The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 08, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 34
$15.00 TO $40.00 PER ACRE ncrcs in tliu Dcs Cluilci Valley.
60,000 acres now under 350 miles of completed canals,
Most fertile noil, abundant nml never falling water, glori
ous climate jio siuuKhiuy days per yenr cheap lumber and fuel,
worlds of water Miwer, fisli, game, nml beautiful inotiutalu scen
ery, combine to make an ideal country to I.I VIC in.
Ah for MAKING A LIVING, man after man of our itcttlcm
Is producing this year from these
fjoo 00 nil ncrc in clover, nlfalfa, oat, whcnt'nud barley crops.
.Vegetable and fruit crops have
i.6 varieties of grains, grasses,
(ripened 011 the land. Clover 8
Ho bushels, potatoes 300 bushels, Mwcctcoru (So bushel roasting
'ears, strawberries trjo callous, and other crops in similar pro
Have you not your tract of land yet? If not, why not?
Get n hustle 011 and get it now,
Remember this is Carey Act laud.
You get the laud absolutely free directly from tho State
of Oregon.
Tor particulars write today
Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company
Clias. P. Richardson, Manager Sales Department
Room 20.1, No. 6 Wnll St., Spoknne, Wash.
Bend-Slianiko Livery & Stage Company
J. 11. WIINANDY, Prop.
New Covered Stages between Bend nnd Shnniko
Livery nnd Feed Stnblcs at Shnniko nnd Bend.
Wc run our rigs to plcnso tho public.
Stages loavo each wny every dny.
Rigs to nil parts of Central Oregon. Careful (rivers furnished
' I now have a better outfit of buggies and horses nnd can give
more satisfactory service than ever before. All kinds of light nnd
heavy livery furnished on short notice til reasonable rates to nil
points, in Central Oregon. Travclinu parties will profit by seeing
111c before going elsewhere. Tor further fuforiuation about stages
consult J. II. WittfAMiv at llcud, or W. P. Kia.t.UY, Agent,
Shaulko. Oregon.
Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage.
Will uioy rend I iik The lipid llullctln.
It will 1'I.HASIt, J'NTHUTAIN mid
INSTRUCT yon. Sul'-crltie now
It Olvcs the News
All o( it.
Closes November 23rd,
cheap lands from 50.00 to
yielded from 100.00 an acre up.
fruit nnd vegetables raised nnd
tons per aero, alfalfa 7 tons, oats
while you can get your pick.
for Booklet O.
Importer nml Drccdcr of
Poland China Hogs
Black Lnngshnn Chickens
Young Stock for Snle.
- ' - J',':'' :,"-'"".;;81;,rir" " "" jS.1""' rf'i-ii
Dam the Deschutes nnd
1 Flood 26J5 Acres.
Will llnvo n Capacity Sufficient tor,
Flvo of the Biggest Sawmills In
tho United States.
Surveys have recently been com
pleted by the Central Oregon Dev
elopment Co. which demonstrate
that llcud has one of the grandest
sites for a mill pond in the entire
country. Not a pond that will
nccommodato two or three ordi
nary sic(l miles, but rather one
with a capacity sufficient for five or
six of the largest mills in the United
The Central Oregon
has recently purchased
Siscmorc property south
It has long been known
the John
of Rend,
that this
laud furnishes an excellent site for
a mill pond at some future day, but
It was not realized that the' possi
bilities in that line were as great as
they have been proven to be by
these recent surveys. The surveys
show that an area of 365 acres can
be covered with water with an aver
age depth of nine feet. A pond of
that size nearly half a section in
extent is practically an inland
lake and would be one of the great
est articial log ponds ever known.
John Slcidl, who certainly under
stands the logging and milling bus
iness, says that such a pond would
furnish logs sufficient for an output
of 5,000,000 feet of sawed lumber
per day. And' Mr. tcidl says that
capacity would accommodate five
of the largest sawmills in the United
Very few of our people realize
what such n pond will some day
mean to Haul. I-'irst, it can be
positively stated that there is no
pond to equal it in Central or lust
cm Oregon; nud furthermore that
there is not another site like it on
the entire length of the Deschutes
river. A full significance of such a
situation is more' fully understood
when the recent statement of nn ex
perienced lumberman is taken into
consideration. This man is a rep
resentative of n large and wealthy
lumber firm that has extensive
holdings of timber in this section.
