The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 04, 1907, Image 7

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SiifftitJ Two Vitrt KttiivtJ Jh Thru
fJjIWK 5M&
Mr. 0. II. KUor, Mt. HIoiIIiik, Ky.,
"I htte auirrrrd with kidney and otlirr
trouble for Irn ruc nn(,
"lint .March 1 commenced iihIiik
I'eruna ntnl contlntinl (or three month,
I Imvo nut used It nluco, nor hnvo I felt
i iln.
"I Utlletetliatl mil well ml I there
lorn kIvp my IiIkmcmI cnintnoiiimtloii to
llir cmntlvo iiiallllc ol rerun.
Pc-ni-na for Kidney Trouble
Mm. tiro, II. bliuaer, (limit, On
inrlo, Cnii., wrltoit
"I hid not loon well (or about (our
fear. I hail kidney trouble, and, In fori,
'tit badly newly alt the lime.
"1'liN aumuicr I pit 10 ve ry Wl I
thought 1 Mould try l'oruiin, o I wrota
u you and pn at once to Uke 1'oruna
md Mntmlln.
"I took only two lxjltlti o( reruns
md ono ol Maualln, and now I (col
relter tlian I hnvo (or loino tlmo.
"I feel Hint rorium ami Mnnalln
mrnl ma and made a diffeiejit woman
il mo Altogether. I blM tho day I
Mekod up tin llttlo hook and trod o(
four Penum,"
It K the butlnra. of the kidney lo re
note from the blood all poltonont mater
U. They limit bo ru'tlve nil tho time,
tiro tho ayatem auflor. There urn
tlmo wheu they need a little ailU
I'm una U eiactly tho tort o( a reme
ly. It haa avrl many pcoplo (roin
llatcr by rundoflnii tho kidney er
rice at a tlmo when they ware not aula
to Ixttr Iholr own burden,
(rR to anIHi
MI don't know why I ahould atato'
hat rrery man aad womnn, hoy and;
ilrl, ahould know how to awlm, and
ai life In tho wator bralde.," write'
font me A. llolMu, f anion awlm
nrr, In tho 'lchnlcal World Macaalmv
The tiling la ao nbvlnua. And yet,
rhat a atwnge atalc of affair wa aee.
Cvrry year thmiaanda of jieoplo loaa
heir Urea bathing In tho aea or rowing
nd aallln lu amall hoata on lake or I '"- Ihrmigh wrteni South D.ikotrt
iTer, And eren winter brim lla tragic """" Mlamr rher to tho lllwek Hill.
ale of drowning becnilM of ikatcra
llplng through the Ice.
"I hare no healtnlloii In aaylng that
icnrly all thexi aad event might bo
revrnted If elementary Instruction In
wlininlnr and llfeanvlng wer made
ompitlaory In the public ichol. And
n tht Old World at anj rata a new
ra la dawning In thl matter -capo-lall
In Indnn, where the varlou
-ehool awimmlng atioclatlou with'
undrei!a of thoimnnd of adherent nra
racking flrat of alt "dry-laud" awlm
alng In the piny ground', and then
ractlcal limtructlon In apeclnlly erect
d awlmuiliig bntha under couiH)tout
natructora etigngeI by tho achool
"And quit apart from the rpteitlon
f isvlng one'a own life or that of an
ther, awimmlng opana up a now and
-leaaiirabla exercise, na well na
luenchlng forever tho dread of deep
rater which ccm to bo oil the brav
t of ua who cannot awlm."
Ilather I'eraoaial,
Itonra Mlatah luiporclockatorum,
ro' ah tnahrled man)
Interlocutor Yea, William, I am
Hones Bay, Mlatah Interpolockn.
turn, why la jo' wlfo llko ol' cow
running roun' looae?
Interlocutor -What do yon mean,r
'erring to my wlfo Is. that manner,
rou you
Hone Oh, din la Jea' n Joke.
Interlocutor Very well then I Why
a my wlfo like nu old cow running
iround loose?
Uouca 'Cnuae alio' tied up to noth
n'. Interlocutor The aololat will now
dng, "Hocked In tho Cradl of tht
Oeep." Toledo Illndo.
