The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 08, 1907, Image 2

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Rallrwis Must Not Advance Lara
ber Rates 10 Cents.
Action by Judge Hanford in Wash
ington Concurred In by Judge
Wolverton, of Oregon.
Sonttlo, Wash., Oct. 31. Federal
Judge lianlord yesterday at a special
session of court, grunted the Injunction
prayed for by tho Washington A Ore
icon Lumbermen' aisoclatlons to pre
vent tlio roods ol tho Harrlman system,
tho lturllngton, Northern Paclflo and
Great Northern railroads, from placing
in effect tho now rate on lumber which
was to havo brcomo offoctlvo November
Dili rate was 60 cent, as sgalnst tho
present rato of 40 cents from the Bound
nnd Western Oregon point to St. Paul,
anil tho lumbermen feel that they have
gained one of tho greatest vlctoiltJ ol
tho long fight again. t tho railroads.
In concurring, Foetal Judgo Wol
verton, of Oregon, practically decided
tho Oregon case of llko nature, which
comes up today in that state.
Judge Uanford dealt with the various
objections Interposed by tho railroad
attorneys and held that romo of them
were- matters for grave consideration.
Ho directed that tho order bo pre
eented to him for signature, this morn,
ing at 8 c'clock, and fixed tho bond at
1250,000 to protect the railroads In
case tho Inlsis tato Commerce commis
sion takes action In their favor.
When Judge Uanford concluded, F.
O. Dlllare, special interstate commis
sion lawyer for tho llarrlman roads,
asked it the roads would bo punlihed
it they enforced Uio rate on lumber
concerns not parties to the defendant to
the action. The reply was In effect
that they would not, and tho lumber
men aro telegraphing eviry lumber
company not a party to tho actton ad
vising that they order thelrjawyera to
die suit In Intervention.
Refute Lumber Shipments Until Fur
thor Notice.
Hotllngham, Wash., Nov. 1. No
more lumber shipments will bo received
by tho Notthern Pacific railroad in tho
Northwest until further notice. This
Is tho order tent out to all agontaot tho
company Inst night.
This moo of tho Northern Pnclllo la
expected to bo followed by all tho rail
roads aflectvd by tho Injunction Issued
by tho Federal court In Seattle Thins
day night, making it compulsory on
the part ol tho railroads to chargo tho
old rato ot 40 centa on lumber from
terminal points on tho Pacific Coast,
Tho railroads had issued a now iched
ulo ot into tliat were to bo effect ho
today. This now schedule was fought
by ttio lumbermen and resulted in tho
issuance ot tho tempomty injunction,
The railroads havo ovldeutly found
another method ot combatting tho lum
bermen. Tho latest move is (ho refusal
to accept any shipments ot lumber nt
any rate. Tiio roads figuro they would
bo taking too great a risk to allow tho
excess freight to accumulate until n
final decision on tho rato Is made, as
they say that litigation will emtio lie
foro tho matter Is settled, and many
ot the lumber films may havo gone out
ol business.
Bankers Have Two Days Set
In Washington.
Olympla, Wash., OcL 31. Governor
Mead yesterday at 10 o'clock Issued a
proclamation declaring yesterday and
today legal holidays. The issuance ot
the proclamation came as a decided sur
prlte to the state oiucers, at the gover
nor had refused positively to take such
action, lly telegram and long distance
calls lasting until after midnight re
quests were made that the holiday bo
These requests were made on behalf
of the banks at Spokane, Davenport,
Patouse, Pullman, Da-ton, Kllensbarg,
Colfax, Walla Walla. Vancouver. Che
lialis, Centralis, Aberdeen and Ho
qulsm. The statement was mado that
tho hanks which have balances deposit
ed In Portland and other cities were
unable to have the specie shipped and
feared the consequences ot a run. The
holiday was asked to give time to se
cure the actual coin.
