clean out the tank, scrub It with soap
suds nnd llrao nnd pump It full of
clean, pure water from Jho well. The
dumb brut(s will npnreclato It, I'll
warrant. Huch tanks should baro a
shed .over them all the year round, a
protection from tho hot tun as well as
the frosts. Farm Journal.
If you watit a good,
warm, serviceable outfit
come in and get a pair of
lumberman's overshot h and
heavy German socks
Nothing Better
If your boy wants a good
warm cap, scwl him in to
&cc Its. Wc have them,
all kinds from
are worth more
aud they
money than wc are
for them.
An exeellent way with young Iambi
running with the ewes is lo have t
pen tnado of board In the yard 01
pasture, with openings through which
tho lambs will cmWI. and In this kcec
a Miallew, ttat trough In which thi
lambs cannot vrark. in thw trough s
few lstadfuls of mixed eorumeal bran
aad linseed meal are scattered ijultt
thinly. The laaibs will soon find It nnd
trill ran Iu aud out and feetl nt will
Tills lias ileublsd the ordinary' grotvtt
without It In two BMHlbV feeillng nnd
nlll make weoalttg an easy buslnoss.
Jlort- Kltrep,
I'rora the rsports I bear sheep Will
Im Increased that year. The prK-os ra
esiTed for wool and lamlM bavo beet
hlirti imsred with yearn back, am!
all who barn even a few h!mv seem tc
I satisfied aad at reasly to laereast
their flocks. The dot qoeatiuti Imthert
muss, Irot St Aog who ebasM sliesp In
thts part of tiss coaotry is sum of i
free pass to mn6 other world, says a
New Hampshire bmh.
Willi the I'nrm I'lork.
Don't sell the bst aud firstborn erf
lambs ami fcseji ta ioor ontx fo:
breeders. y
Don't leave Dm Wp out In tho wet
after Utey go to pssiurs. It will take,
but a few relmiUM to run thosi tu, nud
It will I turte wall spent Uyn't lot
the sheep run In I hi old iwsturwi un
less you give them th gasoline treat
ment before they ho out
Don't make any fence arsfcnd tbf
shgop pasture, xee)t ono of woven
wire. This will !k1!i l;eej tho shcerf
In nud the dors. out nnd la ia!ly the
most fcouombil feuce on the market
Don;t Uiluk sheep can go without wa
ter. They will live If thoy hnvo only
dew (or drluk.Juit Jhay will not thrive.
Rural Now Yorker.
Children's 2-Buckle Overshoes
7 to 10
ilt0 2
Children's Rubbers
7 to 10.
II to 2-.
Ltuul nud Irrigation
Practice In il Cnntt aud DepartineuU
of lite lulorlory
U. C. COE, M. D.
Physician aud Surgeon
Ol'I'ICIt 0 UK HANK. .
Jill Utiibi Cclcpbonc Connection
IlitN'i), :- Okhoon
nii.s'i), ' OHitoo.v
! la lu( NMt n W.U Mini
(tltlrt HMD, 1 w lu 4 p. m
UfCtt MWflr N - HWM I'Imhi ,Vo k
I'liyslclnn nnd Surxcun
officii ovna cortKba dkw srosK,
J. tl. IIANUR,
Klir UmMsntc. Uk liMsrtnef. IMhH
Kd KUU. CwnnriBftBf
eMiNvviiiH . osiinns
General Merchandise
First National Bank
of Prineville.
. lUUullihrd I&.U1.
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
I'roflt, $100,000.00
a V Albs
T M W!
II. lUMain.
. ..,.. rt.uNi
Vh l1nU
. . .. -CiWr
.auMml Colli)
Right Good
V 1
RlgM P
An Olijcrd t.raaiin,
To nrore llwt-.i lmnius will rnoTi
I irill Just send you ouo Iltllo thin?, a ! a load If the shut Is blow nud1 s'teuilrj
tf... altllt.l.. M,..l aaa.., ' I.... .utll ..n. ..L. Ik Mm -. 4 . ..afttl n
j ..luijyiu nun vui-viuui rcuirujr iu nui will Htn iutv ll ll i nr t'U ivn
warts on 11 homo's nose or anywhere.' Jerk un exi-hauco sucircsts thn follow
ya,u the warts with strong sodu wa
ter. I took a perfect "mat of warts"
off a colt's nosier washing them with
strong soUa titer' If.'lee. only, A need
wart cau U tslicu, off hy soda. Pick
.tfc wart n little till tho hlood starts,
tJwh apply dry soda, a few t!.-Mrsr
14.x. a, .
Ins prwecdlns '.Iiltch a piece of oH
dlnary twlno 1 n welht of nboiil
twenty nounds. I'tiH the cord slowly
and steadily. Tho weight will. worn
Now try to ptottf It hy npinr '"
force "sfltli n tjulctc Jerk. yiw, troe4
Vfeaitl niw tuorfrjt hjtr6,.i
kua The lfulktiu.
t 1 , 11 r.siw -"Siv
L. , ?? SJZL ' "
SSi&.i; K . '.'
a 1 TPr?rraSJ'
mm mm-&
W mmmm V . f I
WW fit IA hV :
v umm -.-
. 1 aiu vi-fifL'4tJi'n'$i'1 ll I1 ;"'
' &mW.H m'd 1
New Blacksmith
I have just recently opened n.
shop in Iktid and am prepared
to do all kinds of
Morse Shoeing, Wagon nnd Plow
Work nnd (Icnernl Ulacksntlthlng
Kvery ce of work thit leave
the shop Is Ktiarantccd. to be
1 1 solicit a ahurc of your jut
K8T WORK Ol'ARA.Ntltlttl.
Prices (row je to fi uo.
Ise saw. st line Tree Store.
H.YI.VuftsoN, . Hmu. OKWK.S
Importer and llteeder of
PUKf! ninu
Poland China Hogs
Black LatiKhan Chickens
Young Stock for Snle,
For the eneral newsof the
World also for ittfovmoiion aJboul
UaW fo obtain ih& host re&xAis
in ciiljtvsn die soil, Stock
Raisih Fif'UatGrowJng etc.
yyd jfean secure ikts efxcellehi
j3apei by
r ,r-"L 3V.
. " s