M 1 R GALLAGHER IS STAR Tells ol Granting United Rail reads Overhead Franchise, CARRIED NOTES FOR TIREY FORD Defense In Sun Francisco Graft Case Gets Admission Franchise Would Have Passed Anyway. Ban Franclmsco, Sept. 20. Twice jesletday during the Tirey L. Ford trial, wherein the chief coansel for tho United Railroads is charged with brib ery of public officials, it was affirmed that confessed bribe-takers, members of the boaid of supervisors, would have voted to grant tho United railroads n franchise for an overhead trolley sys tem without tho usoof tho money which Is alleged to Iiavo been so lavishly dis tributed. James L. Gallagher, ex chairman of the board of supervisors, explicitly declared his belief that the franchise could have been secured with out any attempt to Influence the opln I Ions of the member!). Supervisors Samuel Davlr, the only other witness of the day, reiterated this assurance on his own account. Gallagher occupied tho stand during four hours of Uio session, and every scrap of testimony he gave wns thresh ed out by tho attorneys for either aide. To Davis scarcely an hour was devoted. It doveloped that Gallagher had ar ranged immunity for himself and tho other members of the board In tho course of two or three Interviews with Jtadolph Spreckels. Gallagher admitted having had sever al conferences with Foid. At one timo he carried a noto from W. M. Ab bott, ono of tho United Railroads' at torneys, to Abraham Rnef. Afterward he took the note to Ford, who permitted him to see tint It contained a hint that an attempt was being made to trap the supervisors. Judge Lawlor U considering what form of punishment ho will administer to the people connected with the de fense of Ford, who were" caught by De tect! vo Burns In the act of settings trap to spirit away former supervisor Thom as F. Lonergan, chief witness apainst the defendant. The offense of seeking to take a witness out of tho Jurisdiction of the court Is clearly provided for in the code, and somo punishment will bo meted out to serve as a warning against such tactics. WITNESS CONFESSE8 PERJURY Anything to Secure Immunity Money Advanced to Dummies. Boise, Sept. 20. Tho first sensation in the trial of United States Senator William E. Borah came late yesterday, when Albert Klanop Nugent, the sec ond witness produced by the govern ment, admitted on croes examination that he committed perury in taking out a timber claim, admitted that ho had been promised absolute Immunity by an officer of tho Federal government for testifying, admitted that at the re quest of tho Federal officer he had Bworn to a complaint against a man whom he did not know, and last pro claimed that he believed it to bo a part of his bargain for Immunity that he should swear to any comlalnt against any person, regardless of any know ledge that ho might have as to the per conn's guilt. When the name oi the Federal officer who induced hltn to sign the comlalnt was asked by Borah's counsel, the witness swore positively that be could not remember it. The day was given over to tho Intro duction of a mass of papers on file In tho land effico at Boise relative to 31 alleged fraudulent claims, and to the evidence of two men who said they re ceived money from John It. Wells, with which to prove up on their timber land claims. Wells Is one of the men indicted with Borah. Counsel for the latter did not object to this testimony, on the understanding that tho trans action In question would ultimately be connected in some way with tho sen ator on trial. Another Alaska Strike. Tacorna, Sept. 20. Private advices from an authentic source report a rich gold discovory on Valde creek, in the Suahltna valley, 76 miles from Copper Center, which Is on the Valdez-Fair-banks trail, 300 miles from Vajdez. Fetor Monaban, the discoverer, took out $30,000 two years ago and during the past summer, with machinery to work the bench above tho creek, took out ono nugget valued at $040 and sev eral running from $200 to $300. It is predicted the stampede will result In a mining town equal to Fairbanks. Snow Storm Over Lakes. Cleveland, O., Sept. 20. A terrific pale from the west has been raging over tho lower lake region for more than 21 hours. So far as known no da ma go to nMnnlnir has occurred. With the ainrm camo a heavy drop In tho tern-1 perature and this morning there have been nutrias oi snow. iu WILL DECOMK STATE. President Roosevslt to Approve the Constitution. Washington, Sept. 27. President Roosevelt