The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 01, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 33
$15.00 TO $40.00 PER ACRE ncrcH In the Dcs Chute Valley.
60,000 ncrcK now under 350 miles or completed canal.
Moil fertile soil, abundant nml never failing water, glorl
our) climate 310 Miimhiiiy duy.H cr yeai cheap liimbcrnud ful,
worlds of wntiT jwwer, fish, game, nud leaiitiftil mountain scen
ery, combine to inuke an ideal country to LIVK in.
Ah for MAKINO A I.IVINO, man after uinu of our settlers
li producing thiit year from these cheap lands from 50,00 to
$100.00 an acre in clover, alfalfa, oat, wheat and barley crops,
Vegetable ami fruit crops have yielded from $100 00 an acre up.
i.jO varieties of grains, grasses, fruits and vegetables raised and
ripened on the laud, Clover 8 tons per acre, alfalfa 7 tons, oats
80 bushels, jwtutocs 300 bushels, svvceteoru tiio bushels roasting
curs, strawberries 1140 gallons, nud other crops in similar profusion.
Have you got your tract of laud yet? If not, why not?
Get a hustle on nud get it now, while you can eel your pick.
Hcuicmbcr this is Carey Act laud.
You get the laud absolutely free directly front the State
of Oregon.
For particulars write today for Booklet G.
Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company
Clias. P. Richardson, Manager Sales Department
Room 20.1, No. 6 Wnll St., Spoknnc, Wash.
Rooms Provided for Bend
Commercial Club.
At Hcnd,
A Complete Stock of
UourIi, Surfaced and Moulded
At Hcnd,
All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses
Rcasonnblc "KADKD CF.iling Lumber
. WINDOW JAM11S JlMtrr,! At
IMccs window casing Dclhcrcd at
flood II HAD 1JI.OCKS . m. Lost
Grades stair TRKADS " Lands of
l)ry WATKR TAHLH T,1C U ' & V'
' O. G. HAITI NS "., or
Stock mouldings The C S. I. Co.
KTC, i-;tc
Central Oregon
Development Company
The Bulletin Sets the Pacts;
Dulldlnjr Known m the "Club House"
Will Bo Turned Over to the Local
Push Organization'.
TJiose citizens of Hcnd who arc
actively engaged in advertising and
boosting Hcnd and vicinity arc soon
going to be materially assisted in
their efforts by having n home of
their own. In other words a club
room where prosjicctivc buyers and
investors can be taken to spend a
pleasant evening or to discuss busi
ness matters privately if they so
desire. The buildini: that will be
used for that purine is the one
heretofore known as the "Club
House." A reorganization of the
local push club will prolmbly be
effected and the new club room put
in charge of its officers.
The "Club House" is now un
dergoing extensive alterations and
improvements. Partitions have
been removed so as to provide a
large room fronting the river and
with n beautiful r'ver and mountain
view. At each end of this room
will be two fire-places to provide
warmth and cheer when the days
and evenings arc cool. The room
will b: furnished in harmony with
its purpose, nil the best magazines
will be kept on file, and nothing
left undone for the comfort nud en
tertainment of the visitors whom
the club members may take there.
Adjoining this room on the south
is uuotlicr that will be given over
entirely to a collection of exhibits
of the products of this country.
These exhibits nrc now being col
lected nud tunny more arc desired.
Samples of grains, fruits, trasses.
vegetable, lumUr products, native
building stone, and native flowers
nrc wanted. In lact, samples of
cverytuing tliat grows and can be
grown here, and everything that
helps to show the mauy resources
of this section. Such an exhibit
will be of great interest not only to
visitors out to Hcnd people as well.
And nothing is so valuable in an
advertising way as np actual visible
demonstration of what the country
will produce.
Another feature that Is contem
plated but not fully determined up
onbut which will undoubtedly be
adopted is the hiring of a man
who will devote nt least n part of
his time to the care of the club room
nud grounds. The headquarters of
the Hcnd Commercial Club will
then be there and all the club's
correspondence conducted from
these rooms.
New bath fixtures arc being in
stalled, the building connected with
city water, and oach room being
newly papered or covered with bur
evening's enjoyment the lcst since
the local lodge was instituted.
The lodge was disappointed in
not having certain expected guests'
present. Grand Chauicll r John M. I ,,,-....,, i. c nt o
Wall had written that he. ludee I Construction of Big Stave
Hradshaw and District Attorney
Mcucfcc would le present on that
evening. Until the grand chancellor
and Judge Hradshaw were suddenly
taken sick and were unable to In
here, nud the district attorney was
called home by urgent business
matters. The local members were
looking forward with pleasure to
the visit from these gentlemen, who
stand high in thcr.anks of knight
hood, Mr. Wnll brinir the grand
chancellor and Judge Btad
shaw holding the office of supreme
representative in the grand domain
of Oregon. However, their absence
this time will only make them
doubly welcome at some future
Pipe Is Under Way,
Water for 12,000 Acres Will Soon Oe
Carried aero Old River Bed In
56-Inch Wooden Tube.
