The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 15, 1907, Image 6

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The Roupell Mystery
By Austyn Granville
It wm ft line night toward tho latter
fuirt of May. Durlivj lie lUytlme tlterr
lis J been clouds over Paris; but on the
approach of evening the sun had conn
out, ntnl, descending In a blate of glory
tinted the housetops with ft fiery glow
ml burnished the water of the Sctnr
with n golden, meltow light. The small
suburb of Vllleneuve, distant from the
French capital but fourteen mile. shared
this generous hah of brlllUnt coturlns
It UckrJ Just fifteen minute of eleven
o'clock when the moon, which wa nearly
t the full, row with slow and majestic
notion' above the horlion, and hung us
(tended between earth ami lieavcn like a
huge sliver lamp. The great trw which
almost surrounded the chateau Vllleneure
ct acroi the smooth and velvety lawns
their deep ahsdowa. From the chateau
itself, the light of n solitary lamp, pal
Ing to a few mere twlnkllns ray, shone
fitfully. It came from ft window In the
left win of the building. Kemote from
the great metropolis the hush of a pro
found peace was here upon everything
save when stirred by the soft breeie from
the south, the leafy branehe of tendered
green rustled and tuoved gently to and
In the deen shade of an enormous oak
which seemed to keep watch and ward
ovf "le sleeping Inmates stood a youn:
man darned Chartc Van IJth. to whom
every familiar object but conjured up to
his ardent Imaclmtion the Interior o'
that faintly Illuminated apartment. This
silent watcher continued to gate for some
moment In the direction of the chiteiu.
ill. demeanor was that of one undecided
as to what course to pursue. Twice he
stepped from the shadow of the tree and
placed his foot upon the gravel walk, and
a many time retraced hi footstep.
At length he Issued forth more boldly,
tbo'igh not without caution, to prevent
thf crunching of hU shoes upon the
gravel, and stood beneath the window.
Ticking up two or three amall pebbles,
he threw them against the glass. His
beart beat somewhat faster than lt wont
as. after the third essay, a girl of about
nineteen year of age. who hid been read
ing by the light of the lamp, left her
scat ami, opening the swinging casement,
looked out upon the night.
"Who I therer" she ask!. In a tone
which Indicated some alarm, but singu
larly sweet and musical.
"It' I It's Charles" replied the young
fellow: "don't be frightened. I must see
you. If only for a moment. I am going
way. I am leaving France. I return
to America to-morrow."
"Oh, nonsense," exclaimed the girl.
"You are saying this just to try me."
"I am not, upon my word, Harriet,"
answered Van I.lth. "My passige Is al
ready taken. I sail from Havre to-morrow
"Why did you not let me know
earlier)' she asked.
"I waa afraid to write. You know
your aunt strictly forbade it. Hut, Har
riet, oan't I get Jn, if only for a few
"I really don't see how you can "
Harriet Weldon began, when the faint re
monstrance died away upon her lip.
Selling the strong stem of a thick vine
4rblcli ran near the window, and assisted
by the trellis work, the young athlete be
low commenced an ascent which to an
older man would have proved an Impossi
ble frat. In a few momenta his hand was
on the window sill nnl the next Instant
be bad leaped lightly Into the chamber.
Harriet, the first rapture of tbelr meet
ing over, begged him to bo gone; but he,
sitting beside her on the low window seat,
urged bt plea for further time so elo
quently that she yielded, and could not
find It In her heart to distills him at
occe. The lours, too, bad a hundred
confidence to Interchange. Harriet fob!
Van I.I lb how. since bU quarrel with her
nunt, the persecutions of a certain M.
Chabot bad become well nigh Intolerable.
She wa afraid, moveover, that Mine.
Itoupell favored bis suit.
"And now you are going to America.
Charles, and there will be no one to
aland between us. I am sure the man
baa not even tbe excuse of lorlng me. It
1 my dowry be I after. He is no doubt,
ware- that Madame Itoupell has made a
will In tavor of Butlly and myself."
Charles Van I.itli could only clench lib
fist In luipottnt ttxt' To the bout where
be bad one been an honored and wel
come guet be now bad to come like a
thief in the night to seek a farewell In
terview with tbe only being on earth who
jet loved and trusted bim. In hi mind
there waa a bunting sense of Injustice.