announced this afternoon that he had decided tc apptovo the Ok lahoma constitution, which menus that all doubt regarding the addition of an- othor stnt to tho national ting Is re moved; that two nioio Democratic sen ators will soon tako seats In tho upper branch of congress; that four Demo crats and one Republican will bo added to tho rolls of tho houso and that seven bran now votes will bo added to tho Democratic column, In all probability, In tho next electoral college. Announcement that Oklahoma's con stitution is to receive formal cxecutlvo approval comes as a surprise to many of those moat directly Interested, for the tip had gone out that tho constitu tion would bo rejected. Undoubtedly It would linve been re jected, too, had tho president felt freo, after consultation with his legal advis ers, to act upon tho merits of tho document-as they appeal to him, or had tho convention's work not been so over whelmingly ratified by tho voters of Oklahoma and Indian Territory. It was stated at tho White House that tho tremendous majority for tho constitution at the recent election was tho impelling force. Furthermore, It was pointed out that tho executive Judgment was, generally speaking, con dued to tho question of whether tho provisions of the enabling net liad been observed. Tho final decision followed n contercncc witu Attorney ucnerai Bonaparte this noon. Approval, as ap plied to tho president's action In con nection with tho constitution, Is tech nical and does not express tho execu tive s real pee, t Ion. Ho does not ap prove of tho constitution at all, but simply signs his name In response to tho will of tho people who must the under It, for the reasons above stated. Mr. Roosevelt's actual opinion of tho constitution, according to those who are In his confidence, would hardly be fit for publication. IDAHO FRAUD CASE. Thirteen Dummy Entrymen Tell of Sale oT Claims. Boise, Sept. 27. After having spent all of the previous day in bringing out the testimony of 13 persons who ad mitted they hsd taken claims to timber land for the express purpose of selling them to members of an alleged land grabbing conspiracy, the government attornoys In the trial of United States Senator Borah yesterday turned the lino of evldenco into new channels, which they say will tend to affect the defendant senator. Tho testimony ad duced np to until now has been con fined to the activities of John I. Wells and Louis M. Pritchard, two of tho men under Indictment. Nono of the "dummy" entrymen examined was cross examined and the testimony that they received from Wells the money with which to provo their claims and from Pritchard tho $250 bonus for sur rendering their titles went uncontrc verted. Just prior to adjournment the prose cuting attorneys Identified the signa tures of ex-Governor Frsnk Steunen berg and William Sweet to a document said to havo been a contract. It( is al leged that Stennenberg and Sweet Jointly furnished the monoy with which the first alleged faudulent trans actions were carried on. Tho government has divided its caso into three sections. The first deals with the claims which were turned over to Albert K. Palmer, of Spokano, who is said to have acted as "dummy" trustee for the Barber Lumber com pany. All the testimony bearing on these claims, it is alleged, was handled through Horace S. Rand, of Burling ton, Iowa. The third and last set wero handled by George 6. Long, who, tho government promises, will oventually take the stand as the moat important witness for tho prosecution. Chemicals Produco Life. Paris, Sept. 27. Remarkable experi ments in the chemical development of life havo been effected by Professor De Lage, of tho Corbonno. Profoesor Do Lage placed the unfertilized eggs of the sen uraliln and the'star fish in sea water, adding a solution of sugar with a few drops of ammonia and tannin. In about an hour, segmentation began, and the eggs produced larvae. Tho great majority of these larvae soon died, but constant care has brought four of tho urchins and two of the star fish through tho larvao stage. Great Radium Deposit In Tunnel, Geneva, Sept. 27. A newspaper sUtes that Professor Joly has completed a geological examination of specimens of tho strata collected in the borings for the Simplon tunnel. Ho found rich (race of radium, indicating larger do- posits than hitherto discovered in L j l. .MM iuil - I 1 .U J 1-.1 -U .LL.. IJ.1-11 - - - tltt OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST EASY TO QET CARS. Trolley Line Proves Great Aid to Freswatsr Shippers. Fteowatcr Tho several packing houses In this elty havo about complet ed their reason's prune packing nud will now begin on tho apple crop. Over 100 carloads ol fruit, ehlelly prunes, peaches, pears and plums, havo been shipped from hero during the past SOdnvsover tho O. 11. A N. and the Walla Walla Valley trolley lino via tho Northern Piiclllo. Tho shippers say that since, the ad vent of the triiotlon company and their ability to furnish Northern Pscillc re frigerator cars, trouble havo ended re garding tho securing of cars as the O. It, A N, n rents have "loosened up" wondetfully, and even tnko the trouble to call up tlio growers oer tho long distance telephone to nsk If they inn supply them cars. Such a state of affairs has heretofore been unknown In this city, and of cocrse tho shippers appreolato It. The apple crop la a pool one and top notch price havo already Deen ottered and accepted. The applo trees have been well sprayed this year and the good derived thereby Is already showing Itself by tho absence of scale. There will be over 100 car loads of apples from this point. Hay shipments are becoming general, tho ranchers con signing their hay to points on Fugel sound whero prices are good. Harvesting has begun on the third alfalfa crop which promises to be above the average jleld. Money In Clover Ssed. Albany Local dealers are building up a lucrntlvo business In handling tho clover seed produced by the growers of this section. Carter A Robton, of this city, have made a specialty In sup plying alsyko and red clover seed to ono of the largeet seed concerns In Wlscon sin. Should it be possible to obtain tho cars, a total ol 240.000 pounds will have been sent to Milwaukee by the end of this week. Tho local Htm reeks to purchase sulllclent revd to mak out a shipment of seven carloads with a total valuation of about $25,000. This opens up a new market for tho clover seed raised In this section and will havo a tendency to strengthen the local market and bring the top price to the valley growers. It Is said that tho supply Is not equal to tho demand and tint a lucrative business awaits grow ers who will specialise in tho growing of clover for seed purposes. Freighting at Klamath. Klamath Falls An averago of ISO,- 000 pounds of freight every five days Is being hauled into Klamath Falls by the J. M. Mclntyre Transportation company. Other freighters ate curry ing smaller amounts. Tito merchants are stocking up for winter trade, as the freight rates are higher during tho bad roads season. The Mclntyro cooiiny is keeping 13 teams on tho road, each making a round trip every five days. After October 1 the freight will bo un loaded at Keno, 18 miles down tho river from Klamath Falls, and brought np on tho steamer Klmnath. Whllo tho haul from the end of the track of the California Northeastern railway to navigable water, and thonce by boat to Klamath Falls, would bu easier than tho present one it Is not likely Hint thero will be any change in tho present routo until spring. , Rich Strike In Quurtivlllo. Albany A rich lodge of quarts has been discovered in the Qunrlxvlllo min ing district by Grant I.lndloy, a resi dent of Lebanon. Llndley came out of the mountains this week with samples of some remarkably rich oro, but said little about the mine, as he had not vet filed his notices of location. Ho has now returned to the site for tliat purposo. Tho sample of ore Llndley iound havo not yet been assayed, but the dlscovorer expects it to provo richer than anything yet found In tho Quart villa country, and says ho lias plenty of the ore. Rush for Lake Lands Prlnovllle A rush Is being made from this part of the state to tho north ern part of Lake county, whero tho Fremont forest rcsorvo will be opened for entry October 28, Tho land ofllco officials are anticipating great crowds of entrymen when the office opens October 28. Many pooplo uro going propurod to stay on tho land and attempt to got squatters' rights. Kvory means of con voyanco will bo pressed Into service, Postofficn Called Harrlman. Prinevlllo A postoflloo has boon es tablished in Harney county near Low- on. fhe new oince is on tho proposed Burns-Ontario railway lino and has been named Harrlman by tho Postoffico department. Sturgeon Weighs 610 Pounds, Astoria One of the largest sturgeon ever caught In tho Columbia river was" brought to Schmidt's cold storage plant land waa oaught in a Baker's bay