- i ' ' 1 I Mi ., . ill ' Ii Hi 1 ''' i BEND IS TO GROW ! r s gv I : I I l I if J ,v m II I ij raW'1 l"ll I i MM II1 i I ii ii ii .I i i - - ' ' " '" "--'i',g,.if i aafj.iay. i..;u '; - 1- - ii """"" - .. ADVICE TO STOCK RAISERS. In-Urcedlfl; Not Hccammtndttl Vrot. iUnU There baa bscn come dicuMiori .round IUrfioewJ to the advi ttUUty of ift-lirMdljjjH stock. In 'f'Jtr U f.et an aiRbortlaltve Uie r .- oil the ti.ue.Ufln, 11. C. Park v rote to I'rof. Krlt of the depar-t-.Ttt of dury liH'iVwnilry of the Vffa agricultural college and . kited for fata opinion Mr. Park ri-caivcd the folbwinu letter in re- I !'', wbic'a will ltrt all totk hit. K. C. Park. Redmond, Ore CW.My Dear h: Replying ,otr of recent diU win My that tii-breeding to the extent of breed ing a lieifer to her own sire hhmc tiatea practical nml with vmry aatt factory rotttltt if both anjmaU are poMawed of a strong vigorous con ktitutioij. On the other hand, many tuoccasftii breeder never follow audi a practice. I certainly nhoulrl not recommend the practice any further than above Itidicfttod, ami most certainly not an far an four nnoccMivc geuerationa aa you auto : pnrty recoinmeiida. The prac tice wlicti cairlcd too Ur proriitcw loi of size, delicacy ofconntitulioti, and general deterioration. The more utaminn and vi,;or pos,cMcd by the nnlmal at the outtxit, the Joiner of course can the proces be continued before the evils that have been named appear. Very truly yours, J', h. Kknt. New Trial Oranteil. It will be remembered that last January Mrs. J,o!a J), Krickion brought a contest against the home slead of Nick Smith. A few weeks later, In February, the contestant's iittorney made a mntion for n new trial on the ground that additional evidence had been discovered up holding their contention. The motion has finally been granted and a new trial is set for Jauttarv j 4. Attonfcy Deuson is hundlintr the case for Mrs. Urlckson. Tkere arc goed papers and poor jmfmt. Ugbmibe for Tke Bulletin mt mi tlw t9i kiad. Reasonable Terms or Generous Discount for Full Payment. The Central Oregon Development Co BEND, - OREGON -?---fc -!. 4" "-' " " " k I .SV rrz imt z. an " sa. - ' a1 rv iv up- ' TaaT" ; i li VintritAAnA raw(i.f Im v. .'.- iTr-r- junir, j roua, deliehtlul lifrnllen. liilinirttr Inmm Kilt? tka ak.M ..2. !..!.. ..I.. hiabtei ermrlk.1 iMMr-MM ... - -,-j- u ;k i inr ovruzvmMM. iuy i :.. .f tffkWvnl rwkr l-.- cL... CM-t mftHMMtion am iprndj aa cr, rxSuo Klri Am to wtolewMnc nowM- Ue riarxtt wut ttimoltikm of epuii vtatcn aim ua IK kin uul d jjy iu imithlul color. tjmrjJn,tt,ttrJkrtfamf m iVV HENRY L. WHITSErHJ Horse Shoeing' and General BlacksmHhing- WACJON AND PLOW WORK First Class Work Guaranteed. !Mted in tli old ghtldon thop. Wood For Sale. I will deliver wood in town at the following prices: DRY BLOCK WOOD 16 Indies long S4.00 a cord. DRV J.I Mil WOOD 16 inches long $3.6o a cord. Put in your yard on nhort notice. 