71 NEWS OF THE WEEK In n Cwiilonscil I'orm for Busy Readers, Our PACKAGES IN RURAL MAIL. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A (Ultima of tha Less Important but Not Lata Intsrestlng- Events of the Past Weak. I'oihj Ixh) lii repotted to bo seriously III. Tho Commercial HUtn hank, o Oiand Island, Nob., linn ulio Km ilooii. Finland lmn twsHed n Mil prohibiting tho manufacture or linixirtatlou of nl rcoliol. 1'nrlf l I ml In are 'threatened with famine, having experienced thu worst niroutli slnco tHIil). Itollablo ri'Mlt fiom Karutagh, Him- lau Turkestan, my but II 00 iM-rson iiuct death In the recent disaster. iOeueral Booth, of tlio Salvation riny, Ima arrived In Now Yoik from iKngUml ninl wa given n great ireep. It Ion. JlrllMi railroad employes bnvn voted 'a general alrlkn and tlirrn seems little likelihood of n settlement being sobed. Tho governors of Georgia, Alabama Snil Nnith Cnmlltin linvo united to ico thu rUY to lHy nuw lawa ! In those slate. lit It nn noil nerd that 21 steamer lo Ih'oii chartmed to brliiK coal run! dir atipnllM from Scotland for the rAinerlran ilect which U to vlall tbe aclflo. Oklahoma bank will reopen Novcm sr 4. A tblnl death from nligua haa oc- sttrd at Heat tic .Montana bankf nro doing, btulncr adet iiotinal condition!, f Him tlio Nnvalo Indiana have leon killed or raptured In Boullicrn Utah. William I). Haywood will muitnrah- lily lx thu Socialist cnndldato for prra Idenl. California bank aro alinot nil lg. rihorlng tint holiday proclaims! by tlio governor. Tlio Groat Noilhorn mid Northern I'aolllc railroad will not uatond con iruciion, Postmaster Qcneral to Mako Hocom mendatlone In Report. I'lilliuliilphlii, I'd., Oct. 20. I'ost uuistor (lout ml von ).. Mover, lit n din nor at tlio Union U-aguu olub hint night, iimiln mi oddreis In wlilcli ho in I led nttriition to looomtiiondatlona which ho purpuao mukliiK in IiIm an until ioxirl for tho consideration of tlio next emigres, On tho question of por col K)nt ho tuildi "I ahull recommend tho sumo rate, 12 cents a pound, mid tho wimo limit of weight lur parrel, wlmthor Intondod for point in thli country or abroad, which means ii reduction of four conla n K)tind and Incn-aso In tho maximum wolKht to eleven pound. Taking no tho rum I parcels pot quo lion hn aaldi "I shall recommend a purola post system on tho rural dollvary routed, n Hx.'ll rato to m charged on pnikagea for delivery from tlio distributing olllcoa of I ho mini route, or If mulled by n patron of any rural route for delivery to a nation on tho same route cr at the distributing olllco of mid loute. Tho rato would lm live cent for the flrat muriM anil two conta for each nddltlonal pound, up to olevrn 'wunds, Thla would bo n groat boon foi Hid armor." Regarding postal ravings bnuka, tho postmaster general soldi "As mi ovldcuco Hint It is not llio do alro of the government to romoto with the private saving tank In obtaining tlojMMilta ol tho eoplo, I ahull ndvocnto a rato of Interest of 2 per coot per an mini, or I or cent r-oml-annually and n limit of IflOO, not more ttiau $260 to bo deported lu nny rfiin year. My own lieilcf I that far from It bolni; n detri ment to the ratnblhihed bnuka, It would lx In tho end an advautnKo. Now, In order to net thla money Imck Into tho channel of trade. I purpoeo lr -uik con Kirra for authoilty to placa tho lavlnga in tlio National lawika." NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL I i1 ii '' ISSUES PROCLAMATION. DEVELOPS A NEW QRAPE. bank raahlor nt Charlton, I ml., meantKo royltiK tho bank waa A lleft a wrecked ami committed aulclde Tho Umlatnna leKlalatmo ha been tllo.1 lu oilrn aeMlon to imt law a uov ernlnn public arvleocorioitloru. l'ho Knok Ilmud rallroadlina laid off every eonatiuctloii crow on necount of appnauhluK wlntui, tho olllolali My. Two arrcaht have len in ado In Chb aKO for iteallnu rix-oid In the cno of John It. Wnlah, wiraker of tho Mil. wiui kce nveiiuo bonk. Now York bnnka nro furnlihlnu mon vy to inoo oropi. Tho Union Pacific ha atoppod much ronitructlou work. Nobrnakn olDalala havoiovoroly inub bed tho Japimaoooniul. . I'oitv rnlloia have been davouied by aiiiuaia nwr lhh Horn. Tho Clerman Itnporlnl bank hna rala el tho dlncount rato to check gold ox. poilH. Mirny ol tho Inrso banka In dlfforont airt of tho country mo absorbing tho amnller onoa. Immnnao crop oxpoita from tho