i i 4 i i c e THE BEND BULLETIN I "For every man a square ileal, no fees nnd no more." CHAHUiS I). KOWi: ItULTOK u SUBSCRIPTION KA1 4f yr . . rtlx nrantha. Three month.. It 1 )T FRIDAY, TS A LAND OP OPI'ORTUMIIBS. , A fcy ,daya ago a. young man drove into Ilend who was in pretty destitute circumstances, lie had vnough money to buy feed for hi horses and then was obliged to bor row money to provide ultntelf, wife nnd child with food. Today he has a filing on a homestead and it earning $- ajday with the aid of hi (earf). The good part of it is that work is plentiful and he can nnd all the work he wants at those wages. This young man is not a knocker If you ask him how he likes the country lie replies with' n broad smile that it's jdenty ood enough Tor him. And (die hj more than clad that he en pre. The llullclin knows Other steh' who came into this country and afterwards bor rowed enough money to jcnd for their, families. Later some of them lold. cut property they had in the x:autimc accumulated, clearing tip from two to five thousand dol lars. IJveryone who might conn here undoftbtcdly could not do a welLin so.sbori. a time as the last panned cases, but if anything is cer tain it is that there is no better place in the big and growing West tor n young man, with strength and a willingness to work, to come nnd last his lot. There is a great de mand for labor and good wages are bciug paid. ,Thc ditch company and (thc sy.unills are constantly hampered lr- the scarcity of labor. ''he need is-urgent and everyone who so desires can find employ ment. - Aside from the mere matter of finding work and earning wages, there are many opportunities for the wise investment of the savings of the young man who saves. The Bulletin is safe in saying that land values here are still at a very low stage. The past two years hag seen an increase in timber values that was simply astounding to some who 'lad previously maintained that tim bcr claims would never bring- such a price. And, oven now the price of timber is ridicuously low. Ten years will bring as much if not more of a surprise in increased land val ues. Shrewd men who have studied other irrigation projects sty that we have here one of the beit in the on .ue country. Our mhI m rich, our climate healthful and delightful, and there is an abundance of water for irrigation. There is only one biug lacking and that is trauspor '. tion. Kverything indicates that that will son be supplied. Why '.ben should not irrigated lunds here approach in value those in other vetions? There is no reason whv "i-T'.'it'utJ- t:-. atBfc' ..., ..... T..JjBtji MiMtNIn MaiiBn&n h -...-A - rFftrtv In .) ' VEMBUR i. 1007. liey should not and nothing Utfhe electric cars and run into Pott n ;e sure thuii that they will III! . ,,,',., . years c.en will look back and jrie viy-wuai;fools they were for not K i9i: bought at least a s&all acre ft cf ibis land w'liwi it could be 1 .d at the !;.v f rice of $40 an acre or the very Lett of it. Asi.lv from and liuvesttucutb there ate ether iltAL'CU for 'making money. The" etir.try it new and is developing. A fii on the roui.d will .'uid oppor- unities lt turn inany an honest jenny, and some will flud chances to tjigage iu profitable business enter prises. )W Jc ' Heiipe T'he Bulletin catatoins :hat thsCeud country is a good 5ce for the young trfan who hap-J oins to have a Jittle capital ana sVa -for the young man vyhconlyi has dtrouR uittscles and 0 willing i ness to work. lie will not find lien n!t lhr pflinfiirls iiiut nmime. mct.sofatiolder country, hut he will find no real hardships. The young man who lives nlrjue on com j forts ami lumueruenls is not needed here. We want no mollycoddles WhnUs wanted is the young man witlif fcouroRe and determination enough to stick to a good thine; when he find it. 1'or such thb. country is full of opportunities. IIAI'IM-NIKOS PAR AND NBAU. The hotel and livery stables at Silver Lake report a rushing busi ness due to