IBEWS OF THE WEEK i In a Condensed form for Our Busy Readers, I HAPPENINGS OF TWO COffflNEOTS ' r Resume of the Less Important but Not Lass Interesting- Event of the Past Wosk. Smallpox Iim broken out near I' l-.ll, Wash. An assay office ha been ealahllshcd at Albany, Oregon. Jatrua Hamilton Lewis It a candidate (or Kovomor o( llllnolt. Goldtlcld mlncownrr lay effort at compiomlso cotuo too late. Leital holiday are ovrrln California. Iecemlcr 91 km the Inst. Tho battleship fleet Is well oft the Ploilda coast ami all la well on buird. Jananete are anxlnu (or Admiral Kram to vlitlt them wllh hla battleship (IroL Itxprerntatlv9 Scott, ot Kanta, would prohibit dealing in future on Rraln. The Ant train Itaa ted under the Hudson river at New York throuKh Uio MoAiloo tunnel. Tlie total Iom to vcaael prop rty on (he treat lake amounted to 1743,000 (or the season ol 1007. The Illlnola Hmupree couit haa de clared unconstitutional the law forhlud ding aeculntlon In thoater ticket. The Searchlight Hank A Truit com iny, ol Searchlight, Nevada, haa bn looted by tho president o( thu corpora tlon. Friction between Cortelvtm and Hooaevolt may irault In the realisation ol tho former. Michigan elccltrlc mad managers ray they a limit operate at a profit (or Im tlmn 2 rent a mile. An Atlanta liner arrived at New Virk a fowdayt ago with only seven tlral c1at pstaeiigora. Ororsn Hex Clarke, blind tlnee birth. Iiaa lutt graduated from the Unlrenlty of Chicago wrlltt an A. II. degree. A Now York man haa had hla name -chanircd (rout Crooko to Croohe, be cauao hla wctheail would not accept noli a name. The Hiinieme court of Illlnola holda that tho a itl-clgarctte law does not prohibit Uie tale ol clgarettce made from pure tobacco. More than 100 all steel patrongor nr flll be In moon ilia Pennsylvania railroad between IMttaburtf and New York ahortly alter January 1. Tlio llnrr Oceania, which li Juit tailed (or hurupu from New lork, car rled 85.107 monry orders, worth $1. 11)2,422.26, which la a record enrgo. The regulation requiring soldier to ataml at aalute while the "Star Span ittod llsruior" U lielng played It modi Hod no a to penult tho turn to ttand rrct and to taluto only at the lait nolo jf tho muilc. The rxar and tho douma will clash on tho rebuildlim ol the Russian navy Cortolyou denies Hint ho li a candl dale for tho Republican presidential iioinliiatlou Wireless messages from tho floet jhow that It la making good progress In Ita Joniney aoulh. llntlo inoha havo defied 'tho Federal -court's ardera and deportod nonunion telephone linemen. Kleotrlo power haa been cut off at Goldflold and the mine have had to nuipend temporarily. Juatlco Oould hai enjoined the Amrr lean Federation of Libor from boycot ting tho Ruck Htovo A Range company, Tho lUto does net aeem to Ihi making much proirriss In tho Pcttlhono trial. Judgo Wood will not permit Colorado labor trouble to be brought Into tho cao. Johan Poulsen,of tho InrrmnP-oulaon company, of 1'ortlnnd, told the Inter statu Cominorco commission hla com rauy rouhl mako money oven wllh tho inotvnsod lumber rato on railroad. Aon attempt was made to hold tip a Northern Pncllflo went bound train 10 miles eiiat of Hpoknno. Ijuit ono mnu was caught and nnothor woundod. I)y iinmlte and other explosives woro alio found. A Montana foteit ranger haa boon killed for a doer. French troops have repulsod an at took ot trlbcimcn near AlnBfa, Algeria. llio Japanoiia ambassador to Fiance donles that hi coantry la after another foreign loan. Carnegie would base the Issue of pa per money on the gold reserve Instead of government bonds, ItOOMtVCLT AH A HAINT. Husslan I'eaaanta Worililp Picture of President Han Franolnco, Deo. 17, American tlilnk n great dial of i'rcftldent Thoo tloin Itooaovitlt, hut It hn Ixjcii rnorv ed for ttiu Hum I tin poananta