The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 01, 1907, Image 3

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Iii a
Condensed Form for
Busy Readers.
A Return of the Lett Important but
Not Lees Interesting Events
of tha Patt Week.
A few inoro Hiimll ImiiiWm In New Vork
linvn cloned, but llin big one stand
(It in.
There havo Im-cii -18 cases of bubonlo
ltaguo nI Hit i) Francisco which proved
An armed man held up n freight
train mar Urn Angelra and ioIiIm) the
tMln cruw.
Tim Commercial TttlovrftftliriH union
lint decided to nik Urms of tho title
graph roinimnlr-.
Tim Vancouver, II. (J,, city coiincll
lint appealed to I ho government to ex
clude nil Asiatic.
Tito J -pan wo nt Vancouver, II. 0.,
tiro making exorbitant rlalum (or dam.
j;i sustained dm lug tho rlol.
Thrro aro rninou thnl tho Uto In-
maim on iiia uneyennn tivrr rciTvn
tion aro about irmly for an ootbrrnk.
Representative llurtnn It likely to rn
iiitln chairman of tho rlvcra and hnr.
lMrt committee iltirlnit tho next session
jjof congress.
Thlrty.Uirce tullt against Ilia Bouth-
irn rnolno havo born (lll nt the ro-
-quest of the Attorney Kenoial for viola
rtionot tiiel'
Striking Tolrgrapnert Hln Form-r
Leader from Platform.
Chicago, Oct. 22, Followed by loom
nml hisses, H J. Small, formor presi
dent of tho Commercial Telegraphera'
union, loft Ulrlch'a hall In tents Hun
ilny afternoon. Jlu did not net Ihu
vindication which ho sought at tho
hands of Uio rank ami fllo of tho local
An Hiimll left tho hall ho appeared
broVeii.hcitrtod and declared ho bail
given up tho flKht for restoration to Ills
lorinrr vltlon. Ilia auccosior, W. V.
Ilcattle, of Washington, who wan vlco
president of tho organization, was for
mally recognised m the new head of
Uio union. Ho announced that hla pol
ley wouhl bt an aggressive ono.
When the meeting opened. President
Hmall, who had been waiting l an
anto-room for a chance to bo beard, waa
Invltod to Jtho platform. Hardly bad
he ascended thn ttepa to tho platform,
when a numlwr of strikers got up and
left the room. Tho othera hooted and
bitted ao thai tho wordt of tho former
president wrro drowned. In a pathetic
way be appealed to the older mom bora
of the union -nylon that ho had child
ren and that I hoy should not Le dis
graced by the hrandlriK of Uielr father
na dishonest without one bltof cvldenco
and wlUutit a hearing.
This appeal, however, bad little ef
fect, although a great many of the
alrikera after tho meeting had adjourn
ed agreed that Kmall btd Iwn treated
tbamefully and at leant should have
wen received with common decency.
It waa voted to atiena broker and
leased wlro operators two dayi' pay
each wck In Haiti of railing them out on
Over Ten Uilllon Oolfara Rtpreson
tU In Induttry In America.
Wiuihlnglon, Oct. 25. A capital of
f 1 0,025,000.000 la directly ooncorned
hi the raiting of rntnt animals ond
tholr slaughtering and packing, ntcord
Intr ton report on meat aupply Issued
by the department of agriculture Tlila
amount It flvo-alxtha aa larvn all
capital Invrated In manufacturing In
1U04. Seven. eighth of tho moat and
inenl products nre consumed within
thin country. Thoatock of meat aril-
mult hat Increased since )810, but has
not kept paco with thn Increased popu
latlon. Tho report addt:
"That meat COnttlinntlnn rvnr mnlln.
haa declined In tlilt country alnco 1840
It plainly Indicated. How ImporUnt
mvav la in ine iirui or tiiodltTercnt
counlilea It thowrt In the following
mrut coiifumptlon per capltn In 1004,
In dri'tacd weight:
"I'nlted Matoa, 186 ounda; United
Kingdom, 121 pound; Australia, 203
poumitj Now Zeoland, 212 poundaj
Culm, 124 poundtj Kianco, 7U poundt
llelgluni, 70 twutidi: Denmark. 7ft
poundaj HwimIcii, 02 poundaj Italy, 60
fWlllflft '
Knnrai City la work lint foi the Hr.
publican national convention.
