The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 15, 1907, Image 1

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    "TPw "'
NO. 35
$15.00 TO $40.00. PER ACRE
185,000 acres In tliu Dos Chutes Valley.
60,000 ncrcit now under 350 tulles of completed canals.
Most fertile .toll, abundant mid never fulling water, glorl
ouh climate 3 10 Minslilny days cr ) car cheap lunilernnd fuel,
worldsnf water Kwer, fish, giimc, nml Iwnutiful iiioniitaiii seen
cry, combine to make nil Ideal country to I AVE in.
As for MAKINO A LIVINU, man after man of our settlers
In producing this year from these cheap lauds from $50 00 to
Jioo 00 nn nerc in clover, nlfulhi, ont, wheat nud barley cropi.
Vegetable and fruit crops hnvc yielded from 100 00 n 11 acre up,
14G varieties of grains, grnsM-s, fruits and vegelnblc raised and
ripened on the land. Clover H tons cr acre, alfalfa 7 tons, onts
Ho bushels, potatoos 300 bushels, sweetcorn 1H0 bushels roasting
cars, strawberries gallom, and other croH In similar pro
Have you got your tract of laud yet? If not, why not?
Oct a litistlc'on and get it now, while you can get your pule.
Remember tit in Is Carey Act laud.
You get the laud absolutely free directly from the State
of Oregon.
For particulars write today for llooklct G.
Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company
Gins. P. Richardson, Manager Sales Department
Room 203, No. 6 Wnll St., Spoknnc, Wnsh.
f WgtfiM p mi if "1 r 1 -in'aaano;!
Farmer Neur Redmond
I las Nose Torn Off.
Twenty-Seven Slllches Taken lit and
I'tcccs of Mono Uemnvcd from
tlio Two Wounds,
Bond-Shaniko Livery & Stage Company
J.-1 1. WI2NANDY, Prop.
New Covered Stages between Bend and Shanlko
Uvury and Peed Stables at Shanlko and Bend.
We run our rigs to please the public.
Stftgoc leave each way every day.
nii to nil parts of Central Oregon. Careful tlrlvors furniihod
V I now have n better outfit of buggies nml horse nml can give
more aatiafnclory service than ever before. All kilitU of light ami
heavy livery furnished on short notice at reasonable rate to nil
ioiiita in Central Oregon. Traveling partim; wiU profit by seeing
mv before xoiiiK rUctthete. For further fiifn-uia'tion nbout stage
coitkiilt J. II. Vk.nanij at Bend, or V. P. Kki.i.hv, AKcnt,
Shauiko. Oregon.
Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage.
liTo Central Ore
gon Banking (Eb
Trust Company
Capital 523,000.00
Transacts a (lencrnl Bank
ing Business.
Acts as Ailrululstrntor, I3x
ccutor or Trustee of Ustntcs
Issues Drafts nml Unuk
Money Orders on nil Porclgn
Interest on Timo DcposltsJ
Safe Deposit Boxes.
Flro Insurance.
John Steldl, President
J. U. Sawhlll, Vice-President nml
Is your name 011 our subscription list?
When You Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results nt the
least expense you
should use
Call for
color cards "
A Pull Line of Groceries, Dry
floods and Hardware always on
About 10 o'clock last Tucsdny
morning, K. II. Lockyenr, a farm
cr living five miles Mjuth of Red
inonil, was kicked in the face by n
horse and his nose nearly torn off
and the skull fractured. He was
in n semi-conscious .state nearly to
hours after the accident, and is now
in a critical condition,
Mr. Lockyear and n neighbor
were hauling straw when one of
the horses balked. I.ockycar got
ofT the load and was trying to get
the horse started. The neighbor
could not sec just what he did.
Am way, the horse kicked nud the
calk of the shoe caught I.ockycar
on the tip of the nose, tearing it en
lircly loose so that it hung to the
forehead only by n small strip of
flesh. As soon as word could be
'phoned to Bend Dr. Tin ley was
called. He hurried to the Lock
year home, accompanied by Dr.
Scoficld. Dr. Turley found that
the skull was also fractured over
the eye and it was necessary to re
move several pieces of skull bone
The bridge of the nose was broken
and alnnit one-fourth of the card
lege torn away. It took 21 ttchc.s
to dress that wound nud six in the
forehead. It was necessary to be
gin stitching between the not and
rye. and stitch around the nose up
to the other eye. The doctor says
that the nose will probably be a Ut
ile flat between the eyes but other
wise wilt be all right, ami that the
injured man will undoubtedly re
rover if no complicntioufc aet in.
Remittance Should lie, Made by Draft
ami Cosh Kept at Home.
Shortly after the financial strin
gency started Postmaster Grant re
ceived instructions to forward all
poatoffice receipts, in cash, to Port
land. The result is that each week
a snug little 4 tun of currency is
shipped out of this section at a time
when it is most badly needed.