Unit. d Htiiten will fotvo Importa of forotKii money mid rellovo tlio atrliiKoncy. Within the t few daya Bojrotnry orlelynu hna depoalUxl 100,000,000 wlth'tho vniloim buoka of tho country. I'roMldont Hmnll declare that tho tub 4'Krnph oortora strlko la over notwltlf emnuiiiK jmn no nan ucou tloiioaea tia prtalilont, Governor Btokca. of Now Jomoy, Iihh tdKiiod it bill for n direct prlmaty und direct election of onutors a I in I lur to tho Orexon law. Knnaaa Imnka ronmln opon but pay . nil ilomundH by chock. Thu WoHtvrn Union ha ononcd n number of llo bninoli olllcors in Chi. cniio. Oklnhoum linn proclaimed n public holiday that run on bunka may Ik) pro vontod. A HkIiI inonoy nmrkot Jms auapondod work on tho now Dupont 1'owdor woika nt Tacomn. California Sclonllil Oetlavaa Ha Haa Varlaty UurpoiilnfC Iho Tokay. Htoekton, Cnl., Oct. SO. An entirely now kind of grapo la Imlng devoloped at tho Kovernuieiit oierlmrntal atatlon near IxIl, and I'rofeaaor II. 0. Una mnnn la of tho opinion that It will re ult In a Krapo that will excel tho (anion Flamo Tokay, which haa given I.odl o much fame. Tho now variety la aomowhat imllar to the Tokay In texture and color, but la lmeivlou to tho rain, la much firmer ami can bo ahlpped loiiRer dlitance without dnin- aKO. II arar to Imi a croa between a lokny and Karerra nml la of an Im proved flavor. If properly dovelopel It la expected to become a moat protltnblo variety. l'rcfeior Uuimann la duo to nrrlvo In Loll thi week and ho Intend to ret out about 30 varieties of crepei, flvo different klnda of each variety, for ex porlmonlnl purpowa. Already 130 va rletlea of Kiape aro belli;- crown at tho atatlon, and It I bellovcd that tho vlnejnrd will rrrelvo creat bendlta from the extKirlmenta Iwlmr inado at the Mntlnn. Additional nppnmlua I to bo Inatalled nt tho plant In tho way of thermomelora and rccoula of tempera tures will lm mado bo ai to make coin IMiilaona with Krapo Krowlnu- polnta in rranco, Hln, Italy and Boulii Africa. WANT TWO MOftE UIO HHIPb. Naval Oiricara Expect Appropriation for 20,000-Ton Daltleihlpa. Wnililniitoti, Nov. 1. It la Ihoopln iouof imvnl olllcora Kcncruly that con Kteiuj, at tho comliiK eoaa.ou, rhould povldo for two now l!0,000-tiri Uttlo ahl, to bo companion ahipi to thoxo recently iilecl under contract. Navy men Ix-lluvo It la n kooI Idea to build tip tho ruiyat force In unit ofouridilpo encu, oacii amp oi ino unit to lo Idtnll nil with tlio other three. If thla policy could bo adopted, tho navy cculd Imj enlarged mora ranldly than If tho plan Hie coiiiiniiHiiy ciiatiKcU. tor Itittance, If tho noeetiMry appropriation could bo obtained for two ahlp of thli typo, contract could bo let for thorn not later than the flrat of next AtiKuat, and they would follow nloriK Ira than a year bo hind tboahlpa recently contracted for. If I hero hmi Id bo any radical chango In hlpliullilliig lH-foru tho next con tract could bo nwarded. tho olllcora concede that tho government would bo jiutlllod lu mollifying Ita plaur. For tlie tiretrnl tlieio olllcers aro rontent with SO.OOO-tm lttleiihlp, and nro uoi lavoiauio to tno Immeillalo con. alrurtlon of ahlp of 22,600 or 6,000 ton, it n I en congreaa ahould eo fit to appropriate for more than two battle hip nt tho approaching aeailon, and no one look for any audi abnormal op propriauona ai win lime, ji congree authorltc two now U-.ttleahlpa in tl o next nnval appropriation bill it will bo doing inoro than many friend of tho mivy expect. There I a general feel IriK that congiras will rather be In cllmxl to hold down naval appropria tion, and nuthoilxo ono rather than two battlcablpi. Trail In Rainier Forest Washington, Nov. 2. Hupervlwr G. F. Allen, of the Halnlor National for eat, Washington, haa Juat ln-en author Ixeil to expend 11,700 for tho construc tion of trull, cabin and pasture In hi foreat. Thn muney la now avail able and tho work will lo liegun at once. The greater part of the amount authorised will bo used for building a fine trail system which will Increase tho oflcctlvonoM ol tho ranger force In nil Hum of work. Lack of trail In the Italnlcr forctat hna horotoforo caused tho lorn of ronsldeiable time lo forest oil). cer traveling between Important point. UMELIfcH TftUSTNtXr. Prosecution Will Follow Completion of Tobacco Case. Washlnitton, OcL 30. If Iho govern ment la euccersful In Hi aoixuio of 8, 