The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 18, 1907, Image 8

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"i. .... 1" ".M I I III l 'III
Saloon License Notice.
To tite Honorable .Mayor anil Common
Council of the City of llend.
Gentlemen: The undersijneI. IJ. J.
Wright, having heretofore fileil in the
of:'. -e of the Recorder a Ixjml, elective
until Uie 6th day of March, looh, with
Kalph Sheldon of IJctid, Orecoti, and
L. A. Sather ot Dend, Oreeon, a -urctics
nr 1 hjviiiK subscribe! and twor:i to the
i i.tdavit hereto attached, respectfully
! jtuls vou herewith the receipt of the
Treasurer for n$ on and appls for a
li.-ensc from the City of litis.! to icll
spirituous, vinous ami malt li: tors and
fTinetued cider in the buildluf; suuatecl
on Lots it and 12, of Ulock to of Iten'l.
Or- " fr a period of three months
iroui wu : t nay oi .overauer. 1907.
K. J. WltlClHT.
Dated at Dend, Oregon, thU 1 i.h day
of October, 1907.
6TATB 01' OREGON )ss
Col-nty op Crook, J
I. K. T. Wricht. bclnc first duN sworn
depose and say that on the lStli day of
October, 1907, I applied to the Honor
nble Mayor and Common Council of the
City of llenil for license to sell spirituous,
iiious and malt liquors ami fer
mented cider in the City of Bend
for 11 period of three months from
the 1st day of November, 100; anil
that I have never been eouvicii- 1 of
a c 1 1 i 11 K or delivering spirituous,
vincm or malt limiors or fermented
cider tu a minor, or of allowing a minor
to loiter in or about any jilace where
spirituous, vinous or malt lumors or fer
mented cider were sold or In any man
ner ilisnoscil of,
IJ. J, Wrioiit.
Subscribed and sworn to before me at
Ikud, Oregon, this ibth day of October,
J 907.
II. CBlUi,
Notary Tublic for Oregon,
Are von MihecriiVr?
If not, you should be.
Don't read your neighbor's Bul
letin. Subscribe for it yourseU.
The Pioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company
Telegrams Forwarded to Any 1'art
of the World.
Telephony Communication
with Portland, rrinevllle and all
Pacific Coast cities.
PubHc Pay Stations'!
in flank BuldlnR at Bend, at I .aid
law and Towell Buttei.
MasooHtfor servtee to any part of
Crk CvtMtr south of Crooked
The Central Oregon Development Cck
Timber La ml. Art June j, lirJ.
V S. Laud OrBec. The Dalles, Oregon,
September Mb. io;.
Notice li hereby given that In compliance wllli
the provitiout ofthe Act of Congrnt el June 1,
life, entitled, "An set for lb.' tateoftiraber limit
in the stale ef California. Oregou, Nevada, and
Waahinglsn Territory," at ealended Is alt the
public land Halt by Art of Augutt 4, I)J,
In J Wilklnton
of Head, county of Croak, atate l Oregon.
ket an Apr 17, 190; filed In thl oflV h cwotu
Matt mm No for iheiurchate ofhHNHK
and Lot 1 and j at See j, Tp i h. K it h, W M
And will offee proof la thaw (tut the land
ought It mote valuable fur IU timber or ttunc
than lor agricultural parpoae, and to nUb.
lithhlt cialm tstatdlan.1 before II. C. IM.
1 ( hit oruce at Hcud. Oregou,
w i mm it", uey ui tHnwoer, 197.
lit mmc aa wllnrtKi- Jflrarr J. Jtrrt tit. Ik
ic. nkiiiKn, u.Kay uiikinaon, miiiik j.
iiKinwn, an vi uraQ, urrevn.
Any and alt per tout cUlmlog adrrrtrly
the abort dracrlbtd lamU arc rraurtlnl to file
inrirciaimt in 1 nit oruccoa or belure Ine taia
inn oay 01 iKttmwr, 1907.
oiihJij C. W. MOOKIt. Resttttr.
n6ticb for punriiCATiox
I'nttci! BUtts lAad Office, The DaUra, Orrgen
OcleWr 1, ioi.
Xotkr it hertbr ciren thai untltr the rorli
lout of the set el Owixrea of Aaut 14. iM.ond
the acu auuplemcniary and amendatory Ihtrclo.
thchuteof urecun hat on KeptrMber u, 1007,
filed In thlnorarean apulHatlon No t&. Is ac
ttcttbc bin; of the NHX or hcctlon i. T 17
South, Range 11 1! , W II.