Corvallls & tlastcrn Surveyors Are
Worklnz toward Bend Other
Railroad Notes.
A telephone message to The Hulk-tin
from Sisters states that a crew
of C. & IS. surveyors under F.ngi
nccr Lewis moved camp Wednesday
into Sisters. This crew had at that
time about two days' work on the
survey west of Sisters and then
would proceed with the line toward
Laidlaw and Htnd
A second crew moved camp the
same day from Rig Lake to Cash
Creek. This crew is following over
the line ruu by Lewis' men and
Is setting grade stakes.
The engineers in charge of these
crews arc anxious to get men and
are pickinc up all they can find
The Hultettn's informant stated that
new men were being added to the
forces nearly every day.
Urlnglnj; in Grading Tools.
It. C. Hlli. wiiu returned last week
(rum Tlw Dalle, reports tlwt common
rumor out theru and along tlur loner
Destitute U to the efToct that actual con
struction on the Oregon Trunk Line will
Iwgin about January 1. lie was told that
picks, shovels, scraper ami other k ratl
in implement sufficient far a force of
150 men had been delivered at Miller's
Hridgc, w hich i about a mile abov e the
ruilnuil bridge on the DetchutM river.
Another rumor dated that the railroad
company had contracted with the Dufur
creamery for a supply of butter, delivery
of which was to begin on January 1.
While Mr. Hllis could not substantiate
thciv report and will not stand sponsor
for them, nevertheless they fit In har
moniously with President Gregory's
statement that actual construction on
the road up the Deschutes will begin
nooui January 1.
Local Knights of Pythias llnjoy a Qood
Tlmo nrouiid tlnmjuet Hoard.
Deschutes Lodge No. 103,
Kuights of Pythias, is enjoying a
very satisfactory gjrowth, muMerous
applications for membership being
received. Last Saturday evening
two candidates were given degrees
iu the lodjjc C. M. Redfjeld, the
third; and V. J. O'Connor, the
second, After the degree work hod
been fiuished the knights gathered
at the Hotel Hetul where n very
pleasing banquet was served. The
dining room hnd been tastily decor
ated fof the occasion, the viauds
served were of the best, nud laugh
ter and good-cheer and wood-fellow
ship united in making the evening
a ruosi picusani oue. 1 ne Kniguts
wcrt (iiinDlttioUH It! declflHlig the
Marrlman Officials Follow Surveys
The O. R. & N. men who left Portland
last eak with automobiles equipped for
a ruu through (.antral Oregon ami whose
object it was Mid was to secure all
strategic points on alt poMiblc rlghts-of-way
into the state, thus blocking all
comers, picd through Prinexillc and
then spcil on the way to Hums. The
party cuusisted of V. V. Cotto;i, Ren
eral council of the Harrimau system of
the Northwest; W. I) Skinner, assistant
freight agent of the Mine company; V.
II. Aeraml C. lr. Ailamsof the Secur
ity Ttust & Saviiighllank of Portland.
These men looked over several large
ranches iu the iciulty of Hums then
followed the proposed line of the Ore
gou Kastcrn out through Crane Creek
gap and down the Malheur to Ontario.
While at lltirns none of the party
would talk railroad matter.
Defer Action on Land Rules.
I.nst Tuesday was tha ilnv ap
pointed by the State I,and Hoard
for the adoption or rejection of
the new rules regarding irrigated
lamd which require that residence
upon the laud be established with
in six mouths from date of pur
chase. Final action on the rules
was postponed pending a decision
by Attorney-General Crawford on
legal points luvolved. Officials of
the D. I. & P. Co. state, however,
that the situation looks favorable (0
those who oppose the rules aud that
there are strong reasons to believe
that the rule requiring resldetlce
will not be adopted; at least not
While coutaiiilnp- th feature nh.
jected la.
A force of 35 men and 18 teams
is now camped at the old river bed
in the vicinity of the location where
the big stave pipe is to be built, the
big flume that Is to c,arry water
across the old river bsd onto the
fertile lands surrounding Powell
Uuttcs. This crew has excavated
a cut two and a half feet deep in
which wilLbc built the stave pipe.
After the work is finished the pipe
wilt be covered with dirt to protect
it from the sun's heat. The pipe is
56 inches, or nearly six feet, in di
ameter. It was necessary to build
400 feet of flume at its entrance in
order to keep the canal at the proper
This big stave pipe Is an Interest
ing piece of work. Few people have
any idea of the amount of material
in the way of staxxs, hoops and iron
work that will be used in its con
struction. The weight of all this
material aggregates 85 tons of
freight, or 170,000 pounds. The
entire shipment includes two car
loads of lumber, one of iron rods
bands, etc., and a lot of local freight
About half df this material is on the
ground now and the balance will
be there in a week or ten days.The
last car arrived in Shauiko last Tues
Its cost would appear like quite a
little fortune to some people. The
contract price of the big pipe is $6,
600; it will cost $r,Soo to get it
freighted from Shaniko, aud the
additional expense for lumber nnd
labor will easily bring the total cost
up to $9,000 or 10,000. The first
expense will be heavy but it will be
a lasting piece of work, Superin
tendent Rcdfield stating that similar
pipes had lasted so yea-s in other
H. D. Coale, engineer for the
National Wood Pipe Compauy, the
firm that has the contract, is now on
the ground to superintend the con
struction of the big pipe, which is a
particular piece of work. Irou
hoops or bauds will surround the
pipe every few inches. These bauds
will be dipped in hot nsphaltum
heated to a temperature of 213
degrees, the extreme heat leaviug
a coatiut? on the iron so tight that
it can hardly be chipped off.
forced to wait for several miles of
canal to drain. This would also
leave the entire length of canal as
far as the old river bed in service.
