.San.. . fa mmpmmmmmm. ,.ujn,LjnagiWi mmmmmmmpmmm i . i BUY PROPERTY IN BEND The Spokane of Oregon i i -. Prizes for School Pupils. The Oregon Society of the Sons of the American Revolution otters prizes to the pupils of the public schools of the state of Oregon, for cm.ivs on subjects connected with our War for Independence. Prizes of ?20, S15. $10, and $5 will be awarded for the first, second, th.rd, and fourth best wsayt writ ten on any of the following sub jects: 1. Washington, the Oreat Leader. a. The Flag of the United States. 3. Tiie Boston Tea Party. 4 The Treason of Benedict Arnold. The essays are limited to 3,000 words each, must be writteu in the student's own hand-writing on one side only of the paper, aud accom panied by a certificate of the writ er's teacher, stating that the writer is a pupil in a designated class, and that the teacher believes the essay to be the pupil's own unaided work. The essays must be signed by the writer, giving also his or her oost pfTice address. They should be forwarded to Mr. R. I. Kckerson, Chairman of Committee. Room 5, Washington Building, Portland, Oregon, r.nd should reach their destination not later than March 3. '90S' In awarding these prizes the committee will be governed by con siderations of: 1. Originality. 2. Accuracy of Statement. 3. Manner of Treatment. 4. Orthography, Syntax and Punctuation. These prizes are offered to en courage love of our country and the study of its history. IsOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DWAKTMHNf 01' TIIK 1NTJJK10K Laud Office at Lakcvicw, Oregon, October 19, 1197. Notice I hereby glen dial William II. Uolllnshead oueoftlie htlr of Jouathau Holtlnahcad of KoUnd, Oregon, hu filed notice of hi luten lion to make final proof lu support of hi claim, vfil Mousetlead V.oltr No. J7J made April 5, 90l, for the Bl'.!Nl, NJ.'Sli' and NKjfBWH bee jo, Tp ra, xiok, w And that said proof trill be made before II C J'.llie, t), 8. Commissioner, at hi office In licud, Oregon, iu the 7U1 day of December, 1907, Ue uiium Ike following: witness to prove hla I residence upon, ana cultivation or, ! . .. siett or Koala sd. uruoni h. prank MI(ktraVri vawflIli Jmm msca, ail uAa aa ;, xf WATMJt, jwWk, I The Central Oregon Development Co. ' . . K 1 ? ': ... i-' X a " NOTICE FOR PU1JLICATI0N. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Ds'Ie. Oregon, October jrth. 1907 Notice U hereby green that CbarfaftA Chapman f fiend. OrcM hat Med nstlce of M intention to make final COMMutatiMi prwf in supnelt nt hi cWlm. via Homestead Kblry No. ijajj made Jane. 1,94. far the H'.NW'J aid WMNH)f of See jo.lp 17 .K 15 V. V l aim inai sa prtml win or mane aciarc 11. w. Klha, U B. CemmiMMmcr, at hia office in Ilend, oreoo, on December tth, v7. He name the laUewing wiine te prove hto ctmtlawrui residence upon, aud cult'VslisHi of. the laud, i Wllham H. Wilton. Calvin I., ltatm. Frank llutlerworth. Albeit C Luc, all of IKnd. Ore- con. uK-M C W. MOORK, Register. bTATK SKLKCTION NOTICE FOR PL'WilCATION t'nlted Slate Land Office. The Dalle, Oregon, October i, l7. Notice la herebr glvcu that under the previa iunaof the rt of Congress f August 14, iM. and the acta eupptenicntsry ainf amendatory thereto, ttiehtatrofOrcgou has thl day filed In Ihi office 11 application. No. t, M select the NWKSI'.K and SWKSU'K of Section II, T o South. Range 11 I! W M Any and all person claiming adversely the abovcdeiibcl land, or desiring for any reason toobicvt to the dual allowance of the aelection ahouldftle thrtr claim 1 or objection In thu office on w before the 1&H1 day ol IHcember. io n-d$ C W "ilOCalC. RtgUttr The Pioneer Telegraph and Telephone Company Telegrams l'onranleil to Any Tart of the World. Direct Telephone Communication with Portland, rrincvllle And all 1'acific Coast cities. Public Pay Stations In Dank BuMIng at Demi, at Laid law and l'owcll Duttcs. Mcs&enRcr service to any part of Crook County south of Crooked Ulver. 