settled In ltiiitoni Hlborla to ruvuionco thu well known plctuiu, wlilch ahowa tho gleam of loeth, na that ol a rnlnt. That limy do aw I married to bo n fact bj Alex wilder (J. Denbigh, who arrived on the teatner Siberia, and I now itaylng at Uio Ht. Franol hotel. "The KXiplo there aro of tho loweit data of ItuMlnn tieaannla, and know nothing about the cutalde world," old Denbigh. "In every houte, no matter how oor It ma be, there la euro to be an Ikon of tome kind, and If It la ixxtlble for tho owner of the place, ho alto ha a picture of a anlnt. "Tho picture of our prraldent haa gone over tho world, and can be found In many queer placet. I remember nuking one of my mm from the Ural mountain dlttrict. who had never heard of Ilootevelt, what picture ho had in hla trnt. He at once told ma that It waa one of Ht. I'cUr without the Ix-nid and with tptca on. Curiam to ire itxih a picture, I went to the hut and found that It waa a chrorno of tho preildent of the United Ktate. Tho man anturoil mo that he had the beat of goud fortune ilnoe he had obtained tho picture of th 'holy aalnt.' " MEXICO'S ANNUAL EXPENSE What It Cotta to Conduct ArTalra of Southern Republ e. Mexico City, Dec 17. In oongrce yrtterday the report of the mlnlaier of finance waa read and the budget for tho corning year wru made public. The tlmateu rroelpta lor the corning year total f I0.1,3t5 000, while tho expcndl turei will reach $103,303,843, leaving an ettlmated tuiplut of lfll,lB8. The total Increaae or Ihla year a builgel la lfl.6U5.27fl. the largeat Item In the In crtare lelng for $1,307.6(111 for main tenance of the department of war. The rorenue fur the flacal year luat ended total 1114.0113,000, the expendl tore $IOO.SOM,133, leaving a mrpliM (($14,077,080. The turptua of the pmvlou year, $20,010,081, and the falling off of the paat year, waa due to large aurca apenl In public works 117, 208.008. Minuter Llmanleur main Ulned that the recent orlala In tho United filatea would make lUtlt felt In the coming jear in Mexico, In Uiat In vratmenli would I eurta I lot, Inter eat rate am higher, but thl would on ly affect mining Indmtrle. He believ rd that In the end It wculd work for good rather than evil. RELIEF FOR VICTIMS,, Commltto raking; Contribution to Be Sent to Mononga. Fairmont, W. Va Dec. 17. The permanent relief committee, headod by Clownor Daweon, to provide for the wldowa and orphan In dlttret through the recent exploalon at the mine of the Fairmont Coal company at Monon gah, today prepared an appeal for fund that I being aent to chambeia of com mrrre and kindred organisation all over tho country, Contrlbutlona of clothing, toya for the orphan at Chrlrt mat time and alinllar donation aro to bo tent to W, II. Mooio, mayor Of Mo uongah, and cliRlrman of Mia commit ten, looking after tho temporary wanta of tho victim. Tho appeal ruiya that fully 250 wld owa and 1,000 chl'dieu are left without any ineaua ot tupport. .A near at can ho determined. $60,000 from all eourva ha been tulttcrllxxl. Tho committee feela that a total of $200,000 will be re quired to inrry on hn relief work. All check thould ho rmido payable to thn Mononvah Mine Itelief committee, J, 1", Band, irettaurer, Fairmont, W. Va. Mich Ol btrue Pantn lUrbaru, Cal,. Dtxj. 17 A tol- ephono uicirago from Knnta Maria, 60 mile north ol hcie, brought the Infor inatlon tlila afternoon that tho Union Oil company had alruok a wonderful guaher which thiow a vaat atrenru ol petroloum over tho derrick and contin ued to flow at tho rato of 7,000 hnireli a day, At the prr-ivtit pi loo ot oil thl mean $.1 600 n day from thl one well. Thl I the lecoml largcit guahor over atruok In Cnllfnrnla. The laructt waa n 10,000-barrol woll, butlthualnco docllnod conaldorably. Flat Money Have tlfa Pan Rafael, Oil , Di. 17. Brownrl