The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 27, 1907, Image 2

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I "i
disgu as japs
H Cms Urn Curt.
Four Wtll Armed and earning JP-
ants Pattpotts Fall to Maka
Schma Work.
Spokane, Dec. 19. Four Chinese,
three o( them disguised M Japanese
and can ylng Japanese pastpoits, atwr
aeakiCK acruew the Amtncan boundary
lint, were captured at Custer yesteiday
afternoon bj L. J. Fuller of the ImtuI-j-ralion
department. The Oriental car
rieJ tiro hatuni and a rifle, and were
hev ly loaded with shell when cap
tured. They vera taken 10 Seattle Ut
Bight and placed In the detention hot
Inspector Fuller wa out of town
working on another clue when the four
Chinamen walked in from the norm.
FrlenJa sent meaaagei oj telephone
for him to farmhouse and bo
was aoon locateu. As toon u be heaid
of the reiplcloaa characters fa humeU
hack to town. arriving 40 minute be
fore tbo Seattle train, lie arretted the
men immediately, telegraphed to 8t
tle to hares guard at toe station and
hurried hla men aboard the tram aa
pi boner.
When arrested the Chinamen pro
tested that the were Japanete and
held to their story until they aaw that
arrest waa unavoidable. Two of them
poke English, but when they saw that
their dlatfuiee was ineffectual they re
fused to make any statement. Inter
preter will cros question them today
and It 1 thought a cart fully laid plot
will be unearthed.
During the Kotso-JapaneM war nu
merous Instance of Japanete officers
disguising themtelTes a Cblnere were
reported, but tbi 1 the first time the
immigration officer hare run acre a
cmooth work in the line of disgubo.
Ground for Army Maneuver Are
Wanted In California.
Ban FrancJaeo, Dec. 10. Colonel J.
W. Dunran, chief of staff, ha been
Tery basy (hi last week accumulating
map ol all the different section of
California, where, it talent be advisable
to hold maneuver early during the
coming year.
There ha been some talk of holding
the maneuver at American lake,
Washington, but that is now out of the
question, a since the division were
abolished only the troop of tbe Depart
ment of tbe Columbia could utilize
American lake tbe troop of tbi de
partment must have their manuevers
in this state.
Tbe Heney ranch, at Ata-cade, and
the Baroo von Schroder propertied, at
Santa Marguerita, It I reported, are
both available aboard tbe government
decide to select the Southern portion of
the state a a field of rendexvoua.
Harrlman Has Plan to Best Hill On
Lumber Traffic.
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 19. tf, H. Har.
ximan, to keep up with bis rival, J. J.
Hill, olans to spend over $1,000,000 in
equipping the Union Pacific railroad
with newly designed freight cars, built
especially to carry lamber. About 1,
000 of tiiese curs are to be ordered fiom
tbe Pittsburg Prereed Steel Car com
pany. at $1,000 each.
When put In service they will be
used solely for carrying lumber. They
will have twice the capacity for that
purpose of the present car, and will
thus enable the Onion Pacific to lower
its lumber carrying rates. Mr. Hill
will be forced to do likewise and will
probably be forced to equip bis lines
with the new style cats to keep from
losing money. The now cars will carry
60,000 feet, against 20,000, the capacl
ty of cars now used.
Aftsr Pullmsn Compsry
San Francisco. Dec. 10. Interstate
Commerce Commissioner Franklin K
Lane, who Is now In San Francisco,
lias dispatched a special examiner to
fit. Paul to take testimony In the com
plaints lodged against the Pullman Car
company. These complaints take the
form of pioteeta against the charges of
the company, the service and alleged
discriminations. The real significance
of the hearing lies in the fact that it
is the first attempt of the commission
to regulate the boslnow of the Pullman
Car company ,
Limiting Inferior Courts.
SL Paul, Dec. 10. Attorney General
Young, ia an addrees here last nigbt,
reeotSB9aded that the Federal Jaws be
so changed a to deprive inferior Fede
ral eoarts of tbn power to enjoin tate
ogefato ffMs enforcing sUe, laws. He
wosld oobAbs such Jurisdiction to the
United JHaUs Supreme eoart.
EUlott, or Northern Pacific. Grv HI
Reasons for Increase.
Washington, Dec. 20. Howard El
liott, president of tbe Pacific
railway, was tbe ptincipsl wltnra yes
ttrday at the hearing of the Tactile
Northwest Lumber companle before
tbe Interstate Commerce commission.
