's LOCAL HITS. . Furnished house for rent, Tel teplionc Mrs. C. A. Joiici. C. N. Klnct, Redmond's popular iticrcliniiti wni n IIciul visitor on Monday. Rev. Mitchell will preach tit the toluiteli next Sunday inoriiiii): at ii o'clock. O. M. Cornctt of l'r Incvl'.Ic cnine in on Monday's ntnc uml went on up the line. Miim Gtttcc Udwnrds ha accept id a position in the postoflicc mid news Maud. A jhmicII mid ruler t'ivcti ftcc With every ioc tablet at the Cor ner DniK Stoic. Mm. Hvn Polnde.ttcr of l'rino vlllc Is HciidliiK a few dayii in Uend Visiting relatives You can j-el sweet potatoes and cranberries fur your Thanksgiving dinner at Grant's. Tlie OrcRon Journal, daily and Sunday 65 cents a mouth delivered Sec A. II. Grant) Agent. ,11-40 "The llond Social Club has icntcd Mrs. C. A. Jones' piano for 11 yeat nml now lias the Instrument in it hall. " Mrs. Steel, Miss Anna and Floyd were in front their home-lends near Sinter last .Saturday trailing at Jlcnd's stores. Struyod One rod heifer, mottled face, enr umrks.uudcr bit, top crop: Itcll on. Suitable rvward for return iiK to Dan it. Smith. jO-.v; Hcnd j;ot Its first flurry of snow Tuesday uioruliif', enough falling 6 whltcli the ground. It soon dii np'wared, lmwcvtr, as the aiiu cot wanner. You should see those handsome .uiortrd Japanese and imported ftlass urns and vases at the Comer l)ni)' store. They arc the hand somest over shown in Mend. The Html news stand expects to ojcti,iii soon a flue Hue of ChrUt Mas goods, toys and nlcnacs. It will ulco have in n number of the latest and mtMt popular novels. Thar is a change of time in the lutnalo mail singe. The stage iiow lewves Ttnnalo r,t 10 a. m., hrrlves in Bend nnd loaves for Tuni- .Wont 1:15. W. 1). Clark is the ucf di Ivar. .Wednesday evening n 'phone iiuiMgc, f rou. th, region south o 4 '. ! . .1... 1. i'T ii . ..I..I.I..),M '..n"a'rJ Kcmembcr Hint the band will give a dance on Thanksgiving night. 1 Leave your orders fr Thanks tjlvhn; turkeys nt Grant's nuww stand. 356, Step in nml examine the new line of cutlery just gotten in by the corner i;rug More. Mr. Kiln and wife, lute Japanese utlivnin in Ileiid, have opened 11 luuudi) In the Triilett building Two stage loads of p.i.sxcug'ers arc coming In from Sliauiko oyer the Wciinudv line mid are expected to reach Mend tonight. Dennett, 1111 nutomobile dealer from Portland, was in Mend Thurs day with 11 flue large machine. He was Inking 11 run through Central Orcgoti advertising his businc.11. The gns lamp that is to I to given a trial in Hcnd is now on the Way in fioui Shnuiko. When it nfrives it will be set up on the White & Hill corner and if it gives sntisfuc tiou n number of them will be ordered fur the business streets. Two weeks ago Mrs. Short was culled to Wisconsin by the sudden and wrlotis illness of her father, II. U. Adkiui. She arrived two days before bis death, the old gentleman having passed away last Saturday. For some time he had playncd to hpend the winter in Hcnd mid was just ready to stait when he was taken .sick. Mrs. Short and the children will remain in the Knst nt least until after Thanksgiving. A number of young men from Hcnd drove out to the Uilcy home Wednesday evening and prcfcnlcd the newly wedded couple to a cha rivnrl that lacked uonc of the old fashioned and customary features. The bays were invited In to partake of the good things being served, the guests, but only one of ihtci had the nerve to respond to the invita tion. The others returned to town after having helped celebrate the occasion to their satisfaction. l;ava butte all .that it had been sjibwiug there all that d.iy nnd thai there was then six inches of snow. Later reports state a foot of snow tclf there. Mrs. Moses Niswonger, John Vrcidt nnd I,. Brandenburg left for Silver I.nkc last Sunday to make final proof on timber claims. They wejc accompanied by Elmer Nis wonger nnd Fred IIuuucll, who wciit Wong art witnesses. ' Gene Gctchcll returned to