He stated that he had been worried
about securing a pond sitcsuflicient
In size at which his company could
manufacture its lumber. He had
gone up and down the river look
ing for such a site but could find
uoihitg that was large enough,
The other day Mr. Stcidl look him
out and showed him the possibili
ties of the pond heretofore referred
to; showed him how easy and with
what little expense the river could be
dammed nml nu immense pond
created. The uinn was nt once
satisfied nud that day wrote to his
1 907.
employers in the Hast statins; that
n pond with abundance of room
and to spare had been found.
What docs this mean? It means
that pond sites on the Deschutes
arc few and far between and that
llcud has the only practical one of
any size for many mites up and
down the river. It further means
that when the railroad comes Bend
will have at least four mills of
large capacity. That means n pay
roll of thousands of dollars every
month, and that brings prosperity.
The fact that Dcnd the only
practical mill pond on the river will
force the railroads to come here.
The tonnage that the roads will
get from the mills will be one of
thefirstand greatest inducements to
bring them into this section, and they
will be obliged by the very nature
of circumstances to come where the
mills can manufacture tbcirlumbcr.
Thus the pond will be the means
not only of giving Dcnd several
large mills with big pay rolls, but
will' also play a dominating in
fluence in bringing the railroads to
Pour large companies with ex
tensive holdings hereabouts have
signified their intention to build
mills at Dcnd as soon as transpor
tation is furnished. When that
day comes and come it will Bend
will begin a growth that will make
it the leading city of the state cast
of the Cascade range, and it will
become in truth what some now call
it, "the Spokane of Oregon."
An Examination of Tax Roll Shows
County Is Growing In Wealth.
The county board of equalization
was in session at Frinevillc last
week. Au examination of the tax
roll shows some interesting facts,
among which the Journal deducts
the, following:
According to this year's roll the
amount of tillable lands reached in
round numbers 54,000 acres or an
increase of 5,000 ncres over the
lands in cultivation, thus account
ing in part at least for the remark
able showing in the hay and grain
crops that the county has produced
this season.
The non-tillable lands, which are
comprised of the timbcrlands of the
county together with the pasture
lands and such farming sections as
arc jn course of development, aggre
gate 1,067,372 acres. The value
of these lands reached 53.770,791,
or more than one-half of the total
value of Crook county's assessable
property. The value of this kind
of property increased $500,000,
caused, principally by the patents
of many timber lands being issued.
The increase in the value of im
provements reached 10,000 nnd is
composed principally of buildings
and leuciug.
The valuations of horses and
mules was placed nt $216,000, or
an iucreasc of $40,000 over the
same class of stock assessed last
Seed Wheat for Sale.
Cox seed wheat for sale," 2c per
lb., at the Bend Livery & Transfer
Stables. 30tf
For Sato.
Old double harness and buck
board. Mks. Sulmvan,
Box 16. Sisters, Or.
...O. S, CROCKER; Agent for Receiver.
Financial ' Stringency
Fct Here,
Failure to Obtain Currency from Port
land Obliges Uend Bank to Hold
onto Its Supply of Cash.
The financial flurry that has been
prevalent throughout the entire
country during the past two weeks
finally reached Bend and Monday
the local bank was obliged, for the
best interests of the community, to
put a limit ou all payments of cur
rency. In company with the Princ
ville banks it adopted a rule that
payments would be made only on
checks of $35 and less until such
time as additional supplies of cur
rency can be obtained from Portland.
This action is in keeping with that
adopted by practically all the banks
of the country, both large and
small. Portlaud banks have taken
the same action, as evidenced by
the following card which was re
ceived by the Bend bank:
In view of the actlou taken by the
clearing houses in Chicago, St. Louis,
New York, San I'rancUco and other
large cltiea of the country, and for the
protection of the public and butineu in
terest of Portland and the Northwest,
it has been deemed advisable by all the
banks of this association to cease cur
rency payments, except in small amounts
untif the financiat situation over the
country is quieted. This has been or
dered by the Portland Clearing House,
of which this bank is a member, and
therefore only checks, or certificates of
deposit for f loo or less will be -paid in
currency, and not more than (km in any
one week 011 any account. Checks for
any amount will lie paid through the
clearing house as heretofore.