Tbe cold ami severe tone la which Mm.
Itoupell had illmilmed blm seemed still
ringing In his ears
"Do not go," pleaded Harriet. "I am
certain that It will not be long before my
uut will relent ; that, after all. she nmlly
think a great de4l of you; stay, and I
will myfcelf go to her on the first oppor
tunity which offer and plead your
"You are more hopeful than I am,"
replied Van IJth, bitterly. "If I bad
been treated with any show of Justice,
why, I would not care. Hut your aunt
1 prejudiced against me. I am well
ware that Monsieur ('hahot baa sought
to undermine her confidence In me, Mid
La baa succeeded. I tell you, Harriet,
when I think of all these thing It make
in a desperate man."
He bad been paring the floor restlessly
with long, Impatient striiks III face
was flushed wKb anger With tbe mem
017 of Mat. Koupetl'a nirrclleat treat
tceat aroused anew within him, he could
karily rsatrala himself.
"gb U wene than unjust," U con-
limed; "she ha deliberately opened her
r to thee late of Chabot' and ns
lellberately shut them to my explana
tions She lta magnified my smallest
-ul'demc.ilum Into gro.vt faults"
"You must not blame my aunt to me,
Charles Itecolleet that to us girls nt
'east, she has ever been good aud kind.
I wonder what would have happened to
lis when mother died. If It hadn't been
for her? Few women would have cross
ed the ocean as she did to fetch us, for
ier sitter's sake; and she ha been
' good as a mother to u ever since. N'o,
t'harlle, jou mustn't say a word against
Aunt lluth In my hearing."
"Harriet," he said, "you are quite right
to stand by her. It would be but a poor
return on your part for all her klndnes
to you If you didn't; but In wronging
me she lit wronged you a well. In
opposing our union, she not only wreck
my happlneu, but yours"
He wa quieter presently. In the soft
ening Influence of Harriet Weldon' pres
ence hi evil genius seemed to desert him.
The angry expreslon of hts feature re
laxed. They sat side by side and began
to talk. Still pleading with him, Harriet
Weldon strut e to persuade her lover to
abandon his Intention of Immediately
leaving France.
"I have given yon all my heart," she
said, tearfully, "and now you are going
away, perhaps forever but bark, what
sound I that!"
ihe leaned out of the window and list
ened Intently for a moment. The sound
of wheel on the c-vrrlage drive wa dis
tinctly audible. She rushed to the man
tleplece where ft little clock stood ticking
away the precious moments.
"It l long past twelve," she exclaim
ed. "Tbat'a tbelr carrlago we hear.
They've come back from the opera. (),
Charlie, go, go, I beg you, while you can
get away."
Van I.lth turned at once to ga For
a moment only, he held her to bis breast.
Into that brief Interval of time were com
pressed a hundred different emotions
which stirred him a he had not been
stirred for many a day.
"I cannot, yet I must leave you," he
He bowed his head a little and kissed
her twice upon the lips She trembled
violently, but thrust him away from her,
repeating In tone of entreaty:
"He careful ! O, do be careful I"
He wa himself once more. He placed
the half-fainting form of the girl upon
the sofa, and hurried away. He wa
about to commence his descent from the
window, and bad already swung the old
fashioned, diamond pane sash half way
open, when Harriet, In whixe agitated
mind the fear of discovery overcame all
feminine weakness rushed forward, and,
catching hold of hi arm, exclaimed:
"You are too late! Come back. Re
quick, or you will be seen."
Van I.lth bad Just time to close the
window when, through a chink In the cur
talus he saw a hooded barouche, drawn
by two powerful burse, sweep rapidly
around the bend of the avenue and draw
up at the main entrance of the chateau.
From the vehicle there alighted a gentle
man of about thirty year of age. With
a great show of attention be first assist
ed a young lady, evidently still In Iter
teens to descend. He then with much
solleitude placed his nattily gloved hand
at the dlspoaal of the third occupant of
the carriage, a gTay-balrrd lady, evident
ly well advanced In years for she leaned
heavily upon the shoulder of both her
coraianions. She shivered slightly as she
stood upon the gravel path In the moon
light, notwithstanding that the night wa
There were trace yet of extreme beau
ty In this woman's features who, as
Sarah Graham, bad once been the toast of
the club room In fashionable New York.
