The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 06, 1907, Image 7

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For over sixty years doctors
liavc endorsed Aycr'o Cherry
Pectoral for cdunhs, colds,
weak luni!3, bronchitis, con
Bumptloni You can trust n
medicine the best doctors ap
prove. Then trust this the next
time you have a hard couch.
"I tit en ')! eti for mrri ., nt
wiiliiif riiil I ili. .iir awf I lni
ft.r'. I'h.rif r.lil ai w. uim rut.
riiiitii.4tl h .11 hit friil ttiitvr
1I.-F h.a foKfh-)!!! M MlttM,
Watlitmtim, i, I
MWfcr,f O Arf(,UH, mh(,
4tt iiwrr i
Aver' I'llla keep tho trowel regular.
All voKutnblo and Kently laxative.
III I'lMllnrM a Aimm1I.
"Sly platform," unutl lb orator,
brlnilng hit flit down with rr.ouinlmi
thwark on th iWk bfort blm, "It, 'i
II mouth atone!'"
lire pinion," whlnvernl the chairman
of tli merlin.', an eminent llmtoa clll
in, pulllris til wl 111 (ull;. "'Ut
well tnoiuli alone' U Ike preferable form."
Until rrcrntly tin- moil eanveulml way
of (Htliif from lia.lsnil to Japan w by
way of Vaaeeuivrr. a Journey of Iw.nty
four d). TliU Urn b been rut down
lo .cvmtM-n Ujm by ny of ltula. Il
I riportnl tu dill furttiT rut tlil llmt
when Ike llut.ltn fovrrnwrttt Ure a
ilanUU track arum tin rminlry,
Portland Orciefl
C. Gee Wo!
RmI sad Kerb
, ll. ..-). a III eta-lr.!
Iv.-. mm IiiiU. .a I Ik.l
1M lMr.,fl l fiv
i.f la Ik miU Ll. MaJl.
11 IwIIn.
H Urrtwy. I'Umm l)rnfUwilIUfr
Wilhwrt UrllM.M HHhullh AI4I a (liUfa
jl miuM a r vuti.a,.b l-m.
fiinai. il.vm.iW Nm.imm, l.fM IMMliit,
rl .. l ill l4..i lil-
ll Ncl(il lfm I'ekUs, ChU 31. 5r
Trait thai Kill,
Ont of til moif itaiigtrou of trades,
according lo tho Pilgrim, "I tlio cover
ing of toy atilmsls wllli kin, clmmol
leiitlier being used, for for
the elephants, calfskin for tliif horse,
ami giiattklu fur ths catuola. 'i'lil
covering mint of courts fit without a
wrinkle lo look nnturnl, no tho wood
eu model I first tlltlMtl Into slut, then
prluklm! Mllli chalk iliuti ttitn tlm
kin i put mi, 'J'lio clmlk U m flno
Hint It fill the air ami la dratvn Into
the tli rout and liuij. A ji'nr of tlili
Hurt of work ofti'ii nulU In deatli.
Another Tfrjr Injurlona lor U tlic rut
Iht bitlloon, Tlm fuim-i and aoUciita
iimmI In riMlurlmc alii't't ruliW-r to tlio
mwiwnrjr tliluiufi ttlillu rctaluluv It
trcuat!i and Ilin (l)i'liiit of tlio brll
llnlit folloMa, Kn-i'im mid purplo or
iiiont of tlii'iii ilotmii.
VIih II lllar.
Traelirr (nf ojrplijr clan) Nairn
lb larcrnt clly on Hit Olilo rlrr.
Hhnutt llalrr.1 1'npll Cincinnati,
nm'Atiii hut It ain't on tti Ohio rlrri
only purl of tin lluir,
Trailirr Inilrfdl Whr It It lb rcl
of the llriinJ
Hliatzr Haired Pupil In It.
Catarrh ,
Is a Constitutional Disease
It oilKinate In luipuro lilooil ami
riHtiln-acomtitutloiial tirtinrnt, actlnK
tliroiiuli and putllylni; llio IiIihkI, for IU
rmllcnl nml piriimnciit cutn. Tlio
Krcntr.t coititltiilloiml roinody li
Hood's Sarsaparilla
I it uiiibI liquid form or In chocolate! tab
U-tM kniiH ii Oarantnbo. HWilorct $1.