Heretofore Mr. Grant has been de
positing tbu money in the local
bunk and a bank draft forwarded.
The only way to overcome this and
ktcp the mouey in this vicinity is
for those jwople who desire to make
remittances to outside parties to do
so through a bank draft instead of
a postoffice money order. Your
motley will thus be kept at home
and will help to keep the wheels of
local business revolving until the
money stringency is relieved nud
until the flow of cuncucy is again
resumed through its natural chan
nels. No more money should be
sent out of the vicinity than is ab
solutely necessary. I.ct everyone
help in this respect,
in this couutry arc finding to be
tuc most successful way ofiannlncr
On one hundred and fifty acres of
summer fallow Mr. Uodmau sowed
I White Winter wheat on September
15, and m near the surface was the
moisture 011 hs carefully tended
summer fallow that within eight
days the grain had sprouted. It is
now up about four inches and be
ginning to stool out. Mr. Hodman
is one of the most successful farm
ers in this end of the county, and
he has accumulated about a thou
sand acres of good farming land
through his own efforts. Madras
rinal Proofs Suspended JO Days to
Allow Applicants Time to Raise
Necessary Money.
Many Ask that Reading
Room Be Opened.
Move Is on Toot to Assure Support of
Tree Library and Reading Room
with Paid Librarian.
When the financial flurry reached
11cm! and the local money market
began to tighten, considerable anx
iety was felt by people who were
advertised to make final proof cither
011 homesteads or timber claims.
The dates for a number of these
proofs were set for the 14th and 15th
of this month. Under usual con
ditions the rwrt'cs making proof
would have been able to raise the
necessary funds and hrfd arrange
ments jwrfected to do so, but the
scarcity of currency knocked their
plans in the head and they were
confronted by a serious situation.
They could not raise the necessary
amount in cash and the question
prcscutcd itself as to whether or
not they would be forced to lose
their claims.
Commissioner Kllis at once took
up the matter with the laud office
officials at The Dallas and asked
for instructions. In reply he re
ceived a copy of a telegram sctit to
The Dalles office by Commissioner
Bultinger of the General Land
Office at Washington. The tele
gram reads.
'WiaiiiNtvroN. I). 0.. Nov. 7. !07
To l. S. Kraitter and KKivcr: Sua
pend proof lor to days to aire atmli-
canU littw to male iMyitvtuU 1h cah.
MAM.INURR, CommiaeJoner."
Under this provision proofs arc
being taken by Commissioner Kllis
on tim ante nitvertised and tuc pa
pers forwarded to The Dalles. At
the expiration of the 30 days grace
payment in cash will be expected,
although it is generally believed
that this time will be extended if the
financial strain is not relieved
then. Commissioner Kllis has
made the rule that laud office and
advertising fees should he paid at
tune of offering proof.
Wheat (Irows On Summer Fallow.
George Hodman a farmer near
Culver, raised about 6000 bushels
of grain on his place this year and
he has nlrcndy marketed nbout half
of it at Princville, his oats bring
ing him 50 cents and the wheat 60
cents per bushel. lie is looking
forward to a good crop next year.
also, ns this year he has been sum
mer fallowing a good portion of his
laud, which those farmers who arc
making a success of the busiuess
Irrigation Project on West SIdo of
River Will Probably lie Sold.
It is very probable that the Col
umbia Southern irrigation project
will be taken over by Hon. Van B.
Delashmutt, one-time mayor of
Portland. Mt. Delashmutt has
been in I,aidlaw for the past week
or to days going over the project
thoroughly aud has left for his
Portland home very favorably im
pressed with whut he fouud. C.
M. Mudd, local superintendent of
the company, was in Bend last even
ing aud reported that Mr. Delash
mutt had practically decided to buy
out the old company, nud this he
will do if nothing develops to cause
a hitch in the transactions. There
is no trouble expected in this re
spect. If the sale goes through, Mr.
Delashmutt will move nt once to
f.aidlaw and it Is expected that he
will be located there in three or
four weeks. It is his iuteutiou to
complete the reclamation of the en
tire project.
Quite a number of-Bend people
have brcu requesting lately
that the library and reading
room be again opened to the
public In response to this desire
certain members of the board have
taken the matter under advisement
and have adopted a plan which, if
it is given the support of the public,
will result in giving the town and
vicinity a free reading room and
library as good as is found in any
town of equal size and in many
towns much larger than Bend.
The new board insists on a cer
tain line of management if the in
stitution is to be opened under
their control. This management
involves the following points:
1. That it be put on a rational
business basis.
3. That its financial support be
assured for at least a year.
3. That a librarian be hired, on
a small salary, and the room kept
open on stated days.
4. That the institution be first
and foremost a public one, open to
every one iu Bend and vicinity,
and free.
