The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 04, 1907, Image 4

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'Pbr every man a square deal, no
less nnJ no mare."
stmscRirnoN n.vriss:
o Ttir.....-..
Sis months......
T.'ntt oonth.
. .S
. .Jo
'InrirUbly In sdrmncr.)
& -ry ii mm mini" , i
The new ruling adopted by tbc
State Land Board last week where
? purchasers 'of ditch land wilt
hereafter L required to live .upon
and cultivate it, will undoubtedly
arouse much bitter opposition
among those who have bought the
land as a speculation pure nud sim
ple. A large part of the land nl
( eady sold under the local, project
is undoubtedly held by such specu
utors. They never intended to
live upon, cultivate or improve the
land in any way whatever. They
had sccu the man-clous' advance in
price of irrigated '.sad iu other sec
tions, and figured that the local
project was a good one on which to
speculate and make a neat sum.
They are willing to lot tomt oue
Use develop the land, and then
v hen laud values advance, due to
.utch development, they will
pocket a good sized chunk of the
ncrcasc. The board's ucw ruling
m ill startle these fellows, for it will
force them to either move upon the
land or sell Out to some one who
will do so.
, The new rule is a good one, and
ihe speculator who is caught really
deserves no ptty. lhcre is no
. ust ice iu that condition of affairs
that allows a manlo acquire a traty
nf land and then, without expend
,np a single cent in improvements,
. i out later at a bk; profit when
fibers develop adjoining land. The
, ;ecu! always a bad thing for
fHY new.iBuutry and the' new rule,
y .eliminating him, will exert a
;oqd influence.
The chief reason for such a rule
lies in the fact that it will neccssi
;ate residence upon and cultivation
of the land. Hereafter the man
v. Lo buys ditch land will be the
one who intends to move upon it,
.'. least within six months. The re
mit will be that this section will be
much more rapidly settled and de
i eloped. And of course thtt will
12 better for all concerned and will
Julfil the object that the state is
workinir for. The Carey Act was
-.icver intended to furnish a means
by which a lot of speculators could
grow rich off from other people's
Some may think that there is in
justice iu the new rule in that it
forces a man to live upon the land
when be bought it under the belief,
which has been the general one,
that he did not have to reside upon
it. The most strenuous objection
will probably be based upou that
ground. Dnt take it all in all, the
new rule will prove a most benefi
cial one in that it will eliminate the
speculator and hasten the develop
ment of the land. And the specu
lator has always been the bant of
frrifeation projects. "
(Continued from page 1.)
months after the date of his appli-
! Nation for purchase and must con
i tfmuc a rc&ulent until he has made
lual proof. During the first Mason
1e 'must irrigate- oue-sixteeuth of
, :hc irrigable land and nn equal
1 itinntitv the "Second year and make
liiis final proof within tnrets years.
I Those who have marie purchases
nor to the adoption ol tries rules
will have sis months from this
late iu which to make 'Jntlement,
Ant, in case water is net available,
.j.-..t of irrigatjou mav te txcti'ea.
Hi.i.iiur 4! .ipji.u'atuiis lar the
iirchase of laud uiut be made 111
, . I . .., Art tn llr .-An-
'tupjicaie, nnu pic;ci.w w iv .-
amatton company ,r wnicu must tor
vard c three' applications to the
Statu Laud Hoard. Upon approval
by the Hoard, one copy will be filed
iu the State I.atul Otlice, one re
turned to the company ami the
third delivered to the applicitnt. No
s.le of arid laud will be valid unless
approved by the Hoard. Kutrics
may be contested and in case the
contestant wins, he shall huvc n
preference right of 15 days for the
purchase of the laud. No land will
be opened for sale until water has
been supplied for its reclamation.
The rules include n complete sys
tem of forms to be Used for applica
tions, contracts, proofs, etc., the
most important features of these
forms being the precautious taken
to prevent fraud. Applicants must
give their tesiucnces aim occupa
tions. As annual reports of irriga
tion work must be made, the State
Laud Hoard will be in touch with
the settlers at all times. An assign
ment of an entry can be made, but
only to a person qualified as an
actual settler.