It was still tbe face of a refined and cul
tured American lady. The nose waa thin
and aquiline, and an expression at once
haughty, yet kindly withal, sat upon lite
mobile, nervous lips Jewel flashed
upou her still firm neck aud her little
wrists She held herself erect and her
eye flashed proudly, as she looked Uion
her splendid borne.
"Bmlly, my dear. I hare left my shawl
In the carriage. Will you please bund
It to me? Monsieur Chabot. your ana."
The younger lady at once sprang light
ly lute the carriage, and returning with
tbe shawl, wrapped It closely about her
aunt. There wa nn Inexpressible ten
ilvrnes In the aetlon.
"How thoughtles of me. dear. You
might bae takrn cold. Don't ring, Mon
sieur Chabot. I have latch key. Ah,
here I Pierre. Pierre, are you silling
upT I hoM there's some supper ready,
for I'm hungry a I can be. Come, aunt ;
lot' go In."
lint something seemed to have attract
ed Mine. ItouiieU' attention. She with
drew her hand from tbe arm of Iter male
escort, and adjusting her monocle, a
dainty toy of gold and ivory, gaxed stead
ily at tbe upper window's of the chateau.
"Isn't It rather strange, my dear, that
there's a light In Harriet's room? I
thought she wa going to bed. If ber
headache was no worse than that, she
might as well have accompanied us this
evening. When I wa a young girl, Mon
sieur Chabot, It would have taken some
thing more than a headache to keep me
away from the opera."
M. Chabot smiled, and showed hi
white teeth pleasantly.
"Madame can atill teach ns Inexpert
euccd iieople bow to enjoy life." he re
marked, gallantly. "It remained for the
Failed Htate to end to France another
NIaon IVKnclos to prove that charming
women never gtow old.
"Ilrally, Monsieur Chabot, I am over
whelmed. For simplicity it ltd natural
iH-ss In compliment, my dear Kmlly, let
mo recommend this flatterer,"
Mine, ltniitell'r favorite pastime was
to nvnke M. Chibot belle that lit ox
aggerated praise of her a n great lady
struck home. One of her sn)ltig was,
"I like Monsieur Clinhot. He Is such a
sincere humbug," but she must have really
been a little moved on this occasion, for
her smooth, white linger on the French-.-nan'
coat sleee lightened their pressure
vud her face lightened wonderfully,
Harriet, sheltered by the window cur
t.ilus looked at Van I.lth, who ground
his teeth so furiously that, notwithstand
ing the gravity of the situation, the girl
could not forbear laughing. Mme. llou
pell below was still smiling at the French
man's compliment.
"Let u go Inside," she said, at last,
"No doubt we shall Hud sfiite supper
somewhere. I'oor Harriet! I trust she
I not sick. I will go right upstair and
see how she Is"
"That' comforting tidings, anyway,"
thought Van I.lth, who had again cau
tiously opened the window, aud to whom,
as he peered through the curtains every
word uttered by the party below was dis
tinctly audible. "l.ook here. Harriet,
what on earth am I to do? Madame
Itoupell Is coming to see how you are.
In a minute she will lie here."
Harriet' cheek blanched for a mo
ment, for from her station near the door
of the chamber she could already hear
Mme. Itoupell' footstep ascending the
"Come here," she cried to Van I.lth,
frantically. "There Is no one sleeping In
your old room. Hun aero the ball
quickly, and hide yourself there until I
call you. I will lock you In, so my
aunt wilt have to go the other way. ou
must return through her sitting room to
the corridor. You can do It easily, for
she la a sound steeper."
Van I.lth did a he was directed. Har
riet had barely time to turn the key 00
him, return to her chamber, seat herself
and snatch up a book, when her aunt's
footsteps were heard In the corridor, and
ft moment later the old lady entered lb
"Awake yet, my dear child? Can't you
sleep? Oh! You are thinking of that
joung scamp, I'm afraid. Well, I
wouldn't If I were you. He Isn't worth
It. Heeldes If you don't go to bed earlier
where will the rose go to?"