Any and alt peruana cUIming adVtrarly the
aboTcileoerlbed laiida, or dtklrlnu to uldert 10
the allowawe of Ibe aaine, iRomUI Me their
cvaimt or oimumt lu tint -office on or bcfoic
the 1Mb day uf Notember, i7
oll-irt C. V. JIOOKIi. Rczitttr.
Iepartment of the Interior,
Laud office at The Dalles, Oresjon,
1 September tut, 1937.
Notice In hereby given that
Henry Tweet
of Dend, Oregon,
bat filed notice of hit intention to make final
commutation proof In up port of hi ctalui, rin
llomettead Hntry No. ijr made May 10. 1904,
for the 6HM ol net j and KMMttf of bee ,
Tp 17 b, K '.. W Jl
And that aald proofwillbe made t fore If. C.
Itllli, V H Coraiuiuloner, athia oCit.- lu Vend,
Oregon, ou November 14th, 1907,
He namea the followlne wltnettea to Drove hit
oontinuout realdcnce upon, and culilralion ol.
ineutno.vii- 11m w 11. Kliey, William I'.
Downing, Theodore W. Twrel, fohu Hlcidl, all
of Uend, Oregon.
04-nS c W. MOOR It, KegUter.
Departineut ol the Interior,
'.and Office at The Iiatlca, Oregon,
. fieptrmber utt, 1907.
Notice it hereby given (hat
(Icorgc Iiatea
of Dend, Oregon, hut filed notice of hit Intention
toinakcAuai fitc-sear nroof lu aunnort of hit
claim, viz. Jlomcxtead Hntry No. 11117 made
luiya.ioor, lor trie .wi'.!,!S 01 nee
J4 and NWJNWJf ofbecii.Tp H, K 10 J'
And that said proof wilt 1 made before If. C.
l'.llltiV. ri Cominiulouer, at hit offtce lu lleiul.
Oregon, ou November ijtli, 1907
He namea the fullowlnir wltnettea to nrote hit
continuous rctldencc uoii, and cultivation of
ine una, vus wtiiiam r. vaooerven, tori a.
AUen, liavid JIUI, Kobert O. Bowter, all of
cud, Ortgoa) Ccargc W, Jouet, of 1'rlncritle,
s-lil C. W, WOOIUC ScaJsUf, ,
Spokane of Oregon
Mr. Stanley of the Deschutes Irrigation
& Power Company assures us that work
will be commenced on the Corvallis &
Eastern extension into Central Oregqn
within three months.
The time to buy property is now.
- trV
Timber Laud, Act ol June J, tl;.
V. 8. Land Office, The Italics. Oregon.
hep4enber atKh, tear.
Notice la hereby given that in compltaNxr (lh
Ihe tfMotibf the Artol Cuntrrtt f June J,
ST, rfltrUed "An art tor the aate of Umber Unda
unheSUtcislCtllftxnla. Oregmi, Nreada. and
Watklngton Tcnrtory," aa eateauleil to all the
I ukUc Land Matea by act uf Autaat 4. V.
Ilulill Davie
of Bead, esuntv of Crook, tlate of OrecMi
bat ttii da tied In ikia ottx bia axMti ttate-
weal -vo 41.1a. ror ine utircnaur ine w i.-nM.
hhV,NV)t audNKhaWK uf Kc ly. Tp 17 .
K ul!,WM
And wilt ofler proof to thaw that the Md
to(hl it More valuable lor ita timber or twwe
than for afitnittnral parr!, and to vataMl
Iter ctaiw u aald land belure II. C Wtllt. U. H.
Comraltakraer, atbltoKce In Hewl. Orreu, 00
the 131I1 day of Imrmbrr. iv7.
Ilenametat niineatet Charlaa A. Stanbur
roth. A C. Lucat, A r ma ad A Shearer. Donald
V. Slilnloah. all of Mend. (Irevsu.
Any and all pcranna eUimmg adrerMly the
alwrc-drarnbetl tandt are requatled to (He their
eutma in ime aiucc on or Kiore aaiu 14111 nay 01
December, ljuj .
04-dA C. V. JIOOHlt. Krgltter.