Mr. Elliott asserted. Jamo J. Hill
af ttrd two or three day io, that the
adrance In rate on Umber made by
the r 1 1 road waa necessary In order
that they should be compensatory on
the tarlou lioe. He said that it had
hArtUTt nvldent to the railway manage!
that it was necessary to ralc the tale
on lumber In order to prevent an abso
lute lota to tne rasa on me iraiuc.
Us exntalncd that the prosrwilty of
Ik Wmt and Northwest had so in-
cieatcd tbe traffic on tbe lino of all
railway In that section that the com
panic were phrically ocablt to han
dle tbe tratSc promptly and efficiently.
This was particularly true of lines n
tbe Northwest, the tiaroc of which wa
interfered with in the winter r rswon
Tery considerably by adverse woatber.
Id. arntslnaol that the rout of handling
traffic had Increased materially In the
past year or two on account ox nigner
wage. Increased price of material
and similar conditions. He believed
that the rates a fixed by tbe railway
linM In tha advanced tariffs nrutnulcnt-
ed were fair among shipper generally,
although he wa not so certain that
they would enable the earner to make
very much profit.
Secretary Corlsljoo Cited to Court
en Canal Issue.
Washington, Dec. 20. Justice
Goald, of tbe District Supreme court,
yesterday sited George 11. Cortelyoo,
secretary of tbe treasury, to appear In
court January 3, to show raute why be
should not bo enjoined from turning
orer or delivering tbo balance of the
121,450,000 of the Panama canal bonds
to certain banks and persons to whom
be ha announced allotments.
The citation Irsued by Justice Gould
Is baed on a petition filed by George
W. Austin, of New York, who describes
himself si a taxpayer and property
owner In tbe United State and wbo
declares be made a proposal to pnrehavs
bond of the advertised issue or lace
value of 3,000,000. He avers he
agreed to pay at tbe rate of 1103 376
and accrued interest per $100, and on
notice of the acceptance of bis snttcrip
tion stands ready to deposit tbe amount
with the assistant treasurer at New
Mr. Austin informs th court that he
baa been advised through the public
pre that In direct violation of the
statutes and in absolute disregard of
tbe Treasury department' circular, of
tbe $25,000,000 of tbe tonus allotted
only $1,000,000 were allotted to per
sons wbo were individual bidders, and
wbo, in accordance with tbe statutes
and raid circular, were given equal
opportunity to labeciibe therefor; the
remaining 124,000,000 were allotted to
divers national bank and only 13,650.
000 of which were atlctted to banks
which bad offered a higher price than
that bid by him.
Filipinos Want Power to Make Com
mercial Treaties.
Manila, Dec. 20. Hie assembly hat
received a favorable report from the
committee to which was referred a res
olution a-king congress to give the In
sulsr government power to make com
mercial trc-atlw with other countries
in the event ol failure of tariff reform.
This subjwt has been much discussed
by the native pol tlclan and pre and
a a result tbe Filipino attitude on free
trade with tbe United Stat ha under
gone a complete change.
Heretofore the politicians and the
pros regarded tariff agitation as an
effort to bind tbe Philippines cloeoly to
the mainland and it was opposed by
the independent factions. Now all
parties unito in demanding the aboli
tion of the Dingley raUs.
Tbe commercial treaty project was
presented to tbe assembly by a Nation
alist mnmber, who declared that, al
though his first effort would be toward
free trade, he would In the case of fail
ure urge the commercial treaty plan aa
an alternative,
Yaquls Again Break Loose,
Nogalia, Ariz., Dec. 20. Informs
lion which has just reached hero tolls
of tbe frightful murder of 12 men by a
band of 100 Yaqul Indians, 45 miles
soothetMt of Magdalena, state of So
noro, Max., last Wednesday. P. J.
Melntvra and a tarty of mlnlna men
of this section have arrived from the
rcene where they viewed the remains
of the murdered men. Among the
number was JoieJHernander., eon of the
president of the town of Cucurpo and
owner of the mescal plantation where
the killing occurred.
Gallagher Returns to Testify.
Ean Francisco. Deo. 20. Ex-Supr-
visor James L. Gallagher, who will be
the ttrlncloal witness for the prosecu
tion in the trial of Patrick Calhoun,
accused of bribery, has returned from
the fast.
Untvarsity Establishes Loan Fund In
stead of Making. Gilt.
University of Oregon, Eugene Tbe
University of Oregon Is planning a loan
fund of at lesit $5,000, Unod on tbe
belief that a loan Is better than an out .
right gift in the form of a scholarship.