1'lmtlf in inn uifiMt. tiAii ni.ni .,1 . .-..- ...v ,.,,. www nam, MIA-)1 11 won' I co$t yon any tiling to phone to F. M. OARJER. -nrrrz -rsrrsg YOU Will enjoy rcadlntr The Bulletin. It will VUtABU, KNTIJRTAIN snd INHTKUCT you. fl.iUcrlU bow- n 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 n 1 1 1 TllB Sullrtln Itaa uiumI A. cJbblflg ofii-n , IsvMtigatc tbcsa.J IH41HI ; . ji Buy a Lot Now and Build Later Business and Residence Property, Timber and Farm Lands. 't'i -, l"i i' 4 Underwood Standard Typewriter For Speed Safety, Surety A Solid Roadbed is essential. Visibility and Speed In the Underwood (tabulator) Tvnawritcr aru sunnortarl 8 by perfectly balanced con ctructlon. Underwood Typewriter Company No. 68 Sixth St., Portland, Ore. j 140 CONTIJST NOTICU. DltPAKTMKNT 01' TIM INTKKIOK. V. H. Ua4 0. The IMtltt, Orriou, Wovriutirr 4, l07 I.. .Ii ii ".-M.i aiu4ia.ii ii.nnK "( IJIffl ii-i .. '"",1'r.ltwtf A J(ie, coulotaul, 'ul. .7"'. ; 1 iell((, COIIietirVa III .1 ;...i i,.:.Kir..-rv. ",""; " '.."" .J,:".i'.",:!.,,:!.'h.n?.r,y..'i!'r"' m (Mfty at rffulrri1 by Uw (hat aald allrtl b- -..- .,, VB HH w vi uiuy in crii in inf fu'lln! "if wT "" Cn" "'""' V,,M HUI" BM partita arr hrely notlflr.l to pirar, r nowl anil offrr cvMcucr louchlnic ll all'ega. i; s.j-a:;v. :i":."i ri'""i' "' I,r' "'" L.ij .. '. rr '1 M ",",no"' nraniiK will lx hM l la o'clotk a 111 011 Jtuutry 15, oo, . fora Ihc KraUirr au.i KVlcr a fd uilud IVjaoWwInTlit lull.., ora, lk..Ti5.A,.n,f d.UI llllMC WIMII.I MfWc.or a. aVaaS-VakyiTri"""- " "" B Mil c w, MooKk. juautar. . ., KLJiUKi JS3aJWiLlMiSZZZrXTm& NOTICH FOn PL'IJIJCATION. IwirlnmM Wile UUrU. Ul 0M KTlHlMtM. U(fM, Ortlr jrth. w. I Kiittc k WMy gt'H thai CMflrlA CIMIHMM 19 nmkv am wwM.ii i tUua. H( Hwwm4 Jim . IMl ftjrlka IU .j m-. .JT-.a. lill I km - - - - - .'( fcrilw fWMWt m4 WlJjX f rr w Tb i! Kilt ar U H4lkai ut4 pnr win Wj4rVw l c 1. tl K I IMHHM, tl hi. 4Bc l ilHMl '' lM.lrtlli, ; IU urt tbf I. Uiwiu la4 l yrww lata c-nliaa. ilMtliM !. au4 (ltl(ai ,f. IU X4 w tt.in.Bd wnnn c.irtu t. Xwtos. frank I .H.ra.rtj AlUn C l.w.M.U W JkMpa, Orr ut-U C W MOORK. TATM kfcXftCTK N'OTICK KOR I'UHLIUATIOX rmu4 Stoit ll oekw. Tk tlttfU flMMfl lhlif . - - HicTU n.f.b. imalfcrt mmArt tin tti b.iMvfUtc fXifiStnnf f AMMM , Mat, adit jut MMWiMBMrr imjfciinf th)K Ihf Maw of IHX m IMi alaVjHwTlfc l20,,wtlu," " MS IM MMin, nf 11 it w M. Aajr aad all Mf Mfi clalmlm 4t ahoH4f ttW Ud, or Utra fcr anr iu oMmt lw in SmI alluMM vi ik M alKMM Sl thatr Haiim ar alaWtiaui wavtfMljr Ika akWd Sl JlMtr iWim ar abrrcltMi Iu M m .w n miyc inv iotj oa m iiaanniiir. imj M-44 C. W. JIOOKU, lMMrr. j'QTICB I-OR