m TTTE i ! ' r- 5? MHa iiZrT1 . ' ' s: : .... ) I! y ji ; , - - i-L.. .... I .1 4 1 ii1 a: r I ft. v- l One Exception. Wc praise her doughnut and her pie, Her bUcuit and her cake; Tut nhere'i the man who aiglis for pants Like mother tuctl to nuke? he used to take a pair of pa'. When they were worn and frayed, nd decorate them with a patch Of some contrasting shade. . .nd cut them off about the knees. And take the waist in, too, And say tltat they for every day Were just the thing for you. .nd then she sent you oil to school, And when you didn't co, file wondered what got into hoys That they played truant no. Vcs, still we praise her jam, her "jell," Her coffee ami her steak; , Jt where' the man who sighs for pants Like mother ucd to make? Town and Country Journal. She SmHed. ?'ecaue she smiled he went away - rave-hearted to his work that day. His petty care were all forgot; lie hurried on with one glad thought; Hi task became joy-giving play; He did not know the sky was gray; To him the world was bright and gay; Jly splendid hojs his breast was sought A man was made from hopeless clay Because she smiled. New York Herald. notice; for publication. , Department of the Interior, Land Office tt Tbe Dallea, Oregon, Bepte raber sim, ivj. Notice l hereby given tbt Henry Tweet of Vend, Oregon, lias filed uotlre of lilt lutentlon to task fins comrur.tatlon proof In aupport of hla cUlm, viii lomcstcad ;uiry No. Ij,47 nude May 10, iuu. md that uld proof will lie made before If. C .. U. B. Commissioner, at hit office In tlend. t m, on November nth, iy? i ..ut the follotriug witnesses to prove hi . ittnuous residence upon, and cultivation ot, land, via- Orid W II. Riley, William v. wn!ng, Theodore W Tweet, fohn fotcldl, alt Ucnd, Oregon. ot-n C. tt. JIOORl'. Register VOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Ofaccal Tbe Dallea, Oregon a fieptember lat, low. Notice la hereby given that Otorge Batea " Jlcud, Oregon, has filed notice of his Intention make Sua! fire-year proof la aupport of bit c aim, vU: Homestead I'.ntry, No. 11117 made ..lyo. ioo. fortbeNMNK'f. riUN of bee .andNWMNWJfofbtcjjfp to 8, K 10 1, And that aaid proof will be made before II C 'I. I', h Comraiaaiouer, at hla office in Jlcud, regon, oil November ijtb, 1997 He name the following wftueaae to prove his . itinuoua residence upon, aud cultltatlon of ui land, vlai William I'. Vandervcrt, Cort U. Allen, David Hill, Kobert O. llowser, all of Iiend, Oregon) Ocorge W Jouel, of I'rlncviUc, urtzetx. X4-W4 C, W. HOOKJJ, Kcalstsr, BUY PROPERTY IN BEND The Spokane of Or egon Mr. Stanley of the Deschutes Irrigation , & Power Company assures us that work , re will be commenced on the Corvallis & Eastern extension into Central Oregon x . within three months, v The time to buy property is now. The Central Oregon Development Co Timber Land, Act o( June j, itri, NOTICE FOR PUBLICAT'.ON. U. 8. Land Office, The Utile, Ore ton. September rtth. 1907. Notice l hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Actor Congress of June t, ;. entitled "An act fur tbe aale of limber landa In the State of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended lu all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1S31, Hugh II. Davie of Rend, county of Crook, atate of Oregon, haa thla day riled in thla office hla aworn Mate nient. No 4 IT. for the purchase of the WtNKM SHf.NWt, audSI'.!Stt!ror Set ly. Tp 17 . K 11 K. V XI And will offer proof to show that the land sooght la more valuable for Ita timber or alone than for agricultural purpose, and In establish her cUlm to said land before II. C. mill. 17. S. Commissioner, at hlaotScela Iiend, Oregon", ou the IJth day of December, 1907. He namea aa witnesses Charlea A. gtanbur rough. A. C. Lucas, Armand A. Shearer, Donald V. Mcintosh, all of Bend, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adrcraely the abore-deacribed landa are requested to file their claims in thlaofbce. on or before aald IJth day ol December, 1077. 