760,000 clgaroltc from tho tobacco trat nt Norfolk, Virginia, under tho Mhorrnan anti-trust law, ono of lis next proceedings will bo against tho Guggen heim smelter trunt, of which thn Fedo ra) Mining A Hrnelllug company, ooer- aung in waaiungton and Idaho, I a conatlluont. Chnrle Sweeney, of Spo kane, ono nf tho director of tho Fede ral company, la heavily Interested In Portland really. When queatlonod regarding Uie gov ornment'a action rolatlvo to other trusts, If successful against Iho tobacco corporation, a responsible official In tho departments Justice replied: "The government will not bo limited with reference to any other trust." "What about tho Standard Oil and tho smolter trust?" "The government will not bo limited with rcforonce to any other trust," the ofllclal reiterated. An investigation lias been soins on Into tho rmelter tmst for many months. Tho government haa a mass of evi dence. If It procctdi against tlio smel ter trust and tho Federal company it will solxoall interstate ran controlled by tho Guggenholms in all their con tituent companle. President Set Apart November 20 as Day of ThankSRlvlna;. Washington, Oct. 28. Tho presi dent' annual Triankeglvlng proclama tion, Iwiucd Saturday, selecting Thurs day, November 28, for tlio people to as Minblo to piny that they may be given atrength so to order their liven as to do servo a continuation of tho manifold hirelings of tho past year, triumphant ly declare that nowhere in the world I there such an oppoitunlty for a freo people to develop to the fullest extent alt powers of body, mind and character. "During the raat year wo have been free from famine, from pestilence, from war," It declares. "Our natural re source aro at least a great as thoeo of any nation. Much lias been given tia from on high and much will rightly be expected of us In return. Intoour csro the 10 latentf have been entrusted, and we aro to bo pardoned neither if we squander and waste them, nor yet If wo kldo them In a napkin. "Wo should earnestly nrar that the spirit of righteousness may grow great er in tho heart of all and that our souls may be inclined oven more toward tho virtues thst tell of gentleness, for lov ing kindness and forebearanco one with another, for without these qualities neither nation nor Individual can rise to tho level of greatness." OREGON MS QUIT Want Time to Get Money On From the East. GOVEBNOK ISSUES PROCLAMATION Action of Portland Clearing; House Necessitated by Refusal of Eastern Banks to Honor Balances. ARE QOINQ BEYOND. Rsp IMPROVE MARE ISLAND. Secretary Tnft has had another oloso call In tho Philippines. This tlmo an nutomobllo ran away with him. Tho stoamor Finland from Now York for Dovor. Kngland, struck near that port and Is suppoeod to bo badly dam aged. Works of Extension Planned to Cost Several Million Dollars. Han Franclaco, Oct. 20. lteptesont ntlvo Joseph It. Knowland vlsltod Maio Island navy yard today and had nn ox tended conference with Commandant Phelps mid Civil Knglneer Itockwoll. Plans and eatlmatoi wcio given Know land for tho Improvements desired at Mnro Island, which call for tho extend lluro of sovoral million dollar to mako thi atatlon tho llnest naval establish iiiriit In tho world. Tho spur dlki, which were designed by II, II. llosneau, now of tho Panama Cmml commission, mid havo proved such a sueciwa In deep onlng tho channel to tho yard, will bo greatly extended at a cost of savoial hundred thousand dollar. Tho stono quay wall, to which veaaola under re pair aro tied, will also bo extended about a mllo southward toward the magasluo. At proeout tho quay wall I so crowded that many of tho shlpu havo to llo lu mldstieam or nt a point below tlio llghthouso. Prison Official Killed. Bt, rotoraburg, Oct. 20. Gonernl Muxlmoffaky, dliector of tho dvpiut mont of prisons of tlio ministry of the Interior, was shot and killed today, Tho general was tho first rcuponslblo olllolnl oonnoctod with tlio Itusaian prison. , A youni woman who haa not boon Identified, presented horeelf at tho weekly reception of General Mux Itnofftiky and lomiilnod nulotly in tho crowded anteroom until It was her turn to entor tho goiicmPd prlvato ofllro. When oho was lu his mosonco tho woman flrod sovon shot. Conditions Scsro Officsrs. Washington, Oct. 31. Bo serious aro conditions In the nrmy that as soon a congrees convene It will be aaked to