The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 06, 1907, Image 6

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    I jlf
The Roupell Mystery
By Austyn Qrnnvllle
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CHAITKU V. (Continual,)
The magistrate paused, and bit his
lips. An ominous Intra of voice filial
, the room and the clerk Ull down his
pen. seized hU gavel mid rappe.1 for si
lence, gazing Indignant) around hlra In
the universal manner of court function
rite, a It a sacrilege had been coin
-nave you any statement which you
wish to make?" resumed the magistrate.
"Yts, I bare. I 'ii not In the room
at the time of the roromlulon of the
murder. I waa not even the Brat to
enter the room. 1 entered the room al
most simultaneously with another person.
Monsieur Jules Chabot."
"Take this dUxram In your hand.
There la Madame ItoupeU' chamber.
TtiU la her sitting room. Where were
you at the time the shot was Gird J"
"I waa Just about to enter the, sitting
room from the room beyond, which had
been my own .apartment during my for
mer visits to the chateau. It still ran
talned some things of mine which I had
not sent for. I recollect a case of pis
tnls. particularly, which was lying on
the toilette table."
"Look at the pistol shown you, and say
If It is your pUtoir
"It is. It Is one I brought from Amer
ica, t used this plitol for gallery prac
tice, of which I am fond."
"When did you last see It?"
"About U weeks ago. It was then In
the pistol case already referred to."
"Monsieur Jules Chabot, you say, was
already In Madame ItaupeU'e apartment
when you entered. Where was he stand
ing?" "We entered simultaneously. lie was
over by tbs other door."
"Would It hare been possible for Mon
sieur Chabot to hare taken that pistol
from your case without your knowledge Y
"l cannot tell. It depends. He mar
hare done so, but be would hare bad to
venter the apartment by way of Madame
Itoupell's slttlnj room, because the other
door was locked."
"Who locked itr
Van IJth hesitated for a barely per
ceptible Instant of time era he replied :
"I lock m! It myself, so as to be secure
from Interruption."
"Why did you wish to bo secure from
"Hcciuae I did not wish It known that
I was In the chateau."
"Why did you not wish It known?"
"That Is one of the questions I must
decline to aniwer."
The prefect and the Judge exchanged
significant glances. The Utter had no
ticed the prisoner's hesitation when stat
ing that it wa he himself who had locked
the door. "That la the first lie be has
told," thought M. Ilrrtrand, "and it is
told to shield someone. He has an ac
complice, evidently." Then be said out
"I hare no more questions to ask. The
examination of the prisoner U concluded.
Ton will retain htm in the clovut cus
tody, and allow no one but his counsel or
physician to see him und;r any pretext
Jules Chabot waa the next witness to
be examined. HU testimony was substan
tially the same as contained In the pre
fect"? report. He swore positively enough
to finding Van Llth in Mme. Itoupell's
chamber Immediately after hearing the re
port of the pistol. He nlso swore that
Mme. Itoupell and Van I.lth were on bail
terms, and gave, though with a well
assumed show of reluctance, a pretty full
recapitulation of the facta which bad
drought about the final quarrel between
At this stage of the examination, the
prefect was seen to whisper something to
the Judje, and the Utter then asked:
You testify that nearly an hour
efapfed between the time when you were
shown to your room and the firing of the
UtoI. The condition of your bed proven
that you bad not slept In It, and when
you reached Madame Itouia-U' chamber
you were fully dressed. Why did you
not retire to rest?"
"Simply because I was not sleepy," re
plied M. Chabot, coloring somewhat, and
fingering hi long mustache nrrroiuly. "I
was busy writing."
"What were you writing?"
M. Chabot hesitated and stammered.
"If you do not Immediately answer
my question, I shall have no alternative
but to commit you, monsieur," said the
Judge, lu n stern voice.
Jules Chabot hesitated no longer. Draw
lug a letter from hl pocket, he banded It
up to the bench.
"It U a ronfidentUI communication ad
dressed to a lady," be said, "and I trust
you will respect It."