04-da C W. MOOKK, KegUler NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September nit, 197 Notice I hereby given that . Cturlea Jioyd of lleud) Oregon, baa Bled notice of hla IntenUon to make fjnafcommutation proof In aupport of hla claim, via. Homestead Knlry No. M.I&4 made May Jut. iuo. fur the ttMNIMf, and N'J SI!) of Sec t, Tp if li, K II K, W l And mat Mid proof will be made before II. C lillia, U. n. CommiMloner, at hla office in Iiend, Oregon, on November 14th, 1907. He names the following wllneaaea to prove hla contlnuoua residence upon, and culiitaticn of, tbe land, via Dan llriaing, Auguat Dreyer, Nlcliolaa Hinltb, fxoan I'elarake, all of Iiend, Oregon. 04.nl C.W MOOKCIfrlatrr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalle, Oregon, September to, 1907. Notice ia hereby given Ibat I'hlllp A. 1'r-ncU of fiend, Oregon, ha fileil notice of hla Intention to make finaicommutatlou proof In aupport of hit claim, via- Homestead l!ulry No. 14,4' to make finarcommutallou proof In aupport of hit claim, via- Homestead l!ulry No. 14,4' made May rj, 1905, for the NWtf of lire IJ, Tu IS MlllllVll And that said proof will Ive made before II. C. lilll. V. ri. Commissioner, at hit office in lleud, Oregon, on November IJth, 1907. He names the following wllneaaea lo prove hit contlnuoua residence upon and cultivation of the land, vis- William Arnold, William McOiltvray, John I'erguson, liariiest Oarrctt, all of Iiend, Oregon. D4,nS C. W. JIOORH, Keglatrr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 31. 1997. Notice la hereby given that John U Kever of (lend, Oregon, bat filed notice of hit Intention lo make final fite-year proof lu aupport of hla claim, vie Homestead Kntry No. 11,371 wade August 19. low, for the NWf of Sec 31, Tp IS H, And that aald proof will be made before If. C Kills. I' S Commissioner, at hit office in Send. Oregou, ou November 131907 He name the following witnesses to prove hla contlnuoua residence upon, and cultivation ot, the laud, via William II. Htaata, Michael J allofjlcod, Oregon) Thomaa W Triplet!, of Ooibcn, Oregon 04-18 C, V. UQOKK, KctUtcr, BEND, " ' "" ) Timber Land, Act June , ll?V NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. B. Laud Office, Tbe Duties, Oregon. December it, I90J. Notice la hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of June J, l7. entitled, "An act for the aale of limber lands in the state of Calllornla, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington lrf tlory, ' aa estendeil lo all the public laud llatetby act of August 4, 1&91, Kobert K Almpson of rrlncville, couaty of Crook, state of Orejon, haa this day filed In thla office hla sworn state ment No 17115. for Ike purchase of the nlsswti xM'wM audawJticli' of tec l.lp 19 a, r lae w in And will offer proof lo show that the land sought la more valuable for lit limber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish hla claim lo aald land before the County Clerk at rrlncville. Oregon, on the lath day 01 October, lyn7 He namea aa witnesses Michael Morrison, J.N Hunter. John liloss. all of Iiend, Oregon, aud Warren Crooks, I'rinevllte, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming sdveraely the above described landa are requested to file their claims In tlila office ou or before the aad loth day of October, 1907. 9m C. W. MOOHI!, Heglstcr Timber Land, Act June j, 1J7J. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, Lakcvlcw, Oregon, B Auguat 9), 1907- Notice It hereby given thai In compliance wilh tbe provlilont tl the Art of Congress of June J, 17.. entitled, "An act for the aale of timber lands In the atate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa ealendrd lo alt tbe public laod atate by Act of Auguat 4, ly. Ivy C. Davklson of fiend, county of Crook, state ef Oregon, haa thia day riled In this office ber aworn alalemrnl No. 3754, lor the purchase of the NWji of bee 9, TpiiH, R14K.WM Aud will offer proof to ahow that the land sought la more valuable for lla timber or alone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her tUlm to aaid Unci before II C. Hills, U H. Commissioner, at bit office In tlend, Oregou, on Tuesday, tbe ittbdsy of November, 1907 She names aa wl'ucase Michael Woods, Charlea D Itrowu, Klmcr Nlcwouger, Joseph N. Hunter, William H. Ktaali, Wallace II. Helltra, all ol Bend, Oregon, Any aud all persons claiming adversely th abovc-deacribed landa sic re'iueaicd to file Ihei claims inihia ottice ou or before aald ulh day 01 novemuer, 1907. ao-'n J. N WATSON, Register. CONTEST NOTICE. DI'.l'AXTMUNr Ol' Tlllf INTKIIIOK, U. 8. Land