Grants Injunction Atked by the Oregon
Portland, Nov. 1. -Following tho de
cision tendered by the United States
Circuit Court at Seattle Wednesday,
Judgo Wolverton, ot the Federal court,
granted an Injunction yesterday re
straining tho railroads from putting In
tho advanced lumber rates to the Kaat
until tho merits ot tho ease can be set
beforo tho Interstate Commerco com
mission and a hearing bo held. Tho
restraining order was asked by tho Ore
gon A Washington Lumber Manufac-
turns' association, and upon bis return
from bcatlle yesterday morning Judgo
Wolverton announced that the prayer
of tho lumbermen would be granted.
Judgo Wolverton ordered tho associa
tion to put up a bond for 1350,000 that
will be called for in tho erent the rail
roads finally win. This money will be
used to pay the difference between the
present rates and the proposed tariffs,
should tho railroads finally win.
Lumber companies in the state not
members ot the association aro advised
to filo suits in intervention as Boon as
possible, In order that tho railroads
will not bo enabled to enforce the pro
posed freight rates on firms not parties
to the suit brought by the association.
Tho advanced rate, .as announced by
the railroads on all lumber shipments
to the Missouri and Mltsl.stppl rivers,
were to havo gone Into effect today,
but the injunction will postpone them
indefinitely. The Increase was pub
lished some tlmo ago and tariffs Issued
by the railroads. Anneals were made
direct to the Interstate Commerce com
mission to postpone the enforcement
of tho rate, but as no complaint was
before the commission, it could not act
upon th-i appeal.
Chamberlain Notifies War Department
of Act of Legislature.
Salom Governor Chamberlain has
suit letters to tho secretary ot uir at
Washington, I). O., saying:
"Tho legislature ot this stato at Its
last session passed a bill appropriating uen Issued and sent
i;iUU,UUU JO IH) Mill lO UIO Unitrtl'nlhn. nrL.i,li,
oiaiea mr .no piiriHeo v tui-istmg uie
United States In acquiring by condom
uatlon or construction ot about canal
and locks around the falls ot tho Wll
lametto river at Oregon City, Oregon.
The r.fout nnd only canal and locks
nrouml these falls Is owned by a pri
vate corporation which has tho power
and does luipoeo a tax ot 60 cents per
ton on every ton of freight that passes .vo.lock. household furniture,
imtii inn iiitnuf rn -iia inirnt vit-jtra . sail
....... ... ,.,.,-v. . ...v ,. ...v. v. nml (ooiaowniM nun in wo by a me
imiii it t snm-fir wn inn ntuiw via-. -t ma i s a aa a .
suss iiiv svnvt m iiiv ai'"v invit tiits pi
tax as tho itato grows la nn annually
increasing burden and tho pcoplo for a
number ot years past havo been stren
uously demanding government owner
ship and control ot tho locks at tho
falls of tho Willamette to tho end tlio
river may be oponed to freo navigation
Its entire length. Tho delegation from
Oregon to tho congress ot tho United
Tax Reform Association Would Ex
empt Many Articles.
Tlio Oregon Tax Reform its-nclntlon,
with headquarters at Portlund, 1ms for
Its object several radical changes In the
mode o( taxation. Circular letters linvo
to grunge nnd
throughout tho
state. The change aro tu bo mndo by
amending tho constitution through tho
Initiative, Tho following Is tho text ol
the associations' desire;
"All duelling houses, all Urns.
tahods, outhouses, and other Improve
ments appertaining to any dwelling;
all tenets, farm machinery and appli
ances used as such; orchards, crop and
In use,
H lilt-.
hanlc shall bo exempt from taxation."
New CJama Warden.
Salem lloliert O, Stevenson, of For
eit Grove, has been nppolnted stato
gamo and forestry wurden by Governor
Chamberlain. Mr. Stovenson will suc
ceed John W. Raker, ot Cottago Grove,
whoso term ot ottlco hns explied. The
apiiointmeiit ot Mr. Stovrnton make
Btates Intend to bring this matter tojtho first chango In Governor Chamber
i no attention oi congress ami urge upon
that body tho Importance to our people
ot an open waterway through tho heart
of tho Willamette valley, and I am
taking tho liberty ot enclosing you
herewith a copy ot tho act of tho Ore
gon legislature bearing upon tho subect
in order that your department may bo
fully advised In the promisee."