Department of the Interior
Itid Office at The Dallet, Oregou,
rttplemlier 1IH. lv7
NMke h liertby given that
Charlet llojnt
oflletkl. Oregon, baa filed notice of hit Intention
lo make finilcvHiuiuulion txaof in tuppMt ol
hit claim, vit. llBweatcad Kntry No. S.U4
made May iiti, ivul. tor the SSXltK and XK
hH frfttec . Tp ft . K 11 8. W l
And that taid iireafwUI be mado before It. r.
Itlllt, l'. H. Coinmlttletier. at hit otftc in IKud,
Oregou, ou November 14th, i't.
He namea the follewlni: wllnette lo prove lilt
eenllnuout reildence upon, and culilralion of,
the laud, via Dan lleWng, Augu.l Drcjrr,
Nicholat Hrnith, Ioan 1'elarikc, alt of llend,
04-nl C W. MOOHIC Ki-Ur.
Deparlmenl o( the Interior,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
heplember n, i
Notice it hereby given thai
riilllp A. 1'rne(
of Pend, Oregon, hat filed notice of hit Intention
to nuke fiualconiinuialion proof in tupjiort of
hit claim, vl llomettead Hntry No. 14,4'
mt.le May ?, iws, for the N 'f( of Hev 15, Tp IS
h, Kill!, WM
And Hint ttld proof will I made before II. C.
lillit, U, h. Coiumlitiouer. at hit office In llend,
Oregon, oil November IJtfi, 1907.
He namea the fullowlug witneaaea to prove hit
contlnuout rctldencc upon and niltivatlou of Hie
land, vit William Arnold. William Mcliillvrayi
John I'crcuion, itarnrtt litrratt, all of Uend,
04-nS C. V. MOOKi:, Keglttcr.
Depaitincut of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dallee, Oregon,
September Jl 1907.
Notice I hereby git en that
John L Kever
of llend, OrcKon, hat filrl notice of hit Intention
to make final toe-lrer nroof lu auuuort of lilt
claim, vlti Homrttead j'.ntry No, n,J7i made
Aiigint 19, io, lorinc.iw-: oipcc 31. ip 11 ,
K IJ II, W M .
And that aald proof will be made before II. C
l'llla. I' n. LouiuilMloiier. at hit office In llend.
Orrgou, 011 Noembcr I, 1907.
He namea the followlnor wltnettet la nrove bit
contlnuout rceldcuce upon, and cultlvallou of,
ine lano, vitj wnuam ji. niaaia, Aiicnaei j
Morriaon, Carlyle C Triplet!, Oliver Johnson,
allofUtndi Oregonj Thoinat W. Triplet!, of
Cothea, Oregon,
(H-ta C. W. MOOKK, Kcsbvttr.
Timber Ijind. Act June j, l?4.
V 8 tjtui Oftlce. The DaUet, Oregon.
DrccHiber eS, icV
Nailer It hrreby given that In CMaptlaHC wllb
Ik' provwlMit ol the Act uf Cottareat of June j.
17. enlHkd. "An act fee I he iwlcaf tlmberUifi
In Ikeatattnuf CallWrnU, CHriton, Nevada, and
Waihlugton Terittory, ' at etlciHIcd to alt Ike
pttblk land italeehy act of Augutt 4. .
. Kobert K MMpwei
bfPrlnwide (oanly of Croak, tlate of Oregou,
hat IfcU day Mail la IMt ofnec bit ewoea Male
aaeat No 174, for Ik' anrrhaw of the uMewK.
ti,KT)i wlK"' u4tac 1, tp ly 1, r we w w
And wilt oiler proof to efcow that the
law! eought It mole valuable for lit Umber r
atone ikaa kit acrtauliunii parpetea, and I"
cMaMlah hie rlaiia to aald land before Ibi
(.oanly deck at Itntevllle, Oteguu, OM Ike talk
day ol Oclaber, w7.
lie naawa at wltnowet: Mkhatl Murrlwi,
J N Hanter, Jobn Itbwt, all of lieud, UregtHi,
and Warren Croxkt, I'rlnevtUe, Oregon.
Any and all prraont dalnrlug aditrady
the above ilewrll-nl lanJt are rviuwVnl lo Aw
their eialmi In (hit alttcou or before the ni'l Mb
day cOetkbcr, 1007.
aa4 C. W. MOOKR. lUgUter.
TlmUr Land, Act June j, !V.