correct wrong that menace the entire organisation. Tho facta wero admitted today at tho Wur department. Deser tion aro on tho Increase; tho standard of recruits far too low: pay Is too small; there Is too much promotion by favoritism; enthusiasm Is lacking: fear w tropica I service Is general and tho alieenro of the canteen has led todiunk cntitf and disgrace. Theio state ments are made In olllcers' reports. Railroads Aid Favorites. Washington. Nov. 2. In a com. plaint 11 Its I befoio tho Intorstato Com incrco commission 223 railroads und transportation companies aro mado de fendant by tho wholesale drygoods dealers of Wichita. Tho complalnU allege discrimination against Wichita in favor of Topoka and Kansas City In shipments from tho Atlantic seaboard. Pensioners In the Northwest. Washington, Oct. 30. Tho annual reirait of the commissioner of nonslnn shows that on Juno 30. 1007. there wero i,tva pensioner lu Uregnn draw ing annual pensions nggregnt nu tl. i.. . ... . -.. - - u.j. inn. in wnsiiingicn inoro wore 10,303 pensioners, drawing $1,352,034; In Idaho, 2,205, drawing 2112,300, and in Aiusaa oo, drawing iu.uuii. Oklahoma a a Stato. Waahlng'oii, Oct. 31. President Koosevolt will proclaim Oklahoma a state on Batuiday, November 10. Tho prestdent mado this announcement to day to Governor Fronts, who brought to Washington a certified copy of tho new constitution. Civil War Pensioners Decrease Idly Durlnp; 1007. Washington, Oct. 20, Tho decrease of 18,000 in tho number of pensioners on tho roll at tho end of tho fiscal year 1007, as compared with the year previ ous, 1 the feature of the annual report of Pension Commissioner Warner just Issued. This Is tho greatest doorcase In the history of tho pension buiean. Tho total number of pensioners June iiu, iimj, was vui,37l, and the total valuo ol tlio pension roll at thst date was MO,850,880. Tills Is greater by 14,013,131 than the valuo of the roll for tlio year previous and Is accounted for by tho higher rates of pension pro vided tor by the act ol February, 1007, under which act thero hod been enroll ed Juno 30 o( tho preeont year 116,239 pensioner. Tho total number of pensioners on tho roll on account of tho war with Spain waa 24,077. FIXES SAILING DATE. Increase Railway Rates. Moxloo Olty, Oot. 20. It was nu thorlUitivoly statod today that a gene ral lnomuo In the railway rates ol tho country would so into effect) In the near future. Oregon Railway Mall-Clerks, Washington, Oot. 31. Molton Vor non, of Portland; Italph W. Knott, of Albany; J, 0. Coonor. Thomas E. Thompson, A, It. Lota nnd F. K. Bco vl llo, ot Portland, aro appointed mil way mall clorks. Government Buys Silver. Washington, Nov. 1. Tho Treasury department today purchased 200,000 ouucoa of sllvei nt (10.041 cents per fine ounoo, 100,000 ounces to bo dollvcrod at Now Orleans nnd 100,000 euncoa in 8an Francisco. Army Activity In Philippine. Washington, Oct. 20. There are strong Burfaro Indications that Import ant military developments aro looked or in ins I'liiiippino Islands In the near future. Chief among the things pointing to uint conclusion Is the fact that .Major (ieneial Leonard Wood. commanding that military division, and llrlgadlcr General Taskerll. Bliss, com manding the department of Mindanao, havo arked for further service In the archipelago. Geneial Wood will start for the United States next month by way of Kurope to take command of the department of tho east at New York. Alter a brief stay It. the United States, General Wood plans to return to tho Islands and loeumo command. Gene ral HIIm also has asked that ho be con tinued In command of the Philippines for another two years, following his present term of scivlco In the Islands. Utas Qrowlng Restive. Washington, Oct. 31. Tho tribe of Uto Indians which more than a year ago wandered awny irom Ita reservation on In Utah and threatened trouble In Colorado and Wyoming bv threatening to toko tno warpath and raid ranches, is leportod to havo again broken out on tho Cheyonno Illvor reservation, in South Dakota, whero the trlbo was given temporary quarters. At tho re quest of the secretary of tho Interior, tho War department today ordered troops from Fort Meado to the scene of tho troublo. All Plans Complete for Fleet to Sail for Pacific Docembsr 10. Washington, Oct. 28. Secretary Metcalf today announced that It was definitely settled