trap. I a tew uavs H20. u weizueu oiu nounua . SIGN UP FOR ARID LANDS. Agreement Reached for Closing Up Doal In Crook County. Salem Without yielding n single K)lnt lit the condition), the state land board has leached an ugteetuent with J. K. Morrison, president of the Des chutes I.Mid coiujvtny, and the now contract tor the original Oregon IVvel upniout eouiinys regulation of 31, 000 acres ol arid laud In Crook county has been lully signed and sealed, Tho new contract, which grant tin Increase of lion prko per aero to $3tl, provides that tho luud shall ho reclaimed and tho system turned over to the Water Users' association within the yearn and freo from Inetimbiaiico. The company entered objections to several of the moot material conditions, all of which wero overruled, and tho contract was accepted practically In toto. Fine Showing at University, University of Orvtsou, Ktigene The University of Oregon opened Its doota Tuesday, September 24, Tho Hint nud second days' registration has shown un Increase of more than 20 iwr cent over the registration of tho raiuu time last year. Almost every high school and academy In the slato Is represent ed, and a largo nutuUir are patenting credentials from l'-astern preparatory schools. The year will mark the high est point In enrollment that the uni versity has yet reached. Tho very ser ious question that Is presenting lUolf Is how to tako care of all atudents. Tho laek of funds has made It ImiMMislblo to furnish and heat all of the rooms In the library building, and foi the same reason, tho now girls' dnrjultoiy will have to lio Idle for the year. Students, however, are adjusting Iheinsolvrr) readily to tho conditions, and tho out look for tho year's work is exception ally good. Can't Get Caro at Albany, Albany Though local shippers of perishable goods are sticccsful In get ting cars, the car shorlago for grain shippers Is now woise than ever. Pre ent conditions hero are pronounced worso than that which prevailed last year, so far as grain dealsrs are con cerned. Now tho condition lias reached such a point that exporters of grain cannot even got cats for Oregon ship ments. It Is only In the part few days that this condition has existed gene rally, Uiougn one ahlpper lias had an order In for 25 days for one ear for an Oregon shipment and no ear hss come. Several orders have been In a week ami are not being realized. Hopplckars Dig Hefts. Ln Grande A largo force of Japan ese are now harvesting thu licet In Grand Ronde. Most of these aio from thehop fields In the Willamette val ley, the fields will bo doited with leot diggers After a week's work the La Grnndo factory will bo stinted for tho fall run. PORTLAND MARKETS. Whwit Club, H3c; bluratem, 85c; valley, 82c; red, Rio. Oats No. 1 white, $25025.60; gray, $24.50(3)25. Barley Feed, $23024 par ton; brew ing, $20027; rolled, $250. Corn Whole, $31; cracked, $32. Hay Valley timothy, No, 1, $17 18 per ton; Kasteru Oregon timothy, $10020; clover, $11; cheat, $11; grain hay, $11012 alfalfa, $120)1.'!. Frnlts Apples, $l1.75 por box; cantaloupes, 75c$I.C0 per rtato; peaches, 85c0$l.lO per crate; prunes, 60075a per omto; watcrmoloris, 1(31 10 per pound; pears, $1.2601.50 per box; grapes, 60cQ$1.5Q per crato; casalia, $2.25 per dozon; quinces, $101.25 per box. Vegetables Turnips, $1.25 per sock; carrots, $1.25 per took; boels, $1,26 per sack; cabbage, lMia tier ponnd; celery, 75c$! por dozen; corn, $101.60 per sack; cucumbers, 10016c per dozen: onions, 1602Oo per dozen: parsley, 20o per dozen; peppers, 8Q loo por pound; pumpkins, 1J1?40 per pound; radishes, 20o per dozen; spinach, do per pound; squash, 60e $1 per box; tomatoes, 40050a por box; sweet potatoos, '-lie per pound. Onions $1.60 rer sock. Potatoes 76085c per rack. Butter Fancy creamery, 27'a35o per pound. Veal 76 to 125 pounds, 808 Jc por pound; 125 to 160 pounds, 7o; 160 to 200 pounds, 007c. Pork Block, 75 to 160 pounds, 80 ofto; paokors, ThiQitio. Poultry Average old lions, 13014c por pound; mixed chickens, 1201uo; spring chickens, 13014c; old roosb- ors, H(2)vo: urossod ouicicons, lUMlo: turkeys, llvo, old, 10017c; young, 18 01Oo; geeso, llvo, 80Ooj ducks, 16o. Kggs Fresh ranch, candled, 310 320 por dozon. Hops 1007, 70o por pound; old, 406c per pound. Wool Eastern Oregon, averago best, luZ2c per pound, according to shrink 'ag"o; valloy, 2022c, according to fine- nun. Mohair Choice, SpQSOo per pound. BORAH OAStT OPENbD. Government Begins Prosecution for Land Frauds. llolse, Sept. 