Ha Cmiit (or Canaalalnt.
Tht 1'acino Fur Company had plckel
nit an ellglblt location en tbt loft ban.
if tht Columbia rlrtr and founded tbi
ilty of Aitorla.
"Htcrai to mt," aald a proipectlra at
tltr, ''you art aaklng an awful prlot foi
rour building lot.'
"Huh I" ejaculated tht cempany'a buil
ifM agent. "You may bt thankful wi
tldn't call thl town Waldorf-Aitorla an.
hargt you 20 a day for living hert.' '
Tht Lltutenant Governor of South
nrolln weara a purple robe of oUct
htn prtaldlng ortr tbt Senate.
TOJ f jWri)
Hlni la citaltmt mid the moat refn-ull
IliK when tho lii'inl la Mincwlmt lower
lllilll tilt feet, liialend of two pillow,
therefore, into only ono, mid jthiri' tlm
other uudi'r lb" feet, TIiIh tolltnii,
an) a ri doctor, I n iiiiirviniM euro
nutilnat nil nervou dlaenai', nud nlao
liing (IIm'ium'm, If ndiiptnl In time Any
nun Ihrenti'licd with IiIimkI to tho hend,
him m or, ah'iuld not sleep with the feet
higher tbnn tho bond.
Hot wain hntha nrti rmHiunciidiil by
inri iMirmma for rln'iiriiiitliini, ninl tho
uny they nn tnkou la thl: II1I the
tub bnlf full of wnter n hot na enn bo
iHirnr, add hnlf n inmiiuI of iiiminnii
baking ln, nud liiiinorwt tho ldy fur
lit lesat twenty minute, kit-plug up
tho tcmiiernturo by tho addition of hot
n(or from tlmo to tlmo. Vnaollno or
cold cream ahould b ruhlx-d Into tho
akin nfter tho Intter hn Im-oii dried, In
order to ht'liuv the mtturiil olla.
Tho ti'nn ptoinnlno ol"ii la quttn
mintnoii, yit few peoplii know what It
renlly la, Aitiirdlnc to K,li,iitlt pto
maine nro ixilixinnui priHlueta formed
In nh, ini-fll, milk nnd other art Id en of
food by n pnx-eM of dieoiuiitltlon tint
ItnvcH llitlv nther trnco of Ita action.
Ilnrterla protmbly promote (ho forum
(ton, but on Unit point nouic ilmbt re
main. The taint detelop In cm
pienco of failure to rook f""! pnj"r
l.r, and If kept for nhiio time In not
M-nlod atr-tlitht. lixrriK'latlui; Kick !!
nud often death follow eni nfter iat
Ing fond liniiroia-rly cooked or eauiied.
Alwaya flow? I tin eyea for n few woo
nnda when chfllicllii; audilruly to n
brlsht light IKi not fiuv n llclit when
rendliiK, wrltluc or worklne. lo not
alii-p facing n Unlit: not even moon-
light. When the i'jw nro ery tlrtil.
bathe them In hot and rold water alter
uately tlrat hot, then cobL Apply tho
hot and odd water alo to the hick of
the limit and lirvk, at tho bnmi of the
brain. Tho lint nppllcntbm relletea con-Ct-atliHi
while the odd atlnitllntii the
IiIoihI nud neru iiwela to renew el nc-
tlvlty. MnranRe tho lock of the limn!
and neck nud nlonj; tho plni Notice
the couriM) of tho optic nerve.
Caipiirr lilol I'nnnil tvllli HUrUlnna.
Mkeleton nro Udug found In n
grntel pit from which the Chlmgo,
Milwaukee) and Ht. I'nul Itnllroad Coin
ny la oblnlulng Ullaat for tla exteu-
ino grmci pit i mnmiiii on tlm eat
em end of the extension, ner tho
town of Oacomn, nud hut n abort dis
tance from Mlmuirl river. In the
iielghboroho,! of ilfir human akoleton
bine tbu fur been uncnrtlieil.
