The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 15, 1907, Image 4

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    Ihsbu.. .y.rtwi . -tr t. a W;. ..
fcgqlWiin iiHiii. ,, IWJIIW' -! iaiIWWIWMMWWIMi
i. . i
"For every man a square deal, no
few and no more."
ne yesr
x iooath&.
Jfhrte motUn ,, .
x It is hoped that Bend people will
4ake up with zeal the support o(
a free public library and reading
Tooia as uutlined in an article on
the first oaKc of this iue. Under
present contemplated plans the in
stitution w ill be fitst and foremost
a public institution and its benefits
rwill be open to cvtrone. The
present board has adopted this
"plan for the reason that it was
.thoncht best in fact the onl
proper plan to throw it open to
the, public, make it an institution of
"Hvhlch the town can be proud, and
it Is believed that there wilt then be
-no difficulty in providing for its
Support. Bend people are liberal
tn , supporting any worthy puWic
undertaking and there is no doubt
.that they will sttppoit this when it
plan and scope of work, is fully 11 n
' A free library ami reading room
is sotr found in all progressive and
intelligent coMinuoitie. It is rec
ognized as a part of the educational
System of a town. and. indeed, it
plays art important part in educa
ional work. Where there is a
Upod Horary the pupils of the school
find it of preot assistance in refer
ence work, and their education i
brbaikar'd and made better in man)
V&Jbjr boring access to the best
1M'-' A library is always of in
saleable aid to school pupils and -r
patronised extensively bv them.
?iot only is a public library of aid
o the school, bet it furnishes a
1ncans oflifc-lung education to the
3$$l5. o(.-a commumlr. To the
person tvnote early education was
neglected oa accocnt of poverty or
other untoward circu instances, the
public library is indeed a boon.
There they can take up a course of
SvJf-cducatioa aod by diligent and
-vr,eit directed reading thev can
txJMdcM their life and make of
themselves bet'er, happier and more
intelligent citizens- Aod the recre
ation and enjoyment ose gets from
a good book is, of course, open to
' Then there is the importance of
ood literature in fcraing the char
actor of onr boys and girls. It is
dosbtful if auvthisg has more bear
tog pa a child's character than the
boofe he reads. He should there
fore have none but the cleanest and
best and .should early be trained in
habits of choosing and desiring
good literature. This can be easil)
don when good books are aceessi
ofe. A writer states this clearly in
the following paragraph:
v "Thc,be-ks that a boy reads for pleas
3 to ifotrorotlp determine Hi ideal ami
jbape I kt cecAeter than the text-book
e Mud in the schools. Bad and ia
dukrent literature m
(bat the Ik will
in. It I
T ..."'- . . "
wrarr they vrui read wboletome ikmks
nd teuAL u suftBire WAftbiaetoM, I.Ih
mIhc tl r k eat mer WitnoMt a
JUrrr" ir.ioy of ihem w.J! gloat over the
feptottsof depraved wm nad wowmi.
ml tJjeir earliest ambitions will be
A library U an essential part of a
broad system of education.', and a
(t&mmiiityvsbould tlifuk it as dis
teedftnble to be without n well-
l5V. , r. t.t-i:u..
lai$ucted free public library as
'e'witho'ui'flood school. .
4 - 0f course Bend cannot icrjtiire at
once a library that v?:!l be capable
of doing the rpik outlined above.
That will tahe"7?ars. But our cit-
the foundations of nn institution
that will gradually grow and im
prove ni the town grows, fo one
need be frightened regarding the
expense. It is planned so as to be
a burden on-no man, and the run
nine expenses will be small. If
the people want a free public library
and reading room conducted on
business methods, they can have
it. It's up to them.
A great temperance movement is
spreading over the entire country
It is prophesied bv conservative
thinkers that the question of pro
hibition will be a national issue in
a few yean if, in the meantime, it
has not been settled by the passage
of state laws which prohibit the
manufacture and sale of liquor
Especially iu the South is the tem
perance movement noticeable. Many
Southern states now have cither
state prohibition or local option
laws, with the sentiment to curtail
the sale of the stuff spreading rap
idly in other states. This move
ment is one for which to be thank
ful, and it is to be hoped that it
will continue to spread until it con
quers the entire nation.