Dunbar, a iiroinliunt Inaurnnco broker of Honolulu, while on hla way to meet n party of friends last night, fell throouh a cattle utinrd on tho narrow gnugu truck of the Northweatcrn Paol Ho rnllroaa anil caught his font to that ho would hnvo I'Oim oruthed to death bunoatli an nnnroachlug handcurhad ho hnot IgnlUnl & olcnrlng houae cert Ilia to and uaeil It lor a unngor algiml Forty Uvea Loit Lon dun. Deo, 17, -Tho gale along tho Drlttah roast on Friday and Batur day, which was described by Ouptuln Jutnoton, ol tho steamahln Ht, Louis, a Uio worit lu hla expcilenoe, aubold I the Iom of some 40 Uvea. DOINGS OF THE SIXTIETH CONGRESS I - lar a i r auimaia in hi i Thursday, December 10 Waahlngton, Dec, 10, Thoaplrlt tf rivalry tlinl for live year luis alter nately amoldored and hlunil between John Hharp William, of Mliila ppl, Irrvder of tlie minority, and David A Do Arinoud, of Mlsiourl, culminated In n flat fight today on tlie floor of the houae of ropretenlatlvea. The bloat of Do Arinond earned hlocdtoilowdown tho faco of Willlani nnd only tho fore Iblo Intervention of frleiidacutthocotn l)rtt abort. I) Armond b,to away a uufled none. Hpenker Cannon today announced Uie committee aaiignuionla (or tho Hlxtlelh corigir. Many change from tho laal congrea aro rnado, but In the main thr metnhera who had heretofore hold Im portant olllco! wero rotalnel in them. In tho nlgninenU Northweit mem Ixirt havo been placed aa follow: Orrgon Kill, on naval aflalrt, Irri gallon and land; Hawley on agrlcul luro and claims. Waihlngbm Jonee, on rivers and hnrboie; Cuahrnan, on interstate com meico and private land claims: Humph rey, on election, education, merchant marine and flalierlra. Idaho French, on Immigration, pub lic laticla am mine. During Ita two hours and twenty mlnutet' ttwtlon tho houao got down to actual work and trantactcd considerable bualneat. All that had remained to mako thl poealbl was the announc- merit of the committee appointment which waa made today by the speaker. The several chairmen became alrrt with regard to their right, and forced the reference to com in It tee of several prop osition on which Immediate action waa deelred. Till wai pot accompliihed, howover, without mora or lean debate, which at tlnien grew warm. The II rat monoy appropriated by tho prraent congrct was awarded today. uie ameunl waa $60,000. and It If to he used In supply of the teed deficiency caused by the deatroctlon by fire ot the government teed waiehouie In this city. Tho houto will meet sgaln on Satur day, on which day adjournment for Chrlatrnaa holldaya will tx taken. Wednesday, Oectmber 18. Washington, Deo. 18. In tho aenato today letolutlona woro Introduced by Tillman, aaklng tho Intorttate Com merce commitalon to report whether any corporation engaged in interstate onmrnerco It tho owner of tho clock of any other corporation carrying paaeen gen and freight, and calling on tho In trMtate Commerco commitalon to de fine the Fcdoral law and the laws of thu state In respect to control of the liquor traffic under tho Interstate com merco law. , Thcoo resolutions provoked consider atno debato and were Anally refeired to committee, though one ot them waa transformed into a bill, Culberson spoke on his resolution calling on tho committee on flnanco to invest Igata and report upon tho cause of the present financial stringency and to recommend moaurc for the proven tloi) of a recurrence. Thu roolutlon wa referred to the committee on 0 nance. Thoscnato, on motion ol Allison, atrrecd to adjourn until Saturday and a(Ur loutlno business on Saturday to adjourn until January 0. Tuesday, December 17 Washington, Deo. 17. Aside from tho appointment of committee, which took place at the beginning of today's rcalun of tho senate, the need of Im provement of tho Inland waterways was tho chief