20. Tho government yesleiday revealed tho charga In the case of United State Seitutor Hotnh, charged with timber land fraud, The Jury whs completed at thu morning ses sion, and daring tho attermxiu Judge M. U. Hutch, o( Detroit. Mich., special sstlitnnt to the Attorney getietal, inndo tho opening statement of tho protect) Hon. He aitalgucd the late governor, Frank SteuneiiUrg, as tho central fig ure In the alleged conspiracy by which It Is alleged that inoro than 17,0(10 acie of virgin forest laud, thick wllh towering pines, csiun fraudulently Into tho possession of tho Hurler l.umUit company, a Wisconsin eorpomtlou operating a plant In this city. Ml. Ilitteh connected Mr. Hornh with the land transactloni only as attorney, first for Hteouenberg and then fur the lumber concern. Ho declared that Mr. Ilorah Interested himself In all tnattors having nn otitwaid Ixsrlug on the laud claimed by dummy entrymen, turned over to dummy trustees, and by them deeded over to the Barber company. All of tlia deeds went through Mr. Borah's office and stand III the county clerk's office n bolng ru'nrdcd at his leqttcst. It Is alleged that Mr. lUirah upjmtchcd the register of the land otlW with regard so several claims which were held up and was warned by that official that the claims were fraudulent and should Ui let alone. THOUSANDS QO TO OANAOA. Northwest Provinces Draw American Farmers, Chicago. Sept, 36. According to tig tiles sent out by Chairman K. K. Moo I.cod, of the Western 1'ansenger asso ciation, ituny thousand Americans an nually are oleylng tho call of the wilds of Western Canada. In n circular Is sued today to all of the lines which are member nf Uie asioclatlon, It Is stated that during the 12 months ended June 30, 41,HtlU entrants, representing a imp utation of 106,420, took tip homesteads In Wratern Canada, Of this number, 13,188, representing n population of 31.600, wero fiom tho United Slates. The statistics apiAreiitly show that the tldo of Itiimlgiatlon from tho Unit ed State Into Canada I reaching a stage which should awaken istorrit. Mr. Macl.ood states that dnrjng tho last decade a total nf 272,000 people have left the United State and have taken up homes In Canada, and that 67,010, or nearly one-fifth ol these, went there during the 12 mouth ended Juno 30, lOOrt. The number hrroosed from 2,412 In lRVtl-7 to 67,010 In 1005, and fell off to 31,600 during tho year Jut ended. Dating the greatest year of Immigra tion from tho United States Into Can ada, thero came Into the country from Great Britain and Ireland 80,700. Dur ing tho past 10 years Great Britain and Ireland havo sent a total of 311,747 MHplo, who havo found new homes In hir American colony, and this mnnlier Is not very much In excess of tho popu lation which tho United Suites) has furnished Cansda. IMMUNIlY FOR ALTON. Juda Landls Dismisses Rsbale Case Against Road. Chicago, Sept . 25. It was decided today by J ml go iiindls Its' the District court that the Chicago A Alton railroad shall not he ftirthei prosecuted for Us connection with ht granting of rnlwteM to tho Standard Oil company, In oil shipped between Whiting, Ind., and KastHt. ltils, III. It wits stated by District Attorney Situs that Mr. Murrlson, tho prede cessor of Mr. Sim In office, had prom ised Immunity to the Alton road, pro vided t assisted In good faith In the prosecution of tho Standard company. Tho attorney general field, therefore, that it Is the duty of tho government' to see that no further atoi toward tho punlshmont ol tho railroad fur Its part In the granting of tho rebates be taken, The court then callod attention to n statement leccntly Issued by President Molfltt, of the Standard Oil company, Of Indiana, that, If tho Standard Oil company was gnilty of receiving re batos, no other manufacturer was Inno cent. Tho court directed tho Jury to Investigate the conduct of other manu facturers and directed that a subpona bo Issued for Mr. Moffitt. Now Peak Is Thrown Up, Soattlo, Sept. 25. Captain A. J. Hendorson, of tho revouue cuttor The tis, on arrival horo today from tho Atac tic, confirm Willi omoiai reports the accounts of a vlolont volcaulo eruption of Mount Mukoshln on September 1, and tho oxlstonco of n now peak raised norn tno sea forming a part of tho Bog. oslov formation, Tho latest addition Is tho fourth, and with Its appearnnco tho bottom of tho ocean lias raised until channels formerly sufficiently largo for tho pastago of ships nro now dry land, Wu Ting Fang Will Return. I'ekln, Sopt. 25. The reappointment of Wu Ting Fang a his former post as minister or umna at wash naton. was gasetted today. 