Mote than 20 penont wero Inlurrxl
In r ttirot car collltlon at Chicago.
The wnlo In tho llnit otvailoul by
Vail ttieet oxiratloii It aU)iit over.
A h g pralrio fin hat awentthoHloux
1 Indian rntoivatlon near Valentino.
' Nob.
It It tald Hooaovelt will try for
IMatt'a anil In the tonata If n nrcaldcnl
to ma liking it elected.
There havo leen four drntht In Ht-
nttlo In which tho tyuiptouia were very
aimiiar to uoubonlo plague.
Harrlman may dlitrlhuln tho ttrcka
of other rondt held by tho Union Tact
ile among Uio ntcckholdert of the latter
The trana-Atlantlo liner I.tulUnla
rhtt croaard from Now York to Otieena-
town In 4 dayt, 22 homt and 40 inln-utra.
The Alton and Ilnrllnitton rradt In
tend to cut tho iMteointor Mhedulo from
-C'hlengo to Knniuui City and Denver.
Other roadt aro expected to follow ault.
United Hallroada emntovi and thn
jkiIIco claahtHl again In Han Fmuclaco
with tho remit that a conductor waa
uliot and an olllror beaten and threo
arrett made.
Robbar Makaa Demtndt Only on tha
Man Cantntrt,
Halt Uko, Oot. 22. The .Murray
ttage, need for the ccnve;anco of pat
aengert on tha lino between Illngbam
Jnnctlon ami Randy wat biought to a
halt by a maoknl roblwr early this
morning at tavedahl. Tho driver and
tha mala pftnocngcra In the coach wero
ordered down from their seals and when
uio rouoor laceo uiem with iirawn io
volvor they leadlly coumlled with bfa
demand for money and valuables.
Unly 112 at olitlne from Uie
party, It w mid today, but tho driver,
who bad a conttderahlo sum of money
In bit poaeslon, managed to ttquctlcr
It under tlie amt of tho ttago while bis
lttengert wero climbing down from
Uielr teata. The puro was overlooked
by tho robtier.
Tho women paraengert, of whom
I hero vrero a number, were not molest
ed. Hatitilcd that ho had obtained
everything of value that bis victims
poaaettcd, the bandit, alter permitting
them lo return to tholr teatt, took a
place aiongtido tho dtlver and rodo
with the party to tho end of tho ttago
line, when ho dltmotintcd and escaped
uiiuor cover oi mo uarsnett.
Washington Only Stats Which Pro
duces Any Amount.
Waihlngton, Oct. 20 Washington
It the only ono of tho ParlfiV nt
ttatca whlfh produces coal of quality
uiinuio mr uio manuiacture of coko.
Tho cokeuiaklng operationt of Wash
ington am not of special Importance
when compared with tho output of
othor cokoinaklng stales, but they aro
of Interest aa establishing the fact Uiat
it it pottliilo to produco metallurgical
coko from Taclllc coast coal.
There ato die coke establishments In
the slate, three of which made coke in
1P00. Two plants, having a total of
31 ovent, have been Idlo during the
last two years. Tho piodnctlon In
1000 amounted to 45.04 1 abort torn.
valued at 1220,077, agalntt 63,137
shoit lont, valued at 1261,717, in 1005.
All of Ihoconl uied in cokemaking In
Waihlngton In lOufl wat washed. Two
of tho plants uted wsthed run-of.mlnc,
and ono plant uted washed tlsck. Tho
wathed run-of.tnlno coal amounted to
70,1185 tons and the washed alack to 0,
21 1 tons. Tho cokemaklnir Industry of
Wahlngton began In 1884, when 400
ions oi coko wero produced.