M. Itertrand could but with difficulty
reprefc a smile tta he ran his eye rap
Idly over the letter, which was nothing
less than the draft of a written propor
tion of marriage to Miss Harriet Weldon,
It had evidently been the subject of much
rare, as the frequent erasures and Inter
lineations allowed. It was couched, in
flowery and high-flown language, and full
of the most extravagant expression of
adoration. Tho most peculiar thing about
It waa the -writer had evidently been un
certain as to which of the two young
ladles lie should ask for, as the words
"Mile. Harriet Weldon" had been first
written nnd then scratched out, as If he
thought there was no hope for him In
that direction, and "Mile. Brolly Weldon"
put In their stead. Victor LabUncbe
kero again whispered in the ear of the
Judge of Instruction and the latter said ;
' "I would ask you If you were occu
pled during oil the Interval which elapsed
between tie fiat of 7ur retlrla ad
hearing the report of the pistol, In writ
ing this letterr
"I was not so engaged during the en
tire time: the point of my pencil broke,
and I had no penknife with which to re
sharpen It."
"You were right, monsieur le prefect,"
exclaimed the Judge, with n meaning
glance at the official. "How long a time
elapsed between the breaking of. your
pencil and the report of the pistol?"
"About fire minutes I should say.
I'robabljr tonger. It might have been
more and It may have been less. I could
not say for certain.
"The letter yon have shown me," said
the Judge. "I think sutticlently explalm
why you did not retire to sleep. You
were the Invited guest of Madame Itou
pell, and occupied the room shown you.
Ily the by, at which door did you go Into
Madame Itoupell's room? The one which
led to It from your chamber?"
"Oh, no. monsieur, that was locked. I
had first to go Into the corridor."
"That will do. Monsieur Chabot. you
can go," said the Judge, and the French
man, considerably relieved, bowed and
rrtlred. '
The servants were then called, and they
swore podtlvely that none of them had
admitted, ,Van I.lth into the chateau, and
bad no knowledge or bis being there until
they saw blm In Mme. Itoupell's cham
ber. The prefect here staled hU discov
ery of the bruised vine leaves, and the
open window, and gave It aa his opinion
that the entry had been there effected.
The examination of the local physi
cian nnd Dr. Paul Maion then followed
They both testified that Mme. Itoupell
had died from the effects of a pistol bul
let entering the base of the brain. This
concluding the proceedings, the Judge of
Instruction then committed Van Llth to
the prison of La. Mazas.
"Shall I keen Monsieur Jules Chabot
under surveillance? asked the prefect,
when all had retired.
"I we no occasion for It," replied SI.
Itcrtrand. "He may be a fooli but he
doesn't look like a murderer."
Hut Victor LabUncbe still adhered ob
stinately to the opinion that M. Chabot
would benr watching. Slipping from the
room be Instructed one of his most relia
ble secret agents to keep him In sight un
til further orders. He hail said nolhlnr
about his discovery of the open door. He
would keep that to himself. It might
lead perhaps to one of those grand cuup
for which be was so famous.
Another thing the prefect was dissatis
fied with, t'pon the certificate of the phy
sicians that the Mile. Weldon were pros
trated by the dath of their aunt, they
had not Ixrn summoned before the tri
bunalthough Uter they would probably
be called upon to testify. The prefect
considered this aa Ill-timed leniency, but
there was no help for It. The certificate
or so famous a physician aa Dr. I'aul
Mason had Its weight with the Judge of
"You give me credit for too much
liitrptieM, you see," said Louise. "It Is
the Idea of the reporter, not mine."
"Ah," replied the doctor, "tluwe report
era are very sharp fellows. Some of them
are as good na trained detective."
"They nre good enough In their war."
remarked the old housekeeper, aa she be
gan to clear nwny the brvukfust dishes,
"hut could they begin to compete with
such men as Mnnimud, HasMtnl or Alfred
Cassagne-cripeclnlly CnsMgne? Oh, ho
is ns sharp na n needle; nothing escapes
"Tell us something more about thU Al
fred CnMagne. Why do you mention
him, particularly?"