Natal nml other local (orma of catarrh
arn iniinilly rehenl by AntUeplcta or
Catanlctt, fSV).. i!rtirclta or mail.
C. 1. ItooU Co., Ixiwcll, Man.
Hard In Itvarh.
Tha nunMirout "help" who bare "bad
bad rod rharacUra hut lot tbaiu" aro
no worn off than Ui ituuittllc men
tluniMl In HluMratKl Hilt, who tearcu
for mployintnt wai blndtrrd b au
untimard clrrumttanr. Uaid tti maa
tcr of Hi lioune to m applicant:
"Can't you Dud any work at allT
"I'ltnty, airs but tTcrybody wanta
tfruoa from tu tt mploytr."
"Can't you in thtml"
"No, air. Il't been dead trtuty
eight year."
Molbn will find Mrt. WlmloVt KnoUtls
'rruii lb U tl Krardr l um lot Ibtlf cbUUim
tuiluc lb Utblu- pilu4.
An Infalllbl IfmpliiM,
Flrat Htudrnt What, you foreaaw
that our tailor, poor chap, would Rf
Th Second Sur J on th 23th ol
laat month ha wantetl lomo money
from met Trantlatrxl for Trantattar
tto Tab- from Mecsendorrrr Illaetter
IV tot'.
llfJiLri,lPtrnl iVT l'0-V
in J Jlin aiii; ha.ui.iwi n
Ha Lt 4 vlr
rrfMjl tHrrairiM
1 1 1 illH l . ()( UmiIw. )Slll
riM Miwa TkU l'l
4. Ul
N. 4S-T
IWIIKN wrlllnr lKlrllirilat
M miilln Ihl ia.r.
&svm;iiiiiim w
It ill M IkSf i-or
fclrtti all I. h Ma.
f-rJr t II W
ill MJ (M
lVtal ta ftm.
rtlt-l U ft tia4
aw ft mm Itie 9L
ttttitU K4Miri mi
l&tlM !).,
ll fctft4s!
turiiB)j 41 tolk
0ffiukl(i4 HM4 )
(r na tltv
lafl 4 BhU-vvJ
rwtliti. On cm
Your Baking
K C BnWngr Powder will do it I Get
a can. Try Jt for your favorite cake. If
It doesn't raise better, more cvmlv. hlirhrr
if it isn't daintier, more delicate In flavor,
we return your money. Everybody
t.ouHcrj .
- r4An -
nrjreca K C has no equal
Pure, Wholesome,
$3.00 & $3.50 SHOES
car in
-va-tiiota ron tvrny member or-vij-t
tOfC nnii f ronavi"nooanroer.t.
''' 1 UaUBlmm Mam
DAremri 1 marmMmn'm I
(lBJiraif m i thanmnvolhori
Til 13 IUJAHOM V U 1ouIm tHom art worn by rnor lopl
In all wiko(i!f tlmn any otlur tii.V.U lnr.ui. ollhelr
vtnilUnt tl)M. aHUIIng,
J no I lamkmAmuH
if mmnumalurar.
Jlinr mmi iru. 01 iiwir
nJ tuiwrlar frjia Qiilltl,
jollier in.mUli (or rao'i pArl
'liwMUrtlonolllMUalUrtaiutotlMrinaltiUlt lot o' Ar(
oMlitlo mill tury lUlnllot th in.klnaltlooUilalt.r tiv
klllrJaWiiiaktr., wliorcrelv IU ijl()Mit u. p.lillnlba
alufll lUIU.irr H if nu irur.iii.n.iui r.nnui w i-.ri.n.
l( I couli) UkyyU' njnrnyUrnftolorl.iat llrookton.MMt.,
amlihow ou bow crr lullir V. L. I'oniU. abora an ina,)ou
woulilibtn unil.rttiuiil why thy hoKI llalr.h.i. tit Ull.r,
ui nn vmp .mi.r nf .ra.i.r v. In Ih.n
favimwar r
4mT "
Direction to MU a Simple Preparation
and the !)oc to Take Over.
comet Kidney and Hladder
Trouble Promptly.