One of the chief reasons for the
present strength of temperance sen
timent is the belief that is becoming
prevalent among business men that
it is an unwiae business policy to
teVter or allow to exist any institu
tion that is so destructive of wealth
as is the saloon. If the business
men of the country can be made to
see the wastefulness of the modern
saloon both in wealth and man
hood the saloon will soon be put
out of business tor alt time. There
can be no real and lastins prosper
ity as tone as the saloon is allowed
to flourish. It is the greatest de
stroyer of wealth in the work! to
day. It takes a man's wages and
gives bfet in return a stuff that de
stroys his manhood and damns his
soul. With the nation crying for
laborers to develop its resources,
the saloon sends thousands of strong
and able men to the grave every
year; and it keeps the courts busy
and the prisons filled in. the work
of straightening out and penkhiug
the crimes that it commits. Of all
the wasteful institutions with which
humanity lias been afflicted, the
saloon stznds pre-eminently the
The records of two states de
scribes concisely the work of the
saloon and the beneficent effects of
its suppression:
KaatM ks twen prohiMtfen tincc
iStio. Of the 105 eomttee in the Male,
only ai hare any pauper; tc hate their
MU aMolately empty; 37 Iwv
mayor whbtn. the reform clement
is backing,' was elected by the votes
of the people the common people, j
This result of a study of the elec
tion returns causes no surprise. It
is what always happens. When
ever there is a fight for pure gov
ernment and higher ideal, the
forces of decency always find ar
rayed against them the forces of
plutocracy. And the fight itivar-
iably discloses that the millionaires
and their ilk have waxed fat and
lined their pockets with profits se
cured by bribing public officials to
betray their trust, and by trafficking
iu immorality and vice. Such is the
work of plutocrats as a class. And
thoe who take up the cudgels for
better and purer government always
receive their greatest support from
the middle classes. What a rotten
civtliratiou ours would be if it were
not for the decency of the common
Klamath Palls capitalists
planning to build a sugar
Latest reports state that in the
recent "rush" 425 filings were en
tered at the Lakevicw land office.
Henry Cadle sold five fat porkers
to a Fnncville meat market for
about $1:5 The five weighed
over 1500 pounds.
J. W. and William Drown, farm
ers near Laidfeuv, have just re
turned from a trio to the Valley.
They brought buck several fine
Jersey cows with them.
ti7lijimaimilaiiilailai iiWBiaaiiiaaiiMHW"ll'''l"i' W" W" . -iani
The Beginning of Weal
e no erlm
imI east on their docket
Maine ha a prohibition taw enfereed
in Hinc-tenth of the ttte. Hainc ".
in 188. the year it went dry. one of the
MMt dntaken and pooreat of ttatei. In
1900 it bad roore bank ami 13,om,k
more money deposited in them than the
M-itle-open Mate of Ohio, which has frix
UBtea as many people.
The people of San Francisco have
again shown to the world that they
are made of the right stuff. In lost
week's election that municipality
sustained the good government
movement and gave large major
ities to those candidates who stand
for the suppression of ice and cor
ruption. They thus sustain and
commend the recent prosecution of
the grafters and corruptionists in
that city, so ably conducted by
Keney and I.atigdon. They also,
by their vote3, assure the continu
ation othc work1 of purging out
the vioe and rottenness in their
city's government.
How was this notable victory for
morality made possible? The ejec
tion returns showed that McCarthy,
the corruptionists' candidate for
mayor, polled his largest vole in the
The directors of the Crook Coun
ty Fair Association report that
they have been abk to pay all bills
and premiums this year with a
comfortable little balance left over
for next year's meet.
Hon. Van B. Dclashmutt, at one
time mayor of Portland, was at
I.aidlaw last week looking 'over the
Columbia Southern segregation
with the view of baying out the
present company and completing
the reclamation of the segregation.
The Chronkk says that if he de
cides to do mi he will move to Laid
law with his family and make that
his home.
Engineer Buck, of the Oregon
Eastern Railroad Co , and h
party of asitams pa&ed through
Lakevicw Friday last. They have
been setting stakes through War-
tier and Surprise Valleys, and are
now going to Crooked Creek and
make permanent locations from
thence northward. Engineer Shaw
of the same company is muking lo
cations south. Lakevicw Herald.
IS in close buying. In our IMMENSE OLOSINQ OUT
1 SALE you find the opportunity to et double value
for every dollar Invested, as every article is juiarontced to
be as represented, and is sold at only a small fraction of
the prke asked at other stores.