"First, because he has n good reputa
tion, and secondly, Ixvnusc I happen to
know something about him, monsieur," re
plied the Housekeeper, highly gratified at
being thus Interrogated. "Ho Is one of
the most famous detectives In I'arls, and
he has no need to t n detective at all.
or anything else, for that matter, na he
luu plenty of money la live upon. Ah. he
Is grand. It Is a passion with him. When
anyone else falls tit get to the bottom of
a mystery, they call In Monsieur Cas-
sagne. and he always succeeds,"
"If he does not It Is because the case
Is bopeleNs, has no bottom, lie Is very
shrewd. He adopts a himilrrd disguises.
An KnglWhmau stops you on the street at
nine o'clock and asks you the way. It
l Monsieur Cassagne. At ten, a Her
man shoemaker, leathern apron and all,
Inquires what time It Is. It Is Monsieur
Cassagne. A little further on a crossing
sweeper begs for a few sous. It Is Cat
sague again Finally, you see him out
side one of the cafes, sipping his choco
late, only you don't rccognlie him, for
1-e la a merchant or (wimp a swell of
the boulevards. Ah, but lie U a wonder
ful man. Is this Alfred Cassagne."
"Do you know where he lives?"
"Certainly, a cousin of mine once work
ed, for him. I hate been In his house.
It Is the Hue ile l'etlta CbamiM. Thirty
six Is the number."
"I Intend to employ a detective on this
matter." said the doctor, presently, "and
as I don't know one from another, I am
Inclined to say, 'Why not your friend,
Alfred Cassagne? Slip on your bonnet
and shawl, Louis. I want you l take a
message to the telegraph office."
Tbe doctor took a blank from drawer
and wrote his distsstch.
"Take that," be said, banding It to the
housekeeper. "It U a mo-sage to you
wonderful Cassagne, asking him to meet
me to-morrow morning at the Chateau
Vltlrneuve. W shall be on the ground
tbere, and he will have a chance to show
what he Is made of."
The old lady's face, wore a beaming ex
pression. She put the telegram In her
pocket as If It were some precious Jewel.
"You will not regret It, monsieur, for,
as I hate assured, you, you will find Mon
sieur Cassagne a very clever perlon."
Alerady In brr simple mind. Hit gloomy
gates of 1a Mazas had' swung back upon
their massive hinge, and the young
friend or tier kind matter stepped forth,
a free and happy man.
Vnlne of Itumiis,
The principal source of nitrogen In
tho soil Is organic mutter. We must
liavo tlio nitrogen to produce the crops.
It la necessary to promoto growth. It
la nn expensive footl probably the
most extensive of nil the food element
needed by tlio plants. It U estimated
that If tho nitrogen (mil to be pur
chased to produce n bushel of corn, It
would cost nboiit 2 cents. However,
If ttw organic matter la kept aurnelent
In the toll, It can bo supplied without
Generally speaking there la enough
potash. In the average American noil to
produce corn for thouinnd of yearn,
but na n rule It la not Available so that
plant enn use It.a food. Many of the
nnsolnhlo mineral element nre made '
soluble nnd Available for the plant'
no! hr decay of the organic matter
In soils. "H require hutmi In the soil
to mako these unsolublo element Avail
It Is then plain that soils that have
plenty of huniin nro not only rich In
nitrogen, but In the ileear of the hu
mu the upply of available mineral
element I also Increased. Soil
are ready to frm much earlier In
aprlng that are rich In hnmui than
those Hint are deficient In It. Till bu
rnt. I what give the soil It dark col
or, nnd It I a fact that anything dark
In color Absorb heat more rapidly than
doe a tight color. Soil containing hu
mus will dry out sooner nnd te ready
to cultivate aooner In tho spring than
oil Hint tia no humus.
Moisture I better retained In n oll
that ha the proper amount of hmnui
than In one that I devoid of It In
other words, soils that contain humus
nro rich In nrallable plant food, are
ready to work early In the spring nnd
have moisture to keep the crop grow
ing nnd prwludns; while, on the other
hand, soil that are without humus dry
out and nro unfit for cultivation.
ment cf Hie best method of disponing
or llieprodiii'Unt n wiuun of Ihoyear
when tho fanner Is nut called In the
field to give hit entire attention to
work nway from the barnyard. Tint
care of tho manure heap after the fall
I gn I nlone worth (he lime ami
Intor of the farmer, while the machin
ery and Implement may ha overhauled.