The rules were prepared by Slate
Engineer John II. Lewis and were
approved by the State Laud Hoard
without alteration. The section re
lating to residence will quite likely
result in a very rapid increase iu
the popolatiou of the Deschutes
country 111 the next six mouths,
for there arc m.iny purchasers of
ttid land who have not made a
move yet toward cither settling up
ou or improving their lands. The
adoption of this rule was desitcd
by the rcclauution company, for it
became apparent that the irrigation
region would not be developed if
laud purchasers were permitted to
reside elsewhere and make no im
provements. Redmond Items.
RxtiMOKpr Kept.' 30. Moat ol (Mir
people Imtc returned from tbc Valley
ami tltcy arc all gktl to Ret back to Red
mond. Many of thew hare all UVy
want of it until that railroad net here.
J. K. Wood and load got la Saturday a
week ago ami on Tuesday Mr. ami Mr.
Booth, Mr. ami Mr. McUlhn. Mr. ami
Mrs. Young, Mr. Pinat Wood. Mr.
Whitney ami KobMe nwile uite 3 pro
cession. They aH got plenty of fruit.
Some of them brought green fruit ami
other went Into camp, canned it ami
brought it back that way mostly in Ave
gallon can-Mklerml. , ThU makes a very
handy ami compact way of bringing it
Mr. Wood brought three eowa, but if
one goes over to boy clieap eow he get
left. They charge pretty well for a Am
claa article.
Mr. Youug had the mi fortune to
break an arm oh tha way over by being
thrown from the wagon, ami had to go
om to Kugcnc before (be could have it
d mated. It made a very painful acci
dent but it I dotog nicely mow.
J. B. Ijamh abo Had mUfortnmt in the
Iota of on of lib hone which got it leg
broke. He hi expected how in a day or
two. '
1'. Fiulcy wa n Head flaitor Satur
day ami goe to SkUr today.
The threshing machine ha once more
been heard iu the land. C. N. lihret
threshed out 40J ImwImU of oat ly
machine measure which lie said would
weigh out 500 butheU. The Cllne 1'alU
I'ower Company thrashed tometlilng
over 2000 uvmihsm 01 one Kimi 01 gram
and anotWr. .
Mr. P. i:. Sinieti of SHatiiko i ex
pected in soon by friend for a visit.
Jolin Tuck begins a term of school at
O'Nell till morning.
1'riend Sixerton goo over to the High
tower-Smith mil) today to work.
Well, we haven't that list of award
yet and could not get it Saturday when
in town.
Mention Iiasiieterbcen made in the
Redmond column that the lovtmviu com
pany donatotl a half block wast of the
well for school purpota. The bonds
are being held up 011 a slight technical
ity, hut it, U lioped to liae conttrwllon
lar unougll mlvancoil so that the new
school house will be ready for occupancy
the first of tlie year. Misa Wilson of
Albany our taAebcr.
1'. V. ileClay and A. J. Both are
tackliHg that job of lumber hauling from
the Ilightower-Swllh villi near Staler
ftu the U. I. Sk. V. flume site on the old
river bed.
J' rank afcCamrry em brother with
their wive wtfte tSister litor last
Some of the Valley Uitor$ tried Iwp
plckius. We-mMrd that' iltey earned
rioo soma xspRlng from 25 to 4(1
c ut a day. ' '
Mr, 'frrtfrkr will wturn from the
'.'alley alter waking visit 11 J'ortlamt
and The Ittfyaf. - 1 .
" 11 .I . 11 .ii ,i i
Are you a subscrfln-r?
(Continual from wgc 1.)
Crviik. It will follow tin the
on the unttr of Walker Unilue
theiitc proceed In u Hitttherly courc to
the drainage of Sprngue River anil
thence tip ttwt stream t the othet,
through the Klamath Indian rcct-ntlon
and thence in a uoiuly direct line to
Wlnnctiuiccn, Nev.