Mint of them were found nt n depth
of from four to eight feet beneath tho
aurrncu or tno grounu .ntnl nil wvro
ImrliM In either n Mnndlng or alttlng
Ktim. Tho majority of the akoleton
nro thoao of Kiplo of n ainnll atnture,
much llow the ordlnnry or iierse
bi'lght of tho prcMout North Auiurliiiu
One akeletnn, lnweer, I that of n
mini who In life miiNt lime been fully
coven foot In height, In cloin proxim
ity to tlm nkeletou of tliU iniit wort)
found Implement of copper nnd hone,
theoo belii found III each of tho smvoa
nenr that of the glnnt, tliHo In nnother
grnvo wn dlacovered ,a copper Idol
about eight Iodic In length.
llna-al NiKa,
Wo rend In nil nndent chronlclo tlmt
when n letter not altogether courteou
wan aent to tho Kiiiiwror of Jajwin by
tho Kmperor of China, tho Mikado
opened hi nnawer thuat "Tho Kmperor
of (ho laud whero tho nun rlaoa nd
drenaea hluifelf to tho Hmporor of tho
Innd whero tho nun oehv" On nnother
occasion, when tho Olilnwo Kniperor
had tho audacity to demand-tho nub
iiiImIoii of Jnpmi; Hint aplrltcM country
chopiK-d off tho IiciuIh of tho lucklewi
auilmHNiidorMl Mexlciiu 1 lent Id,
Iletter Woi-lh Knoitliiir,
Iong Moro tho lHipulurlty of Jlu Jit
au, wrlti-a n niotrnniltuu preacher, In
tho Homlh'tlo Itovlow, "I lenmwl, whivt
ovcry mlnlater ought to know, how to
put n disorderly man out of tho room.
Hut n better thing to know U how to
put nu mil thought out of tho honrt."
Annum tlie Mermulil.
"8ho la uhvnyn mixlous to get Into
tho mtrf us boon us nho onn," wild ono
"Yes," nnnwoml tho otlior. "Hor
tmtlilug nun Isn't nt nil pretty."-.
WnalUugtoit Htar.
Ilowo'or wo oil tho itngnnnt (vond
And oil tho itngnnnt lough.,
There' at least ono moaqulto left
Who chow ami chews and chews.
Houston l'ott.
'Pale, Thin,
Nervous ?
Tli en your blood must be In
a very bad condition. You
certainly know what to take,
'ten take It- Aycr's Sarsa
pnrllla. If you doubt, then
consultyourdoctor. Weknow
what lie will nay about this
crand old family medicine.
Sold for over CO ycaro,
Thli It h flnt qo.tllnn yrmr Aiot fm14
hi -r jir l.n (ui.f t" llakuaai dalijF ftettffii ir Hi. U;.l. i ftUuluuif
ti.niurinrrf. K.poor liter aril,.
ml your lo.u t.(Ur It uklug UiiUit
ontrlut r.i.
Ttt iollrtnili at the croiilnt crabbtd
the arm of the ptdrdrlan wbu w. burrr
Injr arrrw tli atrtct and brought bin to
a ilimWtlll.
"Wbt are you itopplng ru for?" d
mndd the pdrtrUn. "I'oi not ftttltif
In anrhodjr'a wijr, atu IT'
"I)lll a blf, or, amwrH tlie o01rr,
"I wnntfil to ak a quMtlon, aor;
tbal'a all. rwhat'a tht aeortr
linn I.laMrnlnff lrlk.
Tou aeem to ba corarad with brutaea,
HVe, aah. Mghtnln' did dat, ah."
-l.tgbtnlng. Bamr
"Vea, aah. I.lghtnln'a ma mule, aah.'
"1'hat'a a atrauge nama for a mule,
"Oh, I dunno, aah. He ntber atrlkea
twice In da aaine place, U I" YouXera
Hta teaman.
In Manila moat of lice Iiotur and office
be tin window pane made of tranalu
cnt ojittr abrll lnttJ of glaia.
Tor Infanta and Children.
Die Kind You Hare Always Bought
B!natuic of CtetyfT-acjtti
Tb tracbrr bad found a ld pencil
en tbt floor of tha icbool room.
"Chll.lrtn," ab aikrd, holding It nn,
"Jof till blong to any of your
1'or nariral areond thtr waa no an
awtr, TTimj a little girl timidly rald
krr hand.
