The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 22, 1907, Image 8

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A '!&
Ran Foot Race With Angry Bear.
M. Kelley, Hugh Laktn and
CHnt Vandevert returned to Bend
Thursday afternoon from cruising
out some timber south of Rostand
and Messrs. Kelley and Lakin are
telling a laughable story on Clint.
When running uvt the other day
in the timber about eight miles east
f the stage station he noticed two
cub bears scoot up a tree and
stopped to watch them. As he
stood in absorbed contemplation of
the two cubs, what was his sur
prise to see the old bear appear
around a nearby ledge of rock and
lurge full tilt in Clint's direction.
Tucre wai no time for parley. Clint
had no cun or weapon of any de
suiptioti. So he immediately chal
lenged the angry old bear to a foot
rice and held the lead for about 60
ards with angry old Mother Uruin
11 close second She finally got tired
uf the unequal contest, saw that
there was no chance for her to
catch up with the fleeing Clint, so
returned to her cubs. Clint now
says he can outrun a bear any day
wheu they Kct in as close proximity
to him as did this one.
Kelley was far ciiotitih awav to
enjoy the nice and not be mixed un
::: it, while J.akin was absent at
the time.
For Sale.
A limited tiumbsr of pure bred
Indian Runner ducks, in pairs or
trios. 36tf
Wm. P. Downing, Uend, Ore.
Seed Wheat for Sale.
Cox seed wheat for sale, 2c per
lb , at the Bend Livery & Transfei
jjlubles. 30tf
Mud Offiic at J.tkevlew, Orca-ou,
O:fober 19, 1907.
Notice l hereby given that
William l(. Ilollluihead
owe of tlie facln of Jonathan Ilollluihead
of Koataud, Oregon, liaa fileiC notice of hit lutcu
Hon tuniakc final proof in toipport of hit claim,
vlei llomeatead Hntry No. S7i made April 5,
ivoi. for (lie Blttf NKtf, N'iSf and NJ?!"W
ttec lo.Tp M h, K 10 is, iv ai
And that aald proof trill be mde before If. I
XIIm. V, H CoiiiuiUloiirr, at lilt office in Vend,
Drrou, ou the 71b. day of December, lyo;.
He names the following wltnceeca to prove Ma
coatiauouareeidcaccupoa, and caltiraUon of,
IkeUad.vtei ., .
rohai N. Haateaj
Weal, WMHaM P.
fit tM, OfCt.
jmh w. HtNtanwHHi urecl rraaa
, VauOcrmt, jewee anac-a, an
. k. ytAjwx, xttMtr. j
Mr. Stanley of the Deschutes Irrigation
& Power Company assures us that work
will be commenced on the Corvallis &
Eastern extension into Central Oregon
within three months.
The time to buy property is now.
The Central Oregon Development Go,
cjDTOL ""T"M " "
"j :-1ara::aWa
For Speed
Safety, Surety
A Solid Roadbed Is essential.
Visibility and Speed
the Underwood (tabulator)
Typewriter are supported
by perfectly balanced con
struction. Underwood Typewriter
No. 68 Sixth St., Portland, Ore.
rs A Fresh Comnlexlon
IT jireiervtd and troluccil-by
KDiriinp. s ttiiiii. iifiifTiiirni
' tirejuratlon. dclicattly mgrant.
lunilheacnifkleJaniiearanrii raiiiil
liv over.i!rvneu. rnfurt lli bit nt
enlarged rorrt. rlpntn ilirm r...
t tlucei inflammation and iprcadi an even,
radiant clow due to mioleiome nouriili.
ment of tkin gLmdi and itlmulatlon of
uio capuurte vrhlcn alio feed tlie
tkin and mpply it hcallMul color.
1 Department of the Interior.
IndOAceat The iM'let. Oregon,
OcWber 4h, y
I Notkc la hereby given that
Chalk A. Chapman
1 ofKcnd. Imn, hat filed nolle of We terleoMcm
lo make final caMmotatkait proof In wppaHt e-f
ht daim. via Momeateail Kntrv No i mm made
Jhiw. 114. wrthc r!HMW and WHXKK
w M. Tp ij h. K i l( W M
And thai mm proof wtil be made Sefaee II. C.
i:n.. v t Cmmiiinpw, at Ma ocucc In Mem.
trrfo, uM Dwember th, V7
He uan the tuttowmg wttneaeea to prove Ma
roHtinuotM iratdeite upon, aud cttlt'Vfttwti of,
the land, via
William Wilton. Calvin I. Kalan. I'rank
Hutlerworlh, Albert C. I.cai, all at liend, Ore
goo. h-M C. W MOORK. Knitter.
I'nilcU Malta Mud office.