Some subscriptions have already been !
mode to the fund, and a number of
prominent men of the state have agtrrd .
to guarantee amount up to $600. l'rw-'
Idmt Campbell U using his best effort
to raise the entire $6,000 tbia year If
in almost every high school giadnst-
ing clar there are some who do not
have tbe means for a college education,
but wbo would take adrantago of any
fair opportunity offered them to secure
one. Tbe trrasuret of the loan fund,
who ! to be the high school inspector
and will thus have an opportunity to
know per tonally the members ol the
chute, will work In conjunction with
the city superintendents and hlxheclool
nr!nlnals. He will make Icaus to
such students a cecd them each ye r
at a low rate of Intereit, with the agrt
meet that tbey are to tepiy tbo princi
pal as soon as tbey are able after leav
ing college. A small amount of life It
surance will be taken out on each ati
the expense of the fund. It Is tho plan
to have Un men guarantee the fund
against Ion to the amount ol $500 each
The university baa had a small loan
fund of about $300 for tbe past four
years. During this time, 26 students
have been enablrd to complete their
coltese course who otherwise could not
have dene so. Only one loan has been
Woolfirowsr Working for Protection
of the Industry.
Pendleton In accordance with one
of tbe resolution psed at tbe recent
convention of the Oregon VYoolgiowers'
association, tbe lectctary has sent to
tbe Oregon congressional delegation a
request for an act compelling tbe brand
ing of manufactured good and clothing,
tbe obl-ct being to protect the public
from shoddy and cotton counterfeit of
woolen good. Tne pur rood law is
cited as an example that it is right for
the government to protect the people
from fiauds, counterfeit and adaltcra
lions' o! all kind.
Another resolution parsed at the same
time calls for the retention of the import
duty on wool, woolen fabrics, hide,
meat and meat animals, with the ob
ject of continuing the present prosper
ous condition of tbe wcol and livestock
New Rosd Is Undar Way.
Grant Pats The government I
making good progress nnder tbe direct
uperpvislon of the local forestry serv-
let. in extending a road down liogoe
river Into Curry county. This parttcu
lar stretch of road will open np a wld
latitude or country rlcu in mineral ano
prolific of the best marketable pine.
When this work has been completed,
10 per rent of the proceeds will be di
verted to the school fund, thus Increas
ing the permanent mean of keeping up
schools. About us ien appro
priated to be used in developing the
highway, and it Is expected that con
gnus will let aside $6,000 more to be
used on this project.
Another Mill for Albany.
Albany Albany It to have another
flouimlll. In the next few weeks a
plant with a capacity of 60 barrols a
day will he established by E. A. John
son, who now operates a saw mill at
Drain, and P. 11. Marshall, who for
years has rxen trirclary ol the Albany
Farmers' company. Tho two men have
consumcpated the pnrchste of the threo
warehouses of the Albany Farmers'
company, situated at Albany. Tollman
and Tangent, and In addition to carry
ing on a warehouio business, will oper
ate a flourmlll in one of the local build
ings of tbe old compsny.
Fruit Meeting In Eugene.
Eugene Plan aro nnder way for an
Important meeting of the Lane County
Horticultural society with the officers
of the State Horticultural socelty, In
Eugene, the first week In January.
President W. K. Newel and Secretary
II. M. Williamson, of the state beard,
will be horo to addrcas the inoetlng,
and there will be some members of tho
faculty from the Agricultural college In
Land Claimants Anxious.
Pendelton In tho Umatilla land
fraud case, twhlch will toon begin,
about 200 onlrymen will be involved In
th La Grande district, Great uneasl
ness la being shown as to the outcome
of these cases.
New NoUKe Public
Halem Governor Chamberlain has
ntttriAil tltA iVillAu. Inr tnAr arLAJI fitilii!!
Thomas Costes. Tlllamooki jVl. Cs bid-
boll, Glendalo; Virgil II, Massey, B.
S, D, No. 8, Salem.
Oregon Agricultural Colls; Plans to
Aid Farmer With Little Time.
The Oregon Agricultural college will
give winter short courses, beginning
January 7, 1P08, aa follows
General Agriculture; two weeks.
Dairying; six wieks.
Horticulture; six weeks.
Mechsnlo Aits; six weeks.
Hfamehold telenet; six weeks.