"I It your, n.l.r aald tbt ttacher.
"You are nr of It, are you How do
you rrcoinlia ItT"
"I don't like to Ull."
"Hut you will hart to till, or I can't
ht you bav It"
"I I rtco'nli It, teacher, by tht way
It' ibarp.nid. If It won't aura enough
ralnt I'd b mighty cltr of ownln up
to urb a job ai that."
IImI got bir incJI. Cblcago Trlb
nna. A Qurrr Kiprrlcnre,
"We photogMphere," ho aald.
many n queer experience.
"Ono day n young- man came to the
atudlo to be photogruphrd. Initend of
Ioilng ao aa to look baudaome na poa
alble, he bunchtsl bin back na If It waa
broken and twitted hla face Into a
dreadful gargoyle inaik.
"Hte,, I aald, Vhat'a tho matter
with you 7 Are you craayj
"'Oo on, boaa,' aald be. Take mt
Juit aa I am. You tee, I'm trying to
get out of nn engngamtnt with a 8t
Jo girl, and l'va written her that Ir
been dliQgurtd In an automobile acci
dent, and I waut to tend bar thla photo
to abow htr how I look."
Ll. . C.W
juwan a
lonnsos "'ooyMomiLffocr-
linllv. JJlSDt'Ls Lolds niwt rlnml-
W 1' I f 1. V.
annos (ino to LousimnTton;
Acts natttrally, acts ivitly as
Juc&tforAUvbmpii nntl Clultli
i-ejt-yotmjj anil Old.
'lo otits IjonoficialEjfpcli
to jull naincoHliQ Com-
t B&SraupCp.
W wliem it i mnnufactuietl.prinled on tlie
. Jro"l,fv"Cyi,ockllo.
eot alio only, regular pnep 50t-bollla,
a Jk UtittrJ a JM'Oe..
I a AUa tt I
&. AiJ&l O CllUtr ItXTOKAL.
I'lliraiiplr Krlllrm.
I'nro the plnenpplej cut Into thin
rill'-iM nud intk Uii'mi III Umnn Jiilei
iiimI augnr for two hour. Make a bat
ter by boating four cfua, tho )olka nud
white ararately. Htlr with tlio yoika
n cupfiU of Jour arel n little anlt ; boat
tht batter well and add two tnbleapoon
fill of cmiin, JMly, Htlr In Hw well
lMnteu white if the eg. The Imttcr,
to Ihi f tho prater cotmlirteney, ahould
bo thick enough to droji from ii xjiooii.
Wln-n the batter I ready, dip In tho
piece of pliKMpplu and fry In boiling
lard; turn Uihii when millb-tetitly
brown, and wlnii done drain on blot
ting pnjK-r. Hem plbxl on n white
ilolly with piilvcrlr.iil augnr nnd alleea
of lemon, rincnpplc frit lorn make a dc-
llcloua IIiiIhIi to a brenkfaat.
TnptorM Cuafnri.
I'lvc dei)rtonruln of tnploeii, ono
ijunrt of milk, one pint of cold water,
three vain, one temjiooiiful of vanilla,
ono hooping cii)ful of augnr; n pinch
of anlt. Koak the tntiliH-n In tlm water
II vo hour. Heat Dm milk to raiding;
ndd tho tapioca, the w-nter In which It
waa Minked nnd tluj anlt. Ktlr lo boll.
Ing and ijur grndunlly Ukmi the ulk
nud augar, wlileh ahould Imvo bcon
tH-atcn together. Itoll ngnlu, atlrrlus
eonatantly, nlmut live mtmitea, or until
It thicken. Turn Into n bowl nud tlr
gently Into tho cuatnrd tho frothed
white nud the tlnvorlng. Knt cold.
Ilrd Hnatilirrry Nuup,
Iok over enrvfully two quarts of
rod raHpberrlex. Mnnh nnd ndd to the
pulp two cupful grnnulntiil augar. Lot
atand for nn hour, then run through a
leto flno enough to retnln tli need.
I'Mt Into a turcelaln or granite kettlo
nnd heat gradually. Ktlr frequently.