1 BORAH llfeSc Showing IliTConiiccllofc " STEUNENUERG DEEPLY INVOLVED Correspondence Is that of Wllllsni Sweet, One of th! Men Indicted for Fraud, ' Boise, Kept. 38 Halt a n-uro nf let trra which the government attorneys Hi the trial nf Senator Wllllaam !:. Iloiuh declata go to show the complicity nf e. Governor Hteunetilxrg In the allegnl timber land fittiid conspiracy Mere In. trodutod In evidence lato yesterday and teml to tho Jury, Thn letter wtnt written by William Sweet, cno ol tlm Indicted men, who, it Is reported, will takn the stand as a wltnefS for tint United Slate. The dcvttiimnui wei produced by J, II, Richards, the loenl attorney, to whom they went written and who acted as legal advlrur to Sweet. Must of the letter were dated from New Yolk and Hottou and several nf thrill were replies to letters or tele gram urging hltn to return In Male). "I ean't eo why I should come lek mite It I In regard to timber, and that I nil In the governor's hands," wroto Sweet In unit ol hi note. Then lie proceeded: "A to the money raining to me, mt It In the bank, 1 have, alwolutn faith In tlte govrrjMir. He oatiin to my assist aneo ami lielprd tun out of a titets I never ought to have got In. I don't know wluit 1 would have done If It had not len for the governor," In another letter Het gave thw amount he was "In' on the timber deal. The total amount wa aliout $20,000, Including a $7,600 note signed by hlmrell and Stcoiivnbcrg. Slxirtly alter this Swe t wrote to hi attorney that he had read In the wr of a timber Impt-ctor Udng sent to Idaho. Borah's name wa drawn Into thn cao fot thu first time just lwfnte ad journment, when Henry W. Woithmaii, another heal attorney, took thn sUli.l and produced morn letters from Sweet. In one letter to Wortluuaii he wrote: "Klohard used his power of attor ney to turn all my money, $10,000, over to Stetineitbetg, and It Is llkn pulling a cat through a sticking to get It luck. I wish you would sen W. K. Ilomh about this and got him to iiinko a little statement of tho gorernor's ob ligation tii me. He I the govrrnnor's attorney, but Is a first class gentleman and knows a little statement I only fair to mo. Tell him 1 haven't thn scratch of a wn from Stotinenbcrg to show that lie has $ 10,000 of my money Ho raid the copy of our agreement wa lost," INDICTS HARRIMAN LINES. Federal Grand Jury at Hn Francisco Finds 124 Counts, "San Francisco, Sept. 28. Tho Fede ral grand Jury yesterday returned llvo Indictment nf 124 counts sgulii tho Southern I'nclllo company and tho Pa cific Mall Steamship company clurglng violations of tho Interstate coiimiere law, Those Indictments, If followed by convictions, are sufficient to lender tho corporation llublo to lines aggregating from $124,000 to $2,4Hj,O0O, tho mini mum line pretKrlhcd by law on eaoh count being $1,000 und tho maximum lino $20,000. Tho dafcndmit corporations are ac cused of secretly cutting to $1 tho pul Milled raloof $1.26 on through ship- munis of matting from Kobe, Japan, to Hun Francisco and thence through tho United States. Two Indictment tit eight counts each wore returned against tho I'nclllo Mull Steamship couitny, which transported tho cargo from Kotio to San Francisco, and ono Indictment nf eght counts and two Indictments ot 60 counts each wero returned against tho Sotithurn Pacific company for for wauling hu cargo In broken lot ship ments from this oily eastward. Rebel Leaders Arrested. Havana, Sept. 28. Tliosooict ixillro toduy u i rested General Masso Parro, General Juan Dttcassl and General Inra Mlllret, charged with conspiring against nubile order. General Parro Is thu alleged lender of tho conspiracy to start it revolution against the Amor hun In Culia. with tho nso of funds supplied through somo firm In New York, Simultaneously with thu ar rival of Parro at Havana tlueo Santo Domlngons, woll known on necount of their previous revolutionary records, also arrived. Cruiser Colorado Arrives. Ban Franoleco, Sept. 28. A wlrolesa inossngo from tho armored orulsor Col orado, of Roar Admiral Dayton's squad ron, received today at tho nnval train ing station In this harbor, reports that. all on board wero woll and that tho voyugo from Honolulu hud been un- nvntfnt. Tim vouol ...III n..i... I.... 1... ... .Vav. nil, KitlYV J1VJU tomorrow, i T!. i i f W.4 9-4Jt ,jr arv-ijn iifK" ".- "sssfrsp