The DalkM, Oregon, October J, VM
Notice la hereby given that nrnler the provl
tone of the act, ofCMgrcM f AugHtl l(, lt,
ami I lie actt auppleracotary ami ameMaluty
thereto, the Mate ofmrgon hat thltdty filed lit
llila other Ita anullcatloo. Nu Ma. ta aetacl the
NU'HHI'.U iwl HWUAW'U of hectloll ll. T M
tmutn KanseiiK w. it
Any and alt iieraona ctalinlnx adveraely the
above-deacrlbnl land, or ilctinoK for any reaton
looteet to the fiual alluwanrr of the aelectlun.
thuutd file their clalmi r ubjeniuut In I hit
olfneouor btfuie the i6li day l IHceinU',
nitlt t V il' . Kciiter
The Pioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company
TeJcgratni forwarded lo Any Tnrt
of the World.
Telephone Communication
with Portland, I'rlnevllle and nil
l'nclfic Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
in natik IluldiiiK arliend, at I.all
law and I 'o well lltittc.
Me&seii;er tervkc to any part of
Crook County totitli of Crooked
60 YEAnO'
TnADc Marks
ConvmaMTB Ac
Anroa ttnjlnf a akatCi and description maf
quiciir aecaiiam our riuir;n irae m
lovaniloii 14 pr
sckttiific nmtm,
A bandaomelr nloetfatai
traiktr. raffai
aiallon of anr tdeplis
KVMIi .'"laja
M,lb I
Mb aMl-rallMHffera,
oaaiilf Btlviiettla,. toUMt.
lonitiriciirconoaaniiai. HAHUSUV oni'aieuia
lent tree. CldaM (aancr tor Mearliia oalauu.
I'alenia taaert, lblyuu MuMM to. IKt.ra
nucul notice, without astraa. ki tka
of Oregon
TlmUr Mud, Act June J. Ityl
V . UikI timee. The !xllc. OreKm,
Kelteniber Mh, lane.
rfatkc k hereby given that lu eomidtanee with
oi me .l ai vjnjir. jitne .
an. .ullllMl '
,naet me IhJ aa of Umber ItkD
m lite ttAtva m rwml trvan. tw... n
WathiNln Tettlloey." at eateuded t all the
public land UI by Aet uf Au(Ut 4, lW.
Ira J WlUliMon
of Oeml. emiHly of Crook, ttate l fHetem
baton Arnll ft. ;, flleM In thltofueebttHofii
Mtlemtat Mo torn, tut the porehate fnX"
and UtU aid l at itec J. Tp i rt. K II K, W M
hd wilt olfer inuof to thow thai thrlaml
amiKht It mote valuable lor lit Umber or atotie
than tor antcutluie! MiMt. and ta tttab
IMi hM claim to mM lamt behee II C. Illllt.
V H. CommitaiOHer. at lilt ofhecat HeHd.tMeipMi,
the nth Af of timnkf, lyj-
lie tmairtat wltnetwt lmrrj Jtriiill. Il
ate A. Witktnimi. U' Kay WilWuton, Nannie J.
WitLltuuti, all l lieiul, ure(Hi.
Any ami ail iwrMiit (lalralnr adverttty
the above daaertlvd lamia ai( irtiuttlnl ta flli
theirclaima III Ihle ofDceofl or before the mid
MlhMrol Ixeember. ty).
eli-dtj C. W. M00KII, Mrltter.
I...L..... . ..-.?.. 1. .- .. ' ' ...t
Timber Mod, Act ol June j, il?4.
V. H. Und Office, The Dallet, Orrstia,
helember jAtli, Iff-
Notice It hereby given lhal In cemrtUancc- with
ic brovlttontofthe Aetef Cunsiett tit tune i.
cl7. enlitlol "An act for the aalc of limber lamlt
111 the Malra ol California. Oregon. Nevada, and
Watliiiigion Territory," at olendtd lo all the
I'uUic Land Malta by act of AU(ul 4, lbI.
Hugh II IMvlce
of fiend, county of Crook, ttate of Orrgon,
hat tint day filed in title olhce hit aieom aiatc
meni. No 4jt,, fiirtheixirchaieofllie WleNIt),
hl'.IJNW'i; and KHWf uf ftec if, Tp II h,
K u K. W l
And Mill oftVr tiroof to ahow that Hie land
ought It more valuable for tl Umber or ttone
than fur atricuUiiial tiurtxnea, ami lo rttauliih
her claim to Mid land before 11. C. lilllt, U. H.
Conimlttioner, at hltofbcelu Ileud, Oiegon, on
the 1 Jill day of Iicccmtwr. I'V.
lieiiameaat wltuettet Cbartea A. Hlanlnir-touih.A-C.