Thorn la o much ltlinuniatlim every,
where that tlm followltiK ndvlrc by nn
eminent aulliorlly, vrho wrllotfor load
tra of a larxo Kattorn dally pnper, will
lc hlglily Rpjueclflteil by thoao who
Oct fiom any kooI phainiRoy ono-liall
ounce Fluid Kxtrnct Ouiidellun, one
ounce Compound Kiucon, thno ouncei
ot Compound Hyruii Hnrtipunlla.
Hliako tlii-to well In a Iwltle and Lake
In tcatpoonful dotca after ench meal
and at lxdtimo alao drink plenty of
ktHxl water.
It la claimed that there fnw rlcllmi
of tbla iln-ud and lortnrnut dltcaae who
will fall to find ikdy relief In thin
linplri bomo-innde mixture, and In
inontcaaem pounancnt cure la tbo re
Tbla tlinple reclpo liraldtoatrenKtb
en and cleanae the ellminatlvo tlnsiiet
of tbo Klilnnya 10 that they can filter
and itraln from the blood and ayt(em
the noliona, nclda and waito matter,
which cauio not only Itbeumatlim, but
tiumeruui other dlaenND. Kitiryman
or woman here who fecit that their kid
ncya am not healthy and active, or who
iiflert from any urinary trouble what
ever, tliould not bealUto to 'm&ko up
tbla mixture, na It la cciUlntodo
much kw'i and my mve you from
much mltery and lufletlng aftor whllo.
AtlavhrMmt for I'llrbrr.
A Mrnillar and unlrjuo Invention Juit
pnlenled la ahown In the lllimtrnllon
Ix-low. Thlt drln rup waa designed to
prorldo n simple
men nn of prefenl
inj Hie contt-nta of
pltcbera and tlra
llitr rcMelt linvlux
a dltohnrsc rtout
(rlr-kllnic on tin ta
ble or on whntercr
ibjeet they happen
to lm plnceil, Tho
drip cup If wcured
to the recrptncU
hencnth the nioiit.
It.uio wilt be apparent, the drlpplnct
frolii the pout of the receptacle drop
plns Into the drip nip. It la linpoul
bin for tlw con tenia of the drip cup
lo drop out wlx-n the pitcher la tilted,
for thl purport a guard la plactV
partly ncrota the top.
One of the
of tho happy homes of to-day Is a
vast fund of Information as to tho
boat method of promoting hoalth and
happiness and rleht Ilrlns and know
Icdgo of tho world's best products.
Products of actual excellence and
reasonable claims truthfully presented
and which havo attalnod to world
wldo accoptanco through tbo approval
of tho Well-informed of tho World:
not of Individuals only, but of tho
many who havo the happy faculty of
selecting ana ouuining tno best tno
world affords.
One of tho products of that class,
of known component parts, an Ethical
remedy, approved by j.fiyulolans and
commended by tho Well-informed of
tho World as n valuable and whob"
somo family laxative Is tho well-known
Hyrup of FIrs and h'lxlr of Senna. To
cot Its bcnoflclat effects always buy
tho eenulnc, manufactured by tbo
California K By nip Co., only, and
for salo byall leading draegttU.
My $4.0O mndfa.OU SILT El
rt A I l-ririhl 1 Ti. Mtiutn.
NuMuLiilluti, A.k vourtU.urior W.IM Doll!..
oaa santa
' vmMaU ml ur Hfh.
4 iriM.taniiail on bottom, 'iU
,,ll,h. swinol tiipplv you, ri
. b. uvufUM, vncitwa, nun
ArrrdlnK la Hal,
Bacitry toti can't leave.
Holdler Hut I have tba captain's
oral prmllo!i.
Mntry tlinportantly) Ufa are It I
II Motto per Itlder.
rTC "- VrloV Dun .4 n JtffToo. rjlaM
.lo rrm..llr mml tir '" Kll.'. ilirat
h.h. luinr. iwM rur VnV.k 1 J inu tuMtu.iui
Ir.MlM. lf. IL ILkILM, IdUM Artb k,l1.U,l'.
Autoroobllltt Say, I want thla mask
ctiii-eL It doean't covtr tuy face suf
Clerk Hut It'a tho regular thing.
Aulomoblllat Can't help that, I find
that the people I run over are apt to
rrcvgnlw me.
