The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 13, 1907, Image 1

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, - h , ,( ., f . t.
M ' WM-
vol. v
NO. 39
$15.00 TO $40.00 PER ACRE
185,000 acre In the Dei Chute Valley.
60,000 acrci now under 350 miles of completed canal.
Most fertile toll, nbundnnt and never falllng'Vatcr, utorl
ous climntc 31Q luuihiuy days per year cheap lumber and fuel,
worjfl of water power, dull, gumc, anil beautiful mountain seen
cry', combliio to make an Ideal country td LIVE In.
An for MAKING A LIVlNQ, man after man of our Kitten
is producing thla year from these 'clieap lands from $50.00 to
f, 100.00 an acre In clover, alfalfa! 6t wheat and barley crops.
Vegetable and fruit crops have yltlildd frdtn 1 00. 00 an acre up.
1.(6 varieties of grains, Brasses, fftitfs and vegetables raised and
ripened bn the laud. Clover 8 tons' per acre, alfalfa 7 tons, oats
80 bushel, potatoes 30a bushels, sweetcorn t8o bushels roasting
ears, strawberries 1 140 gallons, and other crops in almllarpro
fjisita. " '
Have you cot your tract of land yet? If not, why BOt?
Get a hustle on and get it now, while you can get your pick.
Remember thin is Carey Act land.
You net the land absolutely free directly from the State
of Oregon. 1
For particulars write today for Booklet Q.
Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company
1 ! -
Clias. P. Richardson, Manager Sales Department
Room 203, No. 6 Wall St., Spokane, Wash.
Bcnd-Sliamko Iyivery & Stage Company
J. II. WUNANDY, I'rop.
Icw Covered Stages between Bend and Slmniko
Livery ntul Peed Stables atShanlko and Bend.
Vo run our rigs to plenso the public.
Stages lenvo onch wny ovory day.
Flgs to all parts of Central Oregon. Careful drivers furnished
,r now have a better outfit of buggies nud horses and can give
more satisfactory service than ever before. Alt kinds of light nud
heavy livery furnished on short notice at reasonable rates to nil
points lit Cqutral Oregon. Traveling parlies will profit by seeing
mc before going elsewhere. For further fufomintion alout stages
consult J. II. Whmanhy at lktid, or V. P. Kiti.uiY, Agent,
Shntiiko. Oregon.
Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage.
Th Central Ore
gon Banking- (2b
Trust Company
iNCoaroMTiti) ivm.
Caplt.1t $25,000.00
Transact a Ocncrnl Hank
ing Huslucss. v
Acts ns Administrator, I2x
ccutor or Trustee of Estates
Issues Drafts nud IJnnk
Money Orders on all Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits
Safo Deposit Boxes.
Fire Insurance.'
John Stcldl, Prcajtleut
J. II, llcybttrn, Cashier
It your name on our subscription Hit?
Tt & atsMsSi
iZ 7 I . W1
When You Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results nt the
least expense you
should use
. The
Call for
1 color card '
A FulFLIne' oftdrbcerles, Dry
Qoods and Hardware always on
. . I
Federal Officials Approve
D. I. & P. Co. Work, '
. i -
Tract of 38, 404 Acres Comes undtr
th Order-WWI Be of 'Much
Benefit to Settlers. '
Word was received in Bend Tues
day that "Lists for Patent Nos". 3
and 4" submitted by the Deschutes
Irrigation fit Power Company,
through the State of Oregon, had
been approved by the federal dffi-
dais and that patents to this land
would be Issued to the state at once.
The lists approved comprise ap
proximately 38,404 acres and the
land lies entirely In the Pilot Butte
i&ttlers have been anxiously
waiting for this news for soe
time. Many of them have paid for
their land in full and have fulfilled
the requirements of the law as to
settlement and cultivation. They
could not obtain their patents, how
ever, because the land bad hot been
approved for patent by the federal
officials. The ditch company has
bepn working to hurry this matter
along, but until now was unable to
secure action by tbe officials at
Washington. Now settlers who arc
living on the lund and have made
the necessary cultivation can offer
final proof and get their patents as
soon as they make payment in full
to the company.