Farm work ha no ending, nnd tho la
Ur that can lt bestowed After har
vest will return a satisfactory product,
Curs llarsrs nl KtcklH-n
Itorsv and other nnlimiU iKum-imed
of the bad habit of kicking can be eas
ily cured by the employment of nn np
parntu recently
patented by nn
Ohio man. Theni
paratu wa de
signed with the ob
ject of automati
cally chastising
the animal Imme
diately consequent
to the net of kick
ing. The chastise
ment administer.
witifatuiKMiiosstc, ,)y Iurfttu of
whip dropping and striking the animal
when he show a tendency to exercise
hi leg too freely Tho newMry
part of the apparatus nre kicking
board, An adjustable holder and
whip. Assuming that the part are In
operative poltlnn. the horse kick
against the kicking loard and force It
against the wnll of the stall. The whip
holder I thus force. I against the wnll,
the upper portion causing the whip to
dewrend and strike the animal a sharp
blow. When the whip ha reached It
limit of movement It return to It nor
ml position.
Dr. Paul Mason found opportunity to
whUper In Charles Van Llth' ear, as be
waa led away:
"Do not despair. I will leave no stone
unturned to establish your Innocence."
Then, aa he wrung his hanil. be ajlded,
"Ob. If you would but speak."
Van Llth said nothing In reply. He
wa so otvrcome with the horror of his
situation that he could barely stammer
out bis thanks for tb doctor's klndnrs.
Overwhelmed by the magnitude of the
misfortune which bad overtaken him, he
suffered himself to be ronductrd unresist
ingly to that sombre vehicle, in which,
cloWy barred and huddled together like
sheep, prisoners are carried to the dark
and gloomy cells of La Mazas. I'aul Ma
son Immediately took a cab to tbe Hue de
Iteverdy. where be ate, though sparingly,
of He breakfast which hU housekeeper,
Louise, bad long ago prriured against his
"Well, Madame Itoupell was murdered
this morning at the Chateau Vlllrueuve,"
be said at last.
The old servant started violently, Kho
set down the ot from which she was
about to pour a fresh cup of coffee for the
doctor, and trembled from head to foot.
"I ft possible'" she ejaculated.
"It I not only posslbte, but, alas. It Is
a fact," repeated the doctor; "and a
If that wa not trouble enough lu one
Uy, my friend Monsieur Charles Van
Llth has beeu arrested, charged with the
commission of the crime."
At this additional Intelligence the old
woman's eye nearly started out of ber
"Monsieur Charles! How can he be
guilty of such a thing? He, so gay, so
clieeriul, so polite to everybody l I will
never believe It."
"He was in the chateau last night, and
Msltlvcly refuse to tell even me how he
came to be there. Hut there I a report
of the whole affair In the morning paper.
You can reud it for yourself,"
Tho old lady put on ber glasses, and
simply devoured tho pniier which the doe
tor handed her, Suddenly she exclaim
"Monsieur Van Llth' silence lias some
thing to do with one of the youngladles,
you may depend upon it." '
Louise pointed to a certain paragraph
in the report of the tragedy, which had
already, In tbe shape of an "extra,"'found
It way thus early Into print :
"It ha transpired Hint a light was
burning In the chamber of Mile. Harriet
Weldon, a niece of the murdered woman,
at Inte hour. It would not surprise u
to learn that this young lady ultimately
prrred to be tb "woman la tin case."
It was a beautiful morning; the bird
sang melodiously In the Irre which sur
rounded tbe Chateau Vllleneuve. Dr.
Masonbadarrlved from l'arl on an early
train, and was now paring Impatlrutly
to and fro on the broad terrace In front
of the bouse. In his hand he held a
telegram which he had rrvclvrd from M.