$100 Reward, $100. will b to tu.ttbtrt If onmlri'iutt.l dliu
Ih.lM-lenrab.tlirro bl to cut la all III
il'i", iwt that I. Catarrh. 11.11'. Centra
Cur U lb onlrilllvruranow known toth
m.lraltrtrulir. Catarrh be n a ronttltu
llonaldl.f.M. rnjulrr. a roniiltutlooal lirai. Hair. Catarrh Curat. iat.nlntrrn.ll,
artlnsilirrrllr u.n llil.lixlanJ muroiu.ur
lamutibatr.ieM ihrb. ilMt'orlngttielojn
lUtlitii ul th Ui.r.Ki, anilsltliicl p.t ml
Mr.nxlh by fcolWiae U. tbo romlltu'lon anil
ajil.tlns n.turalnilnlnir It. work. Th pro--fiuii.
li.tuxi Mtirh lalihlnli.nirallropuw.
r. liatihriffrunllurHlml I)
r. tti.t (alia to tui. &nd for till ol
A.litrr.. V J. CIIKNEr A CO., Telrdo, 0.
Hl.t br all ilmt Ut. Ton.
Tk llall't rauiby I'llla lor oonitlpatlnn,
Dl.lrlct Attorney Jrrom ot New York
plead guilty to Ibre wrakneur candy
eating, rooking ttraog dlihe and maklog
To Br.ak la New Sho.
Alwav. .haka In Allh'. Y.m a imw,
tl rurr.hol. awratlnr. arbln. .wnll.n r
Liirr. rnrna, lnrawln nail, nut bunion. At
lluriiflliu.nil.liiM.irm.-iSf. IKnt arrenl
triy.uUiilvl. f.wplcm.UistyittlE. Aitdrnt
AllnH,oira.ioJ,Lliojr.N. v.
A(lr H'd Un Srnlard.
lawyer (In courtroom) What tlma
have you got, please?
Prisoner (nt trial table) I can't UV
you until after the trial
I'rarli V.nrhn,
Jlcnturo out aeren jiouinU of peaehei
pcehi!. then allee or rut In halve,
tlirnt poiitult nmj a half of sugar and
a pint of v I iii-Kn r. Put Into n porcolnln
or grnnlto kettle with two tnbletioon
fills whole cinnamon or camln buds
and n Inltlrajoonftil whole cloves tied
1 In a lam Uu;. Cook with tho fruit
until It Is splenl to tmtc, then rrinove
tho bag. C.miIc the (teat-hen unUl as
thick nn marmnlnde, stlrrlns fnpient
ly nml taking rare not to let It scorch,
then put Into cnua and mI.
Purify These and You Will Be Safe From
Howtokrapcur liomri clean, iwcelamtlrM
Irorngtrni Influence. I. aque.tloii,
Whllt tlitr I 110 occ.ilon far alarm, It li al
wari wall to b fortarineit on tho theory that
"An Ounra nt l'rrtiilton I. Ilrllcr Than a
l'ouiul of Curx.." ana nn ounce of iruvnllon
ha jrt ttrn uiroret that U moro lilo,
iuor illrccl ami moro c (tccilvr, ycl baruilr. to
llio human ijfitnil. Ih.n It llarak.
Horn baa bn known ami uaoil for xentr
atlon. m a purifier ami pnivenllvo tjialnat
ruiKllilona 'Hulilnc from uiii.nliaryitnki anil
dr. I lit. and wh.n u..t a a hot aoluilon In tb
iroorUon of two t.blt.i oouful. to a r.llnn ul
hot water fluabed through tbti oRcnilln loca
llona, r.moTf a my train of itUca. nriu ami
tcndtri th plla and whnlc.omn.
Borai InadJlllontoli.Uificiiloqu.lliIti la a
houarhold ncltjr,aml can beu.ed for num
Urltu iloioa.llo imrpo.r.. It th wai.r,
makra lln.n cUailliif whlu.wlll clo.m. vry
arllcl In th kitchen orUmlng room and mak
II brlilili will prvnt motb.laoltnn and whiten
th akin, ramora dandruff and oltin.e th
acalp.auil lor claaniliif and alcrlllilng Utii'i
milk bottle and nlprl no equal,
Born, unlike oyf other rleaniar and illilu., 1. abaolutely haruileai to the lyitem,
and It eale, ilnple, econouileal.andoan be pur
ohaeed at any dtunltl or racer.