Many young tnvn as well as many
mluie faimsis who aie so situated
that thry cannot take a (out years'
course of study dtslro toaqolaut them
relm more fully with tho moat recent
developments In agriculture Them
ate other who fool tb need of a more
practical kdowlcdge of farm mechanic
and the use of tools. It i to ttuct tbe
need ol these classes that theoo comae
will be given. The courte In Home
hold Science will be ol value to the
o ncn of the ho no who desire to more
thoroughly acquaint tlonwlvc with
the principled ol good ctoklng and of
general home cuanagrmeot. Flic sub-
jecU to be discussed will be of intetrtt
nd Importance to evey laruiei and
homekerper and It Is hoped that a
large number will take advantag ol
this opportunity.
A clicuiar containing lurtner iniorm
ation will be sent on application to
tbe Agricultural College, Curvalllr,
Department Heed Demands of John
Dap 8tockmn.
John Day Cy J. Illngham has re
ceived his icorainlrslon as acting forrtt
supervisor for the Malheur national
forest rrserve, with headquarters at
John Day. The boundaries of the
new rreerve are the John Day river on
the north, previous withdrawal on tho
east, former line on the south, irrrg
ular line running near tbo center of
township In range 27 on the went,
Heppner forest Is extended to tbe John
Day river and headquarters removed to
Monument. Th remaining portion of
the western dlviilon 1 renamed Des
chutes and headquarters at Prineville.
Slcckmen rejoice at tbe change.
Big Lumbar Contract.
Ailorla The Olson-Mahoney Lum
ber company, of San Francisco, which
has been awarded a contract for 0,000,
000 feet of lumber by the Isthmian
Canal commission, la closely Identified
with the Clatsop Mill company and
the Astoria Box company, of this city,
and it is expected a large part of this
order will bo cut at the local mill.
Prossnt for University.
University of Oregon, Eugene -Tho
Alumni association has just presented
to the University of Oregon a painting
of President Johnson, the (list presi
dent of tho university. The work wa
done in Eugene by II. Leliarro Good
win, of New York, at a cost of $600.
Wheat Club, B(V3)8Io; btntntcm, 82
(383c; valley, 8C8lcj red, 78070c.
Ontit No. 1 white, $28: gray, :8.
Parley Feed, $27.60; brewing, $31;
rolll, $30.
Coin Whole, $32; cracked, $33.
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $10;
Eastern Oregon timothy, $20023; clo
ver $15; cheat, $16; grain hay, $160
$10: alfalfa. $16; vetch. $14.
Hotter Fancy creamery, 35837 Kc
per pound.
VfOl 76 to 125 pounds, 8)0Ocj
126 to 160 pounds, 7c; 160 to 200
pounds 68Ho.
Pork Mock, 76 to 160 pounds, 60
OHo; paokert, 0OHr
PoultryAverage old hens, 110120
per pound; in lie-1 chickens, lie;
spring chickens, 12o; rooteis, So;
dressed thickens, 12013c; turkeys,
Hvo, 16c; dressed, cholr-i, 170IPci
geese, live, 80Oo; ducks, 12K13Ko;
pigeons, $101.61); squsbs, $20H.
Eiig Fresh ranch, candltd, 360
37jo per doxen.
Fruits Apples, 76c$2 por box;
peaches, 76cM$J per crate; pears, $1.26
1.76 per box; cranberries, $0.60012
per barrel.
Vegulables Turnips, 76o per tack;
carrots, 08o per sack; beets, $1 por
sack; beans, 7ac per pound ;cbhage,
lo per pound; cauliflower, 76c0$l per
doien; celery, $3 80O3.76 per crate;
onions, 1520o per doxen; psrtloy, 20o
per down; pe, llo per pound; pep
pers, 8017c por pound; pumkplnt, 1
liio per pound; radishes, 20c per dor.
en; spinach, Co per pound; sprouts, 8o
per pound; squash, lltfo per pound;
tomatoes, $1.60 per box.
Onions $1.76 2 per hundred.
Potatoes 60086c per hundred, de
livered Portland; sweet potatoes, $2.60
per hundred,
Hops 1007, 67o per pound; olds,
Wool Eastern Oregon averago bsst,
18020c per pound, according to anrinic
age; valley, 18020c, sceordlng to fine
ness; roohalr, eholee, 29$30s per
j pad.
Plans to Begin Oregon Trials
January 13.