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DraiaNa OOPYRIOHTS) Ac ABfcca sanding a aketfti and (teaertMlon mar flalelilt aaoartaln oar nbtnioa fra lipwitm live wumnm Wftnuoa la proaaoir amlafiti omuioDlea. lloufttfloilrconfldntUl..VU ob I'aiaut int rraa. uiaaal aaancr int auanla. Patanta taken thruorl uhu c racalr V(i natka, it boat bare, U tha SimitK Hmm, air IMWratad waaklr, fVT'Jff.b tUi ox ur , xr X O W 1 sWMWJff Ijjjnjra AtaftS raMMtotr l 44frVf MMiWmtit MMTHftaTtlUWl Mr. Stanley of the Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company assures us that wprk will be commenced on the Corvallis & Eastern extension into Central Oregon within three months. The time to buy property is now BEND, - Timber LauJ, Act June J, l5rS- NOTICE FOlt PUBMCATION. V. 8. Laud Office, The Dalle. Oregon, September 6lh, 1W7- Nelke I hereby giren that in compliance villi the prortilqn cf the Act of Cwgrr of June J, IH. entitled. "A11 art for th.' aale of timber land In theUInf CallfotliM. Oregon, Neraita, aud Waabiaitluu Territory,' aa exteuded to all the pvbUcUkdatatcabyAct uf Auftuat ! Ira J. Wltkluaon of Ikud. couBly of Crook, atate ol Oregon, baa on April n. ls7, Aid in thl office hi xof n atatement No 4W for thepurehaac otHHNHJ,' and LoU 1 and 1 ut tiec ) Tp .rt K 11 M. W I And will ot!--r proof to ahow that the land ought ia more valuable for it timber or atone than lor agricultural purpotr, and to etab lith hi eUlm toaak! land It loir II. C Iflli. V S Commltaiener.at hi office at IKnd, Orrgon, on the 14th day of December, iyf . He name aa witneate IttmrrJ Mrrrlll.ne ie A. WilUmon, W. Kay Wilkinion, Nannie J. WHkintun, allol iwu.l, Orrgou. ' Any aud all pern claiming adreraely the abore deacrlbed landearc'rriucttnl to file their etaima In thl ofliccon or before the aald lith day ol December, 1907. on dlj C. W. MOOKH. KegUler. Timber Laud, Art oj Juue J, l(;, NOTICE FOlt PUHMCAT'-OS. V. 8. Ijud Office, The Dallee, Oregon, September Mh, 117. Notice ia hereby glren that lu compliance wllh Iheproeiilonauflhe Actof Cougre of Juue . 1S7. entitled "An act for the sale of timber land in the Mate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa eaicnded to all (lie ruuiic xiuu auics oy act 01 Auguai 4, iwji, Hugh II. Davie of Hcnct, county of Crook, atate of Oregon, ha Ihi day filed lu thl office hi eworn atate ment No jyi, for lhepurchacof the WtNI!!j, SI.'NWtand.M'HW)or net l, Tp 17 ri, K u I'. W M And milt offer (roof to ahow that the land ought i more valuable for ita timber or none than for agricultural purpo-e, and to etlabllih her claim to aald land before II. C. lilll. U, H. Commiaawner. at hi office In Ilend, Oregon, oil the ulh day of December. I'iT. Ileiiame wltueate Chatle A. Klanbur rough.A C. Lucaa, Armaud A. bhearer, Donald V. llclnto.li. all of Ilend, Oregon. Any and all peraon claiming adveraely the aboveHleacrlbed land are reuetnt to file Iheii claim In thla office on or befure aald uth day ol December, I'joj. o-d6 C W. JIOOKli, KcgUter. Timber Land, Act Juue j, 1I78, NOTICE FOR rUBLIOATION. U, 8, Land OfRce, The Dallea, Oregon, September jStli, 1007. Notice I herrliy given that In compliance with theprovlilonaoftbe Act of Cougreaa of June J, 1878. eulitlcd, "An act for theaalc ol timber lauda In the atatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa emended to all the publlcland atatea by act of August 4, 1891, MaryU Kelley of Ilend, county of Crook, atate of