Hcnd last Saturday after an absence of Vvcr a year. A year ngo lost Octo ber he left for n visit with his aged father nt Lester i'rairie, Minn., itud lias been there since with the ex ception of the last three or four months spent In various parts of the Northwest. ; L. G. Walker, F. L. Walker and George Walking, from Minne iiota, urc in Dcud looking for em ployment. They are carpenters nnd if they can find sufficient work 0 warrant their staying they will Kind for their families nnd reside here. They plan to buy ditch laud and develop it. Dr. nml Mrs. A. A. Ilurris drove (jowu yesterday from JJend where they nrc now located, After spend inc three or four days here, they will drive on Uirough to The miles, tuid from : there proceed to tjlc Willamette Valley for a visit! with their children They nrc dutch pleased vyijlt tlic'ir nqw loca tion at Bend, Madras Pioneer, Gene Gctchcll, on his return to Hcnd, had a $10 clearing house certificate issued by the Spokane clear ini! house. He stnted that they circulated nt par througout tlie In ami umpire anil were ns gpod as gold. At Colfax, Wnsji., he presented one of $10 denomina tion in iKiymcut for railroad fare on the new electric Hue from Spo kane to Colfax. The ticket agent, in making change, gave him a cer tificate of lesser denomination and the balance in silver. These clear ing house certificates must be' of great assistance during the present financial stringency. The city council has let n con tract to J, II. Filey for removing and grubbing out 21 trees, mid stumps in the streets. With the exception of three stumps, these trees stand in Nevada street be tween Wall nnd Hotid, nnd in Horn! street between Nevada mid Oregon. The large stump in trout 01 me Pilot Huttc Inn will be removed, also the one at the south eiid of Wall street, nnd one in Houd street standing in frotit of the Uend Liv ery it Transfer Stable's corrnl. Later n contract will be let for fill ing the dip in the road just north lof Wenondy's livery st(d)le. Jco-cld's concerts arc getting to be a very popular thinj at the Cor ner Drug Store. The company has four or five large phonographs of both the Edison nud Stnr makes and 235 records, nud the music they have been serving up to the. public, during the past week1 is, v'dry pleasing nud of first-class var iety. On sevcrnl occasions n party of ladles, have gathered in Dr. Scoficld's.ofl.ce.Q.ver the drugstore,- .one of the machines, was taken ,,11 and n CQJiccn SY- 'or -he ladies 1 eutcrtnlhtn.ent nnd pleasure, Njijr-j ly every veiiinrr finds a number pf -men In the. store' listening to ths various selections, AlONBYSAP-tATilOMB. Condition Are Hotter nt Men J than hi the Cities. John Htcidl returned to Heud Wednesday evening from a busi uetis trip to Portland ami reports that financial conditions 111 Portland nre In much worse nll.i thnn here in Heud. The Mriiiuiix. y in be Inn felt worse, nud in tu.ln . Instances people lire in sort strait lilt sober judgement, after study hiK conditions 011 the um-tidc, is that the mini who has money in n small country bank U intlcli safer nud letter protected tlinti he would be if he had it in a large city in Atitutiou. There their security con sists largely of long titm. paper and Danksoltcu hold to or 20 year Ixmius that cannot be realised uku until they mature. In 11 time like the present, Mich paper is nbwlutcly worthless as a means of raising money, loo often many of these bonds prove to have no value at nil at the first sign of a panic mid con ncipiently the bank that holds them goes broke. On the contrary the country bank has its loans hecured, for the great er part, with real estate security that is absolutely good and x.