Site stooped and kissed her niece ten
derly on both cheeks and then went to
the window.
"I mustn't keen the hoes out all
night. Jean ! Jean !"
tur msruittait luriicti on lite pox anu
looked up at the window.
"You can go to the stable. Monsieur
Chabot will not return to the city to
night." Mme. Itoupell close,! the window again
and came back to where ber niece was
"Monsieur Chabot sleep her to
night?" Inquired Harriet, In a tone of
apparent unconcern, while ber heart wa
really beating violently. "Where will
you put htm, aunty?"
"Can't he have Monsieur Van IJth'a
old room, dear?"
"Not very well. Hut the chamber off
your own I ready, and the sheet are
"Very well, child, then I will give di
rections that be be lodged there. And
now goodnight. Ion't sit up reading;
but try to sleep."
Mme. Itoupell turned and left the
apartment. It was the last benediction
that wa to fait from the lips of Harriet
Weldon's benefactre.: for tbe shadow
of an awful crime wa even then hovering
over tbe chateau.
(To be continued.)
A I'lsifue it r Clocks.
We bail U-tttl Milled but A little
whlie In our Indian clearing, nud had
Just nnpjlred a !vd to It bearing tlto
signature of Andrew Jackson, say
"Joaquin" II. Miller In tho Hoton
Transcript, lion oho day a big, row
ImhkiI, liatchet-fncvd mart In a heaver
hat oime'to us by way of the Statu
road, with n load of clock In n car
riage. Ho had n big, lmxrtlncnt boy
with lihn, 11 nd pleaded oadly that both
of thoHi were sick.
Mothor waa very good to them, pull
ed out the? tnmdle-N'd to tlto middle
of the floor, bail tin children sleep nt
tin foot of her lied, mid treated tint
strnngwrn n If they hml Ix-en her own
blood. Hut Umy both united and moan
ed bitterly, and bettcrd father to tiiku
tho clock and dlsfiso of them at til
leisure to hi neighbors
Thero vaa a whole enrrlngn load of
them, but upon the reiterated nsattr
nnce that he ermld double, and even
treble hi money, our eontldliig fatti
er, net kmnvlug 0110 thing ntnut tbo
real price or rnlue of urh wnrea,
lgne n note and became n "merchant."
At the end of tbe year Mini hatchet
faced mail en me back nnd exacted his
money with piHinnous Interest, al
though father hnd not yet aotd n alnglu
Yearn later, when wo ret out to
croiu tho great plains those old clocks,
with but a alnglo ono wlMliig, took up
more thnn half tho wagon pnrc. Wo
hauled them from Indiana almost to
tho 4op of tho Hocky Mountains ami
then, one night, In a terrific snow
storm, when the wpgon hnd upset, wo
found n use for them. Ilrao, wood,
glaa and varnish all went to feed ft
tire. And o pence (0 tliclr Bounding!
brao, rent to their brazen faces t
Thero are 527 distinct muscle In tne
human body, of which clghty-threo ro
la the bead nod fao
Adoption of Proposed Changes Will Make a Radical Ctiaiw In Representation-Recall
Measure Will Lift from Office
All Who Fall to Do Their Duly
Dtnlta 0! constitutional amendments
and laws sought to t adopted by tlto
people o( Oregon liavo lieen prepared
and aro being circulated thiougltout tho
state Ity large committee ol ptiiml
ncnt men with n view ot getting the
measure before the voter for tliclr con
sideration. Kflorti will le mailo by
tluxe who have, dtattcd and are pro
moting tho measure to fonn Peoples'
1'ower league, anil to ralro 13,000 to do.
fray the eipensc ot tho coming ram
plgn to be. can led on for the lucccsi
ot the inrasutca.
Included In the list of tho inenautra
which mo being presented are: An
amendment to tho state constitution
providing lot tho recall of unworthy
oilier holder; the draft of 1 hill lor
the election of United Htatea aenatnra
by tveople' Instruction; tho draft of a
bill providing for ptoporllonal repre
sentation and majority elections, and ft
draft of Uie Huntley corrupt practice
Thoeo who have compiled tho list ol
amendment anil bills mid ate now
Rending them out and asking tot the
formation of a people' league aro:
Juhtiftthun Houine, Jr., Kjvrl 0. llron
.ugh, Joiry Ilrotiftiigh, W. 0. llrlstol,
Leo M. Clark, II. W. Drew, 0. II.