many people coining in to the country after timber lauds and homestead. M V. Parker of Port Klamath has purchased i.ooo acres of laud ot the head of Summer Lake of lark Partiiu paying S9000 for the tract. Parker will improve the ranch and make it one of the best in Lake county. The Princville Journal says that Wallace Pott recently sokl.za head of 3-year-old steers at $40 per head. The cattle were a better grade than the ordinary run of stock, to which i due the fact that Mr. Post re ceived $5 more per head than is usually paid. L. II. Lafoliette and J. W. Col tins returned from the vicinity of Shauiko Sunday where they have 'ecu for the past six weeks with the road train. They say that the roads have proven too soft for the weight of the machinery and that the nroiect will frobablv be aban doned for this yeurat least. Prine- villc Journal. Wholesale destruction of juniper trees in Crook county ought to be stopped in some manner. It has a commercial value which is only rqttalled by the .litest quality of Coos Hay myrtle. In fact it com mands $150 per 1000 fret more at comb, brush and pencil factories, but it will all be burned iu log heaps, we are afraid, before the advent of the railway. Moro Ob- tscrver. The bodv of Morris WincficJd, the Lakcvicw stockman who dis appeared on Sept. 24 and whoe borsc was tound the day after rider less, was found on Oct. 18 floating in a slough where he had evidently been drowned. It is supposed that Wingfield's horse floundered while crossing the slough and threw Wingfield into the water where he drowned. There were no sigtts of foul play Some "smart" youngsters at Sil ver i.aicc visited the camp ot an Indian known as Dr. Sam, who was camped near that place, and in the absence of the Indian entered phis tepee and wantonly smashed up Leverything they could get their nanus on. They even went so far as to chop the -tepee poles in two Laud then climbed on top of it iu nn attempt to smash it clown. I hey aUo lock an ax and badly damaged Khe Indian's wagon. A good stout KKury ciuu suuuiu ik appueu 10 such youngsters until they learn how to behave themselves and to leave other people's property alone. , - Work is progressing rapidly 011 tue electric railroad being built irom I'ortlaud to halem and on to Hugeue. In about six weeks peo fple at Portland's capital can board 'land in about au hour's time on one of the finest equipped electric lines i(, the cmulTy . W1 l)c extended to Kugette, survey for which are now being made. The company building to Kuzeue in known as the Kugcne & Haslern and is the road that J. C. JJracher told The IlulUtiu would be built fcinto Hend within two years. Mr. liracher is a'director of the Jvngeiie & Eastern nnd made the above statement when in Ilend lat sum mer. A Strong lina'orsement (or Oregon. Oregon never had a stronger en dorsefnent than the' following from the pen of Prof. Charles Curtis," of the Xmes, Iowa, Agricultural Col legg. ' rtTliere is rjpwhcreon the fpe of tiie globe a lajlil or rxfiple so 'dom inant iu the' Jmpro'qmeut pf live stock Qr ojptoteUte'lu Hit' prd- ditcttoa ot ttitf uigHest types-"01 domestic nniumls us the llrltisli MrtlldS. Ami there is tiowlicrc "VT . " ". - " ' 1 lift 3 esuvjt m " vviutiiiivun c. irskij hihvh to those of Great Htitiun arf on the North Pacilic coast of the United States. The situilatltv is noticeable not only in climatic conditions and natural environment, but also iu the genuine enthusiasm and deep seated faith iu the industry pooessed by the tillers of the soil." ScIkmiI Land llase Increased In Price. Salnm. Oregon, Oct. st. 1907. On account of the limited amount now available, the State Laud hoard 011 October u, 1007, in creased the price of aehool laud base for Indemnity selections to 5.S.75 per acre. This order affects all applications forwarded to this office subsequent td said date, hereafter U S land office fee3 and charges for the publication of notices will be paid by the State. An