Office, Tbe Dalles, Oregon, September u, 1907 A aufficient contest affiilavll havlns: been filed In thla office by Joseph N. Hunter, contestant, against homalcadcntry No. I H66, made lerem lr 4, 1901, fur hHU Sec I, Ti 10 rl. K II I!, W M, by John H Iilist, conleatte, in which il It alleged that aaid John (3, Iilist haa wholly abandoned aaid tract f;r more than alx months last past, that iLI tract It not acttled uVou aud cultivated by aald parly aa required by lair, that said alleged abaenee waa uot due to bis rnifilovmcnt In the army, navy or marine corpa of the l' tilled states in time ot war. Said partlea arc hereby notified to appear, re spond uud offer evidence touching aald allega tion at 10 o'clock a, in, oil Nocmbcr I, 1907, be fore II. C I'.tlla, (J. H Commissioner, at hit oflice in lleud, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a, in. ou November S, 1907, be fore the Register and Receiver at Hie Uulted btatet (and office In The Dalles, Oregon. The aald contestant iisviug, In a proper affida vit, filed Heplemlxr IJ, 1907, act forth facta which ahow that after due diligence personal tcrvlceof thia notice cannot lie made, il It hereby ordered aud directed that audi notice l given by due and proper publication, ajo-oJ C W 3I00K1!, Kegltlcr Subscribe for The Bulletin, And feet the news. OREGON Timber Laud, Act June 3, iM. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land office. The Dalles. Oregon, Seplrmlwr y ifH Notice It herrhr given Hut 111 compliance with the provisions of 1 be act of cvngrrss or June J, lit eutiiltil "An act fur the aale of timber landa In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Waihlmton Territory," as ei tended to all the public land states by act of August 4. J James II (lreen of fiend County of Crook. Stale of Oregon, haa on April II. ly7. filed In thla olhcc hi isnu statement No. H fur the imrchate of th HWIi Slt.HHHWH and lt 4ofreci9anl Lot 1 of Sec ys. Tp 1; S. Kit l(. WM And will offer proof lo ahow that theltnd sought It uore valuable lor III timber or atone. than foi airicultural purposes, ami tn establish hla culm lo aald land Uforc II. C. Kills, V. S. Commissioner, at his office in lleud, Oregon, an the IJth day of November, I'T He name as wllnessesi Klmer Nlswongcr, Charlea M Weymouth, Charles D, firown, Charles l. Heed, Charlea I,, llruck, all of llewl, Oregoit, Any ami alt person claiming adversely lh above-deacrlbed lands are requested lu Alt their claims In thla office en or before aald IJIh day of November. IWT. ai3 n C.W IOOXH. RfgUler Timber Land, Act June, l;l. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. it, Iind Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Seotemlier 1. iu7. Notice la hereby given that Incompliance wilh the provisions ol the act of Congress of June 3, 1I7S. culllled "An act for the aale of limber landa In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Trrrltory," at eatended to all the puuuc una itiict oy an 01 Auguii 4, 191, Daniel HeUlug of lleud. county of Crook, atale of Oregon, haa on Dec. 14, lyos,, filed In thla office hla aworn statement No mi, for the purchase of tbe bWM of See 1 1, Tp i AT R It, tt' U Aud will offer proof to ahow lhal the land sought la more valuable for lla Umber ur atoue than furagrlcutlural purpose and loeatablltti hltclalm to aaid land ltfire II C Hills. V S. CorumlMlouer, at bit office In Iiend, Oregon, oil the 1 Jill day of Nvrcinbrr. 1907. He namea a witnesses Nicholas Smith, I'ralik lilass, Marlon V Hulsoii, llulman W M011IU, Alice I.. Helling, allof llcnd. Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are reuuested to Ale their claims in this office ou or before aald istli day of ,-tocincr, 1907. v tu-nl C. W. MOOHIt. Rrglsler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONf Dejuirtmeiilof Ihe Interior Laud Office at The Dalle, Oregon, ' September Hit, I907. Notice i hereby given that llerhtrd llorgcn ol lleud, Oregon, hat filed notice of hla, Intention lo make final commutation proof In aupport of her claim, via. Homestead Kntry No, 15,137 mute S'ay it, 190S. for the H1'.!HW( and Lot 4 of lh ", IM. 41 n .Hit (,Ul VI IKK jl III I n, HllHWll, And that aald proof will be made before II. C l.'lll. II U !..... la. !... mt 1.1. n.n,. I.. H....I l.fl, W .. VIIIIHI..,VII mt