Cassagne, the detective. He wa glancing
at It for perhaps the twentieth time,
when one of .the window of the morning
room, which wa on a level with the
ground, suddenly opened, and Krally
Weldon step-M-d out upon the terrace.
She was pale even to ghtllnes. Not
withstanding the fatigue of the previous
day, she had patted n sleepless night.
The upper chamber of the chateau
had all been placed ntider seal. Under
the Inexorable criminal laws of France,
she had ben denied even the consolation
of watching by the body of her bene
factress; and lisr excited condition of
mind precluded her from taking that .re
pose of which she wa no much In need.
Harriet, on the contrary, to who
softer nature the relief of tears bad not
been denied, had, toward lUybrrak, fallen
asleep on a sofa. Utterly worn out by
the event of the Ust twenty-four hours,
she now slumbered as peacefully as an
Infant, which, excited by some childish
tribulation, sink lit last to rest In it
mother anus,
Kmily advanced a few step along the
terrace toward Dr. Manon, who hastened
to meet Iter. Utr first question wa n
to whether M. Cassagnr, the detective,
had yet arrived, for the doctor had tele
graphed her that thvy would both be
there lu tbe morning.
"I am expecting him every minute," re
piled Mason. "This telegram reached ma
late last ulght at my houwj in l'arl. I
should gather from It that he I a very
K-cullar personage Indeed. Just look at
that, and tell me what you make of It.
She took the telegram and read It, a
faint smile upon her lips.
"It certainly I a curious production.
He seem to put more stres on how ho
shall he fed than anything else."
"Will lie at vllleneuve at nine morning
please havo omelet to au rhum and trutlle
breakfast will bring my own coffee. '
"I am told he I an odd creature," ob
served tho doctor, "hut also that ho I
one of the most remarkable men In hi
line that has beeu known sliA.'o the day
of I'ouche, It Is very strange that' ho
doe not come. It U now nearly half
Tuxi fuller.
An easy and practical method of null
log fence post by which nil dlggliur
nnd fund labor era eliminated I shown
In accompanying cut, from Uw Ameri
can Agriculturist. Take a plank four
feet long and one foot wide nnd mako
n V-tiapcd notch In que end. nailing
on ovcral crosspluci- to prevent lip
ping. Till plank I used to chango
the horizontal draft to the vertical.
I'lace ono end of chain around the
post close to ground. Incline the plank
against tho post so tlio lower end of
the plank will be about one nnd a half
or two feat from the base of the pot.
I'lace tho chain lit the notch of tho
....l E-n
-smtzi .i
T. I'll
. tm.,eY''-t.. '-
roar is iomox
past nine"
(To be continued.)
Footo Llglito--Whnt' become of
that company your brother formed fof
the purpose of elevating tho stage?
MUs Sue HretU) Gone upl Yoa
kert fiUtMai&n.
plnuk nnd stnrt tlio tcnui, nnd the post
will stnrt upward with surprising
speed nnd In A few second will bo
clear of tho ground.
In moving fences the chain should
bo nttnehed to the ri'iir nxle of tho
wagon, bo tho post tuny nt once lie
londi-d nnd hauled to tho now location
of tho fence.
Vflllslnif Huurres of front.
There I no period on n well-regulated
farm during which Idleness
should exist. Stock ruining combine
tunny occupation. The dairyman who
Jinn n largo herd must rise early nnd
work until darkness returns. The
many little detail will keep him busy,
nnd tbero I ahvny Hoim'tlilnir to bo
done, yet thcro nro hundred of fnnnur
who have but nnlmnlH because they ob
ject to tho work that necvHsnrlly fob
low the keeping of tho s'loclr, but audi
farmer loio much time during the
whole ,yenr, nnd also deprive thoiii
solve of that portion of tho profit
which uro made by utilizing tho homo
crown product that nro not anlnbln In
any form unle consumed by ilock.
They overlook tho fnct that ovory
pound of mnlerlnl grown on the farm
that can bo used for tho production of
nonio higher-priced product Increase
tho prolltN by chcnpcnluu tlm cost, a
well ii the Having of labor In hauling
nnd (dripping bulky product to mar
ket. Ono opornllon on tho farm lead
to another In regular rotation, and Jiut
tho nmo a prlng (coding lead to
harvest, so doe the storing of tho prod
ucts on tbe farm lead to the vmploy-
I'e-xttn fnr .loud Halter.