Japanese Say Philippines Thrive
dor American Rule.
Washington, Oct. 23. Mail advices
from Manila report that Aknw Tanks,
tho Japaneao consul for the Philip
pines, bus recently concluded bis first
vltlt to tho southern Islands. Upon
urn ri-iurn io itiani a. llio mnntl a .1
that tho Krrflt natural wealth nf Hi
Bouinern I'iilllppincs Mtonlrhoi! him
and that ho can roadllr too that (Jia
United HUtea will never desire to sell
Uio islands.
Ilo wan very much impressed also
with tho military government cl the
Mora provinces. Ho consldors it one
of tho most offrctlve and practlcnal tys
tenia that could bo dovitod for tbo
"Tim Mnrn " .. a.l.l .,. - I..
bright snd honest, and will, under tho transfer.
nrosoni syttern of government, develop
Into n One citizen sorno day. aa have
Uio natlvca of tho mountains of For-
rnoea under tbo Japanei-o government.
"Everybody in the southern Islands
seems to be talking hemp and copra,
and leaving politics to shift for Uiem
solves, and thcro seems to bo no ques
tion of tsce, or anything esccpt tho de
velopment of the country. Thin n.l
bettering thidr own condition teem to
occupy Americans. Jsnanoeo and Pill.
plnoi, and I Uilnk Uiat this account for
tho present prosperity' tald Mr. Akasa
Chicago clubs havo started a war
.agalntt tipping.
Tho Moora ret a trap for French
troops but were surprised snd routed.
.'.(rresldnnt Kmall It continuing hla
fight and may rpllt tho tolegiaphon'
In a speech at Nashville, Itooiovelt
doolnrd bo would not chango bit olloy
n arcount of Wall street.
Tho light between Harrlman and
1'lth for control of tbo Illinois Cential
may be sottled out of court.
Tbo threuteuod strike of Denver A
llloOraudo telegraphers will not tnko
plnco as the men hnvo voted to remain
n work.
Heoretary Coitolyou snya be will
assist tho Now York banks hurt by tho
Wall atioet jmnlo as all tho Institutions
mo sound,
President Duller, of Columbia Uni
versity, In an address at Chicago, nd
vooatod changea in tho rihurnmn law
Mhlch would permit trusts but put tho
inon at tho head of thum within reach
l tho law.
Tha United Mates pc'iuilon roll Is
rapidly douicuslng,
Mulnl Hnflg has inlllolotl u crushing
.lefent on tho sultan of Morocco.
Hundreds of porsoim have been ar
rostod In Kansas City for vlolutlng tho
Sunday oloalng law.
Tho Walllngs havo boon roknsod
from Jnll and tho Ilusslau polloo mini It
thoy inado u mlotnko.
Tho Western Union ulalms Uiatn
numlior of U striking operators nt Chi
cago huvo applied for lolnstatemont.
Tho Dritlsh freighter Queen Chris
tina, bound from San Francisco to
Portland, struck Uio rocks near Him.
cent City, Cul., and will bo a total lose.
Tho German emperor la to visit Eng
land In pomp.
Bourne Offers Prlts.
Washington, Oct. 22. Hon. Jona-
than llourno. Jr.. of Oreson. United
States senator, has taken a unique step
io iesi uie seniimeni oi uto country on
the presidential situation, Through
the National magntlno, of Iloston, ho
hit offered a cash prlio of $1,000, open
to American people, for tho strongest
and Uit written argument In tupport
of a svoond olectlvo Urin for Itoosovelt.
Tho prlte will bo awarded March 15,
1008, the contetl clotlmr ono month
eaillor, and thieo judget will bo nsmod
shortly to past upon tho arguments.
Capture Mexican Bandit.