When at tho boiling jKjkit, ndd n tn
bleepoonfut corntarcb, atlrnil muootti
In n little odd wnter; then cook for
nn hour In tho double toiler or tho
luuict-pan N't In n Inrger pan of hot
water. When clear, auiooth nnd thick
ened take from the fire, cool nnd aervo
very cold.
'l.rfloTrr till nf .up.
A 'ow York woman ha n pretty,
wide-mouthed Jar NCundlng In the bath
room, ami eery leftover bit of noap U
dn:ped In tlmt luHtond of tWiu thrown
away. When tiio Jar la thniHpjartera
full alio till It up with boiling wnter,
mid tlio Juice of a lemon nnd n te.i
ejHxxiful of glycerin, nud Nhe h.i n de
lightful nip Jolly to Miften nnd whiten
tho hauda. New York Tribune.
Chill taurf.
I'cel nnd chop together two doxen
rlim tomatoea, lx ieelcd onions and
two Kvdcd nM iK'iierN. Stir In a Kiiall
cupful of brown sugar, three table
Hoonfub of r-nlt, two tiuinfiil each
of ground cluunmou, clotca and nil
eplce, nud n teaviKionful of ground gin
ger. Tut Into the prcHcn'lug Celtic
with Uo quart of tliicgur nnd IhiII for
two and one-half hour. Set aside un
til cool, theu bottle nud seal.
!ltiirriiiia Pnitse.
A college girl wIk) miiile fudge nt n
hoinw party not long ago nurprKtl tho
oii!ookorn by using leimm Juice Instetid
of vntillln. The nMd Miiile the fudge
inoro creamy as well u iid.b-d to Us
tlnvor, Houiluiea ahe employs It with
tho vnnllla. Auotlior of her own luno-
vntloua la mixing iniiplo augnr with tho
whlto augiir Wum alio wnuta u clMiigo,
Clirrap I'unilu.
One tenHjiooiiful butter, ono cupful of
freeh milk, tnltoonful muatnrd, ouo
cupful bread crumbs (fine), two cup-
ruin grated chcei, two eggn. I'm but
ter In a clmllng ilUh; when nieltot ndd
milk, bread crumbx, cliccso nnd mus
tard; hcimon with little cnyenne; Htlr
continually, nud Just lieforo nerving
mbl eggs well bentun; t.ero on 'toast.
Clrrrn Corn l'oildlliu,
Joko tweho nu-illum Klretl o:irs ot
corn, ncoro the kernels ami tnko out
the pulp, being cnreful not to tnko out
mi' of tho hull. Mix with tho pulp
threo cups of milk, four well-benten
egg, two level tnbhjoonfuU of sugar
nnd n llttlo salt. I'our Into n well
buttered baking dlli and bako two
hours In n modernto oven.
i .. ,. ... ..
llnl lluaptirrrr Sliroli.
I'our ono quart elder vinegar over
thrtHj quarts riiHplKrrlca. Lot ntnnd
thriH) days, mnsh nud ktt'riln. Allow n
pound of eugiir to each pint of Juice,
boll twenty minute, hklmmlng well,
nud Itottlo. I'ao n couple of tablespoon-
fuls to etch gluss of cold water,
HtulTt-it Tomatoea,
Mix well together ono cupful Una
bread critmlics ono tdblesiKKmlul tlncly
niltntvl pnnile', ono tiiblvwiooufiil molt
ed butter, half t(iiHxn Kilt, pinch cay
enne and two woU-bcateu vss. Scoop
out six largo tomato, till with mtxturo
and Uiku twouty mluutcu
Catirrk h not merely nn Inflammation of the tJiracs cf the head nncj
throat, nstho cymptoma cf r!nrfn;y noisei In the cam, mucotaJ dropping back
Into tT throat, continual hawking nnd npittlnj, etc.. vrouU aecm to Jndl
catc , ,t la n Mood dfcease in which the entire circulation nnd the create
part of the nyatcai nre Involved. Catarrh is due lo the presence of an excesa
of uric acid in the Mood. Tlie L'.ver, KIdneya nnd Bowcla frequently be
come torpid nnd dull In their fiction and instead of carrying oil the refusa
nnd waste of tho lod7, leave it to pour and form uric acid in the nystcm.