The ttinlu line will tx Imllt with re
gard to the chortct uilhmge nml best
mute, while hntnehe are projected to
tati the irrigated district 01 Crook,
KluniiXth ami cnvintie, Imt the
are to follow the eouiiiletmu of the
ihrough line which is jiutt at preteut the
oujrctivc tea Hue ol lite entire eutvrprie,
lingineer Imve been wrr the unite
retieatedlr, parties having ensilv iiuiit
tntucl the secret of their latrpttH? nud
work because of the activity of the Ilitr
ritimn fj-'ttm engineer in the iwuic ter
ritory. Tlwt (wrtlou of the mute south
o( the lieaduateraof the lechulei nwr
undergo change, ai the tocattous hae
not Wen definitely made.
One route would divert from that
nbmc outlined near the wiuth iMMimlary
of Crook county and theucv follow wlmt
would I an alnKMt air line Mt Sil-ef
Iikc, Siitiimcr like through the big
timlwr around Paisley ami theChewau-
cau nml thenee by way of Ijikeview. Ht
it i aertiil that some heavy gnitle
would tc eneouuteretl on tltat route that
can be avoided on the other.
Called on Senator Clnrk.
Ait Oregon man heat ily iutcretel iu
Coo Itoy w a tuemlicr of a committee
that called on Senator W. A. Clark sev
eral yean ago to acquaint him with the
wlmHtage of the Oregon cot a mi out
let to tidewater ami wa informed by
Mr. Clark that it wa the intention to
build into Orcgou a sdoh m the Iam
Angcle line could be finudtcd. Why tlte
projcclnl line hm not built In tbr Salt
take road became public property in the
recent mvetigatioii of Union l'aclflc.
That Mr Harrtman made it iutptmible
to lo mi wa the evidence of the former
senator from Montana.
Bwt It U, or will be. very plain to Ok--gou
jeopW MMMt. uuhnta the influence of
Walt street can again stop the effort (
lb copper magnate, that one bad bar
gain did no deter the intention 10 affonl
better transportation fvcilitie and actual
competition in the territory intervening
between Salt Lake City ami the PaciAc
Moffat t a Dangerous iilvtl.
Another anUxooUt to arouse the Ire of
the I'nstwi Pacinc power ha Iwn the
Denver, Niirthwmtern t farifk. gener
ally referred to in the nevvNier a
"the Moflatt road," which i being
steadily advanced to cwmpletkHi lietween
Denver & Palt Uke City. Several
month ago1 David fl. Mnffatt. president
of lit euinraiiy an I fojuvrlv tin- .-on
live hel of the Rio Cirarutr, annouuevd
that it would be built to Portland.
There U little doubt tltat that Mount
Hood Company la assured of tbr connec
tion that would 1 afforded to the Kat
by the rails of the Mnffatt line, which at
Denver mabt connection with the Itnr
liugMu, Kock Island and Hanta l'e.
three line net controlled by I'mon Pa
cific while if the Oouhi system I alo
klenliaed with the new move, the track
age coonectioit may be in Xevadt isvatead
m at the t'tah metfo)U as now
At any rate the road ia under con
traciioH, surveys eowpV'-1 fnr the
greater part ; r-i.: j...l sotple capi
Ul ready to proaeeule the worfcviiiof.
The Mason CoMstntetioM Corpiiy of
Portland ha ewp incatol at Hull Run
and near Kairview. Ieron who bare
leen to these camp during the past
fortnight ar that the heavy machinery
taken in ami Laree amount of ItveMock
ami men employed all indicate that it ia
not merelv for the building of a few
mile of electric road.
Titer U a mill iu otteration cutting
ties ami timber for the bridueaaml other
structures anl It i said tltat only the
heaviest steel of practicable use for an
electric and steam road of heavy traffic
Will IX UM.HI.