initial payment of $1.75 per acre (one-fifth of the purchase price)shoukl accompany au appli cation. Ciias V. Galloway, State Laud Agent. Late Watermelons Arc Luscious. Luscious watermelons are still bciui; brought to the Madras market by the ranchers of the neighborhood and the quality of these late melons is equal it not supciior to that ripen iug earlier in the season. The soil and climate of thts section seems especially adapted to gtowittg of large melons of .superior quality, and when transportation means aic improved this crop will doubtless be one from which considerable reve nue will be derived. The melons develop perfectly on the plateau lands without irrigation and with slight cultivation Pioneer. Seed Wheat for Sate. Cox seed wheat for sale, 2c per lb , at the Bend Livery & Transfei Stables. .-jotf the: Cove Orchar All leading varieties of WINTER APPLES for sale at the orchard at 75c to $1.25 abusbel. Ilest apples delivered at Madras, Prinevilie, Redmond or Clitic Fall at $150 a box. Delivered at Ilend or Laidlaw $1.75 a box. Send in your orders early. Satisfaction guaranteed. WILLIAM IJOKGLI. Proprietor. Madras, Or., It. 1'. I). No; 1. Much Good Reading at Very Uittk Cost.... One of the finest clubbing of fers The llulletiu has ever so cured is now open to its read ers and (he public in general. For the small sum ot S2.25 you can secure a year's subscription to The Bend Bulletin ($1.5 " )0 The leading iiewiMtvr of Crook County that's wliat the public says; Sumet Magazine (Si. so year) The leading magaxlne of the West; The Road of a Thousand Wonders (75c J"" cP') The tnont Uautiful took (if vletvs uvcir publishl, (lriutwl hi four 2olpr.s; Tovn and Country Journal (25c rwr year) One (if thg ItayV ing nericulturul pttbHcntlotis pf the Pacific toast. That Mcanc a Saving to You of $1.75. ( 1 1 9 If you take aUvin'tagc 6r this offer i ft it atsoTneans ' 1 s) A tot of goer! readft& for the loHg winter nights. 'I ho Waning llanlwnnd Supply, Although demand for hardwood lumber Is gteatcr than ever before, the auuuiil cut to-day is 11 billion feel less Uiaii it was seven years aiiu In this time the wholemile prices ol the dilfcrent claws of hardwood lumber advanced fiont 25 to . ir cent. Tue cut of oak. which in 1809 was more than hull' the total cut ot hardwooda.ha fallen ofT vv per cent. Yellow jwplur, which was formerly second in toint of output, has fallen off 38 ier cent, and elm has fallen off one half. The cut of softwoods U ovct four times that of hatdwood, yet it is doubtful if a .shortage in the former would catte dismay in so many in dustries. The cooperage, furniture, a ti d vehicle industries de pend Upon hardwood timber, and the railroads, telephone and tele graph companies, agricultural im plement manufacturers., and builders use it extensively. This leads 1,0 the question, Where is the future supply of hardwoods to be found? The cut iu Ohio and Indiana, which, seven uars ago, let) all other stalest, has fallen off one half. Illinois, Iowa, Ken tucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis souri, Newjcrsey, Tciinussce.Tcxas, West Virgiua, and Wisconsin have also declined 111 hardwood prod tie tton. The chief centers of produc tion now lie in the lake states, the lower A!tNiipil valley, and the Appalachian Mountains. Vet in the lake states the jwesencc of hardwoods is au almost certain indication of rich agricultural land, and when the hardwoods are cut the Und i. turned permaiienllv to agricultural use. In Arkansas, Louisiana, and Misfanppi the pro duct iott of hardwoods w cleat ly at its extreme height, and iu Miseourinnd Texas it has already begun to decline. The answer to the question would therefore seem to lie in the Aupuln chian Mouutiaus. They contain the largest body of hardtvood timber left iu the United States. On them grow Che greatest variety of tree species any white to be I mind Protected from fire and reckless cutting, they produce the best kind ol