MoxIcoClty, Oot. 22. Bcclal dlt
natchet to this olty leport that tho
leader of tho gang which last week rtole
115,000 worth of bullion from tho pie
cIpltatiiiR room of the Kuanajuata Con
to) Mated Mining A Milling company,
has been captured aftor twlng wounded
threo times. WlUi him waa taken all
tho stolen bullion. In his confession
he Implicated 40 perrons.
Prslrlo Flro Is RsRlns;.
lUrnesvlllo, Minn., Oct. 22, A
pralrio flro Is devastating tho northeast
ern part of Wllkina county, Minnesota,
and thteo farms havo nlreadv loen wip
ed out, Tho dniunge thus fur Is esti
mated at 160,000. Thus far all offorts
to check tho piogresa of Uio lire havo
Ixon unavailing, but nil tbo farmers In
tho vicinity tonight nio nlowlmr tho
country in an attempt to stop Uio
President It Snubbed.
Jackson, Miss., Oct. 22. Doolnrlng
that Presldont Itoosovelt Is a oruol
bear-ohater, Governor Vnnlaman yes
tordav nnnouncod that ho would not be
In Vlcktburg today to wolcome tho
presldont to Mississippi, Ilo will go to
Memphis bo that ho tuny not be In the
stato at tiio samo time ns tho presldont,
Williamson Cats Goes Over.
Wahlngton, Oct. 24. Argument In
tho rate of ox-Itepretontatlve J. N.
Williamson was today Indefinitely
postponed by tho United States Su
pieme court In order to afford the at
torney general an opportunity to pro-
pare his argument. Tho motion to
jiostpono inado by tho govornment was
readied by the attorneys for William
son, who wero anxious to push tho coso
to Immediate bearing, It having been
originally set lor argument today. As
customary In such cases, the court
grantod a postponement.
Northwest Postal AiTalra.
Waihlngton, Oct. 25. Waihlngton
postinantoiE appointed: Christopher,
Maurice W. Thorn won. vlco J. A.
8hoff, resigned; Kagloton, John K.
Hunker, vlco Mel Andeison. realcnod!
O'llrlen, Anna K. Ilurke, vlco F. 8.
Wsrnrr. roshtnod! Itlohmnml. i!ini,
P. b't. John, vlco 8. K. Hollowav. m.
signed. Klmer K. Hnlea has been ap
pointed regular, A. II. Klrhy, substi
tttte, rural carrier, routes 1 and 2, at
Adams, Oregon.
Irrigation Project Approved for 12,000
Acres Nesr Orlsnd.
Washington. Oct. 22. Tho secretary
of the Interior 1 as definitely approved
the allotment of 1060,000 for the con
strutlon of tho Or land Irrigation project
in onramcnio vaney, uai., and the final
plant for the necessary work will
promptly bo prepared by Uie reclama
tlon sorvlco, aftor which conttroction
ran commence.
On Docombcr 18, 1000, the allot
ment was niado, subject to the usual
conditions, with the proviso that 12,-
000 acres of land bo pledged. Tho peo
plo in tho valley not only havo eonmll.
ed with these conditions but Uio land
subscriptions aggregate in excess of the
limit placed by the secretary of tbs In-terlor.
The Orlsnd protect contemnlatea the
stnrago of water In tbo foothills on the
headwaters of Stony crock, and lis di
version and uso in the vicinity of tho
iohii ui unanu. u is considered an
Integral part of a scheme for tho gener
al development, ot the arjaciamento val
ley. Westgate Clots Appolntmsnt.
Washington, Oct. 20. If any fight
is being msdo on Q. A. Weatgato, re
cently indorsed for surveyor genoral of
Oregon, it will probably prove futile.
Mr. Westgate's commission wss for
warded to tho president white ha waa
on hit bear hunt, and was returned to
tho White IIouso severs! Java aim.
bearing tho president's signature.
Benator Dourne says ho understands the
communion was forwarded to Mr.
Wettgato Immediately upon rccslpt at
tho Whlto Houso. Mr. Weetgate will
bo authorized to assume charce of the
olllco as soon aa bo qualifies.
Ono Man Killed and Thrae Injured
Ovsr Transfer.