Portland, Dec. 18. Franclt J.Hfrr
expects to prosecute John II. Hall, then
Dinger Hermann, and alter that to give
over th prosecution of other land Iiaud
drfendont to th Oregon district altor
ajy, who will continue to be . O.
llrittol, if th tangle In Washington is
In a condition to b unraveled by Hen
y. iheuayici oy juui mmn
rsterday for beginning the ttlals Is
January 13. This will glv llcmy
about thiee weeks In Portland, pos
sibly longer. Aftsr th trials of Hall
aud Hermann, he will return to San
FranclKO In February, to rosutne tin
trial of Calhoun.
lUntr will start for Washington
this mornlug and will the nee go to
Tucson, Aria., to tiy a civil owe in lor
January 2. lie sait last rutin .
hi tnlealon to Washington had noth
ing to do with the lirlstol tnsttcr, but
did not deny that ho would look Into It
and straighten it out, If lowlblc, the
same way as be straightened cut a
similar taogU early In lOOd, when
Senator Fulton was fighting confirm
Hon of Ilrlstol's nomination and th
rrraldent had wlthdiawn tho iiomlna
Heney said list night lltat hit graft
prosecutions In Pan Frartclwo have ab
solutely prtmnted his presence lu Oie
gon for the land fraud tilaU for a year
put. He devoted nearly all ol th
year 11)04 and 1006 to the Ornron
rase. In January, 1000, HnJolph
Sprreklr urged him to take up the
graft Investigations In fan Franclco,
but Heney put them off nntll .sovetn
her, lCOo, flist. became be was compel
led to go to Washington to defeat the
efforts of Uie land fraud ring to oust
lirlstol, and next In July, brraiue he
wanted to finish op th Oirgon prose
Ha was In Washington rebruary and
March. 100. fighting Senatot Fulton's
effort to dislodge Ilriitol. In April be
was to piosrcute Hermann In the letter
book case. Put the Han FtanclK-o
earthquake ranted him to hurry to hi
family in that city. Tne neimann
trial In Washlnston went over, on con
dition that It should be held befor the
one In Portland set yesterday by Judge
Wolverton for January,
Hermann was acquitted In Washing
ton, says Heney, by "Influences," but
Heney declares Hermann will not be
acnoltttd In Portland. The trial, he
ears, will he a repetition ol that which
led to the conviction of F. P. Mays.
The sildeace and the witnrseea will bo
the same, since Hermann wa Involved
th ram way In the famous Illue
mountain eat.
Ex-Bos Suddenly Catltd Into Court
In Conspiracy Cat.
Ban Francisco, Deo. IB. Abe Huef,
yesterday before Judge Dunne, pleaded
not guilty to the Indictment jointly
charging him with Jerty Dinan, ex
chief of police, with conspiracy. The
charge atralnat Ituef has been continued
from tlin to Umo for tho last six
months and when Assistant District
Attorney Cook asked that the defend
ant bo forced to plead his action raine
ai a surprise, Hurt's attorneys, how
eer, made no effoit to block the pio-e-cutton,
and when tho clerk of tho court
demanded his plea, Huef In n low voice
repllod, In conjunction with Dinan,
"not guilty."
Dinan aluo pleaded not guilty to the
Indictment charging mm with peilury
ilotli case were then rontlnurl until
next Monday to be set for trial.
That Ituef I to feel the weight of the
big stick for his rofural to testify In tho
U n I tod Ilallroads eases, It now prac
tlcally certain. When hi testimony
was wanted most, during tho two trial
of Tlroy L. Font, he. refused to go on
the ttiind to tell what he knew, unites
tho prosemtlon granted Immunity.
This was Impotalblo for tho
prosecution tt grant, even had they
been Inclined to do so, as he had
pleaded naWiy to tho extortion charge
and Judge Dunne had declared that ho
noil Id never allow tho ex-bors tootCMpe
without a sentence.
Work for Deep River.
St. Paul, Minn,, Deo. 18. "Biz feel
of water from Ht. Paul to 'Bt. Louis,"
will be tho slogan of 360 commercial
oltibi, Industrial bureaus, merchant
leagues and boards of liado of Mlnno
sola, which wilt send delegates to a
convention on January 10 In tit. Paul,
at which these organicatlons will fed
orate for an active campaign for the
promotion of northwestern Inteicsts.
and river Improvement, It has bocoma
obvious that nothing but concoitod so
Hon can bring about the Imperatively
neeuea couponing oi me upper river,
Strikebreakers at aoldfleld.
Goldfleld, Dec. 18, The first con
i Ignmcnt of the strikebreakers, consist
ing of 46 men, arrived hero today with
out tho least hit of demonstration. Tho
men went qulotly to different mines
and were assigned ,to their positions,
trmy additional strikebreakers are ex
pected tomorrow,
Third Explosion In Pennsylvania
In Nineteen Days,
Uslwssn 200 and 260 Men Entombed
and Hop of Eicap for Any
I Vary blight.