timber, since their soil ami clim ate combine to make heavy ktatids ami tapid growth. Yet much of the Appalachian forest has been so damaged in the past that it will lie vears before it will again reach a high state of productiveness Twenty billion feet of hardwoods would lie conservative estimate of the annual productive capacity of 75,000,000 acres of forest laud in the Appalachians if they were r'ght ly mauaged. Until tbey arc we can expect a shortage in hardwoj.1 tltulier. Circular 116, of the Forest Service, entitled "The Waning Hardwood 'Supply," discusses the situation. It may be lud upon application to the lroretti, Forest Service, Washington, I). C. It Is Certainly Nat DUgruceful I,. I. Crcexry, prttident of th Ore gon Trunk Lute, of Seattle. wn a I'riiM Till viIUir y.u-Uv. lie had n rn s;lnr with him, nno tbii morning ihty betli leit for part unknown. Y'uinn how tUew r4ilnMl mie hnk uut ul tight In Crook county after they get n MOMft meal never rtgarilen It u itugraeeful to try to Luibl r4llroail. Review. SubMribe for The llulletiu. A mmM ' WJvn v rwestefte JFhcn You Paint buildings, insitlu or otit aiilc, if yott dcaira the very bust raimltx at the least expeiuue you should usu The Sherwin-Williams Paint Call for " color cards E. A. SATHER A Pull Line of (Irocerled, Dry Clouds nnd llurdwnrc nlwnya on llnnd. Thi Central Ore- goi Banking Trust Company iM-t-n.rt! ih- capit.il i3,030 00 Transacts n Oeiterxil llnnk lug lluslness. Acts ns Adirtlnlstrator, Ux cctitor or Trustee of Hstntes Issues Drnfts nnd Hunk (Money Orders on all foreign Countries. Interest on Time Deposits Snfc Deposit Hoxcs. Plre Insurance. John Stolill, l'reidcitt ). it. .Siwhlll, Vlcl'rcl.loiit and Cathler IlKNI), The Secret of n Uonutlful Face f In k.rknig lh tk'm Jf ttrtr.lj.tfcllii.tlfMttrtl. Jiut M.iihinjf (1 mil iiHivh tlut irlrjvnthllmiliMit(ce inure roiJot)MlnklMm I I tl.ut una etrn to rosrri- ri attarki lf (HH .lltll vrrjilirr. Alttrwjtliitij;, - 'v K,'ler!licuulriMrwiir III tlrli'htful rrfrrwimrnt. 'otl uillAilmlte lite IIivr-leM Kitinrx it jinuru lo !, iu 1 k mut arm 1. i m,l mily 1 m'UtriariilUnttlitn,iut protect ttliviLi'i Irom b oin inj CIMC, I'rrirriiL burn. i"jj, Un an. I fr.i Uc. Wl.- '-(K M i if umflt tm-ttr Vi K& There's NlvWS m 1'l.r Jittllctlu I OKKGOK C wmmwi l Ml A. FARMERS READ THE WEEKLY OREGONIAN OF PORTLAND For the general newsof the . Worjd also for informniion aboul haw o obtain ihe h'esi results in cultivating d?.c oil, Stock jl Raiin prurfG 1 lou canseore this exceuetii paper by Cliibjbing withr the Bulletin;' noTfi iaibhs, onc y6ar, for omy New Blacksmith Shop.... I havejnsl tetTiitly owiied shop in Ilend and am piepareil to do all kinds of Morse Shoeing, Wagon nnd Plow Work Mud (Icuvriil lllncksinltltlng livery piece of wot k that leaves the shop is guaranteed to Ix- fitst-class. I nolicit a hareofoitr pat- lonage JAAtllS .McHLWOY. C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW bCflCN IK HANK III M.IHNO. lllv.NI, OKH'.ilN. W. P. A1YI2RS Laud aiul Irrigation Lawyer I.AIULAW, OHMJOU I'raetlre hi sll Court and HejwrtMKiH ( ihr liitvtior U. C. COE, M. D. Pliysiciau and Surgeon OPfU'K OVItK HANK 71(1 IllaUt Celcpbonc Ccnncctloit lAV TKI.KfKOMtt XO. at I1ICCI) . OK if HON DR. 1. L. SCOIIHLI) DENTIST IlltXIi, fiRf.r.Oy llflU. n, In ig Hmr v-.n ,! OUK ll"l, f M I ! M nrs ih.M,. s- jtMitiHf nHw n. ' M. V. TUriiEY, M. D. Pliyslclnn nnd Surgeon OWKK O. I.H CUHNI.K liHL'tk NTOUI . MUNI). ORKC.DN J. II. IIANHU, ABSTIAC'ri:R of TITI.I-S NOTARY I'tnf.fC fit. iHHtf.Hr. t.iir atM, kvitlf IWhhIi. Mot hMtir. lmrryMtit( fiM'vlllH . OHIKWIN TIIE First National. Bank of Prinevilie. JUUUUIicd IMW, Capital, SurpliiH nnd Undivided Profits, 5100,(MK).(X) N !'. Alton Wilt Wni.Hrtln T M Haldwlu II tetUKI . . Ifmbtrirt .VMr l..lilni' Oxhlrl E. C. PARK Importer and llrvctler ol I'URIJ llljlil) Poland China lloff Ulack LniiRslinn Chickens Yoimjr Stock forSnlc. ItHtiMOMi . OUW.UN li. U MM I nv I A MillltM rowing f etc