Ban Francisco, Oct. 21. A a result
of trouble over a transfer slip on a Polk
Btrcct car oi uie united jtaiiroaus sys
tem Saturday ovcnlng, one man wss
shot and killod, another so seriously
wounded Uiat deUi will probably en-
suo, and two other men less sevcioly
When tbo enr loft tho ferry to nara
oui mission sireei, on lis way to Polk,
n was packed with passengers, Includ
nig men returning uom work, and wo-
mon and children who had been across
tbo lay. Tho crowded condition of
Uie car made it dlnlcult for the con
ductor to collect farm and, when Polk
street was reached, both he and the un
comfortably crowded passengers were In
a condition of Irritable nervousness.
The man who started the trouble, ac
cording to hla own admissions to the
police, waa John Monger. He said that
hen ho paid hla fare, early on the
trip, he had aakod the conductor for a
Drown was busy snd told
Monger to wait awhile. Monger re
peated his request several times, and
Drown failed to hand him tbo slip.
Finally Monger concluded that Brown
did not Intend to give him the ticket,
and struck at tho conductor. Tho 1st
ter dodged Uie blow and struck back at
Monger, striking him in Uie face and
knocking him down.
It was at this luncture that the
shooting commenced. At the tame
time somo one threw off the trolley and
tho car came to a standstill. The stop
page of Uio car, coupled with the noise
in tho rear, led ti.a motonnan to be
lieve that his mate was in danger and,
revolver In hand, be pushed his way
through the crowded passengers.
Text of Speech by the President
at Vlcksborg.
Nsxt Session of Congress Will
Asked to Starl Improvement
of This Great River.
Hurricane In Norway.
Trondhjem, Norway, Oct. 22. A vlo.
lent hurrloano has been rnalmr ovor
the provlnco of Blnunmrk slnro lnst
Thursday. Many fishing boats
missing and up to the r
seven Urea have bees lost.
Watt Loses Rich Mine.
Washlngtou, Oot. 24. Tho Bup-
rcmo court today decided tho caso of
Loon Idas M. Lawson and others versus
tho United States Mining company fa
vorably to tho company. Tho rasa In.
volvei a question as to tho right to fol-
low minotai veins from Ihaapox in tho
Jounlan extension, Northern Light and
other mines In tho West Mountain dis
trict, near llrlghnm, Utah.
Commissioners Hear Complaints.
Washington, Oct. 24. Tho inombers
of tho Interstate Commerce commission
go this weok to various parts ot tho
country to hear Lundiods ot com-
plaints. Uhitlrmnn Kuapp goes to Now
York, Commissioner Proutv to lluffnlo.
Bt. Louis, KiinetiB City and Denver, ami
Commissioner Olnrko to Knntuis City.
All told, 2,700 complaints will bo
Darred from Use of Malls.
Washington, Oct. 21. Tho post
master genoral Issued an order denying
uio ngncoi uio iifiiitn Appliance com
piny, of Hoattlo, to horeaittr uen tl e
malls, This is a ronutod nuack modi
cal concern of unsavory character.
Plans to Receive Warships,
Wahlngton, Oct. 21. Socretsrv Met.
calf today received a communication
from San Francisco settlmr forth nion.
present time for the reception of tho battleship fleet
jujnu iva biiivbi were,
Report on Land Grants.
Washnlgton, Oct. 24. A. MoD. Mo.
Dlslr, special assistant to tho attorney
genoral, who has been assisting I), D.
Towniend In Uio inveatication of tho
uregon A California land giant caso in
Oregon, will report soon. When Mr.
Towntend's report la received, steps
will bo taken by tho department look
ing to tho preparation of a bill special
counsel will bo ongaecd and tho case
will bo taken into court in tho hooo of
compelling tho railroad company to
dispose ot its surplus land In accordance
with tho terms ol the grant.
Earthquake In Indian Ocean.