This arrangement will be of ben
efit to many Frequently a settler
desires to borrow money with
which to improve his land. With
out n patent lie could not offer the
land as security and thus in many
cases was unable to make the loan.
The lack of patents has proven
quite a serious inconvenience.
It is also believed that sales Of
land will be more rapid hereafter
Men have been slow In contracting
fur ditch laud when title thereto
was stilt held by the United States
and patent had not been issued to
the state. Now, however, that un
pleasant feature will bother no
longer, and the purchaser will be
able to secure his patent as soon as
he makes the necessary residence
and cultivation nud satisfies the
lieu held by the ditch company for
reclaiming the laud.
Redmond Pull of I'coplo Who Want
Ditch Land.
Kkdmond, Dec. 9. Secral laud buy
ers ami sccdccr were in town latt week
and hate remained ocr. J, W. Davie
nud family of lit e urc hero from Wash
ington and wilt probably locate. Mr,
Paeon I here, Mr. Gardluler from Mich.
Ignn, Mr. Atkinson of Walla Walln and
others whose name c did not learn.
It. M. Smith of ltikmouth, II, C, who
has a forjy cornering with the Sturdc-
vaut place northeast of town ill lw .In
before long. Yen, the little hurt; is get
ting its. share of settler at present.
ltd Pike and It. M. G ilium of thcLittlc
Plain country wen: in this neighbor
hood last week on business.
Dr, M. V. Turlcy of Ilend spent Thurs
day with the Ladle' Aid Society at Mr.
Tuck's. Prom all wc can learn the doc
tor, the ladle nud everyone i'Imj enjoyed
themselves audhad n real good time.
Thirty-two sat down to dinner, the best
attendance for soma time.
Cump Jog tj, M. V. of A., elected offi
cer1 Saturday night as follows; Consul,
II. .V. Hcijslcy; advisor, K, M, Rby;
clerk, It. C. Park; banker, C. W. ltttrct;
escort, W. It. , Young; sentry,, V., W.
McCaJTery? watchman, W. J, f)ucklcy
manager, three yearn, M. It. Lmides;
camp physicians, M. V. Turlry and Dr.
Ittlkiup, Installation of officers to be
held an, lH as provided for in the by
laws, KegulaV meetings in lilt mean
tlino Dec, at ami Jan, 4.
If. I'. Jones has received a challenge
from the Laldlaw Development League
for a team from the D, I, ft P. Settlers'
Association to debate the question as to
whether the new rule and regulation
adopted by the State Land Hoard in
Carey Act nutters are best suited to de
velop the Deschutes country. The mat
ter will probably be brought up at tbe
free feed Saturday night and Redmond
will probably be, on band with the goods.
The writer of these notes Is just get
ting over what might have been quite a
serious accident1' He attempted to hold
down chain being used to pall over
dead tree and Wat not heavy enough.
The chain went up and to did tbe writer.
When the rope broke he kept on going.
He probably wa not over to of is feet
high although the driver ld It looked
like 30. To any other who may wish
to try we would suggest that when one
come down In a tilting pmarc sofa
pfllow would be an catlcf lighting spot
than lava rock. When Yours Trnly tries
It again Just send the (oat killer around.
Water reached us again In tbe ditches
Sunday morning , havjng been
turned out for a wttk for repair cm tbe
Pilot Suite dnaL
B. J. Henlager i disposing of some of
his hay In Dead and hauling It up.
A very pleasant surprise party on Mr.
and Mrs, Ctrl Khret was worked up by
Roy Covert and J. A. Norwood for last
Wednesday evening. Dancing, cards,
visiting and lunch wero indulged in by
a very good crowd present until very,
very close to Thursday and everybody
went home in good spirit.
Preparations for the Sunday school
Christmas festivities are going oa nicely.
Decorations have been ordered, and tbe
tree, fruit, nuts, and candles have been
arranged for.' The musical practice is
coming an in good shape. A fine time
for old and young is assured.
The Ladles' Ilaxaar wilt probably be
held the latter part of the week before
Christmas. It Is also in good hands.