that the Atlantic fleet will leave Hampton Itoadson December 10 for Its cruise to the Paclfio coast. This onnounccmentfollowed a confer ence held at the White Houso, to which tho president summoned Secre tary Metcalf, Rear Admiral Evans, who will command the fleet on Its cruise to tho Pacific, and Rear Admiral Brown- son, chief of the bureau of navigation of the Navy dcpaitment The confer once waa called to continue more in de tail the cabinet meeting discussion of naval affairs. The discussion related particularly to details of the Atlantic fleet's cruise to the Pacific. It Is understood that matterswere In such shape that the president won thor oughly Informed on all important items In tho Itinerary. Admiral Evans, who baa been confined to his apaitmcnte on account ot an indisposition, looked and declared himself to be much improved in health. The bureau of insular affairs today received a cablegam from Governor General Smith, of tho Philip pines, asking that tho Atlantic fleet be permitted to visit Manila during the week beginning February 10, In order to attond to pie-Lenten festivities. The fact that the fleet will not have arrived in Pacific water by that time preclude this. 31 r. Metcalf statod thst the Question of allowing newspaper correspondents to accompany tbe fleot was discussed and the conclusion reached not to allow newspaper men aboard, but that officers of Uie fleet would bo designated to send such news as might bo thought desir able to make public. TWO-CENT FARE PROFITABLE. Now Rural Crrrlers Named. Washington, Oot. 31. W. E.1 Child has boon appointed regular, Sherman Lyon substitute rural cantor, routo 2. nt Barton, Oregon. Rural Carrier at Sunset, Washington, Nov. 2. David M, Mo Canco haa been appointed regular, and DnnriM Xfllla llliattll.ln Wi.vnl ......I.... touto 1, at Sunset, Wash, Roosevelt 40 Years Old Washington, Oct. 31. Sunday was President Rooeevolt'e 40th birthday. No celebration marked tho event. He did not depart from his customsry Sun day program of worship, work and rec reation. Tho day was spent at tho Whlto House llresldo In a quiet family rejoining. Congratulations In lartro n inn bora by mall, telegraph and tclo phono wero received at tho Whlto House during the day. Mora Government Forest. Washington, Oat. 31. Tho presl dont has ordered tho withdrawal ot 34,: 005 aoros of land In Trinity, Shasta and Glenn counties, California, along tho eastern border of tho Trinity national forest, and it is proposed to add this noroago to tlio forest. Special Land-Grant Lawyer. Washington, Oct. 30, It Is an nounced that Traoy O. Becker, an at torney of Buffalo, will be appointed special assistant attorney general to rovlew the Southern Paclfio land trrant cases in California and Oregon, Two Roads In Missouri Make Money Under New Law. Kansas City, Mo.. Oct. 28. Having found tho two-cent fare profitable two of tho railroads operating in Missouri havo decided to give the now law an other month's trial. Herbert 8. Hadley. attorney general of Missouri, said this morning that he had Information from a reliable eourco that two of tho railroads operating in Missouri had found the 2-cent fare to be proflttable. "The auditors of two of the railroads say the 2-cent rato has proved profit able, while others take a different view ot It," said Mr. Hadley. "The fact that the railroads can't ngroo on tho proposition caused them to decide to give It another month's trial before going into court again. I shall not take any further steps In the niattor unless tho railroad make a move. I shall be satisfied if they do olde to continue the 2-ceut rate indefi nitely.'' Brain Worth Six Millions. Now York, Oct. 28. It was learned today that Morris Rosenthal, tho Standard Oil's $1,000 a day lawror. Is originator of tho unique defense to b-j mado by tho 100,000,000 corporation In tlio government suit to dissolve it. It was bis concoption ot the defense that caused tho 6tandard to employ him nt the unprecedented ealarv which began last spring. Estimating Rosen thal's salary to represent a return ot 0 porcent in property value, his friends here figure that tho actual market valuo of tils brain exceeds $0,000,000. Considers Suez Route. Rome, Oct. 28. The United State coniuls at Naples, Palermo and Messi na hr.vo recelyed Instructions from Washington to ascertain what amount ot coal and provisions the three