High School Debating League.
University of Oregon, Kugene The
Oregon Statn High School Delating
league, organized during tho past sum
mer, Is meeting with hearty co-operation
from all parts ot tho state. Up to
the present time fifteen ot tho larger
schools havo signified their intention
of Joining tho league, Including Pendle
ton, lUker City, La Grande, Ontario,
The Dalles, Astoria, Salem, Kugene,
Hceeburg, Klamath Falls, Modford,
Grants Pass, Ilandon, Marshfleld, North
mmu ana a number ot smaller ones.
On account of tho reorganisation ot its
high schools, Portland was not ablo to
enter, but will do so next year. The
state has been divided Into four dis
tricts, and a championship team will
bo chosen from each district. Tho
final debato will be held at the Univer
sity of Oregon. A handsomo silver cup
will be given to the winning team.
Portland Depositors Maka no Attempt
to Withdraw Funds.
Portland, Oct. 31. Portland showed
confidence In its lanka yesterday to a
remarkable degree. There was no In
dication ol a run at any ot the Institu
tions when they opened for butinee at
the usual hour after tho holiday. All
resumed buslnt-es as usual with the ex
ception oi the Title Guarantee A Trust
company, which preferred to take ad
vantage ot the five-day bank holiday In
order that there might be no doubt aa
to the legality ot tho basinets transact
evl. as real estate transactions come
up vrry largely in this bank, it was
thought best by President Rons to avoid
possible legal entanglements.
There was no uneasiness apparent
about the city yesterday, and the banks
were not pressed for money. In fact,
Taft Hurries Away,
Manila, Oct. 31. As the result ot
voluminous cablo correspondence be
tween President Roosevelt and Secre
tary Taft, It la understood that tho lat
ter will leave Manila on November 3,
In order to reach Berlin at the earliest
possible date. It Is Impossible to com
municate with the secretary at present,
artel the officail here are reticent re
ganlteg this change in his plans. It is
umlewtood, boweter, that he will leave
here on the flagship Rainbow. The
hasty departure of Mr. Taft will cut!
Acute Stage of Financial Crisis Over
In East.
New York. Nov. 1. Indications that
tho available supply ot cash would be
materially Increased wthln a short time
with imports ot gold and the increase
ot the tank note circulation, and that
the movement ol cotton and grain crops
would bo facilitated In every way pos
sible with the result ot Increasine our
creuus abroad, were the salient feat
ures of today's financial situation. It
seemed to be recognised everywhere
that the acute stage ol the crisis was
over and that all that remained was to
obtain sufficient currency to resume
currency payments upon a broad scale
and thus to restore conditions prevail
ing before the crisis.
Tho engagements of gold made In
New York, Chicago and elsewhere
brought op the total import movement
within the past week to 123,750.000.
As the amount ot gold will afford a
basis of credit to four times the
amount, or about 195,000,000, it will
la itself afford much relief to the ex
isting pleasure.
Harvard Angers Germans.
New York. Nov. 1. Special dis
patches iy that some comment has
been raited in the American colonv In
Berlin by the fact that Harvard univer
sity has sent as this year's "exchange
proressor" a iirltlsber Instead of an
American. The professor in question
Is William Henry Schofield, who was
born a Canadian and la a subject ot
King Kdward. It Is feared in Amer
ican quattera that Harvard by its ac
tion has mixed un the plans of the
kaiser for a German-American educa-
Mora Shortago Complaints.
Salem Car shortago complaint con
tinun to come with almost eroty mail
to tho oflleo of the railway commission.
A letter received from J. 8. Landls, of
Myrtle Creek, complains both ot delay
in supplying a car ana 30 hours delay
in removing it after his notifying tho
local agent that it was loaded, which
resulted In the loss of 25 of his poultry.
ue a iso trunks no was illegally com.
pelted to pay his fare whlto traveling
with his stock. A letter has been re
ceived from J. II. Pounds, of Umatilla,
saying that as the result of the action
ot the commission, conditions at that
point have much improved and that he
has no further cause for complaint.