The management of the free feed,
oyster supper, musical entertainment
and reunion of old wttlers, desires to say
that cer) tiling (scorning their wny. It
may sound liko bragging, but it's solid
fact. All "Mlssourians" especially are
Invited. We've got the goods aud it's
our pleasure to show them.
It. C Park.
Inkling from Gist.
Cist, Dec, to. The bids for the new
Laldlaw-Gitt mail route are all in now.
Geo. McCallislcr is Improving right
along, we arc glad to state.
Have you seen the Gist Greeting
Cards? If not, wutch, you will see them.
The Three Creek, school will be in the
new school house next week and on I'ri
day c cuing, Dec. 30, they will given
free literary program and a basket social
in connection. Come one. Come all.
C. L. Gist has his stump puller to
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Arnold arc v(sit
im; at Gist.
James Howard of Lower Bridge is at
Gist pn business today.
Vcpile Gist is up and around again
after an illuc&s of several week with
typhoid fever. Oto Hvsititr).
Praise for Bend's Orchestra.
The Chronicle was presented
with a fine treat Tuesday night by
mc ucnu ceutrat omcc. we were
connected with Mr. Minor's resi
dence where the Bend orchestra
was discoursing; sweet music. It
was fine aud lleud is to be congrat
ulated upon her orchestra. Laid
law Chronicle.
We had the pleasure of listening
to, a selection rendered by the newly
organized Bend orchestra over the
'phone Tuesday evening, which
selection was indeed appreciated.
The orchestra is in charge of Miss
Ivn West, Vho has considerable
ability as a leader and conductor.
It is our earnest hope we will have
another chance to J hear these per
formers when next they practice.
Prinevillc Review.
Body of an Unknown Man
Found In the Timber.
Two Indians Run acrow Cerate afeeui
J3 MKcs Southeast of Bead near
John AtcPtrarse Ranch.
Last Monday two Indians found
the badly decomposed body of an
unknown man in the timber near
Pine mountain, about 33 or 40
mites southeast of Bend. The In
diani at once reported the find to
John MePherson, whose ranch is
about eight miles from where the
body was found. The nest day,
accompanied by the Indians, Mc
Pbersoa visited tbe piece and satis
fied himself as to the truthfulness
0 the story, and then came to Bend
in order to 'phone to the sheriff,
arriving la town Wednesday. Sher
iff Iilkins instructed Constable A.
C. Lwas and John Atkinson, a
justice of the peace, to go and make
as much an examination of tbe
body as possible and to dispose of
tbe corpse. Tbe two men left yes
terday morning for the scene of the
tragedy and are expected home to
night MePherson reported that the
body is so badly decomposed that
identification would be impossible,
the features of the face being en
tirely destroyed. The body lay on
its back and there was no signs of
a struggle except that the heels had
been dug into the ground slightly,
probably during the man's death
agony. His coat,, vest and shirt
are missing, but the corpse was
still clothed in a pair of blue
black trousers and a peculiar make
of shoes. A few feet from the corpse
are evidence of a fire, which the
man probably started.
MePherson made no examination
of the corpse, and nothing is knowu
of the man's idchtity. The suppo
sition is that he became lost and
died from hunger and thirst. Con
stable Lucas may find some paper
of identification when he examines
the body.
Those Making- Final Proof Must Show
They Possess Actual Cash,
The following letter received by
Commissioner Ellis will be of inter
est to those who are making final
proof on timber claims or home
steads during the financial strin
gency: a
Tittt DAtl.ES, Oregon, December 9,
1907. .nr. 11. v.". ism, u. &. 1.0mm
sioncr, llend, Oregon. Dear Sir; Par
ties on T. & S. and commutation proof
whose 30-day limit i expiring will be re
quired to show tiy affidavit Uiat they ac
tually possess sumcient money to make
all payments on their proofs; that they
have made due effort to, secure tame but
on account of the financial stringency
are refused the cash by bank. Upon the
proper showing an additional 30 days
may be grouted.