Washington, Oct. 23. Tho Weather
bureau today announced that Its Instru
ments registered an earlhnuako bet-In
nlngat 11 o'clock last night and lasting
until enny una morning, and that its
origin may hnvo boon at a point west ot
Australia, In tho Southern Indian ooean,
It Is believed to have been of considera
ble intensity at it origin.
Northwest Postal Affairs.
Washington, Oct. 23. Charles K.
MnoLean has been appointed regular,
Murgnret E. MaoLoan substitute, rural
carrier, routo l, ni ueorgotown, Wash.
vtttsningion pottmnsters appointed
fliouormioK, Atuwix . Kegss, vlco II.
W. McCoiiuIck, resigned; Plain, Har
vey II. Mott, vlco W. J. NIckoreon, resigned,
Reduced Passenger Rata In Nsbraska
Swells Earnings.
Omaha, Oct. 21. Instead ot the new
two-cent railroad fare law having re
duced trie rates in Nebraska, It has act
ually increased the average rate per
mile In this state, according to the re
port ot the Union Pacific railroad,
which hss just been filed with tho
State Railway commission. And In
stead of Uie railroads having a fear of
the two-cent law, they havo been
laughing in their sleeves over the di
version they have creaetd by klckintr
against trio passenger rates and drawing
attention from Uio high freight rateo
charged In the trans-MitsIssIppl coun
The annual report of Uie Union Pa-
clflc, which haa just been filed with the
commission, proves ou examination to
oe a brier In behalf of the two-cent
fare. Since Uio now law was enacted,
the Union Pacific and other Nebraska
railroads are charging full two cents
per mile, as permitted by law. No ex
cursion rates, no reduced faro, no com
mutation tickets of any kind and In
fact nothing less tbn a stralsht two-
cent fare ticket it sold in Nebraska.
Out Uie report which haa lust been
made public shows Uiat last year the
average passenger trareled in Nebraska
at the rata of 1.00 cents for each mile,
a rate actually lower than that which
is now charged by tho railroads nnder
tho new law.
Bcurne Stays In Washington.
Washington, Oot. 25. Sonator
Uoume will not return to Oregon be
fore tho convening ot oongrwa. Ho
finds that various matteia ot import
anco to the stato roqulro his presence in
Washington and ha believe ha can an.
oompllsh more by remaining here than
oy mazing a unoi visit to tae atae.
Says He Will Probably be Private Clt
Uen In Two Years.
Manila, Oct. i. At a banquet given
In his honor in this city Saturday
night, Secretary of War William II.
Tait mado a most significant statement.
tio waa referring to the fact that he
had already visited the Philippines
threo times and in expressing his in
tention to como hero again, he said:
"I hope in another two years to visit
Manila again, but then I probably will
como as a privato allien."
The significance of Mr. Taft's re
marks in relation to Uie chances of his
nomination for the pretidenoy next
year, did not seem to strike his audi
ence. Tho secretary's speech waa re
ceived with much enthusiasm by the
representatives of the Filipinos Dies-
ent, when he declared tho government
was anxious and ready to helpthe busi
ness prosperity ot uie islands.
Mr. Iaft devoted the day to an In
spection ot the schools ot Manila.
Oppose Pulp Export.
Ottawa, Oot. 21. For some time
thero has been a strong movoment In
Canada In favor of a radical chango in
tho fiscal condition governing the ex
port ot pulp wood to the United States.
This inovemont, which hss for months
been giowlng in foico and intensity,
culminated in the doniand of a deputa
tion from the pulp and paper manufac
turers ot tho Dominion, who came to
Ottawa and petitioned tho government
Uiat tho exportation of pulp wood from
utnacia tncuid bo pioniblted and the
supply conserved.
VIcksbnrg, Miss., Oct. 22. Altera,
fortnight spent in the canebrakes, and
looking bronzed and vigorous, President
Itoosovelt paid a flying visit to Vlckiu
burg this afternoon.