subject in that Ixxly today Nowlaud. ol Nevadu, apoko for two hours on hi hill providing an Inland waterway commission and (or tho de velopment o( inlauJ waterways of tho country, Tho eonato adopted tho resolution ot Dick, extending Uie time allowed to militia of tho tcvtrnl atiitee, torrilorle and tho Dlsttluct of Columbia to con fer in to the provisions of tho act of June lil, IW). which was necetuary in order that the uillltla of novo'al rtates might Uko advantage of appropriation that ho been made, In tho venato comuilttoa aialgnmonts Fulton get hla old ohalrmaiirhlp of olnlma, Is transferred from military nftrtlre to Jmllolary and goe oft tho Ir rigation ami publla tienltti comiiuttee. ' llournu is chairman of the tlaherlcs rommltteo and Is a memhorof the count doloiisoa, poetolHeoM and pool roads, publla henllh ulltoaua and oxtwiutl tore cf tho depnrtment of justice. Beuutor Ankeny It ohaliman ot Irri gutloii and l'lle of Uio oount and inau Hawlev Preients Mamorlals. WHshlncton, Doo. 10, Renresonta tlvo llnwley has presentod to too houso thu following momorltls ( the Oregon Btuto Iglslaturot Honso Joint mo morln No. 54, favoring legislation for the relief of settlors on unaureyod nndst eennto Joint resolution favoring tho pensioning ot voterans ot tho Kan nook war; aenato concurrent resolution No. 20, favoring tho promotion of Col onel Jntne Jackson to tho grade of brig adier general on tho retired list, and senate Joint resolution favoring an In orease In pensions of Indian war veterans -.,.TtllllltM - lar survey. Otherwise both nro un changed, llcylmiii I unchanged. Ho rnh Is chairman of the standards and weights committee. Monday, Dscember 10 Washington, Doc. 10. A speech by Senator Tillman, filled with denuncia tion of thn president, tho seer clary of tho trraaury, and tho department of Juatlco, of financiers arid "captains of iruluitry, was the chlel subject ol in 'ereat In the senate today. HI re marka wero laued on hla resolutions directing an Inrcatigritlon by tho com mlttco on flnanco of the recent bond lasnea by tho Treasury department and ot tho laautnco ol clearing houso certio cates throushout the country. 'tho two senators from Oklahoma were sworn Into office today. Senator Money presented the credential! ot Kobert L. Owen and Senator Culberson tlioao ot Thomas P. (lore, the blind enator. The terms of th two senators then were drswn by lot. Senstor Owen se cured the six-year term and Senator Goro the two-year term. Senator William 1'. Frye waa today sworn in as president pro tern of the senato. Senator Culberson Introduced a reso lution directing a congressional inveatl gallon of tho rouse of the present finan cial stringency and calling on tho com mittee on finance to recommend meas ure for tho immediate relief of the onntry. He desired to have this reso lution considered at once, but in Uio absence of Senator Aldrlch chairman of the committee on finance, It was al lowed to go over. A number of other bllta were Introduced. The sonata ad journed at 3:16 p. m. Waahlngton, Deo. 10. Representa tlve John Sharp Williams, ot Mlult alppl, today Introduced the old Blaine bill to admit Into all porta ol ttie unit ed State free of duty all product of the American hemisphere upon which no export duties aro Imposed whatever and so long as such nation thsll aomlt to it port free ot all taxes certain United States products. Tho houre setalon as limited to 25 minutes and little business beyond the Introduction ot bills was transacted. The speaker announced tho appoint ment of the committee on apropprla tlons. ltoth houses agreed to adjourn on Saturday (or tho Christmas holi days, the receas to continue until Janu ary 0. Tlie honte then edourned until Thursday. Bills for the Northwest. Waahlngton, Dec. 20. Congressman Humphrey, of Washington, haa