In brief this is the policy toward
which the present management is
working. If it cannot be worked
out they refuse to have anything to
do with the concern. The institu
tion will be a public one and will
have to be supported by the public
It will no longer cousist of merely
a magazine club supported by and
opcu only to a few. Kvery man,
woman, aud child iu Ileud and
vicinity will be eutitlcd to its priv
ileges. A few of the leading busi
ness men have been approached
and the plan unfolded to them, and
everything now indicates that the
library board will have no difficulty
iu enlisting the support aud co-operation
of enough progressive people
to make the undertaking a success
The plan is to hire some lady for
a small salary to act as librarian
and keep the room opcu on certain
days of each week, the exact time
to be decided later. The first work
will be to provide for her salary so
that it will be absolutely assured
that the room will be kept open
and managed properly. If enough
contributions can be secured to
provide for this, then further plans
will be worked out. Funds will be
provided for a list of the best maga
zines aud periodicals and a number
of new books ordered for the libra
ry. The ladies arc expected to
take n haud iu providing this last
fund, nud that they will do so aud
make a success of it there is no
doubt. Bend ladies are loyal citi
zens when the interests of the pub
lic arc involved. Both the reading
room aud library, as ha s been said
before, will be opeu to everybody
iu this vicinity, aud will be con
ducted in line with pure business
and modem library methods.
The management desires to start
the institution, iu its re-orgauiza-tion,
on a foundation that will pro
vide for its constaut and gradual
growth. Then wheu the proper
time comes: it will be iu shape for
the city to take over and manage.
For some time to come it will have
to be supported by voluntary con
tributions Inasmuch 09 its only
object is for the benefit and accom
modation cf the public and the
whole public each citizen should
feel it his privilege to assist in its
support. In a few days you will
be approached by a member of the
board and your help solicited.
Present plans contemplated are of
such a nature that the support of
the institution should not be a
burden on anybody. Will you
Handsome Filly Put through Interest
Ing Stunts at Redmond.
Redmond, Nov. u.K. M. Gll'an of
the Haystack country was over lost week
anil while here put a two year old filly
through a teric of tricks that he has
taught her. She hold tip any foot to
be examined, thakes hands from any
quarter, jump the pole, tells him
whether she likes him or not, and tevtr
at other itunU. He lus lud her hitched
up single but three or four times, but
when the single harness is put on and
the shaft are held up she marches un
der like an old timer. There Is a chance
for some one who has the time to de
velop quite a trick horse and get a
fine driver Into the bargain.
There will be a Thanksgiving dinner
given at the hall from 13 until 3 o'clock
on Thanksgiving dy. Chicken, pump
kin and mince pics, mulicd potatoes,
pickles, coffee and any number of good
things will be served. The Ladies Aid
desecs a liberal patronage for this
event and all should plan to attend.
Dinner for adults, 35 cents. Children
from 10 to 15 years 15 cents.
Mr. Trrrin has lately bought the Laney
team of Mr. Robcy and is preparing to
move out on the farm.
Den McCaffcry Is nursing a case ot
typhoid ftter In the Sisters neighbor
hood. Mrs. Carl Ilhret lias been sick for a
week but la Improring.
J. A. Norwood formerly of "Portland,
is clerking for Ilhret llrothcrs.
Born, lately to Mr. ami Mrs. Hansen,
a boy. We believe alt parties arc dow;;
well. Mrs. Ben McCaffcry is in a"m-
V. J. Bnckley is building a house "n
bis lot iu town.
J. C. MeGnate eame down from nenl
yesterday with the intention of return
in today awl taking Mrs. McUaffie
with him.
V. S. Stanley passed through on hU
way to Beud Saturday and stopped a
short time.
Mr. Bauer was In from the ditch camp
for a few da vs.
Mesar. Wrlghl and Kcnuanl are pull
ing trees on their respective places and
helping each otlwr out.
Ada Tuck Is borne again from Bend.
Cal RIelunlson of Nashville, Tenn ,
has bean here for about a week looking
over land.
Mr. Lauderback is living In the Bauer
Lunatic Attempts Suicide.
Diuers at the Biggs hotel were
surprised Monday of last week at
seeing n man run through the office
and slining room into the kitchen,
where he seized a cleaver with
which he attempted to cut his
throat. Failing in that he tried to
pick up a butcher kuife, but was
secured before inflicting serious in
jury upou himself. He was then
put upon the train aud brought to
Moro for safe keepiug. He made
no resistance and remained passive
uutil Tuesday, when he became a
raviug maniac, and after examina
tion was committed to the asylum.
The unfortunate fellow has been a
work on the North Bank railroad
aud was knowu as Patrick Durkee,
aged about 38 years. Moro Obsert
Portland's First Horse Show.
The horse show which closed
Saturday at Portland was a tremen
dous success, and the Oregon ani
mals on display as well as the show
itself was voted by Dr. Withycombe
asjustasgood, if not as large, as
the one iu New York city.
Time's NEWS k TM Bulletins.