Car Shortage Hurts.
Athena The car shortage here is a
great drawback in the shipping nt pro
uucu. jiany hundred tuns of wiieet
are stored in the various wsrohonses
awaiting shipment, and most of the
wheat that has been shipped ro far was
lent out on fist cars. Many of the
farmers along tho little railroad sta
tions have been unable to sell their
wheat at good prices because the ware
house companies, as the agents, are
unwilling to buy too much wheat un
ices they know they can ship it out.
C. & t. Makes Report.
Salem The report ot the CorvalllsA
Kastrrn railway, filed with the state
railway commission, makes the follow
ing snowing: harning from opera
tion, 1235,807.42; operating expense,
1139,703 17; income from operation,
196,014.25; total Income, same, deduc
tions, Uxes, Interest, etc., 104,151 30;
net Income, 131,862.05; surplus, same;
no dividends; total deficit for entry
general balance sheet, 208,126 B8; to
tal cost ol construction and equpment,
Iain's olhclnl family. Tho niMxihit
merit la for four years, during which
tlmo Mr. Stevenson will make his
headquarters at Forest Grove. Tlio
new appointee is a well known cltlien
of Forest Grove and Is a native son,
having been Kirn and raised In Yam
hill county. In politics he is a Demo
crat, and his appolutmert was mado
upon the recommendation or a large
number of prominent Democrats
throughout the Wlllarnetto valley.
Rhodes Scholarship Exaroanatlon.
University ot Oregon, Kugene Tho
next qualifying examinations for tho
Rhodes scholarships for this state will
bo held at the University of Orrtron.
Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21
and 22, 1908. Tho arrangements for
conducting tho examinations will fol
low closely those ot lait year, with the
exception that an examination fee of $5
will be charged all candidates. The
examinations will be under the direc
tion ot the Oregon Committee ot Selec
tion, composed of Prealdent P. L.
Campbell, of the University of Oregon,
chairman; President Ferrln, of Pacific
university; President Coleman, ot Wll
Ismetto university; President Crooks,
of A I ton y college, and President Riley,
ot MoMlnnville college.
War on Illegal Dams.
Tendlcton One hundred and fifty
tealdents of Pendleton and vicinity
navo unitru in a war against tho dams
In the Umatilla river, which are caus
ing the death of many salmon In the
river. They have signed a petition to
the slate game warden. There are
dams, according to tho complaint,
which do not provldo for the passage of
the fish.
No Coin or Currency to be Sent Out
of Town.
Portland. Oct. .10, Portland bunks
will open this morning for business,
but tnuuiutlons will bo effected through
tho clearing house, on tlio saiiio basis
ns has been adopted by other cities ot
tho United States. Only In rimt ol
taking euro of puymllii or where money
Is uigeutly needed will tho hanks pay
out coin or currently, lliiilneis will bo
done In clucks, and vlenrlug homo ter
llllcnloa will bo tho medium between
Tho clearing homo association hold
two meetings yesterday and discussed
this plnn of resuming business. The
bankers mo, early in tho forenoon and
again at 4 p. m. At tho latter meet
ing tho plan was definitely itdoptrd, It
being set forth In detail In a resolution
unanimously adopted by tho meiiibois.
In adopting this course, Portland It
following the picrcdcnt established ly
other cities ot the country In tho pret
erit time ot stress. . No currency will
boshlpxd tc out-of-town correspond
outs by Portland hanks n long as tho
present conditions continue, and sav
ings banks of tho city alii enforce tho
requirement that dcHtllor give notice
of their Intention to withdraw their
The clearing house plan of carrying
on buslnias works well In other cities
of tho country during the present seal
city nt currency, and local Utukeis be
lieve it will be ol great value hero In
supplying legal tender until normal
conditions aro restored. That this sub
stitute for money need not bo In effect
very long 'Is mIso believed.