Hcsidc this drainage ditch there
arc many miles of main canal and
laterals to be built east of the big
pipe in that part of the segregation
known as the "Shoe String,
enough work to keep this crew busy
all winter. Lou Reed has cbarcc
of the crew.
Camped at the same place arc two
surveying forces under Engineers
Langdon and King. Lnnndon's
men arc doing the engineering work,
for Reed's crew, while the men un
der King are finishing the surveys
for that large new canal that is to
run from the river north of Bend
out to the Powell Buttcs section.
Large Crowds and flood Exhibits
I'rlnevlllc Meet.
PniNnviLLK, Oct. 39 The third
and most successful session of the
Crook county faircloses today. It has
been a success from the standpoint
of exhibits and attendance. The
races have been good and the man
agement feels that the proper thin
was done in postponing the dates.
The exhibits of live stock, white
not very extensire, arc of excellent
quality. Among other exhibitors
the Baldwin Sheep & Land Com
pany and G. Springer were present
with horses. G. Springer and J.
R Brcen were the principal exhib
itors of hogs. Quite a large display
of very nice poultry was made. The
Cove Orchard as usual was here
with a fine display, but there were
many oiucrs wno naa a tew sam
ples of fruit. The number of or
chards represented was quite a rev
elation. Irrigated and dry land
farm products, fancy work, culin
ary goods, Indian curios and relics
and miscellaneous disphys were all
Asphaltum is a sort of mineral pitch
and acts as a protection to the irou
against the corroding work of the
elements. The contract held by
the National company includes the
building of the pipe, which will re
quire about a month with the force
of men available. The company is
badly iu need of men and is anxious
to increase its force but it is next to
impossible to get them.
Much other work is being done
iu that vicinity. A large drainage
ditch is to be built from the stave
pipe down the old river bed, which
will empty itito Crooked river.
This ditch will drain lands lying in
the old river bed and will also act as
a drain for that portion cf the Cen
tral Oregon caual lying east of the
stave pipe. The pipe will be so
built that its entire flow can be
turned down this drainage ditch.
Therefore, in case of an accident to
the canal at any point beyond the
big pipe, It would only be necessary
to turn the flow of the caual down1
this ditch Instead of sliiiMinw if
off at the Jjcadgslte. and fori being
Redmond Items.
Rp.duomd, Oct. a1.Thc Dcvard fam
ily are new arrivals from Michigan and
are located uear the river oa the forty
that Frank McCaffery had.
Thursday J. T. Cudmore and wife left
via the B. M. ft S. stage, but still we did
not learn their destination.
Mr. GtHcspte is expected luck ery
soon from North Dakota,
lid Morril is in from Washington look
log over the country aud visiting his
brother Frank and sister, Mrs. It.
Lamb. Dan McCarty is the victim of an acci
dent caused by his horses becoming un
manageable when hitched to the runnioK of the wagon. He will be around
in a few days again.
M.r. and Mrs. Whelplcy are here all
the way front New- York state to spend
the winter with their, sot) near l liny
The Da Idsons are new arrivals located
north of town down the ditch.
The Chaptuans are new arrivals from
Montana not yet located.
I), C. Woods returned last evening
from the fair at I'rinevillc and reports it
as being very good. R. C. Immcle and
wife with Mr. and Mrs. Yours Truly be
sides other will enjoy the last two davs,
Neighbor nurkhardt s back on his
place west of town after quite a long
absence w-qrking in. Portland and Thp
Dalles. To hear lum tell about packing
twq and a half tier apples beside oth,er
fruit makes one's inouth Hater.
Milo Cqvcit has rented, the company
farm joining the townslte and has inoeil
his family there.
11, J. Ueninger has moved 011 the Law
sou place with his fauiUy for the winter.
Mr. Gates has gone to Portland to
workou the dray line recently purchased
by Mr, Noland.
Mr. Hutler of Crooked River was up
yesterday on business. K. C. Park
1. ,1 .
For Salo.
Old double harness and buckr
board. Mrs. Sullivan,
Box t6. Sisters, Or.
Toilet Qoods for Sale and Facial and
Scalp Treatments Oiven,
Complete line of toilet goods, soaps,
powders and skin foods, wilt give facial
and scalp treatments and shampoo hair.
At Pilot llutte Ian on Friday and Satur
day this wck. Ageutt,wanted. .
Mrs. fc IlAW,