Oram, Tltotnsa (l. Oreene, 1 1) do V.
Huntley. J. K. Hedges, V. It. Hyde,
G. W. llolcotnt), Harry Une, T. M.
Lenbo, T. A. Mollildo, Henry K. Mc
Ginn, K. H. J. McAllister, F. McKer
chrr, I. McDonald, 0, M. Orion, It.
Lee I'flget, C. Hchettbel, Hen Selling,
Alex Uweek, O. K. 8. Wood. Frank
Williams, W. H. U'ltcn and John C.
In dlfcustlng tlo inetiurra which
they have placed before tho people tho
promoter set out their Ideas fol
low: "We MIpvo all clttien agree that
every political paity should be repre
sented In tho government in proportion
to tho number of Ita auportera among
tho people; that no political party
should ever hsvo a greater majority o(
tho olllcer of government than It lis
of tho vote of the people; that the
people should t) able to express their
disapproval of any officer's acLi by re
calling til in from oltlce; that tho pcopto
should elect and chooso their United
States icnstor; that character, and not
tho possession of wraith, or the secret
or public iup0 t of great corporations,
01 wealthy cltlxcni, should be ol ad
vantage to any man aspiring to publlo
oftlco. The iiiraturt herein offered by
member of the Teople'a Tower league
of Oregcn aro oxrxvtrd to aid In obtain
Ing thee, mult.
In ditcueslng the recall amendment
to the constitution tho propoaeia aay It
will bo lecond only to the Initiative
ami referendum. It Is pointed out that
U10 (teople ot the state cannot now re
call nn olllcer once elected without
proving him guilty of a crime beyond a
iraoonablo doubt.
It Ii point td out that almost contin
ually district attoineyi and sheriff
contend f-ey ate unable to enforce tho
law, or nn acor aaya It 1 Impossi
ble to arse, all properly fairly or to
make great- wealth bear Ita Just iharo
of the burden cf government. It liar,
gurd that if one-fourth of tho voteti of
the state or dlHrlat could bring inch
ofheert face to faro with publlo ills
charg) for incompetency tttey would do
tholr work or else tho people would get
olllceti who would do It for them, it
I ninetted that should tho law bo
pssred the mere threat of Invoking It
would bo effcutive In tho great major
ity of caeca and tho peoplo would hear'
lest of maintaining tho dignity ot an
otllco and more of maintaining ita elll
cacy. In the draft lUelf it la provided that
25 pet cent of tho voters who mat their
vote for an election of Justice of the
Ho pre me court at the election nrlor to
the action for recall may file their ie
tltlon demanding tho recall of an olll
oer who ii not enforcing tho law.
Hie petition (hall aet ft) I III tho rett
aoni for demanding tho recall and if
the officer doe not resign within five
days after the filing of tho pot It Ion
then a special election shall bo held
slthln 20 day to determine whether or
net the olllcer shall bo recalled.
On the sample I allota at tills election
the pctltlonere shall ret forth In not
more than 200 word the ritufoni for
their action while the olllcer shall Mt
forth In another 200 words his justifi
cation for hli arts. At this tamo elec
tion other candidates fot the olllco eluill
bo nominated and the ono recolvlng tho
highest vote In nomination shall bo
deemed to bo elected.
In the event the accused odlclal re
ceive the highest number of votei at
the election lp shall remain In olllco. I
I'etltlons of recall may bo filed against
members of tho legislature after he has
served flro days or longer In tho first
setslon following his election. In the
case of other officers alz months must
elapse before such a petition Is filed.
Alter cno recall petition has been
fl id and election held no other petition
may be filed against the aamo olllcer
unless the petitioners pay Into thepab-
Ho tioMMiry llin wlinlo amount of It
ntiHtnsn for the nrivcdlnif rhctlull.