Eastern Financial Situation Now
Almost Normal.
Lusltaula Halls lor New York Will.
810,000,000 Each City Mus-
binds Its Own tiupp'y.
short his stay one week.
Say No Discrimination.
Sao Francisco, Oct. 31. The man
agement ot the Southern Pacific denied
emphatically today that Oregon ship
pers were ftaroted I the matter
of ear n-talka as aalntt California
-L I -R-aua-ia bWaAsUS1-A Sf kMl4 Attaa-V-I, I
imiCp IPm istv -sntBVsarv srVsVpfVC!
AB(LkxjsjS.fA iVMgBSftU Mft O j
WV"SarBimBsjV TVanr"sTVam VH WVgrjVHsi
Chinese Coma In Via Mexico.
Mexico City, Nor. I, According to
a dispatch to the Record, since Uie
first of the year there have arrived at
the port ol Salina Crux 4,763 Cbineie.
Ot this total, two-thirds have for their
detllnstloa the United States. A great
many of these foreigners seem to have
at one time lived In the United States
artel are laberisw nader the laaareesioa
that they east la afeln.
Apples Await Road.
Pilot Rock It is estimated that
there are now about $18,000 worth of
excellent apples on orchards tributary
to this place awaiting tho completion
ol the Umatilla Central from Pendleton
to this place, so they can be shipped to
mar act. it the roaa tt completed soon
many of the fall apples can be saved.
After this year gnat quantities of fruit
will be shipped out from this point to
the msrkets.
Many Apples Spoiling.
Pendleton On account of the
city ot help to pick am shortage of ears
many apples are golug to watte In
Umatilla county. The car shorts r Is
holding up the shipment ot several
bundled boxes at Milton.
Wheat Club, 87c; bluestem, 89o;
valley, 87c; red, 85c.
Oats No. 1 white, 120 50; grsy,
29 60.
lUrley Feed, 28 60 per ton; brow
ing, 30; rolled, 3031.
Corn Whole, 132; cracked, 133.
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $I718
pertpn; Ka-tcrn Oregon timothy, 123;
clover, $13; cheat, $13; grain hay, $13
fej J-t ; airaira, jiJ(iH.
Fruits Apples. $12 60 per box;
cantaloupes, fife 1.60 per crate; water
melons, lc per pound; pears, $11.75
per box; grape, 76cll.76 per crato;
quinces, 60c$l per box; huckleber
ries, 73Sii per pound: cranberries. 110
010.50 per barrel.
egcUbIea Turnips, $1.25 per sack;
carrots, $1.25 per rack; beets, $1.25
per sack; rabldge, lOHio per pound:
cauliflower, 26c$l perdoxen; celery,
ooc(Sii penioien; corn, H6c(3fl per
lack; cucumbers. $1 per seek; onions,
150200 per do-en; parsley, 20c rr
ooxen; peppers, fSl7c per pound;
radishes, 2fc perdon-n; splnsch, Ocper
pound; efl,uab. & Uo per pound; to
matoes, oouc per box.
Onions $22.50 per sack.
Potato 75c(3$l per hundred, do
llvered Portland; sweet potatoes. 2io
per pound.
Iiutter Fancy crearoerr. 30335c rer
Veal 75 to 125 pounds, 8030; 125
to 160 pounds, 7,4c; 160 to 200 pounds,
Pork niock, 76 to 150 poonds, 7J,
Q8e; packers, 7Q7Xc
J'oultry Avrrage old hens, 12h
iscper pound; mixed chickens, UQ
12c; spring chickens, 11 S12c; old
roosters, S89c; dreesed chickens, 13
!4o; turkeys, live, old, 16c; young,
18c; geese, live. OQlOo: docks. 14c:
pigeons, $ IQ1.50, stoats, $23.
Legs Fresh ranch, candled. 35c per
Hope 1007, 79c per pound;
oldf, 4c per pound.