Portland has been .hearing something
of the power plant to I located not far
from Hull Run ttostomce to supply elec
tric nit rgy for the city portion of the
road. Imt this is understood tn lie only
one of several tower location that huvc
Iiccn securml ami are to lie developed.
Another plant i to lie situated on the
upper Pewliulea and still nnotheron one
01 the rapidly-deceiidiug stream in the
vicinity of Crater take or I'ppcr Klam
ath Lake, according to authentic infor
mation These would indicate that the
day of the electric locomotive in long
iltetanic transmission of trains Is not far
distant ami that while the new road
may I a steam railroad ns, well as elec
tric, it trains may be moved large!)' by
meio.of the current generated by Ore
gon water tower now going to waste.
It i some three or four Month since
actual work waa darted on the Mount
Hood Railway. So well have
the officials In charge guarded their
secret that it wa not until ycatertlay
that confirmation could be liau and ft
became all but xtitlvly known that
such plan are iiractica It coiunletwl
mid that -Central Oregon is to have .a
railroad 111 advance of the lone nroinlMd
Hue of the Harrlman system.
Will lb; Room for All.
The route outlined will serve
greater pari 01 trie vast icirliorv east
the l'aeie now remote from transpor
tation. Development of the irgioti by
the interest alined with Senator Clark
will of oourte hasten wo-k on the sur
veyed'reittcs o( the Koutbeni Pacific and
Navigation Company tensions, but
there Will lie traffic euoi'gji for all, and
through the iuU'rvcn'AoH .of Senator
Clark tlte interior states vill secure the
hencfit of tile outlet lo 1ilt.water nt
Portland nml trade wkL the Orient
througji tjti port. ,
There! news in The llulli'iiu,
Turkey Red Tests 62 Potindit.
Henry Dictrcl of the Madras mill
says that InM week they received
one lot of wheat which tested 63
pounds, stroii);, which is the high
est test he has ever made iu this
locality.' This wheat was of the
Turkey Red variety, nml was grown
by Harry Hill on the Hat known
locally ns the l'ishcr lint. Tlte
wheat was not a pure Ttttkev Red,
ns it was utiNcd with oilier varieties.
During the pteetit season Mr.
DicUcI nutl Mr. l'tttr. have tested
tptite n lot of wheat which went 60
itoiimls, hut wheat that tests 6 it
it remarkable grade of wheat iu any
country. Pioneer.
Heavy Kcglitrntlon nt University.
The university of Oicxuit opened
its doors TucMiay, Sept. sj. The
first and second dny3' registration
has shown an increase of marc than
so per cent over the registration of
the same time last year. Almost
every high school nml academy iu
the state is represented, and a large
number arc presenting" credentials
from Ktntcrn preparatory schools,
The year will mark the highest
point in enrollment that the uni
versity has yet reached.
The very scriotn question that is
presenting itself is how to take care
of all students. The lack of funds
hits hits made it itupostible to fur
nish nud heat all the rooms in the
library building, and for the same
reason the new girl's dormitory will
have to lie idle for the year. Stu
dents, however, arc adjusting them
selves readily to the conditions,
and the outlook for the year's
work is exceptionally Rood.
Sold Cattls at DO per Head.
M. S. Mayficld returned front
Sbantko Monday where he had
been delivering three carloads of
beeves to the Union Meat Co. of
Portland. Mr. Mavflcld received
a little more than $10 per head,
which is the best sale reported this
yuar. Piueville Review.
UTe Central Ore
gon Banking (b
Trust Company
incus HMATkir iy.
Capital 523,000.00
.. Transacts a General Hank
ing UU5iltCS.
Acts as Administrator, l!x
cctitor or Trustee of Hstntcs.
Issues Drnfts and IJnnlc
Aloney Orders on all Foreign
Interest on Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes.
I'lrc Insurance.