This is taken up y tho Mood nnd thronph Its circulation distributed to all
parts of the fiystctn. Thevj impurities in the Mood Irritate and inflaraa
the different membranes find tissues of the body, and the contracting
of a cold will start the secretions nnd other disgustin.'j and dlsagreeabla
nymptoins of Catarrh. As tho blood goes to all parts of the body the ca
tarrhal poison affects all parts of the system. The head lias a tlsht, full
fcelinrr, note coutinually etopped up, pains above the eyes, elicit fever
cornea nud goes, the fioiuacu is upset nnd the entire system disordered and
-IT tl 1 .. I..-. .1! ' tL 1- - i- -.1
I had Catarrh, far bnt fifteen
ar, and no wan oouid liaro time
jl c
ould Wa'f of-laF: bo roWrX was -
Tbl wmlxj-oin aco, an-l I a
"i wwi ivuiiinaaTE
Ontarrh la m. blood A
know tharo ia notblr
uimu. x man icaa i. u. .. anl "uui iiulicoci. utc uioo-4
couia9 Itttfa Jznprovimnnt do nothln" more than
from th flrt bottlp, and aftar ,, "'"nh .""?" -tT1
tlk nr It a ihnrtwlilta waait74. tllC UlSCOmfott Ol tllr-
Wobo'tr thinka mor or b.' h! b! strengthened and built up. Nothing equala
U.nnldo. .. . H.KAX30IC. fl fnr i-U rvJ. ft- nttrt tb
j.apeer,JUco. . :
every symptom disappears, the constitution is built up and vigorous health
restored. S. 8. S. also tones up the stomach and digestion and acts as a
fine tonic to the entire system. If yon arc suffering with Catarrh begin tha
use of S. S. S. and write us a statement of your case and our physicians will
send you literature about Catarrh, and give you special medical advk
WiUiout charcc a. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
Tbe Inland of Capri jmmuw a unique
cave of the blur, wherein tbe air I like
a twilight 9f blue fire, and warn, and
grotto wall, and boat, and people ev
erything nnd evry one look blue.
Xot A Total Loaa.
"Oh, John!" exclaimed Mrs. Young.
" my canary bird dead."
"Itenllyr' replied her hutband.
"Well, you don't appear to be grlevljg
very much."
"No; you tee, I can have It atunVd
for my bat and so tbe rest of the ma
larial won't coct you to much." Phil
adelphia Pre,
llathan win And lira. Window" Boothln
yruptibtrratdr to dm f or Unix caUilrau
lurmg lt tUilng iiloJ-
Don't be a coward. Tbe tun hate
to ihlne on thote who are afraid of
their own shadows.
Itatbrr Lucky.
"now arc you feeling! I beard you
were very much run down tills aprta;."
"Not ao very much. Only two auto
atruck me; I dodged all the rest"
Ualtlmoro American.
at. Vttni par ana all litrrooa Diaat
J jwrmaD.nlir cur, cr it. mim'i umu
IntUM Dr. lUILKIUa. Li.m JU-AbUttllara.
I'rlrnUIr with Clie DoUkr.
Wife Tommy docau't seem to be
afraid of policemen.
Hutband Why ahould he? Ills nurse
was a very pretty girl.
Of evnty-ne aamplea of coffee exam
ined by tbe Inland revenue department of
rtlffawra aluii, nntlilnl wapa f.timl ,n k.
-."" w, WMV M.M. nV.V .WUUU .W
A tuardtnr and day acboot for youna men and tor. Arere-llteJ lo
blanlcrJ. Ileikflfj, lornell, Amhent antl all ttate unltrlllc and
Mrleulluiai ro;l-ct. Tbe principal baa bad a )tr' eiperltnc In
t'orlland Ula memtloni now. )'or tllu.traled caialoguo and
oiber llleraturo addrea
J. W. Hill, M. D, Prlacipil aad Propritler, rDATUID, (MENU
of Peas, like eery other
tomatoes), should consist in
used for salads, no cooking is required.