Oregon, haa thl day filed In Oil office her aworn sute ment No. amforthe purchatc of the KMI'.lt aud BHtffiilj? of bee l. Tp 17 H, K 11 1, VII And will ofier proof to ihove that the land aought la more valuable for il timber or atone than for agilcultural purpoac, aud to eatablish her claim to said land before II. C. Kills, U H. commissioner, at his office lo Uend, Oregon, on the nd day of January, 190s, She names at wltucaaei Charlce A. Hlaulmr rough, A. C. Luca. Arinand A- Shearer, Itonatd V Mclu'othi all of Ilend, Oregon, Any aud alt person claiming adveraely the above-described laud arc requested to lie their claims u this office ou or before the said ud day of January, 1908. o5-di7 C. W MOOHK, Register. Don't read vour neiehbor'a Bui- ltia. Subcciibe for it yourself. OREGON Tlmtxr Land, Act June J, It;, NOTICE FOlt PUWilCATION. V. rt. Land Odke, The Dalle, Oregon, September , iyJ. NsUce I ben by given that In compliance with thr provlaiwiaof the Act of Congrrw of Juue , lar, enliUeil "An act for the aaleof timber land lHt!eUtxa of California, Orrgon, Neva'la. ami Wathlngt&n Territory." a eitrttdcd to all the puMIClandaUtraby Act of Auguu 4, I Syr, AunC Crocker xfltend. eauilyof Croik Mate of Orrguu. ha on lay i. ?. hlrd iu Ihia oTlcr her aworH Matement No tut. Sir the puichateof IheMWlJ ortt.Tpit'J,K UK.WJI Ami will offer prof la ahote that the land aought la mote valuable for ita llmlier oralnne Ihau fut agricultural ptuixav, and toetablih hcrclalmto a I-1 laudUfcxe II. C. Hill. V H. CommlMtoncr, at hlaofnce In IKnd, Oiegor, on the 14th day of December, 4"7- hheuamcaaa wltueate Chailr H. llenon IlerUtl I' J Mclwnal.l. Michael . Murriaiu, Owru n Cmckrr, Lalhrupll McCauu, ttoliril J. JlrCanu, all of Ilend. Oregon. Any and all permit claiming adveraely the .kvc described laud ate requested to file their ttalraalulhl office on or before the aald ith day of December, ! ou-dij C. W MOOKH, Reg Wer TlmberLand, Act June J, iSj. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 0. B. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon, August rjfd, ;. Notice I herein' given that In compliance with the provision ofthe Act of Cnngrea ol June 1, T, entltletl "Ail art lor the aale of timber land In the stale ij California, orrgou, Nevada, and Washington Territory." aa eaicnded to all the public land atatea by act of August 4, llgi, lUlaabclli Itred of Ilend, County of Crook, Stale of Oregon, has thl day filed In thla office her aworn atatement No4r-forthe purchaMi of the hlttfHW nf Sec 4. liHNW andSWI,'.NI!)4 ofSccy, Tp iSH, 11 is JW v at And will offer tiroof lo show that the laud aought la more valuable for Ita tlmUr or atonr than for agricultural tmrpoae, and lo establish ner claim 10 aaui lami ieiure 11. c. j'.in, u. n. Commiwiouer.at hlaoflicelu Ilend, Oregon, oil the Mill day of Decemlier, P17 She namee a wllnewea: A II. Itslcbenet, Kale llrbenri, Henry I.. Whllsell, r.uiiua V. Willtsett. all ol Ikud. Oreeou. Any ami all persons claiming adveraely the abuvc-dcscrlhedlande are requested lo file their claims in mi ciuce on or wiureaaiu mnuay 01 December, 1907. oil dlj C. W. IOOUI, Register. Timber Land, Act June J, ll;S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon. June ulh, 1907. Notice I hereby given that In compliance with the movlsloua ofthe Act of Couirresa of lune 1. 