Intro duccd a bill providing that any pawen grr veoael engaged in trl-wrekly trade between the United Btetca and foreign porta alia 1 1 be exempt from entrance and clearance fee and tennage taxes while such servlco la maintained. Ellis, of Oregon, Introduced a bill authorii Ing payment to officers snd enlisted men of the Second regiment, Oregon Volunteer Infantry, for special servlco In the Philippines the dlffcrenco be tween travel nay allowed thorn on their discharge from service nnd tho rato provided by law at the time ot their muster into service. Letters Will Reach Fleet. Waahlngton, Deo. 10. The Navy de partment today rent a wlrclera message to Captain J. 11. Murdock, of the bat tleship Khodo Island, with the Atlan tic fleet en route to Trinidad, Inform i"g hun that hi wife, who haa been seriously 111, Is belter, F r tho beuo- fit of friend and relatives of the Bailors on thu battleship, tho Navy depart ment wishes it mado known that mall matter dcetlnrd for the 16,000 men afloat In thu big ships can be sent at the regular rato for domcstla post age. Meat la the Only Food. Waahlnglou, Deo. 17. Tho peanut diet, the man who upholds sauerkraut aa the panacea of all stomachic IDs, the exponents of herbaceoxs living ot all kinds, receive a body blow In u bulletin Juat ieauetl by tho United 6tateti depart incut ot agriculture Tho bulletin was prepared by Dr. II. B. Grtndloy, profess, or of gen oral chemistry nt tho universi ty of II inols, and allows that all kind of meat nro more easily digested and inoro completely nesimllated than any other olnss of food. Hear "acsark ObJ -ctlona Washington, Deo. 17, Tho proposed new beet Inspection regulation of tho department of agriculture was tho sulv. Jeot ot a hearing glvon Ly Secretary Wilson., t dny to h oommltteo repre senting the Amorlean lleof Packer' association and other packers through out thn country. Tho packers were re quoatcd to submit thoir objections In wr ting, with tho assurance that Uioy would bo carefully considered. New Northwest Postrrasteri Washington, Deo, 20. Postmasters appointed: Oregon Dale, Harney V. Sliulls, vice Craig Thorn, resigned. Washington Balkum, Mack Hlday, vice Klass Bewmer, resigned. BARE SUMMER FALLOW. Agricultural College Makes Interest ing Expsrlm nls. 11 A. V Knlatljr, Ont'in AsrlctiUural roller In taking n walkover tho farn at tho Oregon Agricultural college, looking tor Interesting nnd instructive object la son, Ihore may be rccn north of tlie old bsrn and Just to the south of the path lending to tho orchard, an enclor ure containing tome serf interesting experiment. Thl enclosure contains an oblong box probably ten feet long, three feet wide and three feet deep. In this box are installed (our galvanized Iron tanks or not, each holding aprox Imately 600 pennd of soil. Kach pot is provided with a dadnage spout so that all water leaching through Uio soil in there pots may be collected and measured and Analyzed. Many farmers practice bare summer (allow and the quoatlon often aria s as to the go d or bad effects atialng from thin practice. Should tho practice of bare rammer fallow be discouraged? It was (or the purpose of answering thl question that Ihcso experiment in .he galvanized Iron pots wer started. In 1B00 all nobs were filled with the same toll thoroughly mixed so that each pot w s Men. lea! with tne others. Since that time part of the pots havo been bare summer fallowed, whilst oth er have been growing crop, usually of grain. Tho teachings from each pot daring the rainy season have been care fully raved and analyzed with the result that invariably the leaching from the bare summer fallow pots carried from two to over six time as much nitrogen as did the leaching from the vot that had not been bare summer fallowed. The first few weeks of leaching In the