The president waa Intro! need by Con
gressman John Sharp Williams. Wbea
Mr. Williams said that jTheodoro Rooeo-
veu was president ot the wbole country
Dixie lsnd and Yankee land alike
the demonstration was notable. Wbea
the president arose to reply the big
crowd accorded him a noisy demonstra
tion that lasted several minutes.
In his speech here the president said:
"It teem to me that no American
president could spend his time better
than by seeing for himself Inst what a
rich and wonderful region the lower
Mississippi valley is, so that he may go
back, as I shall go back, to Washington,
with the set purpose to do everything
mat nea in me to see that the United
States docs its full share In making the
Mississippi river practically a part of
the tea coast, in making ita deep chan
nel to tho Great Lakes from the Golf.
I wish to see Uie levees so strongly built
as to remove completely from the minda
of dwellers of those lower rclons all
apprehentions of a possible overflow.
I advocate no impossible task. No
difficult task. The people of Holland.
a little nation, took two-thirds of their
country out from under the sea, arid
they live behind the dykes now and
have lived behind them for centuries la
"With ono-Unth Uie effort we. a
much greater nation, can tako the In
comparably rich bottom lands of the
Lower jiisslMlppl out ot Uie fear of be
ing flooded or even being overflowed
by the Mississippi, and whlla I do ntA
like to say in advance what I Intend to
do, I shall break my rule in this caso
and aay Uiat in my next message to
congress I shall advocate aa heartily aa
I know how, that the congress now
elected shall take Uie first steps to bring
about that deep channel way and at
tendant high and broad levee system,
which will make ot Uiese alluvial bot
toms the richest and most populous and
most prosperous agricultural land, not
only in this nation, but on tho face ot
the globeand, gentlemen, here if the
reaoon I am particularly glad to be able
to advance such a policy. I think any
policy which tends to Uie uplifting at
any portion ot our people In Uio end
distributes its benefits over tho whole
people. But It is far easier, originally,
to put into effect a policy which ahall
at Uie moment help the people concen
trated In the centois of the population
and wealth than it is to put into effect
a policy which shall help Uie dwellers
in the country and Uie tillers ot the
"Now here we havo a policy whoso
first and direct benefit will come to the
man on the plantation, Uie tiller ot the
soil, the man who makes bis fortune
from what he grows on the soil.
"Mr. Williams has said that In our
day we can sink all mere party differ
ences. Since I havo been president I
havo found, aye, mott of the time I
have needod to sink them, because tha
dlffeiences ot party aro ot small Im
portance compared to the great funda
mentals ot good cltUenrhln UDon which
an American aniens sbouid bo united."
The president said he agreed heartily
that the constitution ot Uie United
States represents a fixed series of prin
ciples. Yet ho said that, in Uio Inter
est of tho people, It must be interpret
ed, not as a straltjackct, not as laying
tho hand oi death upon all develop
ments, but as an investment designed
for tho lifo and health and growth ot
the nation.
Valuable Quartz Stolen.
Ban Fnaclsco, Oot. 21. Some vandal
ttole from a cabinet at the minora
building at the University ot Califor
nia gold bearing quarts and other in.
olmena valued at U.000. The faoultv
Ids searching for olews to the thief's
More Powder for Jspan.
Now York, Oct. 22. Japan ia man
ufacturing more munitions ot war at
the presont time that at any time dur
ing tho war with Russia. Under peace
Japan has one more arsenal and una
more naval base than It had under the
exigency of war. Both the arsenal and
tho naval base havo been established
within the last six months and at each
place day and night shifts of laborers
are boing worked. Port Arthur or Oy-
rolu, as tho Japanese have renamed
the place, is tho now naval base whera
thero la eo much activity.
Leak In Mare Island Dock.
San Franclsoo, Oct. 22. The massive
drydook whioh the government is hav
ing constructed at tho Mare Island navy
lyard sprung a leak Friday, and in "
der to savo Ute structure from almost
complete destruction it waa neoetaary
to blow oat the entire front ot the deck.
The cost ot the dook, whins is being;
balU by contract, will be 3i000l000.