I.ucin, Armand A. Mhrarcr, IHiuald
V. Xcliitoth. all of liend, Orrgon
Any and all tiertone claiming advertely the
iilMvc-detnlucu land. are iecuetello hie their
claiina in title olfHC 011 or liefuteajld tjlh day ol
December, iyr
04 dS C. W. JlOOkl!, Uegitlcr.
Timber Land, Act Juiiej, 1878,
V. fl. Land Office, The Dtllrt. Oirjoa,
Keptember y.lh, iya7,
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with
the provitluua otitic Act of Coiigreta ol June J,
J6;, entitled. "An art for the wle ol limber lamlt
in the alatea of Callfurnlai Oregon, NcvaiU, and
Watlilugtoii Territory," at ealvmled to all the
public land atatta by act of Augutt 4, ityl,
MiryK Kelley
pf nend, county of Crook, ttale of Oregon,
hat thla day filed in Ihlt olfice her aworn atatev
ment No, eiufurthc inirrhatc of the NI,HI(lf
and HI','1 of bee ly, Tp 17 , R II l, W M
And will oflcr prool ta ahow that the land
aought la more valuable for lit timber or atone
linn for agricultural uurpoeee, and to citabllth
licrrlalintoaald laud IxfofelLC. Kltit, V. H. hltollkelu liend, Orrgou, 011
the ud day of January, iuv,
Hhe namea aa ivltnetaeai Charlea A. Klaiilmr
rough, A, C I.ucaa, Atmaiid A. Hhearer, Donald
V alcluioili, all of Ileud, otrgon,
Any and all peraoua clalmlni advertely
? 'bot c-lccrilMl landa are, reiuctled lo
tie th:(r claluie in thla ofllce 011 or before the aald
inddayof Jauutry, iyo.
Q'a-d7 C. W, alOOHH, Regltlcr.
TIamI, A M.tAM. 1
jvuu 1 ichu your iiciguuora xiiu
Timber Ijtml. Act Jimk j. lti.
U. . Uml OftVe. The Ikillet, llteean,
lieH'mber a. tvtf.
Sotlee It htirby (tten lhal In co-4kr Mh
the pro vt.loot oft he AH uf Conmnt of Jme L
ltr, tnlHbM - Ah ac fue the aawof Umber bUHIa
iHlhettateaoCaltlbeiiM. Hem. Xee4e.aal
Vaihlmi Tettltury." at etlemard ! W lb
mtUtt Mod etate by Act of Att 4. iaf.
Attn C l'rrVer
of Hrad. roaalv of Crook. Hate of f Heron, baa
um May (i. ivJ. Meet In I hit oDVre her awoVH
ttalrmenl Nu 4111. toe the Imte hate ol the XW
o( Itec i. Th l ri. K 11 1( W l
And Mill offer ivroof lottmw that the taml
toogbl la mole valuable me lit Umber uf ttornt
iImh tvt airtcollHial lMiimtee, and toettabHtft
berclaimio aam lamlbemeell C lUba. U. n
Cumintaaloner. at bltotnc In liend, OtegaM'. on
the 141b dav of lietemWr, ivmj.
hHenameeat mIIihihi Chtilea S. lien tow
lleibeilf I MiIhmwM. Jlkhael I. UwttMM,
liMtM H Ciurker. l.alkroe II McCann. Kobett J.
Mtlann, allot lltitd. tHeatm.
tf and all laettemt culmiHl advertely Ilia
fcmdtctibd Unda are la)Hd tofitrtbelr
CMlmtin tbM ulUr on or before the aabl iilh
day 04 Detembtr, tt,
1.11 -1 13 C. W MOOKH. ItegMer.
Tlmlwr Mini, Art June J, lJ,
V. B. Mod Oifirc, The lullet, Oie gon.
Auuutt iwtl.
Mll It ll.l. kImii ll I. auHiaJlak. .ill.
lbeovHbMHflh ActofCoMgraat id June 1,
17. entitled "All act me the aaje ortlmbee bmla
VatlilugtuuTerillry,"t etltmltd to all the
miMIc land tlatet by act of Augutt 4, J,
ItlliaUlli Keetl
ofllemt. County of Crook, ftlale of Oregon, hat
Ihlt day filed In Ihlt office hertworn atalamcul
No 411 for the iMiichtM- of the HIIMHVVM of
Btc4. itMNWH aminwjxi(r( efh. Tpttii,
W I. I, W Al jy
And will offer proof to ihow thai the IiihiI
aougiu it more valuable lw lit tlmlier or tloue
than ruragrlculliiialMirtvMci, and lo etlabllah
her claim to aald land Iwturc II C. Itlllt, II H hltolhee In liend, Oiegun. 011
the 14U1 day of Detemtier, i'r
Hhe name aa wlliieatet' A II. Idlchcnrt,
Kale l.iieUuri, Henry I.. U'llllKll, IIiiiiiu V.
n itiixii, nu wi 4riMi, wirtj
Any and all twiaoiia italuilng ndvertely the
abovc-drarrlbcd lauda arc teiuetrd lo file their
claluit III thla office oil or bcfuic ajld 14II1 day ol
DctcmlKr, 0"7
on iltj
C W MOOHK, Ittgluer.
Timber Land, Act June 1, iSjI.
U. 8, 1,aud Office, The Dallra, Oregon.
June Dili, too;.
.....,..,. inii.,mu i,ii in compliance Willi
lliepiorlaloiiaofthe Act of Cougtett of June 1.
l7, eulllled, "An act for I he anle of tlmlier lamb!
'.''.''"tallfoHila.Oregou, Nevada, ami
Waeliliigton Terrllory," at eateudnl to all the
public laud ttalca by Act of Augutt 4, iKyi,
i,cna ai. I'oynler
olllonlavltla.cminly of Multnomah, title of
Oregon, hat tliltday flint in Ihlt office her eworn
Kll1l,llHl Un .,. ..!. ......1 r.i .....!
ill, Ji. , 1' ' y" ' " fmcnateoi 11 e riltlf
HUJ,' of beciiou u, Tp 19 H, K 4 l(, W M
And lll offer proof to ahoir lhat the laud
ought la more valuable for lit Umber or atone
than for agricultural pur jioaea, and to ettalitlth
her claim to aald land 'before lh ttcglilci
of'Kuua'ry.TSS. ' ' " ""Ml" "
Hhe Homea aa wlluettet Clarence II, liawud.
.... m iitii,H(i narcncc 11. nawaiiii
ifclS" 'fr '5H2S" .!SA.C ..'' ". Wfi
;;i - ;""" ."" i eiuuiavma, itre
n.'l'V,':' f.01"' ''r"k l'rth', Imt
III of
'""( ltVH
i' ."",? ". P"0"' tUlmliig advertely the
above-deacflbed landa are reituetred to file their
clamalntbUomce on or before aald 14th day
of January, tjw,
ltlh day
C. W. MOORK. Reelater.
. CttMtM W ItaWktitka
- Wthu Moot
.... .-OatMtc. II CMMeem
.... ..hie M. (Wfftebl
W. ll.Te
. .. .-..C. J. teatmaaHe
-..-... . UMaf fttteoea
"- tfMU I llu.
Maty ol rHtHw..-
omltiy f Ttfmtey .
eeiiuryelntaetat. .
cie4tfif f Ny ,
. w.i.wv vtieitt.M.
Altaeney (lcce4 .. .WMlm II, M4y
et(vaiy ( AirbrnHM .. Jamet Vfeb-te,
nveiNe m....
ftetge K. ChambeilaiM
-... I'. W. Iltmaii
1 A. II. Ceawlatd
J- II. AtkeemtM
Heeietaiy orhlele......
TtMtlHK r
Altfrnay tletiMal ,
Huh- IMblle iHMiuettam
Wale I'rmirr
...W, h Dannlwav
iMiry ami Hnwl Cwmmbithinw,
-J. W. IMtey
V. H. ttceieUie
C. W. IKdlat.
'" J W. R. IWtt
l I' A. llMr
(T.V, lottev
CoMgietimen .. .
mpteme Ju-tgr
' w, W. t llraitthaw
I'tank Meortrr
ClMk ...
Titaiiiiee ,
AlKttor .,
....V. A. IKII
... Warren lltii
,... I'rank IJkmt
MM.,,M., wMtMaM'i I'. King
J, II. A lMetle
-..l!, I. Dinwiddle
m.W. M. kltl'atbiml
I R. II. IU)lr
k, it. hleailit. Hupl...
Ciaemr Court I'lut Mmnii. i i.w 11,1, .1
klumUy In tKtbUf .
I KimtTitCiiuar-l'IralMomtay in rachiiionlh
CHHMUIIUr;KV Ciiuar I'li.i u'l,i..u
III Jauutry. Match. Mav. t,iiv i...i.,ir
and November,
llmiifiCllpnt Dutaicr No. 11,
( John Kleidl
Ml. C. Coe
(C. W, Mritlll
C. H, llcniui
M Ita Ruth f Rcld
Mm klaude Vamleicil
Mitt Mation Wletl
M wtiiphal'ettlt
Teacliet .
Recorder. v.
II, )' J. McDonald
.11. C. lilllt
II, J. Oretlmf
H, C. Caldwell
U. H. Ilciiaoii
John II, Wctiuihly
A, i?. I.lirat
lC D, liiowit
Will enjoy reading 'Ae Bulletin.
It will l'LHAtf .vurvvviiu ....1
auMcnue lor u yourstM. i
There's NWS in The fiulktii..
INSTRUCT yo. Suujaf Ik ltr