lfl WIV ,1, flfllU, Oregon, ou November 14, 1907. lie iiamct ine luiiowuig wimeasea to prove in ...fiiiiuuous icbiiisiiir utuii, piiii cuuivaiiuil vi, iric isnu, via. 1 rieijoure Aiinr, uuvcr jonu aon, Nicholas Smith, Oliver Thorbjoriiaou, all of llIKI WllUM 04-u C. W. MOORIJ, Regla'er. Anotlicr-iicw line recently added by the Comer Druij Store is its combs and brushes, This line con tains fioinc of the very best goods manufactured and ore beluir sold cheaper than Portland prices, The Bulletin gives the news, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 01' STATIC SKI.HCTION VnlltHt fltalt a Mnd Office Th Dalle. Oregon August 1 - ft Nelleelt liereby glrtn that mi May :.th Mlalrnf llregau by Ma duly aulhsllied agent in due form, filed In ihlttdrWe an applwvimn lai ae Itct aaltulemnlly KhoollaiMt the NWSI'.U ui Seetlon 1;. T 1; South. Range 11 II . W M any and all eron claiming adversely the abevrtesClUieJ landa. or desiilng tu i4.Jet lo the allowance of the same, thuuld file their alalma or objections In this uffke on ut before the 1 UN day 01 octnber. i7 avo4 C W MOORi:. Hegisler NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Ol' KTATH 8H..HCT10N. United Slates Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon, August , l" ;. Notice Is hettliy Blten lhal on June ft, tnj, Ihe Stale of Oregou, by lladnly aullioeiied aienl, In due form, filed In this ofrtce an appllrailmi In select aa indemnity school land Ihe SW)(NltV( ol Section i, T. It S.. R it I! . W. M. Any aud all iienvms claiming adieiMly Ihe aloe-dfscrlbetl lamia, or desiring lo object to the allowance of the tame, ihould file their claims or objection! hi this ffice on or before lie jn uay 01 nepiemi r, losy a-s7 C. W-MOORIt, Kealilir.. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 01' STATU ni'.MJCTION. I'nlteilStatct Land Office. Tire Dallea. Oregon, August It, Nolle la hereby glrcn that on June , ic77, the Stale of Oregon, by Ita duly aulWlird ageul, Indue form filed in Ihlsufflceau apiillrailon in select aa Indemnity arhmd land Die Sltlf Nlllf ol Section 3. T it S., II 11 IL. W. M. Any and all persona claiming aditrtely the aWc-dcsctlbcif landa, or desiring lo ubiect to the allowance of the aame, aiiout'l file their claims or olrjectlons In Hilt office on or Ufuit lhe3ollidayofSepttmberi 1507. 1 a3o-ai7 C. W MOORI'., Kcgltler NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Ol' ATATI', .SI(I,l!CTION. United HUtc Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, August 6, 1907 Notice Is hertbygli en that on Juue ji, i. Ihe Stale of oieiioii, by ita duly authoriird agent In due form, filed In thla office an application lo select at livlrmiilly school laud Hi stt'lfNWIf of Section 4i T. It South, Range II It , tt' M Any and all tietsona claiming adicrac y Ihe altoveilescrllxd laruli, or detltliig In olject lo Hie allowance ol Ihe aame. shoutil nfitiiv claima In Ihltoinceou or before Ihe lh day ol a3o-a7 C. tt' M00R1C, Krglsttr The Pioneer Telpgraph and Telephone Company TclejjrHtiu I'orwardeil to Any Tnrt of tho World, Direct Telephone Coiiinuinlcatloii with I'ortlniul, l'rliievllle oiul nil it I'aciflCCoattcllIca, Public Pay Stations In Ilaulc Ihilillnc at lleml, nt I.nld. law ami I'owell lltittet, Meisciificr gcrvlce to Any natt of Crook County gouth ot Crooked Hlver. A. y T-v i B4 OREGON SHOIijrllNE and uwion Pacific TO Salt Lake Denver Kansas City Chicago St. Louis New York Ocean Steamers between I'ortlaml and San Francisco every five da,. Tickets to mid from nil part of the United vStates, Canada and EtlIOrC, For particulars, call on oradilrcsi JAS. IKHLANl), ARti, The Dnllcu. Or. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tnaoc Mri Dr.aiO.NB OotsvniaMTii AC. AnvAnAftsmltn a sValrh sn.t Itssfrllilliin rntf ituieklr airariaiu iiir opinion Irs oliellisrau iiieiill.iu it priitiablr iwlsntahU, rnniinunlrs iloiuiricllrf.iiin,l.iitfl. tUlffleOT onfsi.uti mil fry. Olilstt aaaury fursMuiingiialtiiU. I'nianla lakaii llitoiisli Munii A Co, IKlr isritiil tuflce, without chsre, In tu Sckntific JJmcilcaiti A liandaomtly llhiilrats.1 waealr. I rst Hr. ciilalion of ahf siitsiiliaa Journal, Town. ) a 1.Y.'.!'.".lr'Jil'"i ! sold by all iiwKialra. 6SKilCo.3r.NBW1Y0rt r,.n.l,))mna Agilent Vhnsloli,ll.U. ijTjma J'OK 8Ar.li; J1V , A, SATIIKK.