This rule is in force by all the follow
tag banks: Canadian Rank of Com'
mercc, I'irst National Rank. Ladd &
Tilton, Rank of California, Merchants
National Rank, United States National
Rank, Security Savings & Trust Co.,
Rankers and I.umbermens Bank.
There is no reason for uneasiness
on account of the present situation.
The lack of currency is due to the
fact that the volume of money is
not large enough to transact the
enormous business of the country,
nnd also to the fact that the high
financiers of the East arc playing a
little political game. These men
ore calling every dollar that they
can command into New York and
refuse to pay out a cent. Some
maintain that by so doiug they
plan to create a panic aud bring
discredit on the federal administra
tion. Others maintain that there
is no politics in it merely a condi
tion of affairs due to a lack of suf
ficient volume of money. What
ever may be the cause, banks all
over the country have been unable
to get money belonging to them
from New York nnd have been
obliged cither to close their doors
or limit payments. There is no
cause for alarm for the reason that
the securities or assets of legitimate
banks are just as valuable today as
Your last
.itugu ill ia Vdt l-M
they ever were, and they have not
deteriorated one cent in value.
The Bend bank is making pro
portionately better payments than
the large banks of Portland. They,
with their hundreds of thousands
of deposits, pay not to exceed $100
on any one check and not more than
$200 per week on any one account.
The local bank pays $25 per day
on a check with no limit to tha
amount on each account per week.
The officials arc endeavoring to
conserve their supply of cash in
order to be of as much assistance
to Ideal business as possible. J. E.
Sawhill, vice-president of the Bend
bank, said to The Bulletin; "Our
policy is to keep the bank open 'nif
long as possible and by limiting
payments tide over the present
stringency until we can get a ship
ment of currency, when full pig
ments will be resumed. We take
this action in order to accommodate
the public by not closing up en
tirely as many banks arc doing. If
the people will co-operate with us
we will be able to keep open until
the stringency is relieved, but if
they fail to be reasonable we will
be obliged to close our doors until
such time as we get currency from
Portland. It is our privilege to do
that if we so wish as Governor
Chamberlain is declaring each day
a legal holiday until the situation
is relieved. Iowever, we expect
to kecp6pen."'
The tide has already turned and
matters will undoubtedly ease up"
soon. Wednesday New York re-'
ceived a shipment of $7,100,006
gold from Europe, with more an
the ocean, while Portland has
$1,550,000 on the way from Lon
don. Tumalo Items.
TUMAI.O, Nov. 6. L. II. Root lias a
crew at work on the roads north of here
T. A. Jensen lias returned home from
the IlightOTver-Smith mill where be was1
doing some necessary work on their en
gine. '
Some very cold nights the last few
days seem like winter. '
Kllis Kdyington has returned to his
homestead from Ilood River. He nnJ
Charles Thornthwaite wilt make some
extensive improvements qn their respec
tive homesteads.'
C, I., am) J. R. Winter made a trip to
C. R. Allen's at the Meadows last wek'
and brought back ao head of calves and
a Jersey milch cow.
Si rerkius has returned after a sum
mer's trip through western and southern
Oregon, but he didn't find any place
that suited him as well as Crook Co?
Mrs. P. I'. Smith and Mm. O'Connor
of Rend drove out to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Spainhour near Tumalo last Sunday.
The water has been turned out of tlnl
C S. I. Co.'s ditch for the winter.
Jay Reader brought the mail out from
Rend yesterday as Mr. Downing' horses
were not to be found.
Mrs. rulliam and sou G rover and Miss
Scroggius were in Reud 011 business
County Comniittioucr Rayley passed
through here today with a load of lum
ber from the Uightower-Smith mill.
J, II, IMwards and sou John were
Rend visitors last Saturday.
I'oi several years geese liave lit in th$
grain fields of this vicinity, but strange
to say not a one has stopped this rear
and very few haie gone over yet.
Are you rt subscriber?
I .ncaiO fll coUUty! oaaitcaior"