A dainty book In colon, called the "Jln.le
Beck," will b tent fr.e loany Melher tending
name and addrelt ot htr baby and tap. from
two Aa-peund cartoon of ''JO-Mula-Teant"
Bwh, wlib. to in ttampt, Addrtat .'total
Oeasi Boras Co., Menr York.
Oat mm I t'rl.p.,
Crrmn on toniiHxmful of bntter and
mli It Into one cup of sugar. Add one
half ton.poonful of salt, two level tea
timonfiiU of linking powder nml two
and one-h.ilf nip of dry rolled oats,
Mix thoroughly, thou add two well
beaten eggs and one tcaspoouful of va
lilla. Place by traspooiifuU, 2 or 3
Inches npitrt, ou tins llnctl with waxetl
pAer, and bake In a alow oven till
golden brown. They will flatten out
to n sort of flngrru texture Do no'
remove from thu paper till cold.
I'nlalor and lBK.
Iloll potatoes site of a small egg
nltlmut iieellng. and when cool peel
and rut In halves.' Put one tntiloijioon
fill of butter In frying pan and brown
the otntiv In II, seasoning to taste.
Jul beforo taking up add three or
four egg, making little places among
the hot ixitatoes for them. When
nearly .vf. gently stir M)tattHs and egg
together and rbmovc tho Instant the
egg aro rooked.
One (eek green tomaloes, clioppetl
fine; put In Inyer In a Jar with layers
of salt: let ' ttitml orcr night; drain,
and add eight onTons, eight lepiers,
two large (or three small) heads of
cabbage, nil cbopiod flilo ; w holo spices
to suit taste, one cup of sugar If you
with, vinegar to mnko moist euough;
heat It all up together. Can bo ennni-d
or put In a Jar; keep flue.
In Iruiiliiu;.
When Ironing, the beat thing with
which to rub the iron is a fairly largo
pad of folded brown paier. This will
nlmi nine to ttt thtJr heat. Hostile)
this a cloth should bo kept n hand on
w lilch to wipe off nny tlukw of soot or
dirt. A small piece of wax Is excellent
for producing a gloss when rubbed ou
the Iron ami puroilln has the samo ef
fect also.
Corn CliiwuVr.
Iut six or eight pnier-thln slices ot
bacon In n kettle with two finely
chopped onions and brown. Add a lit
tie water, lump of butter tlio slzo ot
mi egg and ono quart of green corn
scraiied from coK When tender, add
0110 cupful thin cream and serve. Many
like It better without thu ouluu. Sea.
sou with salt and pepper,
Uao fur Ilrrnil Crumb..
Hrendcrumlia ore always better than
cracker crumbs for covering nnytliliiK
that has to bo dipped In egg. The.
erarkcr ertuubt do not brown well.
llrown your stnlo pliws ot bread In
tho ovcu nml crimh them with n roll
ing pin. Keep In Bl'isa Jar, covtreiL
until needed.
tlnliipe lluuey.
I'nro and grate lx largo qutnecs.
llnll n nunrt of water with II vo lmumls
of grnnulntisl sugar for flvo mlnuten,
then niia tno griucu cjuinivs nml boll
for thirty minutes. Pour into pint Jars
nml seal. This makes from flvo to six
Applo flelntlnt).
Make nn ordinary npplo sauce, hnv
fng It rather thin. To every pint of
this add n tnblcKpoonful of soaked gol
ntlue, iM'iit hnnl nml set nsldo to cool,
Servo with rich cream or heap upon If
unoooked nicrluguo, sweetened.
AVt.r srui.
Tury," called Mr. Harker, frmi th
front twreh, "where Is th.ft bsbyt Just
now he tvns tn the dining room, then
1 rnw blm In the parlor and now ba
lms vanished again."
"Th-re he Is ont on tin front stepe,"
replied Mrs. Harker with a mll.
"Ob, Oeorge, Isn't Ira a plctnrer
"ll'ml Yes, a regular moving plo
lure." ,
Clarrnrp Knrifi
1 "I don't inks nny slock In the pp
lion, of the, polltlesna," the vlaltor wa
remarking. "They've sll get some iclflih
lelirrne lo put ihrnuch. Von never ota
tell what a man ha np hit sleeve."
"1 can, Mr. Jrrn," aald Utile Ctar
enee, butting Into lh conventtlon,
. "Vou've got a dirty cuff up yours. I
'tan tec It."