fall carry moat of Uie soluble nitrate nitrogen. The amount of nitrogen leached out of the soil in one month in the fall was equivalent to approximate ly 0 pounds per acre In soil not summer fallowed and over 40 pounds per acre where the soil liad boon thoroughly summer fallowed. From the plant food point of view bare summer tallow cannot be recom mended. Bummer fallow aerate the soil, con serves moisture and oxidizes the oryan- lo matter of the soil, converting much of tho organic nitrogen first into ammo nia compounds and then Into nitrate nitrogen: that is intoa form which eat llv leaches from the soil and la lost to the farmer, whiht organic nitrogen does not readily leach out of Uio soli. At time lore summer fallow may be do slable but usually It Is to bo con demned. BROOME GRASS. Director of Experiment Station Says It Haa Been Overdone. Dy II. T. French, Director Experiment Station lluarow, Idaho. In response to numerous inquiries regarding out experiences with IJromua inermlt, I take occasion to present Uie following brief account of the results thu far attained on theexperimtnt sta tion farm. Uroome grass lias been growing on tho farm In small plats, and in pasture field, for aix or seven years. Where it ha been allowed tostand unmolested it haa produced a dense sod, snd com paratively little growth alter tho second or third year. Whete It has been re-seeded, or Uie ground disturbed by harrowing, it ha made a much belter growth. Around Uie borders ot fields where the land 1 cultivated tho growth is rank and coarrtk My opinion ot brooms gras it, tlu. it hs been somewhat overestimated for general use; but that It has a plco as a grass to Ik used In out-of-the-wiy places, where it can not, on account of tho nature of the soil, form a dense tod. Such a place would bo found on atony land, or rocky hill sides. It will produce one or two good crops on farm lands, then It should bo either plowed up and a crop ot grain taken oft, or els given a g"od discing to pre vent Its forming ruon a douse sod This grass, Uko most of tho others, will do best on rich mo at land; but at the fa 'no tlmo will withstand severe drought, if the sod does not become too denao. All kinds of stock seem to relish eith er the graas or hay mado from it it it is out early. Publications on Farming. The following publications of interest to far met s and others havo been Issued by the Agricultural department of the rederal government and will be fur nished tree, so long as they aro avail able, except where otherwise noted, upon application to the superintendent of Document, Governmeut Printing Office, Washington, D. C: rarmers' Bulletin No. 40 Irriga tion in Humid Climates. By F. II. King, profersor of agricultural physics, col le no of agriculture. University of Wisconsin, and physicist ot the Wis cousin agricultural experiment station. rp. -, uga. . a feu io ui uio uei-pa-y: nity, advantages, and methods of sup plemental irrigation in numia regions. Ciroular INo, 05. Irrigation From Upper Snako River, Idaho. By H. Q. KftsohDariier, rp. to, ugs. i. Circular No. 87, Instigations ot Irrigation Practice in Oregon. By A P, Stover, Irrigation Engineer. Irriga tion lnvestliiat Ions, office of experiment stations, rp. 30, fins. 4. BIG FLEET IS OFF Sixteen Dalllesiilps Start Out fw Pacific Ocean. ARE REVIEWED BY FRESIBENT Sight Is Ope That Brings Forth Ad miration of Every bpectater. Many Being; Foreigners. Old Tolnt Comfort, Va., Dee. 17. Sixteen bard hitting, steel belted Amer ican battleships, gusa bristling asd burly of girth, bat sparkling white Is their Immaculate dreesinajs ot peaee, started away yesterday under the dax sllng sun of a doodle winter sky, em their famous twin test expedition ot 14,090 miles along foreign aboree and in changing clime to tfa wett eooat f the United