II. S. Land Office, Lakcvlcw, Orrgun.
Augu.t n. Iter.
Notice It hefeby given thai In oHflpllanee with
ie nrotltlantoflhe Act of Conerett of lune l.
iW, eulllled, "An act tor Ibe Mle afllmber laixlt
i'.t. ..:v- : .."ii:.... .. j. .,
in itr !!? ill aiiiwinMi, ,vani, nrFww. nm
WathlugtoH Territory," at etleuded ta alt Hie
puUle bind ttatet by Act of Augutt 4, iSaa.
Ivy C DavbltMi
of Dend, county of Crook, tlale af Oregon, list
thla day filed in thltnlfke her twaru tlalcMeut
No .i74,lurlhcuurchaaeortkeNWl( of cc u,
Tp Ji A. U 14 II, W M
And will offer (ivoof lo ahow that the laud
tought it more valuable fur lit tlmlirr or alone
lliau for agricultural tuirpoaca, and Is ratabllth
Iter claim to aiul land before II C. ICllle, t'.
H Ojmmlitlouer, at hit office lu llend, I'lrgon,
ouTueaday the ijth day of November, IV1
Hhe namea at wllneitea Mlchatl Vik.Ii.
Charlca I' llrown. 13mcr Nliwongrr, Jotrph N.
Hunter, William II Maala, Wallace II. hcllert,
all ol llend, Oregon
Any and all iieraont claiming ailvcrtety til
above-detcribedlaiidtarereruetiel lo Ale llicl
clalma in Ihlt olbu oil or before aald rilh dav
of November, 1907.
e-nS J N WATSON, Keglttcr
U. H, Intuit Office, The Dallet, Oregon,
Keplembcr I, 1907.
A tufficleut roiilett affidavit havliir been filed
lu Hilt ofikeby Jotcph N. Hunter, coutrtlaul,
agalnilhomticaiieiiiry no. HUM, miue iiecem-
oer 4, I90J, lor ni-.j, nee 1, 1 p ju n, k 11 11, v ai.
bv John O. Illlit. cuntratcc. in which II It aliened
that aald John 0 lllltt hat wholly abandoned
that aald tract It not tclllrd upon and ciiltltslrd
by aald larty nt rriulird by Ian; that aald alleged
aUciiccwamot ilueto hit ciiinloytiienl lu the
army, navy or marine corpt of (lie Uulled rtlatct
In limcol war,
Kaid partlea are hereby notified to appear, re
tpondaud ofler evidence touchlnir tarn alleea
lion at 100'clocka m, on November I, 19071 Tie
fore II, C lillit, I' H Coiumlitiouer, a! hit office
In Ilrud, Oregon, and that final hearing will lie
held at lu o'clock a 111, oil Noemberli, 1907, be.
fore IheKrgitler and Kecelvcr at Ihe Uulled
Biaici lauiTofflco in The Dallet, Oregon.
The said couletlaul having, lu a proper aflicU
vll, Aled Heplember IJ. 1907, act forth facta which
how that alter due tlllgenceiettoual icrtlce of
Hilt notice cannot 1 uiudr, l! it hereby ordered
and directed lhat such notice be giveu by due
and proper publication,
io-oij C W MOOKI!, KegUter
Subscribe for The Bulletin.
Aud set the news.
Timber Land, Act Jnne j, 1".
I', rl. Land ler, ThelittDt, iMrgoa,
eotetaber . i:
Notkc it ketebr given that la eowttdunrv with
Ike pwlMnat of Ike act ufeoaaveat ot Inoe 1, i'TS
ealrMed "An act M- Ihe Sake of limber laatlt la
IkeMalet of Utliiocala, Oregon. Nevada and
Watblaglam Trrilloey," at etveaetetl la art Ihe
paMk land it by act of Augtatl a, iv
James M Creatt
of Head. Cftunlyaf Croak. Male of Oretroa. hat
on April it, ion. filed la Ihit office kit awuea
aUlraicnt No mus the iMtrcbaac of lb r-U !
HKK. aKIWirHd Lot4-f igaad lt 1 of
nee . Tp .; a itli. VY SI
Aad will afltr proof lo tbow lhat Ike land
toagkl U wore valaakk lor lit I latter 01
I ban sm agrtcutluiat tiarputtt, and laeaeahllab
hi. cielm l taW IcimI btfore II. C Milt. I' .