187). entitled, "An act for the aale of limber land in ineaiaiea 01 uiiiiuriiia, Oregon, rrevaua, ami Washington Territory," aa eaicnded to all the public land atatea by Act of August 4, iSyi, Lena M. I'oynlcr o Montavltla. county of Multnomah, aisle of urrgon, naa wns aay men 111 una oince ner aworn atatement No. 4197, lor the purchase of the HI!W Sl!!f cf Section jj, T(i 19 8, K I? IUVT And will ofTer proof to ahow that the land aought la more taluablc fur lie Umber or atone than for agricultural purpose, and to eatablish her claim to aald land before the Kegfster ami Receiver at Tile Dalles, Oregon, on the jih day of January, 14. She uaines'aa witnesses. Clarence I!, Dawson, ...MI..M ... fnrtwv V II V, JllUlllltVllia, IIICKUII. Charle !,. Iirock, Crank lluttcrworlli, both of sieuui wreguu. Any and alt tieroil Hslmfnir atlveral. the ebovc-deacrlbed land r requested to file their clalma in thla office on or before aL1 sjlh dsw of Jsuuury, 190s, 0Hl7 C. W, ilOORK, Register, Tlicrtj'8 NBWS Id The Bullttn, OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. UNITHD nTATKA l'leileut......-.-....... Theoitaie Hootevett Vke-l'reeiil.... ....Chailr W I'alitanks SeereUry of State .IBIliu Hoot Secretary t)fTrvaury ...... .tlterge II Csxteljou Secretary uflnlrrlor ........... lamrR liaifleld SrtlaryU'arM . W. II. Tah Secretary f Navy ..- C J. Iknapait SeerHaryofCainisiertc.. - .. .(MaiiiKii INMlmaster tlcnrrai... .(leorge Vm L. Meyer Attorney ('iieraU... .- XSIHram II, Mw.ly beaclary ef Actleullurr -Jsnw Wilson STATU Governor ... fleerge It Chamberlain Secretary of Slate.. ..... I W. Ilcnson Treaaurer ... tj. A. Slcl Attorney tleuerat A. M Crawlord Supl. 1-uMle lnsiructlou...,..J. If. Aekeriuau State I'rintet ..-.... W. S. Dunnlway Dairy aud I'ood CominlMlouer..... J, W. lultey V. 8. Senator. J &'. v 1 $ A1,,:'' 1 1' A. Moore Supreme Judge ........ M.S. Iiran (T.tl.llalley SKVItNTK. JUDICIAL DISTIIICT Judge. ...,,....., .,........., W, L. Iliadshaw Attorney ,w -. .........l'iank Menefce CROOK C0UNTV Juige..,.M.i..iM.w. im , , A. ftcl! Cletk..,.MMM.MMMH.MMM.HMMi.MM.Vaiieii Urown Hlierlff........,...,.,.,., . I'rnnk I'.lklus Treasurer .M.A..n.....n......W. I'. King Aaeaor.M.w .- .J. II, U I'ollelle School Bupt ,.mM.. .C. II, Dinwiddle flurveyor.. m......-. .,..W. R. Mcl'arland Commanar.,... J ' TDK COURTS. CtacuiT Cnuar 1'lrat Monday In May: Ihlid Monday In October. I'aoaATM Ciiukt I'iral Monday lu rach moiilli. CoHMlsslUNUSS' CoukT I'lrst Weduestlay In January, March, May, July, September aud November. Hkxii School District No, it. (JohnSlrlill I ILL'. Cur (C. W. Mcrr Dlrectora,M,,m,MMM Merrill Clerk... l M44 M! . .C. H. Ileiiaou Mlsa Until I,. KcM Mis Maude Vaudctett M Its Marlon Wlest M ta Orpha relllt Mlsa I'auiile lluiii.cll Teachers.. IIM(( tt' CITY OJ' liliND Mayor ...If. I'. J.McDouatd '. II. C. I'dllt RccorucrM,,,,i,.,M. Treasurer H.J. Ovtrlurf fS. C.Caldwell c, H. jienauu John II, Wcnaudy CnriyieTrlpldl A, C. Lucaa Aldermen ,111111111, i, I CD. Iliown vou WiH enjoy reading The Bulletin. It Will FLKASB. HNTUkTAIM ami INSTKUCXyoU. KubKfJtBDQw- ORECSON ahd union Pacific TO Salt Lake Denver Kansas City Chicago St. Louis New York Ooaati Steamers between Portland nutl Snu Frnnelsco every five tlny. TickutH to mid from nil t.-iriu r Uhc United ,Stntc, Canntlti nnd IVtlIOIC. For particulars, cnllou ornddrcwj JAS. IRULANI), ARt., The DalleB. Or. H - . Golumbia Southern RAILWAV. rAHHI.NOHR TRAIN TIMI CAKII. South. bound NO. 1 UAII.V rasa. bKAVK r.H, North, bound Ho. . DAILY raaa, is"- STATIONS, ASMIVII A.M. I to 1 1( I 44 S04 s 17 'i S4U l JJ 304 1 I J 44 4 00 4 lj 4 s 00 ..-.,.,. 111008m ,,,, ..llllioii ' .Sillka. Wasco,, .....Kloiidykc -Hiiiniult . Hay Canyon Juucl Ion. McDunald. IJeMoaa , Mi..M.,Moro , Hraklurllle ' "Oraa v.Ley Itoutboii M..I..M4,,MKellt IMKIHKim , .-Wllco. i.SIIANIK0 II y II IU II lu II 00 10 4. 10 411 10 f 10 JJ 10 04, M V17 ifi H 411 t AKMVK (.KAMI tUlll atalava. aa..st a -a OMfflM,. I.74ud llu" .Bllverl ak! '.WU C. ". LYTLK '" "' WOOD IHBBV, 1 " ) T,YiTt "e" ifKy,fniM