States. President Roose velt, on the bridge of his cruiser-yacht, the Mayflower, personally led the mag nificent four-mile Hue of fighting ves sels during first stage of tba voyage. From the anchorage grounds in Harap ton Roads to tho Uoreahoe bend of Chesapeake bay hla eagle-crested Sag of blue pointed the way to the fleet's new home at tho Golden Gate. Then, when tho wide reaches ot the sea were visible through the wide-swung capes of Vir ginia, be turned aside and, coming to anchor again, reviewed the paaslsg pageant. The blue of tho sky, the stretch of green sea miles, the glistening of tpot less hulls, the rail ot foam-crested bow waves, the cheering of talors afloat and friends ashore, the breeao-blowa steals ot "Anld Lang Syne," floating acreea the waters, the blare of trumpets, tfea ruiile of drums, the Sash ot signals and tba boom ot m1qIbk cannon marked tho departure ot the fleet, presenting to the people who watched it a spectacle they will never forget and to the world at large the reality ot the trimmest, most homogeneous, most tnorosgnly equipped, most mobile and felfrellaat oeuiblge of first class Battleships ever gathered in one command. There will not be a ship is jtbe Use old enough to have smelled powder er to have taken the shot of Manila or Santiago stories written scarcely 10 years ago In the history of natloes. All we-e modern of deilgn, examples of the Si-greesive seagoing ny which the pretident has declared to be to esse. tlal to the peace ot tbe coantry. Attaches of foreign legations and em bassies at Washington and many cor respondents who have seen war service on foreign Journals freely declared that yesterday's naval display was the moss Impressive they had ever teen. The facility with which tbohlg vessels were handled, tbe manner in which they wero maneuvered Into single column formation, and the perfect alignment which was maintained to tbe southward turn from thn cape called out the warm est admiration. The thrill ot the beau tiful marine picture waa felt until the last Ind blown spiral of smoke was lost on the horizon. Tho flrat patt ot the fleet's journey will hriLg It to Trinidad on Christmas eve, and there, amid the heat of the tropics, the Christmas celebrations will he held. Hundreds of guod-byw tele grams were (lathed to the ships by wireless telegraph as they left the road tead and had turned down the aoulh- ern const. These vessels made up the fleet which sallrd yetterdsy under command of Rear Admiral Robley D Evans: Connecticut, 10,000 tons; Louisiana, 16,000 tons; Kansas, 10,000 tons; Ver mont, 16,000 tons; Georgia. 14,948 tons; Virginia, 14,043 tons; New Jer sey, 14,048 tons; Rhode Island, 14,943 tons; Minnesota, lo.wu tons; ihiio, 13.600 tons, Maine, 12,600 tons; Mis-. eouri, 13,600 tons; Alabama, 11.53 tons; Illinois, 11,625 tons; Kearsarge, 11,626 tons: Kentucky, 11,626 tons; CuUtoa, supply ship, 6,726 tons; Gla cier, supply ship, 7,000 tons; Panther, repair amp, 3,330 tons; Yankton, tender, 976 tons. All Qu t In Japan. Toklo, Deo. 17. The announcement of tho tailing ot tho Atlantic fleet ot tha United States navy has not been received by the newspapers of Toklo or by the governmeut officials. All public men who have been interviewed by the Associated Piess representative accept tho sailing of the fleet as a foregone concuUion and It is not likely that the actual start will cause the ellnhteet rip ple of excitement. Everyone accepts Uie assurances of friendship offereer by America concedes the right ot that na tion to send its warshlpi to the Paelsk. Gold Movement 8106,380,000. New York, Dee. 17. -The Guarantee Trust company today announced the engagement ot $800,000 In gold for im port. Lasard Frerea have eotraged an additional H.600,000 in gold for iss- port, This makes the total Hovesaent 106,Si0.00.