I The prCHir)od lull fot the inlcutlon nt
1 United KtatM senators by a vote of tho
(teople Is short ami in tno txiuii. 111
effect It I nothing uioto than an ox
prvrued Instruction ol the legislature by
tho pecpte to vato (or ono candidate lot
rriiator. It Is argued that after such an
Instruction no politician would put his
prlvalo opinion nlwre tho voted expres
sion of tho poplo of tho state. The
bill eavsi
"H.vtlon 1. That we. tho -wopls of
the stnto ol Oregon, hereby Instruct our
representative and senators In our leg
islative as'cmbly, as such olllcer, to
voto for ami elect the candidates for
United fe'talci senator from this state
who receive the highest vote at our
goner I elections,"
In argument for thopropottlonal rep
resentation bill, It Is shown that the
piesent housti of representative In thn
Oregon Irglslatuto is romiiied of fiU
Itepiibllcarii and ono Democrat. If tho
voter In tho state were represented In
proportion to the ratio of their ruimerl
cl strength as shown at the last elec
tion the house would he com (voted ot
o ltd 3.1 Kenubticsns, 20 Democrats,
four Hoclsllsts and Ihiro Prohibition
member. It Is 'urthrr pointed out
that since 1HD3 the Hetmbllcans have
always hail from U to Mi of the mriii
ber of the home, IheiiKh In 1HU5 and
180ft the voto of tho Itepiibllcan party
Ihroushoul the sUte was Irs than one
half of all the votes cast.
It Is argued that prnjvortlonal repre
sentation wnuld give eath patty fair
firoportlonn! voto In the legislature,
mt as It has In the general elections.
Tho text of tho irotoed law Is a fol
lows: "bVcllon Ifl. In all elections an
thoriicd by this constitution until
otherwise prorldtd by law, tho eriou
01 persons receiving the highest num
ber of vote shall bo dndarcd elected,
but provision may Ik nude by last fot
elections by riiial piopnitlnnal repre
sentation n( all the voter for every
olllco which I tilled by tho election of
two cr more persons whoto otllclal ilu
tie, lights snd (towers are capiat and
"Kvery qualified elector resident In
his preclnrt and reglitrrrd, as may bo
required by law, may voto for one per.
ion for csh olllre. Provision may be
made by law for the volei'a direct 01
Indirect expression ot h's (list, second
or additional choice anion the candi
dates for any office. Fur an office which
Is filled by the election ol one person
It may be required by law that the per
son elected shad bo tho final choice of
a msjorlty of the electors voting for
candidate for that fiicae prin
ciples may be applied by law to nomi
nations by political parties and organ.
The Huntley corrupt practice act Is
knoin to a great many of the people of
tho state, as It Is tho bill which was
Introduced In tho last session of tho
legislature by Huntley, of Clackamas.
and defeated on the ground that It was
too voluminous snd detailed.
In brief, It provides for tho regulation
o' all elections ss to campaign exveni
m, sotting out a maximum expense
bill for eveiy olllco voted upon by tho
people, loth at the primaries ami at
tho general elections. These amounts
are gr tied ntrordlng to tho Importance
of tho olllco and the scope of tho ram
palgn Decenary to present tho candl
date before tho people. Hlgld pro
vli!(.ns aro made ngalnvt Indirect cam.
lgn contributions and iccrot expem.
os, and It Is required that all political
partlrs must fllo statements ot expense,
ss must the candidates, with tho olll
clals having record Jurisdiction over tho
positions fcr which tho candidates are
Drainer for Wash llnllsrs,
A simple device that greatly adds to
iba usefulness of the washbollrr Is a
recent patent of an Oregon man. As
shown In the Illus
tration, It consist
of a drainer Hint
Is attached to tho
top of tho wash
boiler. The drain
er I formed of a
series of parallel
cumitM MuiMH
roils, which rest on tho top of the
wnshhotlcr Knih rod terminates Into
1 luxik designed to engage the tteailed
Mm of tho bolter. Around the edgea of
the rod Is a projecting lodge, to pro
rent the water dripping on the floor,
After wringing out the clothes they nre
ronrenlently placed on tho drainer, tti
water dripping hack Into tho boiler.