An experiment on the effect of wide
and narrow ration for milk cuw has
l-wn made at the Pennsylvania station.
.Nine (luernsi-y or grndo (hierm-ey cow
about alxty day from calving were
ussiL Corn, stover and chopped wheat
were fed with different amounts of
Iluffalo gluten meal, cotlonseril meal
lid linseed meal, so a to give rations
with certain nutritive ratio.
ncvrii or the nine row used In the
trial required to dlgeistlbte food for a
iwiitnl of butter In tho period when
the ration rlelier In protein were feiL
There wa a small apparent Increase In
the efficiency of (ho food In the period
when the narrower ration were fed
(I. e., ration rich In protein). After
deducting the cost of the food there
wa also a somewliAt larger net profit
from feeding the rntlon richer In nn
teln. The pereetitnge of fat w better
maintained and, In fact, Increased
slightly In the ierlod when the richer
ration were fed.
Our markets are treated to entirely
too much or butter. The conservative
dealers will not deal lif butter Kreae.
and they complain that realty nrU!.tii
butter must of necessity remain high In
price, Itf-cinso no little pxd hiilter Ii In
lo found In tho market.
Hncto Sam ha n worthy movement
on foot nnd I making n great efTorr to
save to the (tropin what should lie ono
of t!ie-chcAieft (toMlbln kind of fooa
Already ha ha given tho subject much
attention, and n Dcp.irt.nrnt of Fish
Hntriierle ha planted In water till
over tho country million of apnw.t and
Ilntr til A sulci lr"l'eislo,
All who suffer from pour digestion
should wear n ten Inch width of llnniiel
Itniittnuo next the skin, pinned fnlrly
tight Around Hie lio-ly orer tlio stomach,
No liver or dlgi-Mlvo pill or (lepsln
luvpariitlnii help tho stnmarli n twen
lleth pnrt n much n this tlnuin'1 p te
nor Ipt Ion. A ior clrvulailiui In th
stomach, causing that chilly, "miner-
able" feeling, I nt the mot of half tlm
Indigestion that mortals nro heir to.
That I why hot water drinking given
relief. It heljt the circulation. A
flannel bandage wont day and night
all the year round mire Hie faulty
blood circulation of the stomach t run-
seqiiiMitly It cute dysieHia.
1'lve hour Interval between meal.
avoiding fried fund, made dlshc nnd
mixture and observing three or four
"Inteii meal" lu every week, nre
golden rule for good dlgellon.
A good dinner nt night I necr-ary
for lhoe whose pleasure or work
keeps them up very late. Hut for or
dinary folk who dine at wren o'clock
and go In l-d aUmt 10 only a light,
wholesome rrjwist should l-e taken Nt
the end of the day, when the muscle
And nerve are more or le exhausted.
, A "tired stomach Is a weak stomaeh"
I a golden rule to remember. Yet ono
often hear people say: "Fro been
rushing about All day nnd am tlrv-1 to
death. I must have a big meal to make
up fur It." You may put the big meal
Into the stomach, but you cannot luakn
tho stoma rh digest It.
A liellef live strong In the heart
and mind of the majority of tunuklnd.
Including iermin of weak digestion.
that a quick, brisk wnlk taken t-efom
a meal gel up an nptn'tlte and helm
tbe stomach lu digest the foml. Now,
Hit I exactly what It domn'f do. Hxrr
else spread the blood throughout tho
Ixsljr. For the pm(er dlgetn of fond
the blnmt I needed III the stomarli.
Few realize this lini-orlaut fact.
After n long; exhausting walk. hley.
do spin, or nny severe physical or men
tal strain, lake a good hair-hour not
In n comfortable arm-chair, or Ile on it
stfa before, you cat n substantial meat
BUI Li. I -jr:-" W.J- -ust
IteslrorliiK Thistles,
No weeds can thrive If kept down.