Joint Steidl, President
J. It. Sawiidl, Vice-President
Columbia Southern
Iwuinl xa. )
I ImuihI
nn. i,
l w
1 H
a 44
4 6
. inaiM..
.ntei .
,. J)Hlk..
JNtwifiit .
.. Ilajr Cauruti JaMltou...
..... "... ..OeKot ..'.'.'.Z.'Z
w n
. KrikluvlUa... .
..l!rn Vl y ...
Wllcu. .
4 M
IUIIy ! eountrtloan t Sbaiilko for AalH
w, rimiii, Ufua. uuiaa, tuiver liK, l,k4'
r, Jllulwtl, Jkii m, AuiwtK, Asliwbod, Can
City, Juhii liay Ctly, inl lwll.
c. ::. r.vrr,iu
Hhiilt Of.
., i'. ami r a.
Will etiloy read iut The lietid Jliillellu.
It will PI.HU'.l, IWTI'.HTAIN ml
INBTKUCT.yuti, huUcnlw uqtvn-
It GiVecthe News
All o! It.
Prineville Fair Postponed!
The CitNTK.M. OitittioN I.ivii Stock and
AtiituTi.Ti'KAi. Association has tmst
poned the dates of its fair to be held tit
Piltievllle, from Oct. I5-i6i7mHi9, '07 to
Oct. 24-25-26-28-29,07
Five Big Days - Remember flic Change of Dales
Big Purses
Numerous Exhibits from all Parts
of Crook County
Tho Biggest Fair Ever Hold in Contrnl Oregon.
You Cannot Afford to Miss It.
KtsitlBAUSGK Til 13 DATES:
24-5 "6"S"9,
JaPM fk!iiklt
Both, One Year for Only $ 3 .5
The New Idea Woman's Macnzinc contains over 100 pages each
month of fatlnom, (hcunuling, needlework and household help;.
Each number is beautifully illurtntcd and contain! nine full-page
fashion plates, some in color.
1 Thcic (wo publications furniih reading for every member of the
Land and Irrigation
l'rueticc in all Cotir.ts ami Dctwrtment
of the Interior.
U. C. COE, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
?lll nunbt Uclcpbonc Connection
nNI) - ouucpK
0c III Drug fetor on VTntt Btrart
()McHaur,a M '
OHee I'liotie No. Klttru I'hmic No
Physician nntl Sttrneon
ot'i'icn ovjw wit.situ tiituo rroui!,
J. fir IJANHK, '
S'lre Ijimriyip, i.iic liituriuicc, Hurny loui,
tlcql littstc, tayvcymicli-ji, orrcom
A Bargairi
The New Idea
Woman's Magazine
First National Bank
of Prineville.
Itstahllshrd HftH.
Capital, Ctirpltin rttul UniJIvlileil
Profits, $100,000.00
IL l. ilSu
f WBI U'Mlwlkr.' " . , . .
T. M. ltMolH
IiniwiHrniitl Ilrcetlcrof
Poldtid China Hogs
Bliick UxttKbhnn Chicken?
Yomiji Sfock for Snle. ,
RKiiMtiNti tiunr.n
V t U nutit r, williiiul ihartT. iu tLu
It (Mil ttkoil ibruusfh &fiinii i
A tismliorndr lllu.lralDit rmklr 1 .rout i
iilaliiiil of mirtrlSMIIitn Imimtl, 'urim, II c.
Ufi lauriiiuullis.s I. bul.IL.Jl n.wUiiV
-Vt l'r.iVil
. C.4r"
u,Mh Cs.Mvt
vkt'fesHJlVj 00 YCAntl'
SroiPR Tnaoe MAmto
W?iS',r . Oloicno
... .;,' CopvniaHTO&e.
..fll! "" ;',SaklriBii(li1.'H.tiiniiii
nulcliit our lM ifnri frv iflh.r nil
:J r.i .'f, """"""'.iiiihuuuoh mi riouii
I'tlttllla ItlOII ibruusfli Afiiiin . '.. .!
m-.Tn JhUn