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
I622e per pound, according to shrink
so; valley. 20so, according to Hnr
; xnonatr. c&oice. srawc per
Cudahy the Packsr Looks for Change
Chicago, Oct. 30. Relaxation from
the strain of high prices In foodstuffs,
which will soon undergo a reduction of
approximately JO per cent, was the
forrcaat mado by loial Jolliers and trier-
chants todiy. Predictions credited to
hdward A. Cuitahy, of Omaha, who
said his company had reduced Its prices
III per rent, Inspired Chicago dealer to
volco exprtMlous calculated to cheer
tho average ronauiner. In some In
stances reductions are looked for within
afewdrys, but thero Is no general
inovejutt now to put lower prices Into
With the proposed cut In meat comes
the announcement that the price ot
butter soon will reach a point which
will take that commodity out of the
luxury class, where It long list been
pliC d.
According to Daniel Coyne, of tlio
cornmlrslon firm of Coy no lilt., butler
now selling at 2(1 j rents wholesale will
rvach 25 rents l-elore the end of tho
week. IVgs, according to Mr. Coyne.
soon will rcccdo from their present
wholrralo price ot 25 cent per doien.
Ural packers exprraa no surprlie at
the prediction made by Mr, Cinlahy,
some declaring that the general do
create in the price of meat may eiceeil
10 per cent. Ionia F. Hwllt, president
ofHwIft A Co., points to a drop of 26
rents In cattle this week, an indication
that retailers should sell rheaer.
New Yoik, Nov. 2. Tho financial
sltiialloii Is gradually clearing without
showing any striking lirtluics. kuiis
on tho tanks and trust eoiiiinlr arn
ptactirally owr money, which was
ti'inporarlly withdrawn from bank sub
jivt to runs, Is Mowing to tho stronger
lKinks, and currency Is being provided
In ahem the demand for It
is considered legitimate
Further engagement of gold by lt
ton and other (xiluta linvo brought up
tlio total engngemeiita abroad under tho
recent movement to $26,550,000. Ihn
l.usitaua, ahieli sailed from Liverpool
)cstcrday, hns on boaid aUmt $10,1)1)0,
1100 In gold, one ol the largest single
shipments ever made. I'rlre ol ex
change ttero firm during the early nrt
ot yrsterday and did not yield sirmusljr
at any time. Ilmfset that the stick
rxchangea of loudon and Paris aero-
closed on account of All rUInt day pre
vented any comparison of quotations on.
arbitrage oirralluiis.
llalancrs with I lie clearing hou.r.
hstn settled down to a normal condi
tion, but there Is still something of is
bhtikado In domestic exchange through
tho unwillingness n( New York tonka
to y currency nn drafts from other
cities and the unwillingness ol other
cltlr to pay out tlmlr currency umu
dralti fiom New York. The condition
olafTalrVimllcates a continued prcsiiici
for currency rather than a breakdown
ot credit, but iretonable denimdt aro
being met for regular customers of tint
The possibility ol hastening tho ex
pott movement ol wheat and cotton
atill engages the attention ot foreign
exchange dealers and also of thoe who
endeavor to keep In touch with the gen
oral situation.
Detective Watched When He Went
Ford'a Office.
Sin Franclrco. Oct. 30. It Is llkulv
uiai argument oi counsel in tha Tlrey
L. Ford bribery etwo will bo begun to
day. Assistant District Attorney Hen
ry announce.! at tho adjournment nt
court yesterday that he ex'cts to close
the rase tor tho pro-rcutlon by II
o'ohek this morning. This mean that
Abe Ruof will not bo called as a wit
nets, Tho prosecution ycttrrJsy placed on
tho stand a now and Important witness
In the person of Robert 11, Polcrs, an
srslstantto William J, llurns. Ho
testlflnl to having shallowed Rue! to
ronl'S omce In tho United Railroad-
carbarns on Augutt 23, lOOrt, the day
on which Ford withdrew from tlu
branch mint that lait $100,000 ol the
$200,000 fund allegedly used to huv th
p&ttageof tho trolley ordinance Ren
rrentativee of srvernl Kan Vmnniivi
fbanks (citified to tho non-donoslt In
die Unltnl Railroads, Calhoun, Mill
laly, Ford or Abbott of tho 1200,000 In
Confer on Charity Organisation.