Jcobs Creek, Pit., IeC. 20. An et-ph-lori
of g I" the Darr mine of the.
Pittsburg Ct'al company, oris,
yetleiday entombed between 200 and
260 miners, and there It seaioely o ray
ol hop that'a ilnglo one of them will
b taken Irutn the mine alive, i ai
tlally wrecked building In the vleinily
of the mine and the condition ol th
few bodies found early In the lewcoa
wotk Indicate an explosion of such let-
rlflo force that It teem linprailbl that
any one could have survived It. All ef
th 13 bcdlc taken out up to this time
are terrlbl)lutllated, nd Unto ol
them are headless.
Ihia M the third mine disaster slue
the first of the month in the veins of
bituminous coal underlying Weatetn
i,nn.vUnnla and West Virginia, lor
the Naomi mln, nerFrltOty, ar,d
th two mines at Mornings h, V . a ,
In which the caillur rxphmr ir
penrd, are In the same belt as the lu-al
orkings. Ystiday'i cataatioph
svlls the number ol victims id deadly
mine gas lor Ilia 10 days lo 11 een .w
and 600.
That th dl-aitrr dor not equal or
even surpass lu l of III and attend
ant hoirorsjihe on In West Virginia I
due to tbe devotion tc ehnicli dutle t
a considerable nnmWr ol tbe miners.
In obsurvance of the church festnni,
manr ol the tOO or moto men rrgubtly
mnlnv.l at th mln did Dot SO tO
woik. These who escaped thrtiti'h
this reaton aie membeis of tho Orvei
Catholic church and they suspended
woik to celebrate Bt, Nicholas' day.
Aa was the case at Mononrali, "
explosion followed a hilsl shut down,
Tli Dair mine having Un olwed
Tuesday and Wednesday. It Jo'
ll:30o'cik when Ue trnin inpw
loaded car had been brought out to
tho tipple that there ram an awial
rumbling sou ml, followed Immediately
by a loud report and a concussion thit
shook nearby buildings and was felt
within a radius ol several mile. At.
the strne time there catno out of the
mouth ol the mine an Immense cloud
of dense smoke and dust that fhsttrd
aorm the Youghloghcny river.
Intuitively everyone In the vicinity
knew what had happened ad all suit
ed for tho one place- tho mouth ol tho
A far a known only one man who
went to woik ewenptd. Joseph Maple
ton, a pumper, emerged fiotn one of
tbe side entrance- shortly after tho
explosion. He had lell thr part ol the
mine where most of tho men were
working and wa on the way to the en
glne renm for oil,
A considerable nnmbvr ol the miner
wrro Americans, some of tho olllrtr
estimating that protably morn than
half of tho victim aio Americans, a
tho majority ol the foreigner did not
The lUrr mine I located on tbo weit
side of lha Youghlogheiiy river, In
Westmoreland county, along the line
Of tho PltUburg A Lake F.rle railroad.
40 mile southeast of Pittsburg and 1
mile noithwcil ol Corinelsvlllu. It
Is one ol Ilia largest of tho Pittsburg
Coal compsny,
Tlirro whs much iliunkennrss hero
tonight, sotiio of the men who got a
good start on account rf tho holiday
continuing their carouasl alter the ex
plosion In celebration of their c(r
A now air shall for thn mine I being;
con'truclrd, work having been started
on It soveral month ago. Had thl
Iwcn completed, it it raid, tho loss of
llfo today would have been much let
Doss Immense Dullness,
Now York, Doc. 21 That ono Jol
hlng firm afllllatrd with thn American
ToIjocco romny docs u business of
fl.l.OnOOOOayeorln Now York City
and Yonkc rs waa brought out today In
tho hearing of tho government's notion
Uiraltltt tho ratmunv linfnrn Utillml
HUtcs Commlstlorior Fields. Adolph
II. liendholin, president of tho Metro
politan Tobacco company, testified with
reference to till concern. Dvnp 7fi nor
cent of tho Jobbing business ol Now
Yorkuity was controlled by tho Met
ropolitan, Mr. Hendholm itatod.
New Drydock Projected.
Han FranMxvt lv H Tl... linlla.
tin rays that within a low months tho
uuiuii iron wora vfiu lot a contract
for a floating drydock largo enough to
accommodate all vnsimla (lint, nnmn to
this port, with tho pottlblo exception
of th Paolflo Mall liners Mongolia and