Preferred Stock Canned Goods
tuXU Waamar tta .! ara Orra-a
thoroughly cooked In the .tiled can, in a manner that preiervet and "bringi
.out" the garden fbwor. Preferred Stock Pea are Wiicorum-grown, on
the denuded timber una wmen, in imi rarucuiiraic,Bu.mi
c ucnuucu iiuiuvr wu, uv., ... .- -..v .---.., .- .
undv niture eireciilly adapted to the growing ot fine pen.
Stock Pew are never Urge, or yellow, or "tough-iklnned.
lMa -
$3.00 & $3.50 SHOES "vTo'o
at? ftfSnT.0aay0n1whoeanPro"oW.L.
&mO0VUU )boumla doa no tmako oH
r?urarl Jmoro Moa'm $X A S3.B(3 mhoma
Bnswwnmn c .than aty ether manufacturer,
In all watt, of Ufa thau auy otb.r rnako, U bu of Ibelr
xotllant Hjlo. fluuv-aillii;, and superior wrliu( quUtle.
Tba lolftctlon ot tho feathers anu otbtr tnatorUU for
of tb .boo, and ate ry detail of tha m.klu It looked after by
.kllle.1 ahoeiu.ken, ho reoolio ih hlghon .gc palil In tbe
llioa Indaitry, and whoo vorkinanihlp c.unot Vxi eic.lle.1.
If I oouM Uk you Into my Urg factorle at llrockton.Mau.,
and .bow you how raraf ullf Y L. lkiuglaa ho. an matla, you
would thou whr thar hold their ,hatH. 01 better.
wer lonwr and ara of greater value than any other make. "Manual v
tX'iJilifMKaandaa Bold Band Shpmn oannot bo (WiHw at any oram.
UAununi inoEenuinenaTe w.x ifouyiu name ana prioo .uapedoa boltuw. Taut
No Subatltute. Aik jour dealer for W. I lvugla oboe. If h cannot .upply yon, lead
direct to f aetory, Hhoca lent aiery wbara by wail. Catalog free. WJ-DuUa, tkoJUoo, Uw,
- ' u. it ww
to t-7 to cure Catarrh with sprays,
iM, iniialaUonj, etc Cuch treatmene
, oan can, wiciciuic,
temporarily relievo
troahl- To curs
". ; ",- T" r rr. ' ..TTT.ZI
Catarrh ncrmanently the blood must bo
Ueico, and thoroughly purified and thccyst'nn cleansed
L ?. VL1 of all poisons, and at the 'same tlmo
uuraxukiuucw, Uu-J una w uic cijr
bottom of the troublsosd mates a complete)
and lasting cure. S. S. Q. removes every
particle of the catarrhal poison from tho
blood, mahlng this vital stream pure, fresh,
nnd healthy. Then the inflamed mem
branes bepfn to heal, the head is loosened
and cleared, the hawkln? arid soittineccasc.
nt uoiio.
"Dnblcy says bis motto Is, 'Lire and.
learn. "
"Well, If he lin't more succesiful at
the former than tho latter we'll be go--ng
to hla funeral toon."
JT JJCZ iDjn 1 1 Pt a monuia old,
115. O.R.D,P.O.B3il31,PoitUad,Ora
Portland Orefvfl
Quality 1 our motto. Wa edoeaU for loceaaa,
and Mnd each todcnt to a poalttoc wbao eoa
fxtcat maay mora call for balo Uua wa caa
niMt. lodlTUuat lnitrucUVja insure rapid prw
na. AO modem mot halo of booViaaplai ara
taught; aloo rapid calcnlallntM. eorrespoodaaca.
commercial lav. offico work. ate. Chartbr la
our ahortband , npU. ItcQav Baautifut
calaloaua. bualncu form and panman.Mp fraa.
No. 3-07
WIIKX wrltlnr to aulTertlaar plaaaa
taanilun till rpr.
Preferred Stock veritable (except
iust heatinc and seasoning. When
Dinmr in Jiii rtmutttth PREFERRED STOCK -uxry.
urutr jrm jQr urvtir,
Waal.tal. Oraaara. rOtTLaMD. OIMOa, V. .
" aT tST