Now York, Oct. 30. Announcement
Is made by tho Charltv i)ivnnl,itn.,
society of Its progrsm lor tho general
conference on tho welfare of the poor,
to be held In conjunction with the
twenty-filth anniversary ol tho organ
itatlon on November 10. 20 and 21.
Representatives ot various nhnriijlii-
societies from sll put ot tho country
wjjj l present. The opening session
win i neiii in uarnegio 1 Intl. Oov
ernor Charles R. Hughe will bo tho
chief speaker, followed by Dr. Kinll
Muensteiber;, ol llerlln.
Supreme Court Decision Turns Loose
100 Chicago Criminals.
Chicago, III., Nov. 2 Tho door oi
the Jollet penitentiary swiuir oreri to
day and the first batch ol nearly 100
murderer, highwaymen. LuiwUm and
otlKrcrimlnala will l lurried luwo
'm a rrsult of a receut decision of tho
rhipromo court, which held that Ihn
munlciMl courts ot Chicago cow Id rut
legally try eases In which the Imllet
menls were returned by a Cook county
grand Jury.
The situation 'a one ol the most seri
ous that over confronted Chicago. If
the decision ot the highest coilil Is to
stand, It means that 011 Uie cte of win
ter footpads, murderers, and criminal
ol all are to he turned loose on
the streets ol the cily.
(State's Attorney John 1. Ilealr. Low.
ewr, ha decided to take drastic atrp
to present the wholesale liberation of
rrlmluals. Ilnconstrura the decision
to mean that tho Hupreme court neter
Internal that convicted rrlmluaU
should Iw given lilierly, Iml that eneh
and overy man must stand trial again
this tlmo in tho Criminal court.
Northern Pacific Dsctdet to Rscetva
Lundisr bhlpmcnts.
lU-nnnliaiii. Wash.. Nov. 2 Tim
order of tho Northern Pacific railroad
reluslng lo bill nut any carload ot
Imnlwr from tho Norlhwrtt, was In
forro Jutt ono day. Utt night Just
More tlio nllk'e ol the comp-ny eloel,
tho orler was rescinded. The North-
em pAollla Will now invnl Inml.r
shipments at tho new rate, but will not
oe nine in collect the 60-cent tariff"
landing tho decision of tlm lnii.r.ii
Commerco commission. Tlio Inlntio-
llmi Issued hy tho Fidcrsl rnnrl In K.t.
sttlo forbid tho collating of more,
than tlio old 40cent rato.
Hawaii Raises Mors Sugar,
Honoluln, Oct. 30 Hawaii's sturar
crcp for 1907 Is tho laigett In the
hl.tory ol the Islsmls. It amounts to
420,000 tons. Next year's crop prom.
Ise to be 575.000 tons. ThU .,l- rL.
crease Is duo to Uie s ltimalnn nt .n...
and Irrigation. 1"""
Ford Case Postponed.
Han Francisco, Nov. 2. Owing to tho
fact that yestorday was a publlo boll-
day, rawed by tho pmolamatlori of tlm
governor, tho courts in n. T.., r..
raol aillourriPil, In Judgo Uwler's
court all tho graft case before him
wen continued for one dsy. When
tho lord rare psmn nn .iu.i.
nskltl for SltirBOStlona finm llm .tint.
nejH for Imlh sides In leganl to tho ad
visability of going aheinl with tho trial
under tho preicnf alicumstances. Uotli
sides deeinetl sn adjournment necesesry
n1"' o Judgo nrtod accordingly.
Army of Chinaman Coming.
MOXICO CltV. Nov. Phln.. Inn.t
(or tho Unllod Btatea Uvo lieen arrlv-
'"" N"",a 0nu ilnce January 1,
4,705 having landed there en route to
tho Northern republic.