IMJIILICATIOK. IIIIPAKTMKKr OP Tlllt IKTKHIOH yiulOMrtal lMnr, Oraaen. Uor ia. Vfn Matlc it btrrbx " ' WUlUm II. llolUmhaail Milt Aflti hf4 Ar Ia.imIIi.ii Ifbllftt.ff if KaUlvl. nrrgan, Ivaa iai nollawof hl ImUii Don timakfiiulurixirinwMerlM lill ftalin, via lliMn(M(t Knlrjr Nn iffi owl Aprtl 1. mi. for Ihv KltUNHK. MhHKTa4. NHKW. Hrt 10. Tp l H H id l, W M Ami llit nM rrnefwlll b made lfft II C I'.lln, l' rt I'ommutioHrr. at hu offi In litiwl, OrnH. on llir 71I1 day tf lul)r, i7, lie namea the rolluwliia nrlluriwt la nrnve lil. eoiiiliiiuiuamMriitTaufuii, awl rulllrallon ut, Ilia laud, via J0I111N Hiiunof Kn.iiHl, Orcton. n, Prank Vfcl Wllllflin I' Vamt,vrf lMtti lil.rl tl ol littul. Orrson. tiliI6 J. M WATRON. HetUter. TI10 Pioneer Telegraph and Telephone Company Telegram l'onronlcd to Any I'qrt of the World. Direct Telephone Communication with Portland, I'rfnevlllo and all I'flcific Coatt cltlei, Public Pay Stations In Bank Duldlnk at Ileud, nt-I.nld-law and 1'owcll Iluttei. MeaMiicer iervice to any part of Crook County aoutU of Crooked River. ., . T1iamluiv ttCE-afviaa . mh. vu sale at the news stand. 11 n TtaiVrf IjioJ. Art )a j. lT. NOTICK FOR I'UIIIalCATIOaN. V LM4 I! Tk IXMot. Orvaa. cwVlfaikff Mil lav NaOa l KernVj fr IMI w vaaikOtaat rli lb ao.waM of ike A mt Cuiini a laja l i7. vaintvd. Aa art ar tu i (afliaaWr UmJt ala MfCaha.a. anna, Navaate, atai paJUtc laaal atalv ajr Al T Aaawt 4. lH. Ira I WitaaMM T kraal, vawMy af Craafc. Mat o Orana kva ArD ;. im !( lalkiaaMk ku tolamral Jaa aM Am ilwpiakin af marf mm ixa 1 IM IMiW I TIK). IK W M a.lwfllor araof to afcaw taaf lh Iaa4 aii(kl m aWr ralaaU tat Ha Utafcrr vr alaa. Ikaaita- aMSiN'al aiau n1 a4 1 atak la SW rlata. to mh! laal kat H C. kllu, I' lamaarr al ku aV M kk4 urrcea. va la lath nl Daaaaafc, la7 Hal kakaaaaaal Am - ----- tMaaaakai I tkj ,! ft Mr A. Withimtom. W May Wilkt-Mtm, MaamW j WllfclfMuM, aJ4 Hcaatl. 'KVfM. Aakav akamaf aktf a.a.a 4W..A.-. . a IkaVaW aaaorllaal taaoVi ar raaaaatoS to al. am naiaaa ia law ar iK-tar UM at4 Mtkoaji W Itrwaak, aaaf ' -eil C W. MOOMat HUar. Ttmtaw UaJ, AM al lake j. MM. N'OTICK I'OIt I'lJIlIICAT'OS. U. S. Mml oak. Th Daltr, OirM, ItfAiiBM I. tiu.1. ..&.M (. I.. . ...... ... ..-.w,. ""'vi' ! " .aiiiiiiiiB wnn Ik rrurUinw aflka Artaf Cmudh nT Jium 1, aiaa a a an tor in aai m itajhvr laaaM l"l f CaVrjfa. Of aaaan. Nr.4a. atal "Wwi'! Tatrtlkf." vtTriKUt to an Ik. I'uWk liwl Mala bjr aat ef Auu 4. !. Haiti II. DavtM uL "fT', SD!ti,,r fcf c,0k- ""'v ef Oreaan. Hunt, Nil tlf, far lknttrl,Malhe U'MNKU. Arutwttt affrr liraaf la hnt Ihat ilu im.i fnv IHI avaa aaavaal III I II MIDaw liu aHataUn ail ak. awgfcl U miK valuaM for fi lltaUr r Ma IbaiiHira.rlfwIluraliairiiMaa, awl Iu r.Lt.H.li htrrlalnt la wikl land U lure II c. Kill.. U. A. t'aknuiaakMwr. at kia ot, In kiul, Olrnw. uu Ike ijili day of HvrrwUr, im. til ll.Uk... wIlUMU. Ifta.l. . Ul... tauali. A. c l.iioM. Armauil khraier. Imiukl . lclnUMi all ut llrnil, Oirnnii Any ,! alt iriw;tia claiming ailrrrwly Ihc rtllMllilllle(Tuolloi Uful MM Mill dav ol Dvctfulwr. flf 0416 C. W. ttOOHIt, r.,ttr. Tlmbrr Land, Act Junei, 1I7J. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. B, Mad 0c, Tli I)llt, Oirion, Hrplrmlicr XStli, 1907. Notice t. htrrliy glrni lliat In rompllmc with thprorl.loiiuribcArtor Cuiiairx of June i w ,,,,V,Vr,-SfCU"u,,0"," Nvad. and .;.u7;y:. :".;.."' " '; :.: '..""' ?. ' ,.- . ........ ...... u.,, V AUgllll 4, ), Marv U. Kelttv of Urnd, county of Crook, tale of Orraon liirnt No 4UUorh purehaa or the NhHItt and HKHHlW oflkc i. Tp 17 a, K 11 1, Wl "M AHiiwiiioiirr prooi to iho- that the land ought Ii mora aluable for ila llml.rr or aioua cpmmlaijoner.atliiaomcvlii liend. Oregon, ou the and day or January, 100(1. ' ""? """J?"." w'""wi Cliaflra A. Hlanbur-"af-lU A C. -"f, ArirtaiiU A. (theater, Donald Any and all iwripni. claiming adrerirlr Ihe abortHlttcrlh.il I. Mil. ... .-.".:,-.!' ai.ih.i.,i.i..i...Vi.;i"V -'.". iiu 10 7 i i " -.. mi. van vi qx pf lura luc laid nddayof;auuary, lot. "vmamn O'i'l C. W. MOORIt, Rliter, Don't tar vniir HkUf.V,A.l. d..i lilu (ub4GTib fer it VnilrJf s Tlmkrr UA Ad jatt 1. 174. XOTICK 1'OR lTilMCATION'. V a Ua-loaW. TkelMMaa. OfkaM. kraannkaf . HrH . JfT""! kfc atva Ikal la raaaaateaa MMk a!Sfcr."lf ,,!Lrt -aaariBj rrjHJ..1!? "" " aarta,aat la'. xktai kto4 ataiaak, Art at Aatjaat 4, ofknai. r-HMTr Cr4 at.M aa" OvtkJM, k w ..a7Tr - rkfkj" w "W WriTviiito.7 t,,w,,,' ---'B-avaa wiinaawt ihath-a . IraaAi .'-".T J "''""M. MtakMTl uZZm. ay awl all imai rUiaila avtaato Ik toy liZZ-Z-ZJr m - akM t4lfc ,, ". -v on 4i w 0Ok. Ha(tiT. TtMUf Iato4.A1Jai,,a, . NOTIOK l0t PimuoATlOK. w- mm onto, t iiaiiM, tVajart. .T.,;v,tt.ilX xir kilt "" be lilN dav ui n-..Trr. " .' H4. oraaiaa,' oa ----. -i, .aw, if ."Jf!1" ' A. n. UkULuul rtalm. thu tdr. on , UuJ2j7,ltf5 hf I'lHiuuir, ij. ..n- i " "U C IV. Mooan, UrgUtrr. ' TtuiberMnd.ActJun.njs, NOTICK FOR PUI1M0ATION O.B.MudorDw.Thlunr.,o'rgon: Jiina mil, 190. ill I ... "'-- VHUIUIII1 Wlil ilBlOllTrrtllnrw 1- 'J " L"'.. . ". !' public laud ...t byAcIVr A,.M " Miia l PDynttr aoiV, ,"! f,El?9f J how lh.t ,h. .... than i Vgilcul tu .1 S' .'"7' ' . her claim Iu laid UiiJWuiatl iii?.T'.uw''1! Uliaa 1...... ... "7 'ffiTklT'E kr S"''X- Ihwwu. cf'jr.'ryi'iy!8 - w:..i3 .VdV; Hi; c. W. Mrinn i...... lOaMklhaaaal nl. County rcaak, kuir af fkaau w. Ihl. ay ktoJ Ik Ik., aaka, to aiVi E&ia!i KM K' SI " "" W'H !, Tuia., Hon.-. 1. ....i. ., '"" r' pwiaiou. BrW;7S TASfir ' h :"!te'T,.MiTO:luiL Kft 14. llfrtrrm V.ki.i. a ill mmmL . ' . ' '-ka. There'a NW8 j Thtj SamH, awwf