oltlea can supply on short notice. The In quiry Is bo I loved here to Imply that Uie United States Navy department contem plates seadlng part ot tbe Atlantic bat tleship squadron to the Pacific by way ot the Sue eanal. Salem, Or., OcL 29. By order of a proclamation issued late last nhrht br Governor Chamberlain, Oregon banks will enjoy fivn btulncM holidays, In which Interim it Is expected that thn situation In the East will becomo mora clarified and the cc. t banks will be enabled to secure the cash balances das tnem irnm New York. This action was taken at the instance of the Portland clearing bouse commit tee, which met last evening to talk over ' Uie situation with Governor Chamber lain. The bankers arrived in tbe city by special car. Briefly statod, tho situation as de scribed to the governor is that Oregon bank have heavy deposits of cash in the East and tho Eastern banks refuse upon any conditions to send money West in payment of demands. There has been no run or indication of a ma by depositors upon Portland banks. Bel loving that In one week they can effect a satisfactory arrangement with county banks and also arrange tor the enipment ol money due tbem Irom the East, the banks asked that the remain der ot this week be mad? a legal holi day. November 2, tbe last day men tioned In Uio proclamation. Is Satur day. Monday will therefore be the next banking day. It is understood that the Pnrtlnn.! bankers sent telegrams to all banks In tbe state notifying them of tho fMa. ance ot the proclamation. The purpose Is to prevent calls for money from country bank, induce them to cloeo for tbe week and bring tbem together In an arrangement that will satisfy demand) beiore next Monday. That Portland banks aro solvent and in fact werefnev er in better condition than they aro today, was asseited by the bankers who waited upon the governor. Governor Chamberlain at first doubt ed the wisdom of tho action requested by tho Portland bankers, but when the situation regatding the locking up of funds In the East was explained and the necessity ol checking anr stringen cy which might arise as a result ot thla in tho West. Mr. Chamberlain readilr complied. SAYS IT IS ON THE BOOKS. Witness In Ford Trial Testifies That Bribe Money Is Entered. San Francisco, Oct. 20. Such rapid progress was made yesterday by tho proeecutlon In the Fod bribery trial that It the defense, adopting its proced ure in the former trial, declines to put in any evidence, tho case should be In the hands of the Jury within tbe week. Twolve witnesses wore examined, alt but tho last ono of whom wore conclud ed with. George WJIcutt, secretary and controller of tho United Railroads, testified to Uie unconcealed surprise and manifest distrust of the prosecu tion that tho books ot the street car corporation do carry as entries tho 1200,000 with which Ford and Ruef are alleged to have bribed the supervisor to pass the trolley franchise. The wit ness waa directed to produce tho oorpor-. atlon's Journal and ledger. Ends Land Grant Inquiry. Portlnd, Oct. 20. B. D. Townsond, Special United States Attorney for Ore gon, will complete his Investigation ot the Oregon A California (Southern Pa cific) railroad grant In this state In a few day, when he will submit hla re port to United States Attorney General Bonaparte. Mr. Townsend will noh discuss the result ot his investigation, which nas covered several month and haa Included a careful research of all the records and documents pertaining to the grant and Ita terms. Georgia Negro Lynched. Macon, Ga., Oct. 20. Passengers en the Central Georgia train coming from iiyrou, ua., brought an account of tha lynching of a negro named John Wllkea at that place last night. The negro robbed two small boys ol 75 centsj. When Marshal Johnson made an effort) to arrest him the negro attempted to shoot the officer. Quick work prevent ed thla. At a late hour uuknown per sons draggod tho prisoner from the jail and after carrying him a short distance the body waa riddled with bullete. lb waa then buinod upon a log fire. Buys Bar Gold In London. London. Oot. 20. The United States secured all the bar gold offered today In tbe market, totaling nearly $5,000, 000. Tho prioo paid was 19.50. This is 3 cents higher than previous, quo tatlons, indicating the keetmeM ot the competition. Both Paris aad' London bid against the United States.