Persons making applications or proofs
during this month may secure the jo
day extension by giving the proper evi
dence of the fact iliat they arc in reality
the possessors of sufficient money or
ImiuIs, chattels, or other property vvhich
under normal conditions could have been
converted into cash in due time to make
payment on their application proofs. A
person is not KNTnrutn to nn extension
who has the money iu his pocket, or who
really does not possess it or it equiva
lent at the time of making proof. It
must only be iu coses of AUSOLUTK NK-
Yours truly,
Louis II. Arnkson,
Th Oregon Appt Whw.
1 The Oregon apple has captured
the Orient and Russia, Yadgjoglou
-, -
Brothers pf Vladivostok, after mak
ing a display in one of the principal
show Windows of the city, removed
the display and after it was crowned
and surrounded with American and
Russian flags it was photographed;
nnd'is to"be reproduced in colors
for international advertising. Thti'i
the glory of1 the Qrcgon apple goes
around1 the world. The display
wasunusual because most of tho
boXcs"w'cre sbqwvfrcady for ocean
shipment, each encased in burlap.
Varieties of apples included tho
Winter Banana, Ortley, Hyde's
King, and Arkansas Black.
Maay Imprevenitats Being Made bt
tlw TumaJe NclxBtarheed.
TUMA W, Dee, Ja-rGeo. W. Winer ft
Sons are basy putting p large barn,
tbe main building being tSxji feet witk
16 foal posts, with, ifjtji fWt shed on
each Side and later they trill jmt a 16x48
foot shed 09 tho end wWftt will give 11a
feet of shed reset In alL -
We are having a fine rain for change
which i nelcawe.
William Hart of Gist m la Taauld
W7 J. Ilightower and wife were pies,
ant caflcri arTiratslo yesterday.
I. it'wlmer&d Cba, Spasgtt hat 4
been tatting nay to Bend for Mr. Aunr.
Lewis McCallister was in Tuasalo yes
terday, He report that hi brother
Ceorge b Improving skwly fro a long
siege of rhcdaiaUs.
Dan Hcising was In Timalo' one day
last week af tir" hay. which be hauled to
his place near the head of fce"C S. I.
canal ' ' . l
J. It. Idwards passed through here
today going to Bend. '
Geo. Pulliaa was in Tnmalo Friday-
after seed rye, which be will sow tbi
Wm. Baker and family expect to more
on their place to mile north of here
this week. Mr. Baker intends to da
some extensive improvements on hi
place this winter.
J. B. Ranuells of Clitic Palls was here
Sunday night after a horse he got of G.
W. Wimer & Son.
A representative of the Wrought Iron J
Range Co. of St. Louis was in Tumalo
last week delivering Jlome Comfort
stove. He state that three carload
containing 7a stoves each were delivered
at Shaniko for Crook county orders.
T A. Jensen and T. II. Root exrct to
make a trip to Shaniko the latter part o(
the week.
P. V. Swischer is helping Mr. Sander
build a barn on his ranch six miles east
of here.
We are glad to state that Sirs. Harter.
who was taken to Tacoma week for
special treatment, stood tho trip to Shan
iko nicely am wc hope she will find re
C y. Thotuthwaite has ordered hU
mail forwarded to Alder Street Dock,
Portland, where he is employed as long
shoreman at present.
Mr. Uagley will soon begin the erec
tion of a large barn on hi place four
mile east of here.
G. W. Wimer lately received wont
from his. son-in-law, W. J. Strong, of
Hood River, tliat he sold w acres of uu.
improved landnear that place for fsoon
cash, which he purchased four years ago
at fjo per acre.
Vel, I dink yousc vll all ban dtred
after you don read this. So I dink I go
ing to stop yust now, doit you dink so
Crosswalks Will Bo Built.
At the last meeting of the city
council orders were given to the
Bend Water, Light it Power Co.
to forthwith repair its bridge over
the town lateral at the Mutzig- cor
ner and also at the J. N. Hunter
place. A call for bids was also
authorized asking for bids on three
crossings one from the Grant to
Estebeuet corners -on Hawthorn
avenue, one from the Estebeuet
corner west, and one across the
alley near the Tota Triplett house.
J. I, West was instructed to put
cleats on the sidewalks where
needed and build a crossing oyer
tne lateral at the comer of tbe Mut
zig house, '