Cowiattloner. at hit place In Itend. Oregon, an
the 1 a)k day of November, mr
He namtt at wilHeataa IDwtr Nltwaeigtr,
ChartM M Weywouih. Ckarlfi H. IITokh,
CImiVmIC Kee.1, Clwilet L Hioai. all of tmi.
Any and alt petaon claiming adverwly I lie
alxivMlcatlbd Viutla are ru.tnl to ale
thdrcialinilu thlt IBM an or brJoro MM Ijlvi
day el November, lvJ.
ii nl C. W MOOMH, Hagitlef,
Timber Land, Act Jane j. ilrS.
V. 8. Land OfDce. The Dallet, Orer -
heplember 5. .
Notice It hereby given lhat incatnuliaao with
Hie piovtvtont ul the act of Con treat of Jane,
lt7. entitled "AH act for Ihe take of llmlwr landt
lulbe tialetef CalitwaU. iweuoa, Nevada, and
Wattiitigtou Territory," at ekteuded lo all the
public IihI tUtea by act of Augutt 4, tow.
Iktnlet lleitlug
ol Mend, county of Crook, tlate of Oregon,
hat ou Dec i. ivoj, filed In ihlt aSfec hit twnru
Malemeul No. 7ia, far the ptudiaM-vflbe tWU
of rice 11. Tp iv H. H I) II, tt'll
Ami will ulftr Iioof to thovr that the laud
aouglil It mere valuable for tit timber or Msne
iiiau luragrieunurai imriHyiet ana u etiamitn
hit claim lo aald laud hefcra II. C Itllli. t. .
Cottimluloner, at lilt ulbce in llend, Oregon, on
Ihe ijthday of November, tftt
He nature aa wltnvatet Nlehrdaa lliuilh.
Prank Olait, Marlon I' I(Imii. Hnlinan W.
Moirill. Alice I, HiUIng, all of Uend. Oregon.
Any and all eiwina claiming advertely Ihe
alMiveMlrfecrlbr! landt are rmuetleil In file Ihelr
ctaliut iii tbli olfice on or hcKiic tabl iMh day of
ovemner, 1907
ti-ul C. V. MOOR It. HtiUtrr
Deparlmenl of the Interior
Land Ofiloc st The Dalltt, Oicgou,
rteptcmbcr jut, 1907.
Notice It hereby given that
Gerhard llorgcn
ol llend. Oreeon. hat filed notice of hit Intention
Ij make Anal coiiimiilnllou proof In upiort of
rut ciaim, vu iiuiiirtican itiiiry no n,ij7
made Slav IS, i6. lur the ril(;HV)( aud I.ouof
nee jo, ni-unwu ami j,oi 1 01 nev ji, 111 la n,
Ami lhat aald proof will lie mule before II C.
Itlllt, V H. Comiuliiloiicr, at hit office fti llend,
Oregon, oil November 14, 1907
He name the following wlluettet lo proie
hltcoulliiiioiit reildence upon, and cultivation
of, the laud, vi, Theodore Auue, Oliver John
son, Nicholat Hiiillh, Oilier Thotbjoiucou, all of
Ilcud, Oregon -'-I
04 in C. W. MOOKIt, Urgl'er.
Another new Hue recently added
by the Corner Drug Store is its
combs aud brushes. This line con
tains some of the very best goods
manufactured and nre being sold
cheaper than Portland prices,
The llullotla gives the uews,
Timber Load Art June j
If. Land IWkee, The Dative
rwpivfjl 1 v
. Notice la hereby aivealkal In o-nii .- ,. wit 1
ao proimmi. una art or couai-o
UTS, cwlMled ' Aa act foe the aatt l In
lalhettaittefCallawnlt ortgun ..
Waakingloa Termor) " aa eatewV"!
aabllc Uad eUKt by Act of Aa, wt 4
- 1 tail.l
' .ill
. ttl III
HUH I' r-tarfV
of Mettd. eoaaly af Cmnk. tlate of hta
tm nmy ti iwr- Nle.1 In I HI. oHire I,
b.l.,B.a k.. a... ..L .. . . . ,
of Hct a. Tp in K 1 1 K. W M
And wd! oor pvif loafcow lhat ih Un.t
aottghl It tame .alaabie lot lit timuvi 1 mm.