Tho device Is readily removed whon ds
ilred. Tit lis. I wr lo no 11,
A writer gives u recipe for maklns,
stale cookie fresh. The beat recipe on
tho subject, however, I to make new
ones. Fresh cookies are a delight, hut
stale ones an abomination, and no self,
respecting housekeeper should tolerate
then nor spend time trying to restore
then to freshness
llfvi'tOC ,''h' ,HrJfj4 'Jms nri .M
ufllltjllhl OnvJla picuf
"It ll" l-UI-t(V-tlV3t'JIVIt(iu VI l UtmmjCj
VINH0dnV0r .
uitn nijj joointiu inif mil, sun
S;djI.;.....m.djrs,t,; v
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'Usui po ai pottJJ iJlliii (tiS-
)44i uhii jrvoi" J.ilje im oi) ,iM
jj4s;e ,!( io hj.
(J auAH ii os,sstii on ssstii
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s4un,JS osnvj tpiM Jiui m jms
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l) 01 uiti tiilat pus iusSjo tui
Ml) IsoUl eoit HUsuJ0 'tsjiiptuil tm
tH itifi uodn (IOjjs jtiMl ssi
is eip3 pus sjqnoi) nniu pus
Xwllp iOJ iktUlil ppusds W IQU
I'D ll'l )'l I"!"! "D'nj l os
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ui) jo 'Xjuuid uodJ3Mjd S Xu
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jt oi 'U0diJwjil si !1utj)lj
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ajij ilBi,4 dniXfi putiislmu,)
SiMuno ouu 'uoJI))i puwxI(iio) touno
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ismMp S,1tDl 0 0S1S -il
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Moo; oi) 11 1 'ttiitiUitausMep JJpC'I'l io
jC-ui 10 ijs,w jo ossi Xtt tsuiu
sina 01 Ximiiuj ujsud s punor sri
"I 1flU 'in OIM 'XlJOI( IIS lklOU
Xl kvllltllOj SS 'UOlJJSJjll 0lllltl
Simi" jodial Xtisp sjo 1 m si moil
uumn 00)i ei s oiatj dol
u;iiiuU li jsldw M li'i.w
STi o ltnruet.1 Pu"
sUije iInoqi. tur up
fief post iqnoj 4op; moouhq
sue i,eg tlM X)duoj, op,e )
win mm mm
siJJ.l Bindipoit,l,'lt.
Pjoh ipns on JiJti ninoX uiiiiuu;
JO tllk)IJ pil0.Ul 4I ll US S,)VIJ.
SulioX iui U 'jfii.w 'kiJtil 'iSn
Minnn ti pjpiJj jo,s'
..oiiill X111 ti jjjm Xail JtMw ou sjs
Xsp-oi jo tiJiiioM SunoX otn 'ii"3a
SW.I 'JI plO p.ltJI)IIIOl 'JM ',U
lll l llll
fwtiisit SntaiiuiSnilsk
riptitjttioMiiu i-tw.ii iqtlnjl4
umiuvu SfUuisuiju, strt vuw in "iiun
iii iu ij xm ,iidj, qii
ll J1JU U4UI )' XUUIOf H
I'l 0l 0 UM 1 XS l ,ll.
Usui ei ni 'jinioui i
pi ,,'jsjp ut jnoX s,i pus 01
'(X l HaM(. shk
nr3i3JJ JltnH3
ll,Mi'I(JvJr'0'f ikwv V
Id Ie)JlsiBijtji estaiv mJ
uv n,;;ij
uiuitiK KMtmii r m '
njns4a. nt li,.l s is litis 'ot elSI
" it'll s.lsl V n 01 1.11111 s ll'
I 'l.iia.ul ju sjtits us Sillai.liul 'l1
liu ) iiMu m 1 ass list sua uhv
oijl jo suntl u P0S 'JH
JD3 JO J003 tJ3J 'tlOOp 0'1
B tl.U pUB AU3I( pUD 3U0J
A0J3 JJ 0pnj0J3 UJ p3ADs
r.joV jo opioq tt i j 1 .v.. ons
-S3J 3t 01 3UIB3 J0qt33U ptlX
b puy JBt otp psJ3 sntX
Bumvjf wj