We mention u few of the many values:
Outing Flannel 27 inch widths in fancy chuck uUd ptikk sptuliy tU4tlt for ()X,C
comforters. Regular prke 3 t-J cents; ckxiitg iwke '
Heavy Outings in white awl colors, regular width, sjrfoiHHd mine l libj cant. JQ
To cla.c at '
Extra Heavy Outings iu white ami colors, sold eveiy whore at l cugla, mow , J J
on sale at- t
Ladies' Heavy Cotton Ribbed Hose, full kngth, tat colors, rnlur 1$ h( j J
value. To do5c at . . .. r
Ladies' Black Wool Hose, spiked hoc! awl toe, fiiti w$kt, &rkir a cent 23C
value. Now ......-
Men's Heavy Wool Fleece Underwear, OSC
tegular St ?5 value, at
Men's Heavy All Wool Suits, hawl-made iMittonholM. ent In tatwl nwi best t2 40
styles, tegular $17.30 value, now
Men's Hcavv Doubc-brenMnd Blue Flannel Over-sMit. rtfwk-r prtot $.7$- h t 05
Closing at isii
Mn's Heavy Blue Flannel Owrshirts, regular i.yi value. Of
Now sJ
Ladies' Fine Dres Shoi, pfamn Vki Kid, in all the Mnt kstit icfNlnr 9 (f)
price $i 35; our closing price ...... viv
Child's Fmc Dres Shoes, 5 to f, rcgnkr St.ij vultw: C'j 'if)
Xow - 'AtI
Miste.' Fine Dtea Show, 1 1 to t, rgr l SJ0I "R 1 Q K
Nmv ...... . . "PliOJ
Boys' 3. piece Suit, all wool, grey and brown nilxtuins, regular $4. JO vnlwt: C. 3 " c
Closing prk tO.AO
Do not forget that wte have tbonMuds of yards of I)ras Goods, Flamtck. Outings ami J.ies.
Downs wf Ladies' Winter Coals, Skiru, Swmter. Underwear, Shawl, ami Olevoj. Scot cm of
Men's Suit, Overcoats. Shoes. Sweaters, and Hals.
Tone and too of Groceries, assorted Hardware, and a complete line of Huggta, Havks and
Fanning Implements Everything to be sold at prkes whkh will "make it go
nun Aonsnc
i CARFPIJI rv PH I rtv
I'riuuville, Oregon
N. II. Pinkerton, wlio is having
a well drilled nn his ranch
on Agency Plains, receutlv
struck water at a depth of
50 feet. There were two small
veins of water that flowed a little
less than 350 gallons in 34 hours.
On account of the small flow Mr.
Pinkerton ordered the drilling to
continue and will go deep enough
to get a supply of water sufficient
foi all ranch purposes.
Thonsands of bushels of grain
are bcinc hauled to the warehouse
at Shaniko by farmers in the
Madras country, but very little
money is being paid for it at the
present time. The financial panic
has tied up money to such nil ex
tent that there is no currency with
which to make payments, and the
best the farmer can do is to get a
warehouse receipt for his grain;. It
is causing quite hard times at
New Blacksmith
I have just recently oenad a
shop in Bend and am Kepared
to do all kinds of
Horse Shoeing, Wagon nnd Plow
Work nnd (lenernl Ulncksruitlilng
Every pkee of work that kaves
the shop is guaranteed to be
m'i I solicit a shurc of our pat
ronage. ja.mbs Mcelroy.
TatJi;iar: .
Price (mm jje to 1.00.
Leave mi at Hnc Trjc 'Stare.
KH. ILVLV0K8OK. MJ.VU, Okhoo.v
Subscribe for The Bulletin.
W. P. MYFitfS
Land nnd IrriRatlon
rrMlke In all CwnrU and DenartntenU
ut the iHtrrier.
OXf la tlrac Mr m WU MmI
Witt Ihrttt. m I 4 p m.
(tlCt ItM X J HUfM Mmc K rt
M. V. TUIU.EY, M. D.
Physician nnd Surgeon
ariMCit or a rt cornkk ttuw, stork,
U. C. COE, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
til Hldbt Cclcpbonc Connection
lie lMrtaw, Uto laf. UMitly t
CM IK VI! III. . 0KX4. X
First National Bank
of Prlnevlllc.
Cnpllnl, Surplus nnd Undivided
Profits, $100,000.00
Will wr..Atf
r m twMwm
II Hulm
1e llrw
. M4.Utlt VWi
ens catJ'beefn the good work now! "kid glove' section; (hat is, in the
?f they'iVill, and, as they have douef section where tHe millioncires and
With their schools.'btdld.upiin.otherpvca'fihy residents of M city live,
ijstitution ofUThitU the town can-In thatsccUin McOartljy hd 'bver
WfieproudV the preserplan isfa other canaldritcq. 4 O'n' the1 other
o make a small begmuing And Lay hand, Taylor, the caadjdatt; for
..; i
Wood For Sale.
I will deliver wood in town
the following prices:
DUY block: WOOD
16 inches long
34.00 a cord.
t6 inches long i
j. , S3.6o a coM.
Pdt in your yariVon short noujte.
FLbnc to me wha'you want wood,
won't cost you anthftng to pliqt to
F. M. cftnrR.
a MKtl I
f ' BTN! I-
' ' ami 1
sL- I ml
PrvFiSl '
Utn -;
For the general news of ihe
World also for information ahoui
how o ohialti -Che hesi r&sxiHs
m cukivafin ihe soil, Stock
Raising FriJiGrowm J ete. ,
You can secure 1h$ excelteul
paper by
Clubbing with The Bulietiit.