I'tlvvln' Riplanatlon,
fMwIn, aged 3, who fondled his small
cat overmuch ami unwisely, appeared
before his mother one day, bis little
foes guiltily pained and a scotch upon
bis band.
"Wtist happcneiir she asked.
"I bent tbo kitty a little," be said,
lithe man who
of her make
Caacsabcd t.;terfreef
ood SoU CvtfrrW
at 522
.11'.. w..
tsaaBBswjtasBPaaa . .t. 1 l k tvVVVVSLS&SS'a'eX.VBN ToBgSaTilM
mmmmmmmWsSLWmmmmmmmmmwLWm9KmgC' lwVQH
Tho JClnil You Havo Always Untight has homo tbo hIkim-
turo or fjlins. 11. 1 letciicr, unit jins uecn mnuo unticr ltis
jicrKonnl upcrvllon for over JJO years. Allow no ono
to tlecciro yoti in this. Countcrrcltn, Imltutlons and
' Jiist-Hs-pood " aro but Experiments, nml endanger the
health of Children lixpcrlenco agnlnst Experiment.
Castorlu Is a harmless anbstltuto for Castor Oil Vare
Rorlc, Drops and .Soothing- Syrups. Jt Ls lMcasant. It
eontaliiH neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Karcetlo
Huhstanec. lt aeo is Its guarantee. It lcstroys,AVerHMi
and allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind
Colic. It relieves Tecthlntr Troubles, cures CoiiHtlpfttlon
and Flatulcncv. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Ktomneh and lJowcls. rIvIiijt healthy and natural sleep.
Tlio Children's Panacea Tho 31othcr's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho Signature of
W m?
In Use For Over 30 Years. HN.T, Tl HW.MV .TIIItT, MCW V ITV.
A Sab.lllnle.
"Tou're rather a young man to be
left In charge ot a drug store," said
the fussy old ccatleraan. "Have you
any dlplomaV "Why er no, sir."
replied the drug clerk, "but we havo
a preparation of our own that's Juat as
good." Philadelphia Pre.
Uvrr Thu.
"What has comu over the spirit ot
llnsklu's drear a," queried Itaytuond.
"He ha quit talking against magnates
and trusts."
"Ho bought his first block of stock
Inst week," replied llnsklu's partner,
It .3 perfectly natural to rub the snot that hurts, and when the mn?clc3.
nerves, joints and bones are throbbinjr and twitcbin vritli the pains of
Hhcumntism the sufl;rcr h nnt to turn to the liniment bottle, or some other
external application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by producing
tountcr-lrritatioa on tUc flesh. Such treatment will quiet the pain tempo
rarily, but can have no direct curative effect oa the teal disease because it
docs not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is mora
than skin deep it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only bo
reached by constitutional treatment IT CANNOT DB 11UDDKD AWAY.
Rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid in the blood, brought about by
the accumulation in the pystctn of refuse matter which the natural avenues
of bodily waste, the llowcls and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This
refuse matter, coming in contact with the different acids of the body, forms
uric ncld which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of tho
both, and Rheumatism pets possession of the svsteui. The aches and naina
are only eymptoms, nndthough they may be scattered or relieved for a tima
by surface treatment, they will reappear t the first exposure to cold oc
uampness, or alter
Usui can never u
with irritatinir.
from muscle to muscls or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing
inflammation and swelling and such terrible pains that the nervous system
is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes
deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood and
reuovutes the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign
matter from, thu system. It wunus ami invigorates the blood so that instead
ol a weak, pour stream, constantly deposit
ing acrid and corrosive matter in the mus
cles, nerves, joints and bones, thebody is fed
and nourished by rich, health-sustaining
blood which completely and permanently
cures Rheumatism. S, S. S. Is composed
of both purifying and tonic properties
just what is needed in every cose of Rheu
matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but is
made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of roots, herbs and
barks, Jt you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time
trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use cf S, S, S. and writa
us about your case and our physicians will give you any information or
advice, dcslnd free of charge and will send our special treatise on Rheumatism
jnnitacicoi tnuigcsuon or ouicr irregularity, jtjicuma-
c permanently cured while tae circulation remains saturated
pain-producing uric ncld poison. The disease will shift