Ihaa fot aark-ariaral paraotea an! 1.. .-Miii
krr claim lo aald Uad beftue II 1. n. 1
Coatwtaatuaer, at kit oMr In Head in .,1 u,i
Ik 141k day or Decaiakct, lVj.
Hhehaateaae wllaaeaea Iktilr. a p hmii
Herbert I- J McDonald, Michael I. Vortttun
Awoiia ctockrr. iJilkroo II Mo'ann
MfCaan, altar Head, OteauM
A ay and all wimw vtoiMlag adv. wty ihr
aeWediCffUardUada are rauaoalnl I., n.r lli.
day of Drvemher, ly;
OM-dlj C. W MOOKK Hfg.tler
Timber Land, Art June j, 117a
I it Land OlSer, The Dallra, 111 g mi.
Augutt jji .-. ly,;
Norte la hereby given that In tHnpum t wilh
IbepiiKWoneorthe juiof L'oiwfT.. ..1 t, ,
17. ciirlllcd "AM art lur lb safe ol tlmU 1
III Ik stales of lallforiiU oteguu, Nr,,', t, 1
WaaklaglOH Territory," aa rxTeiHtnl I.. . 11,,
rwbllc toad Matat by art of Awgaal 4. i,
lOlaaUlh Wt.l
ofnetid.CoaNlyefCloek, mate of lrt . hat
iniaiiay itifti in Hill urate ncrevrurn ti,iirinen
Hueieaforth nurefcete -f ilir m..u', 1
M0C4. I.SJUVKuwlMIHM!', olnr , ,,
Ami will offer tiroof to tlmw I'i.i ih i,i
auogbl la More valuable for lit ilmbrr , mi.
than mr agricultural imriiuwi, and l t.ialii
lierctalm la mkIUikI before II 1 Mt.t 1 H liltulnmln llend, ln,u 11 en
HHiwMnmnini nituiiicu in IM
the 141b day uf December, iir
rlha namea at . wltnettea A ll
Kale IMebenet, Henry I, WhitMii
I'ttrl,, tirl
I inula
wniVMii, an 01 until, Oregon
AuyaiHlaU pcrsettt cUimlnif alcitiiy th
x4Vc-ibMctileillandiarcruuetieilla ftl- thnr
alint lu Ihlt olfiee eu or Uluic aatd 141 h . y 01
DeceiiiUr, 1907.
C M MU0HI. Itrgtt.r
United ntalea Irfitid Olficc, The Dallea Oregou.
wvtoier 1 ,
M It lltf.kl.l. M VB,I lh,l a,,,.!.... 1. . ..u.
lf1M .if iba s
iiif in ni( nil 111 ,uniElffl H AUKUI, 14 fP4B, Nllll
the art ofCbiigrMtnf Augutt 14 M,aud
lUtf ucd ml.l..tuic..iar) mut ametuUturv tltrrt-lo.
ttic mate ofoiruoti him on Hcpumbt-r Sv w
...... unit wui. mi iiiriikuun i, t III p
IrctllieNIIUofthcNlW of htclloll 19 f ,
rlaulh, Kange 11 I!., W M
Any and all titrtont ilaimiuv ail'crifly the
alu.vA.,iHk..ll,k,l flKt.,lM .. .1-1 T . . t F .
iw.s-.iiaiiin. imiiu, ur iicBiniiK id mjcri li
IJie ullowHiifc of iht name. thuuVX (IU w
:. " IT. '. ' J V'lV"" "nice vu ur neiorc
llic i-i1i day of November, I907
oilim C. W. MOOKIt. Itegi.lcr,
I'nltcil blalct Lund Office, The Dslhs, Oregon,
rlcplcmbcr J', ij"
Notice It herebv olveii Ibal nndt- ili umii.
lout ol the act ofCnugtCM ul Aiigutl 14 l!l, and
Ihe act. mntilciueiitarv and aiurnilainrv iiitrrid.
IheHlatcof Oregon hat ihlt day hlmi in lint
olllce an application to tclecl the M l ufBcc
Hun Jl, T K riuiilli, Ituncc nl', W M
Any and ull pcrioua claiming inlMtttly Iho
above-described landt. or detlrliiir In nl.lrrt in
the allowance ol the aaine, thotiM fife illely'
vinniiwiir tnnriiioiit in init uincc on or uciuic lue
Hill day oINoicuilicr, 1 907
011-nl c, W, MOOlUt, UtgUttr,