Some nro nmiuals, coming from ccda,
and every seed Hint germinate end
that particular plant If tho farmer will
but stir tho noli when such weed are
In their first stage of growth, Kven
the Canadian thistle, considered one of
Hut most (MTilMcnt pests known to
fanner, though growing fioin botli
wed nnd root, can bo destroyed If the
attempt to do no U mndo with effort
and determination. Known n tho Can
ada thistle, tho weed I really a natlvo
of Kuropo, Kdiig early Introduced Into
Canada and spreading Into every (tor
Hon of tho United States, l.xperlmcnts
mndo nt the Idaho station how that It
Is nor as dlllleult lo get rid of It a ha
been snppoited, nlUiough law passed
for If detnietlon by several Stale
havo Ix-cn of no avail. It sprepl slowly
compared with hoiiio weeds, duo princi
pally to luck of fertility In tho m-cd,
moHt of tho seed being I Mir. milv
tlio henvy ones Kcniilnntliig, urn! they
nro not carried far. Hut It progress
by moan of long, whlto root stocks Is
rapid, n largo Held Mug covered lu
that mniiner In n few years, nnd It Hum
nsHuuie a strong hold on tho soil. it.
I n (tercnnlnl, with alendor stems, tho
leaves being prickly, tho heads congre
grvted on Uw top of tlio stom, whllo tho
flowers nro rose purple. It may bo
carried from ono (tolnt to nnotlior In
hay, on tho tops of freight cars or by
various other modes.
Football was a crimo In England dur
ing tho tlmo of Henry VIII.
An llilil Attn InveNled tar ('tsvatrr
tfse Has Manr mmI 'eiur.
A Kansas City man ha Indented n
new rifle Intended for cavalry use. It
differ from the ordinary nrm In four
distinct (stint. Ono
half of the barrel I
hark of the trigger,
tliu placing UMirit
"eight on the shoul
der. II can bo ojt
ernleil with ono
hand Ami ran f
more flnnly braced
ngalns; Hie shoul
der than the army
ride How In tisn. A
small rod rotincel the Imuuuer and
trigger. Otherwise tho mechanism In
slmllnr to other rifles.
"I got Hie Idea," said Mellenry, tho
Inventor, "whllo hunting huffnloe on
tho plain of Nrhraskn In the slxllert,
iM-n i wa a minter nnd seout for a
Union I'aclfle survey Mirly. I wa Hum
n lft-yenr-old Imy, but Fvo been think
ing nhout my Idea ever since. had it
wooden model of the gun finished Just
lieforo tlio lloo,i four yonr ago. It
wn lost In tho high water, hut I havo
slnco tundo another.
"I talked .with llniralo nm ntK,ut
tnr gun." continued lliu Inventor. "Ho
wns delighted with It. Ho suhl Hint
ten cavalry would ho equal to x If
armed with It. Army olllcer nt I.env
rnworlh were also favorably ImprcsN'd
with It"
Mr. Mellcnry's rltlo will shoot twen-fy-four
time. Tho onllimrv lu,ni.
er" shoots sixteen times. Ho ha been
advltcd that three pnlfiit may Ui no
cured on tho rifle. Kansas City Klnr.
lr Mummer VncNlliiti Use, ,
"That Idea Is novel," siihl Thomns
A. lillsoir of n new niTnpliino. "(t
n sfrlkltiK Idea. I have hitii nothing
In bent It slnco Inst summer.
'Then n young mini showed nut an
oiiKairoineiit rliiK that ho whs going to
pnteiir. Hut,' said I, exiimlnliiK tho
very ordliinrydookliiit circlet, u
Ihtro patcnlnblo nhout this?'
U is luljustnl.lo, sir snld tha
voting man proudly."
. ',''M' '"
i u?11.' h0 0Xl,lI-- nimlogutlcnl.
r, "I didn't know just what to do."
"Hut," protested his friend, accusing
ly, 'surely you saw your plain duty rl
tho matter." '
"No doubt I did see It ,. r ,.
becauso It was so very plain t dldu'
ittract wo.,,.lhladolphlA iieLu.
. .