-rhaps may hold a small amount of paper 01 men Irom whom every dollar can lie collected. Their loans arc thus legitimate in every respect and such banks arc as safe as any bank can Ik. Several Hcnd jwople had deposits in the three Portland twuks that have failed. Their money would have Iktcu much .safer in the local institution. They would not be lieve it, however, nud now they have lost their dcttosils. The best advice that can be tendered a dc positor nt the present time is to stand by nud suport your local in stitution and you will win by it in the long run. Mr. Sleidl, as pres ident of the Hcnd bank, says that they will pay every dollar of depos its, no matter what develop. Hence, it is foolish to become ner vous nnd excited, to drnw out your money and hide it away, nud thus make hard times all the worse. Stand by your local institution nud you will be secure. Mend Catholic Church Notices. Kev. Father Hickcy, who has just returned from an extended Knstcrn trip, arrived in Uend last Friday and held divine service on Sunday. Masses were celebrated at 8 and 10:10 o'clock n. m. nud were well attended, a large number ot non-Catholics being present nt the 10:30 o ciock Mass, winch was a High Mass. The pretty little altar was lieautifully and brilliant ly lit up with wax candles and the many strangers present were aston ished at the wonderful development of the Catholic church in Hcnd and the great increase in Catholic mem bership. Cans' Mass in D was rendered by Miss Urdman ns soloist, splen didly assisted by Mrs. McDonald ns contralto and supported by Mr. Thos. A. Edison Once made the state ment that he expected to see n Phonograph in Every American Home. His agents, The Sco field Drug Company, now have Kdisou Phonographs for sale. All sizes and n com plete line of records. Also the Celebrated" Star Talking Machines. j Come in and Hear Them. . t Nothing Nicer for a Xmns Present. 7 . t i -See pur window display. Drug St&rcJ... Kd ilrcwterhpiis, Miss I'riiutrler irt'sidcil at tliv organ Oaus' Mass 11 I) h a KMtid musical compost fdn 4nd it whs done' complete ins tfee by Pnther Hickcy'ti Hcnd choir, ami pioved it delightful stir lriv to nit whole congregation, ll-Jv. lather H,iekcv desires throUKh The Heud Bulletin to noti ly nil the Catholic's that n First Communion mid Confirmation class 1 1 us !,.! oiiniized hi Heud and Mr. Vi' or O'Connor hnn been np pointed teMcht-r mid superintendent mid that all the children arc lobe M the church m uudny.s.it 10:30 o'clock tor instruction Parents nre expected t sec- that their children profit by this opportunity. Shcrwooii-lclfcy. Mrs. ISIsic Riley's home was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Inst Wednesday ' night, when her only daughter, Marv, was united in marriage to Mr. Kalph Sherwood of Lmdluw. Dunne tlie last strains of DeKoveu'rt "0, Promise Me," by Miss Marion Wicst, the bride nnd groom entered and took their places under n bower of manzanita and mistletoe Tlie beautiful Metho dist Kpiscopal ring service was read by the Kuv. Short. The bride' looked charming in creuin crc'ie a ligypla, arid carried a shower bouquet of white carna tions and asparagus fern. After the ceremony a reception was held nt the close of which, amid the best wishes of their friends and a shower of confetti, the happy couple left for their new home on the groom's fine farm near Red mond. Miss Riley, one of the most popu lar young ladies in Crook county, is well known in church, cocial, and musical circles. Mr. Sher wood is a promising young rancher. Thoe present were: Mr. nnd Mrs. Morrison, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wicst, Mrs. Ora Polndcxtcr, Mrs. Stilwcll, Mrs. Tullar, Misses James, Gcrk ing, Piukham, West, Vnndevert, Wicst, Ricd, Grace Vnndevert, Pauline Wicst. Messrs. Ucnbam, Ulrich, Gcrkiug, Vnndevert and Sherwood. The presents received; Hand- painted pillow, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mor rison; embroidered dresser scarf, Miss Flossie Reed; salad fork, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chandler; cream ladle, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Ulrich; em broidered doily, U. F. Uatteti; fancy plates, Miss Booth, Mrs. Frazier, C. P. Howe, Mrs. Stead man, Win. Vandevert; Lewis & Clark souvenir plate, table cloth, silver knives and forks, Mrs. Elsie Riley; four-leaf clover pin and chain, Mrs. Drake, Misses Vande vert, West, and Wicst; berry spoon, Ulrich family; dozen napkins, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Uogart; stag katti carving set, Mr. nud Mrs. Ora Poiudexter; set of knives and forks, A. H. Kennedy; salad fork, Mr. and Mrs. Harder nud family; berry spoou, Mr. and Mrs S. R. Riloy; gravy ladle, Mr. nud Mrs. WiestJ tea spoons, Miss Helen Ulrich; butter pick, Pauline Wiest; gravy ladle, Mr. nud Mrs. H. Riley; berry spoon, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Diffordj fruit plate, Grace Vnndevert; panel picture, Miss Iva West; embroidered pillow, M?ss Pcttit; parlor lamp, Chas. Stan burroughs Mexican drawn work lunch cloth, Misses Rcid and Petit: picture frame, Miss Piukham; spoou tray, Mrs. Stilwell; an envel ope containing sum of money from Latulaw menus. Shower (or Urlde-Utcct. Last Friday evening Misses Ruth Rcid and Orpha Pcttit tendered a parcel shower iu honor of Miss1 Riley, at which a number of young lady friends were present, The parcels were put in oue room and Miss Riley hsUcU for tnem'witU fish pole nud Hue, nud "landed" n num ber of pretty nnd useful nrticles. Cater a chafing dish supper was V ,.' .. served. For Sale. Hardy, acclimated nnd well root ed plants. Blackberries I.awton, Merser- can, nud Katuburu. CurrantsRed Dutch, and white Grope. ' J I,ognn Berries. 'Raspberries -Cumberland (black cap), Cutlibert (redVaHd., Golden Queen (yellaw ' ' ' .Strawberries Clarke Seedltert, jthq fatuous Hood Rjiycr,, tfttf per prices, etc. auuresa, L. D. Wutar, Bcud, Oregon, Special Sale of Hardware and Stoves For the next 30 days we will cldsc out our entire stock of hardware nnd stoves at prfecs to suit you, ns we do not wish to carry this line in connection with our furniture department. Cdtlic in nnd look over the stock. Dclow we (note a few prices: Water pails, former price 40 to 75c, sale price - 30c to 60c Tea kettles, nicklc, former price $l 75 to $2; now 51.25 to 51.50 Tea kettles, granite, fm'r p're $150 to $2 50; now SI to 51.50 Wash boards, former price Go to 90c; sale price - 50c to 7Sc Coal oil catis, former price 35c; sale price 25c Buttcr nibUlds, former price 35c; sale price - - 25c STOVHS. former price $15 50 to $30- .ale price, 5.J.50 to 526 A new line or furniture expected next week. Watch next week's ad. for prices. J. I. WEST, BEND, OR. M B 1 iiMf 1 imiiiiii rfhi'iiiiimi i iiftiniiaMiiniii 1 ibi, ininnnnii-aii-ii-r-ff Central uOregcm Realty Company (Succcuor to C. I). Brown & Co.) BEND, - OREGON DHAUmS IN ALL. KINDS OP Central Oregon Real Estate Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty We buy or sell your land no matter where situated. We can sup ply you with any class of land at nny time. Call on us or write for further particulars. IlARDIIR SiioP'Arm IlATllS if HOTKt. Hotel Bend Corner JSond Arm Oregon Streets HUdH O'KANE, Prop. MOST CBXTRAI.LY LOCATED IIOTEI IN BEND. SAMPLE ROOM IN CONNECTION. New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms Always Reserved for Transient Trade. J V A Complete Stock of At Bend, Oregon. DRY Rough, Surfaced and Moulded -LUMBER- I At Bend, J Oregon. I All Widths, Lengths nnd Thicknesses 1 Reasonable Prices Qood Grades Dry Stock INCH COMMON DIMENSION SHIPLAP RUSTIC T. & G. FLOORING BEADED CEIUNG WINDOW JAMBS WINDOW CASINO HEAD BLOCKS O. G. BASEBOARD STAIR TREADS WATER TABLE O. G. BATTINS MOULDINGS P. B. D. PATENT ROOFING FENCE PICKETS SHINGLES ETC., ETC. tmtt Belirerei at Lew Cest AyYe M TkL-aisef Tk B. I. & P. &., r m C S. I. Ce. s? CUSTOM FEED MILL IN CONNECTION.! APPLY TO Central Oregon Development Company BEND, OREQON : J K p. f ir THE. BULLETIN'S SdJjsgriWion List is grow-1 irtg and new; nanlesJnr," being acjded efic.h WCC1 iUUl t-